def test_is_name_a_title():
    for name, content, expected in [
            # simple
            ('this is the content', 'this is the content', False),
            ('This is a title', 'This is some content', True),
            # common case with no explicit p-name
            ('nonsensethe contentnonsense', 'the content', False),
            # ignore case, punctuation
            ('the content', 'ThE cONTeNT...', False),
            # test bytestrings
            (b'This is a title', b'This is some content', True),
        assert expected == mf2util.is_name_a_title(name, content)
Exemple #2
def activities_to_jsonfeed(activities, actor=None, title=None, feed_url=None,
  """Converts ActivityStreams activities to a JSON feed.

    activities: sequence of ActivityStreams activity dicts
    actor: ActivityStreams actor dict, the author of the feed
    title: string, the feed title
    home_page_url: string, the home page URL
    feed_url: the URL of the JSON Feed, if any. Included in the feed_url field.

    dict, JSON Feed data, ready to be JSON-encoded
  except TypeError:
    raise TypeError('activities must be iterable')

  if isinstance(activities, (dict, basestring)):
    raise TypeError('activities may not be a dict or string')

  def image_url(obj):
    return util.get_first(obj, 'image', {}).get('url')

  def actor_name(obj):
    return obj.get('displayName') or obj.get('username')

  if not actor:
    actor = {}

  items = []
  for activity in activities:
    obj = activity.get('object') or activity
    if obj.get('objectType') == 'person':
    author = obj.get('author', {})
    content = microformats2.render_content(
            obj, include_location=True, render_attachments=True)
    obj_title = obj.get('title') or obj.get('displayName')
    item = {
      'id': obj.get('id') or obj.get('url'),
      'url': obj.get('url'),
      'image': image_url(obj),
      'title': obj_title if mf2util.is_name_a_title(obj_title, content) else None,
      'summary': obj.get('summary'),
      'content_html': content,
      'date_published': obj.get('published'),
      'date_modified': obj.get('updated'),
      'author': {
        'name': actor_name(author),
        'url': author.get('url'),
        'avatar': image_url(author),
      'attachments': [],

    for att in obj.get('attachments', []):
      url = (util.get_first(att, 'stream') or util.get_first(att, 'image') or att
      mime = mimetypes.guess_type(url)[0] if url else None
      if (att.get('objectType') in ATTACHMENT_TYPES or
          mime and mime.split('/')[0] in ATTACHMENT_TYPES):
          'url': url or '',
          'mime_type': mime,
          'title': att.get('title'),

    if not item['content_html']:
      item['content_text'] = ''

  return util.trim_nulls({
    'version': '',
    'title': title or actor_name(actor) or 'JSON Feed',
    'feed_url': feed_url,
    'home_page_url': home_page_url or actor.get('url'),
    'author': {
      'name': actor_name(actor),
      'url': actor.get('url'),
      'avatar': image_url(actor),
    'items': items,
  }, ignore='content_text')
Exemple #3
  def _create(self, obj, preview, include_link):
    """Creates or previews creating for the previous two methods.

      obj: ActivityStreams object
      preview: boolean
      include_link: boolean

      a CreationResult
    # photo, comment, or like
    type = source.object_type(obj)
    logging.debug('publishing object type %s to Flickr', type)
    content = self._content_for_create(obj)
    link_text = '(Originally published at: %s)' % obj.get('url')

    if obj.get('image') and type in ('note', 'article'):
      image_url = obj.get('image').get('url')
      name = obj.get('displayName')
      people = self._get_person_tags(obj)

      # if name does not represent an explicit title, then we'll just
      # use it as the title and wipe out the content
      if name and content and not mf2util.is_name_a_title(name, content):
        content = None

