meep.vec(-model.size_x / 2, -model.size_y / 2,
             -model.size_z / 2 + model.pml_thickness * 0),
    meep.vec(model.size_x / 2, model.size_y / 2,
             model.size_z / 2 - model.pml_thickness * 0))

## Define the Perfectly Matched Layers
#perfectly_matched_layers = meep.pml(model.pml_thickness, meep.Z)          ## PML on both faces at Z axis
perfectly_matched_layers = meep.pml(model.pml_thickness)  ## PML on all faces

if not sim_param['frequency_domain']:
    meep.master_printf("== Time domain structure setup ==\n")
    ## Define each polarizability by redirecting the callback to the corresponding "where_material" function
    ## Define the frequency-independent epsilon for all materials (needed here, before defining s, or unstable)
    model.double_vec = model.eps
    s = meep.structure(vol, meep.EPS, perfectly_matched_layers,

    ## Add all the materials

    ## Add the source dependence
    #srctype = meep.band_src_time(model.srcFreq/c, model.srcWidth/c, model.simtime*c/1.1)
    srctype = meep.gaussian_src_time(model.srcFreq / c, model.srcWidth /
                                     c)  ## , 0, 1000e-12    ??

        "== Frequency domain structure setup (for frequency of %g Hz) ==\n" %
## Initialize volume
vol = meep.vol3d(model.size_x, model.size_y, model.size_z, 1./model.resolution)
volume_except_pml = meep.volume(
                meep.vec(-model.size_x/2, -model.size_y/2, -model.size_z/2+model.pml_thickness*0), 
                meep.vec(model.size_x/2,   model.size_y/2,  model.size_z/2-model.pml_thickness*0))

## Define the Perfectly Matched Layers
perfectly_matched_layers = meep.pml(model.pml_thickness, meep.Z)          ## PML on both faces at Z axis

if not sim_param['frequency_domain']:
    meep.master_printf("== Time domain structure setup ==\n")
    ## Define each polarizability by redirecting the callback to the corresponding "where_material" function
    ## Define the frequency-independent epsilon for all materials (needed here, before defining s, or unstable)
    model.double_vec = model.eps; meep.set_EPS_Callback(model.__disown__())
    s = meep.structure(vol, meep.EPS, perfectly_matched_layers, meep.identity())

    ## Add all the materials

    ## Add the source dependence
    #srctype = meep.band_src_time(model.srcFreq/c, model.srcWidth/c, model.simtime*c/1.1)
    srctype = meep.gaussian_src_time(model.srcFreq/c, model.srcWidth/c) ## , 0, 1000e-12    ?? 
    meep.master_printf("== Frequency domain structure setup (for frequency of %g Hz) ==\n" % sim_param['frequency'])
    if (model.Kx!=0 or model.Ky!=0): print "Warning: frequency-domain solver may be broken for nonperpendicular incidence"
    ## Frequency-domain simulation does not support dispersive materials yet. We must define each material by 
    ## using the nondispersive permittivity and the nondispersive conductivity 
    ## (both calculated from polarizabilities at given frequency)
Exemple #3
## Initialize volume
vol = meep.vol3d(model.size_x, model.size_y, model.size_z, 1./model.resolution)
volume_except_pml = meep.volume(
                meep.vec(-model.size_x/2, -model.size_y/2, -model.size_z/2+model.pml_thickness*0), 
                meep.vec(model.size_x/2,   model.size_y/2,  model.size_z/2-model.pml_thickness*0))

## Define the Perfectly Matched Layers
perfectly_matched_layers = meep.pml(model.pml_thickness)          ## PML on both faces at Z axis

if not sim_param['frequency_domain']:
    meep.master_printf("== Time domain structure setup ==\n")
    ## Define each polarizability by redirecting the callback to the corresponding "where_material" function
    ## Define the frequency-independent epsilon for all materials (needed here, before defining s, or unstable)
    model.double_vec = model.get_static_permittivity; meep.set_EPS_Callback(model.__disown__())
    s = meep.structure(vol, meep.EPS, perfectly_matched_layers, meep.identity())

    ## Add all the materials

    ## Add the source dependence
    #srctype = meep.band_src_time(model.srcFreq/c, model.srcWidth/c, model.simtime*c/1.1)
    srctype = meep.gaussian_src_time(model.srcFreq/c, model.srcWidth/c) ## , 0, 1000e-12    ?? 

    meep.master_printf("== Frequency domain structure setup (for frequency of %g Hz) ==\n" % sim_param['frequency'])
    if (model.Kx!=0 or model.Ky!=0): print "Warning: frequency-domain solver may be broken for nonperpendicular incidence"
    ## Frequency-domain simulation does not support dispersive materials yet. We must define each material by 
    ## using the nondispersive permittivity and the nondispersive conductivity 
    ## (both calculated from polarizabilities at given frequency)
        eps_matrix = numpy.absolute(
            eps_matrix / numpy.amax(eps_matrix))**2 * modulation
        print(eps_matrix[10, 10])

        # grating = numpy.abs(eps_matrix) ** 2
        # plt.figure(1)
        # plt.imshow(_eps_matrix, cmap='hot', extent=[0, gridSizeX, 0, gridSizeY])
        # plt.colorbar()

        meep.master_printf("Setting the material matrix...\n")
        self.set_matrix_2D(eps_matrix, vol)
        # self.setMatrix(grating)
        self.stored_eps_matrix = eps_matrix  # to prevent the garbage collector from cleaning up the matrix...
        meep.master_printf("MeepMaterial object initialized.\n")

struct = meep.structure(vol, EPS, no_pml())

fld = meep.fields(struct)
fld.add_volume_source(Ex, gaussian_src_time(freq_read / c, 1.5e9 / c), vol)

while fld.time() / c < 30e-15:

meep.print_f.get_field(Ex, meep.vec(0.5e-6, 0.5e-6, 3e-6))
