Exemple #1
def evaluate_intuitive(gt, pd, overlapThreshold=0.5, outputMatching=False):
    Evaluate the prediction against the ground truth using intuitive metric.
    In an overlapping set, match ground truth labels to predictions with the same label.
    (e.g., if gt = [person, dog] and pd = [dog, person] in an overlapping set, match the labels to each other
    :param gt: ground truth dict as {frame: {label: [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]}}
    :param pd: prediction dict as {frame: {label: ([xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], confidence)}}
    :return:   mAP metric on dataset
    ## make assignments of bounding boxes based on overlap
    # find all bounding boxes with overlap at desired threshold
    outerDic = {}
    for frame in gt:
        matchedDict = defaultdict(bool) # contains the predictions we've already matched
        gtq = gt[frame].keys() # store keys as queue
        innerDic = {}
        while gtq:
            gtLabel = gtq.pop()
            gbox        = gt[frame][gtLabel]
            pMatchList  = []
            for pdLabel in pd[frame]:
                pbox = pd[frame][pdLabel][0]
                ol   = calc_overlap(pbox, gbox)
                if ol > overlapThreshold:
                    pMatchList.append([pdLabel, pd[frame][pdLabel]])

            if pMatchList:
                # choose the bounding box with highest confidence as prediction
                pMatchList.sort(key=lambda match: match[1][1], reverse=True)
                pMatch = pMatchList[0][0]
                #pMatch = pMatchList[np.argmax([match[1][1] for match in pMatchList])]
                if matchedDict[pMatch]:
                    ## resolve conflict between 2 ground truth values wanting the same prediction

                    # find original ground truth value matching this prediction
                    gPrev = None
                    for gp, pp in innerDic.items():
                        if pp == pMatch:
                            gPrev = gp
                    if not gPrev:
                        raise ValueError('gPrev should not be None if a match occurred')

                    # check which match is better
                    if pMatch in innerDic and pMatch == innerDic[pMatch]:
                        # if current label matches current prediction, then keep and take next best c-score
                        if len(pMatchList) > 1:
                            innerDic[gtLabel] = pMatchList[1][0]
                            matchedDict[pMatchList[1][0]] = True
                        # if no next best prediction, then don't make any new match
                        # form list of possible other matches
                        gMatchList = []
                        for gMatch in gt[frame]:
                            gboxn = gt[frame][gMatch]
                            pboxn = pd[frame][pMatch][0]
                            ol   = calc_overlap(pboxn, gboxn)
                            if ol > overlapThreshold:

                        # check if prediction matches any ground truth label in possible set
                        for g in gMatchList:
                            if g == pMatch: # note this will only be true at most once by uniqueness of keys
                                innerDic[g] = pMatch
                                # note matchedDict[pMatch] is already true for this prediction

                        # if not, then choose one with greater overlap
                        if not matchedDict[pMatch]:
                            olp = calc_overlap(gt[frame][gPrev], pd[frame][pMatch][0])
                            oln = calc_overlap(gt[frame][gtLabel], pd[frame][pMatch][0])
                            if olp > oln:
                                # keep current matching and take next best c-score
                                if len(pMatchList) > 1:
                                    innerDic[gtLabel] = pMatchList[1][0]
                                    matchedDict[pMatchList[1][0]] = True
                                innerDic[gtLabel] = pMatch

                    matchedDict[pMatch] = True
                    innerDic[gtLabel]   = pMatch

        for gk in gt[frame]:
            if gk not in innerDic:
                innerDic[gk] = ''
        outerDic[frame] = innerDic

    # outerDic format {frame: {gtlabel: pdlabel}}

    # calculate mAP based on matched labels
    outMap = calc_mAP_from_dict(outerDic)

    # return desired output
    if outputMatching:
        return outMap, outerDic
        return outMap
Exemple #2
def evaluate_mAP(gt, pd, k=2, overlapThreshold=0.5):
    Evaluate the prediction against the ground truth using mAP
    The idea is to find all sets of overlapping boxes, then evaluate the mean average precision
    :param gt: ground truth list of lists where each element is (label, [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]);
                        rows refer to frames and columns to objects within frames
    :param pd: prediction   list of lists where each element is (label, [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], confidence);
                        rows refer to frames and columns to objects within frames
    :return:   mAP metric on dataset
    if isinstance(gt, Mapping) and isinstance(pd, Mapping):
        gtList = [d.items() for d in gt.values()]
        pdList = [list((key, d[key][0], d[key][1]) for key in d.keys()) for d in pd.values()]
    elif isinstance(gt, Sequence) and isinstance(pd, Sequence):
        gtList = gt
        pdList = pd
        raise TypeError('Inputs should be lists of lists where each element is (label, [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], confidence);'
                        'rows refer to frames and columns to objects within frames')

