Exemple #1
s.send(message + '\n')
data = recv()

m = re.search(r'Your hash: (\w+)', data)
if not m:

legit, = m.groups()
print('legit ' + legit)

# initialize hash object with state of a vulnerable hash
fake_md5 = md5py.new('A' * 64)
fake_md5.A, fake_md5.B, fake_md5.C, fake_md5.D = md5py._bytelist2long(

# update legit hash with malicious message

# fake_hash is the hash for md5(secret + message + padding + malicious)
fake_hash = fake_md5.hexdigest()
print('fake ' + fake_hash)

### STEP 2: Craft payload ###

# TODO: calculate proper padding based on secret + message
# secret is <redacted> bytes long (48 bits)
# each block in MD5 is 512 bits long
Exemple #2
s.connect((host, port))

data = s.recv(1024)
data = s.recv(1024)
s.send(message + '\n')
data = s.recv(1024)

m = re.search('Your hash: ([a-z0-9]*)', data)
legit = m.group(1)

#legit = '7d2a3a8f9b9b6491736c785c68ce02c1'      # a legit hash of secret + message goes here, obtained from signing a message

# initialize hash object with state of a vulnerable hash
fake_md5 = md5py.new('A' * 64)
fake_md5.A, fake_md5.B, fake_md5.C, fake_md5.D = md5py._bytelist2long(legit.decode('hex'))

malicious = 'malicious message'  # put your malicious message here

# update legit hash with malicious message

# fake_hash is the hash for md5(secret + message + padding + malicious)
fake_hash = fake_md5.hexdigest()

### STEP 2: Craft payload ###
#send the message
data = s.recv(1024)
s.send(message + '\n')

#get the hash
data = s.recv(1024)
my_hash = data[39:].strip()  #grab the hash and strip the string

#continue to main 'menu'
data = s.recv(1024)
legit = my_hash

# initialize hash object with state of a vulnerable hash
fake_hash = md5py.new('A' * 64)
fake_hash.A, fake_hash.B, fake_hash.C, fake_hash.D = md5py._bytelist2long(

malicious = 'Hack'  # put your malicious message here
# update legit hash with malicious message

# test is the correct hash for md5(secret + message + padding + malicious)
test = fake_hash.hexdigest()

### STEP 2: Craft payload ###

# TODO: calculate proper padding based on secret + message
# secret is 6 bytes long (48 bits)
# each block in MD5 is 512 bits long
Exemple #4
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# from the git repo
import md5py
import binascii

### STEP 1: Calculate forged hash ###

message = 'a'  # original message here
legit = '0ef56518e0843d8c0611d808a7df0beb'  # a legit hash of secret + message goes here, obtained from signing a message

# initialize hash object with state of a vulnerable hash
fake_md5 = md5py.new('A' * 64)
fake_md5.A, fake_md5.B, fake_md5.C, fake_md5.D = md5py._bytelist2long(

malicious = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x38pwned'  # put your malicious message here

# update legit hash with malicious message

# fake_hash is the hash for md5(secret + message + padding + malicious)
fake_hash = fake_md5.hexdigest()

### STEP 2: Craft payload ###

# TODO: calculate proper padding based on secret + message
Exemple #5
        return s

print ("This is the program that perform the hash attack to MD5!!!")
print ("You need to forge the signature and caculate the sum of first MagicNumber(1st)")

val = md5py.new(secret+initialData)
print ("You get the hash(secret + message1):", val.hexdigest())

#the code here:generate the signature 
payload = pad(secret+initialData)+append
legit = md5py.new(payload)
print ("The digital signature(hash(secret+message1+message2)) is:", legit.hexdigest())

#the code here:modify MagicNumber to acheive extension attack 
not_legit = md5py.new("z"*64)
not_legit.A, not_legit.B, not_legit.C, not_legit.D = md5py._bytelist2long(val.digest())
MagicSum=not_legit.A + not_legit.B + not_legit.C+ not_legit.D
print ("Your forged signature is:", not_legit.hexdigest())

if legit.hexdigest() == not_legit.hexdigest():
        print ("Success forged!")
        print ("Your MagicSum is:",MagicSum)
        if MagicSum==11891216107:
            print ("Correct!!!")
            print ("flag{HASH_LENGTH_EXTESION_ATTATCK}")
            print ("Wrong MagicSum!!!")
        print ("Fail!")
secret = b"secret"
original = b"data"
append = b"append"

def pad(s):
	padlen = 64 - ((len(s) + 8) % 64)
	bit_len = 8*len(s)
	if(padlen < 64):
		s += '\x80' + '\000' * (padlen - 1)
	return s + struct.pack('<q', bit_len)

val = md5py.new(secret+original)
print "Original payload:", val.hexdigest()

payload = pad(secret+original)+append

legit = md5py.new(payload)
print "Legit digest:", legit.hexdigest()

not_legit = md5py.new("A"*64)
not_legit.A, not_legit.B, not_legit.C, not_legit.D = md5py._bytelist2long(val.digest())
print "Illicit digest:", not_legit.hexdigest()

if legit.hexdigest() == not_legit.hexdigest():
	print "Success!"
	print "Fail!"