def increment_led(self): """ Increments the led array indices. When the last led is reached check to see if sufficient points have been captured for the homography calibratoin. If so, then the state is changed to FINISHED. If insufficient points have been gathered then the state is changed back to WAITING. """ if self.led_m < self.led_m_max - 1 or self.led_n < self.led_n_max - 1: if self.led_n < self.led_n_max - 1: self.led_n += 1 else: self.led_n = 0 self.led_m += 1 else: # Turn off led and unlock active target mct_active_target.unlock(self.node_name) # Need to check that we got enough done otherwise return to idle. if len(self.image_points) >= self.num_points_required: self.state = FINISHED self.image_info = '' else: self.state = WAITING self.image_info = 'not enough data' self.homography_matrix = None
def kill_nodes(): if not DEVELOP: print(' * killing nodes ... ',end='') mjpeg_servers.stop_servers() zoom_tool_master.stop() camera_master.stop_cameras() print('done')
def __init__(self, topic): self.ready = False self.state = WAITING # There are 3 allowed states WAITING, WORKING, FINISHED self.topic = topic self.bridge = CvBridge() self.lock = threading.Lock() rospy.init_node('homography_calibrator') self.node_name = rospy.get_name() # Initialize data lists self.blobs_list = [] self.image_points = [] self.world_points = [] # Set active target information and turn off leds target_info = mct_active_target.active_target_info() self.led_n_max = target_info[0] self.led_m_max = target_info[1] self.number_of_leds = self.led_n_max * self.led_m_max self.led_max_power = target_info[2] self.led_space_x = target_info[3] self.led_space_y = target_info[3] # Current led indices self.led_n = 0 self.led_m = 0 # Led power setting params_namespace = '/homography_calibrator_params' self.led_power = rospy.get_param( '{0}/target/led_power'.format(params_namespace), 10) # Wait count for image acquisition self.image_wait_number = rospy.get_param( '{0}/image_wait_number'.format(params_namespace), 4) self.image_wait_cnt = 0 # Sleep periods for idle and wait count loops self.idle_sleep_dt = 0.25 self.wait_sleep_dt = 0.005 # Initialize blob finder self.blobFinder = BlobFinder() self.blobFinder.threshold = rospy.get_param( '{0}/blob_finder/threshold'.format(params_namespace), 200) self.blobFinder.filter_by_area = rospy.get_param( '{0}/blob_finder/filter_by_area'.format(params_namespace), False) self.blobFinder.min_area = rospy.get_param( '{0}/blob_finder/min_area'.format(params_namespace), 0) self.blobFinder.max_area = rospy.get_param( '{0}/blob_finder/max_area'.format(params_namespace), 200) # Initialize homography matrix and number of points required to solve for it self.homography_matrix = None self.num_points_required = rospy.get_param( '{0}/num_points_required'.format(params_namespace), 10) # Set font and initial image information self.cv_text_font = cv.InitFont(cv.CV_FONT_HERSHEY_TRIPLEX, 0.8, 0.8, thickness=1) self.image_info = 'no data' # Subscription to image topic self.image_sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.topic, Image, self.image_callback) # Publications - blobs image and calibration progress image self.image_blobs_pub = rospy.Publisher('image_homography_blobs', Image) self.image_calib_pub = rospy.Publisher('image_homography_calibration', Image) # Services self.start_srv = rospy.Service('{0}/start'.format(self.node_name), GetFlagAndMessage, self.handle_start_srv) self.get_matrix_srv = rospy.Service( '{0}/get_matrix'.format(self.node_name), GetMatrix, self.handle_get_matrix_srv) self.is_calibrated_srv = rospy.Service( '{0}/is_calibrated'.format(self.node_name), GetBool, self.handle_is_calibrated_srv) self.ready = True
