Exemple #1
class WorldModel(Model):
    def __init__(self, N, width, height):
        self.grid = SingleGrid(height, width, True)

        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.num_agents = N
        self.running = True
        for i in range(self.num_agents):
            ethnicity = random.choice(Ethnicities)
            a = PersonAgent(unique_id=i,
            # Add the agent to a random grid cell

        self.datacollector = DataCollector(
                "Nationalism": lambda a: a.nationalism,
                "X": lambda a: a.pos[0],
                "Y": lambda a: a.pos[1]

    def step(self):
Exemple #2
class SchellingModel(Model):
    def __init__(self, height=20, width=20, tolerance=0.3, population=200):
        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.tolerance = tolerance
        self.population = population
        self.happy = 0

        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.grid = SingleGrid(height, width, torus=False)
        self.running = True

    def setup(self):
        occupied = []
        for i in range(self.population):
            x = np.random.randint(0, self.width)
            y = np.random.randint(0, self.height)
            while [x, y] in occupied:
                x = np.random.randint(0, self.width)
                y = np.random.randint(0, self.height)
            occupied.append([x, y])
            agent = SchellingAgent((x, y), self)
            self.grid.position_agent(agent, (x, y))

    def happy_ratio(self):
        agents = self.schedule.agents
        return self.happy / len(agents)

    def step(self):
        self.happy = 0  # Reset counter of happy agents
        if self.happy_ratio() > 0.99:
            self.running = False
Exemple #3
class TurtleModel(Model):
    def __init__(self, width: int = 5, height: int = 5):
        self.active_agent = Turtle(self.next_id(), self)
        self.active_agent.active = True

        self.grid = SingleGrid(width, height, True)
        self.grid.position_agent(self.active_agent, width // 2, height // 2)

        self.schedule = BaseScheduler(self)

    def step(self):
        direction = self.random.choice([(1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, 1), (0, -1)])

    def on_key(self, key):
        key_to_direction = {
            "ArrowUp": (0, 1),
            "ArrowDown": (0, -1),
            "ArrowLeft": (-1, 0),
            "ArrowRight": (1, 0),

        direction = key_to_direction.get(key, "")
        if direction:

    def on_click(self, **kwargs):
        self.active_agent.active = False
        unique_id = kwargs.get("unique_id")
        for agent in self.schedule.agents:
            if agent.unique_id == unique_id:
                self.active_agent = agent
                self.active_agent.active = True
Exemple #4
class Schelling(Model):
    Model class for the Schelling segregation model.
    def __init__(self,

        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.density = density
        self.minority_pc = 0.4
        self.homophily = 3

        self.schedule = getattr(time, schedule)(self)
        self.grid = SingleGrid(height, width, torus=True)

        self.happy = 0

        # Set up agents
        # We use a grid iterator that returns
        # the coordinates of a cell as well as
        # its contents. (coord_iter)
        for cell in self.grid.coord_iter():
            x = cell[1]
            y = cell[2]
            if self.random.random() < self.density:
                if self.random.random() < self.minority_pc:
                    agent_type = 1
                    agent_type = 0

                agent = SchellingAgent((x, y), self, agent_type)
                self.grid.position_agent(agent, (x, y))

        self.running = True

    def step(self):
        Run one step of the model. If All agents are happy, halt the model.
        self.happy = 0  # Reset counter of happy agents

        if self.happy == self.schedule.get_agent_count():
            self.running = False

    def on_click(self, x, y, agent_type, **kwargs):
        """Change agent type on click."""
        self.grid[x][y].type = 1 if agent_type == 0 else 0

    def Step(self):
        return self.schedule.steps
Exemple #5
class BikeShare(Model):
    """A model with some number of potential riders."""
    global hours_per_day
    hours_per_day = 24

    def __init__(self, N, M, width, height):
        # self.running = True
        self.num_agents = N
        # self.grid = MultiGrid(width, height, True)

        self.num_stations = M
        self.radius = np.int(np.sqrt(width * height))
        self.grid = MultiGrid(width, height, True)
        self.grid_stations = SingleGrid(width, height, True)
        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.timestamp = 0 # use to find days
        self.datestamp = 0

        threshold = 0.8

        # create agents
        for i in range(self.num_agents):
            a = BikeRider(i, self, threshold)

            # add the agent to a random grid cell
            x = np.random.randint(self.grid.width)
            y = np.random.randint(self.grid.height)
            self.grid.place_agent(a, (x, y))

        for i in range(self.num_stations):
            s = BikeStation(i, self)

            # add the station to a random grid cell
            # x = np.random.randint(self.grid_stations.width)
            # y = np.random.randint(self.grid_stations.height)
            self.grid_stations.position_agent(s) # ensures one station max
            # self.grid.place_agent(s, s.pos)
            print ("Station " + str(s.unique_id) + "; " + str(s.pos))

        # self.datacollector = DataCollector(
        #     model_reporters={"Gini": compute_gini},
        #     agent_reporters={"Wealth": lambda a: a.wealth}
        # )

    def step(self):
        '''Advance the model by 1 step: arbitrary unit of time. '''
        # self.datacollector.collect(self)
        # print ("Step the schedule ...")
        # print (str(self.timestamp))
        self.timestamp += 1
        if self.timestamp % hours_per_day == 0:
            print ("\n**** new day " + str(self.datestamp))
            self.datestamp += 1
            self.timestamp = 0
Exemple #6
class PredatorPreyModel(Model):
    def __init__(self,
        self.num_predators = N_predator
        self.num_prey = N_prey
        self.num_ids = N_predator + N_prey
        self.grid = SingleGrid(width, height, False)
        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        model_reporters = {}
        agent_reporters = {}
        used_pos_set = set()

        for i in range(self.num_predators):
            a = Predator(i,
            # Generate x,y pos
            xcoor = int(random.random() * width)
            ycoor = int(random.random() * height)
            while str([xcoor, ycoor]) in used_pos_set:
                xcoor = int(random.random() * width)
                ycoor = int(random.random() * height)
            used_pos_set.add(str([xcoor, ycoor]))
            self.grid.position_agent(a, x=xcoor, y=ycoor)


        for i in range(self.num_prey):
            a = Prey(i + self.num_predators, self)
            # Generate x,y pos
            xcoor = int(random.random() * width)
            ycoor = int(random.random() * height)
            while str([xcoor, ycoor]) in used_pos_set:
                xcoor = int(random.random() * width)
                ycoor = int(random.random() * height)
            used_pos_set.add(str([xcoor, ycoor]))
            self.grid.position_agent(a, x=xcoor, y=ycoor)


        self.datacollector = DataCollector(model_reporters=model_reporters,
        self.running = True

    def step(self):
Exemple #7
class CoopaModel(Model):
    """A model with some number of agents."""
    def __init__(self, N, width, height, agent_type, log_path=None):
        self.running = True
        self.num_agents = N
        self.grid = SingleGrid(width, height, torus=False)
        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.message_dispatcher = MessageDispatcher()
        self.layout = Layout()
        self._context = Context()
        self.agent_type = AGENT_TYPES[agent_type]


        # Add drop point(s)
        self.drop_points = [DropPoint(1, self)]
        self.grid.place_agent(self.drop_points[0], (5, 5))

        # Add recharging station(s)
        self.recharge_points = [RechargePoint(1, self)]
        self.grid.place_agent(self.recharge_points[0], (55, 5))

        # Place resources tactically

        # the mighty agents arrive
        for i in range(self.num_agents):
            a = self.agent_type(i, self, log_path=log_path)

        self.datacollector = DataCollector(
                "Trash collected": compute_dropped_trashes,
                "Average battery power": compute_average_battery_power,
                "Max battery power": compute_max_battery_power,
                "Min battery power": compute_min_battery_power
            # agent_reporters={"Trash": "trash_count"}
        )  # An agent attribute

        self.name = "CoopaModel"
        self._logger = utils.create_logger(self.name, log_path=log_path)

    def time(self):
        return self.schedule.time

    def step(self):
        t = time.monotonic()
        self._log("Finished in {:.5f} seconds.".format(time.monotonic() - t),

    def _log(self, msg, lvl=logging.DEBUG):
        self._logger.log(lvl, msg, extra={'time': self.time})
class SchellingModel(Model):
    Model class for the Schelling segregation model.
    def __init__(self, height, width, density, minority_pc, homophily):

        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.density = density
        self.minority_pc = minority_pc
        self.homophily = homophily

        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.grid = SingleGrid(height, width, torus=True)

        self.happy = 0
        self.datacollector = DataCollector(
            {"happy": "happy"},  # Model-level count of happy agents
            # For testing purposes, agent's individual x and y
                "x": lambda a: a.pos[0],
                "y": lambda a: a.pos[1]

        # Set up agents
        # We use a grid iterator that returns
        # the coordinates of a cell as well as
        # its contents. (coord_iter)
        for cell in self.grid.coord_iter():
            x = cell[1]
            y = cell[2]
            if random.random() < self.density:
                if random.random() < self.minority_pc:
                    agent_type = 1
                    agent_type = 0

                agent = SchellingAgent((x, y), self, agent_type)
                self.grid.position_agent(agent, (x, y))

        self.running = True

    def step(self):
        Run one step of the model. If All agents are happy, halt the model.
        self.happy = 0  # Reset counter of happy agents
        # collect data

        if self.happy == self.schedule.get_agent_count():
            self.running = False
Exemple #9
class Schelling(Model):
    Model class for the Schelling segregation model.

    def __init__(self, height=20, width=20, density=0.8, minority_pc=0.2, homophily=3):

        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.density = density
        self.minority_pc = minority_pc
        self.homophily = homophily

        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.grid = SingleGrid(height, width, torus=True)

        self.happy = 0
        self.datacollector = DataCollector(
            {"happy": "happy"},  # Model-level count of happy agents
            # For testing purposes, agent's individual x and y
            {"x": lambda a: a.pos[0], "y": lambda a: a.pos[1]})

        # Set up agents
        # We use a grid iterator that returns
        # the coordinates of a cell as well as
        # its contents. (coord_iter)
        for cell in self.grid.coord_iter():
            x = cell[1]
            y = cell[2]
            if self.random.random() < self.density:
                if self.random.random() < self.minority_pc:
                    agent_type = 1
                    agent_type = 0

                agent = SchellingAgent((x, y), self, agent_type)
                self.grid.position_agent(agent, (x, y))

        self.running = True

    def step(self):
        Run one step of the model. If All agents are happy, halt the model.
        self.happy = 0  # Reset counter of happy agents
        # collect data

        if self.happy == self.schedule.get_agent_count():
            self.running = False
Exemple #10
class CovModel(Model):
    def __init__(self,
        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.density = density
        self.minority_pc = minority_pc
        self.d_pm = d_pm
        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.grid = SingleGrid(width, height, torus=True)
        self.confinement = confinement
        self.infecte = 0
        self.sucep = 0
        self.retab = 0
        self.runs = 0
        self.datacollector = DataCollector(model_reporters={
            "infecte": "infecte",
            "suceptible": "sucep",
            "retabli": "retab"
        for cell in self.grid.coord_iter():
            cell_content, x, y = cell
            if self.random.random() < self.density:
                if self.random.random() < self.minority_pc:
                    agent = CovAgent((x, y), self, 1, 0, None,
                                     random.uniform(0, 1),
                                     random.uniform(5, 15))
                    self.infecte += 1
                    agent = CovAgent((x, y), self, 0, 0, random.uniform(0, 1))
                    self.sucep += 1
                if self.random.random() < self.d_pm:
                    agent.port_mask = 1

                self.grid.position_agent(agent, (x, y))

        self.running = True

    def step(self):
        self.runs += 1
        self.infecte = 0
        self.sucep = 0
        self.retab = 0
        # collect data
        if self.infecte == 0:
            self.running = False
Exemple #11
class BurglaryModel(Model):

