def test_crop_rescale_img():
    from .pipeline_aux import crop_rescale_img
    from menpo.image import Image
    import numpy as np
    from menpo.shape import PointCloud
    test_img = Image(np.random.random([100, 100]))
    test_img.landmarks['PT'] = PointCloud([[20, 20], [20, 40], [40, 80], [40, 20]])

    res_im = crop_rescale_img(test_img.copy())      # crop image and check reduced shapes
    assert(res_im.shape[0] < test_img.shape[0])
    assert(res_im.shape[1] < test_img.shape[1])

    res_im2 = crop_rescale_img(test_img.copy(), crop_reading=1, pix_thres=40)      # check pixel threshold
    assert(res_im2.shape[0] < test_img.shape[0])

    res_im3 = crop_rescale_img(test_img.copy(), crop_reading=1, pix_thres=400)     # test that the image remains the same
    assert(res_im3.shape[1] > test_img.shape[1]-3)
Exemple #2
def test_image_copy():
    pixels = np.ones([1, 10, 10])
    landmarks = PointCloud(np.ones([3, 2]), copy=False)
    im = Image(pixels, copy=False)
    im.landmarks['test'] = landmarks
    im_copy = im.copy()

    assert (not is_same_array(im.pixels, im_copy.pixels))
    assert (not is_same_array(im_copy.landmarks['test'].points,
def test_crop_rescale_img():
    from .pipeline_aux import crop_rescale_img
    from menpo.image import Image
    import numpy as np
    from menpo.shape import PointCloud
    test_img = Image(np.random.random([100, 100]))
    test_img.landmarks['PT'] = PointCloud([[20, 20], [20, 40], [40, 80],
                                           [40, 20]])

    res_im = crop_rescale_img(
        test_img.copy())  # crop image and check reduced shapes
    assert (res_im.shape[0] < test_img.shape[0])
    assert (res_im.shape[1] < test_img.shape[1])

    res_im2 = crop_rescale_img(test_img.copy(), crop_reading=1,
                               pix_thres=40)  # check pixel threshold
    assert (res_im2.shape[0] < test_img.shape[0])

    res_im3 = crop_rescale_img(
        test_img.copy(), crop_reading=1,
        pix_thres=400)  # test that the image remains the same
    assert (res_im3.shape[1] > test_img.shape[1] - 3)