Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, mc, ap, pos):
        #store variables
        self.pos = pos
        self.mc = mc
        self.ap = ap

        #set the joystick to move the astro pi horizontally
        self.joy_horizontal = True

        #create the minecraft astro pi shape
        self.mcastropi = MCAstroPi(self.mc, self.pos)

        self.mc.postToChat("SpaceCRAFT - interactive Astro Pi")
            "Hit (right click) the Astro Pi with a sword to see what it does")
    def __init__(self, mc, ap, pos):
        #store variables
        self.pos = pos
        self.mc = mc
        self.ap = ap

        #set the joystick to move the astro pi horizontally
        self.joy_horizontal = True

        #create the minecraft astro pi shape
        self.mcastropi = MCAstroPi(self.mc, self.pos)

        self.mc.postToChat("SpaceCRAFT - interactive Astro Pi")
        self.mc.postToChat("Hit (right click) the Astro Pi with a sword to see what it does")
class MCInteractiveAstroPi:
    An interactive AstroPi in minecraft. Pass block positions to the .interact
    method and it will tell you whats there or make it work.
    #the position of the top left of the LED grid
    LED_GRID_POS = Vec3(4, 1, -8)

    #WOOL colours to led colours
    LED_WOOL_COL = {0: [255, 255, 255],
                    1: [255, 128, 0],
                    2: [204, 0, 204],
                    3: [102, 178, 255],
                    4: [255, 255, 0],
                    5: [0, 255, 0],
                    6: [255, 204, 204],
                    7: [96, 96, 96],
                    8: [192, 192, 192],
                    9: [0, 204, 204],
                    10: [76, 0, 153],
                    11: [0, 0, 255],
                    12: [102, 51, 0],
                    13: [0, 153, 0],
                    14: [255, 0, 0],
                    15: [0, 0, 0]}
    def __init__(self, mc, ap, pos):
        #store variables
        self.pos = pos
        self.mc = mc
        self.ap = ap

        #set the joystick to move the astro pi horizontally
        self.joy_horizontal = True

        #create the minecraft astro pi shape
        self.mcastropi = MCAstroPi(self.mc, self.pos)

        self.mc.postToChat("SpaceCRAFT - interactive Astro Pi")
        self.mc.postToChat("Hit (right click) the Astro Pi with a sword to see what it does")

    def interact(self, pos):
        If you pass a block position, the interactive astro pi will
        see if that block is an interactive one and take the neccessary action
        #see if this block is an interactive one
        #get this blocks relative position
        shapeBlock = self.mcastropi.getShapeBlock(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)
        if shapeBlock != None:
            #led grid
            if shapeBlock.tag == "led":
                #work out what colour to go to next
                nextWoolColour = shapeBlock.blockData + 1
                if nextWoolColour == 16: nextWoolColour = 0
                ledColour = self.LED_WOOL_COL[nextWoolColour]
                #find out where the led is
                ledX, ledY = self._turnLEDPosIntoXY(shapeBlock.originalPos)
                ap.set_pixel(ledX, ledY, ledColour)
                #change the colour of the block
                # this is the 'right' way to do it but its slow because it works out
                # all the potential changes before only changing 1 block
                #                        shapeBlock.originalPos.y,
                #                        shapeBlock.originalPos.z,
                #                        shapeBlock.blockType,
                #                        nextWoolColour,
                #                        shapeBlock.tag)
                shapeBlock.blockData = nextWoolColour
                mc.setBlock(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, block.WOOL.id, nextWoolColour)
            elif shapeBlock.tag == "rpi_board":
                mc.postToChat("This is the Raspberry Pi computer")
            elif shapeBlock.tag == "astropi_board":
                mc.postToChat("This is the Astro Pi SENSE HAT, it can read")
                mc.postToChat(" lots of information about the world")
            elif shapeBlock.tag == "rpi_gpio":
                mc.postToChat("The Raspberry Pi's GPIO header, it talks to")
                mc.postToChat(" the Astro Pi through these pins")

