class CANCTRLx(Register):

    REQOP_Normal = 0b000
    REQOP_Sleep = 0b001
    REQOP_Loopback = 0b010
    REQOP_ListenOnly = 0b011
    REQOP_Configuration = 0b100

    # Request operation mode
    REQOP = Field(7, 3, Access.RW, REQOP_Configuration)

    ABAT_RequestAbort = 0b1
    ABAT_TerminateRequestAbort = 0b0

    # Control aborting all pending transmissions
    ABAT = Field(4, 1, Access.RW, 0b0)

    # One-shot mode
    # 1 = enabled (messages will only attempt to transmit one time)
    # 0 = disabled (messages will reattempt to transmit if required)
    OSM = Field(3, 1, Access.RW, 0b0)

    # CLKOUT pin enable
    # 1 = enabled
    # 0 = disabled (high-Z)
    CLKEN = Field(2, 1, Access.RW, 0b1)

    # CLKOUT pin prescaler
    # 00 = freq. CLKOUT = System clock/1
    # 01 = freq. CLKOUT = System clock/2
    # 10 = freq. CLKOUT = System clock/4
    # 11 = freq. CLKOUT = System clock/8
    CLKPRE = Field(1, 2, Access.RW, 0b11)
class RXBnCTRLx(Register):

    # Bit 7 not implemented (reads 0)

    # Turns mask/filters off, receives any message
    # (for development only, as it also allows access to MAB on error)
    RXM_TurnsMaskFiltersOffDevModeOnly = 0b11

    # Receive only valid messages with extended identifiers that
    # meet filter criteria
    RXM_ExtendedFramesOnly = 0b10

    # Receive only valid messages with standard identifiers that meet
    # filter criteria. Extended ID filter registers RXFnEID8 and RXFnEID0
    # are ignored for the messages with standard IDs.
    RXM_StandardFramesOnly = 0b01

    # Receives all valid messages using either Standard or Extended
    # Identifiers that meet filter criteria;
    # Note - if standard frames, then Extended ID Filter registers
    # RXFnEID8 and RXFnEID0 (RXFx.EID<15:0>) are applied to
    # the first two bytes of data in the messages
    RXM_FilteredMessages = 0b00

    # Receive Buffer Operating Mode bits
    RXM = Field(6, 2, Access.RW, RXM_FilteredMessages)

    # Bit 4 not implemented (reads 0)

    RXRTR_RemoteTransferRequestReceived = 0b1
    RXRTR_NoRemoteTransferRequest = 0b0

    # Received Remote Transfer Request bit
    RXRTR = Field(3, 1, Access.R, RXRTR_NoRemoteTransferRequest)
class CNF3x(Register):

    # CLKOUT pin is enabled for SOF signal
    SOF_CLKOUT_SOF = 0b1

    # CLKOUT pin is enabled for clock out function

    # Start-of-frame signal bit
    # Only valid when CANCTRL.CLKEN = 1
    SOF = Field(7, 1, Access.RW, SOF_CLKOUT_CLOCK_OUT)

    WAKFIL_Enabled = 0b1
    WAKFIL_Disabled = 0b0

    WAKFIL = Field(6, 1, Access.RW, WAKFIL_Disabled)

    # Bits 5..3 not implemented (read zero)

    PHSEG2_DefaultSetting = 0b000
    PHSEG2_MinimumValidSetting = 0b001

    # PS2 length bits
    # PS2 = (PHSEG2 + 1) x T_Q
    # Warning: minimum valid setting for PS2 is 2 x T_Q
    # (see datasheet 4-28)
    PHSEG2 = Field(2, 3, Access.RW, PHSEG2_DefaultSetting)

    # RXBn message will roll over and be written to RXB1 if RXBn is full
    BUKT_RolloverEnabled = 0b1

    # Rollover is disabled
    BUKT_RolloverDisabled = 0b0

    # Rollover Enable Bit
    BUKT = Field(2, 1, Access.RW, BUKT_RolloverDisabled)

    # Read-Only Copy of BUKT bit (used internally by the MCP25625)
    BUKT1 = Field(1, 1, Access.R, BUKT_RolloverDisabled)

    # Acceeptance filter 1 (RXF1)
    FILHIT0_RXF1 = 0b1

    # Acceeptance filter 0 (RXF0)
    FILHIT0_RXF0 = 0b0

    # Filter Hit bit - Indicates which acceptance filter enabled the
    # reception of a message.
    # Note: If a rollover from RXB0 to RXB1 occurs, the FILHIT0 bit
    # will reflect the filter that accepted the message that rolled over
    FILHIT0 = Field(0, 1, Access.R, FILHIT0_RXF0)
class CNF2x(Register):

