def send_module():
    global ids, vxs, vys
    while True:
        send = Send()
        send.send_all(ids, vxs, vys, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
        print('vx', vxs[0])
        print('vy', vys[0])
 def __init__(self):
     self.send = Send()
     self.debug = SendDebug()
     self.v = 200
     self.threshold = 0.4
     self.time_turn = 0.3
     self.angle_threshold = 5 * PI / 6
Exemple #3
def run(color, robot_id, barriers, target_x, target_y, global_p, local_p,
    global_planner = global_p
    local_planner = local_p
    status = False
    while not status:
        time_start = time.time()
        receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
        global_path = global_planner(receive.robot_info['x'],
                                     receive.robot_info['y'], target_x,
                                     target_y, barriers, receive)
        status, tree, lines = global_path.Generate_Path()
        path, path_lines = global_path.Get_Path()
        print('ori:', len(path))
        path, path_lines = global_path.merge()
        print('nodes:', len(path))
        time_end = time.time()
        print('path cost:', time_end - time_start)
        debug_info = SendDebug('LINE', [lines, path_lines])
        end = time.time()
        print('total cost:', end - time_start)

        motion = local_planner()
        motion.path_control(path, robot_id, color, receive)
        control = Send()
        control.send_msg(robot_id, 0, 0, 0)
Exemple #4
def runLine(color,
    receive = Receive()
    send = Send()

    receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
    now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
    now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
    point = [now_x, now_y]
    now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
    error = distance(point, [goal_x, goal_y])
    error_max = distance([start_x, start_y], [goal_x, goal_y])

    while error > 10:
        p = 1
        orientation_need_now = math.atan2((goal_y - now_y), (goal_x - now_x))
        theta = now_ori - orientation_need_now
        if error < error_max * threshold:
            p = error / (threshold * error_max) * math.log(2)
            p = math.exp(p) - 1
        vx_now = vmax * math.cos(theta) * p
        vy_now = vmax * math.sin(theta) * p
        send.send_msg(robot_id, vx_now, vy_now, 0)
        receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
        now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
        now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
        now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
        point = [now_x, now_y]
        error = distance(point, [goal_x, goal_y])
Exemple #5
class XY_speed():
    def __init__(self):
        self.send = Send()
        self.debug = SendDebug()
        self.v = 400
        self.threshold = 0.4
        self.time_turn = 0.3
        self.angle_threshold = 5 * PI / 6
        self.up = 60

    def line_control(self,
        N = len(path)
        for i in range(N - 1):
            receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
            now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
            now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
            now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
            point_now = [now_x, now_y]
            error = distance(point_now, path[i + 1])
            error_max = distance(path[i], path[i + 1])
            thres = 30
            if i == N - 2:
                thres = 7
            while error > thres:
                orientation_need_now = math.atan2((path[i + 1][1] - now_y),
                                                  (path[i + 1][0] - now_x))
                theta = now_ori - orientation_need_now
                p = 1
                dis_now = distance(path[i], path[i + 1])
                if dis_now < self.up:
                    p = 0.5
                thresdist = error_max * self.threshold
                if 3 * thresdist > error > thresdist:
                    p = 0.6 * p
                if error < thresdist:
                    p = p * error / thresdist

                vx_now = self.v * math.cos(theta) * p
                vy_now = self.v * math.sin(theta) * p
                self.send.send_msg(robot_id, vx_now, vy_now, 0)
                receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
                now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
                now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
                now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
                point_now = [now_x, now_y]
                error = distance(point_now, path[i + 1])
                # print(i)
                # print('cal')

        self.send.send_msg(robot_id, 0, 0, 0)
        return True, index
def send_module():
    while True:
            send = Send()
            send.send_msg(id, vx, vy, 0)
def send_module():
    # vx, vy = 10, 10
    while True:
            send = Send()
            send.send_msg(id, vx, vy, 0)
Exemple #8
def run_line(color, robot_id, barriers, target_x, target_y, global_p, local_p,
    global_planner = global_p
    local_planner = local_p

    while True:
        receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
        global_path = global_planner(receive.robot_info['x'],
        status, tree, lines = global_path.Generate_Path()
        path, path_lines = global_path.Get_Path()
        path, path_lines = global_path.merge()
        debug_info = SendDebug('LINE', [lines, path_lines])
        receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
        now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
        now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
        if distance((now_x, now_y), (target_x, target_y)) > 7:
            motion = local_planner()
            if not motion.line_control(path, robot_id, color, receive,
                                       target_x, target_y, barriers):
                control = Send()
                control.send_msg(robot_id, 0, 0, 0)
            control = Send()
            control.send_msg(robot_id, 0, 0, 0)
Exemple #9
def send_module():
    # vx, vy = 10, 10
    global shock, end_time, shock_time
    while True:
            send = Send()
            send.send_msg(id, vx, vy, 0)
            if shock:
                print('shock{}'.format(randint(0, 100)))
                if time.time() - shock_time > 0.3:
                    shock = False
Exemple #10
def send_module():
    # vx, vy = 10, 10
    global shock, end_time
    while True:
            send = Send()
            send.send_msg(id, vx, vy, 0)
            if shock:
                shock = False
Exemple #11
def run_shrink(color, robot_id, barriers, target_x, target_y, global_p,
               local_p, receive):
    global_planner = global_p
    local_planner = local_p
    R = 25
    index = 1
    while True:
        if index > 4:
            index = 4
        r = R / index
        receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
        starttime = time.time()
        global_path = global_planner(
            # receive, color=color, id=robot_id)
        status, tree, lines = global_path.Generate_Path()
        path, path_lines = global_path.Get_Path()
        path, path_lines = global_path.merge()
        endtime = time.time()
        print('road planning time: ', endtime - starttime)
        debug_info = SendDebug('LINE', [lines, path_lines])
        receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
        now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
        now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
        # import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()
        if distance((now_x, now_y), (target_x, target_y)) > 7:
            motion = local_planner()
            status, index = motion.line_control(path,
            if not status:
                control = Send()
                control.send_msg(robot_id, 0, 0, 0)
                index = 1
            control = Send()
            control.send_msg(robot_id, 0, 0, 0)
Exemple #12
 def __init__(self):
     self.send = Send()
     self.debug = SendDebug()
     self.v = 300
     self.threshold = 0.3
     self.time_turn = 0.3
     self.angle_threshold = 5 * PI / 6
     self.up = 60
     self.x = 9
     self.y = 12
 def __init__(self):
     self.send = Send()
     self.debug = SendDebug()
     self.v = 350
     self.threshold = 0.25
     self.time_turn = 0.3
     self.angle_threshold = 5 * PI / 6
     self.up = 60
     self.rtt_distance = 60
     self.wallthreshold = 30
     self.wall_k = 2400
     self.w = 300
     self.h = 200
     self.d_k = 360000
     self.v_k = 0.7
     self.time_threshold = 1
Exemple #14
def run_while(color, robot_id, barriers, target_x, target_y, global_p, local_p,
    global_planner = global_p
    local_planner = local_p

