def create_playlist(request):
    form = request.POST
    name = get_unicode(form, 'name')
    if not name:
        return html_error(request,'No name provided.')  # TODO better feedback
    # Make sure that we can create the playlist.
    # WTF In fact, we can't use playlist.songs until playlist has been saved.
    playlist = Playlist(name=name, owner=request.user)
    try:  # BTW This will fail if (name,owner) is not unique.
        return html_error(request, 'A playlist of that name already exists.')
    #    return error(request,'Nonunique name/owner.')  # TODO better feedback
    # Add the specified songs to the playlist.
    songs = get_song_list(form)
    # Redirect to the detail page for the newly created playlist.
    return HttpResponseRedirect(playlist.get_absolute_url())
Exemple #2
def _build_filter_tree(form, prefix):
    """_build_filter_tree(form, prefix) -- returns (tree,total,errors)

    Builds the subtree rooted at the prefix from the form.
      tree -- filter tree structure
      total -- total number of criteria
      errors -- list of errors
    Returns (None,0,None) if there is no subtree rooted at the prefix.  Raises
    a KeyError if the tree is malformed."""
    try: kind = form[prefix]
    except KeyError: return None, 0, None
    if kind in ('or','and','nor','nand'):
        prefix += '_'
        subtrees, total, errors = [], 0, []
        for i in itertools.count():
            subprefix = prefix + str(i)
            subtree, subtotal, suberr = _build_filter_tree(form, subprefix)
            if subtree is None: break  # There are no more subtrees.
            elif subtotal == 0: continue  # Skip this empty subtree.
            total += subtotal
        return ('sub', kind, subtrees), total, errors
        rule = form[prefix+'_r']
        if kind in ('title','album','artist'):
            string = get_unicode(form, prefix+'_f0')
            # If the kind is blank, then ignore the criterion.
            if not string: return (), 0, ()
            # Validate the rule.
            if rule not in ('in','notin','start','notstart','end','notend',
                raise KeyError('bad string rule: %r' % rule)
            return (kind, rule, string), 1, ()
        elif kind in ('time','track','play_count'):
            errors = []
            # Get f0 and, if needed, f1.
                if kind == 'time': f0 = parse_time(form[prefix+'_f0'])
                else: f0 = parse_integer(form[prefix+'_f0'])
            except ValueError, err: errors.append(str(err))
            if rule in ('inside','outside'):
                    if kind == 'time': f1 = parse_time(form[prefix+'_f1'])
                    else: f1 = parse_integer(form[prefix+'_f1'])
                except ValueError, err: errors.append(str(err))
            # Validate the rule.
            if errors: return (), 1, errors
            elif rule in ('inside', 'outside'):
                return (kind, rule, (f0, f1)), 1, ()
            elif rule in ('is','notis','lte','gte'):
                return (kind, rule, f0), 1, ()
            else: raise KeyError('bad integer rule: %r' % rule)
        elif kind in ('date_added','last_played'):
            if rule in ('last','nolast'):
                # Validate the number.  This is human provided, so give an
                # error string if it's bad.
                try: number = parse_integer(form[prefix+'_f0'])
                except ValueError, err: return (), 1, (str(err),)
                # Validate the unit.  This is provided by the form, so raise
                # a KeyError if it's bad.
                unit = form[prefix+'_f1']
                if unit not in ('hour','day','week','month','year'):
                    raise KeyError('bad date unit: %r' % unit)
                return (kind, rule, (number, unit)), 1, ()
                errors = []
                # Get f0 and, if needed, f1.
                try: f0 = parse_date(form[prefix+'_f0'])
                except ValueError, err: errors.append(str(err))
                if rule in ('inside','outside'):
                    try: f1 = parse_date(form[prefix+'_f1'])
                    except ValueError, err: errors.append(str(err))
                # Validate the rule.
                if errors: return (), 1, errors
                elif rule in ('before','after'):
                    return (kind, rule, f0), 1, ()
                elif rule in ('inside','outside'):
                    return (kind, rule, (f0, f1)), 1, ()
                else: raise KeyError('bad date rule: %r' % rule)
        else: raise KeyError('bad kind: %r' % kind)
Exemple #3
from menclave.aenclave.xml import xml_error, render_xml_to_response
from menclave.aenclave.json_response import json_error, render_json_template
from menclave.aenclave.utils import get_unicode, get_integer
from menclave.aenclave.models import Song

def xml_edit(request):
    if not request.user.is_authenticated():
        return xml_error('user not logged in')
    form = request.POST
    try: song = Song.objects.get(pk=int(form.get('id','')))
    except (ValueError, TypeError, Song.DoesNotExist), err:
        return xml_error(str(err))
    audio = EasyMP3(
    # Update title.
    title = get_unicode(form, 'title')
    if title:  # Disallow empty titles.
        song.title = title
        audio['title'] = title
    # Update album.
    album = get_unicode(form, 'album')
    if album is not None:
        song.album = album
        audio['album'] = album
    # Update artist.
    artist = get_unicode(form, 'artist')
    if artist is not None:
        song.artist = artist
        audio['artist'] = artist
    # Update track number.
    if form.get('track', None) == '': song.track = 0
Exemple #4
from menclave.aenclave.utils import get_unicode, get_integer
from menclave.aenclave.models import Song

def xml_edit(request):
    if not request.user.is_authenticated():
        return xml_error('user not logged in')
    form = request.POST
        song = Song.objects.get(pk=int(form.get('id', '')))
    except (ValueError, TypeError, Song.DoesNotExist), err:
        return xml_error(str(err))
    audio = EasyMP3(
    # Update title.
    title = get_unicode(form, 'title')
    if title:  # Disallow empty titles.
        song.title = title
        audio['title'] = title
    # Update album.
    album = get_unicode(form, 'album')
    if album is not None:
        song.album = album
        audio['album'] = album
    # Update artist.
    artist = get_unicode(form, 'artist')
    if artist is not None:
        song.artist = artist
        audio['artist'] = artist
    # Update track number.
    if form.get('track', None) == '': song.track = 0