    DELTA_T = 1 / 100
    OMEGA = 1 / 15
    A0 = 1 / 30

    eta = 0
    theta = 0
    gamma = 0

    avgA = A0
    varA = 0
    avgBD = theta * gamma / OMEGA
    avgN = (gamma * DELTA_T / (1 - math.exp(-avgA * DELTA_T)))

    id = 0
    """A model with some number of agents."""
    def __init__(self, width, height, eta, theta, gamma):
        self.grid = SingleGrid(width, height, True)
        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.eta = eta
        self.theta = theta
        self.gamma = gamma
        self.nAgents = width * height

        self.avgA = self.A0
        self.avgBD = theta * gamma / self.OMEGA
        self.avgN = (gamma * self.DELTA_T /
                     (1 - math.exp(-self.avgA * self.DELTA_T)))

        for i in range(width):
            for j in range(height):

                newId = self.id + 1
                newAgent = LatticeAgent(newId, self, [], (j, i))
                self.grid.position_agent(newAgent, j, i)
                self.id = newId + 1

        for k in range(round(self.avgN * width * height)):
            acell = random.choice(self.schedule.agents)

    def step(self):
        for agent in self.schedule.agents:
            self.avgA = (self.avgA + agent.attractiveness) / 2
            self.avgBD = (self.avgBD + agent.burglerDynamic) / 2
            self.avgN = (self.avgN + len(agent.burglers)) / 2
        sumV = 0
        for agent in self.schedule.agents:
            sumV = (agent.attractiveness - self.avgA) * (agent.attractiveness -
        self.varA = sumV / (len(self.schedule.agents) - 1)
Exemple #12
class Pandemic(Model):
    """Modeling an infection spreading across a population"""
    def __init__(self,
        self.num_agents = N
        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.grid = SingleGrid(width, height, False)
        self.N_infected = N_initial_infected
        self.infect_prob = infect_prob
        self.min_time_disease = min_time_disease
        self.max_time_disease = max_time_disease
        self.death_rate = death_rate

        self.running = True

        # Create agents
        N_infected_placed = 0
        for i in range(self.num_agents):
            # place as many infected as indicated
            if N_infected_placed < self.N_infected:
                a = Person(i, self, state='infected')
                N_infected_placed += 1
                a = Person(i, self, state='healthy')

        self.datacollector = DataCollector(model_reporters={
            "N_infected": get_N_infected,
            "N_immune": get_N_immune,
            "N_dead": get_N_dead,
            "Average r0": get_average_r0
                                               "State": "state",
                                               "R0": "r0"

    def check_N_infected(self):
        N_infected = get_N_infected(self)
        if N_infected == 0:
            self.running = False

    def step(self):
class SchellingModel(Model):
    Model class for the Schelling segregation model.

    def __init__(self, height, width, density, minority_pc, homophily):

        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.density = density
        self.minority_pc = minority_pc
        self.homophily = homophily

        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.grid = SingleGrid(height, width, torus=True)

        self.happy = 0
        self.total_agents = 0
        self.datacollector = DataCollector(
            {"unhappy": lambda m: m.total_agents - m.happy},
            # For testing purposes, agent's individual x and y
            {"x": lambda a: a.pos[X], "y": lambda a: a.pos[Y]},

        self.running = True

        # Set up agents
        # We use a grid iterator that returns
        # the coordinates of a cell as well as
        # its contents. (coord_iter)
        for cell, x, y in self.grid.coord_iter():
            if random.random() < self.density:
                if random.random() < self.minority_pc:
                    agent_type = 1
                    agent_type = 0

                agent = SchellingAgent(self.total_agents, agent_type)
                self.grid.position_agent(agent, x, y)
                self.total_agents += 1

    def step(self):
        Run one step of the model. If All agents are happy, halt the model.
        self.happy = 0  # Reset counter of happy agents

        if self.happy == self.total_agents:
            self.running = False
Exemple #14
class Schelling(Model):
	Model for Schelling segregation agent
    def __init__(self, height, width, density, minority_pc, homophily):
        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.density = density
        self.minority_pc = minority_pc
        self.homophily = homophily

        # grid
        self.grid = SingleGrid(height, width, torus=True)

        # schedule
        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)

        # datacollector
        self.happy = 0
        self.datacollector = DataCollector({"happy": "happy"}, {
            "x": lambda a: a.position[0],
            "y": lambda a: a.position[1]

        # agent setup
        for cell in self.grid.coord_iter():
            x = cell[1]
            y = cell[2]

            if self.random.random() < self.density:
                if self.random.random() < self.minority_pc:
                    agent_type = 1
                    agent_type = 0

                agent = SchellingAgent((x, y), self, agent_type)
                self.grid.position_agent(agent, (x, y))

        self.running = True

    def step(self):
        # reset at each step
        self.happy = 0

        # collect data

        # stop if all agents are happy
        if self.happy == self.schedule.get_agent_count():
            self.running = False
Exemple #15
class SchellingModel(Model):
    Model class for the Schelling segregation model.
    def __init__(self, height, width, density, type_pcs=[.2, .2, .2, .2, .2]):

        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.density = density
        self.type_pcs = type_pcs

        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.grid = SingleGrid(height, width, torus=False)

        self.happy = 0
        self.datacollector = DataCollector(
            {"happy": lambda m: m.happy},  # Model-level count of happy agents
            # For testing purposes, agent's individual x and y
                "x": lambda a: a.pos[0],
                "y": lambda a: a.pos[1]

        self.running = True

        # Set up agents
        # We use a grid iterator that returns
        # the coordinates of a cell as well as
        # its contents. (coord_iter)

        total_agents = self.height * self.width * self.density
        agents_by_type = [total_agents * val for val in self.type_pcs]

        for loc, types in enumerate(agents_by_type):
            for i in range(int(types)):
                pos = self.grid.find_empty()
                agent = SchellingAgent(pos, self, loc)
                self.grid.position_agent(agent, pos)

    def step(self):
        Run one step of the model. If All agents are happy, halt the model.
        self.happy = 0  # Reset counter of happy agents

        if self.happy == self.schedule.get_agent_count():
            self.running = False
Exemple #16
class SchellingModel(Model):
    Schelling model class
    def __init__(self, width=5, height=5, threshold=0.5, population_density=0.8, population_breakdown=0.5):
         Initialize the model

            width:     Width  of the grid containing agents.
            height:    Height of the grid containing agents.
            threshold: Homophily threshold, the number, from 0-8, of nearest neighbours at which I am so unhappy that I move.
        	population_density:   Proportion of cells occupied, from 0-1.
        	population_breakdown: Proportion of agents of type 1, from 0-1.
        self.running   = True

        self.height    = height
        self.width     = width
        self.threshold = threshold
        self.population_density     = population_density
        self.population_breakdown   = population_breakdown
        self.no_happy_this_timestep = 0
        self.schedule  = RandomActivation(self)
        self.grid      = SingleGrid(width, height, torus=True)
        self.datacollector = DataCollector(
            {"happy": lambda m: m.no_happy_this_timestep},
            {"x": lambda a: a.pos[0], "y": lambda a: a.pos[1]})
        for cell in self.grid.coord_iter():
            x = cell[1]
            y = cell[2]
            if random.random() < self.population_density:
                if random.random() < self.population_breakdown:
                    agent_type = 1
                    agent_type = 0
                agent = Agent(self,(x, y), agent_type)
                self.grid.position_agent(agent, (x, y))

    def step(self):
        Update model once in each time step
        self.no_happy_this_timestep = 0

        # End the simulation if all agents are happy since none will move
        if self.no_happy_this_timestep == self.schedule.get_agent_count():
            self.running = False
Exemple #17
class SchellingModel(Model):

    # need to specify width, height, and density of agents
    # in the grid.
    def __init__(self, width, height, density, homophily):

        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)

        # create the grid
        self.grid = SingleGrid(width, height, torus=True)

        self.moved = 0
        self.running = True

        # loop through the grid, and add agents so that the
        # overall density is roughly equal to the passed
        # density
        for cell in self.grid.coord_iter():
            x = cell[1]
            y = cell[2]
            if self.random.random() < density:

                agent_type = np.random.choice(["Orange", "Blue"])

                agent = SchellingAgent(pos=(x, y),

                self.grid.position_agent(agent, (x, y))

        # NEW: create data collector
        self.datacollector = DataCollector(
            model_reporters={"num_moved": lambda m: m.moved},
                "x": lambda a: a.pos[0],
                "y": lambda a: a.pos[1],
                "type": lambda a: a.type

    # this doesn't change, except that we will add a counter for the number of happy agents
    # who don't move in this timestep
    def step(self):
        self.moved = 0
        print(f"{self.moved} agents moved in this timestep")

        # NEW: call the data collector after each step

        self.running = self.moved != 0
Exemple #18
class TestSingleGrid(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.space = SingleGrid(50, 50, False)
        self.agents = []
        for i, pos in enumerate(TEST_AGENTS_GRID):
            a = MockAgent(i, None)
            self.space.place_agent(a, pos)

    def test_agent_positions(self):
        Ensure that the agents are all placed properly.
        for i, pos in enumerate(TEST_AGENTS_GRID):
            a = self.agents[i]
            assert a.pos == pos

    def test_remove_agent(self):
        for i, pos in enumerate(TEST_AGENTS_GRID):
            a = self.agents[i]
            assert a.pos == pos
            assert self.space.grid[pos[0]][pos[1]] == a
            assert a.pos is None
            assert self.space.grid[pos[0]][pos[1]] is None

    def test_empty_cells(self):
        if self.space.exists_empty_cells():
            for i, pos in enumerate(list(self.space.empties)):
                a = MockAgent(-i, pos)
                self.space.position_agent(a, x=pos[0], y=pos[1])
        assert self.space.find_empty() is None
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):

    def move_agent(self):
        agent_number = 0
        initial_pos = TEST_AGENTS_GRID[agent_number]
        final_pos = (7, 7)

        _agent = self.agents[agent_number]

        assert _agent.pos == initial_pos
        assert self.space.grid[initial_pos[0]][initial_pos[1]] == _agent
        assert self.space.grid[final_pos[0]][final_pos[1]] is None
        self.space.move_agent(_agent, final_pos)
        assert _agent.pos == final_pos
        assert self.space.grid[initial_pos[0]][initial_pos[1]] is None
        assert self.space.grid[final_pos[0]][final_pos[1]] == _agent
class SchellingModel(Model):
    Model class for the Schelling segregation model.

    def __init__(self, height, width, density, type_pcs=[.2, .2, .2, .2, .2]):

        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.density = density
        self.type_pcs = type_pcs

