Exemple #1
def test_metabolites_formula_presence(model):
    Expect all metabolites to have a formula.

    To be able to ensure that reactions are mass-balanced, all model
    metabolites ought to be provided with a chemical formula. Since it may be
    difficult to obtain formulas for certain metabolites this test serves as a
    mere report. Models can still be stoichiometrically consistent even
    when chemical formulas are not defined for each metabolite.

    Check if each cobra.Metabolite has a non-empty "formula"
    attribute. This attribute is set by the parser if there is an
    fbc:chemicalFormula attribute for the corresponding species in the

    ann = test_metabolites_formula_presence.annotation
    ann["data"] = get_ids(
    ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(model.metabolites)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """There are a total of {}
        metabolites ({:.2%}) without a formula: {}""".format(
            len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"], truncate(ann["data"])))
    assert len(ann["data"]) == 0, ann["message"]
Exemple #2
def test_metabolites_formula_presence(read_only_model, store):
    """Expect all metabolites to have a formula."""
    missing = [
        for met in basic.check_metabolites_formula_presence(read_only_model)
    store["metabolites_no_formula"] = missing
    assert len(missing) == 0, "No formula found for the following "\
        "metabolites: {}".format(", ".join(missing))
Exemple #3
def test_metabolites_formula_presence(read_only_model):
    Expect all metabolites to have a formula.

    To be able to ensure that reactions are mass-balanced, all model
    metabolites ought to be provided with a chemical formula.
    ann = test_metabolites_formula_presence.annotation
    ann["data"] = get_ids(
    ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(read_only_model.metabolites)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill("""There are a total of {}
        metabolites ({:.2%}) without a formula: {}""".format(
        len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"], truncate(ann["data"])))
    assert len(ann["data"]) == 0, ann["message"]
Exemple #4
def test_metabolites_formula_presence(read_only_model):
    Expect all metabolites to have a formula.

    To be able to ensure that reactions are mass-balanced, all model
    metabolites ought to be provided with a chemical formula. Since it may be
    difficult to obtain formulas for certain metabolites this test serves as a
    mere report. Models can still be stoichiometrically consistent even
    when chemical formulas are not defined for each metabolite.

    ann = test_metabolites_formula_presence.annotation
    ann["data"] = get_ids(
    ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(read_only_model.metabolites)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """There are a total of {}
        metabolites ({:.2%}) without a formula: {}""".format(
            len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"], truncate(ann["data"])))
    assert len(ann["data"]) == 0, ann["message"]
Exemple #5
def test_metabolites_formula_presence(model):
    Expect all metabolites to have a formula.

    To be able to ensure that reactions are mass-balanced, all model
    metabolites ought to be provided with a chemical formula. Since it may be
    difficult to obtain formulas for certain metabolites this test serves as a
    mere report. Models can still be stoichiometrically consistent even
    when chemical formulas are not defined for each metabolite.

    Check if each cobra.Metabolite has a non-empty "formula"
    attribute. This attribute is set by the parser if there is an
    fbc:chemicalFormula attribute for the corresponding species in the

    ann = test_metabolites_formula_presence.annotation
    ann["data"] = get_ids(basic.check_metabolites_formula_presence(model))
    ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(model.metabolites)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill("""There are a total of {}
        metabolites ({:.2%}) without a formula: {}""".format(
        len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"], truncate(ann["data"])))
    assert len(ann["data"]) == 0, ann["message"]
Exemple #6
def test_metabolites_formula_presence(model, num):
    """Expect all metabolites to have a formula."""
    assert len(basic.check_metabolites_formula_presence(model)) == num