Exemple #1
def add_comment(request, question_id):

    gid = get_ids(question_id)
    stype = int(gid[0])
    sdoc_id = gid[1]
    if len(gid) == 7:
        spage_number = int(gid[2])
        shosp = int(gid[3])
        speriod = int(gid[4])
        sstatus = gid[5]
        sregion = int(gid[6])
        spage_number = 1
        shosp = 0
        speriod = 0
        sstatus = '0'
        sregion = 0

    enable = request.user.is_active
    if request.POST and ('pause' not in request.session) and enable:
        form = CommentForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            comment = form.save(commit=False)
            comment.document = Document.objects.get(id=sdoc_id)
            comment.user = request.user
            # далее работа с сессией, чтобы исключить повторную отправку комментария раньше чем через 20 секунд
            request.session['pause'] = True

# отладить -здесь не учитываются изменения, произошедшие за последне время
    return redirect('/form/' + str(stype) + ',' + str(spage_number) + ',' + str(shosp) \
                                + ',' + str(speriod) + ',' + sstatus + ',' + str(sregion))
Exemple #2
def add_comment(request, question_id):

    gid = get_ids(question_id)   
    stype = int(gid[0])
    sdoc_id = gid[1]
    if len(gid) == 7:
        spage_number = int(gid[2])
        shosp = int(gid[3])  
        speriod = int(gid[4])
        sstatus = gid[5]
        sregion = int(gid[6])
        shosp = 0  
        speriod = 0
        sstatus = '0'
        sregion = 0
    enable = request.user.is_active
    if request.POST and ('pause' not in request.session) and enable:
        form = CommentForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            comment = form.save(commit = False)
            comment.document = Document.objects.get(id =  sdoc_id )
            comment.user = request.user
            # далее работа с сессией, чтобы исключить повторную отправку комментария раньше чем через 20 секунд
            request.session['pause'] =  True;
# отладить -здесь не учитываются изменения, произошедшие за последне время        
    return redirect('/form/' + str(stype) + ',' + str(spage_number) + ',' + str(shosp) \
                                + ',' + str(speriod) + ',' + sstatus + ',' + str(sregion))
Exemple #3
def load_from_excel(request, question_id):

    args = {}
    gid = get_ids(question_id)
#    assert False   
    if request.user.is_authenticated() and len(gid) == 7:
#        assert False   
        stype = int(gid[0])
        if stype == 1:
           load_from_ex = load_from_excel_form1 
        elif stype == 2:
           load_from_ex = load_from_excel_form2
        elif stype == 4:
           load_from_ex = load_from_excel_form4
        sdoc_id = gid[1]
        spage_number = int(gid[2])
        shosp = int(gid[3])  
        speriod = int(gid[4])
        sstatus = gid[5]
        sregion = int(gid[6])
        if request.POST:
            if  'button_load' in request.POST:
#                assert False
                load_from_ex( request, int(sdoc_id))
                return redirect('/monitor/' + question_id)
                return redirect('/monitor/'  + question_id)

        args['username'] = auth.get_user(request).username          
        args['first_name'] = auth.get_user(request).first_name      
        args['page_number']   =  spage_number       # для пагинации     
        args['period'] = speriod       
        args['status'] = sstatus       
        args['hosp'] = shosp       
        args['region'] = sregion       
        args['doc_type']  = stype
        if stype ==  1:
            doc = Doc1
        elif stype == 2:
            doc = Doc2
        elif stype == 4:
            doc = Doc4
        args['doc']    =  doc.objects.get(pk=sdoc_id)            
        return render_to_response("medicament/dialog_load.html", args)
        return redirect('/')
Exemple #4
def load_from_excel(request, question_id):

    args = {}
    gid = get_ids(question_id)
    #    assert False
    if request.user.is_authenticated() and len(gid) == 7:
        #        assert False
        stype = int(gid[0])
        if stype == 1:
            load_from_ex = load_from_excel_form1
        elif stype == 2:
            load_from_ex = load_from_excel_form2
        elif stype == 3:
            load_from_ex = load_from_excel_form4

