Exemple #1
def get():
	loc_id = request.vars.id
	if loc_id is not None:
		location = db(db.Location.id == loc_id).select(db.Location.ALL).first()
		mparser = MenuParser(db)
		menu_data_json = mparser.parse_menu_page_json(location.menu_url)
		db(db.Location.id == loc_id).update(menu_json=menu_data_json, time_last_update=request.now)
		return json.dumps(dict(loc=json.loads(menu_data_json), location_id=loc_id))
		return "Error - must specify location id."
Exemple #2
def home(request):
    context = RequestContext(request)
    context_dict = get_context_dict(request)

    menu_path = os.path.join(conf.settings.PROJECT_ROOT, 'menu.txt')
    menu = MenuParser(menu_path)
    menu = menu.parse_menu()
    preferences = context_dict['userprofile'].preferences
    preferences = Preferences.createFromString(preferences)
    matches = menu.match_with(preferences)
    html = ""
    for item in matches.get_items():  # TODO: make menu object iterable
        html += "<div style='margin-bottom: 4px; width: 400px; border-bottom: 1px solid #f0f0f0; float left;'>"
        html += "<strong>" + item.name + "</strong><br><font color='gray'>during " + item.meal + "</font><br><font color='gray'>at " + item.location + "</font>"
        html += "</div>"
    context_dict['matches'] = html
    return render_to_response("foodfinder/home.html", context_dict, context)
Exemple #3
def home(request):
	context = RequestContext(request)
	context_dict = get_context_dict(request)

	menu_path = os.path.join(conf.settings.PROJECT_ROOT, 'menu.txt')
	menu = MenuParser(menu_path)
	menu = menu.parse_menu()
	preferences = context_dict['userprofile'].preferences
	preferences = Preferences.createFromString(preferences)
	matches = menu.match_with(preferences)
	html = ""
	for item in matches.get_items(): # TODO: make menu object iterable
		html += "<div style='margin-bottom: 4px; width: 400px; float left;'>"
		html += "<font style='text-decoration: underline;'>"+item.name+"</font><font color='black'> for "+item.meal+" @ "+item.location+"</font>"
		html += "</div>"
	context_dict['matches'] = html
	return render_to_response("foodfinder/home.html", context_dict, context)
    def __load(self):
        Loads the object state from the cache or regenerate it if necessary

        @rtype: None
        @returns: Nothing
        data = None
            data = self.__cache.load()

        # cache must be created
        except ReloadException:

            # get all desktop files found
            desktop = DesktopParser()
            self.__desktop_files = desktop.getDesktopFiles()

            # get the menu list
            menu = MenuParser(MENU_FILE)
            menu_items = menu.getMenu()

            # retrieve only the siblings of the root node child
            self.__categories = menu.getSiblings(menu_items.getSubItem())

        # load categories from cache data
        self.__categories = set(data[MENU_BASE_DIR].values()[0])

        # load desktop files based on cache
        try :
            desktop = DesktopParser(data[DESKTOP_DIR].values()[0])
            self.__desktop_files = desktop.getDesktopFiles()

        # data from cache is not ok, panic
        except RuntimeError, e:
from menu_parser import MenuParser

mp = MenuParser()
Exemple #6
 def test_get_date(self):
     self.assertEqual(date(2017, 10, 30), MenuParser.get_date(2017, 44, 1))
     self.assertEqual(date(2018, 1, 1), MenuParser.get_date(2018, 1, 1))
     self.assertEqual(date(2019, 1, 7), MenuParser.get_date(2019, 2, 1))
Exemple #7
def update_all():
	mparser = MenuParser(db)
	locations = db().select(db.Location.ALL)
	for loc in locations: