Exemple #1
def run(args):
    options = parser.parse_args(args)

    if options.benchmark:
        options.num_processes = 1

    if options.setup is not None:
        global_env = merge_suite_options(options)
        global_env = build.EnvironmentVariables()

    setattr(options, 'global_env', global_env)

    if options.verbose and options.quiet:
        print('Can not be both quiet and verbose at the same time.')
        return 1

    if options.gdb:
        options.verbose = True
        if options.wrapper:
            print('Must not specify both a wrapper and gdb at the same time.')
            return 1

    options.wd = os.path.abspath(options.wd)

    th = TestHarness(options)
    if options.list:
        return 0
    if not options.no_rebuild:
        if not th.rebuild_all():
    if len(options.args) == 0:
        return th.doit()
    return th.run_special()
Exemple #2
def run(args):
    options = parser.parse_args(args)

    if options.benchmark:
        options.num_processes = 1

    if options.setup is not None:
        global_env = merge_suite_options(options)
        global_env = build.EnvironmentVariables()
        if options.timeout_multiplier is None:
            options.timeout_multiplier = 1

    setattr(options, 'global_env', global_env)

    if options.verbose and options.quiet:
        print('Can not be both quiet and verbose at the same time.')
        return 1

    check_bin = None
    if options.gdb:
        options.verbose = True
        if options.wrapper:
            print('Must not specify both a wrapper and gdb at the same time.')
            return 1
        check_bin = 'gdb'

    if options.wrapper:
        check_bin = options.wrapper[0]

    if check_bin is not None:
        exe = ExternalProgram(check_bin, silent=True)
        if not exe.found():
            sys.exit("Could not find requested program: %s" % check_bin)
    options.wd = os.path.abspath(options.wd)

    if not options.list and not options.no_rebuild:
        if not rebuild_all(options.wd):

        th = TestHarness(options)
        if options.list:
            return 0
        if not options.args:
            return th.doit()
        return th.run_special()
    except TestException as e:
        print('Meson test encountered an error:\n')
        return 1