      # add original post link
      if include_link:
        content = ((content + '\n\n') if content else '') + link_text

      if preview:
        preview_content = ''
        if name:
          preview_content += '<h4>%s</h4>' % name
        if content:
          preview_content += '<div>%s</div>' % content
        if people:
          preview_content += '<div> with %s</div>' % ', '.join(
            ('<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (
              p.get('url'), p.get('displayName') or 'User %s' % p.get('id'))
             for p in people))
        preview_content += '<img src="%s" />' % image_url
        return source.creation_result(
          content=preview_content, description='post')

      params = []
      if name:
        params.append(('title', name))
      if content:
        params.append(('description', content))

      resp = self.upload_photo(params, urllib2.urlopen(image_url))
      photo_id = resp.get('id')
        'type': 'post',
        'url': self.photo_url(self.path_alias() or self.user_id(), photo_id),
      # add person tags
      for person_id in sorted(p.get('id') for p in people):
        self.call_api_method('', {
          'photo_id': photo_id,
          'user_id': person_id,

      return source.creation_result(resp)

    base_obj = self.base_object(obj)
    base_id = base_obj.get('id')
    base_url = base_obj.get('url')

    # maybe a comment on a flickr photo?
    if type == 'comment' or obj.get('inReplyTo'):
      if not base_id:
        return source.creation_result(
          error_plain='Could not find a photo to comment on.',
          error_html='Could not find a photo to <a href="">comment on</a>. '
          'Check that your post has an <a href="">in-reply-to</a> '
          'link to a Flickr photo or to an original post that publishes a '
          '<a href="">rel-syndication</a> link to Flickr.')

      if include_link:
        content += '\n\n' + link_text
      if preview:
        return source.creation_result(
          description='comment on <a href="%s">this photo</a>.' % base_url)

      resp = self.call_api_method('', {
        'photo_id': base_id,
        'comment_text': content,
      resp = resp.get('comment', {})
        'type': 'comment',
        'url': resp.get('permalink'),
      return source.creation_result(resp)

    if type == 'like':
      if not base_id:
        return source.creation_result(
          error_plain='Could not find a photo to favorite.',
          error_html='Could not find a photo to <a href="">favorite</a>. '
          'Check that your post has an <a href="">like-of</a> '
          'link to a Flickr photo or to an original post that publishes a '
          '<a href="">rel-syndication</a> link to Flickr.')
      if preview:
        return source.creation_result(
          description='favorite <a href="%s">this photo</a>.' % base_url)

      # this method doesn't return any data
      self.call_api_method('flickr.favorites.add', {
        'photo_id': base_id,
      # TODO should we canonicalize the base_url (e.g. removing trailing path
      # info like "/in/contacts/")
      return source.creation_result({
        'type': 'like',
        'url': '%s#favorited-by-%s' % (base_url, self.user_id()),

    return source.creation_result(
      error_plain='Cannot publish type=%s to Flickr.' % type,
      error_html='Cannot publish type=%s to Flickr.' % type)
Exemple #4
def activities_to_jsonfeed(activities,
    """Converts ActivityStreams activities to a JSON feed.

    activities: sequence of ActivityStreams activity dicts
    actor: ActivityStreams actor dict, the author of the feed
    title: string, the feed title
    home_page_url: string, the home page URL
    feed_url: the URL of the JSON Feed, if any. Included in the feed_url field.

    dict, JSON Feed data, ready to be JSON-encoded
    except TypeError:
        raise TypeError('activities must be iterable')

    if isinstance(activities, (dict, basestring)):
        raise TypeError('activities may not be a dict or string')

    def image_url(obj):
        return util.get_first(obj, 'image', {}).get('url')

    def actor_name(obj):
        return obj.get('displayName') or obj.get('username')

    if not actor:
        actor = {}

    items = []
    for activity in activities:
        obj = activity.get('object') or activity
        if obj.get('objectType') == 'person':
        author = obj.get('author', {})

        content = obj.get('content')
        # The JSON Feed spec ( says that the
        # URL from the "image" property may also appear in "content_html", in which
        # case it should be interpreted as the "main, featured image" of the
        # post. It does not specify the behavior or semantics in the case that the
        # image does *not* appear in "content_html", but currently at least one
        # feed reader (Feedbin) will not display the image as part of the post
        # content unless it is explicitly included in "content_html".
        if content and image_url(obj):
            content += HTML_IMAGE_TEMPLATE.format(image_url(obj))

        obj_title = obj.get('title') or obj.get('displayName')
        item = {
            'id': obj.get('id') or obj.get('url'),
            'url': obj.get('url'),
            'image': image_url(obj),
            obj_title if mf2util.is_name_a_title(obj_title, content) else None,
            'summary': obj.get('summary'),
            'content_html': content,
            'date_published': obj.get('published'),
            'date_modified': obj.get('updated'),
            'author': {
                'name': actor_name(author),
                'url': author.get('url'),
                'avatar': image_url(author),
            'attachments': [],