    while True:
        time_start = time.time()
        receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
        global_path = global_planner(receive.robot_info['x'],
                                     receive.robot_info['y'], target_x,
                                     target_y, barriers, receive)
        status, tree, lines = global_path.Generate_Path()
        path, path_lines = global_path.Get_Path()
        print('ori:', len(path))
        path, path_lines = global_path.merge()
        print('nodes:', len(path))
        time_end = time.time()
        print('path cost:', time_end - time_start)
        debug_info = SendDebug('LINE', [lines, path_lines])
        end = time.time()
        print('total cost:', end - time_start)
        if len(path) < 2:
            point = path[0]
            point = path[1]
        receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
        now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
        now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
        # import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()
        if distance((now_x, now_y), (target_x, target_y)) > 20:
            motion = local_planner()
            motion.point_control(point, robot_id, color, receive)
            control = Send()
            control.send_msg(robot_id, 0, 0, 0)
            control = Send()
            control.send_msg(robot_id, 0, 0, 0)
class XY_p():
    def __init__(self):
        self.send = Send()
        self.debug = SendDebug()
        self.v = 280
        self.threshold = 0.5

    def path_control(self, path, robot_id, color, receive):
        #一开始车头朝向右边,x正方向,所以v_x对应x_path, v_y对应y_path
        # T = 0.05
        # ta = T / 10  # 固定加速时间
        # tn = T - 2 * (0.5 * ta + 0.5 * ta)  # 固定匀速运动时间,2.5秒
        # x_path = np.array(path)[:, 0]
        # y_path = np.array(path)[:, 1]
        # v_x = np.concatenate(([0.0], (x_path[1:] - x_path[:-1]) / T, [0.0]))
        # v_y = np.concatenate(([0.0], (y_path[1:] - y_path[:-1]) / T, [0.0]))
        # path = interpolate_path(path)
        for i in range(len(path) - 1):
            # #加速阶段
            # self.send.send_msg(robot_id, 0.75 * v_x[i] + 0.25 * v_x[i + 1], 0.75 * v_y[i] + 0.25 * v_y[i + 1], 0)
            # sleep(ta/4)
            # self.send.send_msg(robot_id, 0.5 * v_x[i] + 0.5 * v_x[i + 1], 0.5 * v_y[i] + 0.5 * v_y[i + 1], 0)
            # sleep(ta / 4)
            # self.send.send_msg(robot_id, 0.25 * v_x[i] + 0.75 * v_x[i + 1], 0.25 * v_y[i] + 0.75 * v_y[i + 1], 0)
            # sleep(ta / 4)
            # self.send.send_msg(robot_id, v_x[i + 1], v_y[i + 1], 0)
            # sleep(ta / 4)
            # #直线运动阶段
            # self.send.send_msg(robot_id, v_x[i + 1], v_y[i + 1], 0)
            # sleep(tn)

            # 闭环检测部分
            receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
            now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
            now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
            point = [now_x, now_y]
            now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
            error = distance(point, path[i + 1])
            error_max = distance(path[i], path[i + 1])
            print('error:', error)
            while error > 10:
                orientation_need_now = math.atan2((path[i + 1][1] - now_y),
                                                  (path[i + 1][0] - now_x))
                theta = now_ori + orientation_need_now
                # p = error/error_max
                # if p < self.threshold:
                #     p = self.threshold
                p = 1
                if error < error_max * self.threshold:
                    p = error / (self.threshold * error_max) * math.log(2)
                    p = math.exp(p) - 1
                vx_now = self.v * math.cos(theta) * p
                vy_now = self.v * math.sin(theta) * p
                self.send.send_msg(robot_id, vx_now, vy_now, 0)
                receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
                now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
                now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
                now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
                point = [now_x, now_y]
                error = distance(point, path[i + 1])
                # self.send.send_msg(robot_id, v_x[i+1], v_y[i+1], 0)
                # sleep(T/100)

    def point_control(self, point, robot_id, color, receive):
        receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
        now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
        now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
        now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
        error = np.sqrt(
            np.square(now_x - point[0]) + np.square(now_y - point[1]))
        print('error:', error)
        index = 0
        while error > 10:
            orientation_need_now = math.atan2((point[1] - now_y),
                                              (point[0] - now_x))
            theta = now_ori + orientation_need_now
            if error < 20:
                v = 100
            vx_now = self.v * math.cos(theta)
            vy_now = self.v * math.sin(theta)
            self.send.send_msg(robot_id, vx_now, vy_now, 0)
            receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
            now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
            now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
            now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
            error = np.sqrt(
                np.square(now_x - point[0]) + np.square(now_y - point[1]))
            index += 1