    # Length of PS2 is max(PS1, IPT)
    BTLMODE_Max_PS1_IPT = 0b0

    # Length of PS2 is determined by the CNF3.PHSEG2

    # PS2 Bit Time Length
    BTLMODE = Field(7, 1, Access.RW, BTLMODE_Max_PS1_IPT)

    # Number of times the bus line is sampled at the sample point
    SAM_ThreePointSample = 0b1
    SAM_OnePointSample = 0b0

    # Sample Point configuration bit
    SAM = Field(6, 1, Access.RW, SAM_OnePointSample)

    # PS1 length bits
    # PS1 = (PHSEG1 + 1) x T_Q
    PHSEG1 = Field(5, 3, Access.RW, 0b000)

    # Propagation Segment (PRS) length bits
    # PRS = (PRSEG + 1) x T_Q
    PRSEG = Field(2, 3, Access.RW, 0b000)
class CNF1x(Register):

    SJW_Length4TQ = 0b11
    SJW_Length3TQ = 0b10
    SJW_Length2TQ = 0b01
    SJW_Length1TQ = 0b00

    # Synchronization Jump Width Length bits (as a multiple of T_Q)
    SJW = Field(7, 2, Access.RW, SJW_Length1TQ)

    # Baud Rate Prescaler bits
    # Used to define T_Q as a function of the HW oscillator
    BRP = Field(5, 6, Access.RW, 0b000000)
class RXMnIDx(Register):

    # 11-bit Standard Identifier
    SID = Field(31, 11, Access.RW, 0b00000000000)

    # Bits 20, 19, 18 not implemented (reads 0)

    # 18-bit Extended identifier
    # Note: these bits hold the filter bits to be applied to
    # the Extended Identifier portion of a  received message or
    # (for RX buffer 0 only?) to bytes 0 and 1 in received data
    # if corresponding with RXM<1:0> = 00 and EXIDE = 0.
    # (unclear which EXIDE?)
    EID = Field(17, 18, Access.RW, 0b000000000000000000)
class TXBnIDx(Register):

    # 11-bit Standard Identifier
    SID = Field(31, 11, Access.RW, 0b00000000000)

    # Bit 20 not implemented (reads 0)

    EXIDE_Enabled = 0b1
    EXIDE_Disabled = 0b0

    # Extended Identifier Enable Bit
    EXIDE = Field(19, 1, Access.RW, EXIDE_Disabled)

    # Bit 18 not implemented (reads 0)

    # 18-bit Extended identifier
    EID = Field(17, 18, Access.RW, 0b000000000000000000)
class TXBnCTRLx(Register):

    # bit 7 not implemented (reads 0)

    # TX abort flag values
    ABTF_MessageAborted = 1
    ABTF_MessageSucceeded = 0

    # Message aborted flag bit (during transmission)
    ABTF = Field(6, 1, Access.R, ABTF_MessageSucceeded)

    MLOA_ArbitrationLost = 1
    MLOA_ArbitrationNotLost = 0

    # Message lost arbitration bit (during transmission)
    MLOA = Field(5, 1, Access.R, MLOA_ArbitrationNotLost)

    TXERR_BusError = 1
    TXERR_NoBusError = 0

    # Transmission error detected bit
    TXERR = Field(4, 1, Access.R, TXERR_NoBusError)

    # Buffer is currently pending transmission (MCU sets this bit to
    # request message be transmitted - bit is automatically cleared
    # when the message is sent)
    TXREQ_BufferPending = 1

    # Buffer is not currently pending transmission (MCU can clear this
    # bit to request a message abort)
    TXREQ_NotPending = 0

    # Message transmit request bit
    TXREQ = Field(3, 1, Access.RW, TXREQ_NotPending)

    # bit 2 not implemented (reads 0)

    # Tx message priority values
    TXP_HighestMessagePriority = 0b11
    TXP_HighIntermediateMessagePriority = 0b10
    TXP_LowIntermediateMessagePriority = 0b01
    TXP_LowestMessagePriority = 0b00

    # Transmit buffer priority
    TXP = Field(1, 2, Access.RW, TXP_LowestMessagePriority)
class TXBnDLCx(Register):

    # Bit 7 not implemented (reads 0)

    RTR_RemoteTransmitRequest = 1
    RTR_DataFrame = 0

    # Remote transmission request bit
    # Indicates the type of the next transmit message: remote tx
    # request or data frame
    RTR = Field(6, 1, Access.RW, 0b0)

