def convert(projectName, inputDir, projectNameNew): "Testing doc strings" # Adjust the parameters below! removeOriginalStructureEnsemble = True addStructureEnsemble = True # From all *.pdb files in inputDir. ccpnPath = os.path.join(inputDir, projectName) ccpnProject = loadProject(ccpnPath) ccpnMolSystem = ccpnProject.findFirstMolSystem() nTmessage( 'found ccpnMolSystem: %s' % ccpnMolSystem ) # print 'status: %s' % ccpnMolSystem.setCode(projectName) # impossible; reported to ccpn team. if removeOriginalStructureEnsemble: structureEnsemble = ccpnProject.findFirstStructureEnsemble() if structureEnsemble: nTmessage("Removing first found structureEnsemble -A-") structureEnsemble.delete() else: nTwarning("No structureEnsemble found; can't remove it.") if addStructureEnsemble: structureGeneration = ccpnProject.newStructureGeneration() guiRoot = Tkinter.Tk() format = PseudoPdbFormat(ccpnProject, guiRoot, verbose = 1) globPattern = inputDir + '/*.pdb' fileList = glob(globPattern) nTdebug("From %s will read files: %s" % (globPattern,fileList)) format.readCoordinates(fileList, strucGen = structureGeneration, minimalPrompts = 1, linkAtoms = 0) nTmessage( 'saving to new path if all checks are valid' ) # the newPath basename will be taken according to ccpn code doc. ccpnPathNew = os.path.join(inputDir, projectNameNew) saveProject(ccpnProject, checkValid=True, newPath=ccpnPathNew, removeExisting=True)
def runSpecific(self): """ Returns True on error """ entryCodeChar2and3 = self.idCode[1:3] projectDirectory = os.path.join(dir_S, entryCodeChar2and3, self.idCode) os.chdir(projectDirectory) curDir = os.getcwd() #@UnusedVariable nTdebug("curDir: %s" % curDir) # ccpnDir = self.baseName #@UnusedVariable # Read the existing CCPN project, set up format object dict self.loadProject() self.createFormatObjects() self.entry = self.ccpnProject.findFirstNmrEntryStore().findFirstEntry() self.molSystem = self.ccpnProject.findFirstMolSystem() self.nmrProject = self.ccpnProject.findFirstNmrProject() self.strucGen = self.nmrProject.findFirstStructureGeneration() bmrbCodesLength = len(self.bmrbCodes) if not bmrbCodesLength: nTerror("Not a single BMRB entry presented.") return if bmrbCodesLength > 1: nTwarning("Currently NRG-CING only loads a single BMRB entry's CS. Skipping others.") # Read the BMRB NMR-STAR file (only chem shift data) # for bmrbCode in self.bmrbCodes: bmrbFile = self.bmrbCodes[0] bmrbCode = bmrbFile.split('_')[0] self.initShiftPresets(bmrbCode) # bmrbNmrStarFile = os.path.join(bmrbArchiveDataDir, self.bmrbFileFormat % bmrbCode) # bmrb_id = int(bmrbCode[3:]) # digits12 = "%02d" % (bmrb_id % 100) # inputStarDir = os.path.join(bmrbDir, digits12) # inputStarDir = os.path.join(bmrbDir, bmrbCode) # if not os.path.exists(bmrbFile): # nTerror("Input star dir not found: %s" % bmrbFile) # return True inputStarFile = bmrbFile if not os.path.exists(inputStarFile): nTerror("inputStarFile not found: %s" % inputStarFile) return True nTdebug("Start readNmrStarFile") self.readNmrStarFile(inputStarFile, components=['measurements']) # Try to autoset mapping... nTdebug("Start setBmrbNmrStarMapping") self.setBmrbNmrStarMapping(inputStarFile) # Run linkResonances, using custom keywds set above nTdebug("Start runLinkResonances") self.runLinkResonances(resonanceType='nmr') # Save project in new location newPath = self.baseName nTmessage('Saving to new path: %s in cwd: %s' % (newPath, os.getcwd())) saveProject(self.ccpnProject, removeExisting=True, newPath=newPath, newProjectName=self.baseName) ccpnTgzFile = "%s.tgz" % self.idCode cmd = "tar -czf %s %s" % (ccpnTgzFile, newPath) if do_cmd(cmd): nTerror("Failed tar") return None nTmessage("Saved ccpn project to tgz: %s" % ccpnTgzFile)
def saveFile(self): if not self.project: return False try: saveProject(self.project, createFallback=True) print 'successfully saved project' return True except IOError, e: showError('Saving file', str(e), parent=self) return False
def _packageProject(memopsRoot): """Create a tar gzipped CCPN project from a MemopsRoot object""" from memops.general.Io import saveProject, packageProject repository = memopsRoot.findFirstRepository(name='userData') if not repository: return projectPath = repository.url.path parentDir, projectDir = os.path.split(projectPath) writeable = os.access(parentDir, os.W_OK) if not writeable: msg = 'Directory %s does not have write access required to write temporary file.' showWarning('Warning', msg % parentDir) return currentProjName = newProjName = '__%s' % currentProjName newProjDir = os.path.join(parentDir, newProjName) while os.path.exists(newProjDir): msg = 'Filename %s exists. Overwrite?' % newProjDir if showYesNo('Query', msg): break newProjName = '_' + newProjName newProjDir = os.path.join(parentDir, newProjName) try: saveProject(memopsRoot, newPath=newProjDir, removeExisting=True, revertToOriginal=True) packageProject(memopsRoot, filePrefix=newProjDir, userPath=newProjDir) finally: # reset project name # need to use override since name is frozen # wb104: 6 Feb 2014: should not need to do below any more because added revertToOriginal and userPath above #memopsRoot.override = True = currentProjName #memopsRoot.override = False pass return newProjDir + '.tgz'