        for att in obj.get('attachments', []):
            url = (util.get_first(att, 'stream')
                   or util.get_first(att, 'image') or att).get('url')
            mime = mimetypes.guess_type(url)[0] if url else None
            if (att.get('objectType') in ATTACHMENT_TYPES
                    or mime and mime.split('/')[0] in ATTACHMENT_TYPES):
                    'url': url or '',
                    'mime_type': mime,
                    'title': att.get('title'),

        if not item['content_html']:
            item['content_text'] = ''

    return util.trim_nulls(
            'version': '',
            'title': title or actor_name(actor) or 'JSON Feed',
            'feed_url': feed_url,
            'home_page_url': home_page_url or actor.get('url'),
            'author': {
                'name': actor_name(actor),
                'url': actor.get('url'),
                'avatar': image_url(actor),
            'items': items,
def feed_parser(doc=None, url=None):
	parser to get hfeed

	if doc:
		if not isinstance(doc, BeautifulSoup):
			doc = BeautifulSoup(doc)

	if url:
		if doc is None:
			data = requests.get(url)

			# check for charater encodings and use 'correct' data
			if 'charset' in data.headers.get('content-type', ''):
				doc = BeautifulSoup(data.text)
				doc = BeautifulSoup(data.content)

	# find first h-feed object if any or construct it

	hfeed = doc.find(class_="h-feed")

	if hfeed:
		hfeed = mf2py.Parser(hfeed, url).to_dict()['items'][0]
		hfeed = {'type': ['h-feed'], 'properties': {}, 'children': []}

		# parse whole document for microformats
		parsed = mf2py.Parser(doc, url).to_dict()

		# construct h-entries from top-level items
		hfeed['children'] = [x for x in parsed['items'] if 'h-entry' in x.get('type', [])]

	# construct fall back properties for hfeed

	props = hfeed['properties']

	# if no name or name is the content value, construct name from title or default from URL
	name = props.get('name')
	if name:
		name = name[0]

	content = props.get('content')
	if content:
		content = content[0]
		if isinstance(content, dict):
			content = content.get('value')

	if not name or not mf2util.is_name_a_title(name, content):
		feed_title = doc.find('title')
		if feed_title:
			hfeed['properties']['name'] = [feed_title.get_text()]
		elif url:
			hfeed['properties']['name'] = ['Feed for' + url]

	# construct author from rep_hcard or meta-author

	# construct uid from url
	if 'uid' not in props and 'url' not in props:
		if url:
			hfeed['properties']['uid'] = [url]

	# construct categories from meta-keywords
	if 'category' not in props:
		keywords = doc.find('meta', attrs= {'name': 'keywords', 'content': True})
		if keywords:
			hfeed['properties']['category'] = keywords.get('content', '').split(',')

	return hfeed
Exemple #6
def activities_to_jsonfeed(activities, actor=None, title=None, feed_url=None,
  """Converts ActivityStreams activities to a JSON feed.

    activities: sequence of ActivityStreams activity dicts
    actor: ActivityStreams actor dict, the author of the feed
    title: string, the feed title
    home_page_url: string, the home page URL
    feed_url: the URL of the JSON Feed, if any. Included in the feed_url field.

    dict, JSON Feed data, ready to be JSON-encoded
  except TypeError:
    raise TypeError('activities must be iterable')

  if isinstance(activities, (dict, basestring)):
    raise TypeError('activities may not be a dict or string')

  def image_url(obj):
    return util.get_first(obj, 'image', {}).get('url')

  def actor_name(obj):
    return obj.get('displayName') or obj.get('username')

  if not actor:
    actor = {}

  items = []
  for activity in activities:
    obj = activity.get('object') or activity
    if obj.get('objectType') == 'person':
    author = obj.get('author', {})
    content = obj.get('content')
    obj_title = obj.get('title') or obj.get('displayName')
    item = {
      'id': obj.get('id') or obj.get('url'),
      'url': obj.get('url'),
      'image': image_url(obj),
      'title': obj_title if mf2util.is_name_a_title(obj_title, content) else None,
      'summary': obj.get('summary'),
      'content_html': content,
      'date_published': obj.get('published'),
      'date_modified': obj.get('updated'),
      'author': {
        'name': actor_name(author),
        'url': author.get('url'),
        'avatar': image_url(author),
      'attachments': [],

