Exemple #1
def test_faceted_search_should_also_support_paging(client):
    filter = {'cast': ['Susan Sarandon'], }
    result = get_movies_faceted(filter, 3, 20)
    assert(len(result[0]['movies'])) == 3
    assert len(result[0]['rating']) == 1
    assert len(result[0]['runtime']) == 2
    assert result[1] == 63
def test_faceted_search_should_also_support_paging(client):
    filter = {
        "cast": ["Susan Sarandon"],
    result = get_movies_faceted(filter, 1, 20)
    assert (len(result[0]["movies"])) == 18
    assert len(result[0]["rating"]) == 3
    assert len(result[0]["runtime"]) == 4
    assert result[1] == 38
def test_faceted_search_should_return_rating_and_runtime_buckets(client):
    filter = {"cast": ["Tom Hanks"]}
    result = get_movies_faceted(filter, 0, 20)
    # expecting the first entry in the returned tuple to be a dictionary with
    # the key 'movies'
    assert len(result[0]["movies"]) == 20
    assert len(result[0]["rating"]) == 5
    assert len(result[0]["runtime"]) == 4
    # expecting the second entry in the returned tuple to be the number of results
    assert result[1] == 37
Exemple #4
def test_faceted_search_should_return_rating_and_runtime_buckets(client):
    filter = {'cast': ['Tom Hanks']}
    result = get_movies_faceted(filter, 0, 20)
    # expecting the first entry in the returned tuple to be a dictionary with
    # the key 'movies'
    assert len(result[0]['movies']) == 20
    assert len(result[0]['rating']) == 5
    assert len(result[0]['runtime']) == 4
    # expecting the second entry in the returned tuple to be the number of results
    assert result[1] == 37 @ pytest.mark.faceted_search
def api_search_movies_faceted():

    # first determine the page of the movies to collect
        page = request.args.get('page')
        # if no page, get the first page (0 indexed)
        if page is None:
            page = 0
        # otherwise pass the page along the client asked for
            page = int(page)
    except (TypeError, ValueError) as e:
        print('Got bad value for page, defaulting to 0:\t', e)
        page = 0

    # determine the filters
    filters = {}
    return_filters = {}
    cast = request.args.getlist('cast')
    if cast:
        filters["cast"] = cast
        return_filters["cast"] = cast
    if not filters:
        return api_search_movies()

    # finally use the database and get what is necessary
         total_num_entries) = get_movies_faceted(filters, page,

        response = {
            "status": "success",
            "movies": movies.get('movies'),
            "facets": {
                "runtime": movies.get('runtime'),
                "rating": movies.get('rating')
            "page": page,
            "filters": return_filters,
            "entries_per_page": MOVIES_PER_PAGE,
            "total_results": total_num_entries,

        return jsonify(response), 200
    except Exception as e:
        return jsonify({'status': 'fail', 'error': str(e)})
Exemple #6
def api_search_movies_faceted():

    # first determine the page of the movies to collect
        page = int(request.args.get('page', 0))
    except (TypeError, ValueError) as e:
        print('Got bad value for page, defaulting to 0:\t', e)
        page = 0

    # determine the filters
    filters = {}
    return_filters = {}
    cast = request.args.getlist('cast')
    if cast:
        filters["cast"] = cast
        return_filters["cast"] = cast
    if not filters:
        return api_search_movies()

    # finally use the database and get what is necessary
         total_num_entries) = get_movies_faceted(filters, page,


        response = {
            "movies": movies.get('movies'),
            "facets": {
                "runtime": movies.get('runtime'),
                "rating": movies.get('rating')
            "page": page,
            "filters": return_filters,
            "entries_per_page": MOVIES_PER_PAGE,
            "total_results": total_num_entries,

        return jsonify(response), 200
    except Exception as e:
        return jsonify({'error': str(e)}), 400