Exemple #1
def thomas_tests():
    graph = thomas()
    mcmc = MCMC(graph=graph)
    samples = mcmc.gibbs(10000, 10000)
    mean, f_mean = Tests.sample_dim(samples, 'Cross')
    print("P(Cross | Diesel=true, Diesel10=true) = <", mean, ", ", f_mean, ">")

    graph = thomas()
    graph.node_dict['Diesel'].observed = False
    graph.node_dict['Diesel10'].observed = False
    graph.node_dict['Thomas'].observed = True
    mcmc = MCMC(graph=graph)
    samples = mcmc.gibbs(10000, 10000)
    mean, f_mean = Tests.sample_dim(samples, 'Cross')
    print("P(Cross | Thomas=true) = <", mean, ", ", f_mean, ">")

    graph = thomas()
    graph.node_dict['Diesel'].observed = False
    graph.node_dict['Diesel10'].observed = False
    graph.node_dict['Cross'].observed = True
    mcmc = MCMC(graph=graph)
    samples = mcmc.gibbs(10000, 10000)
    mean, f_mean = Tests.sample_dim(samples, 'Diesel')
    print("P(Diesel | Cross=true) = <", mean, ", ", f_mean, ">")
Exemple #2
def alarm_tests():
    mcmc = MCMC()
    samples = mcmc.gibbs(10000, 10000)
    mean, f_mean = Tests.sample_dim(samples, 'B')
    print("P(Burglary | JohnCalls=true, MaryCalls=true) = <", mean, ", ", f_mean, ">")
    mean, f_mean = Tests.sample_dim(samples, 'A')
    print("P(Alarm | JohnCalls=true, MaryCalls=true) = <", mean, ", ", f_mean, ">")
    mean, f_mean = Tests.sample_dim(samples, 'E')
    print("P(Earthquake | JohnCalls=true, MaryCalls=true) = <", mean, ", ", f_mean, ">")

    mcmc = MCMC({'J': 1., 'M': 0.})
    samples = mcmc.gibbs(10000, 10000)
    mean, f_mean = Tests.sample_dim(samples, 'B')
    print("P(Burglary | JohnCalls=true, MaryCalls=false) = <", mean, ", ", f_mean, ">")

    mcmc = MCMC({'J': 1.})
    mcmc.graph.node_dict['M'].observed = False
    samples = mcmc.gibbs(10000, 10000)
    mean, f_mean = Tests.sample_dim(samples, 'B')
    print("P(Burglary | JohnCalls=true) = <", mean, ", ", f_mean, ">")

    mcmc = MCMC({'M': 1.})
    mcmc.graph.node_dict['J'].observed = False
    samples = mcmc.gibbs(10000, 10000)
    mean, f_mean = Tests.sample_dim(samples, 'B')
    print("P(Burglary | MaryCalls=true) = <", mean, ", ", f_mean, ">")
Exemple #3
def beta_bernoulli_tests():
    graph = beta_bernoulli()
    mcmc = MCMC(graph=graph)
    samples = mcmc.gibbs(5000, 100000)
    Tests.plotposterior([s['A'] for s in samples], beta_expected_t, 'beta-bernoulli', 0, 1)

    graph = beta_bernoulli(b=0)
    mcmc = MCMC(graph=graph)
    samples = mcmc.gibbs(13000, 100000)
    Tests.plotposterior([s['A'] for s in samples], beta_expected_f, 'beta-bernoulli', 0, 1)
Exemple #4
def home_or_school_tests():
    graph = home_or_school()
    mcmc = MCMC(graph=graph)
    samples = mcmc.gibbs(10000, 10000)
    mean, f_mean = Tests.sample_dim(samples, 'AS')
    print("P(AS | IA=false) = <", mean, ", ", f_mean, ">")

    graph = home_or_school()
    mcmc = MCMC({'IA': 1}, graph=graph)
    samples = mcmc.gibbs(10000, 10000)
    mean, f_mean = Tests.sample_dim(samples, 'AS')
    print("P(AS | IA=false) = <", mean, ", ", f_mean, ">")
Exemple #5
def dirty_roommates_tests():
    graph = dirty_roommates()
    mcmc = MCMC(graph=graph)
    samples = mcmc.gibbs(10000, 10000)
    mean, f_mean = Tests.sample_dim(samples, 'CK')
    print("P(CK | DR=false) = <", mean, ", ", f_mean, ">")