    def line_control(self, path, robot_id, color, receive, info=None):
        for i in range(len(path) - 1):
            receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
            now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
            now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
            now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
            point_now = [now_x, now_y]
            error = distance(point_now, path[i + 1])
            error_max = distance(point_now, path[i + 1])
            print('error:', error)
            while error > 30:
                orientation_need_now = math.atan2((path[i + 1][1] - now_y),
                                                  (path[i + 1][0] - now_x))
                theta = now_ori - orientation_need_now
                # p = error/error_max
                # if p < self.threshold:
                #     p = self.threshold
                p = 1
                if error < error_max * self.threshold:
                    p = error / (self.threshold * error_max) * math.log(2)
                    p = math.exp(p) - 1
                vx_now = self.v * math.cos(theta) * p
                vy_now = self.v * math.sin(theta) * p
                self.send.send_msg(robot_id, vx_now, vy_now, 0)
                receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
                now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
                now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
                now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
                point_now = [now_x, now_y]
                error = distance(point_now, path[i + 1])
                print('error:', error)
                if info is not None:
                    start = time.time()
                    status = check_path_l(receive, point_now, path[i + 1:],
                    # import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()
                    end = time.time()
                    print("time:", end - start)
                    if not status:
                        return False
        return True
 def __init__(self):
     self.send = Send()
     self.debug = SendDebug()
     self.v = 280
     self.threshold = 0.5
class XY_speed():
    def __init__(self):
        self.send = Send()
        self.debug = SendDebug()
        self.v = 370
        self.threshold = 0.4
        self.time_turn = 0.3
        self.angle_threshold = 5 * PI / 6
        self.up = 60

    def line_control(self, path, robot_id, color, receive, target_x, target_y, info=None, threshold=30, index=1):
        N = len(path)
        for i in range(N - 1):
            receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
            now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
            now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
            now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
            point_now = [now_x, now_y]
            error = distance(point_now, path[i + 1])
            error_max = distance(path[i], path[i + 1])
            if distance(point_now, [target_x, target_y]) > 7:
                thres = 20
                if i == N - 2:
                    thres = 7
                while error > thres:
                    orientation_need_now = math.atan2((path[i + 1][1] - now_y), (path[i + 1][0] - now_x))
                    theta = now_ori - orientation_need_now
                    p = 1
                    dis_now = distance(path[i], path[i + 1])
                    if dis_now < self.up:
                        p = sigmoid(error / dis_now - 1)
                    if error < error_max * self.threshold:
                        if i < N - 2:
                            alpha = math.atan2(path[i + 2][1] - path[i + 1][1], path[i + 2][0] - path[i + 1][0])
                            if orientation_need_now > 0:
                                angle = alpha + (PI - orientation_need_now)
                                angle = alpha - (PI + orientation_need_now)
                            if angle > PI:
                                angle = 2 * PI - angle
                            if abs(angle) < self.angle_threshold:
                                p = error / ((self.threshold + self.time_turn) * error_max) * math.log(2)
                                p = math.exp(p) - 1
                                p = error / (self.threshold * error_max) * math.log(2)
                                p = math.exp(p) - 1
                            p = error / (self.threshold * error_max) * math.log(2)
                            p = math.exp(p) - 1
                    vx = 0.0
                    vy = 0.0
                    k1 = 20
                    k2 = 20
                    rr = 50
                    info = receive.get_infos(color=color, id=robot_id)
                    for index in range(len(info)):
                        if distance(info[index][:2], point_now) < rr:
                                k = (k1 * info[index][2] / 400) + k2 * rr / distance(info[index][:2], point_now)
                                gamma = math.atan2(info[index][1] - now_y, info[index][0] - now_x)
                                vx = vx + k * math.cos(gamma)
                                vy = vy + k * math.sin(gamma)
                    vx_now = (self.v-vx) * math.cos(theta) * p
                    vy_now = (self.v-vy) * math.sin(theta) * p
                    self.send.send_msg(robot_id, vx_now, vy_now, 0)
                    receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
                    now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
                    now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
                    now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
                    point_now = [now_x, now_y]
                    error = distance(point_now, path[i + 1])
                    if info is not None:
                        status, index = check_path_l(receive, point_now, path[i + 1:], info, color=color,
                                                     dis_threshold=threshold, index_=index)
                        if not status:
                            return False, index
                self.send.send_msg(robot_id, 0, 0, 0)
                return True, index
        return True, index

