def get_dist(input_pdb, p1=None, p2=None): from readpdb import parse_pdb from mesh import create_mesh from assign_coord import assign_atomlist_to_mesh from assign_neighbor import assign_ngh from calculate_distance_matrix import calculate_distance_dm, calculate_distance_mm #Open the input file for parsing.# inf2 = input_pdb #parse_pdb function returns the details of all atoms in the pdb file with maximum and minimum value of coordinates in each direction. All these values gets stored in the 'param' list# param = parse_pdb(inf2) #close the file# #inf2.close(); #Set the distance cutoff# cutoff = 8.0 #Set the coarse mesh cell length in angstrom# cmesh_len = cutoff #function 'create_mesh' creates a 3D mesh such that all atoms should be contained within this mesh. Extra 'cutoff' length is added in each direction for boundary cells# cmesh = create_mesh(param, cmesh_len, cutoff) #getting the all atom coordinates and their identities like atom type, residue name, residue number and chain identifier. All this are stored int he 6th element of param list# atom_props = param[6] #Getting the number of total number cell in the mesh# totcell = cmesh[3] * cmesh[4] * cmesh[5] #initializing the cell_list variable. This stores the list of all atoms in each cell of the mesh# cell_list = [[] for n in range(0, totcell)] #Assign the atoms in each cell of the mesh and store them in cell_list# cell_list = assign_atomlist_to_mesh(cmesh, atom_props, cell_list) #get the neighbors of each cell in the mesh and store them in the neighbor dictionary "nghdict" # ngh_dict = assign_ngh(cmesh) #Calculate the dictance of all the atoms that are withion cutoff distance. This function stores the distances with atom identities in the outline string.# # @Abhilesh modified - If clause added if p1 == None and p2 == None: outline = calculate_distance_dm(cell_list, cmesh, ngh_dict, cutoff) else: outline = calculate_distance_mm(cell_list, cmesh, ngh_dict, cutoff, p1, p2) #Open the output file for writing the distances# dist_list = [] #Write the outline variable to the file# for element in outline.split('\n')[:-1]: dist_list.append(element + '\n') return dist_list
'plane': [], 'cabinet': [], 'car': [], 'monitor': [], 'couch': [], 'cellphone': [] } if __name__ == '__main__': # parameters param = create_parser() # use cuda device = torch.device('cuda:{}'.format(param.gpu_ids[0]) if param.use_cuda and torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') # predefined mesh init_mesh = create_mesh(param.obj_file, device=device) # model test_model = create_model( device, init_mesh, train=True, checkpoint= '/home/lihai/workspace/eval/pyg_model/save/model_epoch19_2019_08_30_20_00_25.pth' ) # if param.muti_gpu: # model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model, param.gpu_ids) f_total = 0 total_count = 0
def run_cell_list(arguments): from readpdb import parse_pdb from mesh import create_mesh from assign_coord import assign_atomlist_to_mesh from assign_neighbor import assign_ngh from calculate_distance_matrix import calculate_distance #Getting the input file name# input_file = arguments[0] #Open the input file for parsing.# inf2 = open(input_file, 'r') print "Reading file: ", input_file #parse_pdb function returns the details of all atoms in the pdb file with maximum and minimum value of coordinates in each direction. All these values gets stored in the 'param' list# param = parse_pdb(inf2, arguments[3], arguments[4]) #close the file# inf2.close() #Set the distance cutoff# cutoff = float(arguments[2]) #Set the coarse mesh cell length in angstrom# cmesh_len = cutoff #function 'create_mesh' creates a 3D mesh such that all atoms should be contained within this mesh. Extra 'cutoff' length is added in each direction for boundary cells# cmesh = create_mesh(param, cmesh_len, cutoff) #getting the all atom coordinates and their identities like atom type, residue name, residue number and chain identifier. All this are stored int he 6th element of param list# atom_props = param[6] #Getting the number of total number cell in the mesh# totcell = cmesh[3] * cmesh[4] * cmesh[5] #initializing the cell_list variable. This stores the list of all atoms in each cell of the mesh# cell_list = [[] for n in range(0, totcell)] #Assign the atoms in each cell of the mesh and store them in cell_list# cell_list = assign_atomlist_to_mesh(cmesh, atom_props, cell_list) #get the neighbors of each cell in the mesh and store them in the neighbor dictionary "nghdict" # ngh_dict = assign_ngh(cmesh) print "Calculating distances...\n" #Calculate the dictance of all the atoms that are withion cutoff distance. This function stores the distances with atom identities in the outline string.# outline = calculate_distance(cell_list, cmesh, ngh_dict, cutoff) #Getting the output file name# output_file = arguments[1] print "Writing the output file...\n" #Open the output file for writing the distances# fname = output_file outf = open(fname, 'w') #Write the outline variable to the file# outf.writelines(outline) outf.close() return outline