    graph = dirty_roommates()
    graph.node_dict['DR'].observed = False
    graph.node_dict['CK'].observed = True
    mcmc = MCMC({'CK': 1}, graph=graph)
    samples = mcmc.gibbs(10000, 10000)
    mean, f_mean = Tests.sample_dim(samples, 'IT')
    print("P(IT | CK=true) = <", mean, ", ", f_mean, ">")
Exemple #6
def burn_tests():
    graph = burn()
    mcmc = MCMC(graph=graph)
    samples = mcmc.gibbs(10000, 10000)
    mean, f_mean = Tests.sample_dim(samples, 'M')
    print("P(MapoDoufu | Burn=false) = <", mean, ", ", f_mean, ">")
Exemple #7
def progress_tests():
    graph = progress()
    mcmc = MCMC(graph=graph)
    samples = mcmc.gibbs(2000, 50000)
    Tests.plot_distribution(samples, 'Encounters')
    encounters = [s['Encounters'] for s in samples]
    median = np.median(encounters)
    print('median', median)
Exemple #8
def tanks_tests():
    graph = tanks()
    mcmc = MCMC(graph=graph)
    samples = mcmc.gibbs(50, 100000)
    Tests.mixing_plot(samples, 'num_tanks')
    Tests.plot_distribution(samples, 'num_tanks')
    Tests.mixing_plot(samples, 'A')
    Tests.plot_distribution(samples, 'A')
Exemple #9
def faculty_evaluation_tests():
    graph = faculty_evals()
    mcmc = MCMC(graph=graph)
    samples = mcmc.gibbs(500, 10000)
    Tests.mixing_plot(samples, 'mu')
    Tests.mixing_plot(samples, 'sigma2')
    Tests.plotposterior([s['mu'] for s in samples], faculty_mean_prior, 'mean', 5.0, 6.5)
    Tests.plotposterior([s['sigma2'] for s in samples], faculty_var_prior, 'var', 0.0001, 1.0)
Exemple #10
def golfer_network_tests():
    graph = golf()
    mcmc = MCMC(graph=graph)
    samples = mcmc.gibbs(1000, 100000)
    print('woohoo! the golfers finished!')
    with open('golf_samples.pickle', 'wb') as gs:
        pickle.dump(samples, gs)
    with open('golf_graph.pickle', 'wb') as gg:
        pickle.dump(graph, gg)
Exemple #11
def hyper_alarm_inference():
    legs = [10, 25, 50, 100, 1000]
    model = 'lab'
    for n in legs:
        name = model + '-inf_' + str(n)
        graph = hyper_alarm(val_dict=name, inference=True)
        mcmc = MCMC(graph=graph)
        samples = mcmc.gibbs(2000, 100000)
        mean, f_mean = Tests.sample_dim(samples, 'B')
Exemple #12
def pareto_poisson_tests():
    graph = pareto()
    mcmc = MCMC(graph=graph)
    samples = mcmc.gibbs(2000, 100000)
    for node in graph.hidden_nodes:
        #Tests.mixing_plot(samples, node.name)
        Tests.plot_distribution(samples, node.name)
        encounters = [s[node.name] for s in samples]
        median = np.median(encounters)
        print('median', median)
Exemple #13
def wacky_network_tests():
    graph = wacky()
    # graph.node_dict['G'].observed = True
    mcmc = MCMC(graph=graph)
    samples = mcmc.gibbs(20000, 2000000)
    with open('wacky_G_samples.pickle', 'wb') as ws:
        pickle.dump(samples, ws)
    with open('wacky_G_graph.pickle', 'wb') as wg:
        pickle.dump(graph, wg)
    for node in graph.nodes:
        Tests.mixing_plot(samples, node.name)
        Tests.plot_distribution(samples, node.name)
Exemple #14
def hyper_faculty_tests():
    meta_samples = []
    for n in range(5):
        graph = faculty_evals_1hyper(n)
        mcmc = MCMC(graph=graph)
        samples = mcmc.gibbs(10000, 100000)
        Tests.plot_multi(samples, ['mu', 'sigma2'])
        for node in graph.hidden_nodes:
            if node.name != 'mu' and node.name != 'sigma2':
                Tests.mixing_plot(samples, node.name)
                Tests.plot_distribution(samples, node.name)
Exemple #15
def hyper_alarm_learning_tests():
    legs = [1, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 250, 500, 750, 1000]
    prior = 'lab'
    model = '01_50'
    for n in legs:
        graph = hyper_alarm_learn('alarm-gen-' + model + '.json', n=n, val_dict=prior)
        mcmc = MCMC(graph=graph)
        samples = mcmc.gibbs(1000, 1000)
        mean, f_mean = Tests.sample_dim(samples, 'b_B')
        print(mean, f_mean)
        #mean, f_mean = Tests.sample_dim(samples, 'b_E')
        #print(mean, f_mean)
        name = 'alarm-' + model + '_' + str(n) + '_samples.pickle'
        with open(name, 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(samples, f)
Exemple #16
def hyper_alarm_generate():
    val_dict = 'orig'
    graph = hyper_alarm(val_dict)
    mcmc = MCMC(graph=graph)
    samples = mcmc.gibbs(10000, 30000)
    mean, f_mean = Tests.sample_dim(samples, 'B')
    print(mean, f_mean)
    mean, f_mean = Tests.sample_dim(samples, 'E')
    print(mean, f_mean)

    saved_samples = []
    for i, sample in enumerate(samples):
        if i < 3001 and i % 3 == 0:
    with open('alarm-gen-' + val_dict + '.json', 'w') as f:
Exemple #17
def normal_normal_tests():
    graph = normal_normal()
    mcmc = MCMC(graph=graph)
    samples = mcmc.gibbs(500, 10000)
    Tests.plotposterior([s['A'] for s in samples], normal_expected, 'normal-normal', -3, 3)
Exemple #18
def gamma_poisson_tests():
    graph = gamma_poisson()
    mcmc = MCMC(graph=graph)
    samples = mcmc.gibbs(50000, 10000)
    Tests.plotposterior([s['L'] for s in samples], gamma_expected, 'gamma-poisson', 0, 12)