Exemple #1
def main() :
    This function just performs dispatch on the command line that a user
    provided. Basically, look at the first argument, which specifies the
    function the user wants rPGA to perform, then dispatch to the appropriate
  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='rPGA')
  parser.add_argument('-N',help="number of mismatches per read pair")
  parser.add_argument('-T',help="num threads for STAR alignment")
  parser.add_argument('--writeBam',help='flag to write allele specific bam files',action='store_true')
#  parser.add_argument('-p',help='multiprocessing flag',action='store_true')
  parser.add_argument('--gz',help='flag denoting gzipped reads',action='store_true')
  parser.add_argument('--conflict',help='flag to print conflicting reads',action='store_true')
  parser.add_argument('-M',help="max number of multiple alignments in STAR mapping")
  parser.add_argument('-e',help="file containing RNA editing positions, downloaded from RADAR")
  parser.add_argument('--rnaedit',help="flag to check for RNA editing events, must also provide an RNA editing file usng -e parameter",action="store_true")
  parser.add_argument('--printall',help="flag to print all non haplotype specific reads in bam file output",action='store_true')
  parser.add_argument('--consensus',help="flag to print consensus BAM file",action='store_true')
  parser.add_argument('-b1',help="haplotype 1 bam file")
  parser.add_argument('-b2',help="haplotype 2 bam file")
  parser.add_argument('-br',help="reference alignment bam file")
  parser.add_argument('-v',help="VCF genotype directory")
  parser.add_argument('-g',help="GTF annotation file")
  parser.add_argument('-o',help="output directory")
  parser.add_argument('-s',help="fastq read file(s), comma deliminated if paired end")
  parser.add_argument('-r',help="reference fasta file")
  parser.add_argument('--nmask',help="flag to N-mask reference genome and align to that",action="store_true")
  args = parser.parse_args()
  command = args.command
  if ((args.rnaedit and not args.e) or (args.e and not args.rnaedit)):
    sys.stderr.write("rPGA: if --rnaedit flag is used, you must also provide a file containing RNA editing locations using -e parameter \n")
  if (not args.o):
    sys.stderr.write("rPGA: -o outDir parameter is required\n")
  if len(command)==0:
    sys.stderr.write("rPGA: need a command - init, genomes, genotype, junctions, sequences, or run \n'" )
    print helpStr
#  elif command[0]=="init":
#    init.main(command[1:])
#  elif command[0] == "genomes" :
#    genomes.main(command[1:])
#  elif command[0] == "genotype" :
#    genotype.main(command[1:])
#  elif command[0] == "junctions" :
#    junctions.main(command[1:])
#  elif command[0] == "sequences" :
#    seqs.main(command[1:])
  elif command[0] == "run" :
  elif command[0] == "merge":
  else :
    sys.stderr.write("rPGA: I don't recognise the option '" + command[0] +\
Exemple #2
def run(args):
    for mt in testModels4:
        import merge
        model = mt[0]
        test = mt[1]
        if len(mt) == 3:
            args.sequence_size = mt[2]
        args.test = test
        merge.main(args, model)
Exemple #3
def main():
    # Save option
    option = int(show_menu())
    # Go through
    if option == 1:
    elif option == 2:
    elif option == 3:
    elif option == 4:
    elif option == 5:
Exemple #4
def main(pChunkList):

    print "ChunkList:"
    for pChunk in pChunkList:
        print pChunk

    PrintHint("Begin Export Scene")
    raw_input("press enter to work...")

    lChunkInfo, lFlag = CreateFbx("terrain", pChunkList)
    PrintHint("Export Scene Finish")

    PrintHint("Begin Merge")
    raw_input("press enter to work...")

    merge.main(lChunkInfo, pChunkList[0], lFlag)
def main(options, args):

    # check directories exist
    for study in args:
        if not os.path.exists(study):
            print >> ERROR_FILE, 'Study cannot be found: ' + study
        study_id = os.path.basename(study)

