Exemple #1
def test_log_interpolate_no_extrap():
    """Test interpolating with log x-scale setting out of bounds value error."""
    x_log = np.array([1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6])
    y_log = np.log(x_log) * 2 + 3
    x_interp = np.array([1e7])
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        log_interpolate_1d(x_interp, x_log, y_log, fill_value=None)
Exemple #2
def test_log_interpolate_3d():
    """Test interpolating with log x-scale 3 dimensions along second axis."""
    x_log = np.ones((3, 4, 3)) * np.array([1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6]).reshape(-1, 1)
    y_log = np.log(x_log) * 2 + 3
    x_interp = np.array([5e3, 5e4, 5e5])
    y_interp_truth = np.array([20.0343863828, 24.6395565688, 29.2447267548])
    y_interp = log_interpolate_1d(x_interp, x_log, y_log, axis=1)
    assert_array_almost_equal(y_interp[0, :, 0], y_interp_truth, 7)
Exemple #3
def test_log_interpolate_2d():
    """Test interpolating with log x-scale in 2 dimensions."""
    x_log = np.array([[1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6], [1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6]])
    y_log = np.log(x_log) * 2 + 3
    x_interp = np.array([5e3, 5e4, 5e5])
    y_interp_truth = np.array([20.0343863828, 24.6395565688, 29.2447267548])
    y_interp = log_interpolate_1d(x_interp, x_log, y_log, axis=1)
    assert_array_almost_equal(y_interp[1], y_interp_truth, 7)
Exemple #4
def test_log_interpolate_1d_units():
    """Test interpolating with log x-scale with units."""
    x_log = np.array([1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6]) * units.hPa
    y_log = (np.log(x_log.m) * 2 + 3) * units.degC
    x_interp = np.array([5e5, 5e6, 5e7]) * units.Pa
    y_interp_truth = np.array([20.0343863828, 24.6395565688, 29.2447267548]) * units.degC
    y_interp = log_interpolate_1d(x_interp, x_log, y_log)
    assert_array_almost_equal(y_interp, y_interp_truth, 7)
Exemple #5
def test_log_interpolate_4d():
    """Test interpolating with log x-scale 4 dimensions."""
    x_log = np.ones((2, 2, 3, 4)) * np.array([1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6])
    y_log = np.log(x_log) * 2 + 3
    x_interp = np.array([5e3, 5e4, 5e5])
    y_interp_truth = np.array([20.0343863828, 24.6395565688, 29.2447267548])
    y_interp = log_interpolate_1d(x_interp, x_log, y_log, axis=3)
    assert_array_almost_equal(y_interp[0, 0, 0, :], y_interp_truth, 7)
Exemple #6
def test_log_interpolate_set_nan_below():
    """Test interpolating with log x-scale setting out of bounds below data to nan."""
    x_log = np.array([1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6])
    y_log = np.log(x_log) * 2 + 3
    x_interp = 1e2
    y_interp_truth = np.nan
    with pytest.warns(Warning):
        y_interp = log_interpolate_1d(x_interp, x_log, y_log)
    assert_array_almost_equal(y_interp, y_interp_truth, 7)
Exemple #7
def calcgw_wrf(f, lat, lon, levels, tidx=0):
    # MFDataset removes the time dimension from XLAT, XLONG
    xlat = f.variables['XLAT']
    xlslice = (0, ) * (len(xlat.shape) - 2) + (slice(None), slice(None))
    xlat = xlat[xlslice]
    xlong = f.variables['XLONG'][xlslice]

    (iy, ix), area, (iby, ibx) = get_wrf_dims(f, lat, lon, xlat, xlong)
    areat = (tidx, ) + area
    areatz = (tidx, slice(None)) + area
    #print('wrf coords', lat, lon, xlat[iy,ix], xlong[iy,ix])
    #print(xlat[area][iby,ibx], xlong[area][iby,ibx], areat)

    # load area
    hgt = (f.variables['PH'][areatz] + f.variables['PHB'][areatz]) / 9.81
    hgtu = (hgt[:-1] + hgt[1:]) * .5
    pres = f.variables['P'][areatz] + f.variables['PB'][areatz]
    terrain = f.variables['HGT'][areat]

    # find suitable pressure levels
    yminpres, xminpres = np.unravel_index(pres[0].argmin(), pres[0].shape)
    pres1 = pres[0, yminpres, xminpres] - 1.

    aglpt = hgtu[:, iby, ibx] - terrain[iby, ibx]
    pres0 = pres[np.searchsorted(aglpt, levels[-1]), iby, ibx]
    # plevels = np.arange(pres1, min(pres0, pres1)-1, -1000.)
    plevels = np.arange(pres1, min(pres0, pres1) - 1000, -1000.)  # !!!!

