Exemple #1
def addEntry(request, repo, type):
    print "sono in addEntry"
    print request.POST
    #print request.POST.keys()
    #print request.POST.values()
    #print request.POST.iterlists()
    results = {}
    for k, v in request.POST.iterlists():
        results[k] = v[0].encode()
    results['SubmissionDate'] = str(datetime.datetime.now())[:16]
    results['Thumb'] = 1
    print results.keys()
    print results.values()

    client = mdclient.MDClient('glibrary.ct.infn.it', 8822, 'aginfra',
    entry_id = client.sequenceNext('/' + repo + '/Entries/id')
    client.addEntry('/' + repo + '/Entries/' + type + '/' + entry_id,
                    results.keys(), results.values())
    #c['cid'] = cid

    success = {'success': True, 'data': results}
    response = HttpResponse(json.dumps(success))
    response['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
    response['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = 'GET,POST'
    response['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = 'x-requested-with'
    return response
Exemple #2
def columnas(request, repo):
    client = mdclient.MDClient('glibrary.ct.infn.it', 8822, 'miguel', 'p1pp0')
    directory = '/' + repo + '/Entries/Scans'
        ['/' + repo + '/Types:VisibleAttrs', 'ColumnWidth', 'ColumnLabels'],
        'Path="' + directory + '"')
    entry = client.getSelectAttrEntry()
    visAttrs = entry[0].split(' ')
    print visAttrs
    atr, types = client.listAttr(directory)
    fields = []
    columns = []
    if request.method != 'OPTIONS':
        for i in range(len(atr)):
            fields.append({'name': atr[i], 'mapping': atr[i]})
                'header': atr[i],
                'width': 30,
                'dataIndex': atr[i],
                'colType': types[i]
    jsonData = json.dumps({
        'metadata': {
            'root': 'records',
            'totalProperty': 'total',
            'fields': fields
        'columns': columns
    html = "%s" % jsonData
    response = HttpResponse(html)
    response['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
    response['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = 'GET,POST'
    response['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = 'x-requested-with'
    return response
Exemple #3
def get_tree_dir(request, tree_id):
    client = mdclient.MDClient('glibrary.ct.infn.it', 8822, 'miguel', 'p1pp0')
    resultado = []
    # retrieves the data of the corresponding node (parameter 'node')
    while not client.eot():
        file, val = client.getEntry()
        # process the data creating the tree structure
        if val[0].startswith('collection'):
            resultado.append({'id': file, 'text': file, 'leaf': False})
            resultado.append({'id': file, 'text': file, 'leaf': True})
    # creates the jsonData structure that will be returned
    jsonData = json.dumps(resultado)
    html = "%s" % jsonData
    response = HttpResponse(html)
    return response
Exemple #4
def get_tree(request):
    client = mdclient.MDClient('glibrary.ct.infn.it', 8822, 'miguel', 'p1pp0')
    resultado = []
    if request.method != 'OPTIONS':
        # retrieves the data of the corresponding node (parameter 'node')
        while not client.eot():
            file, val = client.getEntry()
            # process the data creating the tree structure
            if val[0].startswith('collection'):
                resultado.append({'id': file, 'text': file, 'leaf': False})
                resultado.append({'id': file, 'text': file, 'leaf': True})
    # creates the jsonData structure that will be returned
    jsonData = json.dumps(resultado)
    html = "%s" % jsonData
    response = HttpResponse(html)
    response['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
    response['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = 'GET,POST'
    response['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = 'x-requested-with'
    return response
Exemple #5
def getLinks(request, repo, id):
    client = mdclient.MDClient('glibrary.ct.infn.it', 8822, 'miguel', 'p1pp0')
    client.cd('/' + repo + '/Replicas')
    resultado = {'autoEl': {'html': ''}}
    if request.method != 'OPTIONS':
        # retrieves the availables surls of the file
        client.selectAttr(['.:surl'], 'ID=' + id)
        # constructs the structure with the links of the replicas
        while not client.eot():
            link = client.getSelectAttrEntry()[0]
            resultado['autoEl']['html'] = resultado['autoEl'][
                'html'] + '<a href="http://glibrary.ct.infn.it/django/download/' + link.lstrip(
                    "https://") + '" TARGET="_blank">' + link + '</a><br>'
    # creates the jsonData structure and the response that will be returned
    jsonData = json.dumps(resultado)
    html = "%s" % jsonData
    response = HttpResponse(html)
    response['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
    response['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = 'GET,POST'
    response['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = 'x-requested-with'
    print "response: %s", response
    return response
Exemple #6
def saveMetadata(request, repo, path):
    print "sono in saveMetadata"
    print "repo:", repo
    print "path:", path
    print request.POST
    print "method:", request.method