            # def line_control(self, now_x, now_y, now_ori, path, i, N, target_x, target_y, infos=None, k1=10, k2=10, v_obstacle_max=400, rr=100, color="blue", robot_id=0):
    #     point_now = [now_x, now_y]
    #     error = distance(point_now, path[i+1])
    #     error_max = distance(path[i], path[i+1])
    #     if error_max < 80:
    #         error_max = 80
    #     orientation_need_now = math.atan2((path[i + 1][1] - now_y), (path[i + 1][0] - now_x))
    #     theta = now_ori - orientation_need_now
    #     p = 1
    #     dis_now = distance(path[i], path[i+1])
    #     if distance(point_now, [target_x, target_y]) < 80:
    #         p = 0.2
    #     else:
    #         if error > 7:
    #             if dis_now < self.up:
    #                 p = sigmoid(error/dis_now-1)
    #             if error < error_max * self.threshold:
    #                 if i < N - 2:
    #                     alpha = math.atan2(path[i + 2][1] - path[i + 1][1], path[i + 2][0] - path[i + 1][0])
    #                     if orientation_need_now > 0:
    #                         angle = alpha + (PI - orientation_need_now)
    #                     else:
    #                         angle = alpha - (PI + orientation_need_now)
    #                     if angle > PI:
    #                         angle = 2 * PI - angle
    #                     if abs(angle) < self.angle_threshold:
    #                         p = error / ((self.threshold + self.time_turn) * error_max) * math.log(2)
    #                         p = math.exp(p) - 1
    #                     else:
    #                         p = error / (self.threshold * error_max) * math.log(2)
    #                         p = math.exp(p) - 1
    #                 else:
    #                     p = error / (self.threshold * error_max) * math.log(2)
    #                     p = math.exp(p) - 1
    #         else:
    #             p = 0.2
    #             vx_now = self.v * math.cos(theta) * p
    #             vy_now = self.v * math.sin(theta) * p
    #             return vx_now, vy_now, True
    #     #速度斥力部分
    #     vx = 0.0
    #     vy = 0.0
    #     for index in range(len(infos)):
    #         if infos[index][3] == robot_id and infos[index][2] == color:
    #             continue
    #         elif distance(infos[index][:2], point_now) < rr:
    #             k = (k1 * infos[index][5] / v_obstacle_max) + k2 * rr / distance(infos[index][:2], point_now)
    #             gamma = math.atan2(infos[index][1] - now_y, infos[index][0] - now_x)
    #             vx = vx + k * math.cos(gamma)
    #             vy = vy + k * math.sin(gamma)
    #         else:
    #             continue
    #     vx_now = (self.v * math.cos(theta)-vx) * p
    #     vy_now = (self.v * math.sin(theta)-vy) * p
    #     return vx_now, vy_now, False
Exemple #18
class P_control():
    def __init__(self):
        self.send = Send()
        self.debug = SendDebug()

    def path_control(self, path, robot_id, color, receive):
        for i in range(len(path) - 1):
            receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
            now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
            now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
            now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
            error = np.sqrt(
                np.square(now_x - path[i + 1][0]) +
                np.square(now_y - path[i + 1][1]))
            if error > 10:
                step = 0
                orientation_need_now = -math.atan2((path[i + 1][1] - now_y),
                                                   (path[i + 1][0] - now_x))
                radians_now = now_ori - orientation_need_now
                while abs(radians_now) > 0.1:
                    orientation_need_now = -math.atan2(
                        (path[i + 1][1] - now_y), (path[i + 1][0] - now_x))
                    r_v = radians_now
                    if abs(r_v) < 0.5:
                        r_v /= abs(r_v)
                    if abs(r_v) < 3:
                        r_v /= abs(r_v)
                        r_v *= 3
                    self.send.send_msg(robot_id, 0, 0, r_v)
                    s = time.time()
                    e = time.time()
                    receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
                    now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
                    radians_now = now_ori - orientation_need_now
                while error > 10 or step < 10:
                    v_x = error * 1
                    if abs(v_x) > 50:
                        v_x = 50
                    self.send.send_msg(robot_id, v_x, 0, 0)
                    receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
                    now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
                    now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
                    error = np.sqrt(
                        np.square(now_x - path[i + 1][0]) +
                        np.square(now_y - path[i + 1][1]))
                    step += 1

    def point_control(self, point, robot_id, color, receive):
        receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
        now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
        now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
        now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
        error = np.sqrt(
            np.square(now_x - point[0]) + np.square(now_y - point[1]))
        if error > 10:
            step = 0
            orientation_need_now = -math.atan2((point[1] - now_y),
                                               (point[0] - now_x))
            radians_now = now_ori - orientation_need_now
            while abs(radians_now) > 0.1:
                orientation_need_now = -math.atan2((point[1] - now_y),
                                                   (point[0] - now_x))
                r_v = radians_now
                self.send.send_msg(robot_id, 0, 0, r_v)
                s = time.time()
                e = time.time()
                receive.get_info('blue', robot_id)
                now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
                radians_now = now_ori - orientation_need_now
            while error > 10 or step < 10:
                v_x = error
                self.send.send_msg(robot_id, v_x, 0, 0)
                receive.get_info('blue', robot_id)
                now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
                now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
                error = np.sqrt(
                    np.square(now_x - point[0]) + np.square(now_y - point[1]))
                step += 1
class XY_speed():
    def __init__(self):
        self.send = Send()
        self.debug = SendDebug()
        self.v = 300
        self.threshold = 0.4
        self.time_turn = 0.3
        self.angle_threshold = 5 * PI / 6
        self.up = 60

    def path_control(self, path, robot_id, color, receive):
        N = len(path)
        for i in range(N-1):
            # 闭环检测部分
            receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
            now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
            now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
            point = [now_x, now_y]
            now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
            error = distance(point, path[i+1])
            error_max = distance(path[i], path[i+1])
            # print('error:', error)
            thres = 20
            if i == N - 2:
                thres = 7
            while error > thres:
                p = 1
                orientation_need_now = math.atan2((path[i + 1][1] - now_y), (path[i + 1][0] - now_x))
                theta = now_ori + orientation_need_now
                if error < error_max * self.threshold:
                    if i < N - 2:
                        alpha = math.atan2(path[i + 2][1] - path[i + 1][1], path[i + 2][0] - path[i + 1][0])
                        if orientation_need_now > 0:
                            angle = alpha + (PI - orientation_need_now)
                            angle = alpha - (PI + orientation_need_now)
                        if angle > PI:
                            angle = 2 * PI - angle
                        if abs(angle) < self.angle_threshold:
                                p = error / ((self.threshold + self.time_turn) * error_max) * math.log(2)
                                p = math.exp(p) - 1
                                p = error / (self.threshold * error_max) * math.log(2)
                                p = math.exp(p) - 1
                        p = error / (self.threshold * error_max) * math.log(2)
                        p = math.exp(p) - 1
                vx_now = self.v * math.cos(theta) * p
                vy_now = self.v * math.sin(theta) * p
                self.send.send_msg(robot_id, vx_now, vy_now, 0)
                receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
                now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
                now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
                now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
                point = [now_x, now_y]
                error = distance(point, path[i+1])
                # print('error:', error)
                # self.send.send_msg(robot_id, v_x[i+1], v_y[i+1], 0)
                # sleep(T/100)