        # go through each study, and rename files to the names accepted by merge script
        files_list = os.listdir(study)
        for file in files_list:
            if file in filenames_map:
                os.rename(study + '/' + file,
                          study + '/' + filenames_map[file])
                    study + '/' + filenames_map[file]] = study + '/' + file
            if file.startswith('data_cna_hg19.seg') or file.startswith(
                    'meta_cna_hg19_seg') or file.startswith(
                        'data_cna_hg18.seg') or file.startswith(
                os.rename(study + '/' + file,
                          study + '/' + study_id + '_' + file)
                outputdir_files_to_rename[study + '/' + study_id + '_' +
                                          file] = study + '/' + file

    # call the main merge and subset script
    merge.main(options, args)

    # once the merge is complete, rename files back to their old names in input directories.
    for key in outputdir_files_to_rename:
        os.rename(key, outputdir_files_to_rename[key])

    # update the file names in output directory to new naming patterns
    output_directory = options.outputdir
    output_studyid = options.studyid
    for file in os.listdir(output_directory):
        if file in filenames_map.values():
            filename = get_key(file)
            os.rename(output_directory + '/' + file,
                      output_directory + '/' + filename)
        if 'data_cna_hg19' in file or 'meta_cna_hg19_seg' in file or 'data_cna_hg18' in file or 'meta_cna_hg18_seg' in file:
            filename = file.replace(output_studyid + '_', '')
            os.rename(output_directory + '/' + file,
                      output_directory + '/' + filename)
def main():
    num = 1
    m = int(raw_input("The number of demand:"))
    n = int(raw_input("The number of facility:"))
    hbar = int(raw_input("Quantity Limit H-bar:"))
    dbar = int(raw_input("Distance Matrix D-bar:"))
    fbar = int(raw_input("Fix Cost Limit F-bar:"))

    # run random to generate random nums
    generator.main(num, m, n, hbar, dbar, fbar)

    prelamda = np.array([100] * m)  #init lamda
    while True:
        # split the random nums and generate j subdata files
        coor = split.main(
            prelamda)  #three element: 1. demand_coor 2, supply_coor 3. hi
        # solve each submodel and save the ampl solution
        # merge the sols
        returnitem = merge.main(m, n)  #returnitem = [Xi,Yi,Z,subgrad]
Exemple #7
        os.system("rm -f label_prop_output.txt")

    if i == 1:
        os.system("junto config simple_config")
        os.system("touch dump")
        os.system("junto config simple_config > dump")
    print '+--- output for part', i, 'generated'
    #return to main STEP dir for next parts

nope = (5, 10, 12, 18, 22, 24)
# i is the iterator to run all parts
print '+--- Initiate Graph Generation ---+\n'

for i in range(1, 31):
    #part removed
    if i in nope:
        print '\npart', i, 'ignored\n'
        #use input for graph
        print '\nRunning part', i, '\n'
        print 'Part', i, 'graph generated\n'

def main():
    usage = "Usage: vcfPytools.py [tool] [options]\n\n" + \
            "Available tools:\n" + \
            "  annotate:\n\tAnnotate the vcf file with membership in other vcf files.\n" + \
            "  extract:\n\tExtract vcf records from a region.\n" + \
            "  filter:\n\tFilter the vcf file.\n" + \
            "  indel:\n\tIndel manipulation tools.\n" + \
            "  intersect:\n\tGenerate the intersection of two vcf files.\n" + \
            "  merge:\n\tMerge a list of vcf files.\n" + \
            "  multi:\n\tFind the intersections and unique fractions of multiple vcf files.\n" + \
            "  sort:\n\tSort a vcf file.\n" + \
            "  stats:\n\tGenerate statistics from a vcf file.\n" + \
            "  union:\n\tGenerate the union of two vcf files.\n" + \
            "  unique:\n\tGenerate the unique fraction from two vcf files.\n" + \
            "  validate:\n\tValidate the input vcf file.\n\n" + \
            "vcfPytools.py [tool] --help for information on a specific tool."

