def addEyeTrackingAttributes(self): up_ctl = self.upControls[2] low_ctl = self.lowControls[3] # Adding channels for eye tracking upVTracking_att = attribute.addAttribute(up_ctl, "vTracking", "float", self.upperVTrack, minValue=0, keyable=False, channelBox=True) upHTracking_att = attribute.addAttribute(up_ctl, "hTracking", "float", self.upperHTrack, minValue=0, keyable=False, channelBox=True) lowVTracking_att = attribute.addAttribute(low_ctl, "vTracking", "float", self.lowerVTrack, minValue=0, keyable=False, channelBox=True) lowHTracking_att = attribute.addAttribute(low_ctl, "hTracking", "float", self.lowerHTrack, minValue=0, keyable=False, channelBox=True) mult_node = node.createMulNode(upVTracking_att, self.aimTrigger_ref.attr("ty")) pm.connectAttr(mult_node + ".outputX", self.trackLvl[0].attr("ty")) mult_node = node.createMulNode(upHTracking_att, self.aimTrigger_ref.attr("tx")) # Correct right side horizontal tracking if self.negate: pass # mult_node = node.createMulNode(mult_node.attr("outputX"), -1) pm.connectAttr(mult_node + ".outputX", self.trackLvl[0].attr("tx")) mult_node = node.createMulNode(lowVTracking_att, self.aimTrigger_ref.attr("ty")) pm.connectAttr(mult_node + ".outputX", self.trackLvl[1].attr("ty")) mult_node = node.createMulNode(lowHTracking_att, self.aimTrigger_ref.attr("tx")) # Correct right side horizontal tracking if self.negate: pass # mult_node = node.createMulNode(mult_node.attr("outputX"), -1) pm.connectAttr(mult_node + ".outputX", self.trackLvl[1].attr("tx"))
def createJntTweak(mesh, jntParent, ctlParent): """Create a joint tweak Args: mesh (mesh): The object to deform with the tweak jntParent (dagNode): The parent for the new joint ctlParent (dagNode): The parent for the control. """ if not isinstance(mesh, list): mesh = [mesh] name = "_".join("_")[:3]) # create joints jointBase = primitive.addJoint(jntParent, name + "_tweak_jnt_lvl", jntParent.getMatrix(worldSpace=True)) resetJntLocalSRT(jointBase) joint = primitive.addJoint(jointBase, name + "_tweak_jnt", jntParent.getMatrix(worldSpace=True)) resetJntLocalSRT(joint) # hiding joint base by changing the draw mode # pm.setAttr(jointBase+".drawStyle", 2) try: defSet = pm.PyNode("rig_deformers_grp") except TypeError: pm.sets(n="rig_deformers_grp") defSet = pm.PyNode("rig_deformers_grp") pm.sets(defSet, add=joint) controlType = "circle" iconBase = icon.create(ctlParent, name + "_base_tweak_ctl", ctlParent.getMatrix(worldSpace=True), 13, controlType, w=.8, ro=datatypes.Vector(0, 0, 1.5708)) attribute.addAttribute(iconBase, "isCtl", "bool", keyable=False) o_icon = icon.create(iconBase, name + "_tweak_ctl", ctlParent.getMatrix(worldSpace=True), 17, controlType, w=.5, ro=datatypes.Vector(0, 0, 1.5708)) attribute.addAttribute(o_icon, "isCtl", "bool", keyable=False) for t in [".translate", ".scale", ".rotate"]: pm.connectAttr(iconBase + t, jointBase + t) pm.connectAttr(o_icon + t, joint + t) # magic of doritos connection for m in mesh: pre_bind_matrix_connect(m, joint, jointBase)
def addAttributes(self): # Ref if self.settings["ikrefarray"]: ref_names = self.get_valid_alias_list( self.settings["ikrefarray"].split(",")) if len(ref_names) > 1: self.ikref_att = self.addAnimEnumParam("ikref", "Ik Ref", 0, ref_names) # Identifiers # SDK Box ----------------------- self.SDK_att = attribute.addAttribute(node=self.SDKctl, longName="is_SDK", attributeType="bool", value=True, keyable=False) self.SDKroot_att = attribute.addAttribute(node=self.SDKctl, longName="ctl", attributeType="string", value="", keyable=False) # Anim ctl ----------------------- self.ctl_att = attribute.addAttribute(node=self.ctl, longName="is_tweak", attributeType="bool", value=True, keyable=False) self.ctlroot_att = attribute.addAttribute(node=self.ctl, longName="sdk", attributeType="string", value="", keyable=False)
def source_nodes(): cmds.file(new=True, force=True) pcs = pm.polyCube(name="armUI_R0_ctl") pcs2 = pm.polyCube(name="armUI_R1_ctl") attribute.addAttribute(pcs[0], "shoulder_ik", "double", 0, minValue=0, maxValue=1) ch2 = attribute.addAttribute(pcs[0], "shoulder_rotRef", "double", 0, minValue=0, maxValue=1) ch3 = attribute.addAttribute(pcs2[0], "shoulder_rotRef", "double", 0, minValue=0, maxValue=1) pm.connectAttr(ch2, pcs[0].ty) pm.connectAttr(ch3, pcs2[0].ty)
def createCTL(type="square", child=False, *args): """Create a control for each selected object. The newly create control can be parent or child of the object. Args: type (str): The shape of the control. child (bool): if True, the control will be created as a child of the object. """ iconList = [] if child: if len(pm.selected()) > 0: for x in pm.selected(): oChilds = [ item for item in x.listRelatives(ad=True, type="transform") if item.longName().split("|")[-2] == ] o_icon = icon.create(None, + "_ctl", None, [1, 0, 0], type) iconList.append(o_icon) o_icon.setTransformation(x.getMatrix(worldSpace=True)) pm.parent(o_icon, x) for child in oChilds: pm.parent(child, o_icon) else: o_icon = icon.create(None, type + "_ctl", datatypes.Matrix(), [1, 0, 0], type) iconList.append(o_icon) else: if len(pm.selected()) > 0: for x in pm.selected(): oParent = x.getParent() o_icon = icon.create(oParent, + "_ctl", x.getMatrix(), [1, 0, 0], type) iconList.append(o_icon) o_icon.setTransformation(x.getMatrix()) pm.parent(x, o_icon) else: o_icon = icon.create(None, type + "_ctl", datatypes.Matrix(), [1, 0, 0], type) iconList.append(o_icon) for ico in iconList: attribute.addAttribute(ico, "isCtl", "bool", keyable=False) try: defSet = pm.PyNode("rig_controllers_grp") for ico in iconList: pm.sets(defSet, add=ico) except TypeError: print("No rig_controllers_grp found") pass
def run(self, stepDict): root = stepDict["mgearRun"].model geo_root = stepDict["init_base"].geo_root attribute.addAttribute(root, "geoUnselectable", "bool", True) pm.connectAttr(root.geoUnselectable, geo_root.attr("overrideEnabled")) geo_root.attr("overrideDisplayType").set(2)
def addBlade(self, name, parentPos, parentDir): """Add a blade object to the guide. This mehod can initialize the object or draw it. Blade object is a 3points curve to define a plan in the guide. Args: name (str): Local name of the element. parentPos (dagNode): The parent of the element. parentDir (dagNode): The direction constraint of the element. Returns: dagNode: The created blade curve. """ if name not in self.blades.keys(): self.blades[name] = vector.Blade( transform.getTransformFromPos(datatypes.Vector(0, 0, 0))) offset = False else: offset = True blade = icon.guideBladeIcon(parent=parentPos, name=self.getName(name), lenX=.5, color=[0, 0, 1], m=self.blades[name].transform) aim_cns = applyop.aimCns(blade, parentDir, axis="xy", wupType=2, wupVector=[0, 1, 0], wupObject=self.root, maintainOffset=offset) pnt_cns = pm.pointConstraint(parentPos, blade) aim_cns.isHistoricallyInteresting.set(False) pnt_cns.isHistoricallyInteresting.set(False) offsetAttr = attribute.addAttribute(blade, "bladeRollOffset", "float", aim_cns.attr("offsetX").get()) pm.connectAttr(offsetAttr, aim_cns.attr("offsetX")) scaleAttr = attribute.addAttribute(blade, "bladeScale", "float", 1, minValue=0.1, maxValue=100) for axis in "xyz": pm.connectAttr(scaleAttr, blade.attr("s{}".format(axis))) attribute.lockAttribute(blade, attributes=[ "tx", "ty", "tz", "rx", "ry", "rz", "sx", "sy", "sz", "v", "ro" ]) return blade
def set_ui_host_components_controls(self): """Set a list of all controls that are common to the ui host""" # creates a usable string list controls_string = "" for ctl in self.controlers: controls_string += "{},".format( # adds the attribute attribute.addAttribute(node=self.uihost, longName="{}_{}{}_ctl" .format(, self.side, self.index), attributeType="string", keyable=False, value=controls_string)
def add_collected_data_to_root_jnt(self): """Add collected data to root joint Root joint is the first joint generated in the rig. """ root_jnt = None for c in self.componentsIndex: comp = self.customStepDic["mgearRun"].components[c] if not root_jnt and comp.jointList: root_jnt = comp.jointList[0] attribute.addAttribute(root_jnt, "collected_data", "string", str(json.dumps(self.build_data))) break
