Exemple #1
def test_imports():

    def func():
        import foo, bar
        import foo.bar as b
        from foo.bar import hello as h, bye as bb
        from ..foo.zoo import bar
        from . import foo
        from .foo import bar

        from __globals__ import test_name

        # this should not trigger variable definition
        test_name = 2

        # this instead should do it
        test_foo = True

        __all__ = ['test_name', 'test_foo']

    expected = ('var test_foo;\n'
                "import * as foo from 'foo';\n"
                "import * as bar from 'bar';\n"
                "import * as b from 'foo/bar';\n"
                "import {hello as h, bye as bb} from 'foo/bar';\n"
                "import {bar} from '../foo/zoo';\n"
                "import * as foo from './foo';\n"
                "import {bar} from './foo';\n"
                'test_name = 2;\n'
                'test_foo = true;\n'
                'export {test_name};\n'
                'export {test_foo};\n')

    assert translate_object(func, body_only=True, enable_es6=True)[0] == expected
Exemple #2
def test_list_in():

    def list_in():
        return [
            1 in [10, 11],
            'foo' in 'barfoobar',
            11 in [10, 11]

    assert list_in() == eval_object(list_in, 'list_in();')
    expected = (
        'var _pj;\n'
        'function _pj_snippets(container) {\n'
        '    function _in(left, right) {\n'
        '        if (((right instanceof Array) || ((typeof right) === "string"))) {\n'
        '            return (right.indexOf(left) > (- 1));\n'
        '        } else {\n'
        '            return (left in right);\n'
        '        }\n'
        '    }\n'
        '    container["_in"] = _in;\n'
        '    return container;\n'
        '_pj = {};\n'
        'function list_in() {\n'
        '    return [_pj._in(1, [10, 11]), _pj._in("foo", "barfoobar"), _pj._in(11, '
        '[10, 11])];\n'
    assert translate_object(list_in)[0] == expected
def test_imports():

    def func():
        import foo, bar
        import foo.bar as b
        from foo.bar import hello as h, bye as bb
        from ..foo.zoo import bar
        from . import foo
        from .foo import bar

        from __globals__ import test_name

        # this should not trigger variable definition
        test_name = 2

        # this instead should do it
        test_foo = True

        __all__ = ['test_name', 'test_foo']

    expected = ('var test_foo;\n'
                "import * as foo from 'foo';\n"
                "import * as bar from 'bar';\n"
                "import * as b from 'foo/bar';\n"
                "import {hello as h, bye as bb} from 'foo/bar';\n"
                "import {bar} from '../../foo/zoo';\n"
                "import * as foo from './foo';\n"
                "import {bar} from './foo';\n"
                'test_name = 2;\n'
                'test_foo = true;\n'
                'export {test_name};\n'
                'export {test_foo};\n')

    assert translate_object(func, body_only=True, enable_es6=True)[0] == expected
def test_exception():

    def func():

        class MyError(Exception):

        class MySecondError(MyError):
            """A stupid error"""

    expected = (
        'function MyError(message) {\n'
        '    this.name = "MyError";\n'
        '    this.message = (message || "Custom error MyError");\n'
        '    if (((typeof Error.captureStackTrace) === "function")) {\n'
        '        Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);\n'
        '    } else {\n'
        '        this.stack = new Error(message).stack;\n'
        '    }\n'
        'MyError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);\n'
        'MyError.prototype.constructor = MyError;\n'
        'class MySecondError extends MyError {\n'

    assert translate_object(func, body_only=True, enable_es6=True)[0] == expected
def test_list_in():

    def list_in():
        return [
            1 in [10, 11],
            'foo' in 'barfoobar',
            11 in [10, 11]

    assert list_in() == eval_object(list_in, 'list_in();')
    expected = (
        'var _pj;\n'
        'function _pj_snippets(container) {\n'
        '    function _in(left, right) {\n'
        '        if (((right instanceof Array) || ((typeof right) === "string"))) {\n'
        '            return (right.indexOf(left) > (- 1));\n'
        '        } else {\n'
        '            return (left in right);\n'
        '        }\n'
        '    }\n'
        '    container["_in"] = _in;\n'
        '    return container;\n'
        '_pj = {};\n'
        'function list_in() {\n'
        '    return [_pj._in(1, [10, 11]), _pj._in("foo", "barfoobar"), _pj._in(11, '
        '[10, 11])];\n'
    assert translate_object(list_in)[0] == expected
Exemple #6
def test_exception():

    def func():

        class MyError(Exception):

        class MySecondError(MyError):
            """A stupid error"""

    expected = (
        'function MyError(message) {\n'
        '    this.name = "MyError";\n'
        '    this.message = (message || "Custom error MyError");\n'
        '    if (((typeof Error.captureStackTrace) === "function")) {\n'
        '        Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);\n'
        '    } else {\n'
        '        this.stack = new Error(message).stack;\n'
        '    }\n'
        'MyError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);\n'
        'MyError.prototype.constructor = MyError;\n'
        'class MySecondError extends MyError {\n'

