def main_cc(mesh, mask): """Filter the mask to keep only the main connected component""" mg = mep.mesh_to_graph(mesh).subgraph(mask.ravel()) u = size_u = np.array([np.sum(u == k) for k in np.unique(u) if k > -1]) mask[mask] = (u == size_u.argmax()) return mask
def phase_unwrapping(phase, mesh, mask, path=None): """ This aims at solging 2-pi phase shifts """ for iteri in range(5): mg = mep.mesh_to_graph(mesh).subgraph(mask.ravel()) diff = np.ravel(phase[mg.edges.T[0]] - phase[mg.edges.T[1]]) pos_vertex = np.zeros(mg.V) pos_vertex[np.unique(mg.edges.T[0, diff > np.pi])] = 1 pos_vertex[np.unique(mg.edges.T[0, diff < - np.pi])] = - 1 mg.remove_edges(np.abs(diff) < np.pi / 2) u = change = False for k in np.unique(u): if np.sum(u == k) < np.size(u) / 2: disc = pos_vertex[u == k].sum() / ( 1.e-6 + np.abs(pos_vertex[u == k]).sum()) if np.abs(disc) > .75: change = True if (disc > .75): phase[u == k] -= 2 * np.pi if (disc < -.75): phase[u == k] += 2 * np.pi if path is not None: ex = - 1 * np.ones(np.size(mask)) ex[mask.squeeze()] = u save_texture(path, ex, 'estimate') if change == False: break phase[phase < - np.pi] = - np.pi + 1.e-6 phase[phase > np.pi] = np.pi - 1.e-6 return phase
def cc_mesh_mask(mesh, mask, size_threshold): """Filter the mask to keep only connected components above a given size""" return cc_mask(mep.mesh_to_graph(mesh), mask, size_threshold)
threshold_path = 'surface_threshold_smooth.con' # output dir swd = '/data/home/virgile/virgile_internship/group_analysis/smoothed_FWHM5' else: threshold_path = 'surface_threshold.con' # output dir swd = '/data/home/virgile/virgile_internship/group_analysis/smoothed_FWHM0' ################################################################ # Create a topological model from the mesh ################################################################ # buils graph from meshes R = aims.Reader() left_mesh =[0]) lg = mep.mesh_to_graph(left_mesh) right_mesh =[0]) rg = mep.mesh_to_graph(right_mesh) gg = fg.concatenate_graphs(lg,rg) area = np.ones(gg.V) if b_cached==True: area = np.load('area.npz') elif b_cached==False: area = np.zeros(gg.V) for s in range(nsubj): area[:lg.V] += mep.node_area([s])) area[lg.V:] += mep.node_area([s])) area /= nsubj area.dump('area.npz')