Exemple #1
def _diverge(ui, b, path, localmarks, remotenode):
    '''Return appropriate diverged bookmark for specified ``path``

    This returns None, if it is failed to assign any divergent
    bookmark name.

    This reuses already existing one with "@number" suffix, if it
    refers ``remotenode``.
    if b == '@':
        b = ''
    # try to use an @pathalias suffix
    # if an @pathalias already exists, we overwrite (update) it
    if path.startswith("file:"):
        path = util.url(path).path
    for p, u in ui.configitems("paths"):
        if u.startswith("file:"):
            u = util.url(u).path
        if path == u:
            return '%s@%s' % (b, p)

    # assign a unique "@number" suffix newly
    for x in range(1, 100):
        n = '%s@%d' % (b, x)
        if n not in localmarks or localmarks[n] == remotenode:
            return n

    return None
def _diverge(ui, b, path, localmarks, remotenode):
    '''Return appropriate diverged bookmark for specified ``path``

    This returns None, if it is failed to assign any divergent
    bookmark name.

    This reuses already existing one with "@number" suffix, if it
    refers ``remotenode``.
    if b == '@':
        b = ''
    # try to use an @pathalias suffix
    # if an @pathalias already exists, we overwrite (update) it
    if path.startswith("file:"):
        path = util.url(path).path
    for p, u in ui.configitems("paths"):
        if u.startswith("file:"):
            u = util.url(u).path
        if path == u:
            return '%s@%s' % (b, p)

    # assign a unique "@number" suffix newly
    for x in range(1, 100):
        n = '%s@%d' % (b, x)
        if n not in localmarks or localmarks[n] == remotenode:
            return n

    return None
Exemple #3
def readurltoken(repo):
    """return conduit url, token and make sure they exist

    Currently read from [auth] config section. In the future, it might
    make sense to read from .arcconfig and .arcrc as well.
    url = repo.ui.config(b'phabricator', b'url')
    if not url:
        raise error.Abort(_(b'config %s.%s is required')
                          % (b'phabricator', b'url'))

    res = httpconnectionmod.readauthforuri(repo.ui, url, util.url(url).user)
    token = None

    if res:
        group, auth = res

        repo.ui.debug(b"using auth.%s.* for authentication\n" % group)

        token = auth.get(b'phabtoken')

    if not token:
        token = readlegacytoken(repo, url)
        if not token:
            raise error.Abort(_(b'Can\'t find conduit token associated to %s')
                              % (url,))

    return url, token
Exemple #4
def callconduit(repo, name, params):
    """call Conduit API, params is a dict. return json.loads result, or None"""
    host, token = readurltoken(repo)
    url, authinfo = util.url(b'/'.join([host, b'api', name])).authinfo()
    repo.ui.debug(b'Conduit Call: %s %s\n' % (url, params))
    params = params.copy()
    params[b'api.token'] = token
    data = urlencodenested(params)
    curlcmd = repo.ui.config(b'phabricator', b'curlcmd')
    if curlcmd:
        sin, sout = procutil.popen2(b'%s -d @- %s'
                                    % (curlcmd, procutil.shellquote(url)))
        body = sout.read()
        urlopener = urlmod.opener(repo.ui, authinfo)
        request = util.urlreq.request(url, data=data)
        body = urlopener.open(request).read()
    repo.ui.debug(b'Conduit Response: %s\n' % body)
    parsed = json.loads(body)
    if parsed.get(r'error_code'):
        msg = (_(b'Conduit Error (%s): %s')
               % (parsed[r'error_code'], parsed[r'error_info']))
        raise error.Abort(msg)
    return parsed[r'result']
Exemple #5
def callconduit(repo, name, params):
    """call Conduit API, params is a dict. return json.loads result, or None"""
    host, token = readurltoken(repo)
    url, authinfo = util.url(b'/'.join([host, b'api', name])).authinfo()
    repo.ui.debug(b'Conduit Call: %s %s\n' % (url, params))
    params = params.copy()
    params[b'api.token'] = token
    data = urlencodenested(params)
    curlcmd = repo.ui.config(b'phabricator', b'curlcmd')
    if curlcmd:
        sin, sout = procutil.popen2(b'%s -d @- %s'
                                    % (curlcmd, procutil.shellquote(url)))
        body = sout.read()
        urlopener = urlmod.opener(repo.ui, authinfo)
        request = util.urlreq.request(url, data=data)
        body = urlopener.open(request).read()
    repo.ui.debug(b'Conduit Response: %s\n' % body)
    parsed = json.loads(body)
    if parsed.get(r'error_code'):
        msg = (_(b'Conduit Error (%s): %s')
               % (parsed[r'error_code'], parsed[r'error_info']))
        raise error.Abort(msg)
    return parsed[r'result']
Exemple #6
def debuggethostfingerprint(ui, repo, source='default'):
    """retrieve a fingerprint of the server certificate

    The server certificate is not verified.
    source = ui.expandpath(source)
    u = util.url(source)
    scheme = (u.scheme or '').split('+')[-1]
    host = u.host
    port = util.getport(u.port or scheme or '-1')
    if scheme != 'https' or not host or not (0 <= port <= 65535):
        raise util.Abort(_('unsupported URL: %s') % source)

    sock = socket.socket()
        sock.connect((host, port))
        sock = sslutil.wrapsocket(sock, None, None, ui, serverhostname=host)
        peercert = sock.getpeercert(True)
        if not peercert:
            raise util.Abort(_('%s certificate error: no certificate received')
                             % host)

    s = util.sha1(peercert).hexdigest()
    ui.write(':'.join([s[x:x + 2] for x in xrange(0, len(s), 2)]), '\n')
Exemple #7
def nclone(ui, source, dest=None, **opts):
    '''make a copy of an existing repository and all nested repositories

    Create a copy of an existing repository in a new directory.

