def _clmode_back(self): try: self.wait_message(messages.get_message("waiting")) ret=self._cur_step_ui.fire_prev_step() except Exception: ret=ErrorDialog(messages.get_message('unexpectedError').format(unicode(traceback.format_exc(),errors='replace'))) self._op_complete(ret)
def call_next(command, bot): ''' Get the next in line from the queue. Args: command (str): the user's text input bot (Bot): the active bot ''' q = bot.getQueue() circular = bot.isCircular() next_person = None try: if circular: next_person = q[0] q.rotate(1) else: next_person = q.popleft() except: pass msg = m.get_message('next_error') if next_person != None: msg = m.get_message('next_success').replace('{name}', next_person) return { 'items': q, 'circular': circular, 'text': msg }
def _clmode_start(self): try: import signal signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self._signal_close) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self._signal_close) signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, self._signal_close) except: None self._printcl(u"") self._printcl(u"****************************************") self._printcl(messages.get_message('commands') + u":") self._printcl(u" #BACK <" + messages.get_message('enter') + "> " + messages.get_message('toBack')) self._printcl(u" #EXIT <" + messages.get_message('enter') + "> " + messages.get_message('toExit')) self._printcl(u"****************************************") try: self._cur_step_ui = self._step_init(BaseUI()) if isinstance(self._cur_step_ui, ErrorDialog): self._cur_step_ui = Message(self._cur_step_ui.get_message()) except Exception as e: self._cur_step_ui = Message("Error: " + str(e)) self._prepare_step(self._cur_step_ui) self._printcl(u"")
def title_handler(update, context): # Get user id and user language user_id = language = get_user_language(user_id=user_id, short=True) # Check pushed button of keyboard pushed_button = check_button(update, KEYBOARDS["static"]["cancel"], language) # If pushed button is "cancel" exit user from conversation if pushed_button == "cancel": return exit_from_conversation(update) # Check if user has task with such title if update.message.text in get_user_tasks(user_id, only_titles=True): update.message.reply_text(get_message("task_exist", language)) return "title_handler" # Clear context.user_data for new task and load title there context.user_data["new_task"] = {} context.user_data["new_task"]["title"] = update.message.text # Send message to write days of the week of the task update.message.reply_text(get_message("write_task_days_of_the_week", language), reply_markup=get_menu_keyboard( "cancel_back", language)) return "days_of_the_week_handler"
def _show_error(self, msg): if self._gui_enable is True: dlgerr = gdi.DialogMessage(gdi.DIALOGMESSAGE_ACTIONS_OK,gdi.DIALOGMESSAGE_LEVEL_ERROR,parentwin=self._app, logopath=self._logo) dlgerr.set_title(self._title) dlgerr.set_message(msg) dlgerr.set_action(self._show_error_gui_ok); else: self._printcl(u"") self._printcl(messages.get_message('error') + u": " + msg) if self._raw_input(messages.get_message('pressEnter')) is not None: self._prepare_step(self._cur_step_ui)
def test_default(): messages.db.delete('messages', where='to_userid=2') msgid = messages.send_message(1, 2, 'test message') msg = messages.get_message(msgid) assert msg.content == 'test message' msgs = messages.get_messages(2) assert len(list(msgs)) == 1 messages.read_message(msgid) msg = messages.get_message(msgid) assert msg.unread == 0
def language_handler(update, context): # Get user id and user language user_id = user_language = get_user_language(user_id=user_id, short=True) # Check pushed button of keyboard pushed_button = check_button(update, [["back"]], user_language) # If pushed button is "back", return to settings menu if pushed_button == "back": send_settings_menu(update) return "menu_handler" # Get user message text = update.message.text selected_language = {} # Check if user message is language for language in LANGUAGES: if language["title"].lower() in text.lower(): selected_language = language break # If user message is language if selected_language: # Create database session session = db_session.create_session() # Edit user's language in database user = session.query(User).filter(User.telegram_id == user_id).first() user.language_id = selected_language["id"] # Commit and close database session session.commit() session.close() # Say user that language changed update.message.reply_text( get_message("language_changed", selected_language["short"], selected_language["emoji"])) # Return to settings menu send_settings_menu(update) return "menu_handler" # If user message isn't button, ask user click on the buttons else: update.message.reply_text(get_message("click_buttons", user_language)) return "language_handler"
def days_of_the_week_handler(update, context): # Get user id and user language user_id = language = get_user_language(user_id=user_id, short=True) # Check pushed button of keyboard pushed_button = check_button(update, KEYBOARDS["static"]["cancel_back"], language) # If pushed button is "cancel" exit user from conversation if pushed_button == "cancel": return exit_from_conversation(update) # If pushed button is "back" return user to previous # stage of task adding - write task title if pushed_button == "back": update.message.reply_text(get_message("write_task_title", language), reply_markup=get_menu_keyboard( "cancel", language)) return "title_handler" # Get days of the week from user message days_of_the_week_str = get_days_of_the_week_from_string( update.message.text, language) # Check if message is incorrect if not days_of_the_week_str: update.message.reply_text(get_message("invalid_input", language)) return "days_of_the_week_handler" # Load days of the week to context.user_data for new task context.user_data["new_task"]["days_of_the_week"] = days_of_the_week_str # Get data from context.user_data new_task_data = context.user_data["new_task"] # Add new task to database add_task(user_id, new_task_data["title"], new_task_data["days_of_the_week"]) # Clear context.user_data for new task context.user_data["new_task"] = {} # Send message to user about successful adding update.message.reply_text(get_message("task_added", language)) # Exit from conversation return exit_from_conversation(update)
def _raw_input(self,msg,bpasswd=False): try: appmsg=msg + u" " if sys.stdout.encoding is not None: appmsg=appmsg.encode(sys.stdout.encoding,'replace') self._is_raw_input=True if not bpasswd: sr = raw_input(appmsg) else: import getpass sr = getpass.getpass(appmsg) sr=sr.decode('utf-8','replace') if sr.lower()==u"#exit": raise Exception("#EXIT") elif sr.lower()==u"#back": raise Exception("#BACK") self._is_raw_input=False return sr except Exception as e: self._is_raw_input=False msg = str(e) if msg==u"#EXIT": self.close() elif msg==u"#BACK": if self._cur_step_ui.is_back_enabled(): self._clmode_back() else: return u"" else: self._printcl(u"") self._printcl(u"") self._printcl(messages.get_message('unexpectedError').format(unicode(traceback.format_exc(),errors='replace'))) self.close() return None
def run(self): try: self._main._wait_ui=None self._main.wait_message(messages.get_message("waiting")) ret=self._func() except SystemExit: self._main._action=None self._main.close() return except Exception as e: msg = e.__class__.__name__ if e.args is not None and len(e.args)>0 and e.args[0] != '': msg = e.args[0] ret=ErrorDialog(messages.get_message('unexpectedError').format(msg)) if self._callback is not None: self._callback(ret)
def fire_next_step(self): #Verifica mandatory for i in range(len(self._arinputs)): inp = self._arinputs[i] if inp['mandatory'] is True and inp['variable'].get().strip()=="": return ErrorDialog(messages.get_message("fieldRequired").format(inp['label'])) return BaseUI.fire_next_step(self)
def start_handler(update, context): language = get_user_language(update=update, short=True) update.message.reply_text(get_message("welcome", language)) send_main_menu(update) return 'main_menu'
def set_queue(command, bot): ''' Create a queue with a list of items. Phrases passed will trigger a deque. If items is not set, the queue will automatically use the Slack user list. Args: command (str): the user's text input bot (Bot): the active bot ''' if(command): circular = '-c' in command items = bot.getUsers() phrases = [] has_items = False has_phrases = False arg1 = command.split("--items") if len(arg1) > 1: has_items = True arg2 = arg1[1].split("--phrases") if len(arg2) > 1: has_phrases = True if has_items and has_phrases: items = arg2[0].strip().split(",") phrases = arg2[1].strip().split(",") elif has_items: items = arg1[1].strip().split(",") return { 'items': deque(items), 'circular': circular, 'phrases': phrases, 'text': m.get_message('set_success') }
def stub(message): steps_stack.append(message) markup = markups.get_return_markup() reply_text = messages.get_message('stub') bot.send_message(, reply_text, reply_markup=markup)
def send_notification(phone_number, event): conn = psycopg2.connect( database='defaultdb', user='******', port=26257, sslmode='verify-full', host='', sslrootcert='certs/mature-hyena-ca.crt', password='******') global EVENT EVENT = event message = get_message(event) global STATIC_MESSAGE STATIC_MESSAGE = message response_message = '\n'.join(message['text']) translate_response = translate_text( DETECTED_LANGUAGE, str(response_message) ) if DETECTED_LANGUAGE != "en" else str(response_message) twilio.messages.create(from_=TWILIO_NUMBER, to='whatsapp:+' + phone_number, body=translate_response, media_url=message['image']) with conn.cursor() as cur: print( f'INSERT INTO notifications (notification_type, phone_number) VALUES ({event}, {phone_number});' ) cur.execute( f"INSERT INTO notifications (notification_type, phone_number) VALUES ('{event}', '{phone_number}');" ) conn.commit() return jsonify({'status_code': 200, 'message': 'Message sent!'})
def cryptocurrency(message): steps_stack.append(message) markup = markups.get_cryptocurrency_markup() reply_text = messages.get_message(message.text) bot.send_message(, reply_text, reply_markup=markup)
def start(message): steps_stack.append(message) markup = markups.get_start_markup() reply_text = messages.get_message(message.text) bot.send_message(, reply_text, reply_markup=markup)
def exchange_rates(message): steps_stack.append(message) markup = markups.get_exchange_rates_markup() reply_text = messages.get_message(message.text) bot.send_message(, reply_text, reply_markup=markup)
def currency_step_one(message): steps_stack.append(message) markup = markups.get_currency_markup() reply_text = messages.get_message(message.text) bot.send_message(, reply_text, reply_markup=markup) bot.register_next_step_handler(message, currency_step_two)
def send_edit_mode_menu(update): # Get user language language = get_user_language(update=update, short=True) # Send menu update.message.reply_text(get_message("choice_action", language), reply_markup=get_menu_keyboard( "edit_task_menu", language))
def process_subsmission(submission): if not submission.is_self:'Skip: link submission: {}'.format(submission.permalink)) return # Rough check to see if bot hasn't replied already submission.comments.replace_more(limit=0) if any(1 for comment in submission.comments if == me): logger.warning('Skip: already replied to: {}'.format(submission.permalink)) return match_control.check_all(submission.selftext) b = match_control[TopicFlags] y = match_control[ExtraFlags] if b == 0:'Skip: no match: {}'.format(submission.permalink)) return'Process submission: {}'.format(submission.permalink)) message_kwargs = { 'topic_flags': b, 'signature': 1, 'pester': True, 'passed': False, 'some': bool(y & ExtraFlags.contains_code_block), 'thing_kind': type(submission).__name__, 'redditor':, 'old_reddit_permalink': '' + submission.permalink, 'new_reddit_permalink': '' + submission.permalink } message = get_message(**message_kwargs) reply = submission.reply(message) message_kwargs.update({ 'signature': 2, 'bot_name':, 'reply_id': }) message = get_message(**message_kwargs) reply.edit(message) db_services.record_submission_reply(submission, reply, b, y)
def handler(update, context): # Get user id and user language user_id = language = get_user_language(user_id=user_id, short=True) # Check pushed button of keyboard pushed_button = check_button(update, KEYBOARDS["static"]["main_menu"], language) # If pushed button is "today_tasks" if pushed_button == "today_tasks": # Get user's today tasks today_tasks = get_user_tasks(user_id, only_titles=True, today_tasks=True) # If user has today tasks, make list of tasks if today_tasks: text = get_message("today_tasks", language) + '\n\n' for task in today_tasks: text += task + "\n" # If user hasn't today tasks, say user about it else: text = get_message("not_tasks_today", language) update.message.reply_text(text) return "main_menu" # If pushed button is "editor", proceed to editor menu elif pushed_button == "editor": send_editor_menu(update) return "editor" # If pushed button is "settings", proceed to settings menu elif pushed_button == "settings": send_settings_menu(update) return "settings" # If user message isn't button, ask user click on the buttons else: update.message.reply_text(get_message("click_buttons", language)) send_main_menu(update) return "main_menu"
def _guimode_close(self, e): if self._cur_step_ui is None or (self._cur_step_ui.is_next_enabled() or self._cur_step_ui.is_back_enabled()) : dlgerr = gdi.DialogMessage(gdi.DIALOGMESSAGE_ACTIONS_YESNO,gdi.DIALOGMESSAGE_LEVEL_INFO,parentwin=self._app, logopath=self._logo) dlgerr.set_title(self._title) dlgerr.set_message(messages.get_message('confirmExit')) dlgerr.set_action(self._guimode_close_action); else: self.close()
def wait_message(self, msg, perc=None, progr=None, allowclose=False): if self._gui_enable is True: if perc is not None: msg=msg + " (" + str(perc) + "%)" self._wait_message_gui(msg, progr, allowclose) else: if self._prev_msg_wait!=msg: self._prev_msg_wait=msg if allowclose: msg+=u"\n\nCTRL+C " + messages.get_message('toExit') + u"\n" self._printcl(msg)
def fire_next_step(self): #Verifica se selezionato bok = False for i in range(len(self._archooser)): inp = self._archooser[i] if self._variable.get()==inp["key"]: bok = True break if not bok: return ErrorDialog(messages.get_message("mustSelectOptions")) return BaseUI.fire_next_step(self)
def handler(update, context): # Get user id and user language user_id = language = get_user_language(user_id=user_id, short=True) # Check pushed button of keyboard pushed_button = check_button(update, KEYBOARDS["static"]["editor_menu"], language) # If pushed button is "add_task", proceed to task adding if pushed_button == "add_task": update.message.reply_text(get_message("write_task_title", language), reply_markup=get_menu_keyboard( "cancel", language)) return "add_task" # If pushed button is "add_task" elif pushed_button == "edit_task": # If user has tasks, proceed to task editing if get_user_tasks(user_id): send_choice_tasks_menu(update) return "edit_task" # If user hasn't tasks, stay in editor menu else: update.message.reply_text(get_message("not_tasks", language)) send_editor_menu(update) return "editor_menu" # If pushed button is "back", exit from conversation elif pushed_button == "back": return exit_from_conversation(update) # If user message isn't button, ask user click on the buttons else: update.message.reply_text(get_message("click_buttons", language)) send_editor_menu(update) return "editor_menu"
def editmessage(message_id, previous, identifier): m_content = messages.get_message(message_id) user_id = users.user_id() admin = users.admin() if user_id != m_content[1] and admin == 0: return render_template( "rules.html", message='Sinulla ei ole oikeutta muokata viestiä!', additional=error_redirect) return render_template("editmessage.html", messagecontent=m_content[0], m_id=message_id)
def location_quick_reply(sender, text=None): if not text: text = get_message('location-button') return { "recipient": { "id": sender }, "message": { "text": text, "quick_replies": [{ "content_type": "location", }] } }
def cancel_queue(command, bot): ''' Cancel the current queue. Args: command (str): the user's text input bot (Bot): the active bot ''' return { 'items': deque(bot.getUsers()), 'circular': False, 'phrases': [], 'text': m.get_message('cancel_success') }
def new_days_of_the_week_handler(update, context): # Get user language language = get_user_language(update=update, short=True) # Check pushed button of keyboard pushed_button = check_button(update, KEYBOARDS["static"]["cancel"], language) # If pushed button is "cancel", send edit mode menu if pushed_button == "cancel": send_edit_mode_menu(update) return "edit_mode_handler" # Get days of the week from user message days_of_the_week_str = get_days_of_the_week_from_string( update.message.text, language) # Check if message is incorrect if not days_of_the_week_str: update.message.reply_text(get_message("invalid_input", language)) return "new_days_of_the_week_handler" # Edit task title edit_result = edit_task(context.user_data["selected_task_id"], days_of_the_week=days_of_the_week_str) # If editing is successful, return to edit mode handler if edit_result: update.message.reply_text( get_message("task_days_of_the_week_edited", language)) send_edit_mode_menu(update) return "edit_mode_handler" # Else send message to user about invalid input else: update.message.reply_text(get_message("invalid_input", language)) return "new_days_of_the_week_handler"
def new_title_handler(update, context): # Get user id and user language user_id = language = get_user_language(user_id=user_id, short=True) # Check pushed button of keyboard pushed_button = check_button(update, KEYBOARDS["static"]["cancel"], language) # If pushed button is "cancel", send edit mode menu if pushed_button == "cancel": send_edit_mode_menu(update) return "edit_mode_handler" new_title = update.message.text task_titles_list = get_user_tasks(user_id, only_titles=True) # Check if title with such title exist if new_title in task_titles_list: update.message.reply_text(get_message("task_exist", language)) return "new_title_handler" # Edit task title edit_result = edit_task(context.user_data["selected_task_id"], title=new_title) # If editing is successful, return to edit mode handler if edit_result: update.message.reply_text(get_message("task_title_edited", language)) send_edit_mode_menu(update) return "edit_mode_handler" # Else send message to user about invalid input else: update.message.reply_text(get_message("invalid_input", language)) return "new_title_handler"