Exemple #1
def read_mff_event(filePath, hdr):
    import numpy as np
    from xml.dom.minidom import parse
    import os.path
    from mff.mff_micros2Sample import mff_micros2Sample
    import glob
    import os
    from mff.mff_getSummaryInfo import mff_getSummaryInfo
    from mff.ns2pyTime import ns2pyTime
    from mff.mff_micros2Sample import mff_micros2Sample
    from mff.samples2EpochSample import samples2EpochSample

    if hdr == None:
        summaryInfo = mff_getSummaryInfo(filePath)
        summaryInfo = hdr['orig']

    # Pull the information about the epochs out of the summary info
    epochBeginSamps = summaryInfo['epochBeginSamps']
    epochNumSamps = summaryInfo['epochNumSamps']
    epochFirstBlocks = summaryInfo['epochFirstBlocks']
    epochLastBlocks = summaryInfo['epochLastBlocks']

    infofile = filePath + '/info.xml'
    infotime = parse(infofile)
    beginTime = infotime.getElementsByTagName(
    bTime = ns2pyTime(beginTime)

    numEpochs = len(epochBeginSamps)
    events = []
    eventInds = np.zeros((numEpochs, 2), dtype='i')
    eventInd = 0

    for p in range(numEpochs):
        origp = [0, 0, 'metadata', {}]
        eventp = [
            'break ' + summaryInfo['epochType'],
            summaryInfo['epochBeginSamps'][p], summaryInfo['epochLabels'][p],
            [], summaryInfo['epochNumSamps'][p], [], origp
        eventInds[eventInd, :] = [eventp[1], eventInd]
        eventInd = eventInd + 1

    for file in glob.glob(filePath + "/Events_*.xml"):
        eventsfile = file

    eventsListObj = parse(eventsfile)
    trackname = eventsListObj.getElementsByTagName(
    eventsList = eventsListObj.getElementsByTagName('event')
    numEvents = eventsList.length

    for p in range(numEvents):
        theEvent = eventsList[p]
        eventTime = theEvent.getElementsByTagName(
        eTime = ns2pyTime(eventTime)
        eventTimeInMicros = (eTime - bTime).microseconds
        out = mff_micros2Sample(eventTimeInMicros, summaryInfo['sampRate'])
        eventTimeInSamples = int(out[0])
        sampleRemainder = int(out[1])
        eventTimeInEpochSamples = samples2EpochSample(eventTimeInSamples,

        if eventTimeInEpochSamples >= 0:
            keylist = theEvent.getElementsByTagName('key')
            eventkeycount = len(keylist)
            keyp = []
            for q in range(eventkeycount):
                theKey = keylist[q]
                theKeyCode = theKey.getElementsByTagName(
                theKeyData = theKey.getElementsByTagName(
                theKeyData1 = theKey.getElementsByTagName('data')
                theKeyData0 = theKeyData1[0]  # print theKeyData0.toxml()
                a = theKeyData0.attributes["dataType"]
                theKeyDatatype = a.value.encode()
                theKeyq = [theKeyCode, int(theKeyData), theKeyDatatype, '']

            duration = int(
            out = mff_micros2Sample(duration, summaryInfo['sampRate'])

            origp = [sampleRemainder, int(out[1]), trackname, keyp]
            eventp = [
                [0].firstChild.data.encode(), eventTimeInEpochSamples, 0, [],
                int(out[0]), [], origp

            eventIndp = np.array([eventp[1], eventInd], dtype='i').reshape(
                (1, 2))
            eventInds = np.concatenate((eventInds, eventIndp), axis=0)
            eventInd = eventInd + 1

    eventInds0 = eventInds[eventInds[:, 0].argsort()]
    sortedEvents = events
    for p in range(eventInd):
        nextEventInd = eventInds0[p, 1]
        sortedEvents[p] = events[nextEventInd]
    events = sortedEvents

    return events
def read_mff_event(filePath, hdr): 
    import numpy as np
    from xml.dom.minidom import parse
    import os.path
    from mff.mff_micros2Sample import mff_micros2Sample
    import glob
    import os
    from mff.mff_getSummaryInfo import mff_getSummaryInfo
    from mff.ns2pyTime import ns2pyTime
    from mff.mff_micros2Sample import mff_micros2Sample
    from mff.samples2EpochSample import samples2EpochSample
    if hdr == None :
        summaryInfo = mff_getSummaryInfo(filePath)
        summaryInfo = hdr['orig']