    assert translate_object(func, body_only=True, enable_es6=True)[0] == expected
Exemple #7
def test_try_except_complex():
    def func():
        value = 0

        class MyError(Exception):

        class MySecondError(MyError):
            """A stupid error"""

            value += 1
            raise MyError("Something bad happened")
            value += 1
        except MySecondError:
            value += 20
        except MyError:
            value += 30
            value += 40
            value += 1

    expected = (
        'var value;\n'
        'value = 0;\n'
        'function MyError(message) {\n'
        '    this.name = "MyError";\n'
        '    this.message = (message || "Custom error MyError");\n'
        '    if (((typeof Error.captureStackTrace) === "function")) {\n'
        '        Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);\n'
        '    } else {\n'
        '        this.stack = new Error(message).stack;\n'
        '    }\n'
        'MyError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);\n'
        'MyError.prototype.constructor = MyError;\n'
        'class MySecondError extends MyError {\n'
        'try {\n'
        '    value += 1;\n'
        '    throw new MyError("Something bad happened");\n'
        '    value += 1;\n'
        '} catch(e) {\n'
        '    if ((e instanceof MySecondError)) {\n'
        '        value += 20;\n'
        '    } else {\n'
        '        if ((e instanceof MyError)) {\n'
        '            value += 30;\n'
        '        } else {\n'
        '            value += 40;\n'
        '        }\n'
        '    }\n'
        '} finally {\n'
        '    value += 1;\n'

    assert translate_object(func, body_only=True,
                            enable_es6=True)[0] == expected
def test_str():

    def func():


    expected = 'x.toString();\n'

    assert translate_object(func, body_only=True, enable_es6=True)[0] == expected
Exemple #9
def test_str():

    def func():


    expected = 'x.toString();\n'

    assert translate_object(func, body_only=True, enable_es6=True)[0] == expected
Exemple #10
def test_kwargs():
    def func():
        def with_kwargs(a, **kwargs):

        with_kwargs(1, foo=2, bar=3)

    expected = ('function with_kwargs(a, kwargs = {}) {\n}\n'
                'with_kwargs(1, {foo: 2, bar: 3});\n')

    assert translate_object(func, body_only=True,
                            enable_es6=True)[0] == expected
Exemple #11
def test_special_methods():
    class Foo3:
        def foo(self):
            return 'bar'

    expected = ('class Foo3 {\n'
                '    static foo() {\n'
                '        return "bar";\n'
                '    }\n'

    assert translate_object(Foo3, enable_es6=True)[0] == expected
def test_kwargs():

    def func():

        def with_kwargs(a, **kwargs):

        with_kwargs(1, foo=2, bar=3)

    expected = ('function with_kwargs(a, kwargs = {}) {\n}\n'
                'with_kwargs(1, {foo: 2, bar: 3});\n')

    assert translate_object(func, body_only=True, enable_es6=True)[0] == expected
Exemple #13
def test_globals():
    def func():
        def simple_alert():
            window.alert('Hi there!')

        el = document.querySelector('button')
        el.addEventListener('click', simple_alert)

    expected = ('var el;\n'
                'function simple_alert() {\n'
                '    window.alert("Hi there!");\n'
                'el = document.querySelector("button");\n'
                'el.addEventListener("click", simple_alert);\n')

    assert translate_object(func, body_only=True)[0] == expected
def test_special_methods():

    class Foo3:

        def foo(self):
            return 'bar'

    expected = (
        'class Foo3 {\n'
        '    static foo() {\n'
        '        return "bar";\n'
        '    }\n'

    assert translate_object(Foo3, enable_es6=True)[0] == expected
Exemple #15
def test_inner_method_func():
    def func():
        class Example:
            def foo(self):
                def bar():

    expected = ('class Example {\n'
                '    foo() {\n'
                '        var bar;\n'
                '        bar = () => {\n'
                '        };\n'
                '    }\n'

    assert translate_object(func, body_only=True,
                            enable_es6=True)[0] == expected
def test_try_except_simple():

    def func():

        class MyError(Exception):

        class MySecondError(MyError):
            """A stupid error"""

            value = 0
            raise MySecondError('This is an error')
        except MySecondError:
            value = 1

    expected = (
        'var value;\n'
        'function MyError(message) {\n'
        '    this.name = "MyError";\n'
        '    this.message = (message || "Custom error MyError");\n'
        '    if (((typeof Error.captureStackTrace) === "function")) {\n'
        '        Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);\n'
        '    } else {\n'
        '        this.stack = new Error(message).stack;\n'
        '    }\n'
        'MyError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);\n'
        'MyError.prototype.constructor = MyError;\n'
        'class MySecondError extends MyError {\n'
        'try {\n'
        '    value = 0;\n'
        '    throw new MySecondError("This is an error");\n'
        '} catch(e) {\n'
        '    if ((e instanceof MySecondError)) {\n'
        '        value = 1;\n'
        '    } else {\n'
        '        throw e;\n'
        '    }\n'

    assert translate_object(func, body_only=True, enable_es6=True)[0] == expected
def test_globals():

    def func():

        def simple_alert():
            window.alert('Hi there!')

