Exemple #1
def create_chaser_model(seg_map=None, locs=None, isovist=None):
    if locs is None:
        locs = [[0.100, 1 - 0.900], [0.566, 1 - 0.854], [0.761, 1 - 0.665],
                [0.523, 1 - 0.604], [0.241, 1 - 0.660], [0.425, 1 - 0.591],
                [0.303, 1 - 0.429], [0.815, 1 - 0.402], [0.675, 1 - 0.075],
                [0.432, 1 - 0.098]]

    if seg_map is None:
        seg_map = polygons_to_segments(load_polygons("./paths.txt"))
    if isovist is None:
        isovist = i.Isovist(load_isovist_map())
    model = Chaser(isovist=isovist, locs=locs, seg_map=seg_map)
    return model
Exemple #2

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # XXX This is testing the runner model. We can view samples from the prior
    # conditioned [on the variable list below]


    # setup
    locs = [[0.100, 1 - 0.900], [0.566, 1 - 0.854], [0.761, 1 - 0.665],
            [0.523, 1 - 0.604], [0.241, 1 - 0.660], [0.425, 1 - 0.591],
            [0.303, 1 - 0.429], [0.815, 1 - 0.402], [0.675, 1 - 0.075],
            [0.432, 1 - 0.098]]
    seg_map = polygons_to_segments(load_polygons("./paths.txt"))
    isovist = i.Isovist(load_isovist_map())
    polys, epolys = load_segs()

    # # for writing the smart preplanned runner
    # way_pts = [[0.100, 1-0.9], [.28,.20] , [.26, .32],[.16,.36], [.11, .057], [.179, .086], [.38, .87], [.432, 1-.098]]
    # way_pts = np.asarray(way_pts)
    # print way_pts

    dets = []
    simulation_Q_history = []
    # TODO: for x simulations
    runner_intercepted_cnt = 0
    for x in xrange(5):
        sim_id = str(int(time.time()))
        detection, Q_history = run_simulation(sim_id, locs, seg_map, isovist,
                                              polys, epolys)