def body(self, mainFrame): mainFrame.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1, minsize=100) mainFrame.config(borderwidth=5, relief='solid') row = 0 label = Label(mainFrame, text="Frame (with sub-widgets):") label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.E) frame = Frame(mainFrame, relief='raised', border=2, background='#8080D0') # Frame expands East-West frame.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.EW) # Last column expands => Widgets pusted to the West frame.grid_columnconfigure(3, weight=1) # Label is within the sub frame label = Label(frame, text='label ') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.W) entry = Entry(frame, text='Entry', returnCallback=self.showWarning) entry.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.W) self.check = CheckButton(frame, text='Checkbutton', selected=True, callback=self.updateObjects) self.check.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=Tkinter.W) # stick a button to the East wall button = Button(frame, text='Button', command=self.pressButton) button.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky=Tkinter.E) row += 1 label = Label(mainFrame, text="Text:") label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.E) self.textWindow = Text(mainFrame, text='Initial Text\n', width=60, height=5) self.textWindow.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.NSEW) row += 1 label = Label(mainFrame, text="CheckButtons:") label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.E) entries = ['Alpha','Beta','Gamma','Delta'] selected = entries[2:] self.checkButtons = CheckButtons(mainFrame, entries, selected=selected,select_callback=self.changedCheckButtons) self.checkButtons.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.W) row += 1 label = Label(mainFrame, text="PartitionedSelector:") label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.E) labels = ['Bool','Int','Float','String'] objects = [type(0),type(1),type(1.0),type('a')] selected = [type('a')] self.partitionedSelector= PartitionedSelector(mainFrame, labels=labels, objects=objects, colors = ['red','yellow','green','#000080'], callback=self.toggleSelector,selected=selected) self.partitionedSelector.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.EW) row += 1 label = Label(mainFrame, text="PulldownMenu") label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.E) entries = ['Frodo','Pipin','Merry','Sam','Bill','Gandalf','Strider','Gimli','Legolas'] self.pulldownMenu = PulldownMenu(mainFrame, callback=self.selectPulldown, entries=entries, selected_index=2, do_initial_callback=False) self.pulldownMenu.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.W) row += 1 label = Label(mainFrame, text="RadioButtons in a\nScrolledFrame.frame:") label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.EW) frame = ScrolledFrame(mainFrame, yscroll = False, doExtraConfig = True, width=100) frame.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.EW) frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.radioButtons = RadioButtons(frame.frame, entries=entries, select_callback=self.checkRadioButtons, selected_index=1, relief='groove') self.radioButtons.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.W) row += 1 label = Label(mainFrame, text="LabelFrame with\nToggleLabels inside:") label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.E) labelFrame = LabelFrame(mainFrame, text='Frame Title') labelFrame.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.NSEW) labelFrame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1) labelFrame.grid_columnconfigure(3, weight=1) self.toggleLabel1 = ToggleLabel(labelFrame, text='ScrolledMatrix', callback=self.toggleFrame1) self.toggleLabel1.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.W) self.toggleLabel1.arrowOn() self.toggleLabel2 = ToggleLabel(labelFrame, text='ScrolledGraph', callback=self.toggleFrame2) self.toggleLabel2.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.W) self.toggleLabel3 = ToggleLabel(labelFrame, text='ScrolledCanvas', callback=self.toggleFrame3) self.toggleLabel3.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=Tkinter.W) row += 1 mainFrame.grid_rowconfigure(row, weight=1) label = Label(mainFrame, text="changing/shrinking frames:") label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.E) self.toggleRow = row self.toggleFrame = Frame(mainFrame) self.toggleFrame.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.NSEW) self.toggleFrame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.toggleFrame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) # option 1 self.intEntry = IntEntry(self, returnCallback = self.setNumber, width=8) self.multiWidget = MultiWidget(self, Entry, options=None, values=None, callback=self.setKeywords, minRows=3, maxRows=5) editWidgets = [None, None, self.intEntry, self.multiWidget] editGetCallbacks = [None, None, self.getNumber, self.getKeywords] editSetCallbacks = [None, None, self.setNumber, self.setKeywords] headingList = ['Name','Color','Number','Keywords'] self.scrolledMatrix = ScrolledMatrix(self.toggleFrame, headingList=headingList, editSetCallbacks=editSetCallbacks, editGetCallbacks=editGetCallbacks, editWidgets=editWidgets, callback=self.selectObject, multiSelect=False) self.scrolledMatrix.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.NSEW) # option 2 self.scrolledGraph = ScrolledGraph(self.toggleFrame, width=400, height=300, symbolSize=5, symbols=['square','circle'], dataColors=['#000080','#800000'], lineWidths=[0,1] ) self.scrolledGraph.setZoom(1.3) dataSet1 = [[0,0],[1,1],[2,4],[3,9],[4,16],[5,25]] dataSet2 = [[0,0],[1,3],[2,6],[3,9],[4,12],[5,15]] self.scrolledGraph.update(dataSets=[dataSet1,dataSet2], xLabel = 'X axis label', yLabel = 'Y axis label', title = 'Main Title') self.scrolledGraph.draw() # option 3 self.scrolledCanvas = ScrolledCanvas(self.toggleFrame,relief = 'groove', borderwidth = 2, resizeCallback=None) canvas = self.scrolledCanvas.canvas font = 'Helvetica 10' box = canvas.create_rectangle(10,10,150,200, outline='grey', fill='grey90') line = canvas.create_line(0,0,200,200,fill='#800000', width=2) text = canvas.create_text(120,50, text='Text', font=font, fill='black') circle = canvas.create_oval(30,30,50,50,outline='#008000',fill='#404040',width=3) row += 1 label = Label(mainFrame, text="FloatEntry:") label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.E) self.floatEntry = FloatEntry(mainFrame, text=3.14159265, returnCallback=self.floatEntryReturn) self.floatEntry.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.W) row += 1 label = Label(mainFrame, text="Scale:") label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.E) self.scale = Scale(mainFrame, from_=10, to=90, value=50, orient=Tkinter.HORIZONTAL) self.scale.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.W) row += 1 label = Label(mainFrame, text="Value Ramp:") label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.E) self.valueRamp = ValueRamp(mainFrame, self.valueRampCallback, speed = 1.5, delay = 50) self.valueRamp.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.W) row += 1 label = Label(mainFrame, text="ButtonList:") label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.E) texts = ['Select File','Close','Quit'] commands = [self.selectFile, self.close, self.quit] bottomButtons = ButtonList(mainFrame, texts=texts, commands=commands, expands=True) bottomButtons.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.EW) self.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.quit)
class PopupTemplate(BasePopup): def __init__(self, parent, project=None, *args, **kw): self.project = project self.parent = parent self.objects = self.getObjects() self.object = None BasePopup.__init__(self, parent=parent, title='Popup Template', **kw) self.updateObjects() def body(self, mainFrame): mainFrame.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1, minsize=100) mainFrame.config(borderwidth=5, relief='solid') row = 0 label = Label(mainFrame, text="Frame (with sub-widgets):") label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.E) frame = Frame(mainFrame, relief='raised', border=2, background='#8080D0') # Frame expands East-West frame.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.EW) # Last column expands => Widgets pusted to the West frame.grid_columnconfigure(3, weight=1) # Label is within the sub frame label = Label(frame, text='label ') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.W) entry = Entry(frame, text='Entry', returnCallback=self.showWarning) entry.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.W) self.check = CheckButton(frame, text='Checkbutton', selected=True, callback=self.updateObjects) self.check.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=Tkinter.W) # stick a button to the East wall button = Button(frame, text='Button', command=self.pressButton) button.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky=Tkinter.E) row += 1 label = Label(mainFrame, text="Text:") label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.E) self.textWindow = Text(mainFrame, text='Initial Text\n', width=60, height=5) self.textWindow.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.NSEW) row += 1 label = Label(mainFrame, text="CheckButtons:") label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.E) entries = ['Alpha','Beta','Gamma','Delta'] selected = entries[2:] self.checkButtons = CheckButtons(mainFrame, entries, selected=selected,select_callback=self.changedCheckButtons) self.checkButtons.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.W) row += 1 label = Label(mainFrame, text="PartitionedSelector:") label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.E) labels = ['Bool','Int','Float','String'] objects = [type(0),type(1),type(1.0),type('a')] selected = [type('a')] self.partitionedSelector= PartitionedSelector(mainFrame, labels=labels, objects=objects, colors = ['red','yellow','green','#000080'], callback=self.toggleSelector,selected=selected) self.partitionedSelector.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.EW) row += 1 label = Label(mainFrame, text="PulldownMenu") label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.E) entries = ['Frodo','Pipin','Merry','Sam','Bill','Gandalf','Strider','Gimli','Legolas'] self.pulldownMenu = PulldownMenu(mainFrame, callback=self.selectPulldown, entries=entries, selected_index=2, do_initial_callback=False) self.pulldownMenu.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.W) row += 1 label = Label(mainFrame, text="RadioButtons in a\nScrolledFrame.frame:") label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.EW) frame = ScrolledFrame(mainFrame, yscroll = False, doExtraConfig = True, width=100) frame.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.EW) frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.radioButtons = RadioButtons(frame.frame, entries=entries, select_callback=self.checkRadioButtons, selected_index=1, relief='groove') self.radioButtons.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.W) row += 1 label = Label(mainFrame, text="LabelFrame with\nToggleLabels inside:") label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.E) labelFrame = LabelFrame(mainFrame, text='Frame Title') labelFrame.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.NSEW) labelFrame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1) labelFrame.grid_columnconfigure(3, weight=1) self.toggleLabel1 = ToggleLabel(labelFrame, text='ScrolledMatrix', callback=self.toggleFrame1) self.toggleLabel1.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.W) self.toggleLabel1.arrowOn() self.toggleLabel2 = ToggleLabel(labelFrame, text='ScrolledGraph', callback=self.toggleFrame2) self.toggleLabel2.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.W) self.toggleLabel3 = ToggleLabel(labelFrame, text='ScrolledCanvas', callback=self.toggleFrame3) self.toggleLabel3.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=Tkinter.W) row += 1 mainFrame.grid_rowconfigure(row, weight=1) label = Label(mainFrame, text="changing/shrinking frames:") label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.E) self.toggleRow = row self.toggleFrame = Frame(mainFrame) self.toggleFrame.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.NSEW) self.toggleFrame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.toggleFrame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) # option 1 self.intEntry = IntEntry(self, returnCallback = self.setNumber, width=8) self.multiWidget = MultiWidget(self, Entry, options=None, values=None, callback=self.setKeywords, minRows=3, maxRows=5) editWidgets = [None, None, self.intEntry, self.multiWidget] editGetCallbacks = [None, None, self.getNumber, self.getKeywords] editSetCallbacks = [None, None, self.setNumber, self.setKeywords] headingList = ['Name','Color','Number','Keywords'] self.scrolledMatrix = ScrolledMatrix(self.toggleFrame, headingList=headingList, editSetCallbacks=editSetCallbacks, editGetCallbacks=editGetCallbacks, editWidgets=editWidgets, callback=self.selectObject, multiSelect=False) self.scrolledMatrix.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.NSEW) # option 2 self.scrolledGraph = ScrolledGraph(self.toggleFrame, width=400, height=300, symbolSize=5, symbols=['square','circle'], dataColors=['#000080','#800000'], lineWidths=[0,1] ) self.scrolledGraph.setZoom(1.3) dataSet1 = [[0,0],[1,1],[2,4],[3,9],[4,16],[5,25]] dataSet2 = [[0,0],[1,3],[2,6],[3,9],[4,12],[5,15]] self.scrolledGraph.update(dataSets=[dataSet1,dataSet2], xLabel = 'X axis label', yLabel = 'Y axis label', title = 'Main Title') self.scrolledGraph.draw() # option 3 self.scrolledCanvas = ScrolledCanvas(self.toggleFrame,relief = 'groove', borderwidth = 2, resizeCallback=None) canvas = self.scrolledCanvas.canvas font = 'Helvetica 10' box = canvas.create_rectangle(10,10,150,200, outline='grey', fill='grey90') line = canvas.create_line(0,0,200,200,fill='#800000', width=2) text = canvas.create_text(120,50, text='Text', font=font, fill='black') circle = canvas.create_oval(30,30,50,50,outline='#008000',fill='#404040',width=3) row += 1 label = Label(mainFrame, text="FloatEntry:") label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.E) self.floatEntry = FloatEntry(mainFrame, text=3.14159265, returnCallback=self.floatEntryReturn) self.floatEntry.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.W) row += 1 label = Label(mainFrame, text="Scale:") label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.E) self.scale = Scale(mainFrame, from_=10, to=90, value=50, orient=Tkinter.HORIZONTAL) self.scale.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.W) row += 1 label = Label(mainFrame, text="Value Ramp:") label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.E) self.valueRamp = ValueRamp(mainFrame, self.valueRampCallback, speed = 1.5, delay = 50) self.valueRamp.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.W) row += 1 label = Label(mainFrame, text="ButtonList:") label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.E) texts = ['Select File','Close','Quit'] commands = [self.selectFile, self.close, self.quit] bottomButtons = ButtonList(mainFrame, texts=texts, commands=commands, expands=True) bottomButtons.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.EW) self.