    # Bit 5, 4 not implemented (reads 0)

    # Data Length Code bits
    # Sets the number of data bytes to be transmitted
    # Note: maximum 8 bytes transmitted
    DLC = Field(3, 4, Access.RW, 0b0000)
class TXRTSCTRLx(Register):

    # bits 7..6 not implemented (reads 0)

    # - state bits (read-only):
    #     1 = Reads state of TXnRTS pin when in Digital Input mode
    #     0 = Reads as 0 when pin is in Request-to-Send mode

    # Tx2RTS pin state bit
    B2RTS = Field(5, 1, Access.R, 0)

    # Tx1RTS pin state bit
    B1RTS = Field(4, 1, Access.R, 0)

    # Tx0RTS pin state bit
    B0RTS = Field(3, 1, Access.R, 0)

    # - mode bits (read-write):
    #     1 = Pin is used to request message transmission of the
    #           corresponding TXBx buffer (on the falling edge)
    #     0 = Digital input
    BnRTSN_PinMode = 1
    BnRTSM_DigitalMode = 0

    # Tx2RTS pin mode bit
    B2RTSM = Field(2, 1, Access.RW, BnRTSM_DigitalMode)

    # Tx1RTS pin mode bit
    B1RTSM = Field(1, 1, Access.RW, BnRTSM_DigitalMode)

    # Tx0RTS pin mode bit
    B0RTSM = Field(0, 1, Access.RW, BnRTSM_DigitalMode)
class RXBnDLCx(Register):

    # Bit 7 not implemented (reads 0)

    # 1 = Extended frame Remote Transmit Request received
    RTR_ExtendedRemoteTransmitRequestReceived = 1

    # 0 = Extended data frame received
    RTR_ExtendedDataFrameReceived = 0

    # Extended Frame Remote Transmission Request bit
    # (valid only when the IDE bit in the RXBnSIDL register is ‘1’)
    RTR = Field(6, 1, Access.R, RTR_ExtendedDataFrameReceived)

    # Reserved Bit 1
    RB1 = Field(5, 1, Access.R, 0b0)

    # Reserved Bit 0
    RB0 = Field(4, 1, Access.R, 0b0)

    # Data Length Code bits
    # Indicates the number of data bytes that were received
    DLC = Field(3, 4, Access.R, 0b0000)
class CANSTATx(Register):

    OPMOD_Normal = 0b000
    OPMOD_Sleep = 0b001
    OPMOD_Loopback = 0b010
    OPMOD_ListenOnly = 0b011
    OPMOD_Configuration = 0b100

    # Request operation mode
    OPMOD = Field(7, 3, Access.R, OPMOD_Configuration)

    # Bit 4 not implemented (reads 0)

    ICOD_NoInterrupt = 0b000
    ICOD_ErrorInterrupt = 0b001
    ICOD_WakeUpInterrupt = 0b010
    ICOD_TXB0_Interrupt = 0b011
    ICOD_TXB1_Interrupt = 0b100
    ICOD_TXB2_Interrupt = 0b101
    ICOD_RXB0_Interrupt = 0b110
    ICOD_RXB1_Interrupt = 0b111

    # Interrupt Flag Code bits
    ICOD = Field(3, 3, Access.R, ICOD_NoInterrupt)
class RXFnIDx(Register):

    # 11-bit Standard Identifier
    SID = Field(31, 11, Access.RW, 0b00000000000)

    # Bit 20 not implemented (reads 0)

    EXIDE_ExtendedFramesFilter = 0b1
    EXIDE_StandardFramesFilter = 0b0

    # Extended Identifier Enable Bit
    # 1 = Filter is applied only to extended frames
    # 0 = Filter is applied only to standard frames
    EXIDE = Field(19, 1, Access.RW, EXIDE_StandardFramesFilter)

    # Bit 18 not implemented (reads 0)

    # 18-bit Extended identifier
    # Note: these bits hold the filter bits to be applied to
    # the Extended Identifier portion of a  received message or
    # (for RX buffer 0 only?) to bytes 0 and 1 in received data
    # if corresponding with RXM<1:0> = 00 and EXIDE = 0.
    EID = Field(17, 18, Access.RW, 0b000000000000000000)
class RXBnIDx(Register):

    # 11-bit Standard Identifier
    SID = Field(31, 11, Access.R, 0b00000000000)

    SRR_RemoteTransmitRequestReceived = 0b1
    SRR_StandardDataFrameReceived = 0b0

    # Standard Frame Remote Transmit Request bit
    # (valid only if the IDE bit = 0)
    SRR = Field(20, 1, Access.R, SRR_StandardDataFrameReceived)