    for att in obj.get('attachments', []):
      url = (util.get_first(att, 'stream') or util.get_first(att, 'image') or att
      mime = mimetypes.guess_type(url)[0] if url else None
      if (att.get('objectType') in ATTACHMENT_TYPES or
          mime and mime.split('/')[0] in ATTACHMENT_TYPES):
          'url': url or '',
          'mime_type': mime,
          'title': att.get('title'),

    if not item['content_html']:
      item['content_text'] = ''

  return util.trim_nulls({
    'version': '',
    'title': title or actor_name(actor) or 'JSON Feed',
    'feed_url': feed_url,
    'home_page_url': home_page_url or actor.get('url'),
    'author': {
      'name': actor_name(actor),
      'url': actor.get('url'),
      'avatar': image_url(actor),
    'items': items,
  }, ignore='content_text')
Exemple #7
    def _create(self,
        """Creates or previews creating for the previous two methods.

      obj: ActivityStreams object
      preview: boolean
      include_link: string
      ignore_formatting: boolean

      a CreationResult
        # photo, comment, or like
        type = source.object_type(obj)
        logging.debug('publishing object type %s to Flickr', type)
        link_text = '(Originally published at: %s)' % obj.get('url')

        image_url = util.get_first(obj, 'image', {}).get('url')
        video_url = util.get_first(obj, 'stream', {}).get('url')
        content = self._content_for_create(

        if (video_url or image_url) and type in ('note', 'article'):
            name = obj.get('displayName')
            people = self._get_person_tags(obj)
            hashtags = [
                t.get('displayName') for t in obj.get('tags', [])
                if t.get('objectType') == 'hashtag' and t.get('displayName')
            lat = obj.get('location', {}).get('latitude')
            lng = obj.get('location', {}).get('longitude')

            # if name does not represent an explicit title, then we'll just
            # use it as the title and wipe out the content
            if name and content and not mf2util.is_name_a_title(name, content):
                name = content
                content = None

            # add original post link
            if include_link == source.INCLUDE_LINK:
                content = ((content + '\n\n') if content else '') + link_text

            if preview:
                preview_content = ''
                if name:
                    preview_content += '<h4>%s</h4>' % name
                if content:
                    preview_content += '<div>%s</div>' % content
                if hashtags:
                    preview_content += '<div> %s</div>' % ' '.join(
                        '#' + t for t in hashtags)
                if people:
                    preview_content += '<div> with %s</div>' % ', '.join(
                        ('<a href="%s">%s</a>' %
                         (p.get('url'), p.get('displayName')
                          or 'User %s' % p.get('id')) for p in people))
                if lat and lng:
                    preview_content += '<div> at <a href=",%s">%s, %s</a></div>' % (
                        lat, lng, lat, lng)

                if video_url:
                    preview_content += (
                        '<video controls src="%s"><a href="%s">this video'
                        '</a></video>' % (video_url, video_url))
                    preview_content += '<img src="%s" />' % image_url

                return source.creation_result(content=preview_content,

            params = []
            if name:
                params.append(('title', name))
            if content:
                params.append(('description', content.encode('utf-8')))
            if hashtags:
                params.append(('tags', ','.join(
                    ('"%s"' % t if ' ' in t else t).encode('utf-8')
                    for t in hashtags)))

            file = util.urlopen(video_url or image_url)
                resp = self.upload(params, file)
            except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
                if e.args[0].message.startswith(
                        'Request exceeds 10 MiB limit'):
                    msg = 'Sorry, photos and videos must be under 10MB.'
                    return source.creation_result(error_plain=msg,

            photo_id = resp.get('id')
                self.photo_url(self.path_alias() or self.user_id(), photo_id),
            if video_url:
                resp['granary_message'] = \
                  "Note that videos take time to process before they're visible."