        sdoc_id = gid[1]
        spage_number = int(gid[2])
        shosp = int(gid[3])
        speriod = int(gid[4])
        sstatus = gid[5]
        sregion = int(gid[6])
        if request.POST:
            if 'button_load' in request.POST:
                #                assert False
                load_from_ex(request, int(sdoc_id))
                return redirect('/monitor/' + question_id)
                return redirect('/monitor/' + question_id)

        args['username'] = auth.get_user(request).username
        args['first_name'] = auth.get_user(request).first_name
        args['page_number'] = spage_number  # для пагинации
        args['period'] = speriod
        args['status'] = sstatus
        args['hosp'] = shosp
        args['region'] = sregion
        args['doc_type'] = stype
        if stype == 1:
            doc = Doc1
        elif stype == 2:
            doc = Doc2
        elif stype == 3:
            doc = Doc3
        args['doc'] = doc.objects.get(pk=sdoc_id)
        return render_to_response("medicament/dialog_load.html", args)
        return redirect('/')
Exemple #5
def monitoring_list(request, question_id):

    if not request.user.is_authenticated():
        return redirect('/auth/login')

# разбор параметра
# Разделим question id на части     xxx,yyy где xxx - тип мониторинга, yyy - номер страницы пагинации
    gid = get_ids(question_id)
    type = int(gid[0])

    #   Определение доступа
    usr = auth.get_user(request)
        role = Role.objects.get(user=usr, type=type)
    except ObjectDoesNotExist:
        html_response_err = 'medicament/error_access.html'
        return render_to_response(html_response_err, {})

    if len(gid) > 1:
        page_number = int(gid[1])
        page_number = 1
    region = 0
    m = 0
    period = 0
    status = '0'
    start_filter = False
    if len(gid) >= 6:
        m = int(gid[2])
        period = int(gid[3])
        status = gid[4]
        region = int(gid[5])
        start_filter = True

    if len(gid) == 7:  # уточнение детализация в отчете
        detail = True
        detail_line = int(gid[6])
        detail_tab = ''  # имя таблицы в табличной части для детализации
    elif len(gid) == 8:
        detail = True
        detail_line = int(gid[6])
        detail_tab = gid[7]  # имя таблицы в табличной части для детализации
        detail = False
        detail_line = 0
        detail_tab = ''  # имя таблицы в табличной части для детализации
        if 'period' in request.COOKIES:
            period = (int)(request.COOKIES['period'])
            start_filter = True

    if role.role == "К" or role.role == "F":
        see_all = True  # see_all  контроль и создание новых отчетов
        user_hosp = 0
        see_all = False
        user_hosp = role.hosp
        m = role.hosp.id

# По типам документов
    tab = {}
    if type == 1:  # Лекарства
        doc = Doc1  # используемая модель
        new_doc = create_report_form1  # функция создания новых отчетов
        calc_sum = calc_sum_form1
        result = [['', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ['', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                  ['', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ['', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]
        html_response_rep = 'medicament/report_form1.html'  # Форма с JQuery
        export_to_excel = exp_to_excel_form1
    elif type == 2:  # кадры
        doc = Doc2  # используемая модель
        new_doc = create_report_form2  # функция создания новых отчетов
        calc_sum = calc_sum_form2
        result = [['',0],['',0],['',0],['',0],['',0],['',0],['',0],['',0],['',0],['',0],\
        html_response_rep = 'medicament/report_form2.html'
        export_to_excel = exp_to_excel_form2
    elif type == 3:  # Диспансеризация
        doc = Doc3  # используемая модель
        tab = {
            "tab1000": Doc3Tab1000,
            "tab2000": Doc3Tab2000,
            "tab3000": Doc3Tab3000,
            "tab4000": Doc3Tab4000,
            "tab5000": Doc3Tab5000,
            "tab5000": Doc3Tab5001,
            "tab6000": Doc3Tab6000,
            "tab7000": Doc3Tab7000,

        new_doc = create_report_form3  # функция создания новых отчетов
        calc_sum = calc_sum_form3
        result = [['', 0], ['', 0], ['', 0], ['', 0], ['', 0], ['', 0],
                  ['', 0], ['', 0], ['', 0], ['', 0]]
        html_response_rep = 'medicament/report_form3.html'
        export_to_excel = exp_to_excel_form3