def convert(projectName, inputDir, projectNameNew): "Testing doc strings" # Adjust the parameters below! removeOriginalStructureEnsemble = True addStructureEnsemble = True # From all *.pdb files in inputDir. ccpnPath = os.path.join(inputDir, projectName) ccpnProject = loadProject(ccpnPath) ccpnMolSystem = ccpnProject.findFirstMolSystem() nTmessage('found ccpnMolSystem: %s' % ccpnMolSystem) # print 'status: %s' % ccpnMolSystem.setCode(projectName) # impossible; reported to ccpn team. if removeOriginalStructureEnsemble: structureEnsemble = ccpnProject.findFirstStructureEnsemble() if structureEnsemble: nTmessage("Removing first found structureEnsemble -A-") structureEnsemble.delete() else: nTwarning("No structureEnsemble found; can't remove it.") if addStructureEnsemble: structureGeneration = ccpnProject.newStructureGeneration() guiRoot = Tkinter.Tk() format = PseudoPdbFormat(ccpnProject, guiRoot, verbose=1) globPattern = inputDir + '/*.pdb' fileList = glob(globPattern) nTdebug("From %s will read files: %s" % (globPattern, fileList)) format.readCoordinates(fileList, strucGen=structureGeneration, minimalPrompts=1, linkAtoms=0) nTmessage('saving to new path if all checks are valid') # the newPath basename will be taken according to ccpn code doc. ccpnPathNew = os.path.join(inputDir, projectNameNew) saveProject(ccpnProject, checkValid=True, newPath=ccpnPathNew, removeExisting=True)
def annotateEntry(entry_code, bmrb_id, *extraArgList): 'Return True on error' nTmessage(header) nTmessage(getStartMessage()) expectedArgumentList = [] expectedNumberOfArguments = len(expectedArgumentList) if len(extraArgList) != expectedNumberOfArguments: nTerror("Got arguments: " + repr(extraArgList)) nTerror("Failed to get expected number of arguments: %d got %d" % (expectedNumberOfArguments, len(extraArgList))) nTerror("Expected arguments: %s" % expectedArgumentList) return True # entry_code, city = entryCodePlusCity.split('_') # Adjust the parameters below isInteractive = False checkOrgProject = False doSwapCheck = False doSaveProject = True doExport = True minimalPrompts = True verbose = True allowPopups = False if isInteractive: allowPopups = True minimalPrompts = False # verbose = True else: pass # minimalPrompts = True # verbose = False print 'entry_code ', entry_code print 'bmrb_id ', bmrb_id print 'allowPopups ', allowPopups print 'isInteractive ', isInteractive print 'minimalPrompts ', minimalPrompts print 'verbose ', verbose print 'checkOrgProject ', checkOrgProject print 'doSwapCheck ', doSwapCheck print 'doSaveProject ', doSaveProject print 'doExport ', doExport guiRoot = None if allowPopups: guiRoot = Tkinter.Tk() ch23 = entry_code[1:3] dataOrgEntryDir = os.path.join(results_dir, 'recoordSync', entry_code) ccpnFile = os.path.join(dataOrgEntryDir, entry_code + ".tgz") if not os.path.exists(ccpnFile): nTerror("Input file not found: %s" % ccpnFile) return True nTdebug("Looking at %s" % entry_code) # continue # TODO disable premature stop. bmrb_code = 'bmr' + bmrb_id digits12 = "%02d" % (bmrb_id % 100) inputStarDir = os.path.join(bmrbDir, digits12) if not os.path.exists(inputStarDir): nTerror("Input star dir not found: %s" % inputStarDir) return True inputStarFile = os.path.join(inputStarDir, '%s.str' % bmrb_code) if not os.path.exists(inputStarFile): nTerror("inputStarFile not found: %s" % inputStarFile) return True dataDividedXDir = os.path.join(nrgPlusDir, ch23) entryDir = os.path.join(dataDividedXDir, entry_code) outputNijmegenDir = os.path.join(entryDir, 'Nijmegen') if not os.path.exists(outputNijmegenDir): mkdirs(outputNijmegenDir) os.chdir(outputNijmegenDir) presets = getDeepByKeysOrDefault(presetDict, {}, bmrb_code) if presets: nTmessage("In annotateLoop using preset values...") nTdebug(str(presets)) if os.path.exists(entry_code): nTmessage("Removing previous directory: %s" % entry_code) rmtree(entry_code) do_cmd("tar -xzf " + ccpnFile) if os.path.exists('linkNmrStarData'): nTmessage("Renaming standard directory linkNmrStarData to entry: %s" % entry_code) os.rename('linkNmrStarData', entry_code) if checkOrgProject: # By reading the ccpn tgz into cing it is also untarred/tested. project =, status='new') if not project.initCcpn(ccpnFolder=ccpnFile, modelCount=1): nTerror("Failed check of original project") return True project.removeFromDisk() project.close(save=False) ccpnProject = loadProject(entry_code) if not ccpnProject: nTerror("Failed to read project: %s" % entry_code) return True # nmrProject = ccpnProject.currentNmrProject # ccpnMolSystem = ccpnProject.findFirstMolSystem() # nTmessage('found ccpnMolSystem: %s' % ccpnMolSystem) # print 'status: %s' % ccpnMolSystem.setCode(projectName) # impossible; reported to ccpn team. importStarChemicalShifts(ccpnProject, inputStarDir, guiRoot, allowPopups=allowPopups, minimalPrompts=minimalPrompts, verbose=verbose, **presets) if doSwapCheck: # constraintsHandler = ConstraintsHandler() nmrConstraintStore = ccpnProject.findFirstNmrConstraintStore() structureEnsemble = ccpnProject.findFirstStructureEnsemble() numSwapCheckRuns = 3 if nmrConstraintStore: if structureEnsemble: swapCheck(nmrConstraintStore, structureEnsemble, numSwapCheckRuns) else: nTmessage( "Failed to find structureEnsemble; skipping swapCheck") else: nTmessage("Failed to find nmrConstraintStore; skipping swapCheck") # constraintsHandler.swapCheck(nmrConstraintStore, structureEnsemble, numSwapCheckRuns) if doSaveProject: # nTmessage('Checking validity and saving to new path') nTmessage('Saving to new path') # checkValid=True, saveProject(ccpnProject, newPath=entry_code, removeExisting=True) if doExport: tarPath = os.path.join(entryDir, entry_code + ".tgz") if os.path.exists(tarPath): nTmessage("Overwriting: " + tarPath) myTar =, mode='w:gz') # overwrites myTar.add(entry_code) myTar.close() if guiRoot: guiRoot.destroy()