        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.grid = SingleGrid(height, width, torus=False)

        self.happy = 0
        self.datacollector = DataCollector(
            {"happy": lambda m: m.happy},  # Model-level count of happy agents
            # For testing purposes, agent's individual x and y
            {"x": lambda a: a.pos[0], "y": lambda a: a.pos[1]})

        self.running = True

        # Set up agents
        # We use a grid iterator that returns
        # the coordinates of a cell as well as
        # its contents. (coord_iter)

        total_agents = self.height * self.width * self.density
        agents_by_type = [total_agents*val for val in self.type_pcs]

        for loc, types in enumerate(agents_by_type):
            for i in range(int(types)):
                pos = self.grid.find_empty()
                agent = SchellingAgent(pos, self, loc)
                self.grid.position_agent(agent, pos)

    def step(self):
        Run one step of the model. If All agents are happy, halt the model.
        self.happy = 0  # Reset counter of happy agents

        if self.happy == self.schedule.get_agent_count():
            self.running = False
class ConspiracyModel(Model):
    def __init__(self, n_agents: int, width: int, height: int,
                 agent_reach_radius: int, prior_sample_size: int,
                 initial_sd: float, start_p_h: float, *args: Any,
                 **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        Create the model.
        :param n_agents: Number of agents to place.
        :param width: Width of the grid.
        :param height: Height of the grid.
        :param agent_reach_radius: Radius around the agent in which it can connect.
        :param prior_sample_size: Size of initial belief sample.
        :param initial_sd: Initial standard deviation of the agents' beliefs.
        :param start_p_h: Initial p|h value.
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.n_agents = n_agents

        self.agent_range = agent_reach_radius

        self.prior_sample_size = prior_sample_size
        self.initial_sd = initial_sd
        self.start_p_h = start_p_h

        self.grid = SingleGrid(width, height, torus=True)
        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)

        print('Placing agents.')
        for i in range(self.n_agents):
            agent = ConspiracyAgent(i, self)

        print('Finished placing agents.')

    def step(self) -> None:

        print('Average confidence',
              statistics.mean(agent.prior_confidence for agent in self.agents))

        # Create a histogram: # TODO do this in the mesa webpage
        if self.schedule.time % 10 == 0:
            beliefs = [agent.prior_value for agent in self.agents]
            pyplot.hist(beliefs, bins=30)

    def agents(self) -> List[Union[Agent, ConspiracyAgent]]:
        return self.schedule.agents
Exemple #21
class NewModel(Model):
    def __init__(self, width, height, num_agents):
        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.grid = SingleGrid(width, height, torus = True)
        self.num_agents = num_agents
        # to collect info about how many agents are happy, average similarity of neighbors, length of residence
        self.datacollector = DataCollector(model_reporters = {"Happy": lambda m: m.happy, "Similar": lambda m: m.similar, "Residence": lambda m: m.avg_residence}, agent_reporters = {"x": lambda a: a.pos[0], "y": lambda a: a.pos[1]})
        self.avg_residence = 0
        self.happy = 0
        self.similar = 0
        self.running = True
        for i in range(self.num_agents):   
            # white
            if random.random() < 0.70:
                agent_type = 1
                income = np.random.normal(54000, 41000)
            # black
                agent_type = 0
                income = np.random.normal(32000, 40000)

            # add new agents
            agent = NewAgent(i, self, agent_type, income)
            # assign the initial coords of the agents
            x = self.random.randrange(self.grid.width)
            y = self.random.randrange(self.grid.height)

            self.grid.position_agent(agent, (x, y))
    def step(self):
        '''Advance the model by one step.'''

        self.happy = 0
        # get the average similarity
        self.similar /= self.num_agents
        # get the average length of residence
        self.avg_residence /= self.num_agents
        if self.happy == self.schedule.get_agent_count():
            self.running = False
Exemple #22
class SchellingModel(Model):
    Model class for the Schelling segregation model.
    def __init__(self,

        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.density = density
        self.minority_pc = minority_pc
        self.homophily = homophily

        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.grid = SingleGrid(height, width, torus=True)

        self.happy = 0

        # Set up agents
        # We use a grid iterator that returns
        # the coordinates of a cell as well as
        # its contents. (coord_iter)
        for cell in self.grid.coord_iter():
            x = cell[1]
            y = cell[2]
            if random.random() < self.density:
                if random.random() < self.minority_pc:
                    agent_type = 1
                    agent_type = 0

                agent = SchellingAgent((x, y), self, agent_type)
                self.grid.position_agent(agent, (x, y))

    def step(self):
        Run one step of the model.
        self.happy = 0  # Reset counter of happy agents
Exemple #23
class TestSingleGrid(unittest.TestCase):
    Test the SingleGrid object.

    Since it inherits from Grid, all the functionality tested above should
    work here too. Instead, this tests the enforcement.

    def setUp(self):
        Create a test non-toroidal grid and populate it with Mock Agents
        width = 3
        height = 5
        self.grid = SingleGrid(width, height, True)
        self.agents = []
        counter = 0
        for x in range(width):
            for y in range(height):
                if TEST_GRID[x][y] == 0:
                counter += 1
                # Create and place the mock agent
                a = MockAgent(counter, None)
                self.grid.place_agent(a, (x, y))

    def test_enforcement(self):
        Test the SingleGrid empty count and enforcement.

        assert len(self.grid.empties) == 9
        a = MockAgent(100, None)
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            self.grid._place_agent((0, 1), a)

        # Place the agent in an empty cell
        # Test whether after placing, the empty cells are reduced by 1
        assert a.pos not in self.grid.empties
        assert len(self.grid.empties) == 8
        for i in range(10):
        assert len(self.grid.empties) == 8

        # Place agents until the grid is full
        empty_cells = len(self.grid.empties)
        for i in range(empty_cells):
            a = MockAgent(101 + i, None)
        assert len(self.grid.empties) == 0

        a = MockAgent(110, None)
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
Exemple #24
class GrAM(Model):
    ''' GrAM module main class. '''

    # Set initial parameters
    def __init__(self, grid_width, grid_height, heights_grid, veg_type_grid,
                 sand_grid, wall_grid, num_grazer):

        # Set parameters
        self.width = grid_width
        self.height = grid_height
        self.number_of_grazer = num_grazer
        self.veg_height_grid = heights_grid
        self.veg_type_grid = veg_type_grid
        self.sand_grid = sand_grid
        self.wall_grid = wall_grid
        self.passage_grid = np.zeros((Ncw, Nrw))
        self.grid = SingleGrid(self.width, self.height, torus=True)
        self.schedule = RandomActivationByBreed(self)

        # Create the agent grazers
        for i in range(self.number_of_grazer):
            grazer = Grazers(i, self)

        self.running = True

    def step(self):
        # Execute model step and collect data

    def run(self, n):
        '''Execute the model GrAM for "n" step'''
        for i in range(n):

        return self.veg_height_grid, self.veg_type_grid, self.passage_grid
Exemple #25
class TestSingleGrid(unittest.TestCase):
    Test the SingleGrid object.

    Since it inherits from Grid, all the functionality tested above should
    work here too. Instead, this tests the enforcement.
    def setUp(self):
        Create a test non-toroidal grid and populate it with Mock Agents
        width = 3
        height = 5
        self.grid = SingleGrid(width, height, True)
        self.agents = []
        counter = 0
        for x in range(width):
            for y in range(height):
                if TEST_GRID[x][y] == 0:
                counter += 1
                # Create and place the mock agent
                a = MockAgent(counter, None)
                self.grid.place_agent(a, (x, y))

    def test_enforcement(self):
        Test the SingleGrid empty count and enforcement.

        assert len(self.grid.empties) == 9
        a = MockAgent(100, None)
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            self.grid._place_agent((0, 1), a)

        # Place the agent in an empty cell
        # Test whether after placing, the empty cells are reduced by 1
        assert a.pos not in self.grid.empties
        assert len(self.grid.empties) == 8
        for i in range(10):
        assert len(self.grid.empties) == 8

        # Place agents until the grid is full
        empty_cells = len(self.grid.empties)
        for i in range(empty_cells):
            a = MockAgent(101 + i, None)
        assert len(self.grid.empties) == 0

        a = MockAgent(110, None)
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
Exemple #26
class CarModel(Model):
    Model class for the Nagel-Schreckenberg Car model.

    def __init__(self, height, width, dawdle_prob, car_amount):

        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.dawdle_prob = dawdle_prob
        self.car_amount = car_amount

        self.schedule = BaseScheduler(self)
        self.grid = SingleGrid(height, width, torus=True)


        self.running = True

    def place_agents(self):
        for i in range(self.car_amount):
            while True:
                    r = random()
                    agent = CarAgent((int(r*100), 5), self, 10)
                    self.grid.position_agent(agent, int(r*100), 5)
                except Exception:

    def step(self):
Exemple #27
class TestSingleGrid(unittest.TestCase):
    Test the SingleGrid object.

    Since it inherits from Grid, all the functionality tested above should
    work here too. Instead, this tests the enforcement.

    def setUp(self):
        Create a test non-toroidal grid and populate it with Mock Agents
        self.grid = SingleGrid(3, 5, True)
        self.agents = []
        counter = 0
        for y in range(3):
            for x in range(5):
                if TEST_GRID[y][x] == 0:
                counter += 1
                # Create and place the mock agent
                a = MockAgent(counter, None)
                self.grid.place_agent(a, (x, y))

    def test_enforcement(self):
        Test the SingleGrid empty count and enforcement.

        assert len(self.grid.empties) == 10
        a = MockAgent(100, None)
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            self.grid._place_agent((1, 0), a)

        # Place the agent in an empty cell
        assert a.pos not in self.grid.empties
        assert len(self.grid.empties) == 9
        for i in range(10):
        assert len(self.grid.empties) == 9

        # Place agents until the grid is full
        for i in range(9):
            a = MockAgent(101 + i, None)
        assert len(self.grid.empties) == 0

        a = MockAgent(110, None)
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
Exemple #28
class TestSingleGrid(unittest.TestCase):
    Test the SingleGrid object.

    Since it inherits from Grid, all the functionality tested above should
    work here too. Instead, this tests the enforcement.
    def setUp(self):
        Create a test non-toroidal grid and populate it with Mock Agents
        self.grid = SingleGrid(3, 5, True)
        self.agents = []
        counter = 0
        for y in range(3):
            for x in range(5):
                if TEST_GRID[y][x] == 0:
                counter += 1
                # Create and place the mock agent
                a = MockAgent(counter, None)
                self.grid.place_agent(a, (x, y))

    def test_enforcement(self):
        Test the SingleGrid empty count and enforcement.

        assert len(self.grid.empties) == 10
        a = MockAgent(100, None)
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            self.grid._place_agent((1, 0), a)

        # Place the agent in an empty cell
        assert a.pos not in self.grid.empties
        assert len(self.grid.empties) == 9
        for i in range(10):
        assert len(self.grid.empties) == 9

        # Place agents until the grid is full
        for i in range(9):
            a = MockAgent(101 + i, None)
        assert len(self.grid.empties) == 0

        a = MockAgent(110, None)
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
class EconMod(Model):
    Model class for arming model.
    def __init__(
            #domestic_min, domestic_max, num_adversaries,

        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.density = density
        #self.domestic_min = domestic_min
        #self.domestic_max = domestic_max
        self.expend = expend
        #self.domestic = domestic ## average domestic lid
        self.domestic = domestic  ## upper bound on distribution
        self.num_adversaries = num_adversaries

        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)  # All agents act at once
        self.grid = SingleGrid(height, width, torus=True)
        self.datacollector = DataCollector(
            # Collect data on each agent's arms levels
                "Arms": "arms",
                "Military_Burden": "mil_burden",
                "Econ": "econ",
                "Domestic": "domestic",
                "Expend": "expend"

        # Set up agents
        for cell in self.grid.coord_iter():
            x = cell[1]
            y = cell[2]
            if random.random() < self.density:
                ## Set starting economy
                econ_start = math.ceil(np.random.pareto(pareto_scale)) + 10
                ## Grow around 3%
                econ_growth = 0.01 * truncnorm.rvs(1.5, 6, 1)
                lower = 0.04
                upper = self.domestic
                mu = (upper + lower) / 2
                sigma = 0.05  ## based on real dist
                domestic_need = truncnorm.rvs((lower - mu) / sigma,
                                              (upper - mu) / sigma,
                #domestic_need = self.domestic
                expend = self.expend
                #domestic_need = np.random.uniform(
                #    self.domestic_min,
                #    self.domestic_max
                #    )
                # starting percent of wealth spent on weapons
                arms_start_perc = 0.05
                arms = arms_start_perc * econ_start