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.quit) def floatEntryReturn(self, event): value = self.floatEntry.get() self.textWindow.setText('%s\n' % value) def selectObject(self, object, row, col): self.object = object def getKeywords(self, object): if object : values = object.keywords self.multiWidget.set(values) def setKeywords(self, event): values = self.multiWidget.get() self.object.keywords = values self.updateObjects() def getNumber(self, object): if object : self.intEntry.set(object.quantity) def setNumber(self, event): value = self.intEntry.get() self.object.quantity = value self.updateObjects() def toggleFrame1(self, isHidden): if isHidden: self.scrolledMatrix.grid_forget() self.toggleFrame.grid_forget() else: self.scrolledGraph.grid_forget() self.scrolledCanvas.grid_forget() self.scrolledMatrix.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.NSEW) self.toggleFrame.grid(row=self.toggleRow, column=1,sticky=Tkinter.NSEW) self.toggleLabel2.arrowOff() self.toggleLabel3.arrowOff() def toggleFrame2(self, isHidden): if isHidden: self.scrolledGraph.grid_forget() self.toggleFrame.grid_forget() else: self.scrolledMatrix.grid_forget() self.scrolledCanvas.grid_forget() self.scrolledGraph.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.NSEW) self.toggleFrame.grid(row=self.toggleRow, column=1,sticky=Tkinter.NSEW) self.toggleLabel1.arrowOff() self.toggleLabel3.arrowOff() def toggleFrame3(self, isHidden): if isHidden: self.scrolledCanvas.grid_forget() self.toggleFrame.grid_forget() else: self.scrolledMatrix.grid_forget() self.scrolledGraph.grid_forget() self.scrolledCanvas.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.NSEW) self.toggleFrame.grid(row=self.toggleRow, column=1,sticky=Tkinter.NSEW) self.toggleLabel1.arrowOff() self.toggleLabel2.arrowOff() def valueRampCallback(self, value): self.textWindow.setText('%s\n' % value) def checkRadioButtons(self, value): self.textWindow.setText('%s\n' % value) def selectPulldown(self, index, name): self.textWindow.setText('%d, %s\n' % (index, name)) def toggleSelector(self, value): self.textWindow.setText('%s\n' % value) def changedCheckButtons(self, values): self.textWindow.setText(','.join(values) + '\n') def getObjects(self): objects = [] objects.append( Fruit('Lemon', '#FFFF00',1,keywords=['Bitter','Tangy'] ) ) objects.append( Fruit('Orange', '#FF8000',4 ) ) objects.append( Fruit('Banana', '#FFF000',5 ) ) objects.append( Fruit('Pinapple','#FFD000',9 ) ) objects.append( Fruit('Kiwi', '#008000',12) ) objects.append( Fruit('Lime', '#00FF00',2 ) ) objects.append( Fruit('Apple', '#800000',5,keywords=['Crunchy'] ) ) objects.append( Fruit('Pear', '#408000',6 ) ) objects.append( Fruit('Peach', '#FFE0C0',2,keywords=['Sweet','Furry'] ) ) objects.append( Fruit('Plumb', '#800080',7 ) ) return objects def updateObjects(self, event=None): textMatrix = [] objectList = [] colorMatrix = [] for object in self.objects: datum = [] datum.append( ) datum.append( None ) datum.append( object.quantity ) datum.append( ','.join(object.keywords) ) colors = [None, object.color, None, None] textMatrix.append(datum) objectList.append(object) colorMatrix.append(colors) if self.check.get(): self.scrolledMatrix.update(textMatrix=textMatrix, objectList=objectList) else: self.scrolledMatrix.update(textMatrix=textMatrix, objectList=objectList, colorMatrix=colorMatrix) def selectFile(self): fileSelectPopup = FileSelectPopup(self, title = 'Choose file', dismiss_text = 'Cancel', selected_file_must_exist = True) fileName = fileSelectPopup.getFile() self.textWindow.setText('File Selected: %s\n' % fileName) def showWarning(self, eventObject): self.textWindow.setText('Text Entry Return Pressed\n') showWarning('Warning Title','Warning Message') return def pressButton(self): self.textWindow.setText('Button Pressed\n') if showYesNo('Title','Prompt: Clear text window?'): self.textWindow.clear() return def quit(self): BasePopup.destroy(self)
class ChemCompFrame(Frame): chemCompClasses = {} def __init__(self, parent, project, path = None, molTypeEntries = None, chemCompEntries = None, selectedChemComps = None, selectLinking = None, *args, **kw): Frame.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kw) self.project = project self.molTypeEntries = molTypeEntries self.chemCompEntries = chemCompEntries self.selectLinking = selectLinking if (not path): path = getDataPath() self.path = path # Check if all chemComps available locally self.path_allChemComps = getChemCompArchiveDataDir() if not os.path.exists(self.path_allChemComps): self.path_allChemComps = None self.chemCompInfoDict = {} self.chemCompInfoList = [] self.chemCompDownload = False self.chem_comps_shown = {} for entry in chemCompList: self.chemCompClasses[entry] = getattr(ccp.api.molecule.ChemComp, entry) self.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) row = 0 if (molTypeEntries is None): headerText = "Show residues (select molecular type(s)):" else: headerText = "Show %s residues:" % (str(molTypeEntries)) # # # TODO TODO: HERE need to do some niftier stuff for displaying! # # headerTextWidget = Label(self, text = headerText) headerTextWidget.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.W) row = row + 1 if (molTypeEntries is None): self.mol_type_buttons = CheckButtons(self, entries=molTypeList, select_callback=self.updateTables) self.mol_type_buttons.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.EW) row = row + 1 else: self.mol_type_buttons = None # # The chemComps to display... # self.showLocalText = 'Show local' self.showWebText = 'Show available via web' self.display_buttons = CheckButtons(self, entries=[self.showLocalText,self.showWebText], select_callback=self.updateTables, selected = [self.showLocalText]) self.display_buttons.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.EW) row = row + 1 self.grid_rowconfigure(row, weight=2) headings = ('number', 'show details', 'molType', 'ccpCode', 'code1Letter', 'cifCode', 'name') editWidgets = 7 * [ None ] editGetCallbacks = [ None, self.toggleShow, None, None, None, None, None ] editSetCallbacks = 7 * [ None ] self.chem_comp_table = ScrolledMatrix(self, headingList=headings, editWidgets=editWidgets, editGetCallbacks=editGetCallbacks, editSetCallbacks=editSetCallbacks) self.chem_comp_table.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.NSEW) row = row + 1 texts = [ 'Show all in details window', 'Clear details window' ] commands = [ self.showAll, self.showNone ] buttons = ButtonList(self, texts=texts, commands=commands) buttons.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.EW) row = row + 1 separator = Separator(self,height = 3) separator.setColor('black', bgColor = 'black') separator.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.EW) row = row + 1 headerTextWidget = Label(self, text = "Select the residue variant:") headerTextWidget.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.W) row = row + 1 if (chemCompEntries is None): self.chem_comp_buttons = CheckButtons(self, entries=chemCompList, selected=('ChemComp',), select_callback=self.updateChemCompVarTable) self.chem_comp_buttons.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.EW) row = row + 1 else: self.chem_comp_buttons = None self.grid_rowconfigure(row, weight=1) headings = ('number', 'molType', 'ccpCode', 'linking', 'descriptor', 'molecularMass', 'formula', 'nonStereoSmiles', 'stereoSmiles') self.chem_comp_var_table = ScrolledMatrix(self, headingList=headings) self.chem_comp_var_table.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.NSEW) self.chem_comp_var_headings = headings[1:] if selectedChemComps: for chemComp in selectedChemComps: key = (chemComp.molType, chemComp.ccpCode) self.chem_comps_shown[key] = 1 self.updateTables() def toggleShow(self, chemCompInfo): key = (chemCompInfo.molType, chemCompInfo.ccpCode) if (self.chem_comps_shown.has_key(key)): del self.chem_comps_shown[key] else: self.chem_comps_shown[key] = 1 self.updateTables() def findChemComps(self): self.chemCompInfoDict = {} self.chemCompInfoList = [] # # Get the molTypes # if (self.molTypeEntries is None): selected = self.mol_type_buttons.getSelected() else: selected = self.molTypeEntries # # Find out where to get the chemComp info from # searchTypes = self.display_buttons.getSelected() # # Now get the info... # for molType in selected: if self.showLocalText in searchTypes: chemCompFileSearchString = "%s+*.xml" % molType if self.path_allChemComps: path = self.path_allChemComps else: path = self.path chemCompFileSearchPath = os.path.join(path,'ccp','molecule','ChemComp') chemCompFileNameMatches = glob.glob(os.path.join(chemCompFileSearchPath,chemCompFileSearchString)) ccpCodes = [] for chemCompFile in chemCompFileNameMatches: if os.path.isfile(joinPath(chemCompFileSearchPath, chemCompFile)) and (chemCompFile[-4:] == '.xml'): fileNameComponents = chemCompFile.split('+') ccpCodes.append(fileNameComponents[1]) for ccpCode in ccpCodes: chemCompKey = None # First try dictionary (quicker) if molType != 'other': if chemCompStdDict[molType].has_key(ccpCode): chemCompKey = (molType,ccpCode) chemCompDict = chemCompStdDict[molType] else: # molType == 'other' from ccp.general.ChemCompOverview import chemCompOtherDict if chemCompOtherDict[molType].has_key(ccpCode): chemCompKey = (molType,ccpCode) chemCompDict = chemCompOtherDict[molType] # If found, set info if chemCompKey: chemCompInfo = ChemCompInfo(molType,ccpCode) chemCompInfo.setInfoFromDict(chemCompDict[ccpCode]) self.chemCompInfoList.append(chemCompKey) self.chemCompInfoDict[chemCompKey] = chemCompInfo # Else try to get from local directory- TODO is this obsolete?! else: chemCompKey = (molType,ccpCode) chemComp = self.project.findFirstChemComp(molType = molType, ccpCode = ccpCode) if not chemComp: chemComp = getChemComp(self.project, molType, ccpCode, download=False) if (chemComp): chemCompInfo = ChemCompInfo(molType,ccpCode) chemCompInfo.setInfoFromChemComp(chemComp) self.chemCompInfoList.append(chemCompKey) self.chemCompInfoDict[chemCompKey] = chemCompInfo if self.showWebText in searchTypes: if molType == 'other': from ccp.general.ChemCompOverview import chemCompOtherDict overviewDict = chemCompOtherDict[molType] else: overviewDict = chemCompStdDict[molType] ccpCodes = overviewDict.keys() ccpCodes.sort() for ccpCode in ccpCodes: chemCompKey = (molType,ccpCode) if chemCompKey not in self.chemCompInfoList: self.chemCompDownload = True chemCompInfo = ChemCompInfo(molType,ccpCode) chemCompInfo.setInfoFromDict(overviewDict[ccpCode]) self.chemCompInfoList.append(chemCompKey) self.chemCompInfoDict[chemCompKey] = chemCompInfo def updateTables(self, *extra): self.updateChemCompTable() self.updateChemCompVarTable() def updateChemCompTable(self): self.findChemComps() textMatrix = [] n = 0 chemCompInfos = [] for (molType, ccpCode) in self.chemCompInfoList: n = n + 1 isShown = self.chem_comps_shown.has_key((molType, ccpCode)) chemCompInfo = self.chemCompInfoDict[(molType, ccpCode)] chemCompInfos.append(chemCompInfo) text = [n, self.booleanString(isShown), molType, ccpCode, chemCompInfo.code1Letter, chemCompInfo.cifCode,] textMatrix.append(text) self.chem_comp_table.update(objectList=chemCompInfos, textMatrix=textMatrix) def updateChemCompVarTable(self, *extra): textMatrix = [] allChemComps = [] if (self.chemCompEntries is None): selected = self.chem_comp_buttons.getSelected() else: selected = self.chemCompEntries numberToLoad = self.numberChemCompsToLoad() if (selected and (numberToLoad > 1)): use_progress_bar = True p = ProgressBar(self, text='loading', total=numberToLoad) else: use_progress_bar = False try: n = 0 for (molType, ccpCode) in self.chemCompInfoList: chemCompInfo = self.chemCompInfoDict[(molType,ccpCode)] isShown = self.chem_comps_shown.has_key((molType, ccpCode)) has_been_loaded = False if (isShown): chemComp = chemCompInfo.chemComp if not chemComp: chemComp = getChemComp(self.project, molType, ccpCode, showError=showError) chemCompAndVars = [chemComp] + list(chemComp.chemCompVars)# this loads data, if needed for chemCompOrVar in chemCompAndVars: if (self.chemCompShown(chemCompOrVar)): n = n + 1 text = [n] for heading in self.chem_comp_var_headings: if hasattr(chemCompOrVar,heading): text.append(getattr(chemCompOrVar, heading)) elif hasattr(chemCompOrVar,'chemComp') and hasattr(chemCompOrVar.chemComp,heading): text.append(getattr(chemCompOrVar.chemComp, heading)) else: text.append("n/a") textMatrix.append(text) allChemComps.append(chemCompOrVar) if (use_progress_bar and has_been_loaded): p.increment() finally: if (use_progress_bar): p.destroy() self.chem_comp_var_table.update(objectList=allChemComps, textMatrix=textMatrix) def numberChemCompsToLoad(self): # TODO THIS NEEDS TO BE UPDATED! n = 0 for (molType,ccpCode) in self.chemCompInfoList: chemCompInfo = self.chemCompInfoDict[(molType,ccpCode)] if chemCompInfo.chemComp: continue isShown = self.chem_comps_shown.has_key((molType, ccpCode)) if (isShown): n = n + 1 return n def chemCompShown(self, chemComp): returnStatus = False if (self.chemCompEntries is None): selected = self.chem_comp_buttons.getSelected() else: selected = self.chemCompEntries for s in selected: if (isinstance(chemComp, self.chemCompClasses[s])): if self.selectLinking and hasattr(chemComp,'linking'): if chemComp.linking == self.selectLinking: returnStatus = True else: returnStatus = True return returnStatus def showAll(self): loadAll = False if self.chemCompDownload: if (showYesNo('Show all variants','Are you sure you want to display all variants? This will also download the XML files for all chemComps that are not stored locally!')): loadAll = True else: loadAll = True if loadAll: for key in self.chemCompInfoList: self.chem_comps_shown[key] = 1 self.updateTables() self.chemCompDownload = False def showNone(self): for key in self.chemCompInfoList: if (self.chem_comps_shown.has_key(key)): del self.chem_comps_shown[key] self.updateTables() def booleanString(self, boolean): if (boolean): return 'yes' else: return 'no' def getSelectedChemComp(self): return self.chem_comp_var_table.currentObject