def annotateEntry(entryCodeNew, *extraArgList): nTmessage(header) nTmessage(getStartMessage()) expectedArgumentList = [] expectedNumberOfArguments = len(expectedArgumentList) if len(extraArgList) != expectedNumberOfArguments: nTerror("Got arguments: " + repr(extraArgList)) nTerror("Failed to get expected number of arguments: %d got %d" % ( expectedNumberOfArguments, len(extraArgList))) nTerror("Expected arguments: %s" % expectedArgumentList) return True # entryCode, city = entryCodePlusCity.split('_') # Adjust the parameters below isInteractive = False sourceIsOrgProject = True checkOrgProject = False replaceCoordinates = True # From all *.pdb files in inputDir. replaceRestraints = True doSwapCheck = True doSaveProject = True doExport = True minimalPrompts = True verbose = True if isInteractive: allowPopups = True minimalPrompts = False # verbose = True else: allowPopups = False # minimalPrompts = True # verbose = False print 'allowPopups ', allowPopups print 'isInteractive ', isInteractive print 'minimalPrompts ', minimalPrompts print 'verbose ', verbose print 'sourceIsOrgProject (or new CCPN file) ', sourceIsOrgProject print 'checkOrgProject ', checkOrgProject print 'replaceCoordinates ', replaceCoordinates print 'replaceRestraints ', replaceRestraints print 'doSwapCheck ', doSwapCheck print 'doSaveProject ', doSaveProject print 'doExport ', doExport guiRoot = None if allowPopups: guiRoot = Tkinter.Tk() entryCode,city = mapEntrycodeNew2EntrycodeAndCity[entryCodeNew] ch23 = entryCode[1:3] entryCodeOrg = entryCode + 'Org' dataOrgEntryDir = os.path.join(dataDir, ch23, entryCodeOrg) ccpnFile = os.path.join(dataOrgEntryDir, entryCodeOrg + ".tgz") # entryCodeNew = entryCode + city programId = getDeepByKeys(programHoH, entryCode, city) if not (city == 'Test' or programId): # nTdebug("Skipping %s" % entryCodeNew) nTerror("Neither City is 'Test' or programId given") return else: nTdebug("Looking at %s" % entryCodeNew) # continue # TODO disable premature stop. dataDividedXDir = os.path.join(dataDir, ch23) entryDir = os.path.join(dataDividedXDir, entryCodeNew) inputAuthorDir = os.path.join(entryDir, 'Author') outputNijmegenDir = os.path.join(entryDir, 'Nijmegen') if not os.path.exists(inputAuthorDir): mkdirs(inputAuthorDir) if not os.path.exists(outputNijmegenDir): mkdirs(outputNijmegenDir) os.chdir(outputNijmegenDir) presets = getDeepByKeysOrDefault(presetDict, {}, entryCodeNew) if presets: nTmessage("In annotateLoop using preset values...") # end if if sourceIsOrgProject: if os.path.exists(entryCodeOrg): nTmessage("Removing previous Org directory: %s" % entryCodeOrg) rmtree(entryCodeOrg) do_cmd("tar -xzf " + ccpnFile) if os.path.exists(entryCodeNew): nTmessage("Removing previous directory: %s" % entryCodeNew) rmtree(entryCodeNew) copytree(entryCodeOrg, entryCodeNew) if checkOrgProject: # By reading the ccpn tgz into cing it is also untarred/tested. project =, status='new') if not project.initCcpn(ccpnFolder=ccpnFile, modelCount=1): nTerror("Failed check of original project") return project.removeFromDisk() project.close(save=False) ccpnProject = loadProject(entryCodeNew) if not ccpnProject: nTerror("Failed to read project: %s" % entryCodeNew) return # nmrProject = ccpnProject.currentNmrProject # ccpnMolSystem = ccpnProject.findFirstMolSystem() # nTmessage('found ccpnMolSystem: %s' % ccpnMolSystem) # print 'status: %s' % ccpnMolSystem.setCode(projectName) # impossible; reported to ccpn team. if replaceCoordinates or replaceRestraints: if programId == CYANA: importCyanaCoorAndRes(ccpnProject, inputAuthorDir, guiRoot, replaceCoordinates=replaceCoordinates, replaceRestraints=replaceRestraints, allowPopups=allowPopups, minimalPrompts=minimalPrompts, verbose=verbose, **presets) elif programId == XPLOR: importXplorCoorAndRes(ccpnProject, inputAuthorDir, guiRoot, replaceCoordinates=replaceCoordinates, replaceRestraints=replaceRestraints, allowPopups=allowPopups, minimalPrompts=minimalPrompts, verbose=verbose, **presets) elif programId == PDB: importPseudoPdb(ccpnProject, inputAuthorDir, guiRoot, allowPopups=allowPopups, minimalPrompts=minimalPrompts, verbose=verbose, **presets) else: nTerror("Failed to doImportCoordinatesAndRestraints because action for program Id not coded for: %s" % programId) nTerror("Skipping entry") return if doSwapCheck: # constraintsHandler = ConstraintsHandler() nmrConstraintStore = ccpnProject.findFirstNmrConstraintStore() structureEnsemble = ccpnProject.findFirstStructureEnsemble() numSwapCheckRuns = 3 if nmrConstraintStore: if structureEnsemble: swapCheck(nmrConstraintStore, structureEnsemble, numSwapCheckRuns) else: nTmessage("Failed to find structureEnsemble; skipping swapCheck") else: nTmessage("Failed to find nmrConstraintStore; skipping swapCheck") # constraintsHandler.swapCheck(nmrConstraintStore, structureEnsemble, numSwapCheckRuns) if doSaveProject: # nTmessage('Checking validity and saving to new path') nTmessage('Saving to new path: %s' % entryCodeNew) # checkValid=True, saveProject(ccpnProject, newPath=entryCodeNew, removeExisting=True) if doExport: tarPath = os.path.join(entryDir, entryCodeNew + ".tgz") if os.path.exists(tarPath): nTmessage("Overwriting: " + tarPath) myTar =, mode='w:gz') # overwrites myTar.add(entryCodeNew) myTar.close() if guiRoot: guiRoot.destroy()
def test_ccpn(self): # cing.verbosity = verbosityDebug # if you have a local copy you can use it; make sure to adjust the path setting below. fastestTest = True # DEFAULT: True. Not passed to the validate routine in order to customize checks for speed. modelCount = 99 # DEFAULT: 99 redoFromCingProject = False # DEFAULT: False htmlOnly = False # DEFAULT: False # default is False but enable it for faster runs without some actual data. doWhatif = True # DEFAULT: True # disables whatif actual run doProcheck = True # DEFAULT: True doWattos = True # DEFAULT: True doQueeny = True # DEFAULT: True doTalos = True # DEFAULT: True filterVasco = True # DEFAULT: True filterTopViolations = True # DEFAULT: True useNrgArchive = False # DEFAULT: False ranges = CV_STR # DEFAULT: CV_STR # ranges='173-177' # ranges='6-13,29-45' # 1bus doSwapCheck = False doRestoreCheck = False doStoreCheck = False # DEFAULT: False Requires sqlAlchemy doSave = not redoFromCingProject # DEFAULT: False Requires