def __call__(self, size: tuple, filepath: Path):
        Returns a thumbnail pixbuf for <filepath>, transparently handling
        both normal image files and archives. Returns None if thumbnail creation
        failed, or if the thumbnail creation is run asynchrounosly

        :param size: The dimensions for the created thumbnails (width, height).
        :param filepath: Path to the image that the thumbnail is generated from.

            with LockedFileIO(filepath) as fio:
                with as im:
                    im.thumbnail(size, resample=Image.BOX)
                    pixbuf = ImageTools.pil_to_pixbuf(im)
                    if ImageTools.pil_has_alpha(im):
                        pixbuf = ImageTools.add_alpha_background(pixbuf, pixbuf.get_width(), pixbuf.get_height())
        except Exception as ex:
            logger.error(f'Failed to create thumbnail for image: \'{filepath}\'')
            logger.error(f'Exception: {ex}')
            pixbuf = None

        return pixbuf
Exemple #2
    def _add_subpixbuf(self, canvas, x: int, y: int, image_size: tuple, source_pixbuf):
        Copy a subpixbuf from <source_pixbuf> to <canvas> as it should
        be in the lens if the coordinates <x>, <y> are the mouse pointer
        position on the main window layout area.
        The displayed image (scaled from the <source_pixbuf>) must have
        size <image_size>

        # Prevent division by zero exceptions further down
        if not image_size[0]:

        # FIXME This merely prevents Errors being raised if source_pixbuf is an
        # animation. The result might be broken, though, since animation,
        # rotation etc. might not match or will be ignored:
        source_pixbuf = ImageTools.static_image(source_pixbuf)

        rotation = config['ROTATION']
        if config['AUTO_ROTATE_FROM_EXIF']:
            rotation += ImageTools.get_implied_rotation(source_pixbuf)
            rotation %= 360

        if rotation in (90, 270):
            scale = source_pixbuf.get_height() / image_size[0]
            scale = source_pixbuf.get_width() / image_size[0]

        x *= scale
        y *= scale

        source_mag = config['LENS_MAGNIFICATION'] / scale
        width = height = config['LENS_SIZE'] / source_mag

        paste_left = x > width / 2
        paste_top = y > height / 2
        dest_x = max(0, int(math.ceil((width / 2 - x) * source_mag)))
        dest_y = max(0, int(math.ceil((height / 2 - y) * source_mag)))

        match rotation:
            case 90:
                x, y = y, source_pixbuf.get_height() - x
            case 180:
                x = source_pixbuf.get_width() - x
                y = source_pixbuf.get_height() - y
            case 270:
                x, y = source_pixbuf.get_width() - y, x

        src_x = x - width / 2
        src_y = y - height / 2
        if src_x < 0:
            width += src_x
            src_x = 0
        if src_y < 0:
            height += src_y
            src_y = 0
        width = max(0, min(source_pixbuf.get_width() - src_x, width))
        height = max(0, min(source_pixbuf.get_height() - src_y, height))
        if width < 1 or height < 1:

        subpixbuf = source_pixbuf.new_subpixbuf(int(src_x), int(src_y), int(width), int(height))
        subpixbuf = subpixbuf.scale_simple(
            int(math.ceil(source_mag * subpixbuf.get_width())),
            int(math.ceil(source_mag * subpixbuf.get_height())),

        subpixbuf = ImageTools.rotate_pixbuf(subpixbuf, rotation)
        subpixbuf = ImageTools.enhance(subpixbuf)

        if paste_left:
            dest_x = 0
            dest_x = min(canvas.get_width() - subpixbuf.get_width(), dest_x)
        if paste_top:
            dest_y = 0
            dest_y = min(canvas.get_height() - subpixbuf.get_height(), dest_y)

        if subpixbuf.get_has_alpha():
            subpixbuf = ImageTools.add_alpha_background(subpixbuf, subpixbuf.get_width(), subpixbuf.get_height())

        subpixbuf.copy_area(0, 0, subpixbuf.get_width(), subpixbuf.get_height(), canvas, dest_x, dest_y)