                # create agent
                agent = state((x, y),

                # place agent in grid
                self.grid.position_agent(agent, (x, y))
                # add schedule

        self.running = True

    def step(self):
        Run one step of the model.
        # collect data
class SeparationBarrierModel(Model):
    def __init__(self, height, width, palestinian_density, settlement_density,
                 settlers_violence_rate, settlers_growth_rate, suicide_rate, greed_level,
                 settler_vision=1, palestinian_vision=1, 
                 movement=True, max_iters=1000):

        super(SeparationBarrierModel, self).__init__()
        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.palestinian_density = palestinian_density
        self.settler_vision = settler_vision
        self.palestinian_vision = palestinian_vision
        self.settlement_density = settlement_density
        self.movement = movement
        self.running = True
        self.max_iters = max_iters
        self.iteration = 0
        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.settlers_violence_rate = settlers_violence_rate
        self.settlers_growth_rate = settlers_growth_rate
        self.suicide_rate = suicide_rate
        self.greed_level = greed_level

        self.total_violence = 0

        self.grid = SingleGrid(height, width, torus=False)

        model_reporters = {
        agent_reporters = {
#           "x": lambda a: a.pos[0],
#           "y": lambda a: a.pos[1],
        self.dc = DataCollector(model_reporters=model_reporters,
        self.unique_id = 0

        # Israelis and palestinans split the region in half
        for (contents, x, y) in self.grid.coord_iter():
            if random.random() < self.palestinian_density:
                palestinian = Palestinian(self.unique_id, (x, y), vision=self.palestinian_vision, breed="Palestinian",
                self.unique_id += 1
                self.grid.position_agent(palestinian, x,y)
            elif ((y > (self.grid.height) * (1-self.settlement_density)) and random.random() < self.settlement_density):
                settler = Settler(self.unique_id, (x, y),
                                  vision=self.settler_vision, model=self, breed="Settler")
                self.unique_id += 1
                self.grid.position_agent(settler, x,y)

    def add_settler(self, pos):
        settler = Settler(self.unique_id, pos,
                          vision=self.settler_vision, model=self, breed="Settler")
        self.unique_id += 1
        self.grid.position_agent(settler, pos[0], pos[1])

    def set_barrier(self,victim_pos, violent_pos):
        #print("Set barrier - Greed level", self.greed_level)
        visible_spots = self.grid.get_neighborhood(victim_pos,
                                                        moore=True, radius=self.greed_level + 1)
        furthest_empty  = self.find_furthest_empty_or_palestinian(victim_pos, visible_spots)
        x,y = furthest_empty
        current = self.grid[y][x]
        #print ("Set barrier!!", pos, current)
        free = True
        if (current is not None and current.breed == "Palestinian"):
            #print ("Relocating Palestinian")
           free =  self.relocate_palestinian(current, current.pos)

        if (free):
            barrier = Barrier(-1, furthest_empty, model=self)
            self.grid.position_agent(barrier, x,y)
        # Relocate the violent palestinian
        #violent_x, violent_y = violent_pos
        #if violent_pos != furthest_empty:
        #    violent_palestinian = self.grid[violent_y][violent_x]
        #    self.relocate_palestinian(violent_palestinian, furthest_empty)

    def relocate_palestinian(self, palestinian, destination):
        #print ("Relocating Palestinian in ", palestinian.pos, "To somehwhere near ", destination)
        visible_spots = self.grid.get_neighborhood(destination,
                                                        moore=True, radius=palestinian.vision)
        nearest_empty = self.find_nearest_empty(destination, visible_spots)
        #print("First Nearest empty to ", palestinian.pos, " Is ", nearest_empty)
        if (nearest_empty):
            self.grid.move_agent(palestinian, nearest_empty)
            #print ("Moveing to random empty")
            if (self.grid.exists_empty_cells()):
                return False

        return True

    def find_nearest_empty(self, pos, neighborhood):
        nearest_empty = None
        sorted_spots = self.sort_neighborhood_by_distance(pos, neighborhood)
        index = 0
        while (nearest_empty is None and index < len(sorted_spots)):
            if self.grid.is_cell_empty(sorted_spots[index]):
                nearest_empty = sorted_spots[index]
            index += 1

        return nearest_empty

    def find_furthest_empty_or_palestinian(self, pos, neighborhood):
        furthest_empty = None
        sorted_spots = self.sort_neighborhood_by_distance(pos, neighborhood)
        index = 0
        while (furthest_empty is None and index < len(sorted_spots)):
            spot = sorted_spots[index]
            if self.grid.is_cell_empty(spot) or self.grid[spot[1]][spot[0]].breed == "Palestinian" :
                furthest_empty = sorted_spots[index]
            index += 1

        return furthest_empty

    def sort_neighborhood_by_distance(self, from_pos, neighbor_spots):
        from_x, from_y = from_pos
        return sorted(neighbor_spots, key = lambda spot: self.eucledean_distance(from_x, spot[0], from_y, spot[1], self.grid.width, self.grid.height))

    def eucledean_distance(self, x1,x2,y1,y2,w,h):
        # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2123947/calculate-distance-between-two-x-y-coordinates
        return math.sqrt(min(abs(x1 - x2), w - abs(x1 - x2)) ** 2 + min(abs(y1 - y2), h - abs(y1-y2)) ** 2)

    def step(self):
        Advance the model by one step and collect data.
        self.violence_count = 0
      #  for i in range(100):
        self.total_violence += self.violence_count
      #  average = self.violence_count / 100
        #print("Violence average %f " % average)
        print("Total Violence: ", self.total_violence)
Exemple #31
class SimModel(Model):
    def __init__(
        self.data = all_data
        self.model_state = model_initial_state
        self.output_data_writer = output_data_writer

        if class_id_and_rng:
            (self.class_id, self.rng) = class_id_and_rng
            self.rng = np.random.default_rng()
            if class_id:
                self.class_id = class_id

        logger.info("Modelling class %s", self.class_id)

        self.model_params = model_params
        self.speedup = speedup
        self.write_file = False

        # Update any parameters passed as kwargs
        param_dict = dataclasses.asdict(self.model_params)
        update_params = False
        for kw in kwargs:
            if kw in param_dict:
                param_dict[kw] = kwargs[kw]
                update_params = True

        if update_params:
            self.model_params = ModelParamType(**param_dict)

        if "class_id" in kwargs:
            self.class_id = kwargs["class_id"]
        elif not self.class_id:
            self.class_id = 489

        if "write_file" in kwargs:
            self.write_file = kwargs["write_file"]

        # Get summary data to display to users
        self.class_summary_data = None
        if "summary_data" in kwargs and kwargs["summary_data"] is not None:
            summary_df = kwargs["summary_data"]
            class_summary_data = summary_df[summary_df["class_id"] ==
            if not class_summary_data.empty:
                self.class_summary_data = class_summary_data

        self.class_data = self.data.get_class_data(self.class_id)
        self.class_size = len(self.class_data)

        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)

        # Calculate steps per day and holidays
        self.home_learning_steps = 0
        # Calculate number of days from 1st September to 16th July inclusive
        self.start_date = datetime.date(2021, 9, 1)
        self.current_date = self.start_date
        self.end_date = datetime.date(2022, 7, 16)
        self.total_days = (self.end_date - self.start_date).days

        self.ticks_per_school_day = round(
        self.ticks_per_home_day = self.model_params.ticks_per_home_day

        logger.debug("%s ticks per school day", self.ticks_per_school_day)

        self.holiday_week_numbers = self.calculate_holiday_weeks(

        # Create truncnorm generators for school and home learning random
        # increments
        # Use batch sizes as total days * class_size * ticks per day
        # (overestimate to ensure we only generate values once)
        batch_multiplier = self.total_days * self.class_size
        self.school_learning_random_gen = TruncatedNormalGenerator(
            5 / self.model_params.school_learn_mean_divisor,
            batch_size=self.ticks_per_school_day * batch_multiplier,
        self.home_learning_random_gen = TruncatedNormalGenerator(
            5 / 2000,
            batch_size=self.ticks_per_home_day * batch_multiplier,

        # Create TeacherVariable instances for quality and control
        self.teacher_control_variable = TeacherVariable(
        self.teacher_quality_variable = TeacherVariable(

        # Create grid with torus = False - in a real class students at either ends of classroom don't interact
        self.grid_params = get_grid_size(len(self.class_data),
        self.grid = SingleGrid(self.grid_params.width,

        sorted_pupils = []
        if self.model_params.group_by_ability:
            sorted_pupils = self.class_data.sort_values("Ability")
            sorted_pupils = self.class_data.sample(frac=1)

        # Set up agents
        pupil_counter = 0
        for i in range(self.grid_params.n_groups):
            group_size = self.grid_params.max_group_size
            if i >= self.grid_params.n_full_groups:
                group_size -= 1

            group_pupils = sorted_pupils.iloc[pupil_counter:pupil_counter +
            group_x = math.floor(i / self.grid_params.n_group_rows)
            group_y = i % self.grid_params.n_group_rows

            for j, row in enumerate(group_pupils.iterrows()):
                index, pupil_data = row

                # Work out position on grid
                x = (group_x * self.grid_params.group_width +
                     group_x) + math.floor(j / self.grid_params.group_height)
                y = (group_y * self.grid_params.group_height +
                     group_y) + (j % self.grid_params.group_height)

                # create agents from data
                agent = Pupil(
                    (x, y),
                # Place Agents on grid
                self.grid.position_agent(agent, x, y)

            pupil_counter += group_size

        # Collecting data while running the model
        self.pupil_state_datacollector = DataCollector(
                "Learning Students": get_num_learning,
                "Passive Students": get_num_passive,
                "Disruptive Students": get_num_disruptors,
        self.mean_maths = compute_ave(self)

        self.agent_datacollector = DataCollector(
                "student_id": "student_id",
                "end_maths": "e_math",
                "start_maths": "s_math",
                "Ability": "ability",
                "Inattentiveness": "inattentiveness",
                "hyper_impulsive": "hyper_impulsive",
                "Deprivation": "deprivation",

        # Monitor mean maths score
        self.maths_datacollector = DataCollector({
            "Date": get_date_for_chart,
            "Mean Score": compute_ave,
        self.running = True

    def set_speedup(self):
        if self.speedup > 1:
            min_ticks = min(self.ticks_per_school_day, self.ticks_per_home_day)
            # Can't have fewer than 1 tick per school day so reduce the speedup accordingly
            if self.speedup > min_ticks:
                self.speedup = min_ticks
            # Speedup should be divisible by self.ticks_per_school_day
            # e.g. if 10 ticks per day
            # Can't have speedup more than 10 as we need 1 tick per days
            # If speedup is 5 then we have 2 ticks per day
            # If speedup is 8 then we would have 10/8 = 1.25 ticks per day
            # Round that to 1, then speedup would be 10 (=10/1) not 8
            # If speedup is 6 then we would have 10/6 = 1.67 ticks per day
            # Round that to 2, then speedup would be 5 (=10/2) not 6
            speedup_ticks_per_school_day = round(self.ticks_per_school_day /
            self.speedup = self.ticks_per_school_day / speedup_ticks_per_school_day
            self.ticks_per_school_day = speedup_ticks_per_school_day

            speedup_ticks_per_home_day = round(self.ticks_per_home_day /
            self.home_speedup = self.ticks_per_home_day / speedup_ticks_per_home_day
            self.ticks_per_home_day = speedup_ticks_per_school_day
            self.home_speedup = 1

    def calculate_holiday_weeks(start_date, end_date, number_of_holidays,
        """Calculate which weeks should be holidays given the total number of
        days from start to end of the school year, and the number and length
        of holidays