sqlAlchemy if fastestTest: modelCount = 2 # DEFAULT 2 # redoFromCingProject = False htmlOnly = True # DEFAULT: True doWhatif = False # DEFAULT: False doProcheck = False # DEFAULT: False doWattos = False # DEFAULT: False doQueeny = False # DEFAULT: False doTalos = False # DEFAULT: False filterVasco = False # DEFAULT: False doRestoreCheck = False # DEFAULT: False doStoreCheck = False # DEFAULT: False if redoFromCingProject: useNrgArchive = False doWhatif = False doProcheck = False doWattos = False doTalos = False cingDirTmpTest = os.path.join(cingDirTmp, getCallerName()) mkdirs(cingDirTmpTest) self.failIf(os.chdir(cingDirTmpTest), msg="Failed to change to test directory for files: " + cingDirTmpTest) for i, entryId in enumerate(AllChecks.entryList): if i: nTmessage('\n\n') if redoFromCingProject: project =, status='old') else: project =, status='new') self.assertTrue(project, 'Failed opening project: ' + entryId) if useNrgArchive: # default is False # inputArchiveDir = os.path.join('/Library/WebServer/Documents/NRG-CING/recoordSync', entryId) # Mounted from # inputArchiveDir = os.path.join('/Volumes/tria1/Library/WebServer/Documents/NRG-CING/recoordSync', entryId) inputArchiveDir = os.path.join( '/Users/jd/ccpn_tmp/data/recoord', entryId) else: inputArchiveDir = os.path.join(cingDirTestsData, "ccpn") ccpnFile = os.path.join(inputArchiveDir, entryId + ".tgz") if not os.path.exists(ccpnFile): ccpnFile = os.path.join(inputArchiveDir, entryId + ".tar.gz") if not os.path.exists(ccpnFile):"Neither %s or the .tgz exist" % ccpnFile) if doSwapCheck: # Need to start with ccpn without loading into CING api yet. if os.path.exists(entryId): nTmessage("Removing previous directory: %s" % entryId) rmtree(entryId) do_cmd("tar -xzf " + ccpnFile) # will extract to local dir. if os.path.exists('linkNmrStarData'): nTmessage( "Renaming standard directory linkNmrStarData to entry: %s" % entryId) os.rename('linkNmrStarData', entryId) ccpnProject = loadProject(entryId) if not ccpnProject:"Failed to read project: %s" % entryId) # constraintsHandler = ConstraintsHandler() nmrConstraintStore = ccpnProject.findFirstNmrConstraintStore( ) structureEnsemble = ccpnProject.findFirstStructureEnsemble( ) numSwapCheckRuns = 2 if nmrConstraintStore: if structureEnsemble: swapCheck(nmrConstraintStore, structureEnsemble, numSwapCheckRuns) else: nTmessage( "Failed to find structureEnsemble; skipping swapCheck" ) else: nTmessage( "Failed to find nmrConstraintStore; skipping swapCheck" ) # constraintsHandler.swapCheck(nmrConstraintStore, structureEnsemble, numSwapCheckRuns) nTmessage('Saving to new path') # checkValid=True, saveProject(ccpnProject, newPath=entryId, removeExisting=True) ccpnFile = entryId # set to local dir now. # end if doSwapCheck self.assertTrue( project.initCcpn(ccpnFolder=ccpnFile, modelCount=modelCount)) # if doSave: # self.assertTrue( if False: ranges = "173-183" # residueOfInterest = range(171,174) # for residue in project.molecule.A.allResidues(): # if residue.resNum not in residueOfInterest: # # nTmessage("Removing residue of no interest") # project.molecule.A.removeResidue(residue) if False: ccpnProject = project.ccpn printSequenceFromCcpnProject(ccpnProject) if True: self.assertFalse(project.molecule.setRanges(ranges)) nTdebug('In ranges: %s' % str(project.molecule.ranges)) project.molecule.rangesToMmCifRanges(ranges) if True: self.assertFalse( project.validate( htmlOnly=htmlOnly, ranges=ranges, # fastestTest=fastestTest, # disabled doProcheck=doProcheck, doWhatif=doWhatif, doWattos=doWattos, doQueeny=doQueeny, doTalos=doTalos, filterVasco=filterVasco, filterTopViolations=filterTopViolations)) if doWattos and False: mol = project.molecule completenessMol = mol.getDeepByKeys( WATTOS_STR, COMPLCHK_STR, VALUE_LIST_STR) nTdebug("completenessMol: %s" % completenessMol) for res in mol.allResidues(): completenessRes = res.getDeepByKeys( WATTOS_STR, COMPLCHK_STR, VALUE_LIST_STR) nTdebug("%s: %s" % (res, completenessRes)) # end for # end if color = project.molecule.getRogColor() nTdebug("The color of this molecule is: %s" % color) self.assertFalse(color == COLOR_RED) # ;-) # end if # self.assertTrue(project.exportValidation2ccpn()) # self.assertFalse(project.removeCcpnReferences()) # Do not leave the old CCPN directory laying around since it might get added to by another test. # if os.path.exists(entryId): # self.assertFalse(shutil.rmtree(entryId)) if False: self.assertTrue( self.assertTrue(project.saveCcpn(entryId)) if doRestoreCheck: del project project =, status='old') self.assertTrue(project, 'Failed reopening project: ' + entryId) if doStoreCheck: # # Does require below import which is used here to trigger import warning in case it's not installed. # pylint: disable=W0612 from cing.PluginCode.sqlAlchemy import CsqlAlchemy #@UnusedImport # pylint: disable=W0404 if doStoreCING2db(entryId, ARCHIVE_NRG_ID, project=project): nTerror( "Failed to store CING project's data to DB but continuing." ) if doSave: self.assertTrue(
def makeCcpnProjectTgz(self, baseNameSuffix="", outputDir=None): # # Set up # userData = self.ccpnProject.findFirstRepository(name='userData') ccpnProjectDir = userData.url.path if not outputDir: outputDir = ccpnProjectDir tarFileBaseName = os.path.join(outputDir + baseNameSuffix) tarFileName = "%s.tar" % tarFileBaseName tgzFileName = "%s.tgz" % tarFileBaseName # # Re-save before tarring, in case of changes # if baseNameSuffix: saveProject(self.ccpnProject, newPath=tarFileBaseName, removeExisting=True) ccpnProjectDir = userData.url.path else: self.ccpnProject.saveModified() # TJS: Use Wayne's packageProject, which only packages uses .xml files packageProject(self.ccpnProject, tarFileBaseName) """ # # Now go to directory containing CCPN project to make .tar file, do not want full path for project! # curDir = os.getcwd() (mainCcpnDir,projectNameDir) = os.path.split(ccpnProjectDir) os.chdir(mainCcpnDir) tar =, "w") tar.add(projectNameDir) tar.close() os.chdir(curDir) # # Now make .tgz, remove .tar file # inFile = open(tarFileName,'rb') outFile =,'wb') outFile.writelines(inFile) outFile.close() inFile.close() os.remove(tarFileName) """ print " Created .tgz archive %s for CCPN project %s." % ( tgzFileName, return tgzFileName
