Exemple #1
 def __init__(self, tcpdir, pointer):
   http.Message.__init__(self, tcpdir, pointer, dpkt_http.Response)
   # uncompress body if necessary
   # get mime type
   if 'content-type' in self.msg.headers:
     self.mediaType = MediaType(self.msg.headers['content-type'])
     self.mediaType = MediaType('application/x-unknown-content-type')
   self.mimeType = self.mediaType.mimeType()
   # try to get out unicode
def cast_media(media):
    media_type = MediaType.get_media_type_of_media(media)
    response = media_type.media_details(media)
    if get_param('cast', boolean=True, default=True):
        cast = find_device(media_type)
        Thread(target=cast_media_to, args=(cast, media)).start()
        response['device'] = cast.name
    return json.dumps(response)
def find_media(media_type=None, libraries=None, **kwargs):
    if not media_type:
        media_type = MediaType.get_media_type_of_libraries(libraries)
    params = media_type.get_params()
    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        if value and not getattr(params, key):
            setattr(params, key, value)
    if not libraries:
        libraries = [pms.full_library()]
    return media_type.find_media(params, libraries)
Exemple #4
 def __init__(self, tcpdir, pointer):
     http.Message.__init__(self, tcpdir, pointer, dpkt_http.Response)
     # uncompress body if necessary
     # get mime type
     if "content-type" in self.msg.headers:
         self.mediaType = MediaType(self.msg.headers["content-type"])
         self.mimeType = self.mediaType.mimeType()
         self.mediaType = None
         self.mimeType = ""
     # try to get out unicode
Exemple #5
class Response(http.Message):
  HTTP response.
  * mediaType: mediatype.MediaType, constructed from content-type
  * mimeType: string mime type of returned data
  * body: http decoded body data, otherwise unmodified
  * text: body text, unicoded if possible, or None if the body is not text
  * compression: string, compression type
  * original_encoding: string, original text encoding/charset/whatever
  def __init__(self, tcpdir, pointer):
    http.Message.__init__(self, tcpdir, pointer, dpkt_http.Response)
    # uncompress body if necessary
    # get mime type
    if 'content-type' in self.msg.headers:
      self.mediaType = MediaType(self.msg.headers['content-type'])
      self.mediaType = MediaType('application/x-unknown-content-type')
    self.mimeType = self.mediaType.mimeType()
    # try to get out unicode
  def handle_compression(self):
    Sets self.body to the http decoded response data. Sets compression to
    the name of the compresson type.
    # if content-encoding is found
    if 'content-encoding' in self.msg.headers:
      encoding = self.msg.headers['content-encoding'].lower()
      self.compression = encoding
      # handle gzip
      if encoding == 'gzip' or encoding == 'x-gzip':
          gzipfile = gzip.GzipFile(
            fileobj = cStringIO.StringIO(self.raw_body)
          self.body = gzipfile.read()
        except zlib.error:
          raise http.DecodingError('zlib failed to gunzip HTTP data')
          # who knows what else it might raise
          raise http.DecodingError("failed to gunzip HTTP data, don't know why")
      # handle deflate
      elif encoding == 'deflate':
          # NOTE: wbits = -15 is a undocumented feature in python (it's
          # documented in zlib) that gets rid of the header so we can
          # do raw deflate. See: http://bugs.python.org/issue5784
          self.body = zlib.decompress(self.raw_body, -15)
        except zlib.error:
          raise http.DecodingError('zlib failed to undeflate HTTP data')
      elif encoding == 'compress' or encoding == 'x-compress':
        # apparently nobody uses this, so basically just ignore it
        self.body = self.raw_body
      elif encoding == 'identity':
        # no compression
        self.body = self.raw_body
        # I'm pretty sure the above are the only allowed encoding types
        # see RFC 2616 sec 3.5
        # (http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec3.html#sec3.5)
        raise http.DecodingError('unknown content-encoding token: ' + encoding)
      # no compression
      self.compression = 'identity'
      self.body = self.raw_body

  def handle_text(self):
    Takes care of converting body text to unicode, if its text at all.
    Sets self.original_encoding to original char encoding, and converts body
    to unicode if possible. Must come after handle_compression, and after
    self.mediaType is valid.
    self.encoding = None
    self.text = None
    # if the body is text
    if (self.mediaType and
      (self.mediaType.type == 'text' or
        (self.mediaType.type == 'application' and
         'xml' in self.mediaType.subtype))):
      # if there was a charset parameter in HTTP header, store it
      if 'charset' in self.mediaType.params:
        override_encodings = [self.mediaType.params['charset']]
        override_encodings = []
      # if there even is data (otherwise, dammit.originalEncoding might be None)
      if self.body != '':
        if UnicodeDammit:
          # honestly, I don't mind not abiding by RFC 2023. UnicodeDammit just
          # does what makes sense, and if the content is remotely standards-
          # compliant, it will do the right thing.
          dammit = UnicodeDammit(self.body, override_encodings)
          # if unicode was found
          if dammit.unicode:
            self.text = dammit.unicode
            self.originalEncoding = dammit.originalEncoding
            # unicode could not be decoded, at all
            # HAR can't write data, but body might still be useful as-is
          # try the braindead version, just guess content-type or utf-8
          u = None
          # try our list of encodings + utf8 with strict errors
          for e in override_encodings + ['utf8', 'iso-8859-1']:
              u = self.body.decode(e, 'strict')
              self.originalEncoding = e
              break # if ^^ didn't throw, we're done
            except UnicodeError:
              logging.warning("Decoding unicocde response.")
          # if none of those worked, try utf8 with 'replace' error mode
          if not u:
            # unicode has failed
            u = self.body.decode('utf8', 'replace')
            self.originalEncoding = None # ???
          self.text = u or None
      # body is not text
      self.encoding = "base64"
      self.text = base64.b64encode(self.body)
    # BLAZE - Removing body for now, to preserve memory
    self.text = None