        Returns an array of week numbers which are holidays
        # Get start of first week of term
        # Go back to start of week
        start_week = start_date - datetime.timedelta(days=start_date.weekday())
        if start_date.weekday() >= 5:
            # start_date is weekend so go to following Monday
            start_week += datetime.timedelta(weeks=1)

        # Get difference from following week after end day
        total_weeks = math.ceil(
            (end_date + datetime.timedelta(days=1) - start_week).days / 7)

        n_terms = number_of_holidays + 1
        n_holiday_weeks = number_of_holidays * weeks_per_holiday
        n_school_weeks = total_weeks - n_holiday_weeks
        min_weeks_per_term = math.floor(n_school_weeks / n_terms)
        remainder_weeks = n_school_weeks % n_terms

        weeks_per_term = []
        for i in range(n_terms):
            term_weeks = min_weeks_per_term
            if i < remainder_weeks:
                term_weeks += 1

        holiday_week_numbers = []
        current_week = 0
        for term_weeks in weeks_per_term[:-1]:
            start_week = current_week + term_weeks
                list(range(start_week, start_week + weeks_per_holiday)))
            current_week += term_weeks + weeks_per_holiday
        return holiday_week_numbers

    def update_school_time(self):
        time_in_day = self.schedule.steps % self.ticks_per_school_day
        if (time_in_day == self.ticks_per_school_day - 1
                or self.ticks_per_school_day == 1):
            # Have just finished the penultimate tick of school day, so add
            # home learning time ready for the next tick
            self.home_learning_days = 1

            # If it's Friday add 2 more days' home learning for the weekend
            if self.current_date.weekday() == 4:
                self.home_learning_days += 2

                # Is it a holiday?
                week_number = math.floor(
                    (self.current_date - self.start_date).days / 7)
                if week_number in self.holiday_week_numbers:
                    # Add holiday weeks
                    self.home_learning_days += 7 * self.model_params.weeks_per_holiday

            self.home_learning_steps = self.home_learning_days * self.ticks_per_home_day

            self.home_learning_steps = 0

        if time_in_day == 0:
            # Update current date by self.home_learning days now we've completed the last tick of the day
            self.current_date += datetime.timedelta(
            self.home_learning_days = 0

            # Update teacher control/teacher_quality

            # Reset all pupils's states ready for the next day
            for pupil in self.schedule.agents:

    def step(self):
        # Reset counter of learning and disruptive agents
        self.model_state.learning_count = 0
        self.model_state.disruptive_count = 0

        # Advance the model by one step


        # collect data
        self.mean_maths = compute_ave(self)

        if self.current_date > self.end_date or self.running == False:
            logger.debug("Finished run; collecting data")
            self.running = False

            # Remove tngs
            self.school_learning_random_gen = None
            self.home_learning_random_gen = None
            for pupil in self.schedule.agents:
                pupil.school_learning_ability_random_gen = None
                pupil.home_learning_ability_random_gen = None

            agent_data = self.agent_datacollector.get_agent_vars_dataframe()
            logger.debug("Got agent data")
            self.output_data_writer.write_data(agent_data, self.class_id,
            logger.debug("Written to output file")
            self.agent_datacollector = None
            self.maths_datacollector = None
            self.pupil_state_datacollector = None
            self.home_learning_random_gen = None
            self.school_learning_random_gen = None
            logger.info("Completed run for class %s", self.class_id)
Exemple #32
class SchellingModel(Model):
    Model class for the Schelling segregation model.

    def __init__(self, height, width, density, minority_pc, homophily):
        # Setting up the Model
        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.density = density #percentage (empty houses)
        self.minority_pc = minority_pc #percentage minority in the city
        self.homophily = homophily #number of similar minded person that you want around you

        # Setting up the AGM simulation
        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)

        # Setting up the grid, using inputs in the function, the torus function
        # seems to be related to how we treat edges, but not sure
        self.grid = SingleGrid(height, width, torus=True)

        # Setting the number of happy people to zero
        self.happy = 0

        self.datacollector = DataCollector(
            {"happy": lambda m: m.happy},  # Model-level count of happy agents
            # For testing purposes, agent's individual x and y
            {"x": lambda a: a.pos[0], "y": lambda a: a.pos[1]})

        self.running = True

        # Set up agents
        # We use a grid iterator that returns
        # the coordinates of a cell as well as
        # its contents. (coord_iter)
        for cell in self.grid.coord_iter():
            # For each cell coordinate apply if statements
            x = cell[1]
            y = cell[2]

            # First if statement: take a random number between 0 and 1
            # (random.random command) and check whether that value is
            # below the assigned density.

            # Second if statement: take a random number between 0 and 1
            # and assign the agent type based on the condition
            if random.random() < self.density:
                if random.random() < self.minority_pc:
                    agent_type = 1
                    agent_type = 0

                # Refer to the above function related to Agent attributes
                agent = SchellingAgent((x, y), self, agent_type)
                self.grid.position_agent(agent, (x, y))

    def step(self):
        Run one step of the model. If All agents are happy, halt the model.
        self.happy = 0  # Reset counter of happy agents

        if self.happy == self.schedule.get_agent_count():
            self.running = False
Exemple #33
class GentrificationModel(Model):
    Model class for the Gentrification model.
    def __init__(self, height, width, depreciation_rate, mobility, status,
                 stat_var, d_factor):
        # Set model parameters
        self.depreciation_rate = depreciation_rate
        self.mobility = mobility
        self.status = status
        self.stat_var = stat_var
        self.d_factor = d_factor
        self.height = height

        # Global tracking variables
        self.mean_income = 0.0

        self.schedule = SimultaneousActivation(self)
        self.grid = SingleGrid(height, width, torus=False)

        self.datacollector = DataCollector(model_reporters={
            lambda m: m.status,
            lambda m: m.mean_income,
            lambda m: m.mean_condition
                                               "x": lambda a: a.pos[0],
                                               "y": lambda a: a.pos[1]

        self.running = True
        self.hit_bottom = False
        self.last_bottom = 0
        self.gent_time = None

        self.conditions = np.zeros((width, height))

        # Set up agents
        # We use a grid iterator that returns
        # the coordinates of a cell as well as
        # its contents. (coord_iter)
        for cell in self.grid.coord_iter():
            x, y = cell[1], cell[2]

            self.conditions[x, y] = bounded_normal(0.50, 0.1, 0.0, 1.0)

            # Income initially differs little from property conditions
            while True:
                income = self.conditions[x, y] + np.random.normal(0.0, 0.025)
                if income >= 0.0 and income <= 1.0:
                    self.mean_income += income

            agent = PropertyAgent((x, y), self, income)
            self.grid.position_agent(agent, (x, y))

        self.mean_condition = np.sum(self.conditions) / self.conditions.size
        self.mean_income /= self.conditions.size

    def step(self):
        Run one step of the model.

        # For tracking change
        old_conditions = np.copy(self.conditions)

        # Initialize change tracking variables
        self.income_change = 0.0


        # Update property conditions
        self.conditions -= self.depreciation_rate
        self.conditions = np.clip(self.conditions, 0, 1)

        conditions_change = self.conditions - old_conditions

        # Update neighborhood status
        self.status += ((self.income_change + np.sum(conditions_change)) /
        self.status += np.random.normal(0.0, self.stat_var)
        self.status = np.clip(self.status, 0, 1)

        # Update datacollector variables
        self.mean_income += self.income_change / self.conditions.size
        self.mean_condition = np.sum(self.conditions) / self.conditions.size


        if self.status == 0.0:
            self.hit_bottom = True
            self.last_bottom = self.schedule.steps

        if self.schedule.steps > 2999:
            #    self.gent_time = None
            self.running = False

        if (self.status == 1.0
                and 0.5 * (self.mean_condition + self.mean_income) > 0.5
                and self.hit_bottom == True):
            self.running = False
            self.gent_time = (self.schedule.steps - self.last_bottom) / 12
Exemple #34
class Schelling(Model):
    Model class for the SM coupled to the Schelling segregation model.
    This class has been modified from the original mesa Schelling model.

    def __init__(self, height=20, width=20, density=0.8, minority_pc=0.2, homophilyType0=0.5, homophilyType1=0.5, movementQuota=0.30, happyCheckRadius=5, moveCheckRadius=10, last_move_quota=5):

        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.density = density
        self.minority_pc = minority_pc
        self.homophilyType0 = homophilyType0
        self.homophilyType1 = homophilyType1
        self.movementQuota = movementQuota
        self.happyCheckRadius = happyCheckRadius
        self.moveCheckRadius = moveCheckRadius
        self.last_move_quota = last_move_quota

        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.grid = SingleGrid(height, width, torus=True)

        self.happy = 0
        self.happytype0 = 0
        self.happytype1 = 0
        self.stepCount = 0
        self.evenness = 0
        self.empty = 0
        self.type0agents = 0
        self.type1agents = 0
        self.movement = 0
        self.movementtype0 = 0
        self.movementtype1 = 0
        self.movementQuotaCount = 0
        self.numberOfAgents = 0
        self.datacollector = DataCollector(
            # Model-level count of happy agents
            {"step": "stepCount", "happy": "happy", "happytype0": "happytype0", "happytype1": "happytype1", "movement": "movement", "movementtype0": "movementtype0", "movementtype1": "movementtype1","evenness": "evenness", "numberOfAgents": "numberOfAgents", "homophilyType0": "homophilyType0", "homophilyType1": "homophilyType1", "movementQuota": "movementQuota", "happyCheckRadius": "happyCheckRadius", "last_move_quota": "last_move_quota"},
            # For testing purposes, agent's individual x and y
            {"x": lambda a: a.pos[0], "y": lambda a: a.pos[1], "Agent type": lambda a:a.type})

        # , "z": lambda a:a.type

        # Set up agents
        # We use a grid iterator that returns
        # the coordinates of a cell as well as
        # its contents. (coord_iter)
        for cell in self.grid.coord_iter():
            x = cell[1]
            y = cell[2]
            if self.random.random() < self.density:
                if self.random.random() < self.minority_pc:
                    agent_type = 1
                    agent_type = 0

                last_move = round(self.random.random()*10)  # randomly assign a value from 0 to 10
                agent = SchellingAgent((x, y), self, agent_type, last_move)
                self.grid.position_agent(agent, (x, y))
        # print("Schedule: ", len(self.schedule.agents))

        self.running = True
        self.numberOfAgents = self.schedule.get_agent_count()

    def step(self, policy):
        Run one step of the model. If All agents are happy, halt the model.
        Note on the eveness paramater calculation:
            It cannot be performed in the step function of the agents as then it would not take consider periods of time during which the agents are still moving, making the parameter calculation inaccurate. 
        self.happy = 0  # Reset counter of happy agents
        self.happytype0 = 0  # Reset counter of happy type 0 agents
        self.happytype1 = 0  # Reset counter of happy type 1 agents
        self.empty = 0  # Reset counter of empty cells
        self.type0agents = 0  # Reset count of type 0 agents
        self.type1agents = 0  # Reset count of type 1 agents
        self.movementQuotaCount = 0  # Reset count of the movement quota
        self.movement = 0  # Reset counter of movement of agents
        self.movementtype0 = 0  # Reset counter of movement of type 0 agents
        self.movementtype1 = 0  # Reset counter of movement of type 1 agents

        # introduction of the selected policy in the Schelling model
        # happy check vision changes
        if policy[0] != None and self.happyCheckRadius<15 and self.happyCheckRadius>1:
            self.happyCheckRadius += policy[0]
        # movement quota changes
        if policy[1] != None and self.movementQuota<1 and self.movementQuota>0.05:
            self.movementQuota += policy[1]
        # last movement threshold
        if policy[2] != None and self.last_move_quota<50 and self.last_move_quota>0:
            self.last_move_quota += policy[2]
        # type 0 preference
        if policy[3] != None and self.homophilyType0<1 and self.homophilyType0>0:
            self.homophilyType0 += policy[3]
        # type 1 preference
        if policy[4] != None and self.homophilyType1<1 and self.homophilyType1>0:
            self.homophilyType1 += policy[4]

        # run the step for the agents
        # print(self.movementQuotaCount, " agents moved.")
        # print(round(self.happy/self.schedule.get_agent_count() * 100,2), "percent are happy agents.")