def __init__(self, topic_0, topic_1): self.ready = False self.state = WAITING # There are 3 allowed states WAITING, WORKING, FINISHED #self.state = WORKING self.topics = topic_0, topic_1 self.bridge = CvBridge() self.lock = threading.Lock() rospy.init_node('transform_2d_calibrator') self.node_name = rospy.get_name() # Initialize data lists self.blobs = { self.topics[0]: [], self.topics[1]: [], } self.index_to_image = { self.topics[0]: {}, self.topics[1]: {}, } self.overlap_indices = [] # Set active target information and turn off leds target_info = mct_active_target.active_target_info() self.led_n_max = target_info[0] self.led_m_max = target_info[1] self.number_of_leds = self.led_n_max * self.led_m_max self.led_max_power = target_info[2] self.led_space_x = target_info[3] self.led_space_y = target_info[3] # Current led indices self.led_n = 0 self.led_m = 0 # Wait counter for image acquisition self.image_wait_cnt = { self.topics[0]: 0, self.topics[1]: 0, } # Sleep periods for idle and wait count loops self.idle_sleep_dt = 0.25 self.wait_sleep_dt = 0.005 # Led power setting params_namespace = '/transform_2d_calibrator_params' self.led_power = rospy.get_param( '{0}/target/led_power'.format(params_namespace), 10) # Wait count for image acquisition self.image_wait_number = rospy.get_param( '{0}/image_wait_number'.format(params_namespace), 4) # Initialize blob finder self.blobFinder = BlobFinder() self.blobFinder.threshold = rospy.get_param( '{0}/blob_finder/threshold'.format(params_namespace), 150) self.blobFinder.filter_by_area = rospy.get_param( '{0}/blob_finder/filter_by_area'.format(params_namespace), False) self.blobFinder.min_area = rospy.get_param( '{0}/blob_finder/min_area'.format(params_namespace), 0) self.blobFinder.max_area = rospy.get_param( '{0}/blob_finder/max_area'.format(params_namespace), 200) # Number of points required self.num_points_required = rospy.get_param( '{0}/num_points_required'.format(params_namespace), 10) self.transform = None self.transform_error = None # Get homography matrices self.homography_dict = {} for topic in self.topics: try: # Get the data from the parameter server rows = rospy.get_param( '{0}/homography_matrix/rows'.format(topic)) cols = rospy.get_param( '{0}/homography_matrix/cols'.format(topic)) data = rospy.get_param( '{0}/homography_matrix/data'.format(topic)) except KeyError: # Data is not on the parameter server - try getting it by reading the file camera = get_camera_from_topic(topic) homography = file_tools.read_homography_calibration(camera) rows = homography['rows'] cols = homography['cols'] data = homography['data'] # Rearrange into numpy matrix homography_matrix = numpy.array(homography['data']) homography_matrix = homography_matrix.reshape((rows, cols)) self.homography_dict[topic] = homography_matrix # Set font and initial image information self.cv_text_font = cv.InitFont(cv.CV_FONT_HERSHEY_TRIPLEX, 0.8, 0.8, thickness=1) self.image_info = 'no data' # Subscription to image topic image_callback_0 = functools.partial(self.image_callback, self.topics[0]) image_callback_1 = functools.partial(self.image_callback, self.topics[1]) self.image_sub = { self.topics[0]: rospy.Subscriber(self.topics[0], Image, image_callback_0), self.topics[1]: rospy.Subscriber(self.topics[1], Image, image_callback_1), } # Publications - bcalibration progress images for topics 0 and 1 self.image_pub = { self.topics[0]: rospy.Publisher('image_transform_calibration_0', Image), self.topics[1]: rospy.Publisher('image_transform_calibration_1', Image), } # Services self.start_srv = rospy.Service('{0}/start'.format(self.node_name), GetFlagAndMessage, self.handle_start_srv) self.is_calibrated_srv = rospy.Service( '{0}/is_calibrated'.format(self.node_name), GetBool, self.handle_is_calibrated_srv) self.get_transform_2d_srv = rospy.Service( '{0}/get_transform_2d'.format(self.node_name), GetTransform2d, self.handle_get_transform_2d_srv) self.ready = True