    # interpolate wrf into pressure levels
    phgt = log_interpolate_1d(plevels, pres, hgtu, axis=0)

    # Set up some constants based on our projection, including the Coriolis parameter and
    # grid spacing, converting lon/lat spacing to Cartesian
    coriol = mpcalc.coriolis_parameter(np.deg2rad(xlat[area])).to('1/s')

    # lat_lon_grid_deltas doesn't work under py2, but for WRF grid it is still
    # not very accurate, better use direct values.
    #dx, dy = mpcalc.lat_lon_grid_deltas(xlong[area], xlat[area])
    dx = f.DX * units.m
    dy = f.DY * units.m

    # Smooth height data. Sigma=1.5 for gfs 0.5deg
    res_km = f.DX / 1000.

    ug = np.zeros(plevels.shape, 'f8')
    vg = np.zeros(plevels.shape, 'f8')
    for i in range(len(plevels)):
        sh = ndimage.gaussian_filter(phgt[i, :, :],
                                     sigma=1.5 * 50 / res_km,
        #        ugl, vgl = mpcalc.geostrophic_wind(sh * units.m, coriol, dx, dy) # bug1
        ugl, vgl = mpcalc.geostrophic_wind(sh * units.m, dx, dy,
        ug[i] = ugl[iby, ibx].magnitude
        vg[i] = vgl[iby, ibx].magnitude

    return phgt[:, iby, ibx], ug, vg
Exemple #8
def test_log_interpolate_2args():
    """Test interpolating with log x-scale with 2 arguments."""
    x_log = np.array([1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6])
    y_log = np.log(x_log) * 2 + 3
    y_log2 = np.log(x_log) * 2 + 3
    x_interp = np.array([5e3, 5e4, 5e5])
    y_interp_truth = np.array([20.0343863828, 24.6395565688, 29.2447267548])
    y_interp = log_interpolate_1d(x_interp, x_log, y_log, y_log2)
    assert_array_almost_equal(y_interp[1], y_interp_truth, 7)
    assert_array_almost_equal(y_interp[0], y_interp_truth, 7)
Exemple #9
 def interpolate(self, plevs):
     for name, (d_arr, conf) in list(self.var_conf.items()):
         d_arr_interp = log_interpolate_1d(plevs, self.__press_inter, d_arr)
         # Back to DataArray:
         d_arr_interp = xr.DataArray(data=d_arr_interp,
                                     dims=['plevs', 'lat', 'lon'],
                                     coords={'plevs': ('plevs', plevs),
                                             'lat': ('lat', d_arr['lat']),
                                             'lon': ('lon', d_arr['lon'])},
         # Change dict entry for interpolated values
         self.var_conf[name] = (d_arr_interp, conf)
Exemple #10
 def interpolate_csec(self, plevs, start, end, steps=100):
     start = (start['lat'], start['lon'])
     end = (end['lat'], end['lon'])
     xp_interp = cross_section(self.__press_inter, start, end, steps=steps)
     for name, (d_arr, conf) in list(self.var_conf.items()):
         d_arr = cross_section(d_arr, start, end, steps=steps)
         d_arr_interp = log_interpolate_1d(plevs, xp_interp, d_arr)
         # Back to DataArray:
         d_arr_interp = xr.DataArray(data=d_arr_interp,
                                     dims=['plevs', 'index'],
                                     coords={'lat': ('index', d_arr['lat']),
                                             'lon': ('index', d_arr['lon']),
                                             'plevs': ('plevs', plevs),
                                             'index': ('index', d_arr['index'])},
                                     attrs=d_arr.attrs)  # Anpassen, nicht identisch
         # Change dict entry for interpolated values
         self.var_conf[name] = (d_arr_interp, conf)
Exemple #11
def get_isobaric_variables(data, var_list, plevs, outfile, dtype, compression,
    """Gets isobaric variables from a list"""
    # use wrf-python to get data for each of the variables
    var_def = get_variables()
    # get pressure array and attach units
    p = getvar(data, 'p', ALL_TIMES)
    p_np = np.array(p.data) * units(p.units)