    #print request.POST.keys()
    #print request.POST.values()
    #print request.POST.iterlists()
    results = {}
    if request.method != 'OPTIONS':
        for k, v in request.POST.iterlists():
            results[k] = v[0].encode()
        results['SubmissionDate'] = str(datetime.datetime.now())[:16]
        results['Thumb'] = 0
        surl = results['Replica']
        results.pop('Replica', None)
        print results.keys()
        print results.values()

        client = mdclient.MDClient('glibrary.ct.infn.it', 8822,
                                   'glibraryadmin', 'r3p0@dm1N')
        entry_id = client.sequenceNext('/' + repo + '/Entries/id')
        client.addEntry('/' + repo + '/' + path + '/' + entry_id,
                        results.keys(), results.values())
        #c['cid'] = cid
        rep_id = client.sequenceNext('/' + repo + '/Replicas/rep')
        client.addEntry('/' + repo + '/Replicas/' + rep_id,
                        ['surl', 'ID', 'enabled'], [surl, entry_id, True])

    success = {'success': True, 'data': results}
    response = HttpResponse(json.dumps(success))
    response['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
    response['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = 'GET,POST'
    response['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = 'x-requested-with'
    return response
Exemple #7
def getTree(request, repo):
    client = mdclient.MDClient('glibrary.ct.infn.it', 8822, 'miguel', 'p1pp0')
    resultado = []
    # access to the directory
    client.cd(repo + '/Types')
    if request.method != 'OPTIONS':
        # retrieve information of the selected node
        client.selectAttr(['.:TypeName', 'FILE', 'Path', 'VisibleAttrs'],
                          'ParentID=' + request.GET.getlist('node')[0])
        # process information to create the tree structure
        while not client.eot():
            entry = client.getSelectAttrEntry()
                'text': entry[0],
                'id': entry[1],
                'path': entry[2],
                'leaf': False,
                'visibleAttrs': entry[3]
        # check if the selected node is a leaf to mark it as that
        for i in range(len(resultado)):
            client.selectAttr(['.:TypeName', 'FILE'],
                              'ParentID=' + resultado[i]['id'])
            if (client.eot()):
                resultado[i]['leaf'] = True
                resultado[i]['iconCls'] = 'folder-icon'
                while not client.eot():
    # creates the jsonData structure and the response that will be returned
    jsonData = json.dumps(resultado)
    html = "%s" % jsonData
    response = HttpResponse(html)
    response['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
    response['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = 'GET,POST'
    response['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = 'x-requested-with'
    return response
Exemple #8
def getLinks2(request, repo, id):
    client = mdclient.MDClient('glibrary.ct.infn.it', 8822, 'miguel', 'p1pp0')
    storages = []
    # gets information of the enabled hosts (SE)...
    client.selectAttr(['/deroberto2/Storages:Host', 'Enabled'], '')
    # ...and creates a structure with that info
    while not client.eot():
        entry = client.getSelectAttrEntry()
        storages.append({'name': entry[0], 'enabled': entry[1]})
    client.cd('/' + repo + '/Replicas')
    resultado = []
    if request.method != 'OPTIONS':
        # retrieves the links of the replicas of the selected file
        client.selectAttr(['.:surl', 'enabled'], 'ID=' + id)
        while not client.eot():
            entry = client.getSelectAttrEntry()
            link = entry[0]
            enabled = entry[1]
            if link.startswith('https://'):
                downLink = link[8:]
                downLink = link[7:]
            print "downlink: ", downLink
            #print "link is: ", downLink
            # checks if the SE of the current replica is enabled...
            #for i in range(len(storages)):
            #	if downLink.startswith(storages[i]['name']):
            #		enabled=storages[i]['enabled']
            #...and adds the data of that replica to the data structure to be returned
            if downLink.startswith("infn-se-03"):
                    '<a href="http://glibrary.ct.infn.it/django/download/' +
                    downLink + '" TARGET="_blank">Download</a>',
            elif downLink.startswith("prod-se-03"):
                    '<a href=/glibrary/download/' + downLink +
                    ' TARGET="_blank">Download</a>',
            elif downLink.startswith("gridsrv3-4.dir.garr.it"):
                    '<a href=/glibrary/download/' + downLink +
                    ' TARGET="_blank">Download</a>',
            elif downLink.startswith("se.reef.man.poznan.pl"):
                    '<a href=/glibrary/download/' + downLink +
                    ' TARGET="_blank">Download</a>',
            elif downLink.startswith("unict-dmi-se-01"):
                    '<a href="/glibrary/download/' + downLink +
                    '"/ TARGET="_blank">Download</a>',
                    'DMI UNICT',
            elif downLink.startswith("unime-se-01"):
                    '<a href="http://glibrary.ct.infn.it/django/download/' +
                    downLink + '" TARGET="_blank">Download</a>',
            elif downLink.startswith("unict-diit-se-01"):
                    '<a href="http://glibrary.ct.infn.it/django/download/' +
                    downLink + '" TARGET="_blank">Download</a>',
            elif downLink.startswith("inaf-se-01"):
                    '<a href="http://glibrary.ct.infn.it/django/download/' +
                    downLink + '" TARGET="_blank">Download</a>',
            elif downLink.startswith("unipa-se-01"):
                    '<a href="http://glibrary.ct.infn.it/django/download/' +
