Exemple #1
def memcached(keys=False, stats=False, clear=False):
    """List memcached stored keys and server stats"""
    if 'CACHE_MEMCACHED_SERVERS' in app.config:
        servers = app.config['CACHE_MEMCACHED_SERVERS']
        pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)

        for server in servers:
            host, port = server.split(':')
            mem = MemcachedStats(host, port)

            print '%s' % '=' * 80
            print 'SERVER: %s:%s' % (host, port)

            if keys:
                print 'KEYS:'

            if stats:
                print 'STATS:'

        # clear keys
        if clear:
            cache = memcache.Client(servers, debug=0)
            if cache.flush_all():
                print 'Memcached data flushed'
                print 'Could not flush memcached'
        print 'There is no memcached servers in the config files'
def persist_hits():
    if is_cached_hitcount_enabled() and using_memcache():

        backend, location, params = parse_backend_conf(CACHED_HITCOUNT_CACHE)
        host, port = location.split(':')
        hitcount_cache = get_hitcount_cache()
        lock = hitcount_cache.get(CACHED_HITCOUNT_LOCK_KEY)
        #print  'persist_hits - check %s lock = %s' % (CACHED_HITCOUNT_LOCK_KEY, lock)
        if lock is None or lock != 1:
                #acquire a lock so no updates will occur while we are persisting the hits to DB
                hitcount_cache.set(CACHED_HITCOUNT_LOCK_KEY, 1,
                #print  'acquire %s lock = %s ' % (CACHED_HITCOUNT_LOCK_KEY, hitcount_cache.get(CACHED_HITCOUNT_LOCK_KEY))
                mem = MemcachedStats(host, port)
                keys = mem.keys()

                content_types = {
                }  #used for keeping track of the content types so DB doesn't have to be queried each time
                for cache_key in keys:
                    if "hitcount__" in cache_key and not CACHED_HITCOUNT_IP_CACHE in cache_key:
                        cache_key = cache_key.split(
                        )[-1]  #the key is a combination of key_prefix, version and key all separated by : - all we need is the key
                        count = hitcount_cache.get(cache_key)
                        if count:  #only update the hit count if the is not None
                            hitcount, ctype_pk, object_pk = cache_key.split(
                            if ctype_pk in content_types.keys():
                                content_type = content_types[ctype_pk]
                                content_type = ContentType.objects.get(
                                content_types[ctype_pk] = content_type

                            with transaction_atomic():
                                #save a new hit or increment this hits on an existing hit
                                hit, created = Hit.objects.select_for_update(
                                if hit and created:
                                    hit.hits = long(count)
                                elif hit:
                                    hit.hits = hit.hits + long(count)

                        #reset the hitcount for this object to 0 - even if it was previously None
                        hitcount_cache.set(cache_key, 0,
                        #print  'reset key %s to zero = %s ' % (cache_key, hitcount_cache.get(cache_key))
            except Exception, ex:
                logger.error('Unable to persist hits')

                raise ex
Exemple #3
    def get_relevant_keys(self):

        cache_stats = MemcachedStats("", 8001)
        all_keys = cache_stats.keys()

        relevant_keys = [
            key.replace(":1:", "") for key in all_keys
            if key.split("|")[0].replace(":1:", "") == str(self.pk)

        return relevant_keys
Exemple #4
    def reset_cache_layer(self, layer_key_name):

        cache = caches[self.cache_name]
        location = self._get_location()
        location = location[0] if isinstance(location, list) else location
        location = location.split(':')
        mem = MemcachedStats(location[0], location[1])
        keys = mem.keys()

        for key in keys:
            if key.startswith('{}/{}/{}'.format(self.memcache_key_prefix, '0',
Exemple #5
class AnguisMemcached(AnguisBase):
    def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=11211, *args, **kwargs):
        self.client = mc.Client((host, port))
        self.client_stats = MemcachedStats(host, port)
        super(AnguisMemcached, self).__init__()

    def __del__(self):
        super(AnguisMemcached, self).__del__()