    for i in range(len(var_list)):
        name = var_list[i]
        var_data = getvar(data, var_def[name][2], ALL_TIMES)
        iso_data = log_interpolate_1d(plevs, p_np, var_data.data, axis=1)

        # write each of the variables to the output file

        pres_data = outfile.createVariable(
            dtype, ('time', 'pressure_levels', 'lat', 'lon'),
        pres_data.units = var_data.units
        if var_list[i] == 'height':
            pres_data.decription = 'height [MSL] of isobaric surfaces'
        elif var_list[i] == 'uwnd':
            pres_data.description = 'u-wind component on isobaric surfaces'
        elif var_list[i] == 'vwnd':
            pres_data.description = 'v-wind component on isobaric surfaces'
        elif var_list[i] == 'wwnd':
            pres_data.description = 'w-wind component on isobaric surfaces'
        elif var_list[i] == 'temp':
            pres_data.description = 'temperature on isobaric surfaces'
        elif var_list[i] == 'dewpt':
            pres_data.description = 'dewpoint temperature on isobaric surfaces'
        elif var_list[i] == 'avor':
            pres_data.description = 'absolute vorticity on isobaric surfaces'
            pres_data.description = var_data.description
        pres_data[:] = iso_data
def metpy_read_wrf_cross(fname, plevels, tidx_in, lons_out, lats_out, start,

    ds = xr.open_dataset(fname).metpy.parse_cf().squeeze()
    ds = ds.isel(Time=tidx)

    ds1 = xr.Dataset()

    p = units.Quantity(to_np(ds.p), 'hPa')
    z = units.Quantity(to_np(ds.z), 'meter')
    u = units.Quantity(to_np(ds.u), 'm/s')
    v = units.Quantity(to_np(ds.v), 'm/s')
    w = units.Quantity(to_np(ds.w), 'm/s')
    tk = units.Quantity(to_np(ds.tk), 'kelvin')
    th = units.Quantity(to_np(ds.th), 'kelvin')
    eth = units.Quantity(to_np(ds.eth), 'kelvin')
    wspd = units.Quantity(to_np(ds.wspd), 'm/s')
    omega = units.Quantity(to_np(ds.omega), 'Pa/s')

    plevels_unit = plevels * units.hPa
    z, u, v, w, tk, th, eth, wspd, omega = log_interpolate_1d(plevels_unit,

    coords, dims = [plevs, ds.lat.values,
                    ds.lon.values], ["level", "lat", "lon"]
    for name, var in zip(
        ['z', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'tk', 'th', 'eth', 'wspd', 'omega'],
        [z, u, v, w, tk, th, eth, wspd, omega]):
        #g = ndimage.gaussian_filter(var, sigma=3, order=0)
        ds1[name] = xr.DataArray(to_np(mpcalc.smooth_n_point(var, 9)),

    dx, dy = mpcalc.lat_lon_grid_deltas(ds.lon.values * units('degrees_E'),
                                        ds.lat.values * units('degrees_N'))

    # Calculate temperature advection using metpy function
    for i, plev in enumerate(plevs):

        adv = mpcalc.advection(eth[i, :, :], [u[i, :, :], v[i, :, :]],
                               (dx, dy),
                               dim_order='yx') * units('K/sec')
        adv = ndimage.gaussian_filter(adv, sigma=3, order=0) * units('K/sec')
        ds1['eth_adv_{:03d}'.format(plev)] = xr.DataArray(
            coords=[ds.lat.values, ds.lon.values],
            dims=["lat", "lon"])