    # Received message was an extended frame
    IDE_ReceivedExtendedFrame = 0b1
    IDE_ReceivedStandardFrame = 0b0

    # Extended Identifier Flag Bit. This bit indicates whether
    # the received message was a standard or an extended frame.
    IDE = Field(19, 1, Access.R, IDE_ReceivedStandardFrame)

    # Bit 18 not implemented (reads 0)

    # 18-bit Extended identifier
    EID = Field(17, 18, Access.R, 0b000000000000000000)
class EFLGx(Register):

    # Receive Buffer 1 Overflow Flag bit
    # - Set when a valid message is received for RXB1 and RX1IF bit in
    #   the CANINTF register is 1
    # - Must be reset by MCU
    RX1OVR = Field(7, 1, Access.R, 0)

    # Receive Buffer 0 Overflow Flag bit
    # - Set when a valid message is received for RXB0 and CANINTF.RX0IF
    #   bit in the CANINTF register is 1
    # - Must be reset by MCU
    RX0OVR = Field(6, 1, Access.R, 0)

    # Bus-Off Error Flag bit
    # - Bit set when TEC reaches 255
    # - Reset after a successful bus recovery sequence
    TXBO = Field(5, 1, Access.R, 0)

    # Transmit Error-Passive Flag bit
    # - Set when TEC is equal to or greater than 128
    # - Reset when TEC is less than 128
    TXEP = Field(4, 1, Access.R, 0)

    # Receive Error-Passive Flag bit
    # - Set when REC is equal to or greater than 128
    # - Reset when REC is less than 128
    RXEP = Field(3, 1, Access.R, 0)

    # Transmit Error Warning Flag bit
    # - Set when TEC is equal to or greater than 96
    # - Reset when TEC is less than 96
    TXWAR = Field(2, 1, Access.R, 0)

    # Receive Error Warning Flag bit
    # - Set when REC is equal to or greater than 96
    # - Reset when REC is less than 96
    RXWAR = Field(1, 1, Access.R, 0)

    # Error Warning Flag bit
    # - Set when TEC or REC is equal to or greater than 96
    #   (TXWAR or RXWAR = 1)
    # - Reset when both REC and TEC are less than 96
    EWARN = Field(0, 1, Access.R, 0)
class CANINTFx(Register):

    # Message Error Interrupt Flag bit
    # 1 = Interrupt pending (must be cleared by MCU to reset interrupt)
    # 0 = No interrupt pending
    MERRF = Field(7, 1, Access.RW, 0)

    # Wake-up Interrupt Flag bit
    # 1 = Interrupt pending (must be cleared by MCU to reset interrupt)
    # 0 = No interrupt pending
    WAKIF = Field(6, 1, Access.RW, 0)

    # Error Interrupt Flag bit (multiple sources in the EFLG register)
    # 1 = Interrupt pending (must be cleared by MCU to reset interrupt)
    # 0 = No interrupt pending
    ERRIF = Field(5, 1, Access.RW, 0)

    # Transmit Buffer 2 Empty Interrupt Flag bit
    # 1 = Interrupt pending (must be cleared by MCU to reset interrupt)
    # 0 = No interrupt pending
    TX2IF = Field(4, 1, Access.RW, 0)

    # Transmit Buffer 1 Empty Interrupt Flag bit
    # 1 = Interrupt pending (must be cleared by MCU to reset interrupt)
    # 0 = No interrupt pending
    TX1IF = Field(3, 1, Access.RW, 0)

    # Transmit Buffer 0 Empty Interrupt Flag bit
    # 1 = Interrupt pending (must be cleared by MCU to reset interrupt)
    # 0 = No interrupt pending
    TX0IF = Field(2, 1, Access.RW, 0)

    #  Receive Buffer 1 Full Interrupt Flag bit
    # 1 = Interrupt pending (must be cleared by MCU to reset interrupt)
    # 0 = No interrupt pending
    RX1IF = Field(1, 1, Access.RW, 0)

    #  Receive Buffer 0 Full Interrupt Flag bit
    # 1 = Interrupt pending (must be cleared by MCU to reset interrupt)
    # 0 = No interrupt pending
    RX0IF = Field(0, 1, Access.RW, 0)
class CANINTEx(Register):

    # Message Error Interrupt Enable bit
    # 1 = Interrupt on error during message reception or transmission
    # 0 = Disabled
    MERRE = Field(7, 1, Access.RW, 0)

    # Wake-up Interrupt Enable bit
    # 1 = Interrupt on CAN bus activity
    # 0 = Disabled
    WAKIE = Field(6, 1, Access.RW, 0)