def __init__(self, parent, project, path = None, molTypeEntries = None, chemCompEntries = None, selectedChemComps = None, selectLinking = None, *args, **kw): Frame.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kw) self.project = project self.molTypeEntries = molTypeEntries self.chemCompEntries = chemCompEntries self.selectLinking = selectLinking if (not path): path = getDataPath() self.path = path # Check if all chemComps available locally self.path_allChemComps = getChemCompArchiveDataDir() if not os.path.exists(self.path_allChemComps): self.path_allChemComps = None self.chemCompInfoDict = {} self.chemCompInfoList = [] self.chemCompDownload = False self.chem_comps_shown = {} for entry in chemCompList: self.chemCompClasses[entry] = getattr(ccp.api.molecule.ChemComp, entry) self.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) row = 0 if (molTypeEntries is None): headerText = "Show residues (select molecular type(s)):" else: headerText = "Show %s residues:" % (str(molTypeEntries)) # # # TODO TODO: HERE need to do some niftier stuff for displaying! # # headerTextWidget = Label(self, text = headerText) headerTextWidget.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.W) row = row + 1 if (molTypeEntries is None): self.mol_type_buttons = CheckButtons(self, entries=molTypeList, select_callback=self.updateTables) self.mol_type_buttons.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.EW) row = row + 1 else: self.mol_type_buttons = None # # The chemComps to display... # self.showLocalText = 'Show local' self.showWebText = 'Show available via web' self.display_buttons = CheckButtons(self, entries=[self.showLocalText,self.showWebText], select_callback=self.updateTables, selected = [self.showLocalText]) self.display_buttons.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.EW) row = row + 1 self.grid_rowconfigure(row, weight=2) headings = ('number', 'show details', 'molType', 'ccpCode', 'code1Letter', 'cifCode', 'name') editWidgets = 7 * [ None ] editGetCallbacks = [ None, self.toggleShow, None, None, None, None, None ] editSetCallbacks = 7 * [ None ] self.chem_comp_table = ScrolledMatrix(self, headingList=headings, editWidgets=editWidgets, editGetCallbacks=editGetCallbacks, editSetCallbacks=editSetCallbacks) self.chem_comp_table.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.NSEW) row = row + 1 texts = [ 'Show all in details window', 'Clear details window' ] commands = [ self.showAll, self.showNone ] buttons = ButtonList(self, texts=texts, commands=commands) buttons.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.EW) row = row + 1 separator = Separator(self,height = 3) separator.setColor('black', bgColor = 'black') separator.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.EW) row = row + 1 headerTextWidget = Label(self, text = "Select the residue variant:") headerTextWidget.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.W) row = row + 1 if (chemCompEntries is None): self.chem_comp_buttons = CheckButtons(self, entries=chemCompList, selected=('ChemComp',), select_callback=self.updateChemCompVarTable) self.chem_comp_buttons.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.EW) row = row + 1 else: self.chem_comp_buttons = None self.grid_rowconfigure(row, weight=1) headings = ('number', 'molType', 'ccpCode', 'linking', 'descriptor', 'molecularMass', 'formula', 'nonStereoSmiles', 'stereoSmiles') self.chem_comp_var_table = ScrolledMatrix(self, headingList=headings) self.chem_comp_var_table.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.NSEW) self.chem_comp_var_headings = headings[1:] if selectedChemComps: for chemComp in selectedChemComps: key = (chemComp.molType, chemComp.ccpCode) self.chem_comps_shown[key] = 1 self.updateTables()
class PrintFrame(LabelFrame): def __init__(self, parent, getOption=None, setOption=None, text='Print Options', haveTicks=False, doOutlineBox=True, *args, **kw): self.getOption = getOption self.setOption = setOption self.haveTicks = haveTicks self.doOutlineBox = doOutlineBox LabelFrame.__init__(self, parent=parent, text=text, *args, **kw) self.file_select_popup = None self.getOptionValues() try: size_index = self.paper_types.index(self.paper_type) except: size_index = 0 try: other_unit_index = self.paper_units.index(self.other_unit) except: other_unit_index = 0 try: orientation_index = self.paper_orientations.index(self.orientation) except: orientation_index = 0 try: style_index = self.style_choices.index(self.output_style) except: style_index = 0 try: format_index = self.format_choices.index(self.output_format) except: format_index = 0 if haveTicks: try: tick_location_index = self.tick_locations.index( self.tick_location) except: tick_location_index = 0 self.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight=1) row = 0 label = Label(self, text='File:') label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='e') self.file_entry = Entry(self, width=40, text=self.file_name) self.file_entry.grid(row=row, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky='ew') button = Button(self, text='Choose File', command=self.findFile) button.grid(row=row, column=3, rowspan=2, sticky='nsew') row += 1 label = Label(self, text='Title:') label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='e') self.title_entry = Entry(self, width=40, text=self.title) self.title_entry.grid(row=row, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky='ew') row += 1 frame = Frame(self) frame.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky='ew') frame.grid_columnconfigure(4, weight=1) label = Label(frame, text='Paper size:') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='e') entries = [] for t in paper_types: if t == Output.other_paper_type: entry = t else: (w, h, u) = paper_sizes[t] entry = t + ' (%2.1f %s x %2.1f %s)' % (w, u, h, u) entries.append(entry) self.size_menu = PulldownList(frame, callback=self.changedSize, texts=entries, index=size_index) self.size_menu.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='w') self.other_frame = Frame(frame) self.other_frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.other_entry = FloatEntry(self.other_frame, text=self.other_size, isArray=True) self.other_entry.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='ew') self.other_unit_menu = PulldownList(self.other_frame, texts=paper_units, index=other_unit_index) self.other_unit_menu.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='ew') row += 1 frame = Frame(self) frame.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky='ew') frame.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) frame.grid_columnconfigure(3, weight=1) frame.grid_columnconfigure(5, weight=1) label = Label(frame, text='Orientation:') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='e') self.orientation_menu = PulldownList(frame, texts=paper_orientations, index=orientation_index) self.orientation_menu.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='w') label = Label(frame, text=' Style:') label.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='e') self.style_menu = PulldownList(frame, texts=style_choices, index=style_index) self.style_menu.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky='w') label = Label(frame, text=' Format:') label.grid(row=0, column=4, sticky='e') self.format_menu = PulldownList(frame, callback=self.changedFormat, texts=format_choices, index=format_index) self.format_menu.grid(row=0, column=5, sticky='w') if haveTicks: row += 1 frame = Frame(self) frame.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky='ew') frame.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) frame.grid_columnconfigure(3, weight=1) label = Label(frame, text='Tick Location:') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='e') self.tick_menu = PulldownList(frame, texts=tick_locations, index=tick_location_index) self.tick_menu.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='w') label = Label(frame, text=' Tick Placement:') label.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='e') self.tick_buttons = CheckButtons(frame, entries=tick_placements, selected=self.tick_placement) self.tick_buttons.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky='w') row += 1 frame = Frame(self) frame.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky='ew') frame.grid_columnconfigure(3, weight=1) label = Label(frame, text='Include:') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='e') self.border_buttons = CheckButtons(frame, entries=border_decorations, selected=self.border_decoration) self.border_buttons.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='w') label = Label(frame, text=' Scaling:') label.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='e') self.scaling_scale = Scale(frame, orient=Tkinter.HORIZONTAL, value=self.scaling) self.scaling_scale.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky='ew') def destroy(self): self.setOptionValues() if self.file_select_popup: self.file_select_popup.destroy() Frame.destroy(self) def getOptionValues(self): getOption = self.getOption if getOption: file_name = getOption('FileName', defaultValue='') title = getOption('Title', defaultValue='') paper_type = getOption('PaperSize', defaultValue=paper_types[0]) paper_type = paper_type_dict.get(paper_type, paper_types[0]) other_height = getOption('OtherHeight', defaultValue=10) other_width = getOption('OtherWidth', defaultValue=10) other_size = [other_height, other_width] other_unit = getOption('OtherUnit', defaultValue=paper_units[0]) orientation = getOption('Orientation', defaultValue=paper_orientations[0]) in_color = getOption('InColor', defaultValue=True) if in_color: output_style = style_choices[0] else: output_style = style_choices[1] format_option = getOption('OutputFormat', defaultValue=format_options[0]) output_format = format_choices[format_options.index(format_option)] if self.haveTicks: tick_outside = getOption('TickOutside', defaultValue=tick_locations[0]) if tick_outside: tick_location = tick_locations.index(PrintTicks.Outside) else: tick_location = tick_locations.index(PrintTicks.Inside) tick_placement = getTickPlacement1( getOption('TickPlacement', defaultValue='nsew')) dateTime = getOption('ShowsDateTime', defaultValue=True) fileName = getOption('ShowsFileName', defaultValue=True) border_decoration = [] if dateTime: border_decoration.append(border_decorations[0]) if fileName: border_decoration.append(border_decorations[1]) scaling = getOption('Scaling', defaultValue=0.9) scaling = int(round(100.0 * scaling)) else: file_name = '' title = '' paper_type = paper_types[0] other_unit = paper_units[0] other_size = '' orientation = paper_orientations[0] output_style = style_choices[0] output_format = format_choices[0] if self.haveTicks: tick_location = tick_locations[0] tick_placement = tick_placements border_decoration = border_decorations scaling = 90 if not self.haveTicks: tick_location = None tick_placement = None self.file_name = file_name self.title = title self.paper_type = paper_type self.other_unit = other_unit self.other_size = other_size self.orientation = orientation self.output_style = output_style self.output_format = output_format self.tick_location = tick_location self.tick_placement = tick_placement self.border_decoration = border_decoration self.scaling = scaling def setOptionValues(self): self.file_name = file_name = self.file_entry.get() self.title = title = self.title_entry.get() n = self.size_menu.getSelectedIndex() self.paper_type = paper_type = paper_types[n] if paper_type == Output.other_paper_type: other_size = self.other_entry.get() other_unit = self.other_unit_menu.getText() else: other_size = None other_unit = None self.other_size = other_size self.other_unit = other_unit self.paper_orientation = paper_orientation = self.orientation_menu.getText( ) self.output_style = output_style = self.style_menu.getText() self.output_format = output_format = self.format_menu.getText() if self.haveTicks: tick_location = self.tick_menu.getText() tick_placement = self.tick_buttons.getSelected() else: tick_location = tick_placement = None self.tick_location = tick_location self.tick_placement = tick_placement self.border_decoration = border_decoration = self.border_buttons.getSelected( ) scaling = self.scaling_scale.get() self.scaling = scaling = int(round(scaling)) setOption = self.setOption if setOption: setOption('FileName', value=file_name) setOption('Title', value=title) if paper_type == Output.other_paper_type: setOption('OtherHeight', value=other_size[0]) setOption('OtherWidth', value=other_size[1]) setOption('OtherUnit', value=other_unit) else: paper_type = paper_type_inverse_dict[paper_type] setOption('PaperSize', value=paper_type) setOption('Orientation', value=paper_orientation) in_color = (output_style == style_choices[0]) setOption('InColor', value=in_color) output_format = format_options[format_choices.index(output_format)] setOption('OutputFormat', value=output_format) if self.haveTicks: tick_outside = (tick_location == PrintTicks.Outside) setOption('TickOutside', value=tick_outside) tick_placement = getTickPlacement2(tick_placement) setOption('TickPlacement', value=tick_placement) dateTime = (border_decorations[0] in border_decoration) fileName = (border_decorations[1] in border_decoration) setOption('ShowsDateTime', value=dateTime) setOption('ShowsFileName', value=fileName) setOption('Scaling', value=0.01 * scaling) def findFile(self): if self.file_select_popup: else: file_types = [ FileType('All', ['*']), FileType('PostScript', ['*.ps', '*.eps']), FileType('PDF', ['*.pdf', '*.ai']) ] self.file_select_popup = FileSelectPopup(self, file_types=file_types) file = self.file_select_popup.getFile() if file: self.file_entry.set(file) def changedSize(self, entry): if entry == Output.other_paper_type: self.other_frame.grid(row=0, column=2, columnspan=2, sticky='w') else: self.other_frame.grid_forget() def changedFormat(self, entry): file_suffix = file_suffixes.get(entry) if not file_suffix: return file_name = self.file_entry.get() if not file_name: return for suffix in format_suffixes: if file_name.endswith(suffix): if suffix != file_suffix: n = len(suffix) file_name = file_name[:-n] + file_suffix self.file_entry.set(file_name) break else: file_name = file_name + file_suffix self.file_entry.set(file_name) # width and height are of plot, in pixels def getOutputHandler(self, width, height, fonts=None): if not fonts: fonts = [] else: fonts = list(fonts) for n in range(len(fonts)): if fonts[n] == 'Times': fonts[n] = 'Times-Roman' self.setOptionValues() if not self.file_name: showError('No file', 'No file specified', parent=self) return None if os.path.exists(self.file_name): if not showYesNo('File exists', 'File "%s" exists, overwrite?' % self.file_name, parent=self): return None if (self.paper_type == Output.other_paper_type): paper_size = self.other_size + [self.other_unit] else: paper_size = paper_sizes[self.paper_type] output_scaling = self.scaling / 100.0 font = 'Times-Roman' border_text = {} for decoration in self.border_decoration: if (decoration == 'Time & date'): location = 'se' text = time.ctime(time.time()) elif (decoration == 'File name'): location = 'sw' text = self.file_name else: continue # should not be here border_text[location] = (text, font, 12) if (self.title): location = 'n' border_text[location] = (self.title, font, 18) if font not in fonts: fonts.append(font) outputHandler = PrintHandler.getOutputHandler( self.file_name, width, height, output_scaling=output_scaling, paper_size=paper_size, paper_orientation=self.paper_orientation, output_style=self.output_style, output_format=self.output_format, border_text=border_text, fonts=fonts, do_outline_box=self.doOutlineBox) return outputHandler def getAspectRatio(self): self.setOptionValues() if self.paper_type == Output.other_paper_type: paper_size = self.other_size else: paper_size = paper_sizes[self.paper_type] r = paper_size[1] / paper_size[0] if self.paper_orientation == 'Landscape': r = 1.0 / r return r