#### Далее не изменять без необходимости
    args = {}
    isOk = True
    html_response = 'medicament/document_list.html'

    if start_filter or detail or request.POST:
        if see_all and 'button_create' in request.POST:
            if 'period_new' in request.POST:
                if request.POST['period_new']:
                    periodInt = int(request.POST['period_new'])
                    datef = request.POST['datef']
                    isOk = new_doc(periodInt,
                                   datef)  # создать новые мониторинги
        if request.POST:
            page_number = 1  # после нового отбора обязательно делать так!!!
            if not see_all:
                m = user_hosp.id
            if 'region' in request.POST:
                region = int(request.POST['region'])
            if 'mo[]' in request.POST:
                mo1 = request.POST['mo[]']
                m = int(mo1)
            if 'period' in request.POST:
                period = int(request.POST['period'])
            if 'status' in request.POST:
                status = request.POST['status']
        is_filter = False

        if period > 0:
            stat = statistic()
            stat.rec_all = doc.objects.filter(period=period).count()

        if see_all and region > 0:
            args['doc_list'] = doc.objects.filter(hosp__region=region)
            is_filter = True
        if m > 0:
            if is_filter:
                args['doc_list'] = args['doc_list'].filter(hosp=m)
                args['doc_list'] = doc.objects.filter(hosp=m)
                is_filter = True
            is_filter = True
        if period > 0:
            if is_filter:
                args['doc_list'] = args['doc_list'].filter(period=period)
                args['doc_list'] = doc.objects.filter(period=period)
                is_filter = True
        if status != '0':
            if is_filter:
                args['doc_list'] = args['doc_list'].filter(status=status)
                args['doc_list'] = doc.objects.filter(status=status)
                is_filter = True
        if not is_filter:
            args['doc_list'] = doc.objects.all()
# после выборки по фильтрам если надо считать отчет, то вызываю сответствующую функцию
        if detail or (see_all and period > 0
                      and 'button_report' in request.POST):
            html_response = html_response_rep
            args['period_name'] = Period.objects.get(pk=period)
            if region > 0:
                args['region_name'] = Region.objects.get(pk=region)

                'detail_tab'] = detail_tab  # имеет доп смысл как стартовая вкладка
            if detail:
                args['detail_line'] = detail_line
                args['detail'] = True
                if detail_tab.startswith(
                ):  ### ВНИМАНИЕ секции табличных частей должны вызывать detail_tab с именами tab*
                    row_id = int(detail_line)
                    args['tab'] = tab[detail_tab].objects.filter(
                        doc__period=period, row=row_id)
                    t = tab[detail_tab].objects.filter(doc__period=period,
#                    assert False
            result = calc_sum(args['doc_list'])
        if see_all and 'button_export' in request.POST:
            #            assert False
            stat.rec_fltr = args['doc_list'].count()
            stat.rec_complete = args['doc_list'].filter(status='F').count()
            stat.rec_soglas = args['doc_list'].filter(status='W').count()
            stat.rec_correct = args['doc_list'].filter(status='C').count()
            stat.rec_edit = args['doc_list'].filter(status='E').count()
            file_name = export_to_excel(args['doc_list'], period, region, 0,
            return redirect("/monitor/export/" + file_name)

    else:  # Первый вход по GET
        if see_all:
            args['doc_list'] = doc.objects.all()
            args['doc_list'] = doc.objects.filter(hosp=user_hosp)

# во всех случаях
    args['doc_type'] = Doc_type.objects.get(pk=type)

    if not see_all:
        args['mo_list'] = Hosp.objects.filter(id=user_hosp.id)
        args['mo_list'] = Hosp.objects.all()
        args['region_list'] = Region.objects.all()
    args['period_list'] = Period.objects.all()
    args['first_name'] = auth.get_user(request).first_name
    args['right_all'] = see_all
    args['isOk'] = isOk