            # add person tags
            for person_id in sorted(p.get('id') for p in people):
                self.call_api_method('', {
                    'photo_id': photo_id,
                    'user_id': person_id,

            # add location
            if lat and lng:
                self.call_api_method('', {
                    'photo_id': photo_id,
                    'lat': lat,
                    'lon': lng,

            return source.creation_result(resp)

        base_obj = self.base_object(obj)
        base_id = base_obj.get('id')
        base_url = base_obj.get('url')

        # maybe a comment on a flickr photo?
        if type == 'comment' or obj.get('inReplyTo'):
            if not base_id:
                return source.creation_result(
                    error_plain='Could not find a photo to comment on.',
                    'Could not find a photo to <a href="">comment on</a>. '
                    'Check that your post has an <a href="">in-reply-to</a> '
                    'link to a Flickr photo or to an original post that publishes a '
                    '<a href="">rel-syndication</a> link to Flickr.'

            if include_link == source.INCLUDE_LINK:
                content += '\n\n' + link_text
            if preview:
                return source.creation_result(
                    description='comment on <a href="%s">this photo</a>.' %

            resp = self.call_api_method(
                '', {
                    'photo_id': base_id,
                    'comment_text': content.encode('utf-8'),
            resp = resp.get('comment', {})
                'type': 'comment',
                'url': resp.get('permalink'),
            return source.creation_result(resp)

        if type == 'like':
            if not base_id:
                return source.creation_result(
                    error_plain='Could not find a photo to favorite.',
                    'Could not find a photo to <a href="">favorite</a>. '
                    'Check that your post has an <a href="">like-of</a> '
                    'link to a Flickr photo or to an original post that publishes a '
                    '<a href="">rel-syndication</a> link to Flickr.'
            if preview:
                return source.creation_result(
                    description='favorite <a href="%s">this photo</a>.' %

            # this method doesn't return any data
            self.call_api_method('flickr.favorites.add', {
                'photo_id': base_id,
            # TODO should we canonicalize the base_url (e.g. removing trailing path
            # info like "/in/contacts/")
            return source.creation_result({
                '%s#favorited-by-%s' % (base_url, self.user_id()),

        return source.creation_result(
            error_plain='Cannot publish type=%s to Flickr.' % type,
            error_html='Cannot publish type=%s to Flickr.' % type)
def hentry2atom(entry_mf):
	convert microformats of a h-entry object to Atom 1.0

		entry_mf: python dictionary of parsed microformats of a h-entry

	Return: an Atom 1.0 XML version of the microformats or None if error, and error message

	# generate fall backs or errors for the non-existing required properties ones.

	if 'properties' in entry_mf:
		props =  entry_mf['properties']
		return None, 'properties of entry not found.'

	entry = {'title': '', 'subtitle': '', 'link': '', 'uid': '', 'published': '', 'updated': '', 'summary': '', 'content': '',  'categories': ''}

	## required properties first

	# construct title of entry -- required - add default
	# if no name or name is the content value, construct name from title or default from URL
	name = props.get('name')
	if name:
		name = name[0]

	content = props.get('content')
	if content:
		content = content[0]
		if isinstance(content, dict):
			content = content.get('value')

	if name:
		# if name is generated from content truncate
		if not mf2util.is_name_a_title(name, content):
			if len(name) > 50:
				name = name[:50] + '...'
		name = ''

	entry['title'] = templates.TITLE.substitute(title = escape(name), t_type='title')

	# construct id of entry
	uid = _get_id(entry_mf)

	if uid:
		# construct id of entry -- required
		entry['uid'] = templates.ID.substitute(uid = escape(uid))
		return None, 'entry does not have a valid id'

	# construct updated/published date of entry
	updated = _updated_or_published(entry_mf)

	# updated is  -- required
	if updated:
		entry['updated'] = templates.DATE.substitute(date = escape(updated), dt_type = 'updated')
		return None, 'entry does not have valid updated date'

	## optional properties

	entry['link'] = templates.LINK.substitute(url = escape(uid), rel='alternate')

	# construct published date of entry
	if 'published' in props:
		entry['published'] = templates.DATE.substitute(date = escape(props['published'][0]), dt_type = 'published')

	# construct subtitle for feed
	if 'additional-name' in props:
		feed['subtitle'] = templates.TITLE.substitute(title = escape(props['additional-name'][0]), t_type='subtitle')