def __init__(self, parent, getOption=None, setOption=None, text='Print Options', haveTicks=False, doOutlineBox=True, *args, **kw): self.getOption = getOption self.setOption = setOption self.haveTicks = haveTicks self.doOutlineBox = doOutlineBox LabelFrame.__init__(self, parent=parent, text=text, *args, **kw) self.file_select_popup = None self.getOptionValues() try: size_index = self.paper_types.index(self.paper_type) except: size_index = 0 try: other_unit_index = self.paper_units.index(self.other_unit) except: other_unit_index = 0 try: orientation_index = self.paper_orientations.index(self.orientation) except: orientation_index = 0 try: style_index = self.style_choices.index(self.output_style) except: style_index = 0 try: format_index = self.format_choices.index(self.output_format) except: format_index = 0 if haveTicks: try: tick_location_index = self.tick_locations.index( self.tick_location) except: tick_location_index = 0 self.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight=1) row = 0 label = Label(self, text='File:') label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='e') self.file_entry = Entry(self, width=40, text=self.file_name) self.file_entry.grid(row=row, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky='ew') button = Button(self, text='Choose File', command=self.findFile) button.grid(row=row, column=3, rowspan=2, sticky='nsew') row += 1 label = Label(self, text='Title:') label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='e') self.title_entry = Entry(self, width=40, text=self.title) self.title_entry.grid(row=row, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky='ew') row += 1 frame = Frame(self) frame.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky='ew') frame.grid_columnconfigure(4, weight=1) label = Label(frame, text='Paper size:') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='e') entries = [] for t in paper_types: if t == Output.other_paper_type: entry = t else: (w, h, u) = paper_sizes[t] entry = t + ' (%2.1f %s x %2.1f %s)' % (w, u, h, u) entries.append(entry) self.size_menu = PulldownList(frame, callback=self.changedSize, texts=entries, index=size_index) self.size_menu.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='w') self.other_frame = Frame(frame) self.other_frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.other_entry = FloatEntry(self.other_frame, text=self.other_size, isArray=True) self.other_entry.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='ew') self.other_unit_menu = PulldownList(self.other_frame, texts=paper_units, index=other_unit_index) self.other_unit_menu.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='ew') row += 1 frame = Frame(self) frame.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky='ew') frame.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) frame.grid_columnconfigure(3, weight=1) frame.grid_columnconfigure(5, weight=1) label = Label(frame, text='Orientation:') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='e') self.orientation_menu = PulldownList(frame, texts=paper_orientations, index=orientation_index) self.orientation_menu.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='w') label = Label(frame, text=' Style:') label.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='e') self.style_menu = PulldownList(frame, texts=style_choices, index=style_index) self.style_menu.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky='w') label = Label(frame, text=' Format:') label.grid(row=0, column=4, sticky='e') self.format_menu = PulldownList(frame, callback=self.changedFormat, texts=format_choices, index=format_index) self.format_menu.grid(row=0, column=5, sticky='w') if haveTicks: row += 1 frame = Frame(self) frame.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky='ew') frame.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) frame.grid_columnconfigure(3, weight=1) label = Label(frame, text='Tick Location:') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='e') self.tick_menu = PulldownList(frame, texts=tick_locations, index=tick_location_index) self.tick_menu.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='w') label = Label(frame, text=' Tick Placement:') label.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='e') self.tick_buttons = CheckButtons(frame, entries=tick_placements, selected=self.tick_placement) self.tick_buttons.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky='w') row += 1 frame = Frame(self) frame.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky='ew') frame.grid_columnconfigure(3, weight=1) label = Label(frame, text='Include:') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='e') self.border_buttons = CheckButtons(frame, entries=border_decorations, selected=self.border_decoration) self.border_buttons.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='w') label = Label(frame, text=' Scaling:') label.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='e') self.scaling_scale = Scale(frame, orient=Tkinter.HORIZONTAL, value=self.scaling) self.scaling_scale.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky='ew')
class PrintFrame(Frame): def __init__(self, parent, getOption = None, setOption = None, haveTicks = False, doOutlineBox = True, *args, **kw): self.getOption = getOption self.setOption = setOption self.haveTicks = haveTicks self.doOutlineBox = doOutlineBox Frame.__init__(self, parent=parent, *args, **kw) self.file_select_popup = None self.getOptionValues() try: size_index = paper_types.index(self.paper_type) except: size_index = 0 try: other_unit_index = paper_units.index(self.other_unit) except: other_unit_index = 0 try: orientation_index = paper_orientations.index(self.paper_orientation) except: orientation_index = 0 try: style_index = style_choices.index(self.output_style) except: style_index = 0 try: format_index = format_choices.index(self.output_format) except: format_index = 0 if haveTicks: try: tick_location_index = tick_locations.index(self.tick_location) except: tick_location_index = 0 self.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) row = 0 button = Button(self, text='File:', command=self.findFile, tipText='Select location to save print file') button.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='e') self.file_entry = Entry(self, width=40, text=self.file_name, tipText='Location where file is saved on disk') self.file_entry.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='ew') row += 1 label = Label(self, text='Title:') label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='e') self.title_entry = Entry(self, width=40, text=self.title, tipText='Title of the printout, displayed at top') self.title_entry.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='ew') row += 1 label = Label(self, text='X axis label:') label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='e') self.x_axis_entry = Entry(self, width=40, text=self.x_axis_label, tipText='X axis label for the printout') self.x_axis_entry.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='ew') row += 1 label = Label(self, text='Y axis label:') label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='e') self.y_axis_entry = Entry(self, width=40, text=self.y_axis_label, tipText='Y axis label for the printout') self.y_axis_entry.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='ew') row += 1 frame = Frame(self) frame.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky='ew') frame.grid_columnconfigure(4, weight=1) label = Label(frame, text='Paper size:') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='e') entries = [] for t in paper_types: if t == Output.other_paper_type: entry = t else: (w, h, u) = paper_sizes[t] entry = t + ' (%2.1f %s x %2.1f %s)' % (w, u, h, u) entries.append(entry) self.size_menu = PulldownList(frame, callback=self.changedSize, texts=entries, index=size_index, tipText='The paper size for the printout') self.size_menu.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='w') self.other_frame = Frame(frame) self.other_frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.other_entry = FloatEntry(self.other_frame, text=self.other_size, isArray=True, tipText='The size of the Other paper in both dimensions; this requires two values, space or comma separated') self.other_entry.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='ew') self.other_unit_menu= PulldownList(self.other_frame, texts=paper_units, index=other_unit_index, tipText='The unit for the Other paper size') self.other_unit_menu.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='ew') row += 1 frame = Frame(self) frame.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky='ew') frame.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) frame.grid_columnconfigure(3, weight=1) frame.grid_columnconfigure(5, weight=1) label = Label(frame, text='Orientation:') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='e') self.orientation_menu = PulldownList(frame, texts=paper_orientations, index=orientation_index, tipText='Whether the paper should be set in Portrait or Landscape mode') self.orientation_menu.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='w') label = Label(frame, text=' Style:') label.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='e') self.style_menu = PulldownList(frame, texts=style_choices, index=style_index, tipText='Whether the printout should be in colour or black and white') self.style_menu.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky='w') label = Label(frame, text=' Format:') label.grid(row=0, column=4, sticky='e') self.format_menu = PulldownList(frame, callback=self.changedFormat, texts=format_choices, index=format_index, tipText='Whether to save as PS, EPS or PDF') self.format_menu.grid(row=0, column=5, sticky='w') if haveTicks: row += 1 frame = Frame(self) frame.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky='ew') frame.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) frame.grid_columnconfigure(3, weight=1) label = Label(frame, text='Tick Location:') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='e') self.tick_menu = PulldownList(frame, texts=tick_locations, index=tick_location_index, tipText='Whether the tick marks appear on the inside or outside of the frame') self.tick_menu.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='w') label = Label(frame, text=' Tick Placement:') label.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='e') if self.tick_placement is None: selected = None else: selected = [(x in self.tick_placement) for x in tick_placements] self.tick_buttons = CheckButtons(frame, entries=tick_placements, selected=selected, tipTexts=('Whether the tick marks appear on the top and/or bottom and/or left and/or right',)) self.tick_buttons.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky='w') row += 1 frame = Frame(self) frame.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky='ew') frame.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) frame.grid_columnconfigure(3, weight=1) label = Label(frame, text='Tick Font:') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='e') self.tick_font_list = FontList(frame, mode='Print', selected=self.tick_font, extraTexts=[PrintTicks.no_tick_text], tipText='The font used for the tick mark labels') self.tick_font_list.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='w') label = Label(frame, text='Tick Spacing:') label.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='e') # TBD: put preferred choice in data model self.spacing_menu = PulldownList(frame, texts=spacing_choices, index=0, callback=self.changedSpacing, tipText='Whether the program should automatically calculate the major/minor tick spacings and how many decimal places are used for the ticks, or whether the these are specified manually') self.spacing_menu.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky='w') ff = self.spacing_frame = Frame(frame) ff.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) ff.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight=1) label = Label(ff, text='Tick Spacing') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='w') label = Label(ff, text='Major') label.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='ew') label = Label(ff, text='Minor') label.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='ew') label = Label(ff, text='Decimals') label.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky='ew') label = Label(ff, text='X:') label.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='w') self.x_major_entry = FloatEntry(ff, tipText='The spacing in display units of the major tick marks in the X dimension') self.x_major_entry.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='ew') self.x_minor_entry = FloatEntry(ff, tipText='The spacing in display units of the minor tick marks in the X dimension (not printed if left blank)') self.x_minor_entry.grid(row=1, column=2, sticky='ew') self.x_decimal_entry = IntEntry(ff, tipText='The number of decimal places for the tick numbers in the X dimension') self.x_decimal_entry.grid(row=1, column=3, sticky='ew') label = Label(ff, text='Y:') label.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='w') self.y_major_entry = FloatEntry(ff, tipText='The spacing in display units of the major tick marks in the Y dimension') self.y_major_entry.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky='ew') self.y_minor_entry = FloatEntry(ff, tipText='The spacing in display units of the minor tick marks in the Y dimension (not printed if left blank)') self.y_minor_entry.grid(row=2, column=2, sticky='ew') self.y_decimal_entry = IntEntry(ff, tipText='The number of decimal places for the tick numbers in the Y dimension') self.y_decimal_entry.grid(row=2, column=3, sticky='ew') row += 1 frame = Frame(self) frame.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky='ew') frame.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) label = Label(frame, text='Tick Length:') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='e') # TBD: put preferred choice in data model self.tick_length_menu = PulldownList(frame, texts=tick_length_choices, index=0, callback=self.changedLength, tipText='Whether the program should automatically calculate the major/minor tick lengths, or whether the these are specified manually') self.tick_length_menu.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='w') ff = self.length_frame = Frame(frame) ff.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) label = Label(ff, text=' Major length:') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='w') self.length_major_entry = FloatEntry(ff, tipText='The length in points of the major tick marks') self.length_major_entry.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='w') label = Label(ff, text='Minor length:') label.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='w') self.length_minor_entry = FloatEntry(ff, tipText='The length in points of the minor tick marks') self.length_minor_entry.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky='w') row += 1 frame = Frame(self) frame.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky='ew') frame.grid_columnconfigure(3, weight=1) frame.grid_columnconfigure(4, weight=1) label = Label(frame, text='Scaling:') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='e') # TBD: put preferred choice in data model self.scaling_menu = PulldownList(frame, texts=scaling_choices, index=0, callback=self.changedScaling, tipText='Whether the plot should be scaled as a percentage of the maximum size that would fit on the paper, or instead should be specified by the number of cms or inches per unit') self.scaling_menu.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='ew') self.scaling_scale = Scale(frame, orient=Tkinter.HORIZONTAL, value=self.scaling, tipText='The percentage of the maximum size that would fit on the paper that the plot is scaled by') self.scaling_scale.grid(row=0, column=2, columnspan=3, sticky='ew') self.x_scaling_label = Label(frame, text='X:') self.x_scaling_entry = FloatEntry(frame, tipText='The scaling that should be used in the X dimension as cms or inches per unit') self.y_scaling_label = Label(frame, text='Y:') self.y_scaling_entry = FloatEntry(frame, tipText='The scaling that should be used in the Y dimension as cms or inches per unit') row += 1 frame = Frame(self) frame.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky='w') frame.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight=1) label = Label(frame, text='Include:') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='e') tipTexts = ('Whether the time and date should be included in the printout', 'Whether the file name should be included in the printout') if self.border_decoration is None: selected = None else: selected = [(x in self.border_decoration) for x in border_decorations] self.border_buttons = CheckButtons(frame, entries=border_decorations, selected=selected, tipTexts=tipTexts) self.border_buttons.