            elif shapeBlock.tag == "astropi_gpio":
                mc.postToChat("The Astro Pi SENSE HAT GPIO header, it talks to")
                mc.postToChat(" the Rasberry Pi through these pins")

            elif shapeBlock.tag == "processor":
                mc.postToChat("This is the Raspberry Pi's CPU")
            elif shapeBlock.tag == "usb":
                mc.postToChat("USB ports where peripherals such as a keyboard")
                mc.postToChat(" and mouse can be connected.")
            elif shapeBlock.tag == "ethernet":
                mc.postToChat("An ethernet port which can be used to connect")
                mc.postToChat(" to the internet")

            elif shapeBlock.tag == "camera":
                mc.postToChat("A port where a camera can be connected to take")
                mc.postToChat(" pictures and video")
            elif shapeBlock.tag == "display":
                mc.postToChat("A port where a display can be connected")
            elif shapeBlock.tag == "power":
                mc.postToChat("Micro usb connector where you plug a power supply")
                mc.postToChat(" into the Raspberry Pi")
            elif shapeBlock.tag == "hdmi":
                mc.postToChat("HDMI port for connecting the Raspberry Pi to a")
                mc.postToChat(" TV or monitor")
            elif shapeBlock.tag == "composite":
                mc.postToChat("A composite video and audio connector, most used")
                mc.postToChat(" for plugging in headphones")
            elif shapeBlock.tag == "level_shifter":
                mc.postToChat("Astro Pi's Logic Level Shifter it allows electronics")
                mc.postToChat(" with different voltages to work together")
            elif shapeBlock.tag == "atmel":
                mc.postToChat("Astro Pi's Atmel Tiny micro controller which monitors")
                mc.postToChat(" the joystick and controls the led driver")
            elif shapeBlock.tag == "orientation":
                mc.postToChat("Astro Pi's Accelerometer, Magnetometer & Gyroscope")
                mc.postToChat(" which gets its orientation")
                orientation = self.ap.get_orientation()
                mc.postToChat(" yaw = {}, pitch = {}, roll = {}".format(round(orientation["yaw"],2), round(orientation["pitch"],2), round(orientation["roll"],2)))
            elif shapeBlock.tag == "humidity":
                mc.postToChat("Astro Pi's Humidity and Temperature Sensor")
                humidity = self.ap.get_humidity()
                temp = self.ap.get_temperature_from_humidity()
                mc.postToChat(" humidity = {}, temperature = {}".format(round(humidity,2), round(temp, 2)))
            elif shapeBlock.tag == "pressure":
                mc.postToChat("Astro Pi's Pressure and Temperature Sensor")
                pressure = self.ap.get_pressure()
                temp = self.ap.get_temperature_from_pressure()
                mc.postToChat(" pressure = {}, temperature = {}".format(round(pressure,2), round(temp, 2)))
            elif shapeBlock.tag == "eeprom":
                mc.postToChat("Astro Pi's ID EEPROM, this tells the Raspberry Pi what")
                mc.postToChat(" is attached")
            elif shapeBlock.tag == "led_driver":
                mc.postToChat("Astro Pi's LED driver which controls the LED matrix")
            elif shapeBlock.tag == "joy_up":

            elif shapeBlock.tag == "joy_down":

            elif shapeBlock.tag == "joy_left":

            elif shapeBlock.tag == "joy_right":
            elif shapeBlock.tag == "joy_button":
    def _turnLEDPosIntoXY(self, pos):
        Internal. Turns a pos on the minecraft astro pi into a led x,y position
        on the real astro pi
        y = (pos.x - self.LED_GRID_POS.x) * -1
        x = pos.z - self.LED_GRID_POS.z
        return x, y

    def joyButton(self):
        Swaps the joy stick direction from horizontal to vertical or vice versa
        if self.joy_horizontal:
            self.joy_horizontal = False
            mc.postToChat("Changed to vertical movement")
            self.joy_horizontal = True
            mc.postToChat("Changed to horizontal movement")
    def joyLeft(self):
        Moves the astro Pi left or down
        if self.joy_horizontal:
            #move down
    def joyRight(self):
        Moves the astro Pi right or up
        if self.joy_horizontal:
            #move up
    def joyUp(self):
        Moves the astro Pi forward or up
        if self.joy_horizontal:
            #move forward
    def joyDown(self):
        Moves the astro Pi backward or down
        if self.joy_horizontal:
            #move backward
    def clear(self):
        Clears the mc astro pi
Exemple #4
class MCInteractiveAstroPi:
    An interactive AstroPi in minecraft. Pass block positions to the .interact
    method and it will tell you whats there or make it work.
    #the position of the top left of the LED grid
    LED_GRID_POS = Vec3(4, 1, -8)