    Look at the help of clone command for more informations.'''
    origsource = ui.expandpath(source)
    remotesource, remotebranch = hg.parseurl(origsource, opts.get('branch'))
    if hasattr(hg, 'peer'):
        remoterepo = hg.peer(ui, opts, remotesource)
        localrepo = remoterepo.local()
        if localrepo:
            remoterepo = localrepo
        remoterepo = hg.repository(hg.remoteui(ui, opts), remotesource)
    if dest is None:
        dest = hg.defaultdest(source)
        ui.status(_("destination directory: %s\n") % dest)
    for npath in remoterepo.nested:
        if npath == '.':
            npath = ''
        u = util.url(source)
        if u.scheme:
            nsource = '%s/%s' % (source, npath)
            nsource = os.path.join(source, npath)
        ndest = os.path.join(dest, npath)
        ui.status('[%s]\n' % os.path.normpath(
                ndest[len(dest) + 1:])))
        commands.clone(ui, nsource, dest=ndest, **opts)
    def __init__(self, ui=None, serverurl=None, cachepath=None, anonymous=None, unc=True,
                 index=None, conf=None):
        self.ui = ui or uimod.ui()
        if conf:
            self.ui.readconfig(conf, trust=True)
        self.ui.setconfig('server', 'preferuncompressed', str(bool(unc))),
        self.serverurl = (serverurl or
                          self.ui.config('hgwebcachingproxy', 'serverurl'))
        self.cachepath = (cachepath or
                          self.ui.config('hgwebcachingproxy', 'cachepath'))
        if anonymous is None:
            anonymous = self.ui.configbool('hgwebcachingproxy', 'anonymous')
        self.anonymous = anonymous

        if not self.serverurl:
            raise error.Abort(_('no server url'))
        u = util.url(self.serverurl)
        if u.scheme not in ['http', 'https']:
            raise error.Abort(_('invalid scheme in server url %s') % serverurl)

        if not self.cachepath or not os.path.isdir(self.cachepath):
            raise error.Abort(_('cache path %s is not a directory') %
        self.ttl = self.ui.configint('hgwebcachingproxy', 'ttl', 30)
        self.authheaders = [('WWW-Authenticate',
                             'Basic realm="%s"' %
                             self.ui.config('hgwebcachingproxy', 'realm',
                                            'Mercurial Proxy Authentication'))]
        self.clone = self.ui.configbool('hgwebcachingproxy', 'clone', True)
        self.index = (index or
                      self.ui.config('hgwebcachingproxy', 'index'))
Exemple #9
def geturlcgivars(baseurl, port):
    Extract CGI variables from baseurl

    >>> geturlcgivars("http://host.org/base", "80")
    ('host.org', '80', '/base')
    >>> geturlcgivars("http://host.org:8000/base", "80")
    ('host.org', '8000', '/base')
    >>> geturlcgivars('/base', 8000)
    ('', '8000', '/base')
    >>> geturlcgivars("base", '8000')
    ('', '8000', '/base')
    >>> geturlcgivars("http://host", '8000')
    ('host', '8000', '/')
    >>> geturlcgivars("http://host/", '8000')
    ('host', '8000', '/')
    u = util.url(baseurl)
    name = u.host or ''
    if u.port:
        port = u.port
    path = u.path or ""
    if not path.startswith('/'):
        path = '/' + path

    return name, str(port), path
Exemple #10
 def updatereqenv(self, env):
     if self._baseurl is not None:
         u = util.url(self._baseurl)
         env['SERVER_NAME'] = u.host
         if u.port:
             env['SERVER_PORT'] = u.port
         env['SCRIPT_NAME'] = '/' + u.path
def fixuppath(ui, path, substitutions, announce=True):
    for ipprefixes, pathprefix, pathsubst in substitutions:
        if not _is_match_path(path, pathprefix):
                _("path %s didn't match prefix %s\n") %
                (util.hidepassword(path), util.hidepassword(pathprefix)))
            u = util.url(pathsubst)
            probehost = u.host or ''
        except Exception:
            probehost = ''
        for ip in localips(ui, probehost):
            if any(
                    ipaddress.ip_address(unicode(ip)) in ipaddress.ip_network(
                        unicode(ipprefix), False) for ipprefix in ipprefixes):
                new = _rewrite_path(path, pathsubst, pathprefix)
                if announce and not ui.quiet:
                        _("ip %s matched, "
                          "path changed from %s to %s\n") %
                        (ip, util.hidepassword(path), util.hidepassword(new)))
                return new
            ui.debug("ip %s does not match any of the ip prefixes %s\n" %
                     (ip, ', '.join(ipprefixes)))

        _("path %s was not matched by any prefix\n" % util.hidepassword(path)))
    return path
Exemple #12
def remote(repo):
    """remotestore factory. return a store in _storemap depending on config"""
    url = util.url(repo.ui.config('lfs', 'url') or '')
    scheme = url.scheme
    if scheme not in _storemap:
        raise error.Abort(_('lfs: unknown url scheme: %s') % scheme)
    return _storemap[scheme](repo, url)
Exemple #13
def readurltoken(repo):
    """return conduit url, token and make sure they exist

    Currently read from [auth] config section. In the future, it might
    make sense to read from .arcconfig and .arcrc as well.
    url = repo.ui.config(b'phabricator', b'url')
    if not url:
        raise error.Abort(_(b'config %s.%s is required')
                          % (b'phabricator', b'url'))

    res = httpconnectionmod.readauthforuri(repo.ui, url, util.url(url).user)
    token = None

    if res:
        group, auth = res

        repo.ui.debug(b"using auth.%s.* for authentication\n" % group)

        token = auth.get(b'phabtoken')

    if not token:
        raise error.Abort(_(b'Can\'t find conduit token associated to %s')
                            % (url,))