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='w') label = Label(frame, text=' Using Font:') label.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='e') self.border_font_list = FontList(frame, mode='Print', selected=self.border_font, tipText='The font used for the border texts') self.border_font_list.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky='w') row += 1 label = Label(self, text='Line width:') label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='w') self.linewidth_entry = FloatEntry(self, width=10, text=self.linewidth, tipText='Line width for drawing') self.linewidth_entry.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='w') def destroy(self): self.setOptionValues() if self.file_select_popup: self.file_select_popup.destroy() Frame.destroy(self) def getOptionValues(self): getOption = self.getOption if getOption: file_name = getOption('FileName', defaultValue='') title = getOption('Title', defaultValue='') x_axis_label = getOption('XAxisLabel', defaultValue='') y_axis_label = getOption('YAxisLabel', defaultValue='') paper_type = getOption('PaperSize', defaultValue=paper_types[0]) paper_type = paper_type_dict.get(paper_type, paper_types[0]) other_height = getOption('OtherHeight', defaultValue=10) other_width = getOption('OtherWidth', defaultValue=10) other_size = [other_height, other_width] other_unit = getOption('OtherUnit', defaultValue=paper_units[0]) paper_orientation = getOption('Orientation', defaultValue=paper_orientations[0]) in_color = getOption('InColor', defaultValue=True) if in_color: output_style = style_choices[0] else: output_style = style_choices[1] format_option = getOption('OutputFormat', defaultValue=format_options[0]) output_format = format_choices[format_options.index(format_option)] if self.haveTicks: tick_outside = getOption('TickOutside', defaultValue=tick_locations[0]) if tick_outside: tick_location = tick_locations.index(PrintTicks.Outside) else: tick_location = tick_locations.index(PrintTicks.Inside) tick_placement = getTickPlacement1(getOption('TickPlacement', defaultValue='nsew')) dateTime = getOption('ShowsDateTime', defaultValue=True) fileName = getOption('ShowsFileName', defaultValue=True) border_font = getOption('BorderFont', defaultValue='Helvetica 10') border_decoration = [] if dateTime: border_decoration.append(border_decorations[0]) if fileName: border_decoration.append(border_decorations[1]) if self.haveTicks: spacing_choice = getOption('SpacingChoice', defaultValue=spacing_choices[0]) x_major = getOption('XMajor', defaultValue=1.0) x_minor = getOption('XMinor', defaultValue=1.0) x_decimal = getOption('XDecimal', defaultValue=3) y_major = getOption('YMajor', defaultValue=1.0) y_minor = getOption('YMinor', defaultValue=1.0) y_decimal = getOption('YDecimal', defaultValue=3) tick_length_choice = getOption('TickLengthChoice', defaultValue=tick_length_choices[0]) tick_major = getOption('TickMajor', defaultValue=10) tick_minor = getOption('TickMinor', defaultValue=5) scaling_choice = getOption('ScalingChoice', defaultValue=scaling_choices[0]) scaling = getOption('Scaling', defaultValue=0.7) scaling = int(round(100.0 * scaling)) x_scaling = getOption('XScaling', defaultValue=1.0) y_scaling = getOption('YScaling', defaultValue=1.0) if self.haveTicks: tick_font = getOption('TickFont', defaultValue='Helvetica 10') linewidth = getOption('LineWidth', defaultValue=Output.default_linewidth) else: file_name = '' title = '' x_axis_label = '' y_axis_label = '' paper_type = paper_types[0] other_unit = paper_units[0] other_size = '' paper_orientation = paper_orientations[0] output_style = style_choices[0] output_format = format_choices[0] if self.haveTicks: tick_location = tick_locations[0] tick_placement = tick_placements border_decoration = border_decorations border_font = 'Helvetica 10' if self.haveTicks: spacing_choice = spacing_choices[0] x_major = 1.0 x_minor = 1.0 x_decimal = 3 y_major = 1.0 y_minor = 1.0 y_decimal = 3 tick_length_choice = tick_length_choices[0] tick_major = 10 tick_minor = 5 scaling_choice = scaling_choices[0] scaling = 70 x_scaling = 1.0 y_scaling = 1.0 if self.haveTicks: tick_font = 'Helvetica 10' linewidth = Output.default_linewidth if not self.haveTicks: tick_location = None tick_placement = None spacing_choice = spacing_choices[0] x_major = 1.0 x_minor = 1.0 x_decimal = 3 y_major = 1.0 y_minor = 1.0 y_decimal = 3 tick_font = 'Helvetica 10' tick_length_choice = tick_length_choices[0] tick_major = 10 tick_minor = 5 self.file_name = file_name self.title = title self.x_axis_label = x_axis_label self.y_axis_label = y_axis_label self.paper_type = paper_type self.other_unit = other_unit self.other_size = other_size self.paper_orientation = paper_orientation self.output_style = output_style self.output_format = output_format self.tick_location = tick_location self.tick_placement = tick_placement self.border_decoration = border_decoration self.border_font = border_font self.spacing_choice = spacing_choice self.x_major = x_major self.x_minor = x_minor self.x_decimal = x_decimal self.y_major = y_major self.y_minor = y_minor self.y_decimal = y_decimal self.scaling_choice = scaling_choices[0] self.scaling = scaling self.x_scaling = x_scaling self.y_scaling = y_scaling self.tick_font = tick_font self.linewidth = linewidth self.tick_length_choice = tick_length_choice self.tick_major = tick_major self.tick_minor = tick_minor def setOptionValues(self): if not hasattr(self, 'file_entry'): # it looks like on destroy can have function called but file_entry deleted already return self.file_name = file_name = self.file_entry.get() self.title = title = self.title_entry.get() self.x_axis_label = x_axis_label = self.x_axis_entry.get() self.y_axis_label = y_axis_label = self.y_axis_entry.get() n = self.size_menu.getSelectedIndex() self.paper_type = paper_type = paper_types[n] if paper_type == Output.other_paper_type: other_size = self.other_entry.get() other_unit = self.other_unit_menu.getText() else: other_size = None other_unit = None self.other_size = other_size self.other_unit = other_unit self.paper_orientation = paper_orientation = self.orientation_menu.getText() self.output_style = output_style = self.style_menu.getText() self.output_format = output_format = self.format_menu.getText() if self.haveTicks: tick_location = self.tick_menu.getText() tick_placement = self.tick_buttons.getSelected() else: tick_location = tick_placement = None self.tick_location = tick_location self.tick_placement = tick_placement self.border_decoration = border_decoration = self.border_buttons.getSelected() self.border_font = border_font = self.border_font_list.getText() if self.haveTicks: self.spacing_choice = spacing_choice = self.spacing_menu.getText() if spacing_choice != spacing_choices[0]: self.x_major = self.x_major_entry.get() self.x_minor = self.x_minor_entry.get() self.x_decimal = self.x_decimal_entry.get() self.y_major = self.y_major_entry.get() self.y_minor = self.y_minor_entry.get() self.y_decimal = self.y_decimal_entry.get() self.tick_length_choice = tick_length_choice = self.tick_length_menu.getText() if tick_length_choice != tick_length_choices[0]: self.tick_major = self.length_major_entry.get() self.tick_minor = self.length_minor_entry.get() self.scaling_choice = scaling_choice = self.scaling_menu.getText() if self.scaling_choice == scaling_choices[0]: scaling = self.scaling_scale.get() self.scaling = int(round(scaling)) else: self.x_scaling = self.x_scaling_entry.get() self.y_scaling = self.y_scaling_entry.get() if self.haveTicks: self.tick_font = self.tick_font_list.getText() self.linewidth = self.linewidth_entry.get() setOption = self.setOption if setOption: setOption('FileName', value=file_name) setOption('Title', value=title) setOption('XAxisLabel', value=x_axis_label) setOption('YAxisLabel', value=y_axis_label) if paper_type == Output.other_paper_type: setOption('OtherHeight', value=other_size[0]) setOption('OtherWidth', value=other_size[1]) setOption('OtherUnit', value=other_unit) else: paper_type = paper_type_inverse_dict[paper_type] setOption('PaperSize', value=paper_type) setOption('Orientation', value=paper_orientation) in_color = (output_style == style_choices[0]) setOption('InColor', value=in_color) output_format = format_options[format_choices.index(output_format)] setOption('OutputFormat', value=output_format) if self.haveTicks: tick_outside = (tick_location == PrintTicks.Outside) setOption('TickOutside', value=tick_outside) tick_placement = getTickPlacement2(tick_placement) setOption('TickPlacement', value=tick_placement) dateTime = (border_decorations[0] in border_decoration) fileName = (border_decorations[1] in border_decoration) setOption('ShowsDateTime', value=dateTime) setOption('ShowsFileName', value=fileName) setOption('BorderFont', value=border_font) if self.haveTicks: setOption('SpacingChoice', value=spacing_choice) if spacing_choice != spacing_choices[0]: setOption('XMajor', self.x_major) setOption('XMinor', self.x_minor) setOption('XDecimal', self.x_decimal) setOption('YMajor', self.y_major) setOption('YMinor', self.y_minor) setOption('YDecimal', self.y_decimal) setOption('TickLengthChoice', value=tick_length_choice) if tick_length_choice != tick_length_choices[0]: setOption('TickMajor', self.tick_major) setOption('TickMinor', self.tick_minor) setOption('ScalingChoice', value=scaling_choice) if scaling_choice == scaling_choices[0]: setOption('Scaling', value=0.01*self.scaling) else: setOption('XScaling', value=self.x_scaling) setOption('YScaling', value=self.y_scaling) if self.haveTicks: setOption('TickFont', self.tick_font) setOption('LineWidth', self.linewidth) def findFile(self): if self.file_select_popup: else: file_types = [ FileType('All', ['*']), FileType('PostScript', ['*.ps', '*.eps']), FileType('PDF', ['*.pdf', '*.ai']) ] self.file_select_popup = FileSelectPopup(self, file_types=file_types) file = self.file_select_popup.getFile() if file: self.file_entry.set(file) def changedSize(self, entry): if entry == Output.other_paper_type: self.other_frame.grid(row=0, column=2, columnspan=2, sticky='w') else: self.other_frame.grid_forget() def changedFormat(self, entry): file_suffix = file_suffixes.get(entry) if not file_suffix: return file_name = self.file_entry.get() if not file_name: return for suffix in format_suffixes: if file_name.endswith(suffix): if suffix != file_suffix: n = len(suffix) file_name = file_name[:-n] + file_suffix self.file_entry.set(file_name) break else: file_name = file_name + file_suffix self.file_entry.set(file_name) def changedScaling(self, choice): if choice == scaling_choices[0]: self.scaling_scale.grid(row=0, column=2, columnspan=3, sticky='ew') self.x_scaling_label.grid_forget() self.x_scaling_entry.grid_forget() self.y_scaling_label.grid_forget() self.y_scaling_entry.grid_forget() else: self.scaling_scale.grid_forget() self.x_scaling_label.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='w') self.x_scaling_entry.grid(row=0, column=3, columnspan=2, sticky='ew') self.y_scaling_label.grid(row=1, column=2, sticky='w') self.y_scaling_entry.grid(row=1, column=3, columnspan=2, sticky='ew') self.setOptionValues() def changedSpacing(self, choice): if choice == spacing_choices[0]: self.spacing_frame.grid_forget() else: self.spacing_frame.grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=3, sticky='ew') self.setOptionValues() def changedLength(self, choice): if choice == tick_length_choices[0]: self.length_frame.grid_forget() else: self.length_frame.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky='ew') self.setOptionValues() # width and height are of plot, in pixels def getOutputHandler(self, pixel_width, pixel_height, unit_width=1.0, unit_height=1.0, fonts=None): if not fonts: fonts = [] else: fonts = list(fonts) for n in range(len(fonts)): if fonts[n] == 'Times': fonts[n] = 'Times-Roman' self.setOptionValues() if not self.file_name: showError('No file', 'No file specified', parent=self) return None x_scaling = y_scaling = 1.0 if self.scaling_choice != scaling_choices[0]: try: x_scaling = float(self.x_scaling) except: showError('Bad X Scaling', 'Specified X Scaling must be floating point', parent=self) return None try: y_scaling = float(self.y_scaling) except: showError('Bad Y Scaling', 'Specified Y Scaling must be floating point', parent=self) return None if os.path.exists(self.file_name): if not showYesNo('File exists', 'File "%s" exists, overwrite?' % self.file_name, parent=self): return None if self.paper_type == Output.other_paper_type: paper_size = self.other_size + [ self.other_unit ] else: paper_size = paper_sizes[self.paper_type] output_scaling = self.scaling / 100.0 border_font = self.border_font (font, size) = border_font.split() size = int(size) border_text = {} for decoration in self.border_decoration: if decoration == 'Time and Date': location = 'se' text = time.ctime(time.time()) elif decoration == 'File Name': location = 'sw' text = self.file_name else: continue # should not be here border_text[location] = (text, font, size) if self.title: location = 'n' border_text[location] = (self.title, font, size+6) if font not in fonts: fonts.append(font) if self.haveTicks and self.tick_location == PrintTicks.Outside: axis_label_offset = 2 else: axis_label_offset = 0 outputHandler = PrintHandler.getOutputHandler(self.file_name, pixel_width, pixel_height, unit_width, unit_height, scaling_choice=self.scaling_choice, output_scaling=output_scaling, w_scaling=x_scaling, h_scaling=y_scaling, paper_size=paper_size, paper_orientation=self.paper_orientation, output_style=self.output_style, output_format=self.output_format, border_text=border_text, x_axis_label=self.x_axis_label, y_axis_label=self.y_axis_label, axis_label_font=font, axis_label_size=size, axis_label_offset=axis_label_offset, fonts=fonts, linewidth=self.linewidth, do_outline_box=self.doOutlineBox) return outputHandler def getAspectRatio(self): self.setOptionValues() if self.paper_type == Output.other_paper_type: paper_size = self.other_size else: paper_size = paper_sizes[self.paper_type] r = paper_size[1] / paper_size[0] if self.paper_orientation == 'Landscape': r = 1.0 / r return r