def addCtl(self, parent, name, m, color, iconShape, **kwargs): """Create the control and apply the shape, if this is alrealdy stored in the guide controllers grp. Args: parent (dagNode): The control parent name (str): The control name. m (matrix): The transfromation matrix for the control. color (int or list of float): The color for the control in index or RGB. iconShape (str): The controls default shape. kwargs (variant): Other arguments for the iconShape type variations Returns: dagNode: The Control. """ if "degree" not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs["degree"] = 1 bufferName = name + "_controlBuffer" if bufferName in ctl_ref =[bufferName] ctl = primitive.addTransform(parent, name, m) for shape in ctl_ref.getShapes(): ctl.addChild(shape, shape=True, add=True) pm.rename(shape, name + "Shape") else: ctl = icon.create(parent, name, m, color, iconShape, **kwargs) self.addToGroup(ctl, "controllers") # Set the control shapes isHistoricallyInteresting for oShape in ctl.getShapes(): oShape.isHistoricallyInteresting.set(False) # connecting the always draw shapes on top to global attribute if versions.current() >= 20220000: pm.connectAttr( self.ctlXRay_att, oShape.attr("alwaysDrawOnTop") ) # set controller tag if versions.current() >= 201650: pm.controller(ctl) self.add_controller_tag(ctl, None) attribute.addAttribute(ctl, "isCtl", "bool", keyable=False) return ctl
def addAnimParam(self, longName, niceName, attType, value, minValue=None, maxValue=None, keyable=True, readable=True, storable=True, writable=True, uihost=None): """Add a parameter to the animation property. Note that animatable and keyable are True per default. Args: longName (str): The attribute name. niceName (str): The attribute nice name. (optional) attType (str): The Attribute Type.Exp:'string', 'bool', 'long', etc value (float or int): The default value. minValue (float or int): minimum value. (optional) maxValue (float or int): maximum value. (optional) keyable (bool): Set if the attribute is keyable or not. (optional) readable (bool): Set if the attribute is readable or not.(optional) storable (bool): Set if the attribute is storable or not.(optional) writable (bool): Set if the attribute is writable or not.(optional) uihost (dagNode): Optional uihost, if none self.uihost will be use Returns: str: The long name of the new attribute """ if not uihost: uihost = self.uihost if self.options["classicChannelNames"]: attr = attribute.addAttribute(uihost, self.getName(longName), attType, value, niceName, None, minValue=minValue, maxValue=maxValue, keyable=keyable, readable=readable, storable=storable, writable=writable) else: if uihost.hasAttr(self.getCompName(longName)): attr = uihost.attr(self.getCompName(longName)) else: attr = attribute.addAttribute(uihost, self.getCompName(longName), attType, value, niceName, None, minValue=minValue, maxValue=maxValue, keyable=keyable, readable=readable, storable=storable, writable=writable) return attr
def addSetupParam(self, longName, niceName, attType, value, minValue=None, maxValue=None, keyable=True, readable=True, storable=True, writable=True): """Add a parameter to the setup property. Note that animatable and keyable are False per default. Args: longName (str): The attribute name. niceName (str): The attribute nice name. (optional) attType (str): The Attribute Type. Exp: 'string', 'bool', etc.. value (float or int): The default value. minValue (float or int): minimum value. (optional) maxValue (float or int): maximum value. (optional) keyable (bool): Set if the attribute is keyable or not.(optional) readable (bool): Set if the attribute is readable or not.(optional) storable (bool): Set if the attribute is storable or not.(optional) writable (bool): Set if the attribute is writable or not.(optional) Returns: str: The long name of the new attribute """ attr = attribute.addAttribute(self.root, longName, attType, value, niceName, None, minValue=minValue, maxValue=maxValue, keyable=keyable, readable=readable, storable=storable, writable=writable) return attr
def create_layer_node(name, affectedElements): """Create a transform node that contain the layer information. Args: name (str): layer name affectedElements (dagNode list): Elements affected by the layer. Only Mesh type is supported Returns: dagNode: layer node """ fullName = name + "_crankLayer" # create node if pm.displayWarning("{} already exist".format(fullName)) return layer_node = pm.createNode("transform", n=fullName, p=None, ss=True) attribute.lockAttribute(layer_node) # add attrs attribute.addAttribute( layer_node, CRANK_TAG, "bool", False, keyable=False) # affected objects layer_node.addAttr("layer_objects", at='message', m=True) layer_node.addAttr("layer_blendshape_node", at='message', m=True) # master envelope for on/off attribute.addAttribute(layer_node, "crank_layer_envelope", "float", value=1, minValue=0, maxValue=1) # create the post-blendshapes nodes for each affected object # connections for x in affectedElements: idx = attribute.get_next_available_index(layer_node.layer_objects) pm.connectAttr(x.message, layer_node.layer_objects[idx]) return layer_node
def source_nodes(): cmds.file(new=True, force=True) source1, _ = pm.polyCube(name="source1") source2, _ = pm.polyCube(name="source2") target, _ = pm.polyCube(name="target") ch1 = att.addAttribute(source1, "chanName", "double", 0, minValue=0, maxValue=1) ch2 = att.addAttribute(source2, "chanName", "double", 0, minValue=0, maxValue=1) pm.connectAttr(ch1, source1.ty) pm.connectAttr(ch2, source2.ty)
def addBlade(self, name, parentPos, parentDir): """Add a blade object to the guide. This mehod can initialize the object or draw it. Blade object is a 3points curve to define a plan in the guide. Args: name (str): Local name of the element. parentPos (dagNode): The parent of the element. parentDir (dagNode): The direction constraint of the element. Returns: dagNode: The created blade curve. """ if name not in self.blades.keys(): self.blades[name] = vector.Blade( transform.getTransformFromPos(datatypes.Vector(0, 0, 0))) offset = False else: offset = True dist = .6 * self.root.attr("scaleX").get() blade = icon.guideBladeIcon(parent=parentPos, name=self.getName(name), lenX=dist, color=13, m=self.blades[name].transform) aim_cns = applyop.aimCns(blade, parentDir, axis="xy", wupType=2, wupVector=[0, 1, 0], wupObject=self.root, maintainOffset=offset) pm.pointConstraint(parentPos, blade) offsetAttr = attribute.addAttribute(blade, "bladeRollOffset", "float", aim_cns.attr("offsetX").get()) pm.connectAttr(offsetAttr, aim_cns.attr("offsetX")) attribute.lockAttribute(blade) return blade
def characterizeBiped(*args): try: gCtl = pm.PyNode("global_C0_ctl") mocapAttach = att.addAttribute( gCtl, "mocapAttach", "float", 1.0, minValue=0.0, maxValue=1.0 ) except Exception: pm.displayWarning("global_C0_ctl: Is not in the scene") return # Align skeleton for a, b in zip(skelFK, gearFK): try: oA = pm.PyNode(a) except Exception: pm.displayWarning(a + ": Is not in the scene") try: oB = pm.PyNode(b) except Exception: pm.displayWarning(b + ": Is not in the scene") tra.matchWorldTransform(oB, oA) # Constrain FK controls for a, b in zip(skelFK, gearFK): oA = pm.PyNode(a) oB = pm.PyNode(b) cns = pm.parentConstraint(oA, oB, mo=True) pb_node = pm.createNode("pairBlend") pm.connectAttr(cns + ".constraintRotateX", pb_node + ".inRotateX2") pm.connectAttr(cns + ".constraintRotateY", pb_node + ".inRotateY2") pm.connectAttr(cns + ".constraintRotateZ", pb_node + ".inRotateZ2") pm.connectAttr(pb_node + ".outRotateX", oB + ".rotateX", f=True) pm.connectAttr(pb_node + ".outRotateY", oB + ".rotateY", f=True) pm.connectAttr(pb_node + ".outRotateZ", oB + ".rotateZ", f=True) pm.setKeyframe(oB, at="rotateX") pm.setKeyframe(oB, at="rotateY") pm.setKeyframe(oB, at="rotateZ") pm.connectAttr(cns + ".constraintTranslateX", pb_node + ".inTranslateX2") pm.connectAttr(cns + ".constraintTranslateY", pb_node + ".inTranslateY2") pm.connectAttr(cns + ".constraintTranslateZ", pb_node + ".inTranslateZ2") pm.connectAttr(pb_node + ".outTranslateX", oB + ".translateX", f=True) pm.connectAttr(pb_node + ".outTranslateY", oB + ".translateY", f=True) pm.connectAttr(pb_node + ".outTranslateZ", oB + ".translateZ", f=True) pm.setKeyframe(oB, at="translateX") pm.setKeyframe(oB, at="translateY") pm.setKeyframe(oB, at="translateZ") pm.connectAttr(mocapAttach, pb_node.attr("weight")) # Align IK controls with FK controls for a, b in zip(alignIK, alignFK): oA = pm.PyNode(a) oB = pm.PyNode(b) tra.matchWorldTransform(oB, oA) if a in [u"arm_L0_upv_ctl", u"arm_R0_upv_ctl"]: oA.attr("tz").set(-3) if a == u"arm_L0_ikcns_ctl": oA.attr("rx").set((oA.attr("rx").get() + 90)) if a == u"arm_R0_ikcns_ctl": oA.attr("rx").set((oA.attr("rx").get() - 90)) # constrain IK