	# content processing
	if 'content' in props:
		if isinstance(props['content'][0], dict):
			content = props['content'][0]['html']
			content = props['content'][0]
		content = None

	if content:
		entry['content'] = templates.CONTENT.substitute(content = escape(content))

	# construct summary of entry
	if 'featured' in props:
		featured = templates.FEATURED.substitute(featured = escape(props['featured'][0]))
		featured = ''

	if 'summary' in props:
		summary = templates.POST_SUMMARY.substitute(post_summary = escape(props['summary'][0]))
		summary = ''

	# make morelink if content does not exist
	if not content:
		morelink =  templates.MORELINK.substitute(url = escape(uid), name = escape(name))
		morelink = ''

	entry['summary'] = templates.SUMMARY.substitute(featured=featured, summary=summary, morelink=morelink)

	# construct category list of entry
	if 'category' in props:
		for category in props['category']:
			if isinstance(category, dict):
				if  'value' in category:
					category = category['value']

			entry['categories'] += templates.CATEGORY.substitute(category=escape(category))

	# construct atom of entry
	return templates.ENTRY.substitute(entry), 'up and Atom!'
Exemple #9
def interpret_entry(
    Given a document containing an h-entry, return a dictionary.

        {'type': 'entry',
         'url': permalink of the document (may be different than source_url),
         'published': datetime or date,
         'updated': datetime or date,
         'name': title of the entry,
         'content': body of entry (contains HTML),
         'author': {
          'name': author name,
          'url': author url,
          'photo': author photo
         'syndication': [
           'syndication url',
         'in-reply-to': [...],
         'like-of': [...],
         'repost-of': [...]}

    :param dict parsed: the result of parsing a document containing mf2 markup
    :param str source_url: the URL of the parsed document, used by the
      authorship algorithm
    :param str base_href: (optional) the href value of the base tag
    :param dict hentry: (optional) the item in the above document
      representing the h-entry. if provided, we can avoid a redundant
      call to find_first_entry
    :param boolean use_rel_syndication: (optional, default True) Whether
      to include rel=syndication in the list of syndication sources. Sometimes
      useful to set this to False when parsing h-feeds that erroneously include
      rel=syndication on each entry.
    :param boolean want_json: (optional, default False) if true, the result
      will be pure json with datetimes as strings instead of python objects
    :param callable fetch_mf2_func: (optional) function to fetch mf2 parsed
      output for a given URL.
    :return: a dict with some or all of the described properties

    # find the h-entry if it wasn't provided
    if not hentry:
        hentry = util.find_first_entry(parsed, ["h-entry"])
        if not hentry:
            return {}

    result = _interpret_common_properties(
    if "h-cite" in hentry.get("type", []):
        result["type"] = "cite"
        result["type"] = "entry"

    # NOTE patch start
    if "category" in hentry["properties"]:
        result["category"] = hentry["properties"]["category"]
    if "pubkey" in hentry["properties"]:
        result["pubkey"] = hentry["properties"]["pubkey"]
    if "vote" in hentry["properties"]:
        result["vote"] = hentry["properties"]["vote"]
    # NOTE patch end

    title = util.get_plain_text(hentry["properties"].get("name"))
    if title and util.is_name_a_title(title, result.get("content-plain")):
        result["name"] = title

    for prop in (
    ):  # NOTE added vote-on
        for url_val in hentry["properties"].get(prop, []):
            if isinstance(url_val, dict):
                result.setdefault(prop, []).append(
                result.setdefault(prop, []).append(
                        "url": url_val,

    return result
Exemple #10
  def _create(self, obj, preview, include_link=False, ignore_formatting=False):
    """Creates or previews creating for the previous two methods.

      obj: ActivityStreams object
      preview: boolean
      include_link: boolean

      a CreationResult
    # photo, comment, or like
    type = source.object_type(obj)
    logging.debug('publishing object type %s to Flickr', type)
    link_text = '(Originally published at: %s)' % obj.get('url')

    image_url = util.get_first(obj, 'image', {}).get('url')
    video_url = util.get_first(obj, 'stream', {}).get('url')
    content = self._content_for_create(obj, ignore_formatting=ignore_formatting,

    if (video_url or image_url) and type in ('note', 'article'):
      name = obj.get('displayName')
      people = self._get_person_tags(obj)
      hashtags = [t.get('displayName') for t in obj.get('tags', [])
                  if t.get('objectType') == 'hashtag' and t.get('displayName')]
      lat = obj.get('location', {}).get('latitude')
      lng = obj.get('location', {}).get('longitude')

