Exemple #1
def _std(inp):
    inp = mge.tensor(inp)
    return F.std(inp).numpy()
Exemple #2
    def get_ground_truth(self, anchors_list, batched_gt_boxes,
        labels_list = []
        offsets_list = []
        ctrness_list = []

        all_level_anchors = F.concat(anchors_list, axis=0)
        for bid in range(batched_gt_boxes.shape[0]):
            gt_boxes = batched_gt_boxes[bid, :batched_num_gts[bid]]

            ious = []
            candidate_idxs = []
            base = 0
            for stride, anchors_i in zip(self.cfg.stride, anchors_list):
                        gt_boxes[:, :4],
                            anchors_i - stride * self.cfg.anchor_scale / 2,
                            anchors_i + stride * self.cfg.anchor_scale / 2,
                gt_centers = (gt_boxes[:, :2] + gt_boxes[:, 2:4]) / 2
                distances = F.sqrt(
                    F.sum((F.expand_dims(gt_centers, axis=1) - anchors_i)**2,
                _, topk_idxs = F.topk(distances, self.cfg.anchor_topk)
                candidate_idxs.append(base + topk_idxs)
                base += anchors_i.shape[0]
            ious = F.concat(ious, axis=1)
            candidate_idxs = F.concat(candidate_idxs, axis=1)

            candidate_ious = F.gather(ious, 1, candidate_idxs)
            ious_thr = (F.mean(candidate_ious, axis=1, keepdims=True) +
                        F.std(candidate_ious, axis=1, keepdims=True))
            is_foreground = F.scatter(
                F.zeros(ious.shape), 1, candidate_idxs,
                F.ones(candidate_idxs.shape)).astype(bool) & (ious >= ious_thr)

            is_in_boxes = F.min(self.point_coder.encode(
                all_level_anchors, F.expand_dims(gt_boxes[:, :4], axis=1)),
                                axis=2) > 0

            ious[~is_foreground] = -1
            ious[~is_in_boxes] = -1

            match_indices = F.argmax(ious, axis=0)
            gt_boxes_matched = gt_boxes[match_indices]
            anchor_max_iou = F.indexing_one_hot(ious, match_indices, axis=0)

            labels = gt_boxes_matched[:, 4].astype(np.int32)
            labels[anchor_max_iou == -1] = 0
            offsets = self.point_coder.encode(all_level_anchors,
                                              gt_boxes_matched[:, :4])

            left_right = offsets[:, [0, 2]]
            top_bottom = offsets[:, [1, 3]]
            ctrness = F.sqrt(
                F.clip(F.min(left_right, axis=1) / F.max(left_right, axis=1),
                       lower=0) *
                F.clip(F.min(top_bottom, axis=1) / F.max(top_bottom, axis=1),


        return (
            F.stack(labels_list, axis=0).detach(),
            F.stack(offsets_list, axis=0).detach(),
            F.stack(ctrness_list, axis=0).detach(),
Exemple #3
def _anchor_double_target(gt_boxes, im_info, all_anchors):

    gt_boxes, im_info = gt_boxes.detach(), im_info.detach()
    all_anchors = all_anchors.detach()

    gt_boxes = gt_boxes[:im_info[5].astype(np.int32), :]
    dummy = -F.ones([1, gt_boxes.shape[1]]).to(gt_boxes.device)
    gt_boxes = F.concat([gt_boxes, dummy], axis=0)
    valid_mask = 1 - (gt_boxes[:, 4] < 0).astype(np.float32)

    anchor_centers = _compute_center(all_anchors)
    gtboxes_centers = _compute_center(gt_boxes)
    # gtboxes_centers = gtboxes_centers * valid_mask.unsqueeze(1)
    gtboxes_centers = gtboxes_centers * F.expand_dims(valid_mask, axis=1)

    N, K = all_anchors.shape[0], gt_boxes.shape[0]
    an_centers = F.expand_dims(anchor_centers, axis=1)
    gt_centers = F.expand_dims(gtboxes_centers, axis=0)
    # an_centers = anchor_centers.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, K, 1)
    # gt_centers = gtboxes_centers.unsqueeze(0).repeat(N, 1, 1)

    distance = F.abs(an_centers - gt_centers)
    distance = F.sqrt(F.pow(distance, 2).sum(axis=2))

    start = 0
    end = 5
    overlaps = box_overlap_opr(all_anchors[:, :4], gt_boxes[:, :4])
    overlaps *= F.expand_dims(valid_mask, axis=0)
    default_num = 16

    ious_list = []

    for l in range(start, end):

        _, index = F.cond_take(all_anchors[:, 4] == l, all_anchors[:, 4])

        level_dist = distance[index, :].transpose(1, 0)
        ious = overlaps[index, :].transpose(1, 0)
        sorted_index = F.argsort(level_dist, descending=False)
        n = min(sorted_index.shape[1], default_num)
        ious = F.gather(ious, 1, sorted_index[:, :n]).transpose(1, 0)


    ious = F.concat(ious_list, axis=0)
    mean_var = F.mean(ious, axis=0)
    std_var = F.std(ious, 0)
    iou_thresh_per_gt = mean_var + std_var

    iou_thresh_per_gt = F.maximum(iou_thresh_per_gt, 0.2)

    # limits the anchor centers in the gtboxes
    N, K = all_anchors.shape[0], gt_boxes.shape[0]
    anchor_points = an_centers
    pos_area = _compute_pos_area(gt_boxes, 0.3)
    # pos_area = pos_area.unsqueeze(0).repeat(N, 1, 1)
    pos_area = F.broadcast_to(F.expand_dims(pos_area, axis=0),
                              (N, K, pos_area.shape[-1]))

    l = anchor_points[:, :, 0] - pos_area[:, :, 0]
    r = pos_area[:, :, 2] - anchor_points[:, :, 0]
    t = anchor_points[:, :, 1] - pos_area[:, :, 1]
    b = pos_area[:, :, 3] - anchor_points[:, :, 1]

    is_in_gt = F.stack([l, r, t, b], axis=2)
    is_in_gt = is_in_gt.min(axis=2) > 0.1
    valid_mask = (overlaps >= F.expand_dims(
        iou_thresh_per_gt, axis=0)) * is_in_gt.astype(np.float32)
    ious = overlaps * valid_mask

    sorted_index = F.argsort(ious, 1)
    sorted_overlaps = F.gather(ious, 1, sorted_index)
    max_overlaps = sorted_overlaps[:, :2].flatten()
    argmax_overlaps = sorted_index[:, :2].flatten()

    n, c = all_anchors.shape
    device = all_anchors.device
    labels = -F.ones(2 * n).to(device)
    positive_mask = (max_overlaps >= 0.2).to(device).astype(np.float32)
    negative_mask = (max_overlaps < 0.2).to(device).astype(np.float32)
    labels = positive_mask + labels * (1 - positive_mask) * (1 - negative_mask)

    bbox_targets = gt_boxes[argmax_overlaps, :4]
    all_anchors = F.broadcast_to(F.expand_dims(all_anchors, axis=1),
                                 (n, 2, c)).reshape(-1, c)

    bbox_targets = bbox_transform_opr(all_anchors[:, :4], bbox_targets)

    labels_cat = gt_boxes[argmax_overlaps, 4]
    labels_cat = labels_cat * (1 - F.equal(labels, -1).astype(
        np.float32)) - F.equal(labels, -1).astype(np.float32)

    return labels, bbox_targets, labels_cat