Exemple #1
def create_animalcontrol(dbo, username, collationid):
    Creates a animal control/incident record from the incoming form data with 
    Also, attaches the form to the incident as media.
    l = dbo.locale
    fields = get_onlineformincoming_detail(dbo, collationid)
    d = {}
    d["incidentdate"] = i18n.python2display(l, i18n.now(dbo.timezone))
    d["incidenttime"] = i18n.format_time_now(dbo.timezone)
    d["calldate"] = d["incidentdate"]
    d["calltime"] = d["incidenttime"]
    d["incidenttype"] = 1
    for f in fields:
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "callnotes": d["callnotes"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "dispatchaddress": d["dispatchaddress"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "dispatchcity": d["dispatchtown"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "dispatchstate": d["dispatchcounty"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "dispatchzipcode": d["dispatchpostcode"] = f["VALUE"]
    # Have we got enough info to create the animal control record? We need notes and dispatchaddress
    if not d.has_key("callnotes") or not d.has_key("dispatchaddress"):
        raise utils.ASMValidationError(i18n._("There is not enough information in the form to create an incident record (need call notes and dispatch address).", l))
    # We need the person/caller record before we create the incident
    collationid, personid, personname = create_person(dbo, username, collationid)
    d["caller"] = personid
    # Create the incident 
    incidentid = animalcontrol.insert_animalcontrol_from_form(dbo, utils.PostedData(d, dbo.locale), username)
    # Attach the form to the incident
    formname = get_onlineformincoming_name(dbo, collationid)
    formhtml = get_onlineformincoming_html(dbo, collationid)
    media.create_document_media(dbo, username, media.ANIMALCONTROL, incidentid, formname, formhtml )
    return (collationid, incidentid, utils.padleft(incidentid, 6) + " - " + personname)
def create_waitinglist(dbo, username, collationid):
    Creates a waitinglist record from the incoming form data with collationid.
    Also, attaches the form to the waiting list as media.
    l = dbo.locale
    fields = get_onlineformincoming_detail(dbo, collationid)
    d = {}
    d["dateputon"] = i18n.python2display(l, i18n.now(dbo.timezone))
    d["urgency"] = "5"
    for f in fields:
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "species":
            d["species"] = guess_species(dbo, f["VALUE"])
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "description": d["description"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "reason": d["reasonforwantingtopart"] = f["VALUE"]
    if not d.has_key("species"): d["species"] = guess_species(dbo, "")
    # Have we got enough info to create the waiting list record? We need a description
    if not d.has_key("description"):
        raise utils.ASMValidationError(
                "There is not enough information in the form to create a waiting list record (need a description).",
    # We need the person record before we create the waiting list
    collationid, personid, personname = create_person(dbo, username,
    d["owner"] = personid
    # Create the waiting list
    wlid = waitinglist.insert_waitinglist_from_form(dbo, d, username)
    # Attach the form to the waiting list
    formname = get_onlineformincoming_name(dbo, collationid)
    formhtml = get_onlineformincoming_html(dbo, collationid)
    media.create_document_media(dbo, username, media.WAITINGLIST, wlid,
                                formname, formhtml)
    return (collationid, wlid, utils.padleft(wlid, 6) + " - " + personname)
def create_waitinglist(dbo, username, collationid):
    Creates a waitinglist record from the incoming form data with collationid.
    Also, attaches the form to the waiting list as media.