        div = mpcalc.divergence(u[i, :, :], v[i, :, :], dx, dy, dim_order='yx')
        div = ndimage.gaussian_filter(div, sigma=3, order=0) * units('1/sec')
        ds1['div_{:03d}'.format(plev)] = xr.DataArray(
            coords=[ds.lat.values, ds.lon.values],
            dims=["lat", "lon"])

    ds1['accrain'] = xr.DataArray(ds.accrain.values,
                                  coords=[ds.lat.values, ds.lon.values],
                                  dims=["lat", "lon"])
    eth2 = mpcalc.equivalent_potential_temperature(
        ds.slp.values * units.hPa, ds.t2m.values * units('K'),
        ds.td2.values * units('celsius'))
    ds1['eth2'] = xr.DataArray(eth2,
                               coords=[ds.lat.values, ds.lon.values],
                               dims=["lat", "lon"])
    #ds1['sst'] = xr.DataArray(ndimage.gaussian_filter(ds.sst.values, sigma=3, order=0)-273.15, coords=[ds.lat.values,ds.lon.values], dims=["lat","lon"])
    ds1 = ds1.metpy.parse_cf().squeeze()

    cross = cross_section(ds1, start, end).set_coords(('lat', 'lon'))
    cross.u.attrs['units'] = 'm/s'
    cross.v.attrs['units'] = 'm/s'

    cross['t_wind'], cross['n_wind'] = mpcalc.cross_section_components(
        cross['u'], cross['v'])

    weights = np.cos(np.deg2rad(ds.lat))
    ds_weighted = ds.weighted(weights)
    weighted = ds_weighted.mean(("lat"))

    return ds1, cross, weighted
def metpy_temp_adv(fname, plevels, tidx):

    ds = xr.open_dataset(fname).metpy.parse_cf().squeeze()
    ds = ds.isel(Time=tidx)

    dx, dy = mpcalc.lat_lon_grid_deltas(ds.lon.values * units('degrees_E'),
                                        ds.lat.values * units('degrees_N'))

    plevels_unit = plevels * units.hPa

    ds1 = xr.Dataset()

    p = units.Quantity(to_np(ds.p), 'hPa')
    z = units.Quantity(to_np(ds.z), 'meter')
    u = units.Quantity(to_np(ds.u), 'm/s')
    v = units.Quantity(to_np(ds.v), 'm/s')
    w = units.Quantity(to_np(ds.w), 'm/s')
    tk = units.Quantity(to_np(ds.tk), 'kelvin')
    th = units.Quantity(to_np(ds.th), 'kelvin')
    eth = units.Quantity(to_np(ds.eth), 'kelvin')
    wspd = units.Quantity(to_np(ds.wspd), 'm/s')
    omega = units.Quantity(to_np(ds.omega), 'Pa/s')
    z, u, v, w, tk, th, eth, wspd, omega = log_interpolate_1d(plevels_unit,

    coords, dims = [plevs, ds.lat.values,
                    ds.lon.values], ["level", "lat", "lon"]
    for name, var in zip(
        ['z', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'tk', 'th', 'eth', 'wspd', 'omega'],
        [z, u, v, w, tk, th, eth, wspd, omega]):
        #g = ndimage.gaussian_filter(var, sigma=3, order=0)
        ds1[name] = xr.DataArray(to_np(var), coords=coords, dims=dims)

    # Calculate temperature advection using metpy function
    for i, plev in enumerate(plevs):

        uqvect, vqvect = mpcalc.q_vector(u[i, :, :], v[i, :, :], th[i, :, :],
                                         plev * units.hPa, dx, dy)
        #uqvect, vqvect = mpcalc.q_vector(u[i,:,:], v[i,:,:], th.to('degC')[i,:,:], plev*units.hPa, dx, dy)
        q_div = -2 * mpcalc.divergence(uqvect, vqvect, dx, dy, dim_order='yx')
        ds1['uq_{:03d}'.format(plev)] = xr.DataArray(
            coords=[ds.lat.values, ds.lon.values],
            dims=["lat", "lon"])
        ds1['vq_{:03d}'.format(plev)] = xr.DataArray(
            coords=[ds.lat.values, ds.lon.values],
            dims=["lat", "lon"])
        ds1['q_div_{:03d}'.format(plev)] = xr.DataArray(
            coords=[ds.lat.values, ds.lon.values],
            dims=["lat", "lon"])