    #WOOL colours to led colours
    LED_WOOL_COL = {
        0: [255, 255, 255],
        1: [255, 128, 0],
        2: [204, 0, 204],
        3: [102, 178, 255],
        4: [255, 255, 0],
        5: [0, 255, 0],
        6: [255, 204, 204],
        7: [96, 96, 96],
        8: [192, 192, 192],
        9: [0, 204, 204],
        10: [76, 0, 153],
        11: [0, 0, 255],
        12: [102, 51, 0],
        13: [0, 153, 0],
        14: [255, 0, 0],
        15: [0, 0, 0]

    def __init__(self, mc, ap, pos):
        #store variables
        self.pos = pos
        self.mc = mc
        self.ap = ap

        #set the joystick to move the astro pi horizontally
        self.joy_horizontal = True

        #create the minecraft astro pi shape
        self.mcastropi = MCAstroPi(self.mc, self.pos)

        self.mc.postToChat("SpaceCRAFT - interactive Astro Pi")
            "Hit (right click) the Astro Pi with a sword to see what it does")

    def interact(self, pos):
        If you pass a block position, the interactive astro pi will
        see if that block is an interactive one and take the neccessary action
        #see if this block is an interactive one
        #get this blocks relative position
        shapeBlock = self.mcastropi.getShapeBlock(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)
        if shapeBlock != None:
            #led grid
            if shapeBlock.tag == "led":
                #work out what colour to go to next
                nextWoolColour = shapeBlock.blockData + 1
                if nextWoolColour == 16: nextWoolColour = 0
                ledColour = self.LED_WOOL_COL[nextWoolColour]

                #find out where the led is
                ledX, ledY = self._turnLEDPosIntoXY(shapeBlock.originalPos)
                ap.set_pixel(ledX, ledY, ledColour)

                #change the colour of the block
                # this is the 'right' way to do it but its slow because it works out
                # all the potential changes before only changing 1 block
                #                        shapeBlock.originalPos.y,
                #                        shapeBlock.originalPos.z,
                #                        shapeBlock.blockType,
                #                        nextWoolColour,
                #                        shapeBlock.tag)

                shapeBlock.blockData = nextWoolColour
                mc.setBlock(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, block.WOOL.id, nextWoolColour)

            elif shapeBlock.tag == "rpi_board":
                mc.postToChat("This is the Raspberry Pi computer")

            elif shapeBlock.tag == "astropi_board":
                mc.postToChat("This is the Astro Pi SENSE HAT, it can read")
                mc.postToChat(" lots of information about the world")

            elif shapeBlock.tag == "rpi_gpio":
                mc.postToChat("The Raspberry Pi's GPIO header, it talks to")
                mc.postToChat(" the Astro Pi through these pins")

            elif shapeBlock.tag == "astropi_gpio":
                    "The Astro Pi SENSE HAT GPIO header, it talks to")
                mc.postToChat(" the Rasberry Pi through these pins")

            elif shapeBlock.tag == "processor":
                mc.postToChat("This is the Raspberry Pi's CPU")

            elif shapeBlock.tag == "usb":
                mc.postToChat("USB ports where peripherals such as a keyboard")
                mc.postToChat(" and mouse can be connected.")