    #    filtr = [m,period,status]
    args['page_number'] = page_number
    args['period'] = period
    args['status'] = status
    args['hosp'] = m
    args['region'] = region
    args['type'] = type

    args['result'] = result
    #   сортировка
    args['doc_list'] = args['doc_list'].order_by('-date_mod')
    #   пагинатор
    cur_page = Paginator(args['doc_list'], NUM_RECORD_ON_PAGE)
    args['doc_page'] = cur_page.page(page_number)

    # 21/08/2015
    #   return render_to_response(html_response, args)
    response = render_to_response(html_response, args)

    response.set_cookie("period", period, 2678400)
    return response
Exemple #6
def monitoring_form(request, question_id):
    if not request.user.is_authenticated():
        return redirect('/auth/login')

    gid = get_ids(question_id)
    type = int(gid[0])

    #   Определение доступа
    usr = auth.get_user(request)
        role = Role.objects.get(user=usr, type=type)
    except ObjectDoesNotExist:
        html_response_err = 'medicament/error_access.html'
        return render_to_response(html_response_err, {})

# Разделим question id на части     xxx,yyy,zzz где xxx - тип мониторинга, yyy - номер страницы paginator - для возвращения на страницу
# zzz - сквозной номре документв

    doc_id = gid[1]
    if len(gid) == 7:
        page_number = int(gid[2])
        m = int(gid[3])
        period = int(gid[4])
        status = gid[5]
        region = int(gid[6])
        #       assert False
        page_number = 1
        m = 0
        period = 0
        status = '0'
        region = 0

    if role.role == "F":
        see_all = True  # see_all  контроль и создание новых отчетов
        user_hosp = 0
        see_admin = True
    elif role.role == "К":
        see_all = True  # see_all  контроль и создание новых отчетов
        user_hosp = 0
        see_admin = False
        see_all = False
        user_hosp = role.hosp
        see_admin = False

# Настройка типа документа
    if type == 1:
        doc = Doc1
        save_doc = save_doc_form1
        html_response = "medicament/doc_form1.html"
        export_to_excel = exp_to_excel_form1
    elif type == 2:
        doc = Doc2
        save_doc = save_doc_form2
        html_response = "medicament/doc_form2.html"
        export_to_excel = exp_to_excel_form2
    elif type == 3:
        doc = Doc3
        save_doc = save_doc_form3
        html_response = "medicament/doc_form3.html"
        export_to_excel = exp_to_excel_form3
## конец настройки по типам!

    args = {}
    isOk = True
    actionComment = Comment.EMPTY
    error = ''
    ret_mess = [True, 'OK']

    if request.POST:
        if 'button_load' in request.POST:
            #            assert False
            #            load_from_excel(request, question_id)
            response = redirect('/load/' + str(type) + ',' + str(doc_id) + ','+ str(page_number) + ',' + str(m) \
                                + ',' + str(period) + ',' + status + ',' + str(region))
            return response
        if 'button_addComment' in request.POST:
            add_comment(request, question_id)  #
            mode_comment = False
            mode_comment = True
        if 'button_export' in request.POST:  # Кнопка Export доступна во всех режимах, поэтому работает без сохранения
            args['doc'] = doc.objects.filter(
            )  # выбор документа фильтром с списке, чтобы функция вывода в excel работала единообразно
            odoc = args['doc'][0]
            file_name = export_to_excel(args['doc'], odoc.period.id, region, 1)
            return redirect("/monitor/export/" + file_name)

        if not 'button_load' in request.POST:
            ret_mess = save_doc(request, type, doc_id, mode_comment)