def fcProcessEntry( entry_code, ccpnTgzFile, outputCcpnTgzFile, functionToRun='swapCheck'): """ E.g. entry_code 1brv ccpnTgzFile /NRG-CING/prep/S/br/1brv/1brv.tgz Full path outputCcpnTgzFile 1brv_assign.tgz but inside the project will still be keyed and named 1brv. Return True on error Can be extended later on to run a different function. Will run in cwd. """ # Adjust the parameters below isInteractive = False doSwapCheck = True doSaveProject = True doExport = True minimalPrompts = True verbose = True allowPopups = False if isInteractive: allowPopups = True minimalPrompts = False print 'entry_code ', entry_code # print 'bmrb_id ', bmrb_id print 'allowPopups ', allowPopups print 'isInteractive ', isInteractive print 'minimalPrompts ', minimalPrompts print 'verbose ', verbose print 'doSwapCheck ', doSwapCheck print 'doSaveProject ', doSaveProject print 'doExport ', doExport guiRoot = None if allowPopups: guiRoot = Tkinter.Tk() if not os.path.exists(ccpnTgzFile): nTerror("Input file not found: %s" % ccpnTgzFile) return True nTdebug("Looking at %s" % entry_code) if os.path.exists(entry_code): nTmessage("Removing previous directory: %s" % entry_code) rmtree(entry_code) do_cmd("tar -xzf " + ccpnTgzFile) # will unpack to cwd. if os.path.exists('linkNmrStarData'): nTmessage("Renaming standard directory linkNmrStarData to entry: %s" % entry_code) os.rename('linkNmrStarData', entry_code) ccpnProject = loadProject(entry_code) if not ccpnProject: nTerror("Failed to read project: %s" % entry_code) return True if doSwapCheck: # constraintsHandler = ConstraintsHandler() nmrConstraintStore = ccpnProject.findFirstNmrConstraintStore() structureEnsemble = ccpnProject.findFirstStructureEnsemble() if nmrConstraintStore: if structureEnsemble: swapCheck(nmrConstraintStore, structureEnsemble) else: nTmessage("Failed to find structureEnsemble; skipping swapCheck") else: nTmessage("Failed to find nmrConstraintStore; skipping swapCheck") # constraintsHandler.swapCheck(nmrConstraintStore, structureEnsemble, numSwapCheckRuns) # end if doSwapCheck if doSaveProject: nTmessage('Saving to new path: %s' % entry_code) saveProject(ccpnProject, newPath=entry_code, removeExisting=True) if doExport: if os.path.exists(outputCcpnTgzFile): nTmessage("Overwriting: " + outputCcpnTgzFile) myTar =, mode='w:gz') # overwrites myTar.add(entry_code) myTar.close() if guiRoot: guiRoot.destroy()
def runSpecific(self): """ Returns True on error """ # Read the existing CCPN project, set up format object dict self.loadProject() self.createFormatObjects() self.entry = self.ccpnProject.findFirstNmrEntryStore().findFirstEntry() self.molSystem = self.ccpnProject.findFirstMolSystem() self.nmrProject = self.ccpnProject.findFirstNmrProject() self.strucGen = self.nmrProject.findFirstStructureGeneration() bmrbCodesLength = len(self.bmrbCodes) if not bmrbCodesLength: print("Not a single BMRB entry presented.") return if bmrbCodesLength > 1: print( "Currently NRG-CING only loads a single BMRB entry's CS. Skipping others." ) # Read the BMRB NMR-STAR file (only chem shift data) bmrbCode = self.bmrbCodes[0] self.initShiftPresets(bmrbCode) inputStarDir = os.path.join(self.bmrbDir, bmrbCode) if not os.path.exists(inputStarDir): print("Input star dir not found: %s" % inputStarDir) return True inputStarFile = os.path.join(inputStarDir, self.bmrbFileFormat % bmrbCode[3:]) if not os.path.exists(inputStarFile): print("inputStarFile not found: %s" % inputStarFile) return True print("Start readNmrStarFile") self.readNmrStarFile(inputStarFile, components=['measurements']) # Try to autoset mapping... print("Start setBmrbNmrStarMapping") self.setBmrbNmrStarMapping(inputStarFile) # Run linkResonances, using custom keywds set above print("Start runLinkResonances") self.runLinkResonances(resonanceType='nmr') # Save project in new location finalProjectDirectory = os.path.join(self.finalProjectMainDir, self.idCode) if not os.path.exists(finalProjectDirectory): os.mkdir(finalProjectDirectory) print('Saving to new path: %s in cwd: %s' % (finalProjectDirectory, os.getcwd())) saveProject(self.ccpnProject, removeExisting=True, newPath=finalProjectDirectory, newProjectName=self.baseName) # Create .tgz of new project - can do this a bit nicer, quick hack curDir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.finalProjectMainDir) tar ="{}.tgz".format(self.baseName), 'w:gz') print self.baseName tar.add(self.baseName) tar.close() os.chdir(curDir) # Clean up non-archived CCPN projects to save disk space shutil.rmtree(self.ccpnProjectDir) shutil.rmtree(finalProjectDirectory)
