def test_create_config_entry_no(capsys, mocker): """ GIVEN a call to messages via the CLI WHEN create_config_entry is called with a valid message type with user input=no THEN assert create_config is not called """ input_mk = mocker.patch.object(builtins, 'input', return_value='n') create_cfg_mk = mocker.patch.object(messages.cli, 'create_config') create_config_entry('email') out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert input_mk.call_count == 1 assert create_cfg_mk.call_count == 0
def test_create_config_entry_yes_tgram(capsys, mocker): """ GIVEN a call to messages via the CLI WHEN create_config_entry is called with a valid message type with user input=yes THEN assert correct output is printed and create_config is called """ input_mk = mocker.patch.object(builtins, 'input', return_value='y') create_cfg_mk = mocker.patch.object(messages.cli, 'create_config') create_config_entry('telegrambot') out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert 'You will need the following information to configure: telegrambot' in out assert 'chat_id' in out assert 'bot_token' in out assert input_mk.call_count == 2 assert create_cfg_mk.call_count == 1