Exemple #1
    def test_geometric_objects_lattice_duplicates(self):
        geometry_lattice = mp.Lattice(size=mp.Vector3(1, 7),
                                      basis1=mp.Vector3(math.sqrt(3) / 2, 0.5),
                                      basis2=mp.Vector3(math.sqrt(3) / 2, -0.5))
        eps = 12
        r = 0.2

        geometry = [mp.Cylinder(r, material=mp.Medium(epsilon=eps))]
        geometry = mp.geometric_objects_lattice_duplicates(geometry_lattice, geometry)

        med = mp.Medium(epsilon=12)

        expected = [
            mp.Cylinder(0.2, material=med, center=mp.Vector3(y=3.0)),
            mp.Cylinder(0.2, material=med, center=mp.Vector3(y=2.0)),
            mp.Cylinder(0.2, material=med, center=mp.Vector3(y=1.0)),
            mp.Cylinder(0.2, material=med, center=mp.Vector3(y=0.0)),
            mp.Cylinder(0.2, material=med, center=mp.Vector3(y=-1.0)),
            mp.Cylinder(0.2, material=med, center=mp.Vector3(y=-2.0)),
            mp.Cylinder(0.2, material=med, center=mp.Vector3(y=-3.0)),

        for exp, res in zip(expected, geometry):
            self.assertEqual(exp.center, res.center)
            self.assertEqual(exp.radius, res.radius)
Exemple #2
def triangular_with_defect():
    k_points = [mp.Vector3(),
                mp.Vector3(0., 0.5),
                mp.Vector3(-1 / 3, 1 / 3),

    k_points = mp.interpolate(10, k_points)

    geometry_lattice = mp.Lattice(size=mp.Vector3(5, 5),
                                  basis1=mp.Vector3(math.sqrt(3) / 2, 0.5),
                                  basis2=mp.Vector3(math.sqrt(3) / 2, -0.5))

    geometry = [mp.Cylinder(0.25, material=gaas)]
    geometry = mp.geometric_objects_lattice_duplicates(geometry_lattice, geometry)
    defect = mp.Cylinder(0.2, material=gaas)

    default_material = bcb

    resolution = 32
    mesh_size = 7
    num_bands = 5

    ms = mpb.ModeSolver(num_bands=num_bands,

    return ms
Exemple #3
    def test_geometric_objects_lattice_duplicates(self):
        geometry_lattice = mp.Lattice(size=mp.Vector3(1, 7),
                                      basis1=mp.Vector3(math.sqrt(3) / 2, 0.5),
                                          math.sqrt(3) / 2, -0.5))
        eps = 12
        r = 0.2

        geometry = [mp.Cylinder(r, material=mp.Medium(epsilon=eps))]
        geometry = mp.geometric_objects_lattice_duplicates(
            geometry_lattice, geometry)

        med = mp.Medium(epsilon=12)

        expected = [
            mp.Cylinder(0.2, material=med, center=mp.Vector3(y=3.0)),
            mp.Cylinder(0.2, material=med, center=mp.Vector3(y=2.0)),
            mp.Cylinder(0.2, material=med, center=mp.Vector3(y=1.0)),
            mp.Cylinder(0.2, material=med, center=mp.Vector3(y=0.0)),
            mp.Cylinder(0.2, material=med, center=mp.Vector3(y=-1.0)),
            mp.Cylinder(0.2, material=med, center=mp.Vector3(y=-2.0)),
            mp.Cylinder(0.2, material=med, center=mp.Vector3(y=-3.0)),

        for exp, res in zip(expected, geometry):
            self.assertEqual(exp.center, res.center)
            self.assertEqual(exp.radius, res.radius)
Exemple #4
    def test_point_defect_state(self):

        ms = self.init_solver()
        ms.geometry_lattice = mp.Lattice(size=mp.Vector3(5, 5))
        ms.geometry = [mp.Cylinder(0.2, material=mp.Medium(epsilon=12))]

        ms.geometry = mp.geometric_objects_lattice_duplicates(
            ms.geometry_lattice, ms.geometry)
        ms.geometry.append(mp.Cylinder(0.2, material=mp.air))

        ms.resolution = 16
        ms.k_points = [mp.Vector3(0.5, 0.5)]

        ms.num_bands = 50

        mpb.fix_efield_phase(ms, 25)
        mpb.output_efield_z(ms, 25)

        mpb.fix_dfield_phase(ms, 25)
        c = mp.Cylinder(1.0, material=mp.air)
        e = ms.compute_energy_in_objects([c])
        self.assertAlmostEqual(0.6227482574427817, e, places=3)

        ms.num_bands = 1
        ms.target_freq = (0.2812 + 0.4174) / 2
        ms.tolerance = 1e-8

        expected_brd = [
            ((0.37730041222979477, mp.Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.0)),
             (0.37730041222979477, mp.Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.0))),