        #        adv = mpcalc.advection(tk[i,:,:], [u[i,:,:], v[i,:,:]], (dx, dy), dim_order='yx') * units('K/sec')
        #        adv = ndimage.gaussian_filter(adv, sigma=3, order=0) * units('K/sec')
        #        ds1['tk_adv_{:03d}'.format(plev)] = xr.DataArray(np.array(adv), coords=[ds.lat.values,ds.lon.values], dims=["lat","lon"])
        #        adv = mpcalc.advection(th[i,:,:], [u[i,:,:], v[i,:,:]], (dx, dy), dim_order='yx') * units('K/sec')
        #        adv = ndimage.gaussian_filter(adv, sigma=3, order=0) * units('K/sec')
        #        ds1['th_adv_{:03d}'.format(plev)] = xr.DataArray(np.array(adv), coords=[ds.lat.values,ds.lon.values], dims=["lat","lon"])
        adv = mpcalc.advection(eth[i, :, :], [u[i, :, :], v[i, :, :]],
                               (dx, dy),
                               dim_order='yx') * units('K/sec')
        adv = ndimage.gaussian_filter(adv, sigma=3, order=0) * units('K/sec')
        ds1['eth_adv_{:03d}'.format(plev)] = xr.DataArray(
            coords=[ds.lat.values, ds.lon.values],
            dims=["lat", "lon"])

        div = mpcalc.divergence(u[i, :, :], v[i, :, :], dx, dy, dim_order='yx')
        div = ndimage.gaussian_filter(div, sigma=3, order=0) * units('1/sec')
        ds1['div_{:03d}'.format(plev)] = xr.DataArray(
            coords=[ds.lat.values, ds.lon.values],
            dims=["lat", "lon"])

    ds1['Time'] = ds.Time
    eth2 = mpcalc.equivalent_potential_temperature(
        ds.slp.values * units.hPa, ds.t2m.values * units('K'),
        ds.td2.values * units('celsius'))
    ds1['eth2'] = xr.DataArray(eth2,
                               coords=[ds.lat.values, ds.lon.values],
                               dims=["lat", "lon"])
    ds1['sst'] = xr.DataArray(
        ndimage.gaussian_filter(ds.sst.values, sigma=3, order=0) - 273.15,
        coords=[ds.lat.values, ds.lon.values],
        dims=["lat", "lon"])
    ds1['t2m'] = xr.DataArray(ds.t2m.values,
                              coords=[ds.lat.values, ds.lon.values],
                              dims=["lat", "lon"])
    ds1['th2'] = xr.DataArray(ds.th2.values,
                              coords=[ds.lat.values, ds.lon.values],
                              dims=["lat", "lon"])
    ds1['mask'] = xr.DataArray(ds.mask.values,
                               coords=[ds.lat.values, ds.lon.values],
                               dims=["lat", "lon"])

    ds1['u10'] = xr.DataArray(ds.u10.values,
                              coords=[ds.lat.values, ds.lon.values],
                              dims=["lat", "lon"])
    ds1['v10'] = xr.DataArray(ds.v10.values,
                              coords=[ds.lat.values, ds.lon.values],
                              dims=["lat", "lon"])
    ds1['slp'] = xr.DataArray(ds.slp.values,
                              coords=[ds.lat.values, ds.lon.values],
                              dims=["lat", "lon"])
    ds1['rain'] = xr.DataArray(ds.rain.values,
                               coords=[ds.lat.values, ds.lon.values],
                               dims=["lat", "lon"])
    ds1['accrain'] = xr.DataArray(ds.accrain.values,
                                  coords=[ds.lat.values, ds.lon.values],
                                  dims=["lat", "lon"])
    #ds1['latent'] = xr.DataArray(ds.latent.values, coords=[ds.lat.values,ds.lon.values], dims=["lat","lon"])
    #ds1['acclatent'] = xr.DataArray(ds.acclatent.values, coords=[ds.lat.values,ds.lon.values], dims=["lat","lon"])

    return ds1
Exemple #14
def pressure_interpolation(pressures,
    Interpolates pressure on altitude grid
    The pressure is interpolated logarithmically.
    pressure : array
        pressures in hPa
    altitudes : array
        altitudes in m belonging to pressure values
    output_altitudes : array
        altitudes (m) on which the pressure should
        be interpolated to
    convergence_error : float
        Error that needs to be reached to stop
        convergence iteration
    pressure_interpolated : array
        array of interpolated pressure values
        on altitudes

    pressure_interpolated = np.empty(len(output_altitudes))
    pressure_interpolated[:] = np.nan