    return url, token
Exemple #14
def callconduit(ui, name, params):
    """call Conduit API, params is a dict. return json.loads result, or None"""
    host, token = readurltoken(ui)
    url, authinfo = util.url(b'/'.join([host, b'api', name])).authinfo()
    ui.debug(b'Conduit Call: %s %s\n' % (url, pycompat.byterepr(params)))
    params = params.copy()
    params[b'api.token'] = token
    data = urlencodenested(params)
    curlcmd = ui.config(b'phabricator', b'curlcmd')
    if curlcmd:
        sin, sout = procutil.popen2(b'%s -d @- %s' %
                                    (curlcmd, procutil.shellquote(url)))
        body = sout.read()
        urlopener = urlmod.opener(ui, authinfo)
        request = util.urlreq.request(pycompat.strurl(url), data=data)
        with contextlib.closing(urlopener.open(request)) as rsp:
            body = rsp.read()
    ui.debug(b'Conduit Response: %s\n' % body)
    parsed = pycompat.rapply(
        lambda x: encoding.unitolocal(x)
        if isinstance(x, pycompat.unicode) else x, json.loads(body))
    if parsed.get(b'error_code'):
        msg = (_(b'Conduit Error (%s): %s') %
               (parsed[b'error_code'], parsed[b'error_info']))
        raise error.Abort(msg)
    return parsed[b'result']
Exemple #15
def _local(path):
    p = hgutil.url(path).localpath()
    if _isgitdir(p):
        return gitrepo
    # detect git ssh urls (which mercurial thinks is a file-like path)
    if util.isgitsshuri(p):
        return gitrepo
    return _oldlocal(path)
 def _activepath(self, remote):
     conf = config.config()
         rc = self.vfs.join('hgrc')
     except AttributeError:
         # old hg
         rc = self.join('hgrc')
     if os.path.exists(rc):
         with open(rc) as fp:
             conf.parse('.hgrc', fp.read(), include=conf.read)
     realpath = ''
     if 'paths' in conf:
         for path, uri in conf['paths'].items():
             for s in schemes.schemes.iterkeys():
                 if uri.startswith('%s://' % s):
                     # TODO: refactor schemes so we don't
                     # duplicate this logic
                     ui.note('performing schemes expansion with '
                             'scheme %s\n' % s)
                     scheme = hg.schemes[s]
                     parts = uri.split('://', 1)[1].split('/',
                     if len(parts) > scheme.parts:
                         tail = parts[-1]
                         parts = parts[:-1]
                         tail = ''
                     context = dict((str(i+1), v) for i, v in
                     uri = ''.join(scheme.templater.process(
                         scheme.url, context)) + tail
             uri = self.ui.expandpath(uri)
             if remote.local():
                 uri = os.path.realpath(uri)
                 rpath = getattr(remote, 'root', None)
                 if rpath is None:
                     # Maybe a localpeer? (hg@1ac628cd7113, 2.3)
                     rpath = getattr(getattr(remote, '_repo', None),
                                     'root', None)
                 rpath = getattr(remote, 'url', lambda : remote._url)()
                 if uri.startswith('http'):
                         uri = url.url(uri).authinfo()[0]
                     except AttributeError:
                             uri = util.url(uri).authinfo()[0]
                         except AttributeError:
                             uri = url.getauthinfo(uri)[0]
             uri = uri.rstrip('/')
             rpath = rpath.rstrip('/')
             if uri == rpath:
                 realpath = path
                 # prefer a non-default name to default
                 if path != 'default':
     return realpath
Exemple #17
def _diverge(ui, b, path, localmarks):
    if b == '@':
        b = ''
    # find a unique @ suffix
    for x in range(1, 100):
        n = '%s@%d' % (b, x)
        if n not in localmarks:
    # try to use an @pathalias suffix
    # if an @pathalias already exists, we overwrite (update) it
    if path.startswith("file:"):
        path = util.url(path).path
    for p, u in ui.configitems("paths"):
        if u.startswith("file:"):
            u = util.url(u).path
        if path == u:
            n = '%s@%s' % (b, p)
    return n
Exemple #18
 def _activepath(self, remote):
     conf = config.config()
         rc = self.vfs.join('hgrc')
     except AttributeError:
         # old hg
         rc = self.join('hgrc')
     if os.path.exists(rc):
         with open(rc) as fp:
             conf.parse('.hgrc', fp.read(), include=conf.read)
     realpath = ''
     if 'paths' in conf:
         for path, uri in conf['paths'].items():
             for s in schemes.schemes.iterkeys():
                 if uri.startswith('%s://' % s):
                     # TODO: refactor schemes so we don't
                     # duplicate this logic
                     ui.note('performing schemes expansion with '
                             'scheme %s\n' % s)
                     scheme = hg.schemes[s]
                     parts = uri.split('://', 1)[1].split('/',
                     if len(parts) > scheme.parts:
                         tail = parts[-1]
                         parts = parts[:-1]
                         tail = ''
                     context = dict((str(i+1), v) for i, v in
                     uri = ''.join(scheme.templater.process(
                         scheme.url, context)) + tail
             uri = self.ui.expandpath(uri)
             if remote.local():
                 uri = os.path.realpath(uri)
                 rpath = getattr(remote, 'root', None)
                 if rpath is None:
                     # Maybe a localpeer? (hg@1ac628cd7113, 2.3)
                     rpath = getattr(getattr(remote, '_repo', None),
                                     'root', None)
                 rpath = getattr(remote, 'url', lambda : remote._url)()
                 if uri.startswith('http'):
                         uri = url.url(uri).authinfo()[0]
                     except AttributeError:
                             uri = util.url(uri).authinfo()[0]
                         except AttributeError:
                             uri = url.getauthinfo(uri)[0]
             uri = uri.rstrip('/')
             rpath = rpath.rstrip('/')
             if uri == rpath:
                 realpath = path
                 # prefer a non-default name to default
                 if path != 'default':
     return realpath
Exemple #19
def _diverge(ui, b, path, localmarks):
    if b == '@':
        b = ''
    # find a unique @ suffix
    for x in range(1, 100):
        n = '%s@%d' % (b, x)
        if n not in localmarks:
    # try to use an @pathalias suffix
    # if an @pathalias already exists, we overwrite (update) it
    if path.startswith("file:"):
        path = util.url(path).path
    for p, u in ui.configitems("paths"):
        if u.startswith("file:"):
            u = util.url(u).path
        if path == u:
            n = '%s@%s' % (b, p)
    return n
Exemple #20
 def __init__(self, ui, repo, remote):
     self.baseurl = bfutil.urljoin(remote.url(), 'bfile')
         # Mercurial >= 1.9
         self.baseurl, authinfo = util.url(self.baseurl).authinfo()
     except AttributeError:
         # Mercurial <= 1.8
         self.baseurl, authinfo = url_.getauthinfo(self.baseurl)
     self.opener = url_.opener(repo.ui, authinfo)
     super(kilnstore, self).__init__(ui, repo, remote.url())
 def _test(uri):
     print 'URI:', uri
         pm = url.passwordmgr(ui)
         u, authinfo = util.url(uri).authinfo()
         if authinfo is not None:
         print '    ', pm.find_user_password('test', u)
     except Abort:
         print 'abort'
Exemple #22
 def _test(uri):
     print('URI:', uri)
         pm = url.passwordmgr(ui, urlreq.httppasswordmgrwithdefaultrealm())
         u, authinfo = util.url(uri).authinfo()
         if authinfo is not None:
         print('    ', pm.find_user_password('test', u))
     except error.Abort:
         print('    ', 'abort')
 def _test(uri):
     print 'URI:', uri
         pm = url.passwordmgr(ui)
         u, authinfo = util.url(uri).authinfo()
         if authinfo is not None:
         print '    ', pm.find_user_password('test', u)
     except Abort:
         print 'abort'
Exemple #24
def remote(repo, remote=None):
    """remotestore factory. return a store in _storemap depending on config