    # Error Interrupt Enable bit (multiple sources in the EFLG register)
    # 1 = Interrupt on EFLG error condition change
    # 0 = Disabled
    ERRIE = Field(5, 1, Access.RW, 0)

    # Transmit Buffer 2 Empty Interrupt Enable bit
    # 1 = Interrupt on TXB2 becoming empty
    # 0 = Disabled
    TX2IE = Field(4, 1, Access.RW, 0)

    # Transmit Buffer 1 Empty Interrupt Enable bit
    # 1 = Interrupt on TXB1 becoming empty
    # 0 = Disabled
    TX1IE = Field(3, 1, Access.RW, 0)

    # Transmit Buffer 0 Empty Interrupt Enable bit
    # 1 = Interrupt on TXB0 becoming empty
    # 0 = Disabled
    TX0IE = Field(2, 1, Access.RW, 0)

    #  Receive Buffer 1 Full Interrupt Enable bit
    # 1 = Interrupt when message received in RXB1
    # 0 = Disabled
    RX1IE = Field(1, 1, Access.RW, 0)

    #  Receive Buffer 0 Full Interrupt Enable bit
    # 1 = Interrupt when message received in RXB1
    # 0 = Disabled
    RX1IE = Field(0, 1, Access.RW, 0)
class BFPCTRLx(Register):

    # Bits 7, 6 not implemented (read as zero)

    # Rx1BF Pin State bit (Digital Output mode only)
    # Reads as ‘0’ when Rx1BF is configured as an interrupt pin
    B1BFS = Field(5, 1, Access.RW, 0b0)

    # Rx0BF Pin State bit (Digital Output mode only)
    # Reads as ‘0’ when Rx0BF is configured as an interrupt pin
    B0BFS = Field(4, 1, Access.RW, 0b0)

    # 1 = Pin function is enabled
    #     Pin operation mode is determined by the BnBFM bit
    BnBFE_PinEnabled = 0b1

    # 0 = Pin function is disabled, pin goes to the high-impedance state
    BnBFE_PinDisabled = 0b0

    # Rx1BF Pin Function Enable bit
    # 1 = Pin function is enabled
    #     operation mode is determined by the B1BFM bit
    # 0 = Pin function is disabled, pin goes to the high-impedance state
    B1BFE = Field(3, 1, Access.RW, BnBFE_PinDisabled)

    # Rx0BF Pin Function Enable bit
    # 1 = Pin function is enabled
    #     operation mode is determined by the B0BFM bit
    # 0 = Pin function is disabled, pin goes to the high-impedance state
    B0BFE = Field(2, 1, Access.RW, BnBFE_PinDisabled)

    # 1 = RxnBF pin is used as an interrupt when a valid message
    #     is loaded into RXBn
    BnBFM_PinInterruptMode = 0b1

    # 0 = Digital Output mode
    BnBFM_DigitalOutputMode = 0b0

    # 1 = Pin is used as an interrupt when a valid message
    #     is loaded into RXB1
    # 0 = Digital Output mode
    B1BFM = Field(1, 1, Access.RW, BnBFM_DigitalOutputMode)

    # 1 = Pin is used as an interrupt when a valid message
    #     is loaded into RXB0
    # 0 = Digital Output mode
    B0BFM = Field(0, 1, Access.RW, BnBFM_DigitalOutputMode)

    # Acceeptance filter 5 (RXF5)
    FILHIT_RXF5 = 0b101

    # Acceeptance filter 4 (RXF5)
    FILHIT_RXF4 = 0b100

    # Acceeptance filter 3 (RXF2)
    FILHIT_RXF3 = 0b011

    # Acceeptance filter 2 (RXF2)
    FILHIT_RXF2 = 0b010

    # Acceeptance filter 1 (RXF1 only if BUKT bit is set in RXB0CTRL)
    FILHIT_RXF1 = 0b001

    # Acceeptance filter 0 (RXF0 only if BUKT bit is set in RXB0CTRL)
    FILHIT_RXF0 = 0b000

    # Filter Hit bit - Indicates which acceptance filter enabled the
    # reception of a message.
    FILHIT = Field(2, 3, Access.R, FILHIT_RXF0)
class RECx(Register):

    # Receive Error Count bits
    REC = Field(7, 8, Access.R, 0)
class TECx(Register):

    # Transmit Error Count bits
    TEC = Field(7, 8, Access.R, 0)
class RXBnDATAx(Register):

    # 8 bytes
    DATA = Field(63, 64, Access.R)