    l = dbo.locale
    fields = get_onlineformincoming_detail(dbo, collationid)
    d = {}
    d["dateputon"] = i18n.python2display(l, i18n.now(dbo.timezone))
    d["urgency"] = "5"
    for f in fields:
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "species": d["species"] = guess_species(dbo, f["VALUE"])
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "description": d["description"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "reason": d["reasonforwantingtopart"] = f["VALUE"]
    if not d.has_key("species"): d["species"] = guess_species(dbo, "")
    # Have we got enough info to create the waiting list record? We need a description
    if not d.has_key("description"):
        raise utils.ASMValidationError(i18n._("There is not enough information in the form to create a waiting list record (need a description).", l))
    # We need the person record before we create the waiting list
    collationid, personid, personname = create_person(dbo, username, collationid)
    d["owner"] = personid
    # Create the waiting list
    wlid = waitinglist.insert_waitinglist_from_form(dbo, d, username)
    # Attach the form to the waiting list
    formname = get_onlineformincoming_name(dbo, collationid)
    formhtml = get_onlineformincoming_html(dbo, collationid)
    media.create_document_media(dbo, username, media.WAITINGLIST, wlid, formname, formhtml )
    return (collationid, wlid, utils.padleft(wlid, 6) + " - " + personname)
Exemple #4
def create_person(dbo, username, collationid):
    Creates a person record from the incoming form data with collationid.
    Also, attaches the form to the person as media.
    The return value is tuple of collationid, personid, personname
    l = dbo.locale
    fields = get_onlineformincoming_detail(dbo, collationid)
    d = {}
    flags = None
    for f in fields:
        if flags is None: flags = f["FLAGS"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "title": d["title"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "forenames": d["forenames"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "firstname": d["forenames"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "surname": d["surname"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "lastname": d["surname"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "address": d["address"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "town": d["town"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "city": d["town"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "county": d["county"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "state": d["county"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "postcode": d["postcode"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "zipcode": d["postcode"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "hometelephone": d["hometelephone"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "worktelephone": d["worktelephone"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "mobiletelephone": d["mobiletelephone"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "celltelephone": d["mobiletelephone"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "emailaddress": d["emailaddress"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"].startswith("reserveanimalname"): d[f["FIELDNAME"]] = f["VALUE"]
    d["flags"] = flags
    # Have we got enough info to create the person record? We just need a surname
    if not d.has_key("surname"):
        raise utils.ASMValidationError(i18n._("There is not enough information in the form to create a person record (need a surname).", l))
    # Does this person already exist?
    personid = 0
    if d.has_key("surname") and d.has_key("forenames") and d.has_key("address"):
        similar = person.get_person_similar(dbo, d["surname"], d["forenames"], d["address"])
        if len(similar) > 0:
            personid = similar[0]["ID"]
    # Create the person record if we didn't find one
    if personid == 0:
        personid = person.insert_person_from_form(dbo, utils.PostedData(d, dbo.locale), username)
    personname = person.get_person_name_code(dbo, personid)
    # Attach the form to the person
    formname = get_onlineformincoming_name(dbo, collationid)
    formhtml = get_onlineformincoming_html_print(dbo, [collationid,])
    media.create_document_media(dbo, username, media.PERSON, personid, formname, formhtml )
    # Was there a reserveanimalname field? If so, create reservation(s) to the person if possible
    for k, v in d.iteritems():
        if k.startswith("reserveanimalname"):
            movement.insert_reserve_for_animal_name(dbo, username, personid, v)
    return (collationid, personid, personname)
def create_foundanimal(dbo, username, collationid):
    Creates a found animal record from the incoming form data with collationid.
    Also, attaches the form to the found animal as media.