controls for a, b in zip(skelIK, gearIK): oA = pm.PyNode(a) oB = pm.PyNode(b) print b pb_node = pm.createNode("pairBlend") try: if b in (u"leg_L0_upv_ctl", u"leg_R0_upv_ctl"): att.lockAttribute(pm.PyNode(b), lock=False, keyable=True) if b in (u"leg_L0_mid_ctl", u"leg_R0_mid_ctl", u"arm_L0_mid_ctl", u"arm_R0_mid_ctl"): cns = pm.pointConstraint(oA, oB, mo=True) else: cns = pm.parentConstraint(oA, oB, mo=True) pm.connectAttr(cns + ".constraintRotateX", pb_node + ".inRotateX2") pm.connectAttr(cns + ".constraintRotateY", pb_node + ".inRotateY2") pm.connectAttr(cns + ".constraintRotateZ", pb_node + ".inRotateZ2") pm.connectAttr(pb_node + ".outRotateX", oB + ".rotateX", f=True) pm.connectAttr(pb_node + ".outRotateY", oB + ".rotateY", f=True) pm.connectAttr(pb_node + ".outRotateZ", oB + ".rotateZ", f=True) pm.setKeyframe(oB, at="rotateX") pm.setKeyframe(oB, at="rotateY") pm.setKeyframe(oB, at="rotateZ") except Exception: cns = pm.pointConstraint(oA, oB, mo=True) pm.connectAttr(cns + ".constraintTranslateX", pb_node + ".inTranslateX2") pm.connectAttr(cns + ".constraintTranslateY", pb_node + ".inTranslateY2") pm.connectAttr(cns + ".constraintTranslateZ", pb_node + ".inTranslateZ2") pm.connectAttr(pb_node + ".outTranslateX", oB + ".translateX", f=True) pm.connectAttr(pb_node + ".outTranslateY", oB + ".translateY", f=True) pm.connectAttr(pb_node + ".outTranslateZ", oB + ".translateZ", f=True) pm.setKeyframe(oB, at="translateX") pm.setKeyframe(oB, at="translateY") pm.setKeyframe(oB, at="translateZ") pm.connectAttr(mocapAttach, pb_node.attr("weight"))
def createRivetTweak(mesh, edgePair, name, parent=None, ctlParent=None, jntParent=None, color=[0, 0, 0], size=.04, defSet=None, ctlSet=None, side=None, gearMulMatrix=True, attach_rot=False, inputMesh=None): """Create a tweak joint attached to the mesh using a rivet Args: mesh (mesh): The object to add the tweak edgePair (pair list): The edge pair to create the rivet name (str): The name for the tweak parent (None or dagNode, optional): The parent for the tweak jntParent (None or dagNode, optional): The parent for the joints ctlParent (None or dagNode, optional): The parent for the tweak control color (list, optional): The color for the control size (float, optional): Size of the control defSet (None or set, optional): Deformer set to add the joints ctlSet (None or set, optional): the set to add the controls side (None, str): String to set the side. Valid values are L, R or C. If the side is not set or the value is not valid, the side will be set automatically based on the world position gearMulMatrix (bool, optional): If False will use Maya default multiply matrix node Returns: PyNode: The tweak control """ blendShape = blendShapes.getBlendShape(mesh) if not inputMesh: inputMesh = blendShape.listConnections(sh=True, t="shape", d=False)[0] oRivet = rivet.rivet() base = oRivet.create(inputMesh, edgePair[0], edgePair[1], parent) # get side if not side or side not in ["L", "R", "C"]: if base.getTranslation(space='world')[0] < -0.01: side = "R" elif base.getTranslation(space='world')[0] > 0.01: side = "L" else: side = "C" nameSide = name + "_tweak_" + side pm.rename(base, nameSide) if not ctlParent: ctlParent = base ctl_parent_tag = None else: ctl_parent_tag = ctlParent # Joints NPO npo = pm.PyNode(pm.createNode("transform", n=nameSide + "_npo", p=ctlParent, ss=True)) if attach_rot: # npo.setTranslation(base.getTranslation(space="world"), space="world") pm.parentConstraint(base, npo, mo=False) else: pm.pointConstraint(base, npo, mo=False) # create joints if not jntParent: jntParent = npo matrix_cnx = False else: # need extra connection to ensure is moving with th npo, even is # not child of npo matrix_cnx = True jointBase = primitive.addJoint(jntParent, nameSide + "_jnt_lvl") joint = primitive.addJoint(jointBase, nameSide + "_jnt") # reset axis and invert behaviour for axis in "XYZ": pm.setAttr(jointBase + ".jointOrient" + axis, 0) pm.setAttr(npo + ".translate" + axis, 0) # pm.setAttr(jointBase + ".translate" + axis, 0) pp = npo.getParent() pm.parent(npo, w=True) for axis in "xyz": npo.attr("r" + axis).set(0) if side == "R": npo.attr("ry").set(180) npo.attr("sz").set(-1) pm.parent(npo, pp) dm_node = None if matrix_cnx: mulmat_node = applyop.gear_mulmatrix_op( npo + ".worldMatrix", jointBase + ".parentInverseMatrix") dm_node = node.createDecomposeMatrixNode( mulmat_node + ".output") m = mulmat_node.attr('output').get() pm.connectAttr(dm_node + ".outputTranslate", jointBase + ".t") pm.connectAttr(dm_node + ".outputRotate", jointBase + ".r") # invert negative scaling in Joints. We only inver Z axis, so is # the only axis that we are checking print(dm_node.attr("outputScaleZ").get()) if dm_node.attr("outputScaleZ").get() < 0: mul_nod_invert = node.createMulNode( dm_node.attr("outputScaleZ"), -1) out_val = mul_nod_invert.attr("outputX") else: out_val = dm_node.attr("outputScaleZ") pm.connectAttr(dm_node.attr("outputScaleX"), jointBase + ".sx") pm.connectAttr(dm_node.attr("outputScaleY"), jointBase + ".sy") pm.connectAttr(out_val, jointBase + ".sz") pm.connectAttr(dm_node + ".outputShear", jointBase + ".shear") # Segment scale compensate Off to avoid issues with the global # scale jointBase.setAttr("segmentScaleCompensate", 0) joint.setAttr("segmentScaleCompensate", 0) jointBase.setAttr("jointOrient", 0, 0, 0) # setting the joint orient compensation in order to have clean # rotation channels jointBase.attr("jointOrientX").set(jointBase.attr("rx").get()) jointBase.attr("jointOrientY").set(jointBase.attr("ry").get()) jointBase.attr("jointOrientZ").set(jointBase.attr("rz").get()) im = m.inverse() if gearMulMatrix: mul_nod = applyop.gear_mulmatrix_op( mulmat_node.attr('output'), im, jointBase, 'r') dm_node2 = mul_nod.output.listConnections()[0] else: mul_nod = node.createMultMatrixNode( mulmat_node.attr('matrixSum'), im, jointBase, 'r') dm_node2 = mul_nod.matrixSum.listConnections()[0] if dm_node.attr("outputScaleZ").get() < 0: negateTransformConnection(dm_node2.outputRotate, jointBase.rotate) else: resetJntLocalSRT(jointBase) # hidding joint base by changing the draw mode pm.setAttr(jointBase + ".drawStyle", 2) if not defSet: try: defSet = pm.PyNode("rig_deformers_grp") except TypeError: pm.sets(n="rig_deformers_grp", empty=True) defSet = pm.PyNode("rig_deformers_grp") pm.sets(defSet, add=joint) controlType = "sphere" o_icon = icon.create(npo, nameSide + "_ctl", datatypes.Matrix(), color, controlType, w=size) attribute.addAttribute(o_icon, "isCtl", "bool", keyable=False) transform.resetTransform(o_icon) if dm_node and dm_node.attr("outputScaleZ").get() < 0: pm.connectAttr(o_icon.scale, joint.scale) negateTransformConnection(o_icon.rotate, joint.rotate) negateTransformConnection(o_icon.translate, joint.translate, [1, 1, -1]) else: for t in [".translate", ".scale", ".rotate"]: pm.connectAttr(o_icon + t, joint + t) # create the attributes to handlde mirror and symetrical pose attribute.addAttribute( o_icon, "invTx", "bool", 0, keyable=False, niceName="Invert Mirror TX") attribute.addAttribute( o_icon, "invTy", "bool", 0, keyable=False, niceName="Invert Mirror TY") attribute.addAttribute( o_icon, "invTz", "bool", 0, keyable=False, niceName="Invert Mirror TZ") attribute.addAttribute( o_icon, "invRx", "bool", 0, keyable=False, niceName="Invert Mirror RX") attribute.addAttribute( o_icon, "invRy", "bool", 0, keyable=False, niceName="Invert Mirror RY") attribute.addAttribute( o_icon, "invRz", "bool", 0, keyable=False, niceName="Invert Mirror RZ") attribute.addAttribute( o_icon, "invSx", "bool", 0, keyable=False, niceName="Invert Mirror SX") attribute.addAttribute( o_icon, "invSy", "bool", 0, keyable=False, niceName="Invert Mirror SY") attribute.addAttribute( o_icon, "invSz", "bool", 0, keyable=False, niceName="Invert Mirror SZ") # magic of doritos connection pre_bind_matrix_connect(mesh, joint, jointBase) # add control tag node.add_controller_tag(o_icon, ctl_parent_tag) if not ctlSet: try: ctlSet = pm.PyNode("rig_controllers_grp") except TypeError: pm.sets(n="rig_controllers_grp", empty=True) ctlSet = pm.PyNode("rig_controllers_grp") pm.sets(ctlSet, add=o_icon) return o_icon