    ## make assignments of bounding boxes based on overlap
    # find all bounding boxes with overlap at desired threshold
    gMatchListOuter = []
    pMatchListOuter = []
    for i, frame in enumerate(gtList):
        gtq = frame[:]
        pdq = pdList[i][:]
        while gtq:
            # check all overlapping sets containing at least one ground truth value
            gtCurrent  = gtq.pop()
            gtLabel    = gtCurrent[0]
            gtbox      = gtCurrent[1]
            pMatchList = []
            for j1, pCurrent in enumerate(pdList[i]):
                pLabel = pCurrent[0]
                pbox   = pCurrent[1]
                ol     = calc_overlap(pbox, gtbox)
                if ol > overlapThreshold:
                    if pCurrent in pdq:
            pMatchList.sort(key=lambda match: match[2], reverse=True)
            pMatchList = [match[0] for match in pMatchList]

            gMatchList = [gtLabel]
            for j2, gCurrent in enumerate(gtq[:]):
                gLabel = gCurrent[0]
                gbox   = gCurrent[1]
                ol     = calc_overlap(gtbox, gbox)
                if ol > overlapThreshold:
                    # part of the same set of overlapping bounding boxes


        while pdq:
            # check remaining sets containing no ground truth value
            pdCurrent  = pdq.pop()
            pdLabel    = pdCurrent[0]
            pdbox      = pdCurrent[1]
            pMatchList = [pdLabel]
            for j, pCurrent in enumerate(pdq[:]):
                pLabel = pCurrent[0]
                pbox   = pCurrent[1]
                ol     = calc_overlap(pdbox, pbox)
                if ol > overlapThreshold:
                    # part of the same set of overlapping bounding boxes


    # calculate mAP based on overlapping regions
    return calc_mAP(gMatchListOuter, pMatchListOuter, k=k)
Exemple #3
 def produce(self, ip):
     #   expected output format
     #    {
     #      'object_1': {
     #        0: {                               # Frame index
     #          'labels': ['Label 1', 'Label 3'] # Optional Labels
     #          'block' : [0, 0, 200, 300]       # Optional 'spatial' block
     #         }, ...
     #       },
     #      'object_2: [ ... ]
     #    }
     outDict = {}
     classCounter = defaultdict(int) # track how many instances of each class have been created to ensure unique naming
     pClassDict = {}
     cClassDict = {}
     cInst = {} # keep track of current detection instance 
     # helper function to create new current instance
     def make_cInst(objClass, block, conf, labels):
         cInst['cls']    = objClass
         outBlock = [float(block[0]), float(block[1]), float(block[2]), float(block[3])]
         cInst['block']  = outBlock
         cInst['conf']   = float(conf)
         cInst['labels'] = labels
         return cInst
     # helper function to add the current instance to the current class dictionary or output class dictionary
     def add_cInst(container, cInst, frame=None):
         if frame is None:
             container[cInst['cls']] = {'block': cInst['block'], 'conf': cInst['conf'], 'labels': cInst['labels']}
                 container[cInst['cls']][frame] = {'block': cInst['block'], 'conf': cInst['conf'], 'labels': cInst['labels']}
             except KeyError:
                 container[cInst['cls']] = {frame: {'block': cInst['block'], 'conf': cInst['conf'], 'labels': cInst['labels']}}
         return container
     # RCNN output - frame: obj: block list
     for frameNum, frameDets in enumerate(ip):
         # handle first frame special case - all detections create new objects
         if frameNum == 0:
             for objClass in frameDets:
                 for objInst in frameDets[objClass]:
                     classCounter[objClass] += 1  
                     objID = objClass + '_' + str(classCounter[objClass])
                     cInst = make_cInst(objID, objInst[:4], objInst[-1], [cfg.dataset2label(objClass)])
                     add_cInst(cClassDict, cInst)
                     add_cInst(outDict, cInst, frame=1)
             # handle general case
             for objClass in frameDets:
                 for objInst in frameDets[objClass]:
                     cInst = make_cInst(objClass, objInst[:4], objInst[-1], [cfg.dataset2label(objClass)])
                     pOverlap = 0 
                     for pObjID in pClassDict:
                         pClsRoot = pObjID.split('_')[0]
                         if pClsRoot == objClass:
                             ol = mm.calc_overlap(pClassDict[pObjID]['block'], cInst['block'])
                             if ol > 0.1 and pOverlap == 0:
                                 # first overlap 
                                 pOverlap = 1
                                 cInst = make_cInst(pObjID, cInst['block'], cInst['conf'], cInst['labels'])
                             elif ol > 0.1 and pOverlap == 1:
                                 # there has already been an overlap
                                 pOverlap = -1
                     if pOverlap == 1:
                         # there was only one overlap for this instance in this direction
                         if cInst['cls'] in cClassDict:
                             # overlap in the other direction - seperate into 2 objects
                             cClsRoot = cInst['cls'].split('_')[0]
                             # get previous instance
                             pDict = cClassDict.pop(cInst['cls'])
                             # add new instance
                             classCounter[cClsRoot] += 1
                             objID = objClass + '_' + str(classCounter[cClsRoot])
                             cInst = make_cInst(objID, cInst['block'], cInst['conf'], cInst['labels'])
                             add_cInst(cClassDict, cInst)
                             add_cInst(outDict, cInst, frame=frameNum+1)
                             # update previous instance
                             classCounter[cClsRoot] += 1
                             objID = objClass + '_' + str(classCounter[cClsRoot])
                             cInst = make_cInst(objID, pDict['block'], pDict['conf'], pDict['labels'])
                             add_cInst(cClassDict, cInst)
                             add_cInst(outDict, cInst, frame=frameNum+1)
                             # no overlap in the other direction - add cInst as is
                             add_cInst(cClassDict, cInst) 
                             add_cInst(outDict, cInst, frame=frameNum+1)
                         # no overlap or multi overlap - create new object
                         classCounter[objClass] += 1  
                         objID = objClass + '_' + str(classCounter[objClass])
                         cInst = make_cInst(objID, cInst['block'], cInst['conf'], cInst['labels'])
                         add_cInst(cClassDict, cInst)
                         add_cInst(outDict, cInst, frame=frameNum+1)
         # set up next iteration
         pClassDict = cClassDict
         cClassDict = {}
     return outDict