    l = dbo.locale
    fields = get_onlineformincoming_detail(dbo, collationid)
    d = {}
    d["datefound"] = i18n.python2display(l, i18n.now(dbo.timezone))
    d["datereported"] = i18n.python2display(l, i18n.now(dbo.timezone))
    for f in fields:
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "species":
            d["species"] = guess_species(dbo, f["VALUE"])
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "sex": d["sex"] = guess_sex(dbo, f["VALUE"])
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "breed": d["breed"] = guess_breed(dbo, f["VALUE"])
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "agegroup":
            d["agegroup"] = guess_agegroup(dbo, f["VALUE"])
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "color":
            d["colour"] = guess_colour(dbo, f["VALUE"])
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "colour":
            d["colour"] = guess_colour(dbo, f["VALUE"])
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "description": d["markings"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "areafound": d["areafound"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "areapostcode": d["areapostcode"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "areazipcode": d["areazipcode"] = f["VALUE"]
    if not d.has_key("species"): d["species"] = guess_species(dbo, "")
    if not d.has_key("sex"): d["sex"] = guess_sex(dbo, "")
    if not d.has_key("breed"): d["breed"] = guess_breed(dbo, "")
    if not d.has_key("agegroup"): d["agegroup"] = guess_agegroup(dbo, "")
    if not d.has_key("colour"): d["colour"] = guess_colour(dbo, "")
    # Have we got enough info to create the found animal record? We need a description and areafound
    if not d.has_key("markings") or not d.has_key("areafound"):
        raise utils.ASMValidationError(
                "There is not enough information in the form to create a found animal record (need a description and area found).",
    # We need the person record before we create the found animal
    collationid, personid, personname = create_person(dbo, username,
    d["owner"] = personid
    # Create the found animal
    foundanimalid = lostfound.insert_foundanimal_from_form(dbo, d, username)
    # Attach the form to the found animal
    formname = get_onlineformincoming_name(dbo, collationid)
    formhtml = get_onlineformincoming_html(dbo, collationid)
    media.create_document_media(dbo, username, media.FOUNDANIMAL,
                                foundanimalid, formname, formhtml)
    return (collationid, foundanimalid,
            utils.padleft(foundanimalid, 6) + " - " + personname)
def create_person(dbo, username, collationid):
    Creates a person record from the incoming form data with collationid.
    Also, attaches the form to the person as media.
    The return value is tuple of collationid, personid, personname
    l = dbo.locale
    fields = get_onlineformincoming_detail(dbo, collationid)
    d = {}
    flags = None
    for f in fields:
        if flags is None: flags = f["FLAGS"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "title": d["title"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "forenames": d["forenames"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "firstname": d["forenames"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "surname": d["surname"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "lastname": d["surname"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "address": d["address"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "town": d["town"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "city": d["town"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "county": d["county"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "state": d["county"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "postcode": d["postcode"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "zipcode": d["postcode"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "hometelephone": d["hometelephone"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "worktelephone": d["worktelephone"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "mobiletelephone":
            d["mobiletelephone"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "celltelephone": d["mobiletelephone"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "emailaddress": d["emailaddress"] = f["VALUE"]
    d["flags"] = flags
    # Have we got enough info to create the person record? We just need a surname
    if not d.has_key("surname"):
        raise utils.ASMValidationError(
                "There is not enough information in the form to create a person record (need a surname).",
    # Create the person record
    personid = person.insert_person_from_form(dbo, d, username)
    personname = person.get_person_name_code(dbo, personid)
    # Attach the form to the person
    formname = get_onlineformincoming_name(dbo, collationid)
    formhtml = get_onlineformincoming_html(dbo, collationid)
    media.create_document_media(dbo, username, media.PERSON, personid,
                                formname, formhtml)
    return (collationid, personid, personname)
def create_person(dbo, username, collationid):
    Creates a person record from the incoming form data with collationid.
    Also, attaches the form to the person as media.
    The return value is tuple of collationid, personid, personname
    l = dbo.locale
    fields = get_onlineformincoming_detail(dbo, collationid)
    d = {}
    flags = None
    for f in fields:
        if flags is None: flags = f["FLAGS"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "title": d["title"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "forenames": d["forenames"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "firstname": d["forenames"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "surname": d["surname"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "lastname": d["surname"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "address": d["address"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "town": d["town"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "city": d["town"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "county": d["county"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "state": d["county"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "postcode": d["postcode"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "zipcode": d["postcode"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "hometelephone": d["hometelephone"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "worktelephone": d["worktelephone"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "mobiletelephone": d["mobiletelephone"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "celltelephone": d["mobiletelephone"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "emailaddress": d["emailaddress"] = f["VALUE"]
    d["flags"] = flags
    # Have we got enough info to create the person record? We just need a surname
    if not d.has_key("surname"):
        raise utils.ASMValidationError(i18n._("There is not enough information in the form to create a person record (need a surname).", l))
    # Create the person record
    personid = person.insert_person_from_form(dbo, d, username)
    personname = person.get_person_name_code(dbo, personid)
    # Attach the form to the person
    formname = get_onlineformincoming_name(dbo, collationid)
    formhtml = get_onlineformincoming_html(dbo, collationid)
    media.create_document_media(dbo, username, media.PERSON, personid, formname, formhtml )
    return (collationid, personid, personname)
Exemple #8
def attach_animal(dbo, username, collationid):
    Finds the existing shelter animal with "animalname" and
    attaches the form to it as person media.
