Exemple #1
 def test_distance_vector(self):
     # [mtl, qc, qc]
     lat = array([45., 46., 46.])
     lon = array([73., 71., 71.])
     # [[mtl-mtl, mtl-qc, mtl-qc],
     #  [qc-mtl, qc-qc, qc-qc],
     #  [qc-mtl, qc-qc, qc-qc]]
     ds = lat_lon_fast_distance(lat.reshape(-1, 1), lon.reshape(-1, 1),
                                lat.reshape(1, -1), lon.reshape(1, -1))
     mtl_qc = 191.5
     expected = array([[0, mtl_qc, mtl_qc], [mtl_qc, 0, 0], [mtl_qc, 0, 0]])
     assert_allclose(ds, expected, 0, 0.05)
Exemple #2
 def test_distance_vector(self):
     # [mtl, qc, qc]
     lat = array([45., 46., 46.])
     lon = array([73., 71., 71.])
     # [[mtl-mtl, mtl-qc, mtl-qc],
     #  [qc-mtl, qc-qc, qc-qc],
     #  [qc-mtl, qc-qc, qc-qc]]
     ds = lat_lon_fast_distance(lat.reshape(-1,1), lon.reshape(-1,1),
                        lat.reshape(1,-1), lon.reshape(1,-1))
     mtl_qc = 191.5
     expected = array([[0, mtl_qc, mtl_qc], [mtl_qc, 0, 0], [mtl_qc, 0, 0]])
     assert_allclose(ds, expected, 0, 0.05)
Exemple #3
 def distance_fn(tuple1, tuple2):
     _,lat1,lon1 = tuple1
     _,lat2,lon2 = tuple2
     return lat_lon_fast_distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2)
Exemple #4
def add_priority_index(session, fast_mode=False):
    """ decides the order in which the cities should be selected """
    cities = session.query(City,
                          func.ST_Y(cast(City.location, Geometry())),
                          func.ST_X(cast(City.location, Geometry()))) \
        .join(MonthlyStat) \
        .order_by(City.region_rank, City.country_rank,
                  desc(func.count(MonthlyStat.id))) \
        .group_by(City.id) \

    if fast_mode:
        logger.info('doing the fast version of priority index')
        for i,city in enumerate(cities):
            city[0].priority_index = i

    def distance_fn(tuple1, tuple2):
        _,lat1,lon1 = tuple1
        _,lat2,lon2 = tuple2
        return lat_lon_fast_distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2)

    indices = [0]
    indices_left = list(range(1,len(cities)))

    # pre-calculate the distances between all the cities
    logger.info('pre-calculating the distances between all cities')
    lats = numpy.array([c[1] for c in cities])
    lons = numpy.array([c[2] for c in cities])
    distances = lat_lon_fast_distance(lats.reshape(-1,1),

    class CityComp(object):
        idx = None
        max_dist = None
        max_dist_idx = None

        def __init__(self, max_dist, max_dist_idx):
            self.max_dist = max_dist
            self.max_dist_idx = max_dist_idx

        def __lt__(self, other):
            return self.max_dist < other.max_dist

    # each city is compared to all the previous ones (maximum)
    timer = Timer(len(indices_left))
    # percent of closest cities to choose from
    perc_closest_cities = 0.1
    # same but max
    max_closest_cities = 200
    while len(indices_left) > 0:
        # let's find the next city amongst the next candidates
        # this will be our (heap) list of good candidates, i.e. the ones
        # farthest from all the others
        good_candidates = []
        nb_keep = min(perc_closest_cities * len(indices_left),
        nb_keep = max(1, nb_keep)  # at least 1!
        logger.debug('will keep the farthest %i', nb_keep)
        # max_dist = 0.
        # max_dist_idx = 0
        logger.debug('---------looking for the next one----------')
        for no_candidate, i_left in enumerate(indices_left):
            # logger.debug('candidate %i, idx %i', no_candidate, i_left)
            # find how close is the nearest neighbor for this city
            # we are looking for the city with the fartest nearest neighbor
            dist_nearest_neighbor = 1e9
            # get the distance of our candidate to the closest (already chosen)
            # city
            too_close = False
            for i_chosen in indices:
                cur_dist = distances[i_chosen, i_left]
                # if we already have enough candidates, and if the current is
                # worse than all others, let's skip it
                if len(good_candidates) >= nb_keep \
                        and cur_dist <= good_candidates[0].max_dist:
                    too_close = True
                    # logger.debug('too close @%f', cur_dist)
                dist_nearest_neighbor = min(dist_nearest_neighbor, cur_dist)
            # we don't compare the distance of this candidate with all cities
            # if it's closer to (already chosen) city than our best candidate
            # so far
            if too_close:
            # dist_nearest_neighbor = numpy.min(distances[indices][:,i_left])
            # logger.debug('candidate %i has a city at %f', no_candidate,
                         # dist_nearest_neighbor)

            # if dist_nearest_neighbor > best_candidate.max_dist:
                # logger.debug('(new max)')
            new_candidate = CityComp(dist_nearest_neighbor, no_candidate)
            # logger.debug('trying to add new candidate with dist %f',
                         # new_candidate.max_dist)
            # if we don't have enough anyway
            if len(good_candidates) < nb_keep:
                heapq.heappush(good_candidates, new_candidate)
                # if we have enough, just keep the n best
                rejected_cand = heapq.heappushpop(good_candidates,
                # logger.debug('removed candidate %i with dist %f',
                            # rejected_cand.max_dist_idx,
                            # rejected_cand.max_dist)

        # take the smallest index in our good candidates. this corresponds to
        # the best (according to our first ORDER BY) amongst the "far enough"
        # candidates
        best_candidate = min(good_candidates, key=lambda x: x.max_dist_idx)
        logger.debug('keeping %s with pop %i',
        # input('press to continue')
        logger.debug('done, best candidate was %i with distance %f',
                     best_candidate.max_dist_idx, best_candidate.max_dist)
        logger.debug('done, chosen: %i, remaining: %i', len(indices),

    assert len(indices) == len(cities)
    for priority_index, i in enumerate(indices):
        cities[i][0].priority_index = priority_index
Exemple #5
 def distance_fn(tuple1, tuple2):
     _, lat1, lon1 = tuple1
     _, lat2, lon2 = tuple2
     return lat_lon_fast_distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2)
Exemple #6
def add_priority_index(session, fast_mode=False):
    """ decides the order in which the cities should be selected """
    cities = session.query(City,
                          func.ST_Y(cast(City.location, Geometry())),
                          func.ST_X(cast(City.location, Geometry()))) \
        .join(MonthlyStat) \
        .order_by(City.region_rank, City.country_rank,
                  desc(func.count(MonthlyStat.id))) \
        .group_by(City.id) \

    if fast_mode:
        logger.info('doing the fast version of priority index')
        for i, city in enumerate(cities):
            city[0].priority_index = i

    def distance_fn(tuple1, tuple2):
        _, lat1, lon1 = tuple1
        _, lat2, lon2 = tuple2
        return lat_lon_fast_distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2)

    indices = [0]
    indices_left = list(range(1, len(cities)))

    # pre-calculate the distances between all the cities
    logger.info('pre-calculating the distances between all cities')
    lats = numpy.array([c[1] for c in cities])
    lons = numpy.array([c[2] for c in cities])
    distances = lat_lon_fast_distance(lats.reshape(-1, 1), lons.reshape(-1, 1),
                                      lats.reshape(1, -1), lons.reshape(1, -1))

    class CityComp(object):
        idx = None
        max_dist = None
        max_dist_idx = None

        def __init__(self, max_dist, max_dist_idx):
            self.max_dist = max_dist
            self.max_dist_idx = max_dist_idx

        def __lt__(self, other):
            return self.max_dist < other.max_dist

    # each city is compared to all the previous ones (maximum)
    timer = Timer(len(indices_left))
    # percent of closest cities to choose from
    perc_closest_cities = 0.1
    # same but max
    max_closest_cities = 200
    while len(indices_left) > 0:
        # let's find the next city amongst the next candidates
        # this will be our (heap) list of good candidates, i.e. the ones
        # farthest from all the others
        good_candidates = []
        nb_keep = min(perc_closest_cities * len(indices_left),
        nb_keep = max(1, nb_keep)  # at least 1!
        logger.debug('will keep the farthest %i', nb_keep)
        # max_dist = 0.
        # max_dist_idx = 0
        logger.debug('---------looking for the next one----------')
        for no_candidate, i_left in enumerate(indices_left):
            # logger.debug('candidate %i, idx %i', no_candidate, i_left)
            # find how close is the nearest neighbor for this city
            # we are looking for the city with the fartest nearest neighbor
            dist_nearest_neighbor = 1e9
            # get the distance of our candidate to the closest (already chosen)
            # city
            too_close = False
            for i_chosen in indices:
                cur_dist = distances[i_chosen, i_left]
                # if we already have enough candidates, and if the current is
                # worse than all others, let's skip it
                if len(good_candidates) >= nb_keep \
                        and cur_dist <= good_candidates[0].max_dist:
                    too_close = True
                    # logger.debug('too close @%f', cur_dist)
                dist_nearest_neighbor = min(dist_nearest_neighbor, cur_dist)
            # we don't compare the distance of this candidate with all cities
            # if it's closer to (already chosen) city than our best candidate
            # so far
            if too_close:
            # dist_nearest_neighbor = numpy.min(distances[indices][:,i_left])
            # logger.debug('candidate %i has a city at %f', no_candidate,
            # dist_nearest_neighbor)

            # if dist_nearest_neighbor > best_candidate.max_dist:
            # logger.debug('(new max)')
            new_candidate = CityComp(dist_nearest_neighbor, no_candidate)
            # logger.debug('trying to add new candidate with dist %f',
            # new_candidate.max_dist)
            # if we don't have enough anyway
            if len(good_candidates) < nb_keep:
                heapq.heappush(good_candidates, new_candidate)
                # if we have enough, just keep the n best
                rejected_cand = heapq.heappushpop(good_candidates,
                # logger.debug('removed candidate %i with dist %f',
                # rejected_cand.max_dist_idx,
                # rejected_cand.max_dist)

        # take the smallest index in our good candidates. this corresponds to
        # the best (according to our first ORDER BY) amongst the "far enough"
        # candidates
        best_candidate = min(good_candidates, key=lambda x: x.max_dist_idx)
            'keeping %s with pop %i',
        # input('press to continue')
        logger.debug('done, best candidate was %i with distance %f',
                     best_candidate.max_dist_idx, best_candidate.max_dist)
        logger.debug('done, chosen: %i, remaining: %i', len(indices),

    assert len(indices) == len(cities)
    for priority_index, i in enumerate(indices):
        cities[i][0].priority_index = priority_index