        el = document.querySelector('button')
        el.addEventListener('click', simple_alert)

    expected = ('var el;\n'
                'function simple_alert() {\n'
                '    window.alert("Hi there!");\n'
                'el = document.querySelector("button");\n'
                'el.addEventListener("click", simple_alert);\n')

    assert translate_object(func, body_only=True)[0] == expected
Exemple #18
def test_slices():
    def func():

        foo = 'foofoo'

    expected = ('function func() {\n'
                '    var foo;\n'
                '    foo = "foofoo";\n'
                '    foo.slice(1);\n'
                '    foo.slice(0, (- 1));\n'
                '    foo.slice(3, (- 1));\n'
                '    foo[2];\n'

    assert translate_object(func)[0] == expected
Exemple #19
def test_properties():
    class Foo:
        def bar(self):
            return self._bar

        def bar(self, value):
            self._bar = value

    expected = ('class Foo {\n'
                '    get bar() {\n'
                '        return this._bar;\n'
                '    }\n'
                '    set bar(value) {\n'
                '        this._bar = value;\n'
                '    }\n'

    assert translate_object(Foo, enable_es6=True)[0] == expected
Exemple #20
def test_special_methods():

    # it seems that if name this class the same of the previous test,
    # inspect.getsourcelines will found that instead of this...
    class Foo2:
        def __len__(self):
            return 5

        def __str__(self):
            return 'bar'

    expected = ('class Foo2 {\n'
                '    get length() {\n'
                '        return 5;\n'
                '    }\n'
                '    toString() {\n'
                '        return "bar";\n'
                '    }\n'

    assert translate_object(Foo2, enable_es6=True)[0] == expected
def test_inner_method_func():

    def func():

        class Example:
            def foo(self):

                def bar():

    expected = (
        'class Example {\n'
        '    foo() {\n'
        '        var bar;\n'
        '        bar = () => {\n'
        '        };\n'
        '    }\n'

    assert translate_object(func, body_only=True, enable_es6=True)[0] == expected
def test_slices():

    def func():

        foo = 'foofoo'

    expected = (
        'function func() {\n'
        '    var foo;\n'
        '    foo = "foofoo";\n'
        '    foo.slice(1);\n'
        '    foo.slice(0, (- 1));\n'
        '    foo.slice(3, (- 1));\n'
        '    foo[2];\n'

    assert translate_object(func)[0] == expected
Exemple #23
def test_init_local_def_with_return():
    """An __init__ with a function that returns something should not raise any

    class Foo4:
        def __init__(self):
            def bar():
                return 10
            self.bar = bar

    expected = (
        'class Foo4 {\n'
        '    constructor() {\n'
        '        var bar;\n'
        '        bar = () => {\n'
        '            return 10;\n'
        '        };\n'
        '        this.bar = bar;\n'
        '    }\n'
    assert translate_object(Foo4, enable_es6=True)[0] == expected
def test_special_methods():

    # it seems that if name this class the same of the previous test,
    # inspect.getsourcelines will found that instead of this...
    class Foo2:

        def __len__(self):
            return 5

        def __str__(self):
            return 'bar'

    expected = (
        'class Foo2 {\n'
        '    get length() {\n'
        '        return 5;\n'
        '    }\n'
        '    toString() {\n'
        '        return "bar";\n'
        '    }\n'

    assert translate_object(Foo2, enable_es6=True)[0] == expected
def test_properties():

    class Foo:

        def bar(self):
            return self._bar

        def bar(self, value):
            self._bar = value

    expected = (
        'class Foo {\n'
        '    get bar() {\n'
        '        return this._bar;\n'
        '    }\n'
        '    set bar(value) {\n'
        '        this._bar = value;\n'
        '    }\n'

    assert translate_object(Foo, enable_es6=True)[0] == expected
Exemple #26
 def test_translate_object(self, name, py_code, options, expected):
     dump = translate_object(py_code, **options)[0]
     assert dump.rstrip() == expected.rstrip()
Exemple #27
 def test_translate_object_unsupported(self, name, py_code, options,
     from metapensiero.pj.processor.exceptions import UnsupportedSyntaxError
     with pytest.raises(UnsupportedSyntaxError):
         translate_object(py_code, **options)[0]