        self.check_band_range_data(expected_brd, ms.band_range_data)

        old_geometry = ms.geometry  # save the 5x5 grid with a missing rod

        def rootfun(eps):
            ms.geometry = old_geometry + [
                mp.Cylinder(0.2, material=mp.Medium(epsilon=eps))
            return ms.get_freqs()[0] - 0.314159

        rooteps = ridder(rootfun, 1, 12)
        rootval = rootfun(rooteps)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(5.288830111797463, rooteps, places=3)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(9.300716530269426e-9, rootval, places=3)
Exemple #5
# within the band gap, much like the analogous waveguide in a square
# lattice of rods (see "Photonic Crystals" by Joannopoulos et al.).

supercell_y = 7  # the (odd) number of lateral supercell periods

geometry_lattice = mp.Lattice(size=mp.Vector3(1, supercell_y),
                              basis1=mp.Vector3(math.sqrt(3) / 2, 0.5),
                              basis2=mp.Vector3(math.sqrt(3) / 2, -0.5))

eps = 12  # the dielectric constant of the rods
r = 0.2  # the rod radius in the bulk crystal

geometry = [mp.Cylinder(r, material=mp.Medium(epsilon=eps))]

# duplicate the bulk crystal rods over the supercell:
geometry = mp.geometric_objects_lattice_duplicates(geometry_lattice, geometry)

# add a rod of air, to erase a row of rods and form a waveguide:
geometry += [mp.Cylinder(r, material=mp.air)]

Gamma = mp.Vector3()
K_prime = mp.lattice_to_reciprocal(mp.Vector3(0.5),
                                   geometry_lattice)  # edge of Brillouin zone.
k_points = mp.interpolate(4, [Gamma, K_prime])

# the bigger the supercell, the more bands you need to compute to get
# to the defect modes (the lowest band is "folded" supercell_y times):
extra_bands = 5  # number of extra bands to compute above the gap
num_bands = supercell_y + extra_bands

resolution = 32
Exemple #6
print_heading('Anisotropic complete 2d gap')

ms.geometry = [mp.Cylinder(0.3, material=mp.Medium(epsilon_diag=mp.Vector3(1, 1, 12)))]

ms.default_material = mp.Medium(epsilon_diag=mp.Vector3(12, 12, 1))
ms.num_bands = 8
ms.run()  # just use run, instead of run_te or run_tm, to find the complete gap

# Finding a Point-defect State

print_heading('5x5 point defect')

ms.geometry_lattice = mp.Lattice(size=mp.Vector3(5, 5))
ms.geometry = [mp.Cylinder(0.2, material=mp.Medium(epsilon=12))]

ms.geometry = mp.geometric_objects_lattice_duplicates(ms.geometry_lattice, ms.geometry)
ms.geometry.append(mp.Cylinder(0.2, material=mp.air))

ms.resolution = 16
ms.k_points = [mp.Vector3(0.5, 0.5)]

ms.num_bands = 50

mpb.output_efield_z(ms, 25)

ms.get_dfield(25)  # compute the D field for band 25
ms.compute_field_energy()  # compute the energy density from D
c = mp.Cylinder(1.0, material=mp.air)
print("energy in cylinder: {}".format(ms.compute_energy_in_objects([c])))
freqss = []
gapss = []
for index in integer_list:	# Loop over kz_list
	theta_list = []
	theta2_list = []

	geometry = []
	geometry_lattice = mp.Lattice(size=mp.Vector3(1, 1))
	ms = mpb.ModeSolver(num_bands=num_bands, k_points=k_vectors[index], geometry=geometry, geometry_lattice=geometry_lattice, resolution=resolution)	# Create ModeSolver object

	ms.default_material = mp.Medium(epsilon = pc_epsilon)	# Define background material to be that of the photonic crystal
	if question == 'y':
		ms.target_freq = omega_prime
	ms.geometry_lattice = mp.Lattice(size=mp.Vector3(L, L))	# Creates an L x L lattice
	ms.geometry = [mp.Block(material=mp.air, size=mp.Vector3(r,r,mp.inf))]	# One hole at each lattice point
	ms.geometry = mp.geometric_objects_lattice_duplicates(ms.geometry_lattice, ms.geometry)	# Duplicate geometry all over the lattice
	if block == 'y':
		ms.geometry.append(mp.Block(material=mp.Medium(epsilon=core_epsilon), size=mp.Vector3(l_core, l_core, mp.inf)))	# Inserts core into the center of the photonic crystal


	freqs = ms.all_freqs
	gaps = ms.gap_list  # List of band gaps and their boundaries
	real_gaps = []	# List of gap-midgap ratios, expressed as percentages
	gap_bounds = []
	gap_bounds_freqs = []
	midgaps = []
	midgap_freqs = []