def replaceCoordinates(): cityList = [ 'Cheshire', 'Frankfurt', 'Lyon', 'Paris', 'Piscataway', 'Seattle', 'Utrecht' ] maxCities = 1 maxEntries = 1 # Adjust the parameters below! removeOriginalStructureEnsemble = True addStructureEnsemble = True # From all *.pdb files in inputDir. dataOrgDir = os.path.join(baseDir,DATA_STR) dataDividedDir = os.path.join(baseDir,DATA_STR) # _scriptName = sys.argv[0] # parameters for doScriptOnEntryList startDir = '/Library/WebServer/Documents/' + CASD_NMR_BASE_NAME entryListFileName = os.path.join(startDir, 'list', 'entry_list_todo.csv') entryList = readLinesFromFile(entryListFileName) #@UnusedVariable entryList = ['ET109Aox'] for entryCode in entryList[0:maxEntries]: ch23 = entryCode[1:3] dataOrgEntryDir = os.path.join( dataOrgDir, entryCode ) ccpnFile = os.path.join(dataOrgEntryDir, entryCode+".tgz") for city in cityList[0:maxCities]: entryCodeNew = entryCode + city dataDividedXDir = os.path.join(dataDividedDir, ch23) inputAuthorDir = os.path.join(dataDividedXDir, entryCodeNew, 'Author') outputNijmegenDir = os.path.join(dataDividedXDir, entryCodeNew, 'Nijmegen') globPattern = inputAuthorDir + '/*.pdb' pdbFileList = glob(globPattern) if not pdbFileList: nTmessage("Skipping because there is no PDB file in: " + os.getcwd()) continue if not os.path.exists(inputAuthorDir): mkdirs(inputAuthorDir) if not os.path.exists(outputNijmegenDir): mkdirs(outputNijmegenDir) os.chdir(outputNijmegenDir) if False: # By reading the ccpn tgz into cing it is also untarred/tested. project =, status = 'new') project.initCcpn(ccpnFolder = ccpnFile, modelCount=1) project.removeFromDisk() project.close(save=False) if True: ccpnProject = loadProject(entryCode) nmrProject = ccpnProject.currentNmrProject ccpnMolSystem = ccpnProject.findFirstMolSystem() nTmessage( 'found ccpnMolSystem: %s' % ccpnMolSystem ) # print 'status: %s' % ccpnMolSystem.setCode(projectName) # impossible; reported to ccpn team. if removeOriginalStructureEnsemble: structureEnsemble = ccpnProject.findFirstStructureEnsemble() if structureEnsemble: nTmessage("Removing first found structureEnsemble") structureEnsemble.delete() else: nTwarning("No structureEnsemble found; can't remove it.") if addStructureEnsemble: structureGeneration = nmrProject.newStructureGeneration() fileList = None nTdebug("From %s will read files: %s" % (globPattern,fileList)) guiRoot = Tkinter.Tk() format = PseudoPdbFormat(ccpnProject, guiRoot, verbose = 1) format.readCoordinates(fileList, strucGen = structureGeneration, minimalPrompts = 1, linkAtoms = 0) nTmessage( 'saving to new path if all checks are valid' ) # the newPath basename will be taken according to ccpn code doc. saveProject(ccpnProject, checkValid=True, newPath=entryCodeNew, removeExisting=True)
def annotateEntry(entry_code, bmrb_id, *extraArgList): 'Return True on error' nTmessage(header) nTmessage(getStartMessage()) expectedArgumentList = [] expectedNumberOfArguments = len(expectedArgumentList) if len(extraArgList) != expectedNumberOfArguments: nTerror("Got arguments: " + repr(extraArgList)) nTerror("Failed to get expected number of arguments: %d got %d" % ( expectedNumberOfArguments, len(extraArgList))) nTerror("Expected arguments: %s" % expectedArgumentList) return True # entry_code, city = entryCodePlusCity.split('_') # Adjust the parameters below isInteractive = False checkOrgProject = False doSwapCheck = False doSaveProject = True doExport = True minimalPrompts = True verbose = True allowPopups = False if isInteractive: allowPopups = True minimalPrompts = False # verbose = True else: pass # minimalPrompts = True # verbose = False print 'entry_code ', entry_code print 'bmrb_id ', bmrb_id print 'allowPopups ', allowPopups print 'isInteractive ', isInteractive print 'minimalPrompts ', minimalPrompts print 'verbose ', verbose print 'checkOrgProject ', checkOrgProject print 'doSwapCheck ', doSwapCheck print 'doSaveProject ', doSaveProject print 'doExport ', doExport guiRoot = None if allowPopups: guiRoot = Tkinter.Tk() ch23 = entry_code[1:3] dataOrgEntryDir = os.path.join(results_dir, 'recoordSync', entry_code) ccpnFile = os.path.join(dataOrgEntryDir, entry_code + ".tgz") if not os.path.exists(ccpnFile): nTerror("Input file not found: %s" % ccpnFile) return True nTdebug("Looking at %s" % entry_code) # continue # TODO disable premature stop. bmrb_code = 'bmr'+bmrb_id digits12 ="%02d" % ( bmrb_id % 100 ) inputStarDir = os.path.join(bmrbDir, digits12) if not os.path.exists(inputStarDir): nTerror("Input star dir not found: %s" % inputStarDir) return True inputStarFile = os.path.join(inputStarDir, '%s.str'%bmrb_code) if not os.path.exists(inputStarFile): nTerror("inputStarFile not found: %s" % inputStarFile) return True dataDividedXDir = os.path.join(nrgPlusDir, ch23) entryDir = os.path.join(dataDividedXDir, entry_code) outputNijmegenDir = os.path.join(entryDir, 'Nijmegen') if not os.path.exists(outputNijmegenDir): mkdirs(outputNijmegenDir) os.chdir(outputNijmegenDir) presets = getDeepByKeysOrDefault(presetDict, {}, bmrb_code) if presets: nTmessage("In annotateLoop using preset values...") nTdebug(str(presets)) if os.path.exists(entry_code): nTmessage("Removing previous directory: %s" % entry_code) rmtree(entry_code) do_cmd("tar -xzf " + ccpnFile) if os.path.exists('linkNmrStarData'): nTmessage("Renaming standard directory linkNmrStarData to entry: %s" % entry_code) os.rename('linkNmrStarData', entry_code) if checkOrgProject: # By reading the ccpn tgz into cing it is also untarred/tested. project =, status='new') if not project.initCcpn(ccpnFolder=ccpnFile, modelCount=1): nTerror("Failed check of original project") return True project.removeFromDisk() project.close(save=False) ccpnProject = loadProject(entry_code) if not ccpnProject: nTerror("Failed to read project: %s" % entry_code) return True # nmrProject = ccpnProject.currentNmrProject # ccpnMolSystem = ccpnProject.findFirstMolSystem() # nTmessage('found ccpnMolSystem: %s' % ccpnMolSystem) # print 'status: %s' % ccpnMolSystem.setCode(projectName) # impossible; reported to ccpn team. importStarChemicalShifts(ccpnProject, inputStarDir, guiRoot, allowPopups=allowPopups, minimalPrompts=minimalPrompts, verbose=verbose, **presets) if doSwapCheck: # constraintsHandler = ConstraintsHandler() nmrConstraintStore = ccpnProject.findFirstNmrConstraintStore() structureEnsemble = ccpnProject.findFirstStructureEnsemble() numSwapCheckRuns = 3 if nmrConstraintStore: if structureEnsemble: swapCheck(nmrConstraintStore, structureEnsemble, numSwapCheckRuns) else: nTmessage("Failed to find structureEnsemble; skipping swapCheck") else: nTmessage("Failed to find nmrConstraintStore; skipping swapCheck") # constraintsHandler.swapCheck(nmrConstraintStore, structureEnsemble, numSwapCheckRuns) if doSaveProject: # nTmessage('Checking validity and saving to new path') nTmessage('Saving to new path') # checkValid=True, saveProject(ccpnProject, newPath=entry_code, removeExisting=True) if doExport: tarPath = os.path.join(entryDir, entry_code + ".tgz") if os.path.exists(tarPath): nTmessage("Overwriting: " + tarPath) myTar =, mode='w:gz') # overwrites myTar.add(entry_code) myTar.close() if guiRoot: guiRoot.destroy()