    If ``lfs.url`` is specified, use that remote endpoint.  Otherwise, try to
    infer the endpoint, based on the remote repository using the same path
    adjustments as git.  As an extension, 'http' is supported as well so that
    ``hg serve`` works out of the box.

    lfsurl = repo.ui.config('lfs', 'url')
    url = util.url(lfsurl or '')
    if lfsurl is None:
        if remote:
            path = remote
        elif util.safehasattr(repo, '_subtoppath'):
            # The pull command sets this during the optional update phase, which
            # tells exactly where the pull originated, whether 'paths.default'
            # or explicit.
            path = repo._subtoppath
            # TODO: investigate 'paths.remote:lfsurl' style path customization,
            # and fall back to inferring from 'paths.remote' if unspecified.
            path = repo.ui.config('paths', 'default') or ''

        defaulturl = util.url(path)

        # TODO: support local paths as well.
        # TODO: consider the ssh -> https transformation that git applies
        if defaulturl.scheme in (b'http', b'https'):
            if defaulturl.path and defaulturl.path[:-1] != b'/':
                defaulturl.path += b'/'
            defaulturl.path = (defaulturl.path or b'') + b'.git/info/lfs'

            url = util.url(bytes(defaulturl))
            repo.ui.note(_('lfs: assuming remote store: %s\n') % url)

    scheme = url.scheme
    if scheme not in _storemap:
        raise error.Abort(_('lfs: unknown url scheme: %s') % scheme)
    return _storemap[scheme](repo, url)
 def _activepath(self, remote):
     conf = config.config()
     rc = self.join("hgrc")
     if os.path.exists(rc):
         fp = open(rc)
         conf.parse(".hgrc", fp.read())
     realpath = ""
     if "paths" in conf:
         for path, uri in conf["paths"].items():
             for s in schemes.schemes.iterkeys():
                 if uri.startswith("%s://" % s):
                     # TODO: refactor schemes so we don't
                     # duplicate this logic
                     ui.note("performing schemes expansion with " "scheme %s\n" % s)
                     scheme = hg.schemes[s]
                     parts = uri.split("://", 1)[1].split("/", scheme.parts)
                     if len(parts) > scheme.parts:
                         tail = parts[-1]
                         parts = parts[:-1]
                         tail = ""
                     context = dict((str(i + 1), v) for i, v in enumerate(parts))
                     uri = "".join(scheme.templater.process(scheme.url, context)) + tail
             uri = self.ui.expandpath(uri)
             if remote.local():
                 uri = os.path.realpath(uri)
                 rpath = getattr(remote, "root", None)
                 if rpath is None:
                     # Maybe a localpeer? (hg@1ac628cd7113, 2.3)
                     rpath = getattr(getattr(remote, "_repo", None), "root", None)
                 rpath = remote._url
                 if uri.startswith("http"):
                         uri = url.url(uri).authinfo()[0]
                     except AttributeError:
                             uri = util.url(uri).authinfo()[0]
                         except AttributeError:
                             uri = url.getauthinfo(uri)[0]
             uri = uri.rstrip("/")
             rpath = rpath.rstrip("/")
             if uri == rpath:
                 realpath = path
                 # prefer a non-default name to default
                 if path != "default":
     return realpath
def _rewrite_path(path, pathsubst, pathprefix):
    """Change path into the substituted path up to the path prefix match

    If the substitution does not specify authentication information and either
    the path or the prefix does, then that authentication is copied to the
    substituted path.
    pathurl = util.url(path)
    substurl = util.url(pathsubst)
    prefixurl = util.url(pathprefix)

    if not substurl.user:
        if pathurl.user:
            substurl.user = pathurl.user
            substurl.user = prefixurl.user
    if not substurl.passwd:
        if pathurl.passwd:
            substurl.passwd = pathurl.passwd
            substurl.passwd = prefixurl.passwd

    substurl.path += pathurl.path[len(prefixurl.path):]
    return str(substurl)
Exemple #27
def _baseurl(ui, path):
        url = str(util.url(util.removeauth(path)))
    except util.Abort:
        remote = hg.repository(ui, path)
            # Mercurial >= 1.9
            url = util.removeauth(remote.url())
        except AttributeError:
            # Mercurial <= 1.8
            url = hgurl.removeauth(remote.url())
    if url.lower().find('/kiln/') > 0 or url.lower().find('kilnhg.com/') > 0:
        return url
        return None
Exemple #28
def _baseurl(ui, path):
        url = str(util.url(util.removeauth(path)))
    except util.Abort:
        remote = hg.repository(ui, path)
            # Mercurial >= 1.9
            url = util.removeauth(remote.url())
        except AttributeError:
            # Mercurial <= 1.8
            url = hgurl.removeauth(remote.url())
    if url.lower().find('/kiln/') > 0 or url.lower().find('kilnhg.com/') > 0:
        return url
        return None
Exemple #29
def _mirrorrepo(ui, repo, url):
    """Mirror a source repository into the .hg directory of another."""
    u = util.url(url)
    if u.islocal():
        raise error.Abort(_('source repo cannot be local'))