    # Pull the information about the epochs out of the summary info
    epochBeginSamps = summaryInfo['epochBeginSamps'] 
    epochNumSamps = summaryInfo['epochNumSamps'] 
    epochFirstBlocks = summaryInfo['epochFirstBlocks'] 
    epochLastBlocks = summaryInfo['epochLastBlocks']  
    infofile = filePath+'/info.xml'
    infotime = parse(infofile)    
    beginTime = infotime.getElementsByTagName('recordTime')[0].firstChild.data.encode()
    bTime = ns2pyTime(beginTime)

    numEpochs = len(epochBeginSamps) 
    events = []
    eventInds = np.zeros((numEpochs,2), dtype='i')  
    eventInd = 0
    for p in range(numEpochs):
        origp = [0, 0, 'metadata',{}]
        eventp = ['break '+ summaryInfo['epochType'],
                  summaryInfo['epochLabels'][p], [],
                  summaryInfo['epochNumSamps'][p], [], origp ]
        eventInds[eventInd,:] = [eventp[1], eventInd]
        eventInd = eventInd+1 
    for file in glob.glob(filePath+"/Events_*.xml"):
        eventsfile = file

    eventsListObj = parse(eventsfile)
    trackname = eventsListObj.getElementsByTagName('name')[0].firstChild.data.encode() 
    eventsList = eventsListObj.getElementsByTagName('event')
    numEvents = eventsList.length
    for p in range(numEvents):
        theEvent= eventsList[p]
        eventTime = theEvent.getElementsByTagName('beginTime')[0].firstChild.data.encode()
        eTime = ns2pyTime(eventTime)
        eventTimeInMicros = (eTime-bTime).microseconds
        out = mff_micros2Sample(eventTimeInMicros,summaryInfo['sampRate'])
        eventTimeInSamples = int(out[0])
        sampleRemainder = int(out[1])
        eventTimeInEpochSamples= samples2EpochSample(eventTimeInSamples, epochBeginSamps, epochNumSamps)

        if eventTimeInEpochSamples >= 0:
            keylist = theEvent.getElementsByTagName('key') 
            eventkeycount = len(keylist) 
            keyp = []
            for q in range(eventkeycount):
                theKey = keylist[q] 
                theKeyCode = theKey.getElementsByTagName('keyCode')[0].firstChild.data.encode()
                theKeyData = theKey.getElementsByTagName('data')[0].firstChild.data.encode()
                theKeyData1 = theKey.getElementsByTagName('data')
                theKeyData0 = theKeyData1[0] # print theKeyData0.toxml()
                a = theKeyData0.attributes["dataType"]
                theKeyDatatype = a.value.encode()
                theKeyq = [theKeyCode, int(theKeyData), theKeyDatatype,'']
            duration = int(theEvent.getElementsByTagName('duration')[0].firstChild.data.encode())
            out = mff_micros2Sample(duration, summaryInfo['sampRate'])   
            origp =[sampleRemainder, int(out[1]), trackname, keyp]
            eventp=[theEvent.getElementsByTagName('code')[0].firstChild.data.encode(),eventTimeInEpochSamples,0, [], int(out[0]), [], origp]
            eventIndp = np.array([eventp[1], eventInd], dtype='i').reshape((1,2))
            eventInds = np.concatenate((eventInds,eventIndp), axis=0)
            eventInd = eventInd+1 

    eventInds0 = eventInds[eventInds[:,0].argsort()]
    sortedEvents = events 
    for p in range(eventInd): 
        nextEventInd = eventInds0[p,1]
        sortedEvents[p] = events[nextEventInd] 
    events = sortedEvents
    return events
def getEpochInfos(filePath, sampRate):
    import numpy as np
    from xml.dom.minidom import parse
    import os.path
    from mff.mff_micros2Sample import mff_micros2Sample

    epochfile = filePath+'/epochs.xml'
    epochList = parse(epochfile)    
    epochs = epochList.getElementsByTagName('epoch')
    numEpochs = epochs.length 

    epochBeginSamps = np.zeros((numEpochs), dtype='i8')
    epochNumSamps = np.zeros((numEpochs), dtype='i8')
    epochFirstBlocks = np.zeros((numEpochs), dtype='i8')
    epochLastBlocks = np.zeros((numEpochs), dtype='i8')
    epochTime0 = np.zeros((numEpochs), dtype='i8')
    epochLabels = [None]*numEpochs #np.zeros((numEpochs), dtype='S50')
    epochSubjects = [] 
    epochFilenames = [] 
    epochSegStatus = [None]*numEpochs #np.zeros((numEpochs), dtype='S50')
    multiSubj = False 