def initialHierarchy(self): """ Create the inital structure for the rig. """ # Root self.root = primitive.addTransformFromPos( self.model, self.getName("root"),["root"]) self.addToGroup(self.root, names=["componentsRoots"]) # infos attribute.addAttribute(self.root, "componentType", "string", attribute.addAttribute(self.root, "componentName", "string", attribute.addAttribute(self.root, "componentVersion", "string", str([1:-1]) attribute.addAttribute(self.root, "componentAuthor", "string", attribute.addAttribute(self.root, "componentURL", "string", attribute.addAttribute(self.root, "componentEmail", "string", # joint -------------------------------- if self.options["joint_rig"]: self.component_jnt_org = primitive.addTransform( self.rig.jnt_org, self.getName("jnt_org")) # The initial assigment of the active jnt and the parent relative # jnt is the same, later will be updated base in the user options self.active_jnt = self.component_jnt_org self.parent_relative_jnt = self.component_jnt_org return
def initialHierarchy(self): """Build the initial hierarchy of the rig. Create the rig model, the main properties, and a couple of base organisation nulls. Get the global size of the rig. """ mgear.log("Initial Hierarchy") # -------------------------------------------------- # Model self.model = primitive.addTransformFromPos(None, self.options["rig_name"]) attribute.lockAttribute(self.model) # -------------------------------------------------- # INFOS self.isRig_att = attribute.addAttribute(self.model, "is_rig", "bool", True) self.rigName_att = attribute.addAttribute(self.model, "rig_name", "string", self.options["rig_name"]) self.user_att = attribute.addAttribute(self.model, "user", "string", getpass.getuser()) self.isWip_att = attribute.addAttribute(self.model, "wip", "bool", self.options["mode"] != 0) self.date_att = attribute.addAttribute(self.model, "date", "string", str( self.mayaVersion_att = attribute.addAttribute( self.model, "maya_version", "string", str(pm.mel.eval("getApplicationVersionAsFloat"))) self.gearVersion_att = attribute.addAttribute(self.model, "gear_version", "string", mgear.getVersion()) self.synoptic_att = attribute.addAttribute( self.model, "synoptic", "string", str(self.options["synoptic"])) self.comments_att = attribute.addAttribute( self.model, "comments", "string", str(self.options["comments"])) self.ctlVis_att = attribute.addAttribute(self.model, "ctl_vis", "bool", True) if versions.current() >= 201650: self.ctlVisPlayback_att = attribute.addAttribute( self.model, "ctl_vis_on_playback", "bool", True) self.jntVis_att = attribute.addAttribute(self.model, "jnt_vis", "bool", True) self.qsA_att = attribute.addAttribute(self.model, "quickselA", "string", "") self.qsB_att = attribute.addAttribute(self.model, "quickselB", "string", "") self.qsC_att = attribute.addAttribute(self.model, "quickselC", "string", "") self.qsD_att = attribute.addAttribute(self.model, "quickselD", "string", "") self.qsE_att = attribute.addAttribute(self.model, "quickselE", "string", "") self.qsF_att = attribute.addAttribute(self.model, "quickselF", "string", "") self.rigGroups = self.model.addAttr("rigGroups", at='message', m=1) self.rigPoses = self.model.addAttr("rigPoses", at='message', m=1) self.rigCtlTags = self.model.addAttr("rigCtlTags", at='message', m=1) self.rigScriptNodes = self.model.addAttr("rigScriptNodes", at='message', m=1) # ------------------------- ------------------------- # Global Ctl if self.options["worldCtl"]: if self.options["world_ctl_name"]: name = self.options["world_ctl_name"] else: name = "world_ctl" icon_shape = "circle" else: name = "global_C0_ctl" icon_shape = "crossarrow" self.global_ctl = self.addCtl(self.model, name, datatypes.Matrix(), self.options["C_color_fk"], icon_shape, w=10) attribute.setRotOrder(self.global_ctl, "ZXY") # Connect global visibility pm.connectAttr(self.ctlVis_att, self.global_ctl.attr("visibility")) if versions.current() >= 201650: pm.connectAttr(self.ctlVisPlayback_att, self.global_ctl.attr("hideOnPlayback")) attribute.lockAttribute(self.global_ctl, ['v']) # -------------------------------------------------- # Setup in world Space self.setupWS = primitive.addTransformFromPos(self.model, "setup") attribute.lockAttribute(self.setupWS) # -------------------------------------------------- # Basic set of null if self.options["joint_rig"]: self.jnt_org = primitive.addTransformFromPos(self.model, "jnt_org") pm.connectAttr(self.jntVis_att, self.jnt_org.attr("visibility"))
def addJointCtl(self, parent, name, m, color, iconShape, tp=None, lp=True, mirrorConf=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], guide_loc_ref=None, **kwargs): """ Create the control and apply the shape, if this is alrealdy stored in the guide controllers grp. Args: parent (dagNode): The control parent name (str): The control name. m (matrix): The transfromation matrix for the control. color (int or list of float): The color for the control in index or RGB. iconShape (str): The controls default shape. tp (dagNode): Tag Parent Control object to connect as a parent controller lp (bool): Lock the parent controller channels kwargs (variant): Other arguments for the iconShape type variations Returns: dagNode: The Control. """ if "degree" not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs["degree"] = 1 # print name # fullName = self.getName(name) # remove the _ctl hardcoded in component name if name.endswith("_ctl"): name = name[:-4] # in some situation the name will be only ctl and should be removed # for example control_01 if name.endswith("ctl"): name = name[:-3] # NOTE: this is a dirty workaround to keep backwards compatibility on # control_01 component where the description of the cotrol was just # the ctl suffix. rule = self.options["ctl_name_rule"] if not name: """ if rule == naming.DEFAULT_NAMING_RULE: rule = r"{component}_{side}{index}_{extension}" else: # this ensure we always have name if the naming rule is custom name = "control" """ rule = r"{component}_{side}{index}_{extension}" fullName = self.getName( name, rule=rule, ext="ctl", letter_case=self.options["ctl_description_letter_case"]) bufferName = fullName + "_controlBuffer" if bufferName in ctl_ref =[bufferName] else: ctl_ref = icon.create(parent, fullName + "ref", m, color, iconShape, **kwargs) ctl = primitive.addJoint(parent, fullName, m) ctl.setAttr("drawStyle", 2) # draw none for shape in ctl_ref.getShapes(): ctl.addChild(shape, shape=True, add=True) pm.rename(shape, fullName + "Shape") pm.delete(ctl_ref) icon.setcolor(ctl, color) # add metadata attirbutes. attribute.addAttribute(ctl, "isCtl", "bool", keyable=False) attribute.addAttribute(ctl, "uiHost", "string", keyable=False) ctl.addAttr("uiHost_cnx", at='message', multi=False) # set the control Role for complex components. If the component is # of type control_01 or world_ctl the control role will default to None # since is only one control the role is not needed attribute.addAttribute(ctl, "ctl_role", "string", keyable=False, value=name) # locator reference for quick guide matching # TODO: this is a temporal implementation. We should store the full # guide data in future iterations if guide_loc_ref: attribute.addAttribute(ctl, "guide_loc_ref", "string", keyable=False, value=guide_loc_ref) # mgear name. This keep track of the default shifter name. This naming # system ensure that each control has a unique id. Tools like mirror or # flip pose can use it to track symmetrical controls attribute.addAttribute(ctl, "shifter_name", "string", keyable=False, value=self.getName(name) + "_ctl") attribute.addAttribute(ctl, "side_label", "string", keyable=False, value=self.side) attribute.addAttribute(ctl, "L_custom_side_label", "string", keyable=False, value=self.options["side_left_name"]) attribute.addAttribute(ctl, "R_custom_side_label", "string", keyable=False, value=self.options["side_right_name"]) attribute.addAttribute(ctl, "C_custom_side_label", "string", keyable=False, value=self.options["side_center_name"]) # create the attributes to handlde mirror and symetrical pose attribute.add_mirror_config_channels(ctl, mirrorConf) if self.settings["ctlGrp"]: ctlGrp = self.settings["ctlGrp"] self.addToGroup(ctl, ctlGrp, "controllers") else: ctlGrp = "controllers" self.addToGroup(ctl, ctlGrp) # lock the control parent attributes if is not a control if parent not in self.groups[ctlGrp] and lp: self.transform2Lock.append(parent) # Set the control shapes isHistoricallyInteresting for oShape in ctl.getShapes(): oShape.isHistoricallyInteresting.set(False) # connecting the always draw shapes on top to global attribute if versions.current() >= 20220000: pm.connectAttr(self.rig.ctlXRay_att, oShape.attr("alwaysDrawOnTop")) # set controller tag if versions.current() >= 201650: try: oldTag = pm.PyNode( + "_tag") if not oldTag.controllerObject.connections(): # NOTE: The next line is comment out. Because this will # happend alot since core does't clean # controller tags after deleting the control Object of the # tag. This have been log to Autodesk. # If orphane tags are found, it will be clean in silence. # pm.displayWarning("Orphane Tag: %s will be delete and # created new for: %s"%(, pm.delete(oldTag) except TypeError: pass self.add_controller_tag(ctl, tp) self.controlers.append(ctl) return ctl