        if ret_mess[0]:  # проверка прошла нормально
            if 'button_export' in request.POST:  # Эта ветка на память, сюда не должна попадать
                args['doc'] = doc.objects.filter(pk=doc_id)
                file_name = export_to_excel(args['doc'], doc.period, region, 1)
                return redirect("/monitor/export/" + file_name)
                response = redirect('/form/' + str(type) + ',' +  str(page_number) + ',' + str(m) \
                                + ',' + str(period) + ',' + status + ',' + str(region))
                return response
            args['doc'] = doc.objects.get(pk=doc_id)
            #            error = "Сумма по столбцам превышает итог"
            error = ret_mess[1]
    else:  # Первый вход по GET
        args['doc'] = doc.objects.get(pk=doc_id)
# во всех случаях
    args['doc_type'] = Doc_type.objects.get(pk=type)
    # ищем документ предыдущего периода
    doc_prevList = doc.objects.filter(period=args['doc'].period.prev,
    if doc_prevList:
        args['doc_prev'] = doc_prevList[0]
# для визуального контроля

    args['first_name'] = auth.get_user(request).first_name

    args['right_operator'] = not see_all
    args['right_control'] = see_all
    args['right_admin'] = see_admin

    args['isOk'] = isOk
    args['error'] = error
    args['page_number'] = page_number  # для пагинации

    comment_form = CommentForm
    args['comment'] = Comment.objects.filter(document=doc_id)
    args['form'] = comment_form

    args['period'] = period
    args['status'] = status
    args['hosp'] = m
    args['region'] = region
    args['doc_id'] = doc_id
    args['type'] = type

    # Настройка типа документа
    if type == 3:
        args['t1000'] = Doc3Tab1000.objects.filter(doc=doc_id)
        args['t2000'] = Doc3Tab2000.objects.filter(doc=doc_id)
        args['t3000'] = Doc3Tab3000.objects.filter(doc=doc_id)
        args['t4000'] = Doc3Tab4000.objects.filter(doc=doc_id)
        args['t5000'] = Doc3Tab5000.objects.filter(doc=doc_id)
        args['t5001'] = Doc3Tab5001.objects.filter(doc=doc_id)
        args['t6000'] = Doc3Tab6000.objects.filter(doc=doc_id)
        args['t7000'] = Doc3Tab7000.objects.filter(doc=doc_id)
        if doc_prevList:
            args['p1000'] = Doc3Tab1000.objects.filter(doc=doc_prevList[0])
            args['p2000'] = Doc3Tab2000.objects.filter(doc=doc_prevList[0])
            args['p3000'] = Doc3Tab3000.objects.filter(doc=doc_prevList[0])
            args['p4000'] = Doc3Tab4000.objects.filter(doc=doc_prevList[0])
            args['p5000'] = Doc3Tab5000.objects.filter(doc=doc_prevList[0])
            args['p5001'] = Doc3Tab5001.objects.filter(doc=doc_prevList[0])
            args['p6000'] = Doc3Tab6000.objects.filter(doc=doc_prevList[0])
            args['p7000'] = Doc3Tab7000.objects.filter(doc=doc_prevList[0])
            args['doc_prev'] = doc_prevList[0]

# конец настройки по типу документа
    return render_to_response(html_response, args)
Exemple #7
def monitoring_list(request, question_id ):
    if not request.user.is_authenticated():
        return redirect('/auth/login')
# разбор параметра
# Разделим question id на части     xxx,yyy где xxx - тип мониторинга, yyy - номер страницы пагинации
    gid = get_ids(question_id)   
    type = int(gid[0])

#   Определение доступа
    usr =  auth.get_user(request)
        role = Role.objects.get(user=usr,type=type);
    except ObjectDoesNotExist:
        html_response_err = 'medicament/error_access.html'      
        return render_to_response(html_response_err, {})

    if len(gid) > 1:
        page_number = int(gid[1])
    region = 0
    m = 0
    period = 0
    status = '0'
    start_filter = False
    if len(gid) >= 6:
        m = int(gid[2])
        period = int(gid[3])
        status = gid[4]
        region = int(gid[5])
        start_filter = True
    if len(gid) == 7:   # уточнение детализация в отчете
        detail = True
        detail_line = int(gid[6])
        detail_tab  = ''            # имя таблицы в табличной части для детализации 
    elif len(gid) == 8:
        detail = True
        detail_line = int(gid[6])
        detail_tab  = gid[7]            # имя таблицы в табличной части для детализации 
        detail = False
        detail_line = 0
        detail_tab  = ''            # имя таблицы в табличной части для детализации 

    if role.role == "К" or role.role == "F":
        see_all = True                # see_all  контроль и создание новых отчетов
        user_hosp = 0
        see_all = False
        user_hosp = role.hosp
        m = role.hosp.id