def __init__(self, parent, getOption = None, setOption = None, haveTicks = False, doOutlineBox = True, *args, **kw): self.getOption = getOption self.setOption = setOption self.haveTicks = haveTicks self.doOutlineBox = doOutlineBox Frame.__init__(self, parent=parent, *args, **kw) self.file_select_popup = None self.getOptionValues() try: size_index = paper_types.index(self.paper_type) except: size_index = 0 try: other_unit_index = paper_units.index(self.other_unit) except: other_unit_index = 0 try: orientation_index = paper_orientations.index(self.paper_orientation) except: orientation_index = 0 try: style_index = style_choices.index(self.output_style) except: style_index = 0 try: format_index = format_choices.index(self.output_format) except: format_index = 0 if haveTicks: try: tick_location_index = tick_locations.index(self.tick_location) except: tick_location_index = 0 self.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) row = 0 button = Button(self, text='File:', command=self.findFile, tipText='Select location to save print file') button.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='e') self.file_entry = Entry(self, width=40, text=self.file_name, tipText='Location where file is saved on disk') self.file_entry.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='ew') row += 1 label = Label(self, text='Title:') label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='e') self.title_entry = Entry(self, width=40, text=self.title, tipText='Title of the printout, displayed at top') self.title_entry.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='ew') row += 1 label = Label(self, text='X axis label:') label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='e') self.x_axis_entry = Entry(self, width=40, text=self.x_axis_label, tipText='X axis label for the printout') self.x_axis_entry.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='ew') row += 1 label = Label(self, text='Y axis label:') label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='e') self.y_axis_entry = Entry(self, width=40, text=self.y_axis_label, tipText='Y axis label for the printout') self.y_axis_entry.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='ew') row += 1 frame = Frame(self) frame.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky='ew') frame.grid_columnconfigure(4, weight=1) label = Label(frame, text='Paper size:') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='e') entries = [] for t in paper_types: if t == Output.other_paper_type: entry = t else: (w, h, u) = paper_sizes[t] entry = t + ' (%2.1f %s x %2.1f %s)' % (w, u, h, u) entries.append(entry) self.size_menu = PulldownList(frame, callback=self.changedSize, texts=entries, index=size_index, tipText='The paper size for the printout') self.size_menu.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='w') self.other_frame = Frame(frame) self.other_frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.other_entry = FloatEntry(self.other_frame, text=self.other_size, isArray=True, tipText='The size of the Other paper in both dimensions; this requires two values, space or comma separated') self.other_entry.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='ew') self.other_unit_menu= PulldownList(self.other_frame, texts=paper_units, index=other_unit_index, tipText='The unit for the Other paper size') self.other_unit_menu.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='ew') row += 1 frame = Frame(self) frame.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky='ew') frame.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) frame.grid_columnconfigure(3, weight=1) frame.grid_columnconfigure(5, weight=1) label = Label(frame, text='Orientation:') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='e') self.orientation_menu = PulldownList(frame, texts=paper_orientations, index=orientation_index, tipText='Whether the paper should be set in Portrait or Landscape mode') self.orientation_menu.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='w') label = Label(frame, text=' Style:') label.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='e') self.style_menu = PulldownList(frame, texts=style_choices, index=style_index, tipText='Whether the printout should be in colour or black and white') self.style_menu.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky='w') label = Label(frame, text=' Format:') label.grid(row=0, column=4, sticky='e') self.format_menu = PulldownList(frame, callback=self.changedFormat, texts=format_choices, index=format_index, tipText='Whether to save as PS, EPS or PDF') self.format_menu.grid(row=0, column=5, sticky='w') if haveTicks: row += 1 frame = Frame(self) frame.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky='ew') frame.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) frame.grid_columnconfigure(3, weight=1) label = Label(frame, text='Tick Location:') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='e') self.tick_menu = PulldownList(frame, texts=tick_locations, index=tick_location_index, tipText='Whether the tick marks appear on the inside or outside of the frame') self.tick_menu.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='w') label = Label(frame, text=' Tick Placement:') label.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='e') if self.tick_placement is None: selected = None else: selected = [(x in self.tick_placement) for x in tick_placements] self.tick_buttons = CheckButtons(frame, entries=tick_placements, selected=selected, tipTexts=('Whether the tick marks appear on the top and/or bottom and/or left and/or right',)) self.tick_buttons.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky='w') row += 1 frame = Frame(self) frame.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky='ew') frame.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) frame.grid_columnconfigure(3, weight=1) label = Label(frame, text='Tick Font:') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='e') self.tick_font_list = FontList(frame, mode='Print', selected=self.tick_font, extraTexts=[PrintTicks.no_tick_text], tipText='The font used for the tick mark labels') self.tick_font_list.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='w') label = Label(frame, text='Tick Spacing:') label.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='e') # TBD: put preferred choice in data model self.spacing_menu = PulldownList(frame, texts=spacing_choices, index=0, callback=self.changedSpacing, tipText='Whether the program should automatically calculate the major/minor tick spacings and how many decimal places are used for the ticks, or whether the these are specified manually') self.spacing_menu.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky='w') ff = self.spacing_frame = Frame(frame) ff.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) ff.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight=1) label = Label(ff, text='Tick Spacing') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='w') label = Label(ff, text='Major') label.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='ew') label = Label(ff, text='Minor') label.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='ew') label = Label(ff, text='Decimals') label.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky='ew') label = Label(ff, text='X:') label.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='w') self.x_major_entry = FloatEntry(ff, tipText='The spacing in display units of the major tick marks in the X dimension') self.x_major_entry.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='ew') self.x_minor_entry = FloatEntry(ff, tipText='The spacing in display units of the minor tick marks in the X dimension (not printed if left blank)') self.x_minor_entry.grid(row=1, column=2, sticky='ew') self.x_decimal_entry = IntEntry(ff, tipText='The number of decimal places for the tick numbers in the X dimension') self.x_decimal_entry.grid(row=1, column=3, sticky='ew') label = Label(ff, text='Y:') label.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='w') self.y_major_entry = FloatEntry(ff, tipText='The spacing in display units of the major tick marks in the Y dimension') self.y_major_entry.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky='ew') self.y_minor_entry = FloatEntry(ff, tipText='The spacing in display units of the minor tick marks in the Y dimension (not printed if left blank)') self.y_minor_entry.grid(row=2, column=2, sticky='ew') self.y_decimal_entry = IntEntry(ff, tipText='The number of decimal places for the tick numbers in the Y dimension') self.y_decimal_entry.grid(row=2, column=3, sticky='ew') row += 1 frame = Frame(self) frame.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky='ew') frame.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) label = Label(frame, text='Tick Length:') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='e') # TBD: put preferred choice in data model self.tick_length_menu = PulldownList(frame, texts=tick_length_choices, index=0, callback=self.changedLength, tipText='Whether the program should automatically calculate the major/minor tick lengths, or whether the these are specified manually') self.tick_length_menu.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='w') ff = self.length_frame = Frame(frame) ff.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) label = Label(ff, text=' Major length:') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='w') self.length_major_entry = FloatEntry(ff, tipText='The length in points of the major tick marks') self.length_major_entry.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='w') label = Label(ff, text='Minor length:') label.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='w') self.length_minor_entry = FloatEntry(ff, tipText='The length in points of the minor tick marks') self.length_minor_entry.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky='w') row += 1 frame = Frame(self) frame.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky='ew') frame.grid_columnconfigure(3, weight=1) frame.grid_columnconfigure(4, weight=1) label = Label(frame, text='Scaling:') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='e') # TBD: put preferred choice in data model self.scaling_menu = PulldownList(frame, texts=scaling_choices, index=0, callback=self.changedScaling, tipText='Whether the plot should be scaled as a percentage of the maximum size that would fit on the paper, or instead should be specified by the number of cms or inches per unit') self.scaling_menu.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='ew') self.scaling_scale = Scale(frame, orient=Tkinter.HORIZONTAL, value=self.scaling, tipText='The percentage of the maximum size that would fit on the paper that the plot is scaled by') self.scaling_scale.grid(row=0, column=2, columnspan=3, sticky='ew') self.x_scaling_label = Label(frame, text='X:') self.x_scaling_entry = FloatEntry(frame, tipText='The scaling that should be used in the X dimension as cms or inches per unit') self.y_scaling_label = Label(frame, text='Y:') self.y_scaling_entry = FloatEntry(frame, tipText='The scaling that should be used in the Y dimension as cms or inches per unit') row += 1 frame = Frame(self) frame.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky='w') frame.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight=1) label = Label(frame, text='Include:') label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='e') tipTexts = ('Whether the time and date should be included in the printout', 'Whether the file name should be included in the printout') if self.border_decoration is None: selected = None else: selected = [(x in self.border_decoration) for x in border_decorations] self.border_buttons = CheckButtons(frame, entries=border_decorations, selected=selected, tipTexts=tipTexts) self.border_buttons.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='w') label = Label(frame, text=' Using Font:') label.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='e') self.border_font_list = FontList(frame, mode='Print', selected=self.border_font, tipText='The font used for the border texts') self.border_font_list.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky='w') row += 1 label = Label(self, text='Line width:') label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='w') self.linewidth_entry = FloatEntry(self, width=10, text=self.linewidth, tipText='Line width for drawing') self.linewidth_entry.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='w')
def createWidgets(self): if (not self.editMode): self.creatorMap = {} self.parent_frame.grid_columnconfigure(value_col, weight=1) self.widget_dict = {} row = 0 self.title_label = Label(self.parent_frame, text=self.title()) row = row + 1 if (self.editMode): self.key_toggle = ToggleLabel(self.parent_frame, text='Key:', callback=self.gridWidgets, isArrowClosed=False) row = row + 1 for key in self.keyList: self.createKey(key) row = row + 1 self.attr_toggle = ToggleLabel(self.parent_frame, text='Attributes: ', callback=self.gridWidgets, isArrowClosed=False) if (self.editMode): entries = ['if direct', 'if set'] self.attr_buttons = CheckButtons(self.parent_frame, entries=entries, selected=entries, select_callback=self.gridWidgets) row = row + 1 for name in self.metaclass.attributeAllNames: attr = self.metaclass.elementDict[name] if (self.showAttr(attr)): self.createAttr(attr) if (not self.editMode): if ((attr.defaultValue is not None) or (attr.hicard == 1)): self.creatorMap[] = attr.defaultValue else: self.creatorMap[] = [] attr.row = row row = row + 1 self.link_toggle = ToggleLabel(self.parent_frame, text='Links: ', callback=self.gridWidgets, isArrowClosed=False) if (self.editMode): entries = ['if direct', 'if set'] self.link_buttons = CheckButtons(self.parent_frame, entries=entries, selected=entries, select_callback=self.gridWidgets) row = row + 1 for name in self.metaclass.roleAllNames: role = self.metaclass.elementDict[name] if (self.showRole(role)): if (not self.editMode): if (role.hierarchy == parent_hierarchy): self.creatorMap[] = self.objParent elif (role.hicard == 1): self.creatorMap[] = None else: self.creatorMap[] = [] classes = getConcreteClasses(role.otherClass) for clazz in classes: self.createLink(role, clazz) row = row + 1
class EditContourLevelsPopup(BasePopup): """ **Change Levels in Spectrum Contour Displays** This popup window is used to specify which contour levels (lines of constant intensity) are drawn for spectra within the spectrum windows of Analysis. A spectrum can have both positive and negative levels, and the user can set these on an individual basis or as a regular incremental (usually geometric) series. It should be noted that spectrum contour colours, which may be different for positive and negative levels, is set elsewhere, in the main Spectra_ table. In normal operation the user first selects the spectrum to change the contours for in the upper left pulldown menu. Although contour levels are specified for individual spectra, if there are several spectra that share the same levels (for example if they form a series of some kind) then the user may spread the contour level information from one to many via the [Propagate Contours] function within the "Display Options" of the main Spectra_ table. The user may also affect the contour levels of multiple spectra by changing the "Global scale" settings. This global scale will affect *all spectra* in the project; the scale value multiplies all of the contour levels for all spectra, although in practice it is rarely changed. Using a global scale gives the advantage of being able to specify smaller numbers for the levels. The individual contour levels for a spectrum are listed in the "positive levels" and "Negative levels" fields. They are multiplied by the global scale factor when they are used for spectrum display. The user may type in values for the levels directly into these field, or they can be filled using the "Auto contour levels" mechanism. If manual levels are specified the user should press [Apply manual Levels] when done to commit the changes and see the results. The [Apply Auto Levels] function differs in that it always applies a regular series of levels, according to the settings, and these will overwrite any manual specifications when committed; the actual levels applied are always displayed in the levels field. The setting of "Auto" levels using a series involves choosing a base level, which represents the first contour (closest to zero). This base level is usually set according to the level of noise in the spectrum. Typically it is a value just above most of the noise, so the noise is not seen, but it may be set lower in some instances to show weak signals. The base level applies to both positive and negative contour series, although for the negative side it is naturally used with negative sign. The user sets how many levels there should be in total; the subsequent levels start from the base level and move away from zero. Normally this involves a geometric series, with a constant multiplication factor applied to a value to generate the next in the series. This factor is set in the "Level multiplier", although some of the commonly used values are quickly set via the adjacent buttons. Under a few special circumstances it is helpful to have a constant difference between levels, in which case "Add levels" may be used instead of "Multiply levels". **Caveats & Tips** Often it is useful to initially setup contours using an "Auto" series, but then manually remove some of the levels. For example having all the positive levels but only the first negative level may be helpful to show where peaks are truncated. Note this system sets the levels that would be used to make any contour files (an optional way of working, especially for 4D spectra etc.). However, once contour files are made then this system will not affect the levels within the files. .. _Spectra: EditSpectrumPopup.html """ def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kw): BasePopup.