    Return value is a tuple of collationid, animalid, animal code/name
    l = dbo.locale
    fields = get_onlineformincoming_detail(dbo, collationid)
    animalname = ""
    for f in fields:
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "animalname": animalname = f["VALUE"]
    if animalname == "":
        raise utils.ASMValidationError(i18n._("There is not enough information in the form to attach to a shelter animal record (need an animal name).", l))
    # Find the animal
    aid = db.query_int(dbo, "SELECT ID FROM animal WHERE LOWER(AnimalName) LIKE '%s' ORDER BY ID DESC" % animalname.lower())
    if aid == 0:
        raise utils.ASMValidationError(i18n._("Could not find animal with name '{0}'", l).format(animalname))
    formname = get_onlineformincoming_name(dbo, collationid)
    formhtml = get_onlineformincoming_html_print(dbo, [collationid,])
    media.create_document_media(dbo, username, media.ANIMAL, aid, formname, formhtml )
    return (collationid, aid, animal.get_animal_namecode(dbo, aid))
def create_foundanimal(dbo, username, collationid):
    Creates a found animal record from the incoming form data with collationid.
    Also, attaches the form to the found animal as media.
    l = dbo.locale
    fields = get_onlineformincoming_detail(dbo, collationid)
    d = {}
    d["datefound"] = i18n.python2display(l, i18n.now(dbo.timezone))
    d["datereported"] = i18n.python2display(l, i18n.now(dbo.timezone))
    for f in fields:
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "species": d["species"] = guess_species(dbo, f["VALUE"])
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "sex": d["sex"] = guess_sex(dbo, f["VALUE"])
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "breed": d["breed"] = guess_breed(dbo, f["VALUE"])
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "agegroup": d["agegroup"] = guess_agegroup(dbo, f["VALUE"])
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "color": d["colour"] = guess_colour(dbo, f["VALUE"])
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "colour": d["colour"] = guess_colour(dbo, f["VALUE"])
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "description": d["markings"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "areafound": d["areafound"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "areapostcode": d["areapostcode"] = f["VALUE"]
        if f["FIELDNAME"] == "areazipcode": d["areazipcode"] = f["VALUE"]
    if not d.has_key("species"): d["species"] = guess_species(dbo, "")
    if not d.has_key("sex"): d["sex"] = guess_sex(dbo, "")
    if not d.has_key("breed"): d["breed"] = guess_breed(dbo, "")
    if not d.has_key("agegroup"): d["agegroup"] = guess_agegroup(dbo, "")
    if not d.has_key("colour"): d["colour"] = guess_colour(dbo, "")
    # Have we got enough info to create the found animal record? We need a description and areafound
    if not d.has_key("markings") or not d.has_key("areafound"):
        raise utils.ASMValidationError(i18n._("There is not enough information in the form to create a found animal record (need a description and area found).", l))
    # We need the person record before we create the found animal
    collationid, personid, personname = create_person(dbo, username, collationid)
    d["owner"] = personid
    # Create the found animal
    foundanimalid = lostfound.insert_foundanimal_from_form(dbo, d, username)
    # Attach the form to the found animal
    formname = get_onlineformincoming_name(dbo, collationid)
    formhtml = get_onlineformincoming_html(dbo, collationid)
    media.create_document_media(dbo, username, media.FOUNDANIMAL, foundanimalid, formname, formhtml )
    return (collationid, foundanimalid, utils.padleft(foundanimalid, 6) + " - " + personname)