    def point_control(self, point, robot_id, color, receive):
        receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
        now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
        now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
        now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
        error = np.sqrt(np.square(now_x - point[0]) + np.square(now_y - point[1]))
        print('error:', error)
        index = 0
        while error > 10:
            orientation_need_now = math.atan2((point[1] - now_y), (point[0] - now_x))
            theta = now_ori + orientation_need_now
            if error < 20:
                v = 100
            vx_now = self.v * math.cos(theta)
            vy_now = self.v * math.sin(theta)
            self.send.send_msg(robot_id, vx_now, vy_now, 0)
            receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
            now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
            now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
            now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
            error = np.sqrt(np.square(now_x - point[0]) + np.square(now_y - point[1]))
            index += 1

    def line_control(self, path, robot_id, color, receive, target_x, target_y, info=None, threshold=30, index=1):
        N = len(path)
        for i in range(N - 1):
            receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
            now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
            now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
            now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
            point_now = [now_x, now_y]
            error = distance(point_now, path[i+1])
            error_max = distance(path[i], path[i+1])
            if distance(point_now, [target_x, target_y]) > 7:
                thres = 20
                if i == N - 2:
                    thres = 7
                while error > thres:
                    orientation_need_now = math.atan2((path[i+1][1] - now_y), (path[i+1][0] - now_x))
                    theta = now_ori - orientation_need_now
                    p = 1
                    dis_now = distance(path[i], path[i+1])
                    if dis_now < self.up:
                        p = sigmoid(error/dis_now-1)
                    if error < error_max * self.threshold:
                        if i < N - 2:
                            alpha = math.atan2(path[i + 2][1] - path[i + 1][1], path[i + 2][0] - path[i + 1][0])
                            if orientation_need_now > 0:
                                angle = alpha + (PI - orientation_need_now)
                                angle = alpha - (PI + orientation_need_now)
                            if angle > PI:
                                angle = 2 * PI - angle
                            if abs(angle) < self.angle_threshold:
                                p = error / ((self.threshold + self.time_turn) * error_max) * math.log(2)
                                p = math.exp(p) - 1
                                p = error / (self.threshold * error_max) * math.log(2)
                                p = math.exp(p) - 1
                            p = error / (self.threshold * error_max) * math.log(2)
                            p = math.exp(p) - 1
                    vx_now = self.v * math.cos(theta) * p
                    vy_now = self.v * math.sin(theta) * p
                    self.send.send_msg(robot_id, vx_now, vy_now, 0)
                    receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
                    now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
                    now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
                    now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
                    point_now = [now_x, now_y]
                    error = distance(point_now, path[i+1])
                    if info is not None:
                        status, index = check_path_l(receive, point_now, path[i+1:], info, color=color, id=robot_id,
                                              dis_threshold=threshold, index_=index)
                        if not status:
                            return False, index
                self.send.send_msg(robot_id, 0, 0, 0)
                return True, index
        return True, index
 def __init__(self):
     self.send = Send()
     self.debug = SendDebug()
class Bang_Control():
    def __init__(self):
        self.send = Send()
        self.debug = SendDebug()

    #def path_control(self, path, robot_id, color, receive):

    def point_control(self, point, robot_id, color, receive):
        :param point: 下一个目标点
        :param robot_id: 
        :param color: 
        :param receive: 
        receive.get_info(robot_id, color)
        now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
        now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
        now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
        now_vx = receive.robot_info['vx']
        now_vy = receive.robot_info['vy']
        now_w = receive.robot_info['w']
        now_ax = receive.robot_info['ax']
        now_ay = receive.robot_info['ay']

        error = np.sqrt(np.square(now_x - point[0]) + np.square(now_y - point[1]))

        exist_obstacle_dist = [0]
        exist_obstacle_ax = [0]
        exist_obstacle_ay = [0]
        obstacle_color = 'yellow'
        for i in range(8):
            receive.get_info(i, obstacle_color)
            dist = np.sqrt(np.square(receive.robot_info['x'] - point[0]) + np.square(receive.robot_info['y'] - point[1]))
            if dist < 30:
                exist_obstacle_ax.append((100.0 * (point[0]-receive.robot_info['x'])) / (dist ** 2))
                exist_obstacle_ay.append((100.0 * (point[1]-receive.robot_info['y'])) / (dist ** 2))
        print('error:', error)
        ax = sum(exist_obstacle_ax)
        ay = sum(exist_obstacle_ay)
        index = 0
        while error > 10 or index < 10:
            orientation_need_now = math.atan2((point[1] - now_y), (point[0] - now_x))
            theta = now_ori + orientation_need_now
            vx_need = 150 * math.cos(theta)
            vy_need = 150 * math.sin(theta)
            self.send.send_msg(robot_id, now_vx+ax, now_vy+ay, 0)
            for i in range(5):
                self.send.send_msg(robot_id, 0.2*i*vx_need+0.2*(5-i)*now_vx, 0.2*i*vx_need+0.2*(5-i)*now_vy, 0)
            self.send.send_msg(robot_id, vx_need, vy_need, 0)
            receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
            now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
            now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
            now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
            error = np.sqrt(np.square(now_x - point[0]) + np.square(now_y - point[1]))
            index += 1
from message.send import Send
from message.receive import Receive
from time import sleep

