def pssh_run(self, hosts, command, hosts_variables=None, ssh_client=None): """ Runs a command on hosts list using pssh under the hood Return: True (success) or False (error) """ if ssh_client is None: ssh_client = ParallelSSHClient pssh_run_success = False success = [] error = [] i = 1 username = self.config.ssh.username if self.config.ssh.username != '' else None port = int(self.config.ssh.port) pkey = self.config.ssh.key_file if self.config.ssh.key_file != '' else None cert_file = self.config.ssh.cert_file if self.config.ssh.cert_file != '' else None'Executing "{command}" on following nodes {hosts} with a parallelism/pool size of {pool_size}' .format(command=command, hosts=hosts, pool_size=self.pool_size)) for parallel_hosts in divide_chunks(hosts, self.pool_size): client = ssh_client(parallel_hosts, forward_ssh_agent=True, pool_size=len(parallel_hosts), user=username, port=port, pkey=pkey, cert_file=cert_file) logging.debug('Batch #{i}: Running "{command}" on nodes {hosts} parallelism of {pool_size}' .format(i=i, command=command, hosts=parallel_hosts, pool_size=len(parallel_hosts))) output = client.run_command(command, host_args=hosts_variables, sudo=medusa.utils.evaluate_boolean(self.config.cassandra.use_sudo)) client.join(output) success = success + list(filter(lambda host_output: host_output.exit_code == 0, output)) error = error + list(filter(lambda host_output: host_output.exit_code != 0, output)) # Report on execution status if len(success) == len(hosts):'Job executing "{}" ran and finished Successfully on all nodes.' .format(command)) pssh_run_success = True elif len(error) > 0: logging.error('Job executing "{}" ran and finished with errors on following nodes: {}' .format(command, sorted(set(map(lambda host_output:, error))))) display_output(error) else: err_msg = 'Something unexpected happened while running pssh command' logging.error(err_msg) raise Exception(err_msg) return pssh_run_success
def download_data(storageconfig, backup, fqtns_to_restore, destination): storage = Storage(config=storageconfig) manifest = json.loads(backup.manifest) for section in manifest: fqtn = "{}.{}".format(section['keyspace'], section['columnfamily']) dst = destination / section['keyspace'] / section['columnfamily'] srcs = [ '{}{}'.format( storage.storage_driver.get_path_prefix(backup.data_path), obj['path']) for obj in section['objects'] ] if len(srcs) > 0 and (len(fqtns_to_restore) == 0 or fqtn in fqtns_to_restore): logging.debug('Downloading %s files to %s', len(srcs), dst) dst.mkdir(parents=True) # check for hidden sub-folders in the table directory # (e.g. secondary indices which live in table/.table_idx) dst_subfolders = { dst / for src in map(pathlib.Path, srcs) if'.') } # create the sub-folders so the downloads actually work for subfolder in dst_subfolders: subfolder.mkdir(parents=False) for src_batch in divide_chunks(srcs, GSUTIL_MAX_FILES_PER_CHUNK): storage.storage_driver.download_blobs(src_batch, dst) elif len(srcs) == 0 and (len(fqtns_to_restore) == 0 or fqtn in fqtns_to_restore): logging.debug('There is nothing to download for {}'.format(fqtn)) else: logging.debug( 'Download of {} was not requested, skipping'.format(fqtn))'Downloading backup metadata...') storage.storage_driver.download_blobs(srcs=[ '{}'.format(path) for path in [backup.manifest_path, backup.schema_path, backup.tokenmap_path] ], dest=destination)
def backup_snapshots(storage, manifest, node_backup, node_backup_cache, snapshot): try: num_files = 0 for snapshot_path in snapshot.find_dirs(): logging.debug("Backing up {}".format(snapshot_path)) (needs_backup, already_backed_up ) = node_backup_cache.replace_or_remove_if_cached( keyspace=snapshot_path.keyspace, columnfamily=snapshot_path.columnfamily, srcs=list(snapshot_path.list_files())) num_files += len(needs_backup) + len(already_backed_up) dst_path = str( node_backup.datapath(keyspace=snapshot_path.keyspace, columnfamily=snapshot_path.columnfamily)) logging.debug("destination path: {}".format(dst_path)) manifest_objects = list() if len(needs_backup) > 0: # If there is a plenty of files to upload it should be # splitted to batches due to 'gsutil cp' which # can't handle too much source files via STDIN. for src_batch in divide_chunks(needs_backup, GSUTIL_MAX_FILES_PER_CHUNK): manifest_objects += storage.storage_driver.upload_blobs( src_batch, dst_path) # Reintroducing already backed up objects in the manifest in differential for obj in already_backed_up: manifest_objects.append(obj) manifest.append( make_manifest_object(node_backup.fqdn, snapshot_path, manifest_objects, storage)) return num_files except Exception as e: logging.error('This error happened during the backup: {}'.format( str(e))) traceback.print_exc() raise e