        # calculating empty counter
        self.empty = (self.height*self.width) - self.schedule.get_agent_count()
        # calculating type 0 and type 1 agent numbers
        for agent in self.schedule.agent_buffer(shuffled=True):
            # print(agent.type)
            if agent.type == 0:
                self.type0agents += 1
            if agent.type == 1:
                self.type1agents += 1

        # calculation of evenness (segregation parameter) using Haw (2015).

        # iterate the steps counter
        self.stepCount += 1

        # collect data

        # checking the datacollector
        # if self.stepCount % 2 == 0:
        #     print(self.datacollector.get_model_vars_dataframe())
        #     print(self.datacollector.get_agent_vars_dataframe())

        if self.happy == self.schedule.get_agent_count():
            self.running = False
            print("All agents are happy, the simulation ends!")

        output_KPIs = [self.evenness, self.movement, self.happy, self.movementtype0, self.movementtype1, self.happytype0, self.happytype1]
        return output_KPIs, self.type0agents, self.type1agents

    def evenness_calculation(self):

        To calculate the evenness parameter, one needs to first subdivide the grid into areas of more than one square each. The evenness will be then calculated based on the distribution of type 0 and type 1 agents in each of these areas.
        The division into area needs to be done carefully as it depends on the inputs within the model (width and height of the grid).

        # check for a square grid
        if self.height != self.width:
            self.running = False
            print("WARNING - The grid is not a square, please insert the same width and height")

        # reset the evenness parameter
        self.evenness = 0

        # algorithm to calculate evenness
        n = 4  # number of big areas considered in width and height
        if self.height % n == 0:
            # consider all big areas
            for big_dy in range(n):
                for big_dx in range(n):
                    # looking within one big areas, going through all cells
                    listAgents = []
                    for small_dy in range(int(self.height/n)):
                        for small_dx in range(int(self.height/n)):
                            for agents in self.schedule.agent_buffer(shuffled=True):
                                if agents.pos == (self.height/n * big_dx + small_dx, self.height/n * big_dy + small_dy):
                    # calculating evenness for each big area
                    countType0agents = 0  # Reset of the type counter for type 0 agents
                    countType1agents = 0  # Reset of the type counter for type 1 agents
                    # checking the type of agents in the big area
                    for agents in listAgents:
                        if agents.type == 0:
                            countType0agents += 1
                        if agents.type == 1:
                            countType1agents += 1
                    self.evenness += 0.5 * abs((countType0agents/self.type0agents) - (countType1agents/self.type1agents))
        # print("evenness :", round(self.evenness,2))
Exemple #35
class Schelling(Model):
    Model class for the Schelling segregation model.

    # ANSWER --- cooperativeness = 10 in the init definition
    def __init__(self,
        # Height and width of the Grid;
        # Height and width also defines the maximum number of agents that could be in the environment
        self.height = height
        self.width = width

        # Define the population density; Float between 0 and 1
        self.density = density

        # number of similar neighbors required for the agents to be happy
        # Takes integer value between 0 and 8 since you can only be surrounded by 8 neighbors
        # homophily == wanted similarity
        self.homophily = homophily

        # ANSWER
        # 얼마만큼의 agent 를 cooperativeness 한 agent 로 정의 할 것인가
        self.cooperativeness = cooperativeness
        # ANSWER

        # Scheduler controls the order in which agents are activated
        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.grid = SingleGrid(width, height, torus=True)

        self.happy = 0
        self.segregation = 0
        # Obtain data after each step
        self.datacollector = DataCollector(
                "happy": "happy",
                "segregation": "segregation"
            },  # Model-level count of happy agents
            # For testing purposes, agent's individual x and y
                "x": lambda a: a.pos[0],
                "y": lambda a: a.pos[1]

        # Set up agents
        # We use a grid iterator that returns
        # the coordinates of a cell as well as
        # its contents. (coord_iter)
        for cell in self.grid.coord_iter():
            x = cell[1]
            y = cell[2]
            if self.random.random() < self.density:
                if self.random.random() < 0.33:
                    agent_type = 2
                elif self.random.random() > 0.66:
                    agent_type = 1
                    agent_type = 0

                # ANSWER
                is_cooperative = False
                if self.random.random() < cooperativeness:
                    is_cooperative = True

                happiness_extent = 0
                # ANSWER

                # ANSWER --- Updated initialization to use new init definition
                agent = SchellingAgent((x, y), self, agent_type,
                                       is_cooperative, happiness_extent)
                self.grid.position_agent(agent, (x, y))

        self.running = True

    # The class requires a step function that represent each run
    def step(self):
        Run one step of the model. If All agents are happy, halt the model.
        self.happy = 0  # Reset counter of happy agents
        self.segregation = 0  # Reset counter of segregated agents
        # collect data

        # 여기서 terminate 하는거 manage
        if self.happy == self.schedule.get_agent_count():
            self.running = False
class PolicyEmergenceSM(Model):
	Simplest Model for the policy emergence model.
    def __init__(self,

        self.height = height  # height of the canvas
        self.width = width  # width of the canvas

        self.SM_inputs = SM_inputs  # inputs for the entire model
        self.PE_type = PE_type  # model type (SM, A+PL, A+Co, A+PK, A+PI)

        self.resources_aff = SM_inputs[2]  # resources per affiliation agent

        self.stepCount = 0  # int - [-] - initialisation of step counter
        self.agenda_PC = None  # initialisation of agenda policy core issue tracker
        self.policy_implemented_number = None  # initialisation of policy number tracker
        self.policy_formulation_run = False  # check value for running policy formulation

        self.w_el_influence = self.SM_inputs[
            5]  # float - [-] - electorate influence weight constant

        # batchrunner inputs
        self.input_LHS = input_LHS

        # ACF+PL parameters
        if 'A+PL' in self.PE_type or 'A+Co' in self.PE_type:
            self.conflict_level = AplusPL_inputs[0]
            self.resources_spend_incr_agents = AplusPL_inputs[1]

        # ACF+Co parameters
        if 'A+Co' in self.PE_type:
            self.PC_interest = AplusCo_inputs[0]
            if self.input_LHS:
                self.coa_creation_thresh = self.input_LHS[1]  # LHS inputs
                self.coa_resources_share = self.input_LHS[0]  # LHS inputs
                self.coa_creation_thresh = AplusCo_inputs[1]
                self.coa_resources_share = AplusCo_inputs[3]
            self.coa_coherence_thresh = AplusCo_inputs[2]
            self.resources_spend_incr_coal = AplusCo_inputs[4]
            print('res. share:', round(self.coa_resources_share, 3),
                  ', coa. threshold:', round(self.coa_creation_thresh, 3))

            self.coalition_list = []

        # +PK parameters
        self.PK = False
        if '+PK' in self.PE_type:
            self.PK = True
        self.PK_catchup = AplusPK_inputs[0]

        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)  # mesa random activation method
        self.grid = SingleGrid(height, width,
                               torus=True)  # mesa grid creation method

        # creation of the datacollector vector

        if 'A+Co' in self.PE_type:
            self.datacollector = DataCollector(
                # Model-level variables
                    "step": "stepCount",
                    "AS_PF": get_problem_policy_chosen,
                    "agent_attributes": get_agents_attributes,
                    "coalitions_attributes": get_coalitions_attributes,
                    "electorate_attributes": get_electorate_attributes
                # Agent-level variables
                    lambda a: a.pos[0],
                    lambda a: a.pos[1],
                    "Agent type":
                    lambda a: type(a),
                    lambda a: getattr(a, 'issuetree', [None])[
                        if isinstance(a, ActiveAgent) and not isinstance(
                            a, Coalition) else 0]
            self.datacollector = DataCollector(
                # Model-level variables
                    "step": "stepCount",
                    "AS_PF": get_problem_policy_chosen,
                    "agent_attributes": get_agents_attributes,
                    "electorate_attributes": get_electorate_attributes
                # Agent-level variables
                    lambda a: a.pos[0],
                    lambda a: a.pos[1],
                    "Agent type":
                    lambda a: type(a),
                    lambda a: getattr(a, 'issuetree', [None])[
                        a.unique_id if isinstance(a, ActiveAgent) else 0]

        self.len_S, self.len_PC, self.len_DC, self.len_CR = belief_tree_input(
        )  # setting up belief tree
        self.policy_instruments, self.len_ins, self.PF_indices = policy_instrument_input(
        )  # setting up policy instruments
        init_active_agents(self, self.len_S, self.len_PC, self.len_DC,
                           self.len_CR, self.len_PC, self.len_ins,
                           self.SM_inputs)  # setting up active agents
        init_electorate_agents(self, self.len_S, self.len_PC, self.len_DC,
                               self.SM_inputs)  # setting up passive agents
        init_truth_agent(self, self.len_S, self.len_PC, self.len_DC,
                         self.len_ins)  # setting up truth agent

        self.running = True
        self.numberOfAgents = self.schedule.get_agent_count()

    def step(self, KPIs):
		Main steps of the Simplest Model for policy emergence:
		0. Module interface - Input
		1. Agenda setting step
		2. Policy formulation step
		3. Data collection

        self.KPIs = KPIs  # saving the indicators

        # 0. initialisation
            self.KPIs)  # communicating the beliefs (indicators)
            self.w_el_influence)  # electorate influence actions
        if 'A+Co' in self.PE_type:

        # 1. agenda setting

        # 2. policy formulation
        if self.policy_formulation_run:
            policy_implemented = self.policy_formulation()
            policy_implemented = self.policy_instruments[-1]

        # 3. data collection
        self.stepCount += 1  # iterate the steps counter
        self.datacollector.collect(self)  # collect data

        print("Step ends", "\n")

        return policy_implemented

    def module_interface_input(self, KPIs):
		The module interface input step consists of actions related to the module interface and the policy emergence model

        len_DC = self.len_DC
        len_PC = self.len_PC
        len_S = self.len_S
        len_ins = self.len_ins

        # saving the issue tree of the truth agent
        for agent in self.schedule.agent_buffer(shuffled=True):
            if isinstance(agent, TruthAgent):
                agent.issuetree_truth = KPIs
                truth_issuetree = agent.issuetree_truth
                truth_policytree = agent.policytree_truth

        # Transferring policy impact to active agents
        for agent in self.schedule.agent_buffer(shuffled=True):
            if isinstance(agent, ActiveAgent) and not isinstance(
                    agent, Coalition):  # selecting only active agents
                # for PFj in range(len_PC): # communicating the policy family likelihoods
                # 	for PFij in range(len_PC):
                # 		agent.policytree[agent.unique_id][PFj][PFij] = truth_policytree[PFj][PFij]

                for insj in range(
                ):  # communicating the policy instruments impacts
                        len_PC + insj][0:len_S] = truth_policytree[len_PC +

                for issue in range(
                        len_DC + len_PC + len_S
                ):  # communicating the issue beliefs from the KPIs
                        agent.unique_id][issue][0] = truth_issuetree[issue]
                    agent, agent.unique_id)  # updating the preferences

    def resources_distribution(self):

        if 'A+PL' in self.PE_type or 'A+Co' in self.PE_type:
            for agent in self.schedule.agent_buffer(shuffled=False):
                if isinstance(agent,
                              ActiveAgent):  # selecting only active agents
                    if agent.affiliation == 0:  # affiliation 0
                        agent.resources = 0.01 * self.number_activeagents * self.resources_aff[
                            0] / 100
                    if agent.affiliation == 1:  # affiliation 1
                        agent.resources = 0.01 * self.number_activeagents * self.resources_aff[
                            1] / 100
                    agent.resources_action = agent.resources  # assigning resources for the actions for both
        if 'A+Co' in self.PE_type:  # attribution of the resources to coalitions
            for coalition in self.schedule.agent_buffer(shuffled=False):
                if isinstance(coalition, Coalition):
                    resources = 0
                    for agent_mem in coalition.members:
                        resources += agent_mem.resources * self.coa_resources_share
                        agent_mem.resources -= self.coa_resources_share * agent_mem.resources
                        agent.resources_action = agent.resources  # assigning resources for the actions for both
                    coalition.resources = resources
                    coalition.resources_action = coalition.resources  # assigning resources for the actions for both

    def agenda_setting(self):
		In the agenda setting step, the active agents first select their policy core issue of preference and then select
		the agenda.