__init__(self, parent=parent, title='Spectrum Contour Levels', **kw) def body(self, guiFrame): self.doUpdateForm = True self.spectrum = None guiFrame.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) row = 0 specFrame = LabelFrame(guiFrame, text='Spectrum', grid=(row, 0)) tipText = 'The spectrum for which you are setting the contour levels' self.expt_spectrum = PulldownList(specFrame, grid=(0, 0), tipText=tipText, callback=self.setSpectrumDetails) tipText = 'Open the edit spectrum table to view and change other properties associated with the selected spectrum' button = Button(specFrame, text='Spectrum Properties', command=self.editProperties, borderwidth=1, grid=(1, 0), sticky='ew', tipText=tipText) globalFrame = LabelFrame(guiFrame, text='Global scale') globalFrame.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='nsew') globalFrame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) tipText = 'The value by which all contour levels in all spectra are multiplied; to give the actual contour level in terms of the stored spectrum data' self.global_entry = FloatEntry( globalFrame, width=10, tipText=tipText, text=self.analysisProject.globalContourScale, returnCallback=self.applyAuto, grid=(0, 0), gridSpan=(1, 2), sticky='ew') tipText = 'Divide the global scaling factor by two; moving all contour for all spectra levels closer to zero' button = Button(globalFrame, borderwidth=1, text='/2', sticky='ew', tipText=tipText, command=lambda: self.changeGlobalScale(0.5), grid=(0, 2)) tipText = 'Multiple the global scaling factor by two; moving all contour for all spectra levels away from zero' button = Button(globalFrame, borderwidth=1, text='*2', sticky='ew', tipText=tipText, command=lambda: self.changeGlobalScale(2.0), grid=(0, 3)) tipText = 'Set the global contour scale for all spectra to the default of 100,000' button = Button(globalFrame, borderwidth=1, text='10^5', tipText=tipText, command=self.defaultGlobalScale, grid=(1, 0)) tipText = 'Click to decrease "-" or increase "+" the global contour scale by small amounts' frame = ValueRamp(globalFrame, callback=self.changeGlobalScale, tipText=tipText) frame.grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=3, sticky='e') row += 1 self.autoFrame = LabelFrame(guiFrame, text='Auto contour levels') self.autoFrame.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=5, sticky='nsew') self.autoFrame.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) frow = 0 label = Label(self.autoFrame, text='Base level:', grid=(frow, 0), sticky='e') tipText = 'The first contour level (closest to zero) for an automated series of levels: the start of a geometric or arithmetic series defining levels' self.base_entry = FloatEntry(self.autoFrame, returnCallback=self.applyAuto, width=10, grid=(frow, 1), sticky='ew', tipText=tipText) command = lambda: self.changeBaseLevel(0.5) tipText = 'Lower the base contour level so that it is half of the previous value; moving the series of contour levels closer to zero' button = Button(self.autoFrame, borderwidth=1, text='/2', tipText=tipText, command=command, grid=(frow, 2), sticky='ew') command = lambda: self.changeBaseLevel(2.0) tipText = 'Raise the base contour level so that it is double the previous value; moving the series of contour levels further from zero' button = Button(self.autoFrame, borderwidth=1, text='*2', tipText=tipText, command=command, grid=(frow, 3), sticky='ew') tipText = 'Click to decrease "-" or increase "+" the base contour level by small amounts' frame = ValueRamp(self.autoFrame, callback=self.changeBaseLevel, tipText=tipText) frame.grid(row=frow, column=4, columnspan=3, sticky='ew') frow += 1 label = Label(self.autoFrame, text='Number of levels:', grid=(frow, 0), sticky='e') #self.numberEntry = IntEntry(guiFrame, text=numberLevels, # returnCallback=self.applyAuto) tipText = 'The number of contour levels to make in the automated series' self.numberEntry = IntEntry(self.autoFrame, returnCallback=self.applyAuto, width=10, grid=(frow, 1), sticky='ew', tipText=tipText) command = lambda w=-1: self.changeNumberLevels(w) tipText = 'Decrease the number of contour levels in the series by one' button = Button(self.autoFrame, borderwidth=1, text='-1', tipText=tipText, command=command, grid=(frow, 2), sticky='ew') command = lambda w=1: self.changeNumberLevels(w) tipText = 'Increase the number of contour levels in the series by one' button = Button(self.autoFrame, borderwidth=1, text='+1', tipText=tipText, command=command, grid=(frow, 3), sticky='ew') n = 4 for w in (5, 10, 15, 20): tipText = 'Set the number of contour levels in the series to %d' % w command = lambda w=w: self.setNumberLevels(w) button = Button(self.autoFrame, borderwidth=1, text='%d' % w, command=command, grid=(frow, n), sticky='ew', tipText=tipText) n += 1 frow += 1 self.change_label = Label(self.autoFrame, text='%s:' % multiplier_text, grid=(frow, 0), sticky='e') tipText = 'The multiplication factor (or increment if adding levels) to repetitively apply to the base level to generate the series of levels' self.change_entry = FloatEntry(self.autoFrame, returnCallback=self.applyAuto, width=10, grid=(frow, 1), sticky='ew', tipText=tipText) self.change_level_buttons = [] n = 2 for w in multiplier_changes: tipText = 'Set the automated series multiplication factor or increment to %f' % w command = lambda w=w: self.setChange(w) button = Button(self.autoFrame, borderwidth=1, text=str(w), command=command, grid=(frow, n), sticky='ew', tipText=tipText) self.change_level_buttons.append(button) n += 1 frow += 1 frame = Frame(self.autoFrame, grid=(frow, 0), gridSpan=(1, 7), sticky='ew') tipTexts = [ 'Toggles whether positive contour levels from the automated series will be used. Overrides any manual settings', 'Toggles whether negative contour levels from the automated series will be used. Overrides any manual settings' ] entries = ('Positive', 'Negative') selected = (True, False) self.which_buttons = CheckButtons(frame, entries, selected=selected, select_callback=self.applyAuto, grid=(0, 0), sticky='w', tipTexts=tipTexts) tipTexts = [ 'Set the contour level generation to use a geometric series, starting from the base level and using the specified factor', 'Set the contour level generation to use an arithmetic series, starting from the base level and using the specified increment' ] entries = ('Multiply levels', 'Add levels') self.change_mode_buttons = RadioButtons( frame, entries, grid=(0, 1), sticky='ew', select_callback=self.modeChanged, tipTexts=tipTexts) row += 1 manualFrame = LabelFrame(guiFrame, text='Positive levels', grid=(row, 0), gridSpan=(1, 2)) manualFrame.expandGrid(None, 0) tipText = 'The positive contour levels that will be used for the spectrum; filled in by the automation or set/modified manually' self.posLevelsEntry = FloatEntry(manualFrame, isArray=True, width=60, returnCallback=self.applyManual, tipText=tipText, grid=(0, 0), sticky='ew') row += 1 manualFrame = LabelFrame(guiFrame, text='Negative levels', grid=(row, 0), gridSpan=(1, 2)) manualFrame.expandGrid(None, 0) tipText = 'The negative contour levels that will be used for the spectrum; filled in by the automation or set/modified manually' self.negLevelsEntry = FloatEntry(manualFrame, isArray=True, width=60, returnCallback=self.applyManual, tipText=tipText, grid=(0, 0), sticky='ew') row += 1 tipTexts = [ 'Set the spectrum contour levels, updating the display, to the automated series, ignoring any manual edits.', 'Set the spectrum contour levels, updating the display, to the values displayed in the level entry fields' ] texts = ['Apply Auto Levels', 'Apply Manual Edits'] commands = [self.applyAuto, self.applyManual] self.buttons = UtilityButtonList(guiFrame, texts=texts, commands=commands, helpUrl=self.help_url, grid=(row, 0), gridSpan=(1, 2), tipTexts=tipTexts) guiFrame.grid_rowconfigure(row, weight=1) self.curateNotifiers(self.registerNotify) self.update() def update(self, spectrum=None): if not spectrum: spectrum = self.spectrum spectra = self.parent.getSpectra() if spectra: if spectrum not in spectra: spectrum = spectra[0] index = spectra.index(spectrum) names = ['%s:%s' % (, for x in spectra] else: index = 0 names = [] self.expt_spectrum.setup(names, spectra, index) self.setSpectrumDetails(spectrum) def updateNotifier(self, *extra): self.update() def open(self): self.updateForm() def modeChanged(self, *entry): spectrum = self.spectrum if not spectrum or spectrum.isDeleted: return analysisSpectrum = spectrum.analysisSpectrum changeMode = self.change_mode_buttons.getIndex( ) and 'add' or 'multiply' if changeMode == 'add': text = adder_text changes = adder_changes else: text = multiplier_text changes = multiplier_changes self.change_label.set('%s:' % text) n = 0 for button in self.change_level_buttons: w = changes[n] command = lambda w=w: self.setChange(w) button.config(command=command) button.setText(str(w)) n = n + 1 levelChanger = changes[2] self.doUpdateForm = False analysisSpectrum.autoLevelChanger = levelChanger analysisSpectrum.autoLevelMode = changeMode self.doUpdateForm = True self.setContourLevels() def defaultGlobalScale(self): self.global_entry.set(100000) self.applyAuto() def close(self): self.applyManual() BasePopup.close(self) def destroy(self): self.curateNotifiers(self.unregisterNotify) BasePopup.destroy(self) def curateNotifiers(self, notifyFunc): notifyFunc(self.updateContourLevels, 'ccpnmr.Analysis.AnalysisSpectrum', 'setPosLevels') notifyFunc(self.updateContourLevels, 'ccpnmr.Analysis.AnalysisSpectrum', 'setNegLevels') notifyFunc(self.updateForm, 'ccpnmr.Analysis.AnalysisSpectrum', 'setAutoLevelChanger') notifyFunc(self.updateForm, 'ccpnmr.Analysis.AnalysisSpectrum', 'setAutoLevelMode') notifyFunc(self.updateForm, 'ccpnmr.Analysis.AnalysisSpectrum', 'setAutoNumLevels') notifyFunc(self.updateForm, 'ccpnmr.Analysis.AnalysisSpectrum', 'setAutoBaseLevel') notifyFunc(self.updateForm, 'ccpnmr.Analysis.AnalysisProject', 'setGlobalContourScale') for clazz in ('Experiment', 'DataSource'): for func in ('__init__', 'delete', 'setName'): notifyFunc(self.updateNotifier, 'ccp.nmr.Nmr.%s' % clazz, func) def editProperties(self): self.parent.editSpectrum(self.spectrum) def updateForm(self, *extra): #print 'updateForm' if (not self.doUpdateForm): return self.global_entry.set(self.analysisProject.globalContourScale) spectrum = self.spectrum if spectrum and not spectrum.isDeleted: analysisSpectrum = spectrum.analysisSpectrum self.base_entry.set(analysisSpectrum.autoBaseLevel) self.numberEntry.set(analysisSpectrum.autoNumLevels) self.change_entry.set(analysisSpectrum.autoLevelChanger) if analysisSpectrum.autoLevelMode == 'add': i = 1 else: i = 0 self.change_mode_buttons.setIndex(i) def updateContourLevels(self, analysisSpectrum): spectrum = self.spectrum if spectrum and not spectrum.isDeleted: analysisSpectrum = spectrum.analysisSpectrum posLevels = list(analysisSpectrum.posLevels) negLevels = list(analysisSpectrum.negLevels) self.posLevelsEntry.set(posLevels) self.negLevelsEntry.set(negLevels) self.doUpdateForm = False updateSpectrumLevelParams(analysisSpectrum, posLevels, negLevels) self.doUpdateForm = True self.base_entry.set(analysisSpectrum.autoBaseLevel) self.numberEntry.set(analysisSpectrum.autoNumLevels) self.change_entry.set(analysisSpectrum.autoLevelChanger) self.setWhichLevels(spectrum) if analysisSpectrum.autoLevelMode == 'add': i = 1 else: i = 0 self.change_mode_buttons.setIndex(i) def setWhichLevels(self, spectrum): analysisSpectrum = spectrum.analysisSpectrum posLevels = analysisSpectrum.posLevels negLevels = analysisSpectrum.negLevels if posLevels: isSelected = True else: isSelected = False self.which_buttons.setIndexSelection(0, isSelected) if negLevels: isSelected = True else: isSelected = False self.which_buttons.setIndexSelection(1, isSelected) def setSpectrum(self, spectrum): if spectrum is not self.spectrum: self.update(spectrum) #if (spectrum and not spectrum.isDeleted): # self.setWhichLevels(spectrum) speed_scale = 6.0 speed_delay = 50 # msec def changeGlobalScale(self, multiplier): self.analysisProject.globalContourScale = multiplier * self.analysisProject.globalContourScale def changeBaseLevel(self, multiplier): spectrum = self.spectrum if (not spectrum or spectrum.isDeleted is True): return analysisSpectrum = spectrum.analysisSpectrum baseLevel = multiplier * analysisSpectrum.autoBaseLevel self.base_entry.set(baseLevel) self.doUpdateForm = False analysisSpectrum.autoBaseLevel = abs(baseLevel) self.doUpdateForm = True self.setContourLevels() def changeNumberLevels(self, change): spectrum = self.spectrum if not spectrum or spectrum.isDeleted is True: return analysisSpectrum = spectrum.analysisSpectrum numberLevels = analysisSpectrum.autoNumLevels + change self.numberEntry.set(numberLevels) self.doUpdateForm = False analysisSpectrum.autoNumLevels = numberLevels self.doUpdateForm = True self.setContourLevels() def setChange(self, levelChanger): spectrum = self.spectrum if not spectrum or spectrum.isDeleted: return self.doUpdateForm = False analysisSpectrum = spectrum.analysisSpectrum analysisSpectrum.autoLevelChanger = levelChanger self.doUpdateForm = True self.setContourLevels() def setNumberLevels(self, numberLevels): spectrum = self.spectrum if (not spectrum or spectrum.isDeleted is True): return self.doUpdateForm = False analysisSpectrum = spectrum.analysisSpectrum analysisSpectrum.autoNumLevels = numberLevels self.doUpdateForm = True self.setContourLevels() def setSpectrumDetails(self, spectrum): if spectrum is self.spectrum: return self.spectrum = spectrum if spectrum and not spectrum.isDeleted: analysisSpectrum = spectrum.analysisSpectrum posLevels = list(analysisSpectrum.posLevels) negLevels = list(analysisSpectrum.negLevels) self.posLevelsEntry.set(posLevels) self.negLevelsEntry.set(negLevels) self.doUpdateForm = False updateSpectrumLevelParams(analysisSpectrum, posLevels, negLevels) self.doUpdateForm = True self.base_entry.set(analysisSpectrum.autoBaseLevel) self.numberEntry.set(analysisSpectrum.autoNumLevels) self.change_entry.set(analysisSpectrum.autoLevelChanger) self.autoFrame.setText('Auto contour levels - %s:%s' % (, self.setWhichLevels(spectrum) else: self.posLevelsEntry.set('') self.negLevelsEntry.set('') self.autoFrame.setText('Auto contour levels') def setContourLevels(self): spectrum = self.spectrum if not spectrum or spectrum.isDeleted is True: return try: analysisSpectrum = spectrum.analysisSpectrum baseLevel = analysisSpectrum.autoBaseLevel numberLevels = analysisSpectrum.autoNumLevels levelChanger = analysisSpectrum.autoLevelChanger changeMode = analysisSpectrum.autoLevelMode posLevels = [] if self.which_buttons.isIndexSelected(0): posLevels.extend( calcContourLevels(baseLevel, numberLevels, levelChanger, changeMode)) negLevels = [] if self.which_buttons.isIndexSelected(1): if changeMode == 'add': levelChanger = -levelChanger negLevels.extend( calcContourLevels(-baseLevel, numberLevels, levelChanger, changeMode)) self.posLevelsEntry.set(posLevels) self.negLevelsEntry.set(negLevels) analysisSpectrum.posLevels = posLevels analysisSpectrum.negLevels = negLevels except Implementation.ApiError, e: showError('Contour levels error', e.error_msg, parent=self)