            elif shapeBlock.tag == "ethernet":
                mc.postToChat("An ethernet port which can be used to connect")
                mc.postToChat(" to the internet")

            elif shapeBlock.tag == "camera":
                mc.postToChat("A port where a camera can be connected to take")
                mc.postToChat(" pictures and video")

            elif shapeBlock.tag == "display":
                mc.postToChat("A port where a display can be connected")

            elif shapeBlock.tag == "power":
                    "Micro usb connector where you plug a power supply")
                mc.postToChat(" into the Raspberry Pi")

            elif shapeBlock.tag == "hdmi":
                mc.postToChat("HDMI port for connecting the Raspberry Pi to a")
                mc.postToChat(" TV or monitor")

            elif shapeBlock.tag == "composite":
                    "A composite video and audio connector, most used")
                mc.postToChat(" for plugging in headphones")

            elif shapeBlock.tag == "level_shifter":
                    "Astro Pi's Logic Level Shifter it allows electronics")
                mc.postToChat(" with different voltages to work together")

            elif shapeBlock.tag == "atmel":
                    "Astro Pi's Atmel Tiny micro controller which monitors")
                mc.postToChat(" the joystick and controls the led driver")

            elif shapeBlock.tag == "orientation":
                    "Astro Pi's Accelerometer, Magnetometer & Gyroscope")
                mc.postToChat(" which gets its orientation")
                orientation = self.ap.get_orientation()
                mc.postToChat(" yaw = {}, pitch = {}, roll = {}".format(
                    round(orientation["yaw"], 2),
                    round(orientation["pitch"], 2),
                    round(orientation["roll"], 2)))

            elif shapeBlock.tag == "humidity":
                mc.postToChat("Astro Pi's Humidity and Temperature Sensor")
                humidity = self.ap.get_humidity()
                temp = self.ap.get_temperature_from_humidity()
                mc.postToChat(" humidity = {}, temperature = {}".format(
                    round(humidity, 2), round(temp, 2)))

            elif shapeBlock.tag == "pressure":
                mc.postToChat("Astro Pi's Pressure and Temperature Sensor")
                pressure = self.ap.get_pressure()
                temp = self.ap.get_temperature_from_pressure()
                mc.postToChat(" pressure = {}, temperature = {}".format(
                    round(pressure, 2), round(temp, 2)))

            elif shapeBlock.tag == "eeprom":
                    "Astro Pi's ID EEPROM, this tells the Raspberry Pi what")
                mc.postToChat(" is attached")

            elif shapeBlock.tag == "led_driver":
                    "Astro Pi's LED driver which controls the LED matrix")

            elif shapeBlock.tag == "joy_up":

            elif shapeBlock.tag == "joy_down":

            elif shapeBlock.tag == "joy_left":

            elif shapeBlock.tag == "joy_right":

            elif shapeBlock.tag == "joy_button":

    def _turnLEDPosIntoXY(self, pos):
        Internal. Turns a pos on the minecraft astro pi into a led x,y position
        on the real astro pi
        y = (pos.x - self.LED_GRID_POS.x) * -1
        x = pos.z - self.LED_GRID_POS.z
        return x, y

    def joyButton(self):
        Swaps the joy stick direction from horizontal to vertical or vice versa
        if self.joy_horizontal:
            self.joy_horizontal = False
            mc.postToChat("Changed to vertical movement")
            self.joy_horizontal = True
            mc.postToChat("Changed to horizontal movement")

    def joyLeft(self):
        Moves the astro Pi left or down
        if self.joy_horizontal:
            self.mcastropi.moveBy(0, 0, -1)
            #move down
            self.mcastropi.moveBy(0, -1, 0)

    def joyRight(self):
        Moves the astro Pi right or up
        if self.joy_horizontal:
            self.mcastropi.moveBy(0, 0, 1)
            #move up
            self.mcastropi.moveBy(0, 1, 0)

    def joyUp(self):
        Moves the astro Pi forward or up
        if self.joy_horizontal:
            #move forward
            self.mcastropi.moveBy(1, 0, 0)
            self.mcastropi.moveBy(0, 1, 0)

    def joyDown(self):
        Moves the astro Pi backward or down
        if self.joy_horizontal:
            #move backward
            self.mcastropi.moveBy(-1, 0, 0)
            self.mcastropi.moveBy(0, -1, 0)

    def clear(self):
        Clears the mc astro pi