    for p in range(numEpochs):
        anEpoch = epochs[p]
        epochBegin = int(anEpoch.getElementsByTagName('beginTime')[0].firstChild.data) 
        epochEnd = int(anEpoch.getElementsByTagName('endTime')[0].firstChild.data)
        epochBeginSamps[p] = mff_micros2Sample(epochBegin, sampRate)[0]
        epochTime0[p] = epochBeginSamps[p]
        epochNumSamps[p] = mff_micros2Sample(epochEnd, sampRate)[0]- epochBeginSamps[p]    
        epochFirstBlocks[p] = int(anEpoch.getElementsByTagName('firstBlock')[0].firstChild.data)
        epochLastBlocks[p] = int(anEpoch.getElementsByTagName('lastBlock')[0].firstChild.data)
        epochLabels[p] = 'epoch' 

    epochType = 'cnt'
    totalNumSegs = 0

    categfile = filePath+'/categories.xml' 
    if os.path.isfile(categfile):
        epochType = 'seg'
        categList = parse(categfile)    
        cats = categList.getElementsByTagName('cat')
        numCategs = cats.length 

        multiSubj = False
        if os.path.exists(filePath+'/subjects'):
            multiSubj = True
            for p in range(numCategs):
                aCateg = cats[p]
                segList = aCateg.getElementsByTagName('segments')
                numSegs = segList.length
                for q in range(numSegs):
                    aSeg = segList[q]
                    keyListArray = aSeg.getElementsByTagName('keyCode')
                    numKeys = keyListArray.length
                    numSubjs = 0
                    for r in range(numKeys):
                        aKey = keyListArray[r]
                        if aKey.firstChild.data.encode() == 'subj':
                            numSubjs = numSubjs + 1

        if multiSubj:            
            epochSubjects = [None]*numEpochs #np.zeros((numEpochs), dtype='S50')
            epochFilenames = [None]*numEpochs #np.zeros((numEpochs), dtype='S50')          
        for p in range(numCategs):
            aCateg = cats[p]
            categLabel = aCateg.getElementsByTagName('name')[0].firstChild.data #.encode() 
            segList = aCateg.getElementsByTagName('seg')
            numSegs = segList.length
            totalNumSegs = totalNumSegs + numSegs
            for q in range(numSegs):
                aSeg = segList[q]
                segBegin = int(aSeg.getElementsByTagName('beginTime')[0].firstChild.data)            
                segBeginSamp = int(mff_micros2Sample(segBegin, sampRate)[0])
                segInd = np.where(epochBeginSamps == segBeginSamp)[0]
                epochSegStatus[segInd[0]] = aSeg.getAttribute('status') 
                epochLabels[segInd[0]] = categLabel
                time0 = int(aSeg.getElementsByTagName('evtBegin')[0].firstChild.data)
                time0Samp = mff_micros2Sample(time0, sampRate)[0]
                time0Samp = time0Samp - segBeginSamp
                epochTime0[segInd[0]] = time0Samp
                if multiSubj:
                    keyListArray = aSeg.getElementsByTagName('keyCode')
                    numKeys = keyListArray.length                     
                    dataListArray = aSeg.getElementsByTagName('data')
                    for r in range(numKeys):
                        aKey = keyListArray[r]
                        aData = dataListArray[r] 
                        subject = None
                        filename = None
                        if aData.firstChild != None: 
                            if aKey.firstChild.data.encode() =='subj': 
                                subject = aData.firstChild.data #.encode()
                            elif aKey.firstChild.data.encode() == 'FILE': 
                                filename = aData.firstChild.data.encode() 
                        epochSubjects[segInd[0]] = subject
                        epochFilenames[segInd[0]] = filename
    if (multiSubj and len(set(epochFilenames))==1 and len(set(epochSubjects)) == 1):
        epochSubjects = [] 
        epochFilenames = []
        multiSubj = False


    epochInfo = {'epochType':epochType, 'epochBeginSamps':epochBeginSamps, 
    'epochNumSamps':epochNumSamps, 'epochFirstBlocks':epochFirstBlocks, 
    'epochLastBlocks':epochLastBlocks, 'epochLabels':epochLabels, 
    'epochTime0':epochTime0, 'multiSubj':multiSubj, 'epochSubjects':epochSubjects, 
    'epochFilenames':epochFilenames, 'epochSegStatus':epochSegStatus}

    return epochInfo
def getEpochInfos(filePath, sampRate):
    import numpy as np
    from xml.dom.minidom import parse
    import os.path
    from mff.mff_micros2Sample import mff_micros2Sample

    epochfile = filePath + '/epochs.xml'
    epochList = parse(epochfile)
    epochs = epochList.getElementsByTagName('epoch')
    numEpochs = epochs.length