    # Exclude heights outside of the intersection of measurements heights
    # and output_altitudes
    altitudes_above_measurements = output_altitudes > max(altitudes)
    range_of_alt_max = (np.min(
                 | (output_altitudes == output_altitudes[-1]))) - 1)

    altitudes_below_measurements = output_altitudes < min(altitudes)
    range_of_alt_min = (np.max(
                 | (output_altitudes == output_altitudes[0]))) + 1)

    for i in range(range_of_alt_min, range_of_alt_max):

        target_h = output_altitudes[i]

        lower_idx = np.nanmax(np.where(altitudes < target_h))
        upper_idx = np.nanmin(np.where(altitudes > target_h))

        p1 = pressures[lower_idx]  # pressure at lower altitude
        p2 = pressures[upper_idx]  # pressure at higher altitude
        a1 = altitudes[lower_idx]  # lower altitude
        a2 = altitudes[upper_idx]  # higher altitude

        xp = np.array([p1, p2])
        arr = np.array([a1, a2])

        err = 10

        if a2 - a1 < 100:
            while err > convergence_error:
                x = np.mean([p1, p2])
                ah = mpinterp.log_interpolate_1d(x, xp, arr, fill_value=np.nan)
                if ah > target_h:
                    p2 = x
                    p1 = x
                err = abs(ah - target_h)
            pressure_interpolated[i] = x

    return pressure_interpolated
# Array of desired pressure levels
plevs = [700.] * units.hPa

# **Interpolate The Data**
# Now that the data is ready, we can interpolate to the new isobaric levels. The data is
# interpolated from the irregular pressure values for each sigma level to the new input
# mandatory isobaric levels. `mpcalc.log_interp` will interpolate over a specified dimension
# with the `axis` argument. In this case, `axis=1` will correspond to interpolation on the
# vertical axis. The interpolated data is output in a list, so we will pull out each
# variable for plotting.

height, temp = log_interpolate_1d(plevs, pres, hgt, temperature, axis=1)

# **Plotting the Data for 700 hPa.**

# Set up our projection
crs = ccrs.LambertConformal(central_longitude=-100.0, central_latitude=45.0)

# Set the forecast hour
FH = 1

# Create the figure and grid for subplots
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(17, 12))
add_metpy_logo(fig, 470, 320, size='large')

# Plot 700 hPa
Exemple #16
# Array of desired pressure levels
plevs = [700.] * units.hPa

# **Interpolate The Data**
# Now that the data is ready, we can interpolate to the new isobaric levels. The data is
# interpolated from the irregular pressure values for each sigma level to the new input
# mandatory isobaric levels. `mpcalc.log_interp` will interpolate over a specified dimension
# with the `axis` argument. In this case, `axis=1` will correspond to interpolation on the
# vertical axis. The interpolated data is output in a list, so we will pull out each
# variable for plotting.

height, temp = log_interpolate_1d(plevs, pres, hgt, temperature, axis=1)

# **Plotting the Data for 700 hPa.**

# Set up our projection
crs = ccrs.LambertConformal(central_longitude=-100.0, central_latitude=45.0)

# Set the forecast hour
FH = 1

# Create the figure and grid for subplots
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(17, 12))
add_metpy_logo(fig, 470, 320, size='large')

# Plot 700 hPa
 def significant_tornado(self):
     u, v = self.bulk_shear()
     return mpcalc.significant_tornado(
         mpint.log_interpolate_1d(self.lcl(0)[0], self.p, self.z),
         self.storm_relative_helicity()[2], (u**2 + v**2)**0.5)