def favourites_nodes(self): '''build smart shortcuts for favourites''' if xbmc.getCondVisibility("Skin.HasSetting(SmartShortcuts.favorites)"): # build node listing nodes = [] favs = KodiDb().favourites() for count, fav in enumerate(favs): if fav["type"] == "window": content = fav["windowparameter"] # check if this is a valid path with content if ("script://" not in content.lower() and "mode=9" not in content.lower() and "search" not in content.lower() and "play" not in content.lower()): item_path = "ActivateWindow(%s,%s,return)" % (fav["window"], content) if "&" in content and "?" in content and "=" in content and not content.endswith("/"): content += "&widget=true" media_type = detect_plugin_content(content) if media_type: key = "favorite.%s" % count self.bgupdater.set_winprop("%s.label" % key, fav["label"]) self.bgupdater.set_winprop("%s.title" % key, fav["label"]) self.bgupdater.set_winprop("%s.action" % key, item_path) self.bgupdater.set_winprop("%s.path" % key, item_path) self.bgupdater.set_winprop("%s.content" % key, content) self.bgupdater.set_winprop("%s.type" % key, media_type) if key not in self.toplevel_nodes: self.toplevel_nodes.append(key) nodes.append(("%s.image" % key, content, fav["label"])) self.all_nodes["favourites"] = nodes
def plugin_widgetlisting(pluginpath, sublevel=""): '''get all nodes in a plugin listing''' widgets = [] if sublevel: media_array = kodi_json('Files.GetDirectory', { "directory": pluginpath, "media": "files" }) else: if not getCondVisibility("System.HasAddon(%s)" % pluginpath): return [] media_array = kodi_json('Files.GetDirectory', { "directory": "plugin://%s" % pluginpath, "media": "files" }) for item in media_array: log_msg("skinshortcuts widgets processing: %s" % (item["file"])) content = item["file"] label = item["label"] # extendedinfo has some login-required widgets, skip those if ("script.extendedinfo" in pluginpath and not EXTINFO_CREDS and ("info=starred" in content or "info=rated" in content or "info=account" in content)): continue if item.get("filetype", "") == "file": continue media_type = detect_plugin_content(item["file"]) if media_type == "empty": continue if media_type == "folder": content = "plugin://" % ( urlencode(item["file"]), label) # add reload param for skinhelper and libraryprovider widgets if "reload=" not in content and ("" in pluginpath or pluginpath == ""): if "albums" in content or "songs" in content or "artists" in content: reloadstr = "&reload=$INFO[Window(Home).Property(widgetreloadmusic)]" elif ("pvr" in content or "media" in content or "favourite" in content) and "progress" not in content: reloadstr = "&reload=$INFO[Window(Home).Property(widgetreload)]"\ "$INFO[Window(Home).Property(widgetreload2)]" else: reloadstr = "&reload=$INFO[Window(Home).Property(widgetreload)]" content = content + reloadstr content = content.replace("&limit=100", "&limit=25") widgets.append([label, content, media_type]) if pluginpath == "script.extendedinfo" and not sublevel: # some additional entrypoints for extendedinfo... widgets += extendedinfo_youtube_widgets() return widgets
def playlists_widgets(): '''skin provided playlists''' widgets = [] import xml.etree.ElementTree as xmltree for playlist_path in [ "special://skin/playlists/", "special://skin/extras/widgetplaylists/", "special://skin/extras/playlists/" ]: if xbmcvfs.exists(playlist_path): log_msg("skinshortcuts widgets processing: %s" % playlist_path) media_array = kodi_json('Files.GetDirectory', { "directory": playlist_path, "media": "files" }) for item in media_array: if item["file"].endswith(".xsp"): playlist = item["file"] contents = xbmcvfs.File(item["file"], 'r') contents_data ='utf-8') contents.close() xmldata = xmltree.fromstring(contents_data.encode('utf-8')) media_type = "" label = item["label"] for line in xmldata.getiterator(): if line.tag == "smartplaylist": media_type = line.attrib['type'] if line.tag == "name": label = line.text try: languageid = int(label) label = xbmc.getLocalizedString(languageid) except Exception: pass if not media_type: media_type = detect_plugin_content(playlist) widgets.append([label, playlist, media_type]) return widgets
def favourites_widgets(): '''widgets from favourites''' favourites = kodi_json( 'Favourites.GetFavourites', { "type": None, "properties": ["path", "thumbnail", "window", "windowparameter"] }) widgets = [] if favourites: for fav in favourites: if "windowparameter" in fav: content = fav["windowparameter"] # check if this is a valid path with content if ("script://" not in content.lower() and "mode=9" not in content.lower() and "search" not in content.lower() and "play" not in content.lower()): label = fav["title"] log_msg("skinshortcuts widgets processing favourite: %s" % label) mediatype = detect_plugin_content(content) if mediatype and mediatype != "empty": widgets.append([label, content, mediatype]) return widgets