def replaceCoordinates(): cityList = [ 'Cheshire', 'Frankfurt', 'Lyon', 'Paris', 'Piscataway', 'Seattle', 'Utrecht' ] maxCities = 1 maxEntries = 1 # Adjust the parameters below! removeOriginalStructureEnsemble = True addStructureEnsemble = True # From all *.pdb files in inputDir. dataOrgDir = os.path.join(baseDir, DATA_STR) dataDividedDir = os.path.join(baseDir, DATA_STR) # _scriptName = sys.argv[0] # parameters for doScriptOnEntryList startDir = '/Library/WebServer/Documents/' + CASD_NMR_BASE_NAME entryListFileName = os.path.join(startDir, 'list', 'entry_list_todo.csv') entryList = readLinesFromFile(entryListFileName) #@UnusedVariable entryList = ['ET109Aox'] for entryCode in entryList[0:maxEntries]: ch23 = entryCode[1:3] dataOrgEntryDir = os.path.join(dataOrgDir, entryCode) ccpnFile = os.path.join(dataOrgEntryDir, entryCode + ".tgz") for city in cityList[0:maxCities]: entryCodeNew = entryCode + city dataDividedXDir = os.path.join(dataDividedDir, ch23) inputAuthorDir = os.path.join(dataDividedXDir, entryCodeNew, 'Author') outputNijmegenDir = os.path.join(dataDividedXDir, entryCodeNew, 'Nijmegen') globPattern = inputAuthorDir + '/*.pdb' pdbFileList = glob(globPattern) if not pdbFileList: nTmessage("Skipping because there is no PDB file in: " + os.getcwd()) continue if not os.path.exists(inputAuthorDir): mkdirs(inputAuthorDir) if not os.path.exists(outputNijmegenDir): mkdirs(outputNijmegenDir) os.chdir(outputNijmegenDir) if False: # By reading the ccpn tgz into cing it is also untarred/tested. project =, status='new') project.initCcpn(ccpnFolder=ccpnFile, modelCount=1) project.removeFromDisk() project.close(save=False) if True: ccpnProject = loadProject(entryCode) nmrProject = ccpnProject.currentNmrProject ccpnMolSystem = ccpnProject.findFirstMolSystem() nTmessage('found ccpnMolSystem: %s' % ccpnMolSystem) # print 'status: %s' % ccpnMolSystem.setCode(projectName) # impossible; reported to ccpn team. if removeOriginalStructureEnsemble: structureEnsemble = ccpnProject.findFirstStructureEnsemble( ) if structureEnsemble: nTmessage("Removing first found structureEnsemble") structureEnsemble.delete() else: nTwarning( "No structureEnsemble found; can't remove it.") if addStructureEnsemble: structureGeneration = nmrProject.newStructureGeneration() fileList = None nTdebug("From %s will read files: %s" % (globPattern, fileList)) guiRoot = Tkinter.Tk() format = PseudoPdbFormat(ccpnProject, guiRoot, verbose=1) format.readCoordinates(fileList, strucGen=structureGeneration, minimalPrompts=1, linkAtoms=0) nTmessage('saving to new path if all checks are valid') # the newPath basename will be taken according to ccpn code doc. saveProject(ccpnProject, checkValid=True, newPath=entryCodeNew, removeExisting=True)
def runSpecific(self): """ Returns True on error """ # Read the existing CCPN project, set up format object dict self.loadProject() self.createFormatObjects() self.entry = self.ccpnProject.findFirstNmrEntryStore().findFirstEntry() self.molSystem = self.ccpnProject.findFirstMolSystem() self.nmrProject = self.ccpnProject.findFirstNmrProject() self.strucGen = self.nmrProject.findFirstStructureGeneration() bmrbCodesLength = len(self.bmrbCodes) if not bmrbCodesLength: print("Not a single BMRB entry presented.") return if bmrbCodesLength > 1: print("Currently NRG-CING only loads a single BMRB entry's CS. Skipping others.") # Read the BMRB NMR-STAR file (only chem shift data) bmrbCode = self.bmrbCodes[0] self.initShiftPresets(bmrbCode) inputStarDir = os.path.join(self.bmrbDir, bmrbCode) if not os.path.exists(inputStarDir): print("Input star dir not found: %s" % inputStarDir) return True inputStarFile = os.path.join(inputStarDir, self.bmrbFileFormat % bmrbCode[3:]) if not os.path.exists(inputStarFile): print("inputStarFile not found: %s" % inputStarFile) return True print("Start readNmrStarFile") self.readNmrStarFile(inputStarFile, components=['measurements']) # Try to autoset mapping... print("Start setBmrbNmrStarMapping") self.setBmrbNmrStarMapping(inputStarFile) # Run linkResonances, using custom keywds set above print("Start runLinkResonances") self.runLinkResonances(resonanceType='nmr') # Save project in new location finalProjectDirectory = os.path.join(self.finalProjectMainDir,self.idCode) if not os.path.exists(finalProjectDirectory): os.mkdir(finalProjectDirectory) print('Saving to new path: %s in cwd: %s' % (finalProjectDirectory, os.getcwd())) saveProject(self.ccpnProject, removeExisting=True, newPath=finalProjectDirectory, newProjectName=self.baseName) # Create .tgz of new project - can do this a bit nicer, quick hack curDir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.finalProjectMainDir) tar ="{}.tgz".format(self.baseName),'w:gz') print self.baseName tar.add(self.baseName) tar.close() os.chdir(curDir) # Clean up non-archived CCPN projects to save disk space shutil.rmtree(self.ccpnProjectDir) shutil.rmtree(finalProjectDirectory)