        # resources distribution

        # active agent policy core selection
        for agent in self.schedule.agent_buffer(shuffled=False):
            if isinstance(agent, ActiveAgent):  # selecting only active agents

        if 'A+Co' in self.PE_type:
            for coalition in self.schedule.agent_buffer(shuffled=True):
                if isinstance(coalition,
                              Coalition):  # selecting only coalitions
                        'AS')  # intra-coalition interactions

        # active agent interactions (including coalitions)
        if 'A+PL' in self.PE_type or 'A+Co' in self.PE_type:
            for agent in self.schedule.agent_buffer(shuffled=True):
                if isinstance(agent,
                              ActiveAgent):  # selecting only active agents
                    agent.interactions('AS', self.PK)

        # active agent policy core selection (after agent interactions)
        if 'A+PL' in self.PE_type or 'A+Co' in self.PE_type:
            # active agent policy core selection
            for agent in self.schedule.agent_buffer(shuffled=False):
                if isinstance(agent,
                              ActiveAgent):  # selecting only active agents

        # for each agent, selection of their preferred policy core issue
        selected_PC_list = []
        number_ActiveAgents = 0
        for agent in self.schedule.agent_buffer(shuffled=False):
            if isinstance(agent,
                          ActiveAgent):  # considering only policy makers
                number_ActiveAgents += 1

        # finding the most common policy core issue and its frequency
        d = defaultdict(int)
        for i in selected_PC_list:
            d[i] += 1
        result = max(d.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
        agenda_PC_temp = result[0]
        agenda_PC_temp_frequency = result[1]

        # checking for majority
        if agenda_PC_temp_frequency > int(number_ActiveAgents / 2):
            self.agenda_PC = agenda_PC_temp
            self.policy_formulation_run = True  # allowing for policy formulation to happen
            print("The agenda consists of PC", self.agenda_PC, ".")
        else:  # if no majority
            self.policy_formulation_run = False
            print("No agenda was formed, moving to the next step.")

        # for purposes of not changing the entire code - the policy family selected is set at 0 so all policy instruments
        # are always considered in the rest of the model
        self.agenda_PF = 0

    def policy_formulation(self):
		In the policy formulation step, the policy maker agents first select their policy core issue of preference and then
		they select the policy that is to be implemented if there is a majority of them.

        # resources distribution

        # calculation of policy instruments preferences
        if 'A+PL' in self.PE_type or 'A+Co' in self.PE_type:
            for agent in self.schedule.agent_buffer(shuffled=False):
                if isinstance(agent, ActiveAgent):
                    )  # individual agent policy instrument selection

        if 'A+Co' in self.PE_type:
            for coalition in self.schedule.agent_buffer(shuffled=True):
                if isinstance(coalition,
                              Coalition):  # selecting only active agents
                    # print('selected_PC', agent.selected_PC)
                    # coalition.interactions('PF')

        # active agent interactions
        if 'A+PL' in self.PE_type or 'A+Co' in self.PE_type:
            for agent in self.schedule.agent_buffer(shuffled=True):
                if isinstance(agent,
                              ActiveAgent):  # selecting only active agents
                    agent.interactions('PF', self.PK)

        # calculation of policy instruments preferences
        selected_PI_list = []
        number_PMs = 0
        for agent in self.schedule.agent_buffer(shuffled=False):
            if isinstance(
                    agent, ActiveAgent
            ) and agent.agent_type == 'policymaker':  # considering only policy makers
                )  # individual agent policy instrument selection
                )  # appending the policy instruments selected to a list for all PMs
                number_PMs += 1

        # finding the most common policy instrument and its frequency
        d = defaultdict(int)
        for i in selected_PI_list:
            d[i] += 1
        result = max(d.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
        self.policy_implemented_number = result[0]
        policy_implemented_number_frequency = result[1]

        # check for the majority and implemented if satisfied
        if policy_implemented_number_frequency > int(number_PMs / 2):
            print("The policy selected is policy instrument ",
                  self.policy_implemented_number, ".")
            policy_implemented = self.policy_instruments[
        else:  # if no majority
            print("No consensus on a policy instrument.")
            policy_implemented = self.policy_instruments[
                -1]  # selecting status quo policy instrument

        return policy_implemented

    def preference_update(self, agent, who, coalition_check=False):
		This function is used to call the preference update functions of the issues of the active agents.

        if coalition_check:
            who = self.number_activeagents

                                  who)  # deep core issue preference update
                                  who)  # policy core issue preference update
        self.preference_update_S(agent, who)  #

    def preference_update_DC(self, agent, who):
		This function is used to update the preferences of the deep core issues of agents in their
		respective issue trees.

		agent - this is the owner of the issue tree
		who - this is the part of the issuetree that is considered - agent.unique_id should be used for this -
		this is done to also include partial knowledge preference calculation

        len_DC = self.len_DC

        # calculation of the denominator
        PC_denominator = 0
        for h in range(len_DC):
            issue_belief = agent.issuetree[who][h][0]
            issue_goal = agent.issuetree[who][h][1]
            gap = issue_goal - issue_belief
            if issue_goal is not None and issue_belief is not None:
                PC_denominator += abs(gap)

        # selection of the numerator and calculation of the preference
        for i in range(len_DC):
            issue_belief = agent.issuetree[who][i][0]
            issue_goal = agent.issuetree[who][i][1]
            gap = issue_goal - issue_belief
            if PC_denominator != 0:  # make sure the denominator is not 0
                agent.issuetree[who][i][2] = abs(gap) / PC_denominator
                agent.issuetree[who][i][2] = 0

    def preference_update_PC(self, agent, who):
		This function is used to update the preferences of the policy core issues of agents in their
		respective issue trees.

		agent - this is the owner of the belief tree
		who - this is the part of the issuetree that is considered - agent.unique_id should be used for this -
		this is done to also include partial knowledge preference calculation

        len_DC = self.len_DC
        len_PC = self.len_PC
        len_S = self.len_S

        PC_denominator = 0
        # calculation of the denominator
        for j in range(
                len_PC):  # selecting the causal relations starting from PC

            for k in range(len_DC):
                cr = agent.issuetree[who][len_DC + len_PC + len_S + j +
                                          (k * len_PC)][0]
                issue_belief = agent.issuetree[who][k][0]
                issue_goal = agent.issuetree[who][k][1]
                gap = issue_goal - issue_belief
                if issue_goal is not None and issue_belief is not None and cr is not None \
                  and ((cr < 0 and gap < 0) or (cr > 0 and gap > 0)):
                    # contingency for partial knowledge issues and check if cr and belief-goal are same sign
                    PC_denominator = PC_denominator + abs(cr * gap)

        # addition of the gaps of the associated mid-level issues
        for i in range(len_PC):
            issue_belief = agent.issuetree[who][len_DC + i][0]
            issue_goal = agent.issuetree[who][len_DC + i][1]
            gap = issue_goal - issue_belief
            if issue_goal is not None and issue_belief is not None:  # contingency for partial knowledge issues
                PC_denominator += abs(gap)

        # calculation the numerator and the preference
        for j in range(len_PC):  # select one by one the PC

            # calculation of the right side of the numerator
            PC_numerator = 0
            for k in range(
                    len_DC):  # selecting the causal relations starting from DC
                issue_belief = agent.issuetree[who][k][0]
                issue_goal = agent.issuetree[who][k][1]
                cr = agent.issuetree[who][len_DC + len_PC + len_S + j +
                                          (k * len_PC)][0]
                gap = issue_goal - issue_belief
                if issue_goal is not None and issue_belief is not None and cr is not None \
                  and ((cr < 0 and gap < 0) or (cr > 0 and gap > 0)):
                    # contingency for partial knowledge issues and check if cr and belief-goal are same sign
                    PC_numerator += abs(cr * gap)

            # addition of the gap to the numerator
            issue_belief = agent.issuetree[who][len_DC + j][0]
            issue_goal = agent.issuetree[who][len_DC + j][1]
            gap = issue_goal - issue_belief
            if issue_goal is not None and issue_belief is not None:  # contingency for partial knowledge issues
                PC_numerator += abs(gap)

            # calculation of the preferences
            if PC_denominator != 0:
                agent.issuetree[who][len_DC + j][2] = round(
                    PC_numerator / PC_denominator, 3)
                agent.issuetree[who][len_DC + j][2] = 0

    def preference_update_S(self, agent, who):
		This function is used to update the preferences of secondary issues the agents in their
		respective issue trees.

		agent - this is the owner of the belief tree
		who - this is the part of the issuetree that is considered - agent.unique_id should be used for this -
		this is done to also include partial knowledge preference calculation

        len_DC = self.len_DC
        len_PC = self.len_PC
        len_S = self.len_S

        S_denominator = 0
        # calculation of the denominator
        for j in range(len_S):

            for k in range(
                    len_PC):  # selecting the causal relations starting from S
                issue_belief = agent.issuetree[who][len_DC + k][0]
                issue_goal = agent.issuetree[who][len_DC + k][1]
                cr = agent.issuetree[who][len_DC + len_PC + len_S +
                                          len_DC * len_PC + j + (k * len_S)][0]
                gap = issue_goal - issue_belief
                if issue_goal is not None and issue_belief is not None and cr is not None \
                  and ((cr < 0 and gap < 0) or (cr > 0 and gap > 0)):
                    # contingency for partial knowledge issues and check if cr and belief-goal are same sign
                    S_denominator += abs(cr * gap)

        # addition of the gaps of the associated secondary issues
        for j in range(len_S):
            issue_belief = agent.issuetree[who][len_DC + len_PC + j][0]
            issue_goal = agent.issuetree[who][len_DC + len_PC + j][1]
            # print(issue_goal, type(issue_goal), type(issue_belief))
            gap = issue_goal - issue_belief
            if issue_goal is not None and issue_belief is not None:  # contingency for partial knowledge issues
                S_denominator += abs(gap)

        # calculation the numerator and the preference
        for j in range(len_S):  # select one by one the S

            # calculation of the right side of the numerator
            S_numerator = 0
            for k in range(
                    len_PC):  # selecting the causal relations starting from PC
                # Contingency for partial knowledge issues
                cr = agent.issuetree[who][len_DC + len_PC + len_S +
                                          len_DC * len_PC + j + (k * len_S)][0]
                issue_belief = agent.issuetree[who][len_DC + k][0]
                issue_goal = agent.issuetree[who][len_DC + k][1]
                gap = issue_goal - issue_belief
                if issue_goal is not None and issue_belief is not None and cr is not None \
                  and ((cr < 0 and gap < 0) or (cr > 0 and gap > 0)):
                    # contingency for partial knowledge issues and check if cr and gap are same sign
                    S_numerator += abs(cr * gap)

            # addition of the gap to the numerator
            issue_belief = agent.issuetree[who][len_DC + len_PC + j][0]
            issue_goal = agent.issuetree[who][len_DC + len_PC + j][1]
            gap = issue_goal - issue_belief
            if issue_goal is not None and issue_belief is not None:  # contingency for partial knowledge issues
                S_numerator += abs(gap)

            # calculation of the preferences
            if S_denominator != 0:
                agent.issuetree[who][len_DC + len_PC + j][2] = round(
                    S_numerator / S_denominator, 3)
                agent.issuetree[who][len_DC + len_PC + j][2] = 0

    def electorate_influence(self, w_el_influence):
		This function calls the influence actions in the electorate agent class.

        for agent in self.schedule.agent_buffer(shuffled=True):
            if isinstance(agent, ElectorateAgent):

    def coalition_creation_algorithm(self):
		Function that is used to reset the coalitions at the beginning of each round
		A maximum of two coalitions are allowed. The agents have to be within a certain threshold of their goals to be
		assembled together.
		Note that the preferred states only are considered and not the actual beliefs of the actors - this could be a
		problem when considering the partial information case.