    # Remove scheme from path and normalize reserved characters.
    path = url.replace('%s://' % u.scheme, '').replace('/', '_')
    mirrorpath = repo.vfs.join(store.encodefilename(path))

    peer = hg.peer(ui, {}, url)
    mirrorrepo = hg.repository(ui, mirrorpath,
                               create=not os.path.exists(mirrorpath))

    missingheads = [head for head in peer.heads() if head not in mirrorrepo]
    if missingheads:
        ui.write(_('pulling %s into %s\n' % (url, mirrorpath)))
        exchange.pull(mirrorrepo, peer)

    return mirrorrepo
Exemple #30
def nshare(ui, source, dest=None, noupdate=False):
    '''create a new shared repository and all nested repositories
    sourcerepo = hg.repository(ui, source)
    if dest is None:
        dest = hg.defaultdest(source)
        ui.status(_("destination directory: %s\n") % dest)
    for npath in sourcerepo.nested:
        if npath == '.':
            npath = ''
        u = util.url(source)
        if u.scheme:
            nsource = '%s/%s' % (source, npath)
            nsource = os.path.join(source, npath)
        ndest = os.path.join(dest, npath)
        ui.status('[%s]\n' % os.path.normpath(
                ndest[len(dest) + 1:])))
        hg.share(ui, nsource, ndest, not noupdate)
    def run_wsgi(self, req):
        path = req.env['PATH_INFO'].replace('\\', '/').strip('/')

        u = util.url(self.serverurl)
        # Forward HTTP basic authorization headers through the layers
        authheader = req.env.get('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION')
        if authheader and authheader.lower().startswith('basic '):
            userpasswd = authheader[6:].decode('base64')
            if ':' in userpasswd:
                u.user, u.passwd = userpasswd.split(':', 1)

        proto = protocol.webproto(req, self.ui)
        # MIME and HTTP allows multiple headers by the same name - we only
        # use and care about one
        args = dict((k, v[0]) for k, v in proto._args().items())
        cmd = args.pop('cmd', None)

        self.ui.write("%s@%s  cmd: %s  args: %s\n" %
                      (u.user, path or '/', cmd, ' '.join('%s=%s' % (k, v)
                       for k, v in sorted(args.items()))))

        if not cmd:
            if self.index:
                            'text/html' if self.index.endswith('.html') else
                return file(self.index)
            self.ui.warn(_('no command in request\n'))
            req.respond(common.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, protocol.HGTYPE)
            return []

        # Simple path validation - probably only sufficient on Linux
        if ':' in path or path.startswith('.') or '/.' in path:
            self.ui.warn(_('bad request path %r\n') % path)
            req.respond(common.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, protocol.HGTYPE)
            return []

        # Bounce early on missing credentials
        if not (self.anonymous or u.user and u.passwd):
            er = common.ErrorResponse(common.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED,
                                      'Authentication is mandatory',
            req.respond(er, protocol.HGTYPE)
            return ['HTTP authentication required']

        u.path = posixpath.join(u.path or '', req.env['PATH_INFO']).strip('/')
        url = str(u)

        repopath = os.path.join(self.cachepath, path)
        path = path or '/'

            # Reuse auth if possible - checking remotely is expensive
            peer, ts = peercache.get((u.user, u.passwd, path), (None, None))
            if peer is not None and time.time() > ts + self.ttl:
                self.ui.note(_('%s@%s expired, age %s\n') %
                             (u.user, path, time.time() - ts))
                peer = None
                peercache[(u.user, u.passwd, path)] = (peer, ts)
            # peer is now None or valid

                repo = hg.repository(self.ui, path=repopath)
            except error.RepoError as e:
                hg.peer(self.ui, {}, url) # authenticate / authorize first
                if os.path.exists(repopath) or not self.clone:
                    self.ui.warn(_("error with path %r: %s\n") % (path, e))
                    req.respond(common.HTTP_NOT_FOUND, protocol.HGTYPE)
                    return ['repository %s not found in proxy' % path]
                self.ui.warn(_("%r not found locally - cloning\n") % path)
                    repodir = os.path.dirname(repopath)
                    if not os.path.exists(repodir):
                    peer, destpeer = hg.clone(self.ui, {}, url, repopath,
                                              stream=True, update=False)
                except Exception as e:
                    self.ui.warn(_("error cloning %r: %s\n") % (path, e))
                    req.respond(common.HTTP_NOT_FOUND, protocol.HGTYPE)
                    return ['repository %s not available' % path]
                repo = destpeer.local()

            if cmd in ['capabilities', 'batch', 'lookup', 'branchmap'] and not peer:
                # new session on expired repo - do auth and pull again
                self.ui.note(_('%s@%s - pulling\n') % (u.user, path))
                t0 = time.time()
                peer = hg.peer(self.ui, {}, url)
                with repo.lock():
                        r = pull(repo, peer)
                    except error.RepoError as e:
                        self.ui.debug('got %s on pull - running recover\n' % (e,))
                        # should also run hg.verify(repo) ... but too expensive
                        r = pull(repo, peer)
                self.ui.debug('pull got %r after %s\n' % (r, time.time() - t0))
                peercache[(u.user, u.passwd, path)] = (peer, time.time())
            elif ts is None: # never authenticated
                self.ui.note('%s@%s - authenticating\n' % (u.user, path))
                peer = hg.peer(self.ui, {}, url)
                self.ui.debug('%s@%s - authenticated\n' % (u.user, path))
                peercache[(u.user, u.passwd, path)] = (peer, time.time())
            # user is now auth'ed for this session

            # fetch largefiles whenever they are referenced
            # (creating fake/combined batch statlfile responses is too complex)
            shas = []
            if cmd in ['statlfile', 'getlfile']:
            if cmd == 'batch':
                for x in args['cmds'].split(';'):
                    if x.startswith('statlfile sha='):
            missingshas = [sha for sha in shas
                           if not lfutil.findfile(repo, sha)]
            if missingshas:
                self.ui.debug('%s@%s - missing %s\n' %
                              (u.user, path, ' '.join(missingshas)))
                if not peer:
                    peer = hg.peer(self.ui, {}, url)
                store = openstore(repo, peer, False)
                existsremotely = store.exists(missingshas)
                for sha, available in sorted(existsremotely.iteritems()):
                    if not available:
                        self.ui.warn('%s@%s - %s not available remotely\n' %
                                     (u.user, path, sha))
                    self.ui.write('%s@%s - fetching %s\n' % (u.user, path, sha))
                    gotit = store._gethash(sha, sha)
                    if not gotit:
                        self.ui.warn(_('failed to get %s for %s@%s remotely\n'
                                       ) % (sha, u.user, path))
                peercache[(u.user, u.passwd, path)] = (peer, time.time())

            # Forward write commands to the remote server.
            # Lookup and listkeys are also forwarded so we get
            # local tags, bookmarks and phases from the server
            if cmd in ['putlfile', 'unbundle', 'pushkey', 'lookup', 'listkeys']:
                size = req.env.get('CONTENT_LENGTH')
                self.ui.debug('reading %s bytes content before forwarding\n'
                              % size)
                data = None
                if req.env['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' or size is not None:
                    data = req.read(int(size or 0))

                if not peer:
                    peer = hg.peer(self.ui, {}, url)
                self.ui.note(_('calling %s remotely\n') % cmd)
                with repo.lock():
                    r = peer._call(cmd, data=data, **args)
                    if cmd == 'unbundle':
                        self.ui.debug('fetching pushed changes back\n')
                        # we could perhaps just have pulled from data ... but it
                        # could be tricky to make sure the repo stays in sync ...
                        pull(repo, peer)
                peercache[(u.user, u.passwd, path)] = (peer, time.time())
                req.respond(common.HTTP_OK, protocol.HGTYPE)
                return [r]