# По типам документов  
    tab = {}      
    if type==1:   # Лекарства
        doc = Doc1                     # используемая модель
        new_doc =  create_report_form1   # функция создания новых отчетов
        calc_sum = calc_sum_form1
        result = [['',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],['',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],['',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],['',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]]
        html_response_rep = 'medicament/report_form1.html'       # Форма с JQuery
        export_to_excel = exp_to_excel_form1
    elif type==2:  # кадры
        doc = Doc2                     # используемая модель
        new_doc =  create_report_form2   # функция создания новых отчетов
        calc_sum = calc_sum_form2
        result = [['',0],['',0],['',0],['',0],['',0],['',0],['',0],['',0],['',0],['',0],\
        html_response_rep = 'medicament/report_form2.html'
        export_to_excel = exp_to_excel_form2
    elif type==3:  # супертест
        doc = Doc3                    # используемая модель
        new_doc =  create_report_form3   # функция создания новых отчетов
        calc_sum = calc_sum_form3
        result = [['',0],['',0],['',0],['',0],['',0],['',0],['',0],['',0],['',0],['',0]]
        html_response_rep = 'medicament/report_form3.html'
        export_to_excel = exp_to_excel_form3
    elif type==4:  # Диспансеризация
        doc = Doc4     # используемая модель
        tab = {"tab1000":Doc4Tab1000, "tab2000":Doc4Tab2000,"tab3000":Doc4Tab3000, "tab4000":Doc4Tab4000,
               "tab5000":Doc4Tab5000, "tab5000":Doc4Tab5001,"tab6000":Doc4Tab6000, "tab7000":Doc4Tab7000,}
        new_doc =  create_report_form4   # функция создания новых отчетов
        calc_sum = calc_sum_form4
        result = [['',0],['',0],['',0],['',0],['',0],['',0],['',0],['',0],['',0],['',0]]
        html_response_rep = 'medicament/report_form4.html'
        export_to_excel = exp_to_excel_form4

 #### Далее не изменять без необходимости                    
    args = {} 
    isOk = True 
    html_response = 'medicament/document_list.html'

    if  start_filter or detail or request.POST:
        if see_all and 'button_create' in request.POST:
            if 'period_new' in request.POST:
                if request.POST['period_new']:
                    periodInt = int(request.POST['period_new'])
                    datef = request.POST['datef']
                    isOk = new_doc(periodInt, datef)          # создать новые мониторинги
        if request.POST: 
            page_number=1      # после нового отбора обязательно делать так!!!
            if not see_all:
                m = user_hosp.id  
            if 'region' in request.POST:
                region = int(request.POST['region'])
            if 'mo[]' in request.POST:
                mo1 = request.POST['mo[]']
                m = int(mo1)
            if 'period' in request.POST:
                period = int(request.POST['period'])
            if 'status' in request.POST:
                status = request.POST['status']
        is_filter = False 

        if period > 0:
            stat = statistic()
            stat.rec_all =  doc.objects.filter(period = period).count();        

        if see_all and region > 0:
            args['doc_list']    =  doc.objects.filter(hosp__region = region)
            is_filter = True
        if m > 0:
            if is_filter:
                args['doc_list']    =  args['doc_list'].filter(hosp = m)
                args['doc_list']    =  doc.objects.filter(hosp = m)
                is_filter = True
            is_filter = True
        if period > 0:
            if is_filter:
                args['doc_list']    =  args['doc_list'].filter(period = period)
                args['doc_list']    =  doc.objects.filter(period = period)
                is_filter = True
        if status != '0':
            if is_filter:
                args['doc_list']    =  args['doc_list'].filter(status = status)
                args['doc_list']    =  doc.objects.filter(status = status)
                is_filter = True
        if not is_filter:
            args['doc_list']    =  doc.objects.all()
# после выборки по фильтрам если надо считать отчет, то вызываю сответствующую функцию
        if detail or (see_all and period > 0 and 'button_report' in request.POST):
            html_response = html_response_rep
            args['period_name']  =  Period.objects.get(pk=period)            
            if region > 0:
                args['region_name']  =  Region.objects.get(pk=region)            