def test_ccpn(self): # cing.verbosity = verbosityDebug # if you have a local copy you can use it; make sure to adjust the path setting below. fastestTest = True # DEFAULT: True. Not passed to the validate routine in order to customize checks for speed. modelCount=99 # DEFAULT: 99 redoFromCingProject = False # DEFAULT: False htmlOnly = False # DEFAULT: False # default is False but enable it for faster runs without some actual data. doWhatif = True # DEFAULT: True # disables whatif actual run doProcheck = True # DEFAULT: True doWattos = True # DEFAULT: True doQueeny = True # DEFAULT: True doTalos = True # DEFAULT: True filterVasco = True # DEFAULT: True filterTopViolations = True # DEFAULT: True useNrgArchive = False # DEFAULT: False ranges = CV_STR # DEFAULT: CV_STR # ranges='173-177' # ranges='6-13,29-45' # 1bus doSwapCheck = False doRestoreCheck = False doStoreCheck = False # DEFAULT: False Requires sqlAlchemy doSave = not redoFromCingProject # DEFAULT: False Requires sqlAlchemy if fastestTest: modelCount=2 # DEFAULT 2 # redoFromCingProject = False htmlOnly = True # DEFAULT: True doWhatif = False # DEFAULT: False doProcheck = False # DEFAULT: False doWattos = False # DEFAULT: False doQueeny = False # DEFAULT: False doTalos = False # DEFAULT: False filterVasco = False # DEFAULT: False doRestoreCheck = False # DEFAULT: False doStoreCheck = False # DEFAULT: False if redoFromCingProject: useNrgArchive = False doWhatif = False doProcheck = False doWattos = False doTalos = False cingDirTmpTest = os.path.join( cingDirTmp, getCallerName() ) mkdirs( cingDirTmpTest ) self.failIf(os.chdir(cingDirTmpTest), msg = "Failed to change to test directory for files: " + cingDirTmpTest) for i,entryId in enumerate(AllChecks.entryList): if i: nTmessage('\n\n') if redoFromCingProject: project =, status = 'old') else: project =, status = 'new') self.assertTrue(project, 'Failed opening project: ' + entryId) if useNrgArchive: # default is False # inputArchiveDir = os.path.join('/Library/WebServer/Documents/NRG-CING/recoordSync', entryId) # Mounted from # inputArchiveDir = os.path.join('/Volumes/tria1/Library/WebServer/Documents/NRG-CING/recoordSync', entryId) inputArchiveDir = os.path.join('/Users/jd/ccpn_tmp/data/recoord', entryId) else: inputArchiveDir = os.path.join(cingDirTestsData, "ccpn") ccpnFile = os.path.join(inputArchiveDir, entryId + ".tgz") if not os.path.exists(ccpnFile): ccpnFile = os.path.join(inputArchiveDir, entryId + ".tar.gz") if not os.path.exists(ccpnFile):"Neither %s or the .tgz exist" % ccpnFile) if doSwapCheck: # Need to start with ccpn without loading into CING api yet. if os.path.exists(entryId): nTmessage("Removing previous directory: %s" % entryId) rmtree(entryId) do_cmd("tar -xzf " + ccpnFile) # will extract to local dir. if os.path.exists('linkNmrStarData'): nTmessage("Renaming standard directory linkNmrStarData to entry: %s" % entryId) os.rename('linkNmrStarData', entryId) ccpnProject = loadProject(entryId) if not ccpnProject:"Failed to read project: %s" % entryId) # constraintsHandler = ConstraintsHandler() nmrConstraintStore = ccpnProject.findFirstNmrConstraintStore() structureEnsemble = ccpnProject.findFirstStructureEnsemble() numSwapCheckRuns = 2 if nmrConstraintStore: if structureEnsemble: swapCheck(nmrConstraintStore, structureEnsemble, numSwapCheckRuns) else: nTmessage("Failed to find structureEnsemble; skipping swapCheck") else: nTmessage("Failed to find nmrConstraintStore; skipping swapCheck") # constraintsHandler.swapCheck(nmrConstraintStore, structureEnsemble, numSwapCheckRuns) nTmessage('Saving to new path') # checkValid=True, saveProject(ccpnProject, newPath=entryId, removeExisting=True) ccpnFile = entryId # set to local dir now. # end if doSwapCheck self.assertTrue(project.initCcpn(ccpnFolder = ccpnFile, modelCount=modelCount)) # if doSave: # self.assertTrue( if False: ranges = "173-183" # residueOfInterest = range(171,174) # for residue in project.molecule.A.allResidues(): # if residue.resNum not in residueOfInterest: # # nTmessage("Removing residue of no interest") # project.molecule.A.removeResidue(residue) if False: ccpnProject = project.ccpn printSequenceFromCcpnProject(ccpnProject) if True: self.assertFalse(project.molecule.setRanges(ranges)) nTdebug('In ranges: %s' % str(project.molecule.ranges)) project.molecule.rangesToMmCifRanges(ranges) if True: self.assertFalse(project.validate(htmlOnly = htmlOnly, ranges=ranges, # fastestTest=fastestTest, # disabled doProcheck = doProcheck, doWhatif = doWhatif, doWattos=doWattos, doQueeny = doQueeny, doTalos=doTalos, filterVasco=filterVasco, filterTopViolations = filterTopViolations )) if doWattos and False: mol = project.molecule completenessMol = mol.getDeepByKeys( WATTOS_STR, COMPLCHK_STR, VALUE_LIST_STR) nTdebug("completenessMol: %s" % completenessMol) for res in mol.allResidues(): completenessRes = res.getDeepByKeys( WATTOS_STR, COMPLCHK_STR, VALUE_LIST_STR) nTdebug("%s: %s" % (res, completenessRes)) # end for # end if color = project.molecule.getRogColor() nTdebug("The color of this molecule is: %s" % color) self.assertFalse( color == COLOR_RED ) # ;-) # end if # self.assertTrue(project.exportValidation2ccpn()) # self.assertFalse(project.removeCcpnReferences()) # Do not leave the old CCPN directory laying around since it might get added to by another test. # if os.path.exists(entryId): # self.assertFalse(shutil.rmtree(entryId)) if False: self.assertTrue( self.assertTrue(project.saveCcpn(entryId)) if doRestoreCheck: del project project =, status = 'old') self.assertTrue(project, 'Failed reopening project: ' + entryId) if doStoreCheck: # # Does require below import which is used here to trigger import warning in case it's not installed. # pylint: disable=W0612 from cing.PluginCode.sqlAlchemy import CsqlAlchemy #@UnusedImport # pylint: disable=W0404 if doStoreCING2db( entryId, ARCHIVE_NRG_ID, project=project): nTerror("Failed to store CING project's data to DB but continuing.") if doSave: self.assertTrue(