            # Now serve it locally
            return protocol.call(repo, req, cmd)

        except urllib2.HTTPError as inst:
            self.ui.warn(_('HTTPError connecting to server: %s\n') % inst)
            req.respond(inst.code, protocol.HGTYPE)
            return ['HTTP error']
        except error.Abort as e: # hg.peer will abort when it gets 401
            if e.args not in [('http authorization required',),
                              ('authorization failed',)]:
            self.ui.warn('%s@%s error: %r\n' % (u.user, path, e.args[0]))
            er = common.ErrorResponse(
                if e.args == ('http authorization required',)
                else common.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST,
                'Authentication is required',
            req.respond(er, protocol.HGTYPE)
            return ['HTTP authentication required']
        except Exception as e:
            msg = 'Internal proxy server error - please contact the administrator: %s' % e
            self.ui.warn('%s\n' % msg) # TODO: log traceback?
            req.respond(common.ErrorResponse(common.HTTP_SERVER_ERROR, msg), 'text/plain')
            return [msg]
def testauthinfo(fullurl, authurl):
    print 'URIs:', fullurl, authurl
    pm = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
    print pm.find_user_password('test', authurl)
def showbuildstatus(context, mapping):
    """:build_status: String. Status of build.
    repo = context.resource(mapping, b'repo')
    ui = repo.ui
    debug = ui.debugflag
    ctx = context.resource(mapping, b'ctx')
    store = jenkinsstore(repo.svfs, repo[b'tip'].rev())
    storecache = store.load(ui)
    if debug:
        if len(storecache) <= 1:
            ui.debug(b'jenkins cache is empty\n')
            ui.debug(b'jenkins cache: {}\n'.format(storecache))

    url = ui.config(b'jenkins', b'url')
    if not url:
        raise error.Abort('jenkins.url configuration option is not defined')
    res = httpconnectionmod.readauthforuri(repo.ui, url, util.url(url).user)
    if res:
        group, auth = res
        ui.debug(b"using auth.%s.* for authentication\n" % group)
        username = auth.get('username')
        password = auth.get('password')
        if not username or not password:
            raise error.Abort(
                "cannot fine 'username' and/or 'password' values for %s" % url)
        ui.debug(b"no 'auth' configuration for %s\n" % url)
        username, password = None, None
    username = ui.config(b'jenkins', b'username')
    password = ui.config(b'jenkins', b'password')
    server = Jenkins(url.decode('utf-8'), username=username, password=password)

    if 'jobs' not in storecache:
        jobnames = ui.config(b'jenkins', b'job').decode('utf-8')
        jobs = [n.strip() for n in jobnames.split(',')]
        storecache['jobs'] = {name: {} for name in jobs}
    elif debug:
        ui.debug(b'using cached jobs\n')

    def gen_jobs_buildinfo():
        for job, jobcache in storecache['jobs'].items():
            if not jobcache:
                jobcache.update(buildinfo_for_job(server, job))
            elif debug:
                ui.debug(b'using cached build info for job %s\n' % job)
            build_info = jobcache.get(ctx.hex().decode('utf-8'))
            if not build_info:
                yield '{}: NOT BUILT\n'.format(job)
            if build_info['building']:
                status = 'BUILDING'
                status = build_info['status']
            build_url = build_info['url']
            yield '{}: {} - {}\n'.format(job, status, build_url)

    jobs_buildinfo = [v.encode('utf-8') for v in gen_jobs_buildinfo()]

    if not jobs_buildinfo:
        jobs_buildinfo.append(b'NOT BUILT')

    return templatekw.compatlist(context, mapping, b'build_status',
def _url_without_authentication(url):
    """return an url instance without user or password entries"""
    u = util.url(url)
    u.user = None
    u.passwd = None
    return u
def wrappedpush(orig, repo, remote, force=False, revs=None, newbranch=False, **kwargs):
    """Wraps exchange.push to enforce restrictions for review pushes."""

    # The repository does not support pushing reviews.
    caps = getreviewcaps(remote)
    if "pushreview" not in caps:
        # See if this repository is a special "discovery" repository
        # and follow the link, if present.
        if "listreviewrepos2" not in caps:
            return orig(repo, remote, force=force, revs=revs, newbranch=newbranch, **kwargs)

        rootnode = repo[0].hex()

        repo.ui.status(_("searching for appropriate review repository\n"))
        for line in remote._call("listreviewrepos").splitlines():
            node, urls = line.split(" ", 1)
            if node == rootnode:
                newurls = urls.split(" ")
            raise util.Abort(_("no review repository found"))

        oldurl = util.url(remote._url)

        if oldurl.scheme in ("http", "https"):
            newurl = newurls[0]
        elif oldurl.scheme == "ssh":
            newurl = newurls[1]
            raise util.Abort("can only use autoreview repos over HTTP or SSH")

        newurl = util.url(newurl)

        # We don't currently allow redirecting to different hosts out of an
        # abundance of caution around security concerns. In theory, this should
        # be OK since if we talked to the host, we presumably trusted it. So
        # why shouldn't we trust a redirect?
        # If this ever changes, watch out for credential copying when modifying
        # the remote below.
        if newurl.host != oldurl.host:
            raise util.Abort(_("refusing to redirect due to URL mismatch: %s" % newurl))

        repo.ui.status(_("redirecting push to %s\n") % newurl)

        if isinstance(remote, httppeer.httppeer):
            remote._url = str(newurl)

            newurl.user = oldurl.user
            newurl.passwd = oldurl.passwd
            remote.path = str(newurl)