def _createSoftModTweak(baseCtl, tweakCtl, name, targets, nameExt="softMod", is_asset=False): sm = pm.softMod(targets, wn=[tweakCtl, tweakCtl]) pm.rename(sm[0], "{}_{}".format(name, nameExt)) # disconnect default connection plugs = sm[0].softModXforms.listConnections(p=True) for p in plugs: pm.disconnectAttr(p, sm[0].softModXforms) pm.delete(p.node()) dm_node = node.createDecomposeMatrixNode(baseCtl.worldMatrix[0]) pm.connectAttr(dm_node.outputTranslate, sm[0].falloffCenter) mul_node = node.createMulNode(dm_node.outputScaleX, tweakCtl.attr("falloff")) pm.connectAttr(mul_node.outputX, sm[0].falloffRadius) pm.connectAttr(tweakCtl.attr("surfaceMode"), sm[0].falloffMode) mulMatrix_node = applyop.gear_mulmatrix_op(tweakCtl.worldMatrix[0], tweakCtl.parentInverseMatrix[0]) pm.connectAttr(mulMatrix_node.output, sm[0].weightedMatrix) pm.connectAttr(baseCtl.worldInverseMatrix[0], sm[0].postMatrix) pm.connectAttr(baseCtl.worldMatrix[0], sm[0].preMatrix) if is_asset: tag_name = ASSET_TAG else: tag_name = SHOT_TAG attribute.addAttribute(sm[0], tag_name, "bool", False, keyable=False) sm[0].addAttr("ctlRoot", at='message', m=False) sm[0].addAttr("ctlBase", at='message', m=False) sm[0].addAttr("ctlTweak", at='message', m=False) pm.connectAttr(baseCtl.getParent().attr("message"), sm[0].attr("ctlRoot")) pm.connectAttr(baseCtl.attr("message"), sm[0].attr("ctlBase")) pm.connectAttr(tweakCtl.attr("message"), sm[0].attr("ctlTweak")) # This connection allow the softTweak to work if we apply the skin # precision fix. # TODO: By default only apply to a non asset tweaks. if skin.getSkinCluster(targets[0]) and not is_asset: skin_cls = skin.getSkinCluster(targets[0]) cnxs = skin_cls.matrix[0].listConnections() if (cnxs and cnxs[0].type() == "mgear_mulMatrix" and not sm[0].hasAttr("_fixedSkinFix")): # tag the softmod as fixed attribute.addAttribute(sm[0], "_fixedSkinFix", "bool") # original connections matrix_cnx = sm[0].matrix.listConnections(p=True)[0] preMatrix_cnx = sm[0].preMatrix.listConnections(p=True)[0] wgtMatrix_cnx = sm[0].weightedMatrix.listConnections(p=True)[0] postMatrix_cnx = sm[0].postMatrix.listConnections(p=True)[0] # pre existing node operators mulMtx_node = wgtMatrix_cnx.node() dcMtx_node = sm[0].falloffCenter.listConnections(p=True)[0].node() # geo offset connnections geo_root = targets[0].getParent() gr_W = geo_root.worldMatrix[0] gr_WI = geo_root.worldInverseMatrix[0] # new offset operators mmm1 = applyop.gear_mulmatrix_op(preMatrix_cnx, gr_WI) mmm2 = applyop.gear_mulmatrix_op(matrix_cnx, gr_WI) mmm3 = applyop.gear_mulmatrix_op(gr_W, postMatrix_cnx) # re-wire connections pm.connectAttr(mmm1.output, dcMtx_node.inputMatrix, f=True) pm.connectAttr(mmm1.output, sm[0].preMatrix, f=True) pm.connectAttr(mmm2.output, sm[0].matrix, f=True) pm.connectAttr(mmm2.output, mulMtx_node.matrixA, f=True) pm.connectAttr(mmm3.output, mulMtx_node.matrixB, f=True) pm.connectAttr(mmm3.output, sm[0].postMatrix, f=True) _neutra_geomMatrix(sm[0]) return sm[0]
def addCtl(self, parent, name, m, color, iconShape, tp=None, lp=True, mirrorConf=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ** kwargs): """ Create the control and apply the shape, if this is alrealdy stored in the guide controllers grp. Args: parent (dagNode): The control parent name (str): The control name. m (matrix): The transfromation matrix for the control. color (int or list of float): The color for the control in index or RGB. iconShape (str): The controls default shape. tp (dagNode): Tag Parent Control object to connect as a parent controller lp (bool): Lock the parent controller channels kwargs (variant): Other arguments for the iconShape type variations Returns: dagNode: The Control. """ if "degree" not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs["degree"] = 1 fullName = self.getName(name) bufferName = fullName + "_controlBuffer" if bufferName in ctl_ref =[bufferName] ctl = primitive.addTransform(parent, fullName, m) for shape in ctl_ref.getShapes(): ctl.addChild(shape, shape=True, add=True) pm.rename(shape, fullName + "Shape") icon.setcolor(ctl, color) else: ctl = icon.create( parent, fullName, m, color, iconShape, **kwargs) # add metadata attirbutes. attribute.addAttribute(ctl, "isCtl", "bool", keyable=False) attribute.addAttribute(ctl, "uiHost", "string", keyable=False) # create the attributes to handlde mirror and symetrical pose attribute.add_mirror_config_channels(ctl, mirrorConf) if self.settings["ctlGrp"]: ctlGrp = self.settings["ctlGrp"] self.addToGroup(ctl, ctlGrp, "controllers") else: ctlGrp = "controllers" self.addToGroup(ctl, ctlGrp) # lock the control parent attributes if is not a control if parent not in self.groups[ctlGrp] and lp: self.transform2Lock.append(parent) # Set the control shapes isHistoricallyInteresting for oShape in ctl.getShapes(): oShape.isHistoricallyInteresting.set(False) # set controller tag if versions.current() >= 201650: try: oldTag = pm.PyNode( + "_tag") if not oldTag.controllerObject.connections(): # NOTE: The next line is comment out. Because this will # happend alot since core does't clean # controller tags after deleting the control Object of the # tag. This have been log to Autodesk. # If orphane tags are found, it will be clean in silence. # pm.displayWarning("Orphane Tag: %s will be delete and # created new for: %s"%(, pm.delete(oldTag) except TypeError: pass self.add_controller_tag(ctl, tp) self.controlers.append(ctl) return ctl
def add_frame_sculpt(layer_node, anim=False, keyf=[1, 0, 0, 1]): """Add a sculpt frame to each selected layer Args: layer_node (dagNode list): ist of Crank layer node to add the sculpt frame anim (bool, optional): if True, will keyframe the sculpt frame in the specified range. keyf (list, optional): Keyframe range configuration. EaseIn, pre hold, post hold and ease out """ objs = layer_node.layer_objects.inputs() bs_node = layer_node.layer_blendshape_node.inputs() # ensure other targets are set to false the edit flag # get current frame cframe = int(pm.currentTime(query=True)) # get valid name. Check if frame is ducplicated in layer frame_name = "frame_{}".format(str(cframe)) i = 1 while layer_node.hasAttr(frame_name): frame_name = "frame_{}_v{}".format(str(cframe), str(i)) i += 1 # create frame master channel master_chn = attribute.addAttribute(layer_node, frame_name, "float", value=1, minValue=0, maxValue=1) # keyframe in range the master channel if anim: # current frame pm.setKeyframe(master_chn, t=[cframe], v=1, inTangentType="linear", outTangentType="linear") # pre and post hold pre_hold = keyf[1] if pre_hold: pm.setKeyframe(master_chn, t=[cframe - pre_hold], v=1, inTangentType="linear", outTangentType="linear") post_hold = keyf[2] if post_hold: pm.setKeyframe(master_chn, t=[cframe + post_hold], v=1, inTangentType="linear", outTangentType="linear") # ease in and out if keyf[0]: ei = pre_hold + keyf[0] pm.setKeyframe(master_chn, t=[cframe - ei], v=0, inTangentType="linear", outTangentType="linear") if keyf[3]: eo = post_hold + keyf[3] pm.setKeyframe(master_chn, t=[cframe + eo], v=0, inTangentType="linear", outTangentType="linear") for obj, bsn in zip(objs, bs_node): dup = pm.duplicate(obj)[0] bst_name = "_".join([, frame_name]) pm.rename(dup, bst_name) indx = bsn.weight.getNumElements() pm.blendShape(bsn, edit=True, t=(obj, indx, dup, 1.0), ts=True, tc=True, w=(indx, 1)) pm.delete(dup) pm.blendShape(bsn, e=True, rtd=(0, indx)) # is same as: bs.inputTarget[0].sculptTargetIndex.set(3) pm.sculptTarget(bsn, e=True, t=indx) # connect target to master channel pm.connectAttr(master_chn, bsn.attr(bst_name))