                    downLink + '" TARGET="_blank">Download</a>',
            elif downLink.startswith("eunode4"):
                    '<a href="http://glibrary.ct.infn.it/django/download/' +
                    downLink + '" TARGET="_blank">Download</a>',
            elif downLink.startswith("earth.eo.esa.int"):
                    'link': '<a href="http://' + downLink +
                    '" TARGET="_blank">Download</a>',
                    'lat': '41.900233',
                    'lng': '12.683287',
                    'name': 'ESA',
                    'enabled': enabled
                    'link': '<a href="http://' + downLink +
                    '" TARGET="_blank">Download</a>',
                    'lat': '37.4907111',
                    'lng': '15.0772719',
                    'name': 'INFN',
                    'enabled': enabled
    #print "resultado:", resultado
    # creates the jsonData structure and the response that will be returned
    jsonData = json.dumps(resultado)
    html = "%s" % jsonData
    response = HttpResponse(html)
    response['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
    response['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = 'GET,POST'
    response['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = 'x-requested-with'
    return response
Exemple #9
def metadata(request, directory):
    repoArr = directory.split('/')
    repo = repoArr[0]
    client = mdclient.MDClient('glibrary.ct.infn.it', 8822, 'miguel', 'p1pp0')
    # retrieving information of the attributes and the columns
        '/' + repo + '/Types:VisibleAttrs', 'ColumnWidth', 'FilterAttrs',
    ], 'Path="/' + directory + '"')
    entry = client.getSelectAttrEntry()
    visAttrs = entry[0].split(' ')
    lenAttrs = entry[1].split(' ')
    filterAttrs = entry[2].split(' ')
    labelAttrs = entry[3].split(',')
    atr, types = client.listAttr(directory)
    fields = []
    columns = []
    filters = []
    if request.method != 'OPTIONS':
        # starting building the data structured to be returned, the 'fields' array that will
        # have the info for the store of the database attributes to be mapped and the 'columns' one
        # that with the information to display the columns of the grid on ExtJS
        for i in range(len(atr)):
            # setting the type of data of the fields
            if types[i] == 'int':
                    'name': atr[i],
                    'mapping': atr[i],
                    'type': 'int'
                fields.append({'name': atr[i], 'mapping': atr[i]})
            # default column definition
                'align': 'left',
                'css': 'vertical-align: middle;',
                'header': '<font face="verdana">' + atr[i] + '</font>',
                'width': 80,
                'dataIndex': atr[i],
                'colType': types[i],
                'hidden': True,
                'sortable': True
            if (atr[i].endswith('Description')):
                columns[i]['id'] = 'descrip'
            # setting visible attributes
            for j in range(len(visAttrs)):
                if visAttrs[j] == atr[i]:
                    columns[i]['width'] = int(lenAttrs[j])
                    columns[i]['hidden'] = False
        # extra fields to be able to display the thumbnails
            'name': '/' + repo + '/Thumbs:Data',
            'mapping': '/' + repo + '/Thumbs:Data'
            'name': '/' + directory + ':FILE',
            'mapping': '/' + directory + ':FILE'
        # reordering the attributes so that they will be displayed in the proper order (VisibleAttrs)
        for i in range(len(visAttrs)):
            for j in range(len(columns)):
                if (visAttrs[i] == columns[j]['dataIndex']):
                    # correction to display the thumbnails
                    if (columns[j]['dataIndex'] == 'Thumb'):
                        columns[j]['id'] = 'thumb'
                        columns[j]['dataIndex'] = '/' + repo + '/Thumbs:Data'
                    col = columns[j]
                    columns.insert(i, col)
        # constructing data for the filters configuration
        for i in range(len(filterAttrs)):
            options = []
            if filterAttrs[i] != 'PagNum' and filterAttrs[i] != 'Size':
                # retrieving the possible values for the actual filter (filterAttrs[i]
                client.selectAttr([directory + ':' + filterAttrs[i]],
                while not client.eot():
                    entry = client.getSelectAttrEntry()
                    if entry[0] != '':
                # adding the configuration of the current filter to the filters array
                    'type': 'list',
                    'dataIndex': filterAttrs[i],
                    'labelField': 'filter' + filterAttrs[i],
                    'filterList': options
                    'type': 'numeric',
                    'dataIndex': filterAttrs[i]
    # creates the jsonData structure and the response that will be returned
    jsonData = json.dumps({
        'metadata': {
            'root': 'records',
            'totalProperty': 'total',
            'fields': fields,
            'custom': 'pruebaaaa'
        'columns': columns,
        'filters': filters
    html = "%s" % jsonData
    response = HttpResponse(html)
    response['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
    response['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = 'GET,POST'
    response['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = 'x-requested-with'
    return response
Exemple #10
def getFilterValues(request, directory):
    repoArr = directory.split('/')
    repo = str(repoArr[0])
    #takes the filterData parameter with the data of the currently applied filters
    if request.GET.has_key('filterData'):
        filterData = json.loads(request.GET.getlist('filterData')[0])