  def json_repr(self):
    """json_repr for HTTP response."""
    content =  {
      'size': len(self.body),
      'compression': len(self.body) - len(self.raw_body),
      'mimeType': self.mimeType
    if self.encoding:
      content['encoding'] = self.encoding
      content['text'] = self.text
    elif self.text:
      content['text'] = self.text.encode('utf8') # must transcode to utf8

    headers = self.msg.headers
    return {
      'status': int(self.msg.status),
      'statusText': self.msg.reason,
      'httpVersion': self.msg.version,
      'cookies': [],
      'headersSize': -1,
      'bodySize': len(self.msg.body),
      'redirectURL': headers['location'] if 'location' in headers else '',
      'headers': http.header_json_repr(self.msg.headers),
      'content': content,
Exemple #6
class Response(http.Message):
    HTTP response.
    * mediaType: mediatype.MediaType, constructed from content-type
    * mimeType: string mime type of returned data
    * body: http decoded body data, otherwise unmodified
    * text: body text, unicoded if possible, or None if the body is not text
    * compression: string, compression type
    * original_encoding: string, original text encoding/charset/whatever

    def __init__(self, tcpdir, pointer):
        http.Message.__init__(self, tcpdir, pointer, dpkt_http.Response)
        # uncompress body if necessary
        # get mime type
        if "content-type" in self.msg.headers:
            self.mediaType = MediaType(self.msg.headers["content-type"])
            self.mimeType = self.mediaType.mimeType()
            self.mediaType = None
            self.mimeType = ""
        # try to get out unicode

    def handle_compression(self):
        Sets self.body to the http decoded response data. Sets compression to
        the name of the compresson type.
        # if content-encoding is found
        if "content-encoding" in self.msg.headers:
            encoding = self.msg.headers["content-encoding"].lower()
            self.compression = encoding
            # handle gzip
            if encoding == "gzip" or encoding == "x-gzip":
                    gzipfile = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=cStringIO.StringIO(self.raw_body))
                    self.body = gzipfile.read()
                except zlib.error:
                    raise http.DecodingError("zlib failed to gunzip HTTP data")
                    # who knows what else it might raise
                    raise http.DecodingError("failed to gunzip HTTP data, don't know why")
            # handle deflate
            elif encoding == "deflate":
                    # NOTE: wbits = -15 is a undocumented feature in python (it's
                    # documented in zlib) that gets rid of the header so we can
                    # do raw deflate. See: http://bugs.python.org/issue5784
                    self.body = zlib.decompress(self.raw_body, -15)
                except zlib.error:
                    raise http.DecodingError("zlib failed to undeflate HTTP data")
            elif encoding == "compress" or encoding == "x-compress":
                # apparently nobody uses this, so basically just ignore it
                self.body = self.raw_body
            elif encoding == "identity":
                # no compression
                self.body = self.raw_body
                # I'm pretty sure the above are the only allowed encoding types
                # see RFC 2616 sec 3.5 (http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec3.html#sec3.5)
                raise http.DecodingError("unknown content-encoding token: " + encoding)
            # no compression
            self.compression = "identity"
            self.body = self.raw_body

    def handle_text(self):
        Takes care of converting body text to unicode, if its text at all.
        Sets self.original_encoding to original char encoding, and converts body
        to unicode if possible. Must come after handle_compression, and after
        self.mediaType is valid.
        self.text = None
        # if the body is text
        if self.mediaType and (
            self.mediaType.type == "text" or (self.mediaType.type == "application" and "xml" in self.mediaType.subtype)
            # if there was a charset parameter in HTTP header, store it
            if "charset" in self.mediaType.params:
                override_encodings = [self.mediaType.params["charset"]]
                override_encodings = []
            # if there even is data (otherwise, dammit.originalEncoding might be None)
            if self.body != "":
                if UnicodeDammit:
                    # honestly, I don't mind not abiding by RFC 2023. UnicodeDammit just
                    # does what makes sense, and if the content is remotely standards-
                    # compliant, it will do the right thing.
                    dammit = UnicodeDammit(self.body, override_encodings)
                    # if unicode was found
                    if dammit.unicode:
                        self.text = dammit.unicode
                        self.originalEncoding = dammit.originalEncoding
                        # unicode could not be decoded, at all
                        # HAR can't write data, but body might still be useful as-is
                    # try the braindead version, just guess content-type or utf-8
                    u = None
                    # try our list of encodings + utf8 with strict errors
                    for e in override_encodings + ["utf8", "iso-8859-1"]:
                            u = self.body.decode(e, "strict")
                            self.originalEncoding = e
                            break  # if ^^ didn't throw, we're done
                        except UnicodeError:
                    # if none of those worked, try utf8 with 'replace' error mode
                    if not u:
                        # unicode has failed
                        u = self.body.decode("utf8", "replace")
                        self.originalEncoding = None  # ???
                    self.text = u or None
            # body is not text
            self.text = None