    # Determine the requested tool.

    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        tool = sys.argv[1]
        print >> sys.stderr, usage

    if tool == "annotate":
        import annotate
        success = annotate.main()
    elif tool == "extract":
        import extract
        success = extract.main()
    elif tool == "filter":
        import filter
        success = filter.main()
    elif tool == "intersect":
        import intersect
        success = intersect.main()
    elif tool == "indel":
        import indel
        success = indel.main()
    elif tool == "multi":
        import multi
        success = multi.main()
    elif tool == "merge":
        import merge
        success = merge.main()
    elif tool == "sort":
        import sort
        success = sort.main()
    elif tool == "stats":
        import stats
        success = stats.main()
    elif tool == "union":
        import union
        success = union.main()
    elif tool == "unique":
        import unique
        success = unique.main()
    elif tool == "test":
        import test
        success = test.main()
    elif tool == "validate":
        import validate
        success = validate.main()
    elif tool == "--help" or tool == "-h" or tool == "?":
        print >> sys.stderr, usage
        print >> sys.stderr, "Unknown tool: ", tool
        print >> sys.stderr, "\n", usage

# If program completed properly, terminate.

    if success == 0: exit(0)
Exemple #9
    help='size of the lstm sequence only works for LSTM and Merge',

args = parser.parse_args()

if args.FFNN == True:
    if args.run_test == True:
        import FFNNtest
        import FFNN
elif args.LSTM == True:
    if args.run_test == True:
        import LSTMtest
        import LSTM
elif args.MERGE == True:
    if args.run_test == True:
        import mergetest
        import merge
    print("Must select a type")
def merge_worker():
    import merge
def main():
  usage = "Usage: vcfPytools.py [tool] [options]\n\n" + \
          "Available tools:\n" + \
          "  annotate:\n\tAnnotate the vcf file with membership in other vcf files.\n" + \
          "  extract:\n\tExtract vcf records from a region.\n" + \
          "  filter:\n\tFilter the vcf file.\n" + \
          "  indel:\n\tIndel manipulation tools.\n" + \
          "  intersect:\n\tGenerate the intersection of two vcf files.\n" + \
          "  merge:\n\tMerge a list of vcf files.\n" + \
          "  multi:\n\tFind the intersections and unique fractions of multiple vcf files.\n" + \
          "  sort:\n\tSort a vcf file.\n" + \
          "  stats:\n\tGenerate statistics from a vcf file.\n" + \
          "  union:\n\tGenerate the union of two vcf files.\n" + \
          "  unique:\n\tGenerate the unique fraction from two vcf files.\n" + \
          "  validate:\n\tValidate the input vcf file.\n\n" + \
          "vcfPytools.py [tool] --help for information on a specific tool."

# Determine the requested tool.

  if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    tool = sys.argv[1]
    print >> sys.stderr, usage

  if tool == "annotate":
    import annotate
    success = annotate.main()
  elif tool == "extract":
    import extract
    success = extract.main()
  elif tool == "filter":
    import filter
    success = filter.main()
  elif tool == "intersect":
    import intersect
    success = intersect.main()
  elif tool == "indel":
    import indel
    success = indel.main()
  elif tool == "multi":
    import multi
    success = multi.main()
  elif tool == "merge":
    import merge
    success = merge.main()
  elif tool == "sort":
    import sort
    success = sort.main()
  elif tool == "stats":
    import stats
    success = stats.main()
  elif tool == "union":
    import union
    success = union.main()
  elif tool == "unique":
    import unique
    success = unique.main()
  elif tool == "test":
    import test
    success = test.main()
  elif tool == "validate":
    import validate
    success = validate.main()
  elif tool == "--help" or tool == "-h" or tool == "?":
    print >> sys.stderr, usage
    print >> sys.stderr, "Unknown tool: ",tool
    print >> sys.stderr, "\n", usage

# If program completed properly, terminate.

  if success == 0: exit(0)