    client = mdclient.MDClient('glibrary.ct.infn.it', 8822, 'miguel', 'p1pp0')
    result = []
    if request.method != 'OPTIONS':
        # retrieves the filterable attributes
        client.selectAttr(['/' + repo + '/Types:FilterAttrs'],
                          'Path="/' + directory + '"')
        entry = client.getSelectAttrEntry()
        filterAttrs = entry[0].split(' ')

        # for each of the filterable attributes (list ones) we have to update their possible values...
        for k in range(len(filterAttrs)):
            pet = ''
            #...so for each active filter, we check that same attribute is not one of the active...
            for i in range(len(filterData)):
                #...filters. (We don't need to update the values of the active filters)
                if filterAttrs[k] != filterData[i]['field']:
                    if filterData[i]['data']['type'] != 'numeric':
                        # We start creating the query. Adding the current active filters...
                        for j in range(len(filterData[i]['data']['value'])):
                            #...with all the different values selected in that active filter
                            if j < len(filterData[i]['data']['value']) - 1:
                                pet = pet + str(
                                    filterData[i]['field']) + '="' + str(
                                        [j]) + '" or '
                                pet = pet + str(
                                    filterData[i]['field']) + '="' + str(
                                        [j]) + '" '
                        # If it is not the last filter active, we keep on creating the whole query.
                        if i < len(filterData) - 1 and (
                                filterData[i + 1]['field'] != filterAttrs[k]
                                or i + 1 < len(filterData) - 1
                        ) and filterData[i + 1]['data']['type'] != 'numeric':
                            pet = pet + ' and '
            # finally we add the distinct clause to the query and execute it...
            if pet.endswith('and '):
                pet = pet[0:-4]
            client.selectAttr([directory + ':' + filterAttrs[k]],
                              pet + 'distinct')
            options = []
            #...retrieving all the new possible filter options for that attribute...
            while not client.eot():
                entry = client.getSelectAttrEntry()
                if entry[0] != '':
            #...and adding those options to the result structure, repeating the process for the...
            #...rest of the filterable attributes
    # creates the jsonData structure and the response that will be returned
    jsonData = json.dumps(result)
    html = "%s" % jsonData
    response = HttpResponse(html)
    response['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
    response['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = 'GET,POST'
    response['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = 'x-requested-with'
    return response
Exemple #11
def getData(request, directory):
    repoArr = directory.split('/')
    repo = str(repoArr[0])
    client = mdclient.MDClient('glibrary.ct.infn.it', 8822, 'miguel', 'p1pp0')
    atr, types = client.listAttr(directory)

    # Taking the possible parameters
    if request.GET.has_key('start'):
        start = int(request.GET.getlist('start')[0])
        start = 0
    #if request.GET.has_key('limit'):
    #	limit=start+int(request.GET.getlist('limit')[0])
    limit = 50

    filterList = []
    i = 0
    # Retrieving the possible filters
    while request.GET.has_key('filter[' + str(i) + '][field]'):
        filter = {
            'data': {
                'type': '',
                'value': '',
                'comparison': 'eq'
            'field': ''
        filter['field'] = request.GET.getlist('filter[' + str(i) +
        filter['data']['type'] = request.GET.getlist('filter[' + str(i) +
        if filter['data']['type'] == 'numeric':
            filter['data']['comparison'] = request.GET.getlist(
                'filter[' + str(i) + '][data][comparison]')[0]
        filter['data']['value'] = request.GET.getlist('filter[' + str(i) +
        i = i + 1
        #print 'filter->',filter['field'],'=',filter['data']['value']
    cad = ''
    # Creating the query from the filters' information
    for i in range(len(filterList)):
        longit = len(filterList[i]['data']['value'])
        for j in range(longit):
            if filterList[i]['data']['comparison'] == 'eq':
                comparator = '='
            elif filterList[i]['data']['comparison'] == 'lt':
                comparator = '<'
            elif filterList[i]['data']['comparison'] == 'gt':
                comparator = '>'
            if j == (longit - 1):
                cad = cad + filterList[i][
                    'field'] + comparator + '"' + filterList[i]['data'][
                        'value'][j] + '" '
                #print 'filterList',filterList[i]['field'],'="',filterList[i]['data']['value'][j],'"'
                cad = cad + filterList[i][
                    'field'] + comparator + '"' + filterList[i]['data'][
                        'value'][j] + '" or '
                #print 'filterList',filterList[i]['field'],'="',filterList[i]['data']['value'][j],'" or'
        cad = cad + 'and '

    j = 0
    resultado = []
    atr0 = atr[0]
    atr[0] = '/' + directory + ':' + atr[0]
    atr.append('/' + directory + ':FILE')
    atr.append('/' + repo + '/Thumbs:Data')
    # Making the query to the gLibrary server
    if (directory == 'miguel'):
        client.selectAttr(atr, 'limit ' + str(limit) + ' offset ' + str(start))
            str(cad) + 'Thumb=' + repo + '/Thumbs:FILE limit ' + str(limit) +
            ' offset ' + str(start))
    # Obtaining the data received and preparing it to be returned to the server
    while not client.eot():
        val = client.getSelectAttrEntry()  #file,val=client.getEntry()
        resultado.insert(j, {})
        for i in range(len(val)):
            resultado[j][atr[i]] = val[i]
        resultado[j][atr0] = val[0]
        j = j + 1
    # Asking for the number of entries returned
    if len(cad) > 5:
        client.selectAttr(['count(' + directory + ':FILE)'], str(cad[0:-5]))
        client.selectAttr(['count(' + directory + ':FILE)'], '')
    total = client.getSelectAttrEntry()

    # Making the jsonData structure to be returned
    jsonData = json.dumps({'total': total, 'records': resultado})
    if request.GET.has_key('callback'):
        html = request.GET.getlist('callback')[0] + "(%s);" % jsonData
        return HttpResponse(html, content_type="text/javascript")
        html = "%s" % jsonData
        return HttpResponse(html)