Exemple #1
def get_embed_details_google(id):
    """Given a Google Video ID, return the associated thumbnail URL and
    the duration of the video.

    :param id: a valid Google Video ID
    :type id: string
    :returns: Thumbnail URL (or None), and duration (or None)
    :rtype: tuple (string, int)
    google_data_url = 'http://video.google.com/videofeed?docid=%s' % id
    thumb_url = None
    duration = None
    title = None # Google Video doesn't appear to expose the title
    from mediacore.lib.helpers import decode_entities
        temp_data = urllib2.urlopen(google_data_url)
        data = temp_data.read()
        thumb_match = google_image_rgx.search(data)
        dur_match = google_duration_rgx.search(data)
        if thumb_match:
            thumb_url = decode_entities(thumb_match.group(1))
        if dur_match:
            duration = int(dur_match.group(1))
    except urllib2.URLError, e:
Exemple #2
def option_tree(cats):
    indent = helpers.decode_entities(u' ') * 4
    return [(None, None)] + \
        [(c.id, indent * depth + c.name) for c, depth in cats.traverse()]
Exemple #3
 def _to_python(self, value, state=None):
     """Convert XHTML entities to unicode."""
     return decode_entities(value)
def option_tree(cats):
    indent = helpers.decode_entities(u" ") * 4
    return [(None, None)] + [(c.id, indent * depth + c.name) for c, depth in cats.traverse()]