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.unserialize(self.client.get(key))

    def __setitem__(self, key, obj):
        self.client.set(key, self.serialize(obj))

    def __delitem__(self, key):

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.client_stats.keys())

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.client_stats.keys())
Exemple #6
def get_data(host = '',port = '11211'):
	from memcached_stats import MemcachedStats
	m = MemcachedStats(host, port)
	import pylibmc
	import time
	shared = pylibmc.Client([host], binary=True)
	shared.behaviors = {"tcp_nodelay": True, "ketama": True}
        str_data = '<head>\n<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="20">\n</head>\n'
	str_data = str_data + '<b>Data of internal memchache server:</b></br>\n'
	str_data = str_data + str(time.strftime("%x %X %Z", time.localtime())) + '</br>\n'
	dict_data = shared.get_multi( m.keys())
	for k,v in sorted(dict_data.items()):
		str_data = str_data + str(k) + " : " + str(v) + " </br>\n"
	str_data = str_data + "-"*30 + " </br>\n"
	return str_data;
def persist_hits():
    if is_cached_hitcount_enabled() and using_memcache():

        backend, location, params = parse_backend_conf(CACHED_HITCOUNT_CACHE)
        host, port = location.split(':')
        hitcount_cache = get_hitcount_cache()
        lock = hitcount_cache.get(CACHED_HITCOUNT_LOCK_KEY)
        #print  'persist_hits - check %s lock = %s' % (CACHED_HITCOUNT_LOCK_KEY, lock)
        if lock is None or lock != 1:
                #acquire a lock so no updates will occur while we are persisting the hits to DB
                hitcount_cache.set(CACHED_HITCOUNT_LOCK_KEY, 1, CACHED_HITCOUNT_CACHE_TIMEOUT)
                #print  'acquire %s lock = %s ' % (CACHED_HITCOUNT_LOCK_KEY, hitcount_cache.get(CACHED_HITCOUNT_LOCK_KEY))
                mem = MemcachedStats(host, port)
                keys = mem.keys()

                content_types = {}#used for keeping track of the content types so DB doesn't have to be queried each time
                for cache_key in keys:
                    if "hitcount__" in cache_key and not CACHED_HITCOUNT_IP_CACHE in cache_key:
                        cache_key = cache_key.split(':')[-1]#the key is a combination of key_prefix, version and key all separated by : - all we need is the key
                        count = hitcount_cache.get(cache_key)
                        if count:#only update the hit count if the is not None
                            hitcount, ctype_pk, object_pk  = cache_key.split('__')
                            if ctype_pk in content_types.keys():
                                content_type = content_types[ctype_pk]
                                content_type = ContentType.objects.get(id=ctype_pk)
                                content_types[ctype_pk] = content_type

                            with transaction_atomic():
                                #save a new hit or increment this hits on an existing hit
                                hit, created = Hit.objects.select_for_update().get_or_create(added=datetime.utcnow().date(), object_pk=object_pk, content_type=content_type)
                                if hit and created:
                                    hit.hits = long(count)
                                elif hit:
                                    hit.hits = hit.hits + long(count)

                        #reset the hitcount for this object to 0 - even if it was previously None
                        hitcount_cache.set(cache_key, 0, CACHED_HITCOUNT_CACHE_TIMEOUT)
                        #print  'reset key %s to zero = %s ' % (cache_key, hitcount_cache.get(cache_key))
            except Exception, ex:
                logger.error('Unable to persist hits')

                raise ex
Exemple #8
def get_nip_records_from_cache(nip_pk, nip_name):

    mem = MemcachedStats()

    nip_uid = "%d_%s" % (nip_pk, nip_name)

    relevant_keys = [key for key in mem.keys() if nip_uid in key]

    data = {}

    for key in relevant_keys:

        time = key.splt("_")[2]

        data[key] = json.loads(cache.get(key))

    return data
from memcached_stats import MemcachedStats

mem = MemcachedStats()

keys = mem.keys()

print keys

import memcached2
memcache = memcached2.Memcache(('memcached://localhost/',))

import pprint