if __name__ == "__main__":
    receive = Receive()
    send = Send()
    color = 'blue'
    robot_id = 0
    send.send_msg(robot_id, 100, 100, 0, power=1.0, d = 300000)
    receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
    print("vx = :", receive.robot_info['vx'])
    print("vy = :", receive.robot_info['vy'])

    send.send_msg(robot_id, 10, 20, 0, power=0.0, d = 1000000)
    receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
    print("vx = :", receive.robot_info['vx'])
    print("vy = :", receive.robot_info['vy'])
class XY_control():
    def __init__(self):
        self.send = Send()
        self.debug = SendDebug()
        self.v = 300

    def path_control(self, path, robot_id, color, receive):
        #一开始车头朝向右边,x正方向,所以v_x对应x_path, v_y对应y_path
        # T = 0.05
        # ta = T / 10  # 固定加速时间
        # tn = T - 2 * (0.5 * ta + 0.5 * ta)  # 固定匀速运动时间,2.5秒
        # x_path = np.array(path)[:, 0]
        # y_path = np.array(path)[:, 1]
        # v_x = np.concatenate(([0.0], (x_path[1:] - x_path[:-1]) / T, [0.0]))
        # v_y = np.concatenate(([0.0], (y_path[1:] - y_path[:-1]) / T, [0.0]))
        # path = interpolate_path(path)
        for i in range(len(path)-1):
            # #加速阶段
            # self.send.send_msg(robot_id, 0.75 * v_x[i] + 0.25 * v_x[i + 1], 0.75 * v_y[i] + 0.25 * v_y[i + 1], 0)
            # sleep(ta/4)
            # self.send.send_msg(robot_id, 0.5 * v_x[i] + 0.5 * v_x[i + 1], 0.5 * v_y[i] + 0.5 * v_y[i + 1], 0)
            # sleep(ta / 4)
            # self.send.send_msg(robot_id, 0.25 * v_x[i] + 0.75 * v_x[i + 1], 0.25 * v_y[i] + 0.75 * v_y[i + 1], 0)
            # sleep(ta / 4)
            # self.send.send_msg(robot_id, v_x[i + 1], v_y[i + 1], 0)
            # sleep(ta / 4)
            # #直线运动阶段
            # self.send.send_msg(robot_id, v_x[i + 1], v_y[i + 1], 0)
            # sleep(tn)

            # 闭环检测部分
            receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
            now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
            now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
            now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
            error = np.sqrt(np.square(now_x - path[i + 1][0]) + np.square(now_y - path[i + 1][1]))
            print('error:', error)
            while error > 10:
                orientation_need_now = math.atan2((path[i + 1][1] - now_y), (path[i + 1][0] - now_x))
                theta = now_ori - orientation_need_now
                vx_now = self.v * math.cos(theta)
                vy_now = self.v * math.sin(theta)
                self.send.send_msg(robot_id, vx_now, vy_now, 0)
                receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
                now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
                now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
                now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
                error = np.sqrt(np.square(now_x - path[i + 1][0]) + np.square(now_y - path[i + 1][1]))
                # self.send.send_msg(robot_id, v_x[i+1], v_y[i+1], 0)
                # sleep(T/100)
            i += 1

    def point_control(self, point, robot_id, color, receive, info=None):
        receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
        now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
        now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
        now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
        point_now = [now_x, now_y]
        error = distance(point_now, point)
        print('error:', error)
        while error > 10:
            orientation_need_now = math.atan2((point[1] - now_y), (point[0] - now_x))
            theta = now_ori + orientation_need_now
            vx_now = self.v * math.cos(theta)
            vy_now = self.v * math.sin(theta)
            self.send.send_msg(robot_id, vx_now, vy_now, 0)
            receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
            now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
            now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
            now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
            point_now = [now_x, now_y]
            error = distance(point_now, point)
            print('error:', error)

    def line_control(self, point, robot_id, color, receive, info=None):
        receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
        now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
        now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
        now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
        point_now = [now_x, now_y]
        error = distance(point_now, point)
        print('error:', error)
        while error > 10:
            orientation_need_now = math.atan2((point[1] - now_y), (point[0] - now_x))
            theta = now_ori + orientation_need_now
            vx_now = self.v * math.cos(theta)
            vy_now = self.v * math.sin(theta)
            self.send.send_msg(robot_id, vx_now, vy_now, 0)
            receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
            now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
            now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
            now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
            point_now = [now_x, now_y]
            error = distance(point_now, point)
            print('error:', error)
            if info is not None:
                start = time.time()
                status = check_two_points(receive, point_now, point, info)
                # import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()
                end = time.time()
                print("time:", end - start)
                if not status:
class X_ori_speed():
    def __init__(self):
        self.send = Send()
        self.debug = SendDebug()
        self.v = 250
        self.threshold = 0.4
        self.time_turn = 0.3
        self.angle_threshold = 5 * PI / 6
        self.up = 60