def train(param): # use cuda device = torch.device( 'cuda:{}'.format(param.gpu_ids[0]) if param.use_cuda and torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') # dataset train_dataset = creare_dataset( param.data_type, param.data_root, categories=param.train_category, param=param, train=True) test_dataset = creare_dataset( param.data_type, param.data_root, categories=param.eval_category, param=param, train=False) # dataloader train_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset.dataset, batch_size=param.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=param.num_workers, pin_memory=param.pin_mem) test_loader = DataLoader(test_dataset.dataset, batch_size=param.batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=param.num_workers, pin_memory=param.pin_mem) # logger logger = None if param.use_logger: logger = create_logger(param.log_path + '_' + # predefined mesh host_init_mesh = create_mesh(param) device_init_mesh = create_mesh(param, device) # model model = create_model(host_init_mesh, param, train=True) # checkpoint saver = create_saver(param.save_path + '_' + # optimizer optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(),, weight_decay=param.weight_decay) # iteration n_iter = 0 # parallel setting if param.muti_gpu: model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model, param.gpu_ids) model = for epoch in range(param.epoch): print('start traning for epoch ', epoch) for data in tqdm(train_loader): # read data data = optimizer.zero_grad() # collect input input_dict = make_input_dict(param, data) output_dict = {} points, pre_coords, coords, edges, faces, vmasks, output_img = model(input_dict['render_img'], input_dict['proj_mat'], logger, n_iter) output_dict['pre_coords'] = pre_coords output_dict['points'] = points output_dict['coords'] = coords output_dict['edges'] = edges output_dict['faces'] = faces output_dict['vmasks'] = vmasks output_dict['output_img'] = output_img total_loss, loss_dict, gt_sample_pos = compute_loss(param, device_init_mesh, input_dict, output_dict) total_loss.backward() optimizer.step() n_iter += 1 if logger is not None: if n_iter % param.loss_freq_iter == 0: logger.add_loss('total loss', total_loss.item(), n_iter) logger.add_losses('losses', loss_dict, n_iter) if n_iter % param.check_freq_iter == 0: logger.add_gradcheck(model.named_parameters(), n_iter) logger.add_image('input image', input_dict['render_img'], n_iter) # logger.add_projectionU('gt_project', gt_sample_pos, input_dict['proj_mat'] n_iter) if input_dict['proj_mat'] is not None: logger.add_projectionU('gt_project', input_dict['sample'][0].unsqueeze(0), input_dict['proj_mat'], n_iter) for i in range(len(output_dict['coords'])): logger.add_projectionU('project{}'.format(i), output_dict['coords'][0], input_dict['proj_mat'], n_iter) else: logger.add_projection('gt_project', input_dict['sample'][0].unsqueeze(0), n_iter) for i in range(len(output_dict['coords'])): logger.add_projection('project{}'.format(i), output_dict['coords'][0], n_iter) if n_iter % param.train_mesh_freq_iter == 0: for i in range(len(output_dict['coords'])): logger.save_mesh('mesh{}'.format(i), output_dict['pre_coords'][i][0], n_iter, output_dict['faces'][i][0]) logger.save_mesh('mesh{}'.format(i), output_dict['coords'][i][0], n_iter, output_dict['faces'][i][0]) logger.save_mesh('gt_pcl', input_dict['sample'][0], n_iter) logger.save_mesh('detail_pcl', output_dict['points'][0], n_iter) print('finish traning for epoch ', epoch) if isinstance(model, torch.nn.DataParallel): saver.save_model(model.module.state_dict(), epoch) else: saver.save_model(model.state_dict(), epoch) # saver.save_optimizer(optimizer.state_dict(), epoch) print('finish saving checkpoint for epoch ', epoch) if n_iter % param.eval_freq_epoch == 0: run_eval( test_loader, model, host_init_mesh, logger, epoch, device, param)