            # Wipe out cached capabilities.
            remote.caps = None

            newremote = remote

        elif isinstance(remote, sshpeer.sshpeer):
            newurl.user = oldurl.user

            # SSH remotes establish processes. We can't simply monkeypatch
            # the instance.
            newremote = type(remote)(remote.ui, str(newurl))
            raise util.Abort(_("do not know how to talk to this remote type\n"))

        return wrappedpush(orig, repo, newremote, force=False, revs=revs, newbranch=False, **kwargs)

    ircnick = repo.ui.config("mozilla", "ircnick", None)
    if not ircnick:
        raise util.Abort(
                "you must set mozilla.ircnick in your hgrc config "
                "file to your IRC nickname in order to perform code reviews"

    # We filter the "extension isn't installed" message from the server.
    # This is a bit hacky, but it's easier than sending a signal over the
    # wire protocol (at least until bundle2).

    def filterwrite(messages):
        # Mercurial 3.5 sends the output as one string.
        if messages[0].startswith("%sREVIEWBOARD" % _("remote: ")):
            return True

        # Older versions have separate components.
        if messages[0] == _("remote: ") and len(messages) >= 2 and messages[1].startswith("REVIEWBOARD: "):
            return True

        return False

    # Starting with Mercurial 3.5 or possibly bundle2, remote messages are
    # now written to the repo's ui instance as opposed to the remote's. We
    # wrap both instances until we drop support for Mercurial 3.4.
    oldrepocls = repo.ui.__class__
    oldremotecls = remote.ui.__class__

    class repofilteringwrite(repo.ui.__class__):
        def write(self, *args, **kwargs):
            if not filterwrite(args):
                return oldrepocls.write(self, *args, **kwargs)

    class remotefilteringwrite(remote.ui.__class__):
        def write(self, *args, **kwargs):
            if not filterwrite(args):
                return oldremotecls.write(self, *args, **kwargs)

    repo.ui.__class__ = repofilteringwrite
    remote.ui.__class__ = remotefilteringwrite
        # We always do force push because we don't want users to need to
        # specify it. The big danger here is pushing multiple heads or
        # branches or mq patches. We check the former above and we don't
        # want to limit user choice on the latter two.
        return orig(repo, remote, force=True, revs=revs, newbranch=newbranch, **kwargs)
        repo.ui.__class__ = oldrepocls
        remote.ui.__class__ = oldremotecls
Exemple #36
def clone_cache_cmd(ui, source, dest=None, **opts):
    source_url = url(source)
    if source_url.fragment is not None:
        raise ValueError('Someone is being clever! We are not clever. Bail.')

    orig_source = source
    cache_source = os.path.join(CACHE, url_to_filename(source))
    was_cached = False
    clone_source = source
    if not opts.get('nocache'):
        was_cached = os.path.exists(cache_source)
        if was_cached:
            ui.status('cloning from cache {}\n'.format(cache_source))
            clone_source = cache_source
            if dest is None:
                dest = hg.defaultdest(source)
            if opts.get('rev'):
                ui.status('updating cache {} to rev {}\n'.format(cache_source, opts.get('rev')))
                cache_peer = hg.peer(ui, {}, cache_source)
                commands.pull(cache_peer.ui, cache_peer.local(), noupdate=True, rev=opts.get('rev'))
            ui.status('no cache found at {}, cloning from source {}\n'.format(
                cache_source, source))
    if opts.get('noupdate') and opts.get('updaterev'):
        raise util.Abort(_("cannot specify both --noupdate and --updaterev"))

    r = hg.clone(ui, opts, clone_source, dest,
                 update=opts.get('updaterev') or not opts.get('noupdate'),

    if r is None:
        return True

    source_peer, dest_peer = r

    if was_cached:
        dest_repo = dest_peer.local()
        if dest_repo:
            orig_source = dest_repo.ui.expandpath(orig_source)
            abspath = orig_source
            if hg.islocal(orig_source):
                abspath = os.path.abspath(hg.util.urllocalpath(orig_source))

            u = url(abspath)
            u.passwd = None
            defaulturl = str(u)
            fp = dest_repo.opener("hgrc", "w", text=True)
            fp.write("default = %s\n" % defaulturl)
            fp.write('cache = %s\n' % cache_source)

            dest_repo.ui.setconfig('paths', 'default', defaulturl, 'clone')

            commands.pull(dest_repo.ui, dest_repo)

            commands.update(ui, dest_repo)

    return False
Exemple #37
def islocal(path):
    if isgitsshuri(path):
        return True

    u = util.url(path)
    return not u.scheme or u.scheme == 'file'
def wrappedpush(orig,
    """Wraps exchange.push to enforce restrictions for review pushes."""

    # The repository does not support pushing reviews.
    caps = getreviewcaps(remote)
    if 'pushreview' not in caps:
        # See if this repository is a special "discovery" repository
        # and follow the link, if present.
        if 'listreviewrepos2' not in caps:
            return orig(repo,

        rootnode = repo[0].hex()

        repo.ui.status(_('searching for appropriate review repository\n'))
        data = calljsoncommand(repo.ui, remote, 'listreviewrepos')
        for node, urls in data.iteritems():
            if node == rootnode:
                newurls = urls
            raise util.Abort(_('no review repository found'))

        oldurl = util.url(remote._url)

        if oldurl.scheme in ('http', 'https'):
            newurl = newurls[0]
        elif oldurl.scheme == 'ssh':
            newurl = newurls[1]
            raise util.Abort('can only use autoreview repos over HTTP or SSH')

        newurl = util.url(newurl)

        # We don't currently allow redirecting to different hosts out of an
        # abundance of caution around security concerns. In theory, this should
        # be OK since if we talked to the host, we presumably trusted it. So
        # why shouldn't we trust a redirect?
        # If this ever changes, watch out for credential copying when modifying
        # the remote below.
        if newurl.host != oldurl.host:
            raise util.Abort(
                _('refusing to redirect due to URL mismatch: %s' % newurl))

        repo.ui.status(_('redirecting push to %s\n') % newurl)

        if isinstance(remote, httppeer.httppeer):
            remote._url = str(newurl)

            newurl.user = oldurl.user
            newurl.passwd = oldurl.passwd
            remote.path = str(newurl)

            # Wipe out cached capabilities.
            remote.caps = None

            newremote = remote

        elif isinstance(remote, sshpeer.sshpeer):
            newurl.user = oldurl.user

            # SSH remotes establish processes. We can't simply monkeypatch
            # the instance.
            newremote = type(remote)(remote.ui, str(newurl))
            raise util.Abort(
                _('do not know how to talk to this remote type\n'))

        return wrappedpush(orig,

    ircnick = repo.ui.config('mozilla', 'ircnick', None)
    if not ircnick:
        raise util.Abort(
            _('you must set mozilla.ircnick in your hgrc config '
              'file to your IRC nickname in order to perform code reviews'))