    def line_control(self, path, robot_id, color, receive, target_x, target_y, info=None, threshold=30, index=1, Av_max=7):
        N = len(path)
        for i in range(N - 1):
            receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
            now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
            now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
            now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
            point_now = [now_x, now_y]
            error = distance(point_now, path[i + 1])
            error_max = distance(path[i], path[i + 1])
            angular_thres = 0.088
            orientation_need_now = math.atan2((path[i + 1][1] - now_y), (path[i + 1][0] - now_x))
            theta = now_ori - orientation_need_now
            if PI < theta < 2 * PI:
                theta = theta - 2 * PI
            elif -2 * PI < theta < -PI:
                theta = theta + 2 * PI
            flag = abs(theta)/theta
            angular_error = abs(theta)
            while angular_error > angular_thres:
                if angular_error > 0.25:
                    Av = Av_max
                    self.send.send_msg(robot_id, 0, 0, flag * Av)
                    Av = Av_max * angular_error / abs(theta)
                    self.send.send_msg(robot_id, 0, 0, flag * Av)
                receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
                now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
                angular_error = now_ori - orientation_need_now
                if PI < angular_error < 2 * PI:
                    angular_error = angular_error - 2 * PI
                elif -2 * PI < angular_error < -PI:
                    angular_error = angular_error + 2 * PI
                flag = abs(angular_error) / angular_error
                angular_error = abs(angular_error)
            thres = 15
            if i == N - 2:
                thres = 7
            # print(error, theta)
            while error > thres:
                p = 1
                dis_now = distance(path[i], path[i + 1])
                if dis_now < self.up:
                    p = 0.5
                thresdist = error_max * self.threshold
                if 3*thresdist > error > thresdist:
                    p = 0.6 * p
                if error < thresdist:
                    p = p * error/thresdist
                now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
                orientation_need_now = math.atan2((path[i + 1][1] - now_y), (path[i + 1][0] - now_x))
                theta = now_ori - orientation_need_now
                vx_now = self.v * math.cos(theta) * p
                vy_now = self.v * math.sin(theta) * p
                self.send.send_msg(robot_id, vx_now, vy_now, 0)
                receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
                now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
                now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
                point_now = [now_x, now_y]
                error = distance(point_now, path[i + 1])

        self.send.send_msg(robot_id, 0, 0, 0)
        return True, index

            # def line_control(self, now_x, now_y, now_ori, path, i, N, target_x, target_y, infos=None, k1=10, k2=10, v_obstacle_max=400, rr=100, color="blue", robot_id=0):
    #     point_now = [now_x, now_y]
    #     error = distance(point_now, path[i+1])
    #     error_max = distance(path[i], path[i+1])
    #     if error_max < 80:
    #         error_max = 80
    #     orientation_need_now = math.atan2((path[i + 1][1] - now_y), (path[i + 1][0] - now_x))
    #     theta = now_ori - orientation_need_now
    #     p = 1
    #     dis_now = distance(path[i], path[i+1])
    #     if distance(point_now, [target_x, target_y]) < 80:
    #         p = 0.2
    #     else:
    #         if error > 7:
    #             if dis_now < self.up:
    #                 p = sigmoid(error/dis_now-1)
    #             if error < error_max * self.threshold:
    #                 if i < N - 2:
    #                     alpha = math.atan2(path[i + 2][1] - path[i + 1][1], path[i + 2][0] - path[i + 1][0])
    #                     if orientation_need_now > 0:
    #                         angle = alpha + (PI - orientation_need_now)
    #                     else:
    #                         angle = alpha - (PI + orientation_need_now)
    #                     if angle > PI:
    #                         angle = 2 * PI - angle
    #                     if abs(angle) < self.angle_threshold:
    #                         p = error / ((self.threshold + self.time_turn) * error_max) * math.log(2)
    #                         p = math.exp(p) - 1
    #                     else:
    #                         p = error / (self.threshold * error_max) * math.log(2)
    #                         p = math.exp(p) - 1
    #                 else:
    #                     p = error / (self.threshold * error_max) * math.log(2)
    #                     p = math.exp(p) - 1
    #         else:
    #             p = 0.2
    #             vx_now = self.v * math.cos(theta) * p
    #             vy_now = self.v * math.sin(theta) * p
    #             return vx_now, vy_now, True
    #     #速度斥力部分
    #     vx = 0.0
    #     vy = 0.0
    #     for index in range(len(infos)):
    #         if infos[index][3] == robot_id and infos[index][2] == color:
    #             continue
    #         elif distance(infos[index][:2], point_now) < rr:
    #             k = (k1 * infos[index][5] / v_obstacle_max) + k2 * rr / distance(infos[index][:2], point_now)
    #             gamma = math.atan2(infos[index][1] - now_y, infos[index][0] - now_x)
    #             vx = vx + k * math.cos(gamma)
    #             vy = vy + k * math.sin(gamma)
    #         else:
    #             continue
    #     vx_now = (self.v * math.cos(theta)-vx) * p
    #     vy_now = (self.v * math.sin(theta)-vy) * p
    #     return vx_now, vy_now, False
Exemple #25
class XY_PD():
    def __init__(self):
        self.send = Send()
        self.debug = SendDebug()
        self.v = 200
        self.threshold = 0.4
        self.time_turn = 0.3
        self.angle_threshold = 5 * PI / 6
        self.obstacle_distance_threshold = 50

    def line_control(self,
        N = len(path)
        for i in range(N - 1):
            receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
            now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
            now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
            now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
            point_now = [now_x, now_y]
            error = distance(point_now, path[i + 1])
            error_max = distance(point_now, path[i + 1])

            now_vx = receive.robot_info['vx']
            now_vy = receive.robot_info['vy']

            print('error:', error)
            while error > 30:
                orientation_need_now = math.atan2((path[i + 1][1] - now_y),
                                                  (path[i + 1][0] - now_x))
                theta = now_ori - orientation_need_now
                vx_change = 0.0
                vy_change = 0.0
                dist_punish = 0.0
                for barrier in info:
                    # barrier为单个的list,有两个元素,前一个为字符串,后一个为数字
                    receive.get_info(barrier[0], barrier[1])
                    ob_x = receive.robot_info['x']
                    ob_y = receive.robot_info['y']
                    ob_distance = distance([ob_x, ob_y], [now_x, now_y])
                    ob_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
                    ob_vx = receive.robot_info['vx']
                    ob_vy = receive.robot_info['vy']
                    if ob_vx == 0 and ob_vy == 0:

                    if ob_distance < self.obstacle_distance_threshold:
                        alpha = now_ori - ob_ori
                        vx_change = vx_change + 1.5 * ob_vx * math.cos(
                            alpha) - 1.5 * ob_vy * math.cos(alpha - PI / 2)
                        vy_change = vy_change + 1.5 * ob_vy * math.sin(
                            alpha - PI / 2) - 1.5 * ob_vx * math.sin(alpha)
                        dist_punish = dist_punish + 10 / (1 + ob_distance)

                vx_now = vx_change + dist_punish
                vy_now = vy_change + dist_punish
                p = 1
                if error < error_max * self.threshold:
                    if i < N - 2:
                        alpha = math.atan2(path[i + 2][1] - path[i + 1][1],
                                           path[i + 2][0] - path[i + 1][0])
                        if orientation_need_now > 0:
                            angle = alpha + (PI - orientation_need_now)
                            angle = alpha - (PI + orientation_need_now)
                        if angle > PI:
                            angle = 2 * PI - angle
                        if abs(angle) < self.angle_threshold:
                            p = error / ((self.threshold + self.time_turn) *
                                         error_max) * math.log(2)
                            p = math.exp(p) - 1
                            p = error / (self.threshold *
                                         error_max) * math.log(2)
                            p = math.exp(p) - 1
                        p = error / (self.threshold * error_max) * math.log(2)
                        p = math.exp(p) - 1
                vx_now = vx_now + self.v * math.cos(theta) * p
                vy_now = vy_now + self.v * math.sin(theta) * p
                self.send.send_msg(robot_id, vx_now, vy_now, 0)
                receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
                now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
                now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
                now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
                point_now = [now_x, now_y]
                error = distance(point_now, path[i + 1])
                # print('error:', error)
                if info is not None:
                    start = time.time()
                    status, index = check_path_l(receive,
                                                 path[i + 1:],
                    # import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()
                    end = time.time()
                    # print("time:", end - start)
                    if not status:
                        # print(status)
                        return False, index
        return True, index
Exemple #26
class XY_near():
    def __init__(self):
        self.send = Send()
        self.debug = SendDebug()
        self.v = 300

    def path_control(self, path, robot_id, color, receive):
        #一开始车头朝向右边,x正方向,所以v_x对应x_path, v_y对应y_path
        # T = 0.05
        # ta = T / 10  # 固定加速时间
        # tn = T - 2 * (0.5 * ta + 0.5 * ta)  # 固定匀速运动时间,2.5秒
        # x_path = np.array(path)[:, 0]
        # y_path = np.array(path)[:, 1]
        # v_x = np.concatenate(([0.0], (x_path[1:] - x_path[:-1]) / T, [0.0]))
        # v_y = np.concatenate(([0.0], (y_path[1:] - y_path[:-1]) / T, [0.0]))

        path = interpolate_path(path)
        num = len(path)
        i = 1
        while True:
            # #加速阶段
            # self.send.send_msg(robot_id, 0.75 * v_x[i] + 0.25 * v_x[i + 1], 0.75 * v_y[i] + 0.25 * v_y[i + 1], 0)
            # sleep(ta/4)
            # self.send.send_msg(robot_id, 0.5 * v_x[i] + 0.5 * v_x[i + 1], 0.5 * v_y[i] + 0.5 * v_y[i + 1], 0)
            # sleep(ta / 4)
            # self.send.send_msg(robot_id, 0.25 * v_x[i] + 0.75 * v_x[i + 1], 0.25 * v_y[i] + 0.75 * v_y[i + 1], 0)
            # sleep(ta / 4)
            # self.send.send_msg(robot_id, v_x[i + 1], v_y[i + 1], 0)
            # sleep(ta / 4)
            # #直线运动阶段
            # self.send.send_msg(robot_id, v_x[i + 1], v_y[i + 1], 0)
            # sleep(tn)

            # 闭环检测部分
            receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
            now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
            now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
            now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
            point = np.array([now_x, now_y])
            i = min_dis_index(point, path[i:], i) - 1
            error = distance(point, path[i + 1])
            # import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()
            print('error:', error)
            while error > 10:
                orientation_need_now = math.atan2((path[i + 1][1] - now_y),
                                                  (path[i + 1][0] - now_x))
                theta = now_ori + orientation_need_now
                vx_now = self.v * math.cos(theta)
                vy_now = self.v * math.sin(theta)
                self.send.send_msg(robot_id, vx_now, vy_now, 0)
                receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
                now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
                now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
                now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
                point = np.array([now_x, now_y])
                error = distance(point, path[i + 1])
                print('error:', error)
                i = min_dis_index(point, path[i:], i)
                if distance(point, path[-1]) < 10:
                if i >= num - 1:
                    i = num - 2

                # self.send.send_msg(robot_id, v_x[i+1], v_y[i+1], 0)
                # sleep(T/100)
            # i += 1
            if distance(point, path[-1]) < 10:

    def point_control(self, point, robot_id, color, receive):
        receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
        now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
        now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
        now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
        error = np.sqrt(
            np.square(now_x - point[0]) + np.square(now_y - point[1]))
        print('error:', error)
        index = 0
        while error > 10:
            orientation_need_now = math.atan2((point[1] - now_y),
                                              (point[0] - now_x))
            theta = now_ori + orientation_need_now
            if error < 20:
                v = 100
            vx_now = self.v * math.cos(theta)
            vy_now = self.v * math.sin(theta)
            self.send.send_msg(robot_id, vx_now, vy_now, 0)
            receive.get_info(color, robot_id)
            now_x = receive.robot_info['x']
            now_y = receive.robot_info['y']
            now_ori = receive.robot_info['ori']
            error = np.sqrt(
                np.square(now_x - point[0]) + np.square(now_y - point[1]))
            index += 1