            args['detail_tab']  =  detail_tab              # имеет доп смысл как стартовая вкладка            
            if detail:
                args['detail_line']  =  detail_line            
                args['detail']  =  True            
                if detail_tab.startswith('tab'):             ### ВНИМАНИЕ секции табличных частей должны вызывать detail_tab с именами tab* 
                    row_id = int(detail_line) 
                    args['tab'] = tab[detail_tab].objects.filter(doc__period=period, row = row_id)  
                    t = tab[detail_tab].objects.filter(doc__period=period, row = row_id)
 #                   assert False              
            result = calc_sum(args['doc_list'])
        if see_all and 'button_export' in request.POST:
#            assert False
            stat.rec_fltr = args['doc_list'].count();        
            stat.rec_complete =  args['doc_list'].filter(status = 'F').count();        
            stat.rec_soglas   =  args['doc_list'].filter(status = 'W').count();        
            stat.rec_correct  =  args['doc_list'].filter(status = 'C').count();        
            stat.rec_edit     =  args['doc_list'].filter(status = 'E').count();        
            file_name = export_to_excel(args['doc_list'],period,region, 0, stat) 
            return redirect("/monitor/export/" + file_name)
    else:   # Первый вход по GET
        if see_all: 
            args['doc_list']    =  doc.objects.all()            
            args['doc_list']    = doc.objects.filter(hosp = user_hosp)
# во всех случаях    
    args['doc_type']  =  Doc_type.objects.get(pk=type)
    if not see_all: 
        args['mo_list']  =  Hosp.objects.filter(id=user_hosp.id)
        args['mo_list']  =  Hosp.objects.all()
        args['region_list']  =  Region.objects.all()
    args['period_list']  =  Period.objects.all()            
    args['username'] = auth.get_user(request).username    
    args['first_name'] = auth.get_user(request).first_name	
    args['right_all'] = see_all       
    args['isOk'] = isOk       
#    filtr = [m,period,status]
    args['page_number'] = page_number      
    args['period'] = period       
    args['status'] = status       
    args['hosp'] = m  
    args['region'] = region       

    args['result'] = result    
#   сортировка
    args['doc_list'] = args['doc_list'].order_by('-date_mod')    
#   пагинатор
    cur_page = Paginator(args['doc_list'], NUM_RECORD_ON_PAGE)  
    args['doc_page'] = cur_page.page(page_number)
    return render_to_response(html_response, args)
Exemple #8
def monitoring_form(request, question_id):
    if not request.user.is_authenticated():
        return redirect('/auth/login')

    gid = get_ids(question_id)   
    type = int(gid[0])
#   Определение доступа
    usr =  auth.get_user(request)
        role = Role.objects.get(user=usr,type=type);
    except ObjectDoesNotExist:
        html_response_err = 'medicament/error_access.html'      
        return render_to_response(html_response_err, {})

# Разделим question id на части     xxx,yyy,zzz где xxx - тип мониторинга, yyy - номер страницы paginator - для возвращения на страницу
# zzz - сквозной номре документв

    doc_id = gid[1]
    if len(gid) == 7:
        page_number = int(gid[2])
        m = int(gid[3])  
        period = int(gid[4])
        status = gid[5]
        region = int(gid[6])
#       assert False
        m = 0  
        period = 0
        status = '0'
        region = 0

    if role.role == "F":
        see_all = True                # see_all  контроль и создание новых отчетов
        user_hosp = 0
        see_admin = True
    elif role.role == "К":
        see_all = True                # see_all  контроль и создание новых отчетов
        user_hosp = 0
        see_admin = False
        see_all = False
        user_hosp = role.hosp
        see_admin = False