        # resetting the coalitions before the creation of new ones
        for coalition in self.schedule.agent_buffer(shuffled=False):
            if isinstance(coalition, Coalition):

        # saving the agents in a list with their belief values
        list_agents_1 = []  # active agent list
        for agent in self.schedule.agent_buffer(shuffled=False):
            if isinstance(agent, ActiveAgent):
                     agent.issuetree[agent.unique_id][self.len_DC +
            key=lambda x: x[1])  # sorting the list based on the goals

        # checking for groups for first coalition
        list_coalition_number = []
        for i in range(len(list_agents_1)):
            count = 0
            for j in range(len(list_agents_1)):
                if list_agents_1[i][
                        1] - self.coa_creation_thresh <= list_agents_1[j][
                            1] <= list_agents_1[i][
                                1] + self.coa_creation_thresh:
                    count += 1

        index = list_coalition_number.index(
                ))  # finding the grouping with the most member index

        list_coalition_members = []
        list_agents_2 = copy.copy(list_agents_1)
        for i in range(len(list_agents_1)):
            if list_agents_1[index][
                    1] - self.coa_creation_thresh <= list_agents_1[i][
                        1] <= list_agents_1[index][
                            1] + self.coa_creation_thresh:

            1001, list_coalition_members
        )  # creating the coalition with the selected members

        if len(list_agents_2) > 2:  #check if there are enough agents left:

            # checking for groups for second coalition
            list_coalition_number = []
            for i in range(len(list_agents_2)):
                count = 0
                for j in range(len(list_agents_2)):
                    if list_agents_2[i][
                            1] - self.coa_creation_thresh <= list_agents_2[j][
                                1] <= list_agents_2[i][
                                    1] + self.coa_creation_thresh:
                        count += 1
            index = list_coalition_number.index(
                    ))  # finding the grouping with the most member index

            list_coalition_members = []
            for i in range(len(list_agents_2)):
                if list_agents_2[index][
                        1] - self.coa_creation_thresh <= list_agents_2[i][
                            1] <= list_agents_2[index][
                                1] + self.coa_creation_thresh:

                1002, list_coalition_members
            )  # creating the coalition with selected members

    def coalition_creation(self, unique_id, members):
		Function that is used to create the object Coalition which is a sub-agent of the ActiveAgent class
		:param unique_id:
		:param members:

        x = 0
        y = 0
        resources = 0  # resources are reset to 0
        len_DC = self.len_DC
        len_PC = self.len_PC
        len_S = self.len_S
        len_CR = self.len_CR
        len_PF = self.len_PC
        len_ins = self.len_ins

        issuetree_coal = [None]  # creation of the issue tree
        issuetree_coal[0] = issuetree_creation(
            len_DC, len_PC, len_S, len_CR)  # using the newly made function
        for r in range(
        ):  # last spot is where the coalition beliefs are stored
                issuetree_creation(len_DC, len_PC, len_S, len_CR))

        policytree_coal = [None]  # creation of the policy tree
        policytree_coal[0] = members[0].policytree[members[0].unique_id]
        for r in range(self.number_activeagents):
        # note that the policy tree is simply copied ... this will not work in the case of partial information where a different
        # algorithm will need to be found for this part of the model

        # creation of the coalition agent
        agent = Coalition((x, y), unique_id, self, 'coalition', resources, 'X',
                          issuetree_coal, policytree_coal, members)
        self.coalition_belief_update(agent, members)
        self.preference_update(agent, unique_id,
                               True)  # updating the issue tree preferences
        self.grid.position_agent(agent, (x, y))

    def coalition_belief_update(self, coalition, members):
		Function that is used to update the beliefs of the coalition to an average of the agents members of this said
		:param coalition:
		:param members:

        len_DC = self.len_DC
        len_PC = self.len_PC
        len_S = self.len_S
        len_CR = self.len_CR

        for k in range(
                len_DC + len_PC +
                len_S):  # updating the preferred states and actual beliefs
            belief = 0
            goal = 0
            for agent_mem in members:
                id = agent_mem.unique_id
                belief += agent_mem.issuetree[id][k][0]
                goal += agent_mem.issuetree[id][k][1]
                self.number_activeagents][k][0] = belief / len(members)
                self.number_activeagents][k][1] = goal / len(members)

        for k in range(len_CR):  # updating the causal relations
            CR = 0
            for agent_mem in members:
                id = agent_mem.unique_id
                CR += agent_mem.issuetree[id][len_DC + len_PC + len_S + k][0]
                len_DC + len_PC + len_S + k][0] = CR / len(members)

        if self.PK:  # for the partial knowledge
            for agent in self.schedule.agent_buffer(shuffled=False):
                if agent not in members and isinstance(
                        ActiveAgent) and not isinstance(agent, Coalition):
                    id = agent.unique_id
                    for k in range(len_DC + len_PC +
                                   len_S):  # updating the preferred states
                        goal = 0
                        for agent_mem in members:
                            goal += agent_mem.issuetree[id][k][1]
                        coalition.issuetree[id][k][1] = goal / len(members)

                    for k in range(len_CR):  # updating the causal relations
                        CR = 0
                        for agent_mem in members:
                            CR += agent_mem.issuetree[id][len_DC + len_PC +
                                                          len_S + k][0]
                        coalition.issuetree[id][len_DC + len_PC + len_S +
                                                k][0] = CR / len(members)
Exemple #37
class NaSchTraffic(Model):
    Agent based model of traffic flow, with responsive street lighting. Happiness is measured by the level of lighting
    in cells occupied by, and ahead of, agents.
    def __init__(self,

        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.vehicle_density = vehicle_density
        self.general_max_speed = general_max_speed
        self.p_randomisation = p_randomisation
        self.debug = debug
        self.schedule = SimultaneousActivation(self)
        self.grid = SingleGrid(width, height, torus=True)
        self.light_range = int(floor(36 / 4.5))
        self.lighting_grid = [20] * width
        self.agent_position_log = []

        self.total_street_lights = 0
        self.total_speed = 0
        self.total_happy = 0
        self.total_vehicles = 0
        self.total_flow = 0

        self.average_speed = 0.0
        self.average_happy = 0.0
        self.current_density = 0.0
        self.average_lighting_level = 0.0

        self.speed_averages = []
        self.happiness_averages = []
        self.densities = []
        self.flows = []
        self.lighting_averages = []

        if self.debug == 1 or self.debug == 3:
            self.datacollector = DataCollector(
                    "average_speed",  # Model-level count of average speed of all agents
                    # "Average_Happiness": "average_happy",  # Model-level count of agent happiness
                    "Density": "current_density",
                    "Flow": "total_flow",
                    # "Lighting_Level": "average_lighting_level",
                    "Agent_Positions": "agent_position_log",
                # For testing purposes, agent's individual x position and speed
                # agent_reporters={
                #     "PosX": lambda x: x.pos[0],
                #     "Speed": lambda x: x.speed,
                # },
            self.datacollector = DataCollector(
                    "average_speed",  # Model-level count of average speed of all agents
                    # "Average_Happiness": "average_happy",  # Model-level count of agent happiness
                    "Density": "current_density",
                    "Flow": "total_flow",
                    # "Lighting_Level": "average_lighting_level",
                }, )

        # Set up agents
        # Street lights first as these are fixed
        y = 0
        for light_iter in range(0, int(width / self.light_range)):
            x = light_iter * self.light_range
            agent = StreetLightAgent((x, y), self, self.light_range)
            self.total_street_lights += 1

        if self.debug > 1:
            print("Added " + str(self.total_street_lights) + " lights")

        # We use a grid iterator that returns
        # the coordinates of a cell as well as
        # its contents. (coord_iter)
        cells = list(self.grid.coord_iter())
        vehicle_quantity = int(width * self.vehicle_density)
        for vehicle_iter in range(0, vehicle_quantity):
            cell = cells[vehicle_iter]
            (content, x, y) = cell
            agent = VehicleAgent((x, y), self, general_max_speed)
            self.grid.position_agent(agent, (x, y))

        if self.debug > 1:
            print("Added " + str(vehicle_quantity) + " vehicles")

        self.running = True

    def step(self):
        Run one step of the model. Calculate current average speed of all agents.

        self.total_speed = 0
        self.total_happy = 0
        self.total_vehicles = 0
        self.total_flow = 0
        self.agent_position_log = []
        # Step all agents, then advance all agents
        if self.total_vehicles > 0:
            self.average_speed = self.total_speed / self.total_vehicles
            self.average_happy = self.total_happy / self.total_vehicles
            self.current_density = self.total_vehicles / (self.width * 0.6)
            self.average_speed = 0
            self.average_happy = 0
            self.current_density = 0

        lighting_subset = self.lighting_grid[int(self.width *
                                                 0.2):int(self.width * 0.8)]
        self.average_lighting_level = sum(lighting_subset) / len(

        # self.happiness_averages.append(self.average_happy)
        # self.lighting_averages.append(self.average_lighting_level)

        # collect data
class SchellingModel(Model):
    '''Model class for Schelling segregation model'''

    def __init__(self, height=20, width=20, density=.8, group_ratio=.66, minority_ratio=.5, homophily=3):
        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.density = density
        self.group_ratio = group_ratio
        self.minority_ratio = minority_ratio
        self.homophily = homophily
        self.happy = 0
        self.segregated = 0

        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.grid = SingleGrid(height, width, torus=False)

        self.datacollector = DataCollector( {'happy': (lambda m: m.happy), 'segregated': (lambda m: m.segregated)})
        self.running = True

    def step(self):
        '''Run one step of model'''

        if self.happy == self.schedule.get_agent_count():
            self.running = False

    def place_agents(self):
        for cell in self.grid.coord_iter():
            x, y = cell[1:3]
            if random.random() < self.density:
                if random.random() < self.group_ratio:
                    if random.random() < self.minority_ratio:
                        group = 0
                        group = 1
                    group = 2

                agent = SchellingAgent((x,y), group)
                self.grid.position_agent(agent, (x,y))

        for agent in self.schedule.agents:
            count = 0
            for neighbour in self.grid.iter_neighbors(agent.pos, moore=False):
                if neighbour.group == agent.group:
                    count += 1
            agent.similar = count

    def calculate_stats(self):
        happy_count = 0
        avg_seg = 0
        for agent in self.schedule.agents:
            avg_seg += agent.similar
            if agent.similar >= self.homophily:
                happy_count += 1

        self.happy = happy_count
        self.segregated = avg_seg/self.schedule.get_agent_count()