    epochBeginSamps = np.zeros((numEpochs), dtype='i8')
    epochNumSamps = np.zeros((numEpochs), dtype='i8')
    epochFirstBlocks = np.zeros((numEpochs), dtype='i8')
    epochLastBlocks = np.zeros((numEpochs), dtype='i8')
    epochTime0 = np.zeros((numEpochs), dtype='i8')
    epochLabels = [None] * numEpochs  #np.zeros((numEpochs), dtype='S50')
    epochSubjects = []
    epochFilenames = []
    epochSegStatus = [None] * numEpochs  #np.zeros((numEpochs), dtype='S50')
    multiSubj = False

    for p in range(numEpochs):
        anEpoch = epochs[p]
        epochBegin = int(
        epochEnd = int(
        epochBeginSamps[p] = mff_micros2Sample(epochBegin, sampRate)[0]
        epochTime0[p] = epochBeginSamps[p]
        epochNumSamps[p] = mff_micros2Sample(epochEnd,
                                             sampRate)[0] - epochBeginSamps[p]
        epochFirstBlocks[p] = int(
        epochLastBlocks[p] = int(
        epochLabels[p] = 'epoch'

    epochType = 'cnt'
    totalNumSegs = 0

    categfile = filePath + '/categories.xml'
    if os.path.isfile(categfile):
        epochType = 'seg'
        categList = parse(categfile)
        cats = categList.getElementsByTagName('cat')
        numCategs = cats.length

        multiSubj = False
        if os.path.exists(filePath + '/subjects'):
            multiSubj = True
            for p in range(numCategs):
                aCateg = cats[p]
                segList = aCateg.getElementsByTagName('segments')
                numSegs = segList.length
                for q in range(numSegs):
                    aSeg = segList[q]
                    keyListArray = aSeg.getElementsByTagName('keyCode')
                    numKeys = keyListArray.length
                    numSubjs = 0
                    for r in range(numKeys):
                        aKey = keyListArray[r]
                        if aKey.firstChild.data.encode() == 'subj':
                            numSubjs = numSubjs + 1

        if multiSubj:
            epochSubjects = [None
                             ] * numEpochs  #np.zeros((numEpochs), dtype='S50')
            epochFilenames = [
            ] * numEpochs  #np.zeros((numEpochs), dtype='S50')

        for p in range(numCategs):
            aCateg = cats[p]
            categLabel = aCateg.getElementsByTagName(
                'name')[0].firstChild.data  #.encode()
            segList = aCateg.getElementsByTagName('seg')
            numSegs = segList.length
            totalNumSegs = totalNumSegs + numSegs
            for q in range(numSegs):
                aSeg = segList[q]
                segBegin = int(
                segBeginSamp = int(mff_micros2Sample(segBegin, sampRate)[0])
                segInd = np.where(epochBeginSamps == segBeginSamp)[0]
                epochSegStatus[segInd[0]] = aSeg.getAttribute('status')
                epochLabels[segInd[0]] = categLabel
                time0 = int(
                time0Samp = mff_micros2Sample(time0, sampRate)[0]
                time0Samp = time0Samp - segBeginSamp
                epochTime0[segInd[0]] = time0Samp
                if multiSubj:
                    keyListArray = aSeg.getElementsByTagName('keyCode')
                    numKeys = keyListArray.length
                    dataListArray = aSeg.getElementsByTagName('data')
                    for r in range(numKeys):
                        aKey = keyListArray[r]
                        aData = dataListArray[r]
                        subject = None
                        filename = None
                        if aData.firstChild != None:
                            if aKey.firstChild.data.encode() == 'subj':
                                subject = aData.firstChild.data  #.encode()
                            elif aKey.firstChild.data.encode() == 'FILE':
                                filename = aData.firstChild.data.encode()
                        epochSubjects[segInd[0]] = subject
                        epochFilenames[segInd[0]] = filename

    if (multiSubj and len(set(epochFilenames)) == 1
            and len(set(epochSubjects)) == 1):
        epochSubjects = []
        epochFilenames = []
        multiSubj = False


    epochInfo = {
        'epochType': epochType,
        'epochBeginSamps': epochBeginSamps,
        'epochNumSamps': epochNumSamps,
        'epochFirstBlocks': epochFirstBlocks,
        'epochLastBlocks': epochLastBlocks,
        'epochLabels': epochLabels,
        'epochTime0': epochTime0,
        'multiSubj': multiSubj,
        'epochSubjects': epochSubjects,
        'epochFilenames': epochFilenames,
        'epochSegStatus': epochSegStatus

    return epochInfo