def rig(edge_loop="", up_vertex="", low_vertex="", name_prefix="", thickness=0.3, do_skin=True, rigid_loops=5, falloff_loops=8, head_joint=None, jaw_joint=None, parent_node=None, control_name="ctl", upper_lip_ctl=None, lower_lip_ctl=None): ###### # Var ###### FRONT_OFFSET = .02 NB_ROPE = 15 ################## # Helper functions ################## def setName(name, side="C", idx=None): namesList = [name_prefix, side, name] if idx is not None: namesList[1] = side + str(idx) name = "_".join(namesList) return name ############### # Checkers ############## # Loop if edge_loop: try: edge_loop = [pm.PyNode(e) for e in edge_loop.split(",")] except pm.MayaNodeError: pm.displayWarning( "Some of the edges listed in edge loop can not be found") return else: pm.displayWarning("Please set the edge loop first") return # Vertex if up_vertex: try: up_vertex = pm.PyNode(up_vertex) except pm.MayaNodeError: pm.displayWarning("%s can not be found" % up_vertex) return else: pm.displayWarning("Please set the upper lip central vertex") return if low_vertex: try: low_vertex = pm.PyNode(low_vertex) except pm.MayaNodeError: pm.displayWarning("%s can not be found" % low_vertex) return else: pm.displayWarning("Please set the lower lip central vertex") return # skinnign data if do_skin: if not head_joint: pm.displayWarning("Please set the Head Jnt or unCheck Compute " "Topological Autoskin") return else: try: head_joint = pm.PyNode(head_joint) except pm.MayaNodeError: pm.displayWarning( "Head Joint: %s can not be found" % head_joint ) return if not jaw_joint: pm.displayWarning("Please set the Jaw Jnt or unCheck Compute " "Topological Autoskin") return else: try: jaw_joint = pm.PyNode(jaw_joint) except pm.MayaNodeError: pm.displayWarning("Jaw Joint: %s can not be found" % jaw_joint) return # check if the rig already exist in the current scene if"root")): pm.displayWarning("The object %s already exist in the scene. Please " "choose another name prefix" % setName("root")) return ##################### # Root creation ##################### lips_root = primitive.addTransform(None, setName("root")) lipsCrv_root = primitive.addTransform(lips_root, setName("crvs")) lipsRope_root = primitive.addTransform(lips_root, setName("rope")) ##################### # Geometry ##################### geo = pm.listRelatives(edge_loop[0], parent=True)[0] ##################### # Groups ##################### try: ctlSet = pm.PyNode("rig_controllers_grp") except pm.MayaNodeError: pm.sets(n="rig_controllers_grp", em=True) ctlSet = pm.PyNode("rig_controllers_grp") try: defset = pm.PyNode("rig_deformers_grp") except pm.MayaNodeError: pm.sets(n="rig_deformers_grp", em=True) defset = pm.PyNode("rig_deformers_grp") ##################### # Curves creation ##################### # get extreme position using the outer loop extr_v = meshNavigation.getExtremeVertexFromLoop(edge_loop) upPos = extr_v[0] lowPos = extr_v[1] inPos = extr_v[2] outPos = extr_v[3] edgeList = extr_v[4] vertexList = extr_v[5] upPos = up_vertex lowPos = low_vertex # upper crv upLip_edgeRange = meshNavigation.edgeRangeInLoopFromMid(edgeList, upPos, inPos, outPos) upCrv = curve.createCuveFromEdges(upLip_edgeRange, setName("upperLip"), parent=lipsCrv_root) # store the closest vertex by curv cv index. To be use fo the auto skining upLip_closestVtxList = [] # offset upper lip Curve cvs = upCrv.getCVs(space="world") for i, cv in enumerate(cvs): closestVtx = meshNavigation.getClosestVertexFromTransform(geo, cv) upLip_closestVtxList.append(closestVtx) if i == 0: # we know the curv starts from right to left offset = [cv[0] - thickness, cv[1], cv[2] - thickness] elif i == len(cvs) - 1: offset = [cv[0] + thickness, cv[1], cv[2] - thickness] else: offset = [cv[0], cv[1] + thickness, cv[2]] upCrv.setCV(i, offset, space='world') # lower crv lowLip_edgeRange = meshNavigation.edgeRangeInLoopFromMid(edgeList, lowPos, inPos, outPos) lowCrv = curve.createCuveFromEdges(lowLip_edgeRange, setName("lowerLip"), parent=lipsCrv_root) lowLip_closestVtxList = [] # offset lower lip Curve cvs = lowCrv.getCVs(space="world") for i, cv in enumerate(cvs): closestVtx = meshNavigation.getClosestVertexFromTransform(geo, cv) lowLip_closestVtxList.append(closestVtx) if i == 0: # we know the curv starts from right to left offset = [cv[0] - thickness, cv[1], cv[2] - thickness] elif i == len(cvs) - 1: offset = [cv[0] + thickness, cv[1], cv[2] - thickness] else: # we populate the closest vertext list here to skipt the first # and latest point offset = [cv[0], cv[1] - thickness, cv[2]] lowCrv.setCV(i, offset, space='world') upCrv_ctl = curve.createCurveFromCurve(upCrv, setName("upCtl_crv"), nbPoints=7, parent=lipsCrv_root) lowCrv_ctl = curve.createCurveFromCurve(lowCrv, setName("lowCtl_crv"), nbPoints=7, parent=lipsCrv_root) upRope = curve.createCurveFromCurve(upCrv, setName("upRope_crv"), nbPoints=NB_ROPE, parent=lipsCrv_root) lowRope = curve.createCurveFromCurve(lowCrv, setName("lowRope_crv"), nbPoints=NB_ROPE, parent=lipsCrv_root) upCrv_upv = curve.createCurveFromCurve(upCrv, setName("upCrv_upv"), nbPoints=7, parent=lipsCrv_root) lowCrv_upv = curve.createCurveFromCurve(lowCrv, setName("lowCrv_upv"), nbPoints=7, parent=lipsCrv_root) upRope_upv = curve.createCurveFromCurve(upCrv, setName("upRope_upv"), nbPoints=NB_ROPE, parent=lipsCrv_root) lowRope_upv = curve.createCurveFromCurve(lowCrv, setName("lowRope_upv"), nbPoints=NB_ROPE, parent=lipsCrv_root) # offset upv curves for crv in [upCrv_upv, lowCrv_upv, upRope_upv, lowRope_upv]: cvs = crv.getCVs(space="world") for i, cv in enumerate(cvs): # we populate the closest vertext list here to skipt the first # and latest point offset = [cv[0], cv[1], cv[2] + FRONT_OFFSET] crv.setCV(i, offset, space='world') rigCrvs = [upCrv, lowCrv, upCrv_ctl, lowCrv_ctl, upRope, lowRope, upCrv_upv, lowCrv_upv, upRope_upv, lowRope_upv] for crv in rigCrvs: crv.attr("visibility").set(False) ################## # Joints ################## lvlType = "transform" # upper joints upperJoints = [] cvs = upCrv.getCVs(space="world") pm.progressWindow(title='Creating Upper Joints', progress=0, max=len(cvs)) for i, cv in enumerate(cvs): pm.progressWindow(e=True, step=1, status='\nCreating Joint for %s' % cv) oTransUpV = pm.PyNode(pm.createNode( lvlType, n=setName("upLipRopeUpv", idx=str(i).zfill(3)), p=lipsRope_root, ss=True)) oTrans = pm.PyNode( pm.createNode(lvlType, n=setName("upLipRope", idx=str(i).zfill(3)), p=lipsRope_root, ss=True)) oParam, oLength = curve.getCurveParamAtPosition(upRope, cv) uLength = curve.findLenghtFromParam(upRope, oParam) u = uLength / oLength applyop.pathCns( oTransUpV, upRope_upv, cnsType=False, u=u, tangent=False) cns = applyop.pathCns( oTrans, upRope, cnsType=False, u=u, tangent=False) cns.setAttr("worldUpType", 1) cns.setAttr("frontAxis", 0) cns.setAttr("upAxis", 1) pm.connectAttr(oTransUpV.attr("worldMatrix[0]"), cns.attr("worldUpMatrix")) # getting joint parent if head_joint and isinstance(head_joint, (str, string_types)): try: j_parent = pm.PyNode(head_joint) except pm.MayaNodeError: j_parent = False elif head_joint and isinstance(head_joint, pm.PyNode): j_parent = head_joint else: j_parent = False jnt = rigbits.addJnt(oTrans, noReplace=True, parent=j_parent) upperJoints.append(jnt) pm.sets(defset, add=jnt) pm.progressWindow(e=True, endProgress=True) # lower joints lowerJoints = [] cvs = lowCrv.getCVs(space="world") pm.progressWindow(title='Creating Lower Joints', progress=0, max=len(cvs)) for i, cv in enumerate(cvs): pm.progressWindow(e=True, step=1, status='\nCreating Joint for %s' % cv) oTransUpV = pm.PyNode(pm.createNode( lvlType, n=setName("lowLipRopeUpv", idx=str(i).zfill(3)), p=lipsRope_root, ss=True)) oTrans = pm.PyNode(pm.createNode( lvlType, n=setName("lowLipRope", idx=str(i).zfill(3)), p=lipsRope_root, ss=True)) oParam, oLength = curve.getCurveParamAtPosition(lowRope, cv) uLength = curve.findLenghtFromParam(lowRope, oParam) u = uLength / oLength applyop.pathCns(oTransUpV, lowRope_upv, cnsType=False, u=u, tangent=False) cns = applyop.pathCns(oTrans, lowRope, cnsType=False, u=u, tangent=False) cns.setAttr("worldUpType", 1) cns.setAttr("frontAxis", 0) cns.setAttr("upAxis", 1) pm.connectAttr(oTransUpV.attr("worldMatrix[0]"), cns.attr("worldUpMatrix")) # getting joint parent if jaw_joint and isinstance(jaw_joint, (str, string_types)): try: j_parent = pm.PyNode(jaw_joint) except pm.MayaNodeError: pass elif jaw_joint and isinstance(jaw_joint, pm.PyNode): j_parent = jaw_joint else: j_parent = False jnt = rigbits.addJnt(oTrans, noReplace=True, parent=j_parent) lowerJoints.append(jnt) pm.sets(defset, add=jnt) pm.progressWindow(e=True, endProgress=True) ################## # Controls ################## # Controls lists upControls = [] upVec = [] upNpo = [] lowControls = [] lowVec = [] lowNpo = [] # controls options axis_list = ["sx", "sy", "sz", "ro"] upCtlOptions = [["corner", "R", "square", 4, .05, axis_list], ["upOuter", "R", "circle", 14, .03, []], ["upInner", "R", "circle", 14, .03, []], ["upper", "C", "square", 4, .05, axis_list], ["upInner", "L", "circle", 14, .03, []], ["upOuter", "L", "circle", 14, .03, []], ["corner", "L", "square", 4, .05, axis_list]] lowCtlOptions = [["lowOuter", "R", "circle", 14, .03, []], ["lowInner", "R", "circle", 14, .03, []], ["lower", "C", "square", 4, .05, axis_list], ["lowInner", "L", "circle", 14, .03, []], ["lowOuter", "L", "circle", 14, .03, []]] params = ["tx", "ty", "tz", "rx", "ry", "rz"] # upper controls cvs = upCrv_ctl.getCVs(space="world") pm.progressWindow(title='Upper controls', progress=0, max=len(cvs)) v0 = transform.getTransformFromPos(cvs[0]) v1 = transform.getTransformFromPos(cvs[-1]) distSize = vector.getDistance(v0, v1) * 3 for i, cv in enumerate(cvs): pm.progressWindow(e=True, step=1, status='\nCreating control for%s' % cv) t = transform.getTransformFromPos(cv) # Get nearest joint for orientation of controls joints = upperJoints + lowerJoints nearest_joint = None nearest_distance = None for joint in joints: distance = vector.getDistance( transform.getTranslation(joint), cv ) if nearest_distance is None or distance < nearest_distance: nearest_distance = distance nearest_joint = joint if nearest_joint: t = transform.setMatrixPosition( transform.getTransform(nearest_joint), cv ) temp = primitive.addTransform( lips_root, setName("temp"), t ) temp.rx.set(0) t = transform.getTransform(temp) pm.delete(temp) oName = upCtlOptions[i][0] oSide = upCtlOptions[i][1] o_icon = upCtlOptions[i][2] color = upCtlOptions[i][3] wd = upCtlOptions[i][4] oPar = upCtlOptions[i][5] npo = primitive.addTransform(lips_root, setName("%s_npo" % oName, oSide), t) upNpo.append(npo) ctl = icon.create(npo, setName("%s_%s" % (oName, control_name), oSide), t, icon=o_icon, w=wd * distSize, d=wd * distSize, ro=datatypes.Vector(1.57079633, 0, 0), po=datatypes.Vector(0, 0, .07 * distSize), color=color) upControls.append(ctl) name_split = control_name.split("_") if len(name_split) == 2 and name_split[-1] == "ghost": pass else: pm.sets(ctlSet, add=ctl) attribute.addAttribute(ctl, "isCtl", "bool", keyable=False) attribute.setKeyableAttributes(ctl, params + oPar) upv = primitive.addTransform(ctl, setName("%s_upv" % oName, oSide), t) upv.attr("tz").set(FRONT_OFFSET) upVec.append(upv) if oSide == "R": npo.attr("sx").set(-1) pm.progressWindow(e=True, endProgress=True) # lower controls cvs = lowCrv_ctl.getCVs(space="world") pm.progressWindow(title='Lower controls', progress=0, max=len(cvs)) for i, cv in enumerate(cvs[1:-1]): pm.progressWindow(e=True, step=1, status='\nCreating control for%s' % cv) t = transform.getTransformFromPos(cv) # Get nearest joint for orientation of controls joints = upperJoints + lowerJoints nearest_joint = None nearest_distance = None for joint in joints: distance = vector.getDistance( transform.getTranslation(joint), cv ) if nearest_distance is None or distance < nearest_distance: nearest_distance = distance nearest_joint = joint if nearest_joint: t = transform.setMatrixPosition( transform.getTransform(nearest_joint), cv ) temp = primitive.addTransform( lips_root, setName("temp"), t ) temp.rx.set(0) t = transform.getTransform(temp) pm.delete(temp) oName = lowCtlOptions[i][0] oSide = lowCtlOptions[i][1] o_icon = lowCtlOptions[i][2] color = lowCtlOptions[i][3] wd = lowCtlOptions[i][4] oPar = lowCtlOptions[i][5] npo = primitive.addTransform(lips_root, setName("%s_npo" % oName, oSide), t) lowNpo.append(npo) ctl = icon.create(npo, setName("%s_%s" % (oName, control_name), oSide), t, icon=o_icon, w=wd * distSize, d=wd * distSize, ro=datatypes.Vector(1.57079633, 0, 0), po=datatypes.Vector(0, 0, .07 * distSize), color=color) lowControls.append(ctl) name_split = control_name.split("_") if len(name_split) == 2 and control_name.split("_")[-1] == "ghost": pass else: pm.sets(ctlSet, add=ctl) attribute.addAttribute(ctl, "isCtl", "bool", keyable=False) attribute.setKeyableAttributes(ctl, params + oPar) upv = primitive.addTransform(ctl, setName("%s_upv" % oName, oSide), t) upv.attr("tz").set(FRONT_OFFSET) lowVec.append(upv) if oSide == "R": npo.attr("sx").set(-1) pm.progressWindow(e=True, endProgress=True) # reparentig controls pm.parent(upNpo[1], lowNpo[0], upControls[0]) pm.parent(upNpo[2], upNpo[4], upControls[3]) pm.parent(upNpo[-2], lowNpo[-1], upControls[-1]) pm.parent(lowNpo[1], lowNpo[3], lowControls[2]) # Connecting control crvs with controls applyop.gear_curvecns_op(upCrv_ctl, upControls) applyop.gear_curvecns_op(lowCrv_ctl, [upControls[0]] + lowControls + [upControls[-1]]) applyop.gear_curvecns_op(upCrv_upv, upVec) applyop.gear_curvecns_op(lowCrv_upv, [upVec[0]] + lowVec + [upVec[-1]]) # adding wires pm.wire(upCrv, w=upCrv_ctl, dropoffDistance=[0, 1000]) pm.wire(lowCrv, w=lowCrv_ctl, dropoffDistance=[0, 1000]) pm.wire(upRope, w=upCrv_ctl, dropoffDistance=[0, 1000]) pm.wire(lowRope, w=lowCrv_ctl, dropoffDistance=[0, 1000]) pm.wire(upRope_upv, w=upCrv_upv, dropoffDistance=[0, 1000]) pm.wire(lowRope_upv, w=lowCrv_upv, dropoffDistance=[0, 1000]) # setting constrains # up cns_node = pm.parentConstraint(upControls[0], upControls[3], upControls[1].getParent(), mo=True, skipRotate=["x", "y", "z"]) cns_node.attr(upControls[0].name() + "W0").set(.75) cns_node.attr(upControls[3].name() + "W1").set(.25) cns_node.interpType.set(0) # noFlip cns_node = pm.parentConstraint(upControls[0], upControls[3], upControls[2].getParent(), mo=True, skipRotate=["x", "y", "z"]) cns_node.attr(upControls[0].name() + "W0").set(.25) cns_node.attr(upControls[3].name() + "W1").set(.75) cns_node.interpType.set(0) # noFlip cns_node = pm.parentConstraint(upControls[3], upControls[6], upControls[4].getParent(), mo=True, skipRotate=["x", "y", "z"]) cns_node.attr(upControls[3].name() + "W0").set(.75) cns_node.attr(upControls[6].name() + "W1").set(.25) cns_node.interpType.set(0) # noFlip cns_node = pm.parentConstraint(upControls[3], upControls[6], upControls[5].getParent(), mo=True, skipRotate=["x", "y", "z"]) cns_node.attr(upControls[3].name() + "W0").set(.25) cns_node.attr(upControls[6].name() + "W1").set(.75) cns_node.interpType.set(0) # noFlip # low cns_node = pm.parentConstraint(upControls[0], lowControls[2], lowControls[0].getParent(), mo=True, skipRotate=["x", "y", "z"]) cns_node.attr(upControls[0].name() + "W0").set(.75) cns_node.attr(lowControls[2].name() + "W1").set(.25) cns_node.interpType.set(0) # noFlip cns_node = pm.parentConstraint(upControls[0], lowControls[2], lowControls[1].getParent(), mo=True, skipRotate=["x", "y", "z"]) cns_node.attr(upControls[0].name() + "W0").set(.25) cns_node.attr(lowControls[2].name() + "W1").set(.75) cns_node.interpType.set(0) # noFlip cns_node = pm.parentConstraint(lowControls[2], upControls[6], lowControls[3].getParent(), mo=True, skipRotate=["x", "y", "z"]) cns_node.attr(lowControls[2].name() + "W0").set(.75) cns_node.attr(upControls[6].name() + "W1").set(.25) cns_node.interpType.set(0) # noFlip cns_node = pm.parentConstraint(lowControls[2], upControls[6], lowControls[4].getParent(), mo=True, skipRotate=["x", "y", "z"]) cns_node.attr(lowControls[2].name() + "W0").set(.25) cns_node.attr(upControls[6].name() + "W1").set(.75) cns_node.interpType.set(0) # noFlip ########################################### # Connecting rig ########################################### if parent_node: try: if isinstance(parent_node, string_types): parent_node = pm.PyNode(parent_node) parent_node.addChild(lips_root) except pm.MayaNodeError: pm.displayWarning("The Lips rig can not be parent to: %s. Maybe " "this object doesn't exist." % parent_node) if head_joint and jaw_joint: try: if isinstance(head_joint, string_types): head_joint = pm.PyNode(head_joint) except pm.MayaNodeError: pm.displayWarning("Head Joint or Upper Lip Joint %s. Can not be " "fount in the scene" % head_joint) return try: if isinstance(jaw_joint, string_types): jaw_joint = pm.PyNode(jaw_joint) except pm.MayaNodeError: pm.displayWarning("Jaw Joint or Lower Lip Joint %s. Can not be " "fount in the scene" % jaw_joint) return ref_ctls = [head_joint, jaw_joint] if upper_lip_ctl and lower_lip_ctl: try: if isinstance(upper_lip_ctl, string_types): upper_lip_ctl = pm.PyNode(upper_lip_ctl) except pm.MayaNodeError: pm.displayWarning("Upper Lip Ctl %s. Can not be " "fount in the scene" % upper_lip_ctl) return try: if isinstance(lower_lip_ctl, string_types): lower_lip_ctl = pm.PyNode(lower_lip_ctl) except pm.MayaNodeError: pm.displayWarning("Lower Lip Ctl %s. Can not be " "fount in the scene" % lower_lip_ctl) return ref_ctls = [upper_lip_ctl, lower_lip_ctl] # in order to avoid flips lets create a reference transform # also to avoid flips, set any multi target parentConstraint to noFlip ref_cns_list = [] print (ref_ctls) for cns_ref in ref_ctls: t = transform.getTransformFromPos( cns_ref.getTranslation(space='world')) ref = pm.createNode("transform", + "_cns", p=cns_ref, ss=True) ref.setMatrix(t, worldSpace=True) ref_cns_list.append(ref) # right corner connection cns_node = pm.parentConstraint(ref_cns_list[0], ref_cns_list[1], upControls[0].getParent(), mo=True) cns_node.interpType.set(0) # noFlip # left corner connection cns_node = pm.parentConstraint(ref_cns_list[0], ref_cns_list[1], upControls[-1].getParent(), mo=True) cns_node.interpType.set(0) # noFlip # up control connection cns_node = pm.parentConstraint(ref_cns_list[0], upControls[3].getParent(), mo=True) # low control connection cns_node = pm.parentConstraint(ref_cns_list[1], lowControls[2].getParent(), mo=True) ########################################### # Auto Skinning ########################################### if do_skin: # eyelid vertex rows totalLoops = rigid_loops + falloff_loops vertexLoopList = meshNavigation.getConcentricVertexLoop(vertexList, totalLoops) vertexRowList = meshNavigation.getVertexRowsFromLoops(vertexLoopList) # we set the first value 100% for the first initial loop skinPercList = [1.0] # we expect to have a regular grid topology for r in range(rigid_loops): for rr in range(2): skinPercList.append(1.0) increment = 1.0 / float(falloff_loops) # we invert to smooth out from 100 to 0 inv = 1.0 - increment for r in range(falloff_loops): for rr in range(2): if inv < 0.0: inv = 0.0 skinPercList.append(inv) inv -= increment # this loop add an extra 0.0 indices to avoid errors for r in range(10): for rr in range(2): skinPercList.append(0.0) # base skin if head_joint: try: head_joint = pm.PyNode(head_joint) except pm.MayaNodeError: pm.displayWarning( "Auto skin aborted can not find %s " % head_joint) return # Check if the object has a skinCluster objName = pm.listRelatives(geo, parent=True)[0] skinCluster = skin.getSkinCluster(objName) if not skinCluster: skinCluster = pm.skinCluster(head_joint, geo, tsb=True, nw=2, n='skinClsEyelid') lipsJoints = upperJoints + lowerJoints closestVtxList = upLip_closestVtxList + lowLip_closestVtxList pm.progressWindow(title='Auto skinning process', progress=0, max=len(lipsJoints)) for i, jnt in enumerate(lipsJoints): pm.progressWindow(e=True, step=1, status='\nSkinning %s' % jnt) skinCluster.addInfluence(jnt, weight=0) v = closestVtxList[i] for row in vertexRowList: if v in row: for i, rv in enumerate(row): # find the deformer with max value for each vertex w = pm.skinPercent(skinCluster, rv, query=True, value=True) transJoint = pm.skinPercent(skinCluster, rv, query=True, t=None) max_value = max(w) max_index = w.index(max_value) perc = skinPercList[i] t_value = [(jnt, perc), (transJoint[max_index], 1.0 - perc)] pm.skinPercent(skinCluster, rv, transformValue=t_value) pm.progressWindow(e=True, endProgress=True)
def postSpring(dist=5, hostUI=False, hostUI2=False, invertX=False): """Create the dynamic spring rig. This spring system use the mgear_spring node And transfer the position spring to rotation spring using an aim constraint. Note: The selected chain of object should be align with the X axis. Args: dist (float): The distance of the position spring. hostUI (dagNode): The spring active and intensity channel host. hostUI2 (dagNode): The daping and stiffness channel host for each object in the chain. invertX (bool): reverse the direction of the x axis. """ oSel = pm.selected() if not hostUI2: hostUI2 = oSel[0] aSpring_active = attribute.addAttribute( hostUI2, "spring_active_%s" % oSel[0].name(), "double", 1.0, "___spring_active_______%s" % oSel[0].name(), "spring_active_%s" % oSel[0].name(), 0, 1) aSpring_intensity = attribute.addAttribute( hostUI2, "spring_intensity_%s" % oSel[0].name(), "double", 1.0, "___spring_intensity_______%s" % oSel[0].name(), "spring_intensity_%s" % oSel[0].name(), 0, 1) if invertX: dist = dist * -1 # aim constraint aimAxis = "-xy" else: # aim constraint aimAxis = "xy" for obj in oSel: oParent = obj.getParent() oNpo = pm.PyNode( pm.createNode("transform", + "_npo", p=oParent, ss=True)) oNpo.setTransformation(obj.getMatrix()) pm.parent(obj, oNpo) oSpring_cns = pm.PyNode( pm.createNode("transform", + "_spr_cns", p=oNpo, ss=True)) oSpring_cns.setTransformation(obj.getMatrix()) pm.parent(obj, oSpring_cns) oSpringLvl = pm.PyNode( pm.createNode("transform", + "_spr_lvl", p=oNpo, ss=True)) oM = obj.getTransformation() oM.addTranslation([dist, 0, 0], "object") oSpringLvl.setTransformation(oM.asMatrix()) oSpringDriver = pm.PyNode( pm.createNode("transform", + "_spr", p=oSpringLvl, ss=True)) try: defSet = pm.PyNode("rig_PLOT_grp") pm.sets(defSet, add=oSpring_cns) except TypeError: defSet = pm.sets(name="rig_PLOT_grp") pm.sets(defSet, remove=obj) pm.sets(defSet, add=oSpring_cns) # adding attributes: if not hostUI: hostUI = obj aSpring_damping = attribute.addAttribute( hostUI, "spring_damping_%s" %, "double", .5, "damping_%s" %, "damping_%s" %, 0, 1) aSpring_stiffness_ = attribute.addAttribute( hostUI, "spring_stiffness_%s" %, "double", .5, "stiffness_%s" %, "stiffness_%s" %, 0, 1) cns = applyop.aimCns(oSpring_cns, oSpringDriver, aimAxis, 2, [0, 1, 0], oNpo, False) # change from fcurves to spring pb_node = pm.createNode("pairBlend") pm.connectAttr(cns + ".constraintRotateX", pb_node + ".inRotateX2") pm.connectAttr(cns + ".constraintRotateY", pb_node + ".inRotateY2") pm.connectAttr(cns + ".constraintRotateZ", pb_node + ".inRotateZ2") pm.setAttr(pb_node + ".translateXMode", 2) pm.setAttr(pb_node + ".translateYMode", 2) pm.setAttr(pb_node + ".translateZMode", 2) pm.connectAttr(pb_node + ".outRotateX", oSpring_cns + ".rotateX", f=True) pm.connectAttr(pb_node + ".outRotateY", oSpring_cns + ".rotateY", f=True) pm.connectAttr(pb_node + ".outRotateZ", oSpring_cns + ".rotateZ", f=True) pm.setKeyframe(oSpring_cns, at="rotateX") pm.setKeyframe(oSpring_cns, at="rotateY") pm.setKeyframe(oSpring_cns, at="rotateZ") # add sprint op springOP = applyop.gear_spring_op(oSpringDriver) # connecting attributes pm.connectAttr(aSpring_active, pb_node + ".weight") pm.connectAttr(aSpring_intensity, springOP + ".intensity") pm.connectAttr(aSpring_damping, springOP + ".damping") pm.connectAttr(aSpring_stiffness_, springOP + ".stiffness")
def rig( eyeMesh=None, edgeLoop="", blinkH=20, namePrefix="eye", offset=0.05, rigidLoops=2, falloffLoops=4, headJnt=None, doSkin=True, parent_node=None, ctlName="ctl", sideRange=False, customCorner=False, intCorner=None, extCorner=None, ctlSet=None, defSet=None, upperVTrack=0.02, upperHTrack=0.01, lowerVTrack=0.02, lowerHTrack=0.01, aim_controller="", deformers_group="", everyNVertex=1, ): """Create eyelid and eye rig Args: eyeMesh (TYPE): Description edgeLoop (TYPE): Description blinkH (TYPE): Description namePrefix (TYPE): Description offset (TYPE): Description rigidLoops (TYPE): Description falloffLoops (TYPE): Description headJnt (TYPE): Description doSkin (TYPE): Description parent_node (None, optional): Description ctlName (str, optional): Description sideRange (bool, optional): Description customCorner (bool, optional): Description intCorner (None, optional): Description extCorner (None, optional): Description ctlSet (None, optional): Description defSet (None, optional): Description upperVTrack (None, optional): Description upperHTrack (None, optional): Description lowerVTrack (None, optional): Description lowerHTrack (None, optional): Description aim_controller (None, optional): Description deformers_group (None, optional): Description everyNVertex (int, optional): Will create a joint every N vertex No Longer Returned: TYPE: Description """ ########################################## # INITIAL SETUP ########################################## up_axis = pm.upAxis(q=True, axis=True) if up_axis == "z": z_up = True else: z_up = False # getters edgeLoopList = get_edge_loop(edgeLoop) eyeMesh = get_eye_mesh(eyeMesh) # checkers if not edgeLoopList or not eyeMesh: return if doSkin: if not headJnt: pm.displayWarning("Please set the Head Jnt or unCheck " "Compute Topological Autoskin") return # Convert data blinkH = blinkH / 100.0 # