Exemple #1
    def copyNode(self, srcNode, withEdges=False):
        Get a copy instance of a node outside the graph.

            srcNode (Node): the node to copy
            withEdges (bool): whether to copy edges

            Node, dict: the created node instance,
                        a dictionary of linked attributes with their original value (empty if withEdges is True)
        with GraphModification(self):
            # create a new node of the same type and with the same attributes values
            # keep links as-is so that CompatibilityNodes attributes can be created with correct automatic description
            # (File params for link expressions)
            node = nodeFactory(srcNode.toDict(), srcNode.nodeType)  # use nodeType as name
            # skip edges: filter out attributes which are links by resetting default values
            skippedEdges = {}
            if not withEdges:
                for n, attr in node.attributes.items():
                    # find top-level links
                    if Attribute.isLinkExpression(attr.value):
                        skippedEdges[attr] = attr.value
                    # find links in ListAttribute children
                    elif isinstance(attr, ListAttribute):
                        for child in attr.value:
                            if Attribute.isLinkExpression(child.value):
                                skippedEdges[child] = child.value
        return node, skippedEdges
Exemple #2
 def undoImpl(self):
     with GraphModification(self.graph):
         node = nodeFactory(self.nodeDict, self.nodeName)
         self.graph.addNode(node, self.nodeName)
         assert (node.getName() == self.nodeName)
         # recreate out edges deleted on node removal
         for dstAttr, srcAttr in self.outEdges.items():
Exemple #3
    def load(self, filepath, setupProjectFile=True):
        Load a meshroom graph ".mg" file.

            filepath: project filepath to load
            setupProjectFile: Store the reference to the project file and setup the cache directory.
                              If false, it only loads the graph of the project file as a template.
        with open(filepath) as jsonFile:
            fileData = json.load(jsonFile)

        # older versions of Meshroom files only contained the serialized nodes
        graphData = fileData.get(Graph.IO.Keys.Graph, fileData)

        if not isinstance(graphData, dict):
            raise RuntimeError(
                'loadGraph error: Graph is not a dict. File: {}'.format(

        self.header = fileData.get(Graph.IO.Keys.Header, {})
        nodesVersions = self.header.get(Graph.IO.Keys.NodesVersions, {})

        with GraphModification(self):
            # iterate over nodes sorted by suffix index in their names
            for nodeName, nodeData in sorted(
                    key=lambda x: self.getNodeIndexFromName(x[0])):
                if not isinstance(nodeData, dict):
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        'loadGraph error: Node is not a dict. File: {}'.format(

                # retrieve version from
                #   1. nodeData: node saved from a CompatibilityNode
                #   2. nodesVersion in file header: node saved from a Node
                #   3. fallback to no version "0.0": retro-compatibility
                if "version" not in nodeData:
                    nodeData["version"] = nodesVersions.get(
                        nodeData["nodeType"], "0.0")
                n = nodeFactory(nodeData, nodeName)

                # Add node to the graph with raw attributes values
                self._addNode(n, nodeName)

            # Create graph edges by resolving attributes expressions

            if setupProjectFile:
                # Update filepath related members
                # Note: needs to be done at the end as it will trigger an updateInternals.

        return True
Exemple #4
 def undoImpl(self):
     # delete upgraded node
     # recreate compatibility node
     with GraphModification(self.graph):
         node = nodeFactory(self.nodeDict)
         self.graph.addNode(node, self.nodeName)
         # recreate out edges
         for dstAttr, srcAttr in self.outEdges.items():
Exemple #5
    def load(self, filepath):
        with open(filepath) as jsonFile:
            fileData = json.load(jsonFile)

        # older versions of Meshroom files only contained the serialized nodes
        graphData = fileData.get(Graph.IO.Keys.Graph, fileData)

        if not isinstance(graphData, dict):
            raise RuntimeError('loadGraph error: Graph is not a dict. File: {}'.format(filepath))

        self.header = fileData.get(Graph.IO.Keys.Header, {})
        nodesVersions = self.header.get(Graph.IO.Keys.NodesVersions, {})

        with GraphModification(self):
            # iterate over nodes sorted by suffix index in their names
            for nodeName, nodeData in sorted(graphData.items(), key=lambda x: self.getNodeIndexFromName(x[0])):
                if not isinstance(nodeData, dict):
                    raise RuntimeError('loadGraph error: Node is not a dict. File: {}'.format(filepath))

                # retrieve version from
                #   1. nodeData: node saved from a CompatibilityNode
                #   2. nodesVersion in file header: node saved from a Node
                #   3. fallback to no version "0.0": retro-compatibility
                if "version" not in nodeData:
                    nodeData["version"] = nodesVersions.get(nodeData["nodeType"], "0.0")
                n = nodeFactory(nodeData, nodeName)

                # Add node to the graph with raw attributes values
                self._addNode(n, nodeName)

        # Update filepath related members

        # Create graph edges by resolving attributes expressions