# Настройка типа документа  
    if type == 1:
        doc = Doc1
        save_doc = save_doc_form1
        html_response = "medicament/doc_form1.html"
        export_to_excel = exp_to_excel_form1
    elif type == 2: 
        doc = Doc2
        save_doc = save_doc_form2
        html_response = "medicament/doc_form2.html"
        export_to_excel = exp_to_excel_form2
    elif type == 3: 
        doc = Doc3
        save_doc = save_doc_form3
        html_response = "medicament/doc_form3.html"
        export_to_excel = exp_to_excel_form3
    elif type == 4: 
        doc = Doc4
        save_doc = save_doc_form4
        html_response = "medicament/doc_form4.html"
        export_to_excel = exp_to_excel_form4
## конец настройки по типам!
    args = {}
    isOk = True 
    actionComment =  Comment.EMPTY
    error = ''
    ret_mess = [True,'OK']
    if request.POST:
        if  'button_load' in request.POST:
            response = redirect('/loadExcel/' + str(type) + ',' + str(doc_id) + ','+ str(page_number) + ',' + str(m) \
                                + ',' + str(period) + ',' + status + ',' + str(region))
            return response
        if  'button_addComment' in request.POST:
            add_comment(request, question_id)    # 
            mode_comment = False
            mode_comment = True
        if  'button_export' in request.POST:                 # Кнопка Export доступна во всех режимах, поэтому работает без сохранения
            args['doc']    =  doc.objects.filter(pk=doc_id)  # выбор документа фильтром с списке, чтобы функция вывода в excel работала единообразно
            odoc = args['doc'][0];
            file_name = export_to_excel(args['doc'],odoc.period.id,region,1) 
            return redirect("/monitor/export/" + file_name)

        if  not 'button_load' in request.POST:
            ret_mess = save_doc(request,type,doc_id, mode_comment)
        if ret_mess[0]:  # проверка прошла нормально
            if  'button_export' in request.POST:             # Эта ветка на память, сюда не должна попадать
                args['doc']    =  doc.objects.filter(pk=doc_id)
                file_name = export_to_excel(args['doc'], doc.period,region,1) 
                return redirect("/monitor/export/" + file_name)
                response = redirect('/form/' + str(type) + ',' +  str(page_number) + ',' + str(m) \
                                + ',' + str(period) + ',' + status + ',' + str(region))
                return response
            args['doc']    =  doc.objects.get(pk=doc_id)
#            error = "Сумма по столбцам превышает итог"  
            error = ret_mess[1]
    else:   # Первый вход по GET
        args['doc']    =  doc.objects.get(pk=doc_id)            
# во всех случаях    
    args['doc_type']  =  Doc_type.objects.get(pk=type)
# ищем документ предыдущего периода 
    doc_prevList = doc.objects.filter(period = args['doc'].period.prev , hosp = args['doc'].hosp)
    if doc_prevList:
        args['doc_prev'] = doc_prevList[0]
# для визуального контроля

    args['username'] = auth.get_user(request).username   
    args['first_name'] = auth.get_user(request).first_name    

    args['right_operator'] = not see_all       
    args['right_control'] = see_all       
    args['right_admin']   = see_admin
    args['isOk'] = isOk  
    args['error']   =  error     
    args['page_number']   =  page_number       # для пагинации     
    comment_form = CommentForm      
    args['comment']  =  Comment.objects.filter(document = doc_id)            
    args['form']     =  comment_form     
    args['period'] = period       
    args['status'] = status       
    args['hosp'] = m       
    args['region'] = region       
    args['doc_id'] = doc_id       

# Настройка типа документа  
    if type == 1:
        args['isloadExcel'] = True        
    if type == 4:
        args['tab1000'] = Doc4Tab1000.objects.filter(doc=doc_id)       
        args['tab2000'] = Doc4Tab2000.objects.filter(doc=doc_id)
        args['isloadExcel'] = True        
# конец настройки по типу документа
    return render_to_response(html_response, args)