      # if name does not represent an explicit title, then we'll just
      # use it as the title and wipe out the content
      if name and content and not mf2util.is_name_a_title(name, content):
        name = content
        content = None

      # add original post link
      if include_link:
        content = ((content + '\n\n') if content else '') + link_text

      if preview:
        preview_content = ''
        if name:
          preview_content += '<h4>%s</h4>' % name
        if content:
          preview_content += '<div>%s</div>' % content
        if hashtags:
          preview_content += '<div> %s</div>' % ' '.join('#' + t for t in hashtags)
        if people:
          preview_content += '<div> with %s</div>' % ', '.join(
            ('<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (
              p.get('url'), p.get('displayName') or 'User %s' % p.get('id'))
             for p in people))
        if lat and lng:
          preview_content += '<div> at <a href=",%s">%s, %s</a></div>' % (lat, lng, lat, lng)

        if video_url:
          preview_content += ('<video controls src="%s"><a href="%s">this video'
                              '</a></video>' % (video_url, video_url))
          preview_content += '<img src="%s" />' % image_url

        return source.creation_result(content=preview_content, description='post')

      params = []
      if name:
        params.append(('title', name))
      if content:
        params.append(('description', content))
      if hashtags:
          ('tags', ','.join('"%s"' % t if ' ' in t else t for t in hashtags)))

      file = util.urlopen(video_url or image_url)
      resp = self.upload(params, file)
      photo_id = resp.get('id')
        'type': 'post',
        'url': self.photo_url(self.path_alias() or self.user_id(), photo_id),
      if video_url:
        resp['granary_message'] = \
          "Note that videos take time to process before they're visible."

      # add person tags
      for person_id in sorted(p.get('id') for p in people):
        self.call_api_method('', {
          'photo_id': photo_id,
          'user_id': person_id,

      # add location
      if lat and lng:
        self.call_api_method('', {
            'photo_id': photo_id,
            'lat': lat,
            'lon': lng,

      return source.creation_result(resp)

    base_obj = self.base_object(obj)
    base_id = base_obj.get('id')
    base_url = base_obj.get('url')

    # maybe a comment on a flickr photo?
    if type == 'comment' or obj.get('inReplyTo'):
      if not base_id:
        return source.creation_result(
          error_plain='Could not find a photo to comment on.',
          error_html='Could not find a photo to <a href="">comment on</a>. '
          'Check that your post has an <a href="">in-reply-to</a> '
          'link to a Flickr photo or to an original post that publishes a '
          '<a href="">rel-syndication</a> link to Flickr.')

      if include_link:
        content += '\n\n' + link_text
      if preview:
        return source.creation_result(
          description='comment on <a href="%s">this photo</a>.' % base_url)

      resp = self.call_api_method('', {
        'photo_id': base_id,
        'comment_text': content,
      resp = resp.get('comment', {})
        'type': 'comment',
        'url': resp.get('permalink'),
      return source.creation_result(resp)

    if type == 'like':
      if not base_id:
        return source.creation_result(
          error_plain='Could not find a photo to favorite.',
          error_html='Could not find a photo to <a href="">favorite</a>. '
          'Check that your post has an <a href="">like-of</a> '
          'link to a Flickr photo or to an original post that publishes a '
          '<a href="">rel-syndication</a> link to Flickr.')
      if preview:
        return source.creation_result(
          description='favorite <a href="%s">this photo</a>.' % base_url)

      # this method doesn't return any data
      self.call_api_method('flickr.favorites.add', {
        'photo_id': base_id,
      # TODO should we canonicalize the base_url (e.g. removing trailing path
      # info like "/in/contacts/")
      return source.creation_result({
        'type': 'like',
        'url': '%s#favorited-by-%s' % (base_url, self.user_id()),

    return source.creation_result(
      error_plain='Cannot publish type=%s to Flickr.' % type,
      error_html='Cannot publish type=%s to Flickr.' % type)