    # We filter the "extension isn't installed" message from the server.
    # This is a bit hacky, but it's easier than sending a signal over the
    # wire protocol (at least until bundle2).

    def filterwrite(messages):
        # Mercurial 3.5 sends the output as one string.
        # Starting with Mercurial 3.9.1, the string is localized with
        # _('remote: ').
        if messages[0].startswith('%sREVIEWBOARD' % _('remote: ')):
            return True

        # Older versions have separate components.
        if messages[0] == _('remote: ') and len(messages) >= 2 and \
            messages[1].startswith('REVIEWBOARD: '):
            return True

        return False

    # Starting with Mercurial 3.5 or possibly bundle2, remote messages are
    # now written to the repo's ui instance as opposed to the remote's. We
    # wrap both instances until we drop support for Mercurial 3.4.
    oldrepocls = repo.ui.__class__
    oldremotecls = remote.ui.__class__

    class repofilteringwrite(repo.ui.__class__):
        def write(self, *args, **kwargs):
            if not filterwrite(args):
                return oldrepocls.write(self, *args, **kwargs)

    class remotefilteringwrite(remote.ui.__class__):
        def write(self, *args, **kwargs):
            if not filterwrite(args):
                return oldremotecls.write(self, *args, **kwargs)

    repo.ui.__class__ = repofilteringwrite
    remote.ui.__class__ = remotefilteringwrite
        # We always do force push because we don't want users to need to
        # specify it. The big danger here is pushing multiple heads or
        # branches or mq patches. We check the former above and we don't
        # want to limit user choice on the latter two.
        return orig(repo,
        repo.ui.__class__ = oldrepocls
        remote.ui.__class__ = oldremotecls
Exemple #39
def wrappedpush(orig, repo, remote, force=False, revs=None, newbranch=False,
    """Wraps exchange.push to enforce restrictions for review pushes."""

    # The repository does not support pushing reviews.
    caps = getreviewcaps(remote)
    if 'pushreview' not in caps:
        # See if this repository is a special "discovery" repository
        # and follow the link, if present.
        if 'listreviewrepos' not in caps:
            return orig(repo, remote, force=force, revs=revs,
                        newbranch=newbranch, **kwargs)

        repo.ui.status(_('searching for appropriate review repository\n'))
        repos = remote.listkeys('reviewrepos')
        rootnode = repo[0].hex()
        newurl = None
        for url, node in repos.items():
            if rootnode == node:
                newurl = url
            raise util.Abort(_('no review repository found'))

        newurl = util.url(newurl)
        oldurl = util.url(remote._url)

        # We don't currently allow redirecting to different protocols
        # or hosts. This is due to abundance of caution around
        # security concerns.

        if newurl.scheme != oldurl.scheme or newurl.host != oldurl.host:
            raise util.Abort(_('refusing to redirect due to URL mismatch: %s' %

        repo.ui.status(_('redirecting push to %s\n') % newurl)

        if isinstance(remote, httppeer.httppeer):
            remote._url = str(newurl)

            newurl.user = oldurl.user
            newurl.passwd = oldurl.passwd
            remote.path = str(newurl)
            newremote = remote

        elif isinstance(remote, sshpeer.sshpeer):
            newurl.user = oldurl.user

            # SSH remotes establish processes. We can't simply monkeypatch
            # the instance.
            newremote = type(remote)(remote.ui, str(newurl))
            raise util.Abort(_('do not know how to talk to this remote type\n'))

        return wrappedpush(orig, repo, newremote, force=False, revs=revs,
                           newbranch=False, **kwargs)

    ircnick = repo.ui.config('mozilla', 'ircnick', None)
    if not ircnick:
        raise util.Abort(_('you must set mozilla.ircnick in your hgrc config '
            'file to your IRC nickname in order to perform code reviews'))

    # We filter the "extension isn't installed" message from the server.
    # This is a bit hacky, but it's easier than sending a signal over the
    # wire protocol (at least until bundle2).

    def filterwrite(messages):
        # Mercurial 3.5 sends the output as one string.
        if messages[0].startswith('%sREVIEWBOARD' % _('remote: ')):
            return True

        # Older versions have separate components.
        if messages[0] == _('remote: ') and len(messages) >= 2 and \
            messages[1].startswith('REVIEWBOARD: '):
            return True

        return False

    # Starting with Mercurial 3.5 or possibly bundle2, remote messages are
    # now written to the repo's ui instance as opposed to the remote's. We
    # wrap both instances until we drop support for Mercurial 3.4.
    oldrepocls = repo.ui.__class__
    oldremotecls = remote.ui.__class__

    class repofilteringwrite(repo.ui.__class__):
        def write(self, *args, **kwargs):
            if not filterwrite(args):
                return oldrepocls.write(self, *args, **kwargs)

    class remotefilteringwrite(remote.ui.__class__):
        def write(self, *args, **kwargs):
            if not filterwrite(args):
                return oldremotecls.write(self, *args, **kwargs)

    repo.ui.__class__ = repofilteringwrite
    remote.ui.__class__ = remotefilteringwrite
        # We always do force push because we don't want users to need to
        # specify it. The big danger here is pushing multiple heads or
        # branches or mq patches. We check the former above and we don't
        # want to limit user choice on the latter two.
        return orig(repo, remote, force=True, revs=revs, newbranch=newbranch,
        repo.ui.__class__ = oldrepocls
        remote.ui.__class__ = oldremotecls
Exemple #40
def islocal(path):
    u = util.url(path)
    return not u.scheme or u.scheme == 'file'
Exemple #41
 def spliturl(url):
     return util.url(url).authinfo()
def testauthinfo(fullurl, authurl):
    print 'URIs:', fullurl, authurl
    pm = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
    print pm.find_user_password('test', authurl)
Exemple #43
def testauthinfo(fullurl, authurl):
    print('URIs:', fullurl, authurl)
    pm = urlreq.httppasswordmgrwithdefaultrealm()
    print(pm.find_user_password('test', authurl))
Exemple #44
def islocal(path):
    if isgitsshuri(path):
        return True

    u = util.url(path)
    return not u.scheme or u.scheme == 'file'
Exemple #45
def islocal(path):
    u = util.url(path)
    return not u.scheme or u.scheme == 'file'