def cui_extractor_worker(docSentList, output_file_path): """ extracts all concepts of a given document INPUTS: docSentList - list of sentence ids representing a document sentDict - dictionary that holds individual sentences, retrieved based on id. output_file_path - output file path. """ output_file = open(output_file_path, "a+") umls = SQLiteDict(UMLS_DB_LOCATION) try: for sentNo in docSentList: global doc_sent_data query = doc_sent_data[str(sentNo).zfill(10)] concepts = metamap.retrieve_concepts(query) for concept_output in concepts: split_concept = concept_output.split("|") confidence_score = split_concept[2] cui = split_concept[4] concept_name = split_concept[3] semantic_type = split_concept[5] phrase_span = split_concept[8] try: concept_definition = umls[cui] except KeyError: continue output_line = ( str(sentNo) + "|" + str(confidence_score) + "|" + cui + "|" + concept_name + "|" + str(concept_definition) + "|" + semantic_type + "|" + phrase_span + "\n" ) output_file.write(output_line) finally: output_file.close()
def generate_concepts(input_dir_path): sent_file_path = os.path.join(input_dir_path, "full_text_with_abstract_and_title.metamap") pmap_file_path = os.path.join(input_dir_path, "full_text_with_abstract_and_title.metamap.chunkmap") output_file_dir = os.path.join(input_dir_path, "concept_files") print "STEP 1: reading in document-sentence map file" docSentMapBinFile = open(pmap_file_path, "rb") map_bin_data = sio = StringIO.StringIO(map_bin_data) docSentMap = pickle.load(sio) doc_sent_data = {} sentMapData = open(sent_file_path, "rU") for sentData in sentMapData.readlines(): sentence = sentData.split("|") doc_sent_data[sentence[0]] = sentence[1] print "STEP 1 COMPLETE" print "STEP 2: Generating concept documents " try: count = 0 for document in docSentMap.keys(): output_file_path = os.path.join(output_file_dir, document) output_file = open(output_file_path, "a+") try: umls = SQLiteDict(UMLS_DB_LOCATION) try: for sentNo in docSentMap[document]: concepts = metamap.retrieve_concepts(doc_sent_data[str(sentNo).zfill(10)]) for concept_output in concepts: split_concept = concept_output.split("|") confidence_score = split_concept[2] cui = split_concept[4] concept_name = split_concept[3] semantic_type = split_concept[5] phrase_span = split_concept[8] concept_dne_file = open(CUI_DNE_FILE, "a+") try: concept_definition = umls[cui] except KeyError: concept_dne_file.write( document + "|" + str(sentNo) + "|" + phrase_span + "|" + cui + "\n" ) continue finally: concept_dne_file.close() output_line = ( str(sentNo) + "|" + str(confidence_score) + "|" + cui + "|" + concept_name + "|" + str(concept_definition) + "|" + semantic_type + "|" + phrase_span + "\n" ) output_file.write(output_line) finally: output_file.close() concept_dne_file.close() count = count + 1 except IOError: print "UMLS DB does not exist. PLEASE RUN before running this program" print "PROCESSED %d documents" % count except KeyError: print "Key not found"