def body(self, guiFrame): self.doUpdateForm = True self.spectrum = None guiFrame.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) row = 0 specFrame = LabelFrame(guiFrame, text='Spectrum', grid=(row, 0)) tipText = 'The spectrum for which you are setting the contour levels' self.expt_spectrum = PulldownList(specFrame, grid=(0, 0), tipText=tipText, callback=self.setSpectrumDetails) tipText = 'Open the edit spectrum table to view and change other properties associated with the selected spectrum' button = Button(specFrame, text='Spectrum Properties', command=self.editProperties, borderwidth=1, grid=(1, 0), sticky='ew', tipText=tipText) globalFrame = LabelFrame(guiFrame, text='Global scale') globalFrame.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='nsew') globalFrame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) tipText = 'The value by which all contour levels in all spectra are multiplied; to give the actual contour level in terms of the stored spectrum data' self.global_entry = FloatEntry( globalFrame, width=10, tipText=tipText, text=self.analysisProject.globalContourScale, returnCallback=self.applyAuto, grid=(0, 0), gridSpan=(1, 2), sticky='ew') tipText = 'Divide the global scaling factor by two; moving all contour for all spectra levels closer to zero' button = Button(globalFrame, borderwidth=1, text='/2', sticky='ew', tipText=tipText, command=lambda: self.changeGlobalScale(0.5), grid=(0, 2)) tipText = 'Multiple the global scaling factor by two; moving all contour for all spectra levels away from zero' button = Button(globalFrame, borderwidth=1, text='*2', sticky='ew', tipText=tipText, command=lambda: self.changeGlobalScale(2.0), grid=(0, 3)) tipText = 'Set the global contour scale for all spectra to the default of 100,000' button = Button(globalFrame, borderwidth=1, text='10^5', tipText=tipText, command=self.defaultGlobalScale, grid=(1, 0)) tipText = 'Click to decrease "-" or increase "+" the global contour scale by small amounts' frame = ValueRamp(globalFrame, callback=self.changeGlobalScale, tipText=tipText) frame.grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=3, sticky='e') row += 1 self.autoFrame = LabelFrame(guiFrame, text='Auto contour levels') self.autoFrame.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=5, sticky='nsew') self.autoFrame.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) frow = 0 label = Label(self.autoFrame, text='Base level:', grid=(frow, 0), sticky='e') tipText = 'The first contour level (closest to zero) for an automated series of levels: the start of a geometric or arithmetic series defining levels' self.base_entry = FloatEntry(self.autoFrame, returnCallback=self.applyAuto, width=10, grid=(frow, 1), sticky='ew', tipText=tipText) command = lambda: self.changeBaseLevel(0.5) tipText = 'Lower the base contour level so that it is half of the previous value; moving the series of contour levels closer to zero' button = Button(self.autoFrame, borderwidth=1, text='/2', tipText=tipText, command=command, grid=(frow, 2), sticky='ew') command = lambda: self.changeBaseLevel(2.0) tipText = 'Raise the base contour level so that it is double the previous value; moving the series of contour levels further from zero' button = Button(self.autoFrame, borderwidth=1, text='*2', tipText=tipText, command=command, grid=(frow, 3), sticky='ew') tipText = 'Click to decrease "-" or increase "+" the base contour level by small amounts' frame = ValueRamp(self.autoFrame, callback=self.changeBaseLevel, tipText=tipText) frame.grid(row=frow, column=4, columnspan=3, sticky='ew') frow += 1 label = Label(self.autoFrame, text='Number of levels:', grid=(frow, 0), sticky='e') #self.numberEntry = IntEntry(guiFrame, text=numberLevels, # returnCallback=self.applyAuto) tipText = 'The number of contour levels to make in the automated series' self.numberEntry = IntEntry(self.autoFrame, returnCallback=self.applyAuto, width=10, grid=(frow, 1), sticky='ew', tipText=tipText) command = lambda w=-1: self.changeNumberLevels(w) tipText = 'Decrease the number of contour levels in the series by one' button = Button(self.autoFrame, borderwidth=1, text='-1', tipText=tipText, command=command, grid=(frow, 2), sticky='ew') command = lambda w=1: self.changeNumberLevels(w) tipText = 'Increase the number of contour levels in the series by one' button = Button(self.autoFrame, borderwidth=1, text='+1', tipText=tipText, command=command, grid=(frow, 3), sticky='ew') n = 4 for w in (5, 10, 15, 20): tipText = 'Set the number of contour levels in the series to %d' % w command = lambda w=w: self.setNumberLevels(w) button = Button(self.autoFrame, borderwidth=1, text='%d' % w, command=command, grid=(frow, n), sticky='ew', tipText=tipText) n += 1 frow += 1 self.change_label = Label(self.autoFrame, text='%s:' % multiplier_text, grid=(frow, 0), sticky='e') tipText = 'The multiplication factor (or increment if adding levels) to repetitively apply to the base level to generate the series of levels' self.change_entry = FloatEntry(self.autoFrame, returnCallback=self.applyAuto, width=10, grid=(frow, 1), sticky='ew', tipText=tipText) self.change_level_buttons = [] n = 2 for w in multiplier_changes: tipText = 'Set the automated series multiplication factor or increment to %f' % w command = lambda w=w: self.setChange(w) button = Button(self.autoFrame, borderwidth=1, text=str(w), command=command, grid=(frow, n), sticky='ew', tipText=tipText) self.change_level_buttons.append(button) n += 1 frow += 1 frame = Frame(self.autoFrame, grid=(frow, 0), gridSpan=(1, 7), sticky='ew') tipTexts = [ 'Toggles whether positive contour levels from the automated series will be used. Overrides any manual settings', 'Toggles whether negative contour levels from the automated series will be used. Overrides any manual settings' ] entries = ('Positive', 'Negative') selected = (True, False) self.which_buttons = CheckButtons(frame, entries, selected=selected, select_callback=self.applyAuto, grid=(0, 0), sticky='w', tipTexts=tipTexts) tipTexts = [ 'Set the contour level generation to use a geometric series, starting from the base level and using the specified factor', 'Set the contour level generation to use an arithmetic series, starting from the base level and using the specified increment' ] entries = ('Multiply levels', 'Add levels') self.change_mode_buttons = RadioButtons( frame, entries, grid=(0, 1), sticky='ew', select_callback=self.modeChanged, tipTexts=tipTexts) row += 1 manualFrame = LabelFrame(guiFrame, text='Positive levels', grid=(row, 0), gridSpan=(1, 2)) manualFrame.expandGrid(None, 0) tipText = 'The positive contour levels that will be used for the spectrum; filled in by the automation or set/modified manually' self.posLevelsEntry = FloatEntry(manualFrame, isArray=True, width=60, returnCallback=self.applyManual, tipText=tipText, grid=(0, 0), sticky='ew') row += 1 manualFrame = LabelFrame(guiFrame, text='Negative levels', grid=(row, 0), gridSpan=(1, 2)) manualFrame.expandGrid(None, 0) tipText = 'The negative contour levels that will be used for the spectrum; filled in by the automation or set/modified manually' self.negLevelsEntry = FloatEntry(manualFrame, isArray=True, width=60, returnCallback=self.applyManual, tipText=tipText, grid=(0, 0), sticky='ew') row += 1 tipTexts = [ 'Set the spectrum contour levels, updating the display, to the automated series, ignoring any manual edits.', 'Set the spectrum contour levels, updating the display, to the values displayed in the level entry fields' ] texts = ['Apply Auto Levels', 'Apply Manual Edits'] commands = [self.applyAuto, self.applyManual] self.buttons = UtilityButtonList(guiFrame, texts=texts, commands=commands, helpUrl=self.help_url, grid=(row, 0), gridSpan=(1, 2), tipTexts=tipTexts) guiFrame.grid_rowconfigure(row, weight=1) self.curateNotifiers(self.registerNotify) self.update()
def body(self, master): master.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) row = 0 label = Label(master, text='Axis name: ', grid=(row, 0)) tipText = 'Short text name for new type of axis e.g. "17O"' self.name_entry = Entry(master, width=15, grid=(row, 1), tipText=tipText) row += 1 label = Label(master, text='Axis region: ', grid=(row, 0)) tipText = 'Comma separated values for the upper and lower bound of the axis allowed range of values' self.region_entry = FloatEntry(master, text=[0.0, 1.0], isArray=True, width=15, grid=(row, 1), tipText=tipText) row += 1 label = Label(master, text='Measurement type:', grid=(row, 0)) tipText = 'The physical entity that is being measured along the axis' self.measurement_list = PulldownList(master, tipText=tipText) self.measurement_list.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='w') row += 1 label = Label(master, text='Dimension is sampled: ', grid=(row, 0)) tipText = 'Whether the axis is discretely sampled or a continuous range (albeit on a grid)' self.sampled_popup = BooleanPulldownMenu(master, grid=(row, 1), tipText=tipText) row += 1 label = Label(master, text='Decimal places: ', grid=(row, 0)) tipText = 'The number of decimal places that the axis values are rounded to for display purposes' self.decimals_entry = IntEntry(master, text=0, width=15, grid=(row, 1), tipText=tipText) row += 1 label = Label(master, text='Peak size: ', grid=(row, 0)) tipText = 'The relative scale for the peak symbol (i.e the "X" shape) size compared to other axes' self.peak_size_entry = FloatEntry(master, text=1.0, width=15, grid=(row, 1), tipText=tipText) row += 1 label = Label(master, text='Allowed axis units:', grid=(row, 0)) tipTexts = [ 'Units of measurement allowed for this kind of axis', ] units = [au.unit for au in self.parent.getAxisUnits()] selected = [True] * len(units) self.units_list = CheckButtons(master, units, selected=selected, direction='vertical', grid=(row, 1), tipTexts=tipTexts) row += 1 tipTexts = [ 'Make a new axis specification of the selected type and close this popup' ] texts = ['Create'] commands = [self.ok] buttons = UtilityButtonList(master, texts=texts, commands=commands, doClone=False, closeText='Cancel', helpUrl=self.help_url, grid=(row, 0), gridSpan=(1, 2), tipTexts=tipTexts) master.grid_rowconfigure(row, weight=1) self.update()
class CreateAxisTypePopup(BasePopup): def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kw): self.measurementType = None BasePopup.__init__(self, parent=parent, title='Create axis type', modal=True, **kw) def body(self, master): master.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) row = 0 label = Label(master, text='Axis name: ', grid=(row, 0)) tipText = 'Short text name for new type of axis e.g. "17O"' self.name_entry = Entry(master, width=15, grid=(row, 1), tipText=tipText) row += 1 label = Label(master, text='Axis region: ', grid=(row, 0)) tipText = 'Comma separated values for the upper and lower bound of the axis allowed range of values' self.region_entry = FloatEntry(master, text=[0.0, 1.0], isArray=True, width=15, grid=(row, 1), tipText=tipText) row += 1 label = Label(master, text='Measurement type:', grid=(row, 0)) tipText = 'The physical entity that is being measured along the axis' self.measurement_list = PulldownList(master, tipText=tipText) self.measurement_list.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='w') row += 1 label = Label(master, text='Dimension is sampled: ', grid=(row, 0)) tipText = 'Whether the axis is discretely sampled or a continuous range (albeit on a grid)' self.sampled_popup = BooleanPulldownMenu(master, grid=(row, 1), tipText=tipText) row += 1 label = Label(master, text='Decimal places: ', grid=(row, 0)) tipText = 'The number of decimal places that the axis values are rounded to for display purposes' self.decimals_entry = IntEntry(master, text=0, width=15, grid=(row, 1), tipText=tipText) row += 1 label = Label(master, text='Peak size: ', grid=(row, 0)) tipText = 'The relative scale for the peak symbol (i.e the "X" shape) size compared to other axes' self.peak_size_entry = FloatEntry(master, text=1.0, width=15, grid=(row, 1), tipText=tipText) row += 1 label = Label(master, text='Allowed axis units:', grid=(row, 0)) tipTexts = [ 'Units of measurement allowed for this kind of axis', ] units = [au.unit for au in self.parent.getAxisUnits()] selected = [True] * len(units) self.units_list = CheckButtons(master, units, selected=selected, direction='vertical', grid=(row, 1), tipTexts=tipTexts) row += 1 tipTexts = [ 'Make a new axis specification of the selected type and close this popup' ] texts = ['Create'] commands = [self.ok] buttons = UtilityButtonList(master, texts=texts, commands=commands, doClone=False, closeText='Cancel', helpUrl=self.help_url, grid=(row, 0), gridSpan=(1, 2), tipTexts=tipTexts) master.grid_rowconfigure(row, weight=1) self.update() def update(self, *extra): measurementType = self.measurementType measurementTypes = self.parent.getMeasurementTypes() if measurementTypes: if measurementType not in measurementTypes: self.measurementType = measurementType = measurementTypes[0] index = measurementTypes.index(measurementType) else: index = 0 self.measurementType = None self.measurement_list.setup(measurementTypes, None, index) def apply(self): name = self.name_entry.get() if (not name): showError('No name', 'Need to enter name', self) return False names = [ for axisType in self.analysisProject.axisTypes] if (name in names): showError('Repeated name', 'Name already used', self) return False region = self.region_entry.get() if ((region is None) or (len(region) != 2)): showError('Region error', 'Region must be float array of length two', self) return False if (region[0] >= region[1]): showError('Region error', 'Region must have first number < second number', self) return False measurementType = self.measurement_list.getText() isSampled = self.sampled_popup.getSelected() numDecimals = self.decimals_entry.get() if ((numDecimals is None) or (numDecimals < 0)): showError('Decimals error', 'Number of decimal places must be >= 0', self) return False peakSize = self.peak_size_entry.get() if ((peakSize is None) or (peakSize <= 0)): showError('Peak size error', 'Peak size must be > 0', self) return False selected = self.units_list.getSelected() allUnits = self.parent.getAxisUnits() axisUnits = [au for au in allUnits if au.unit in selected] self.analysisProject.newAxisType(name=name, region=region, isSampled=isSampled, axisUnits=axisUnits, numDecimals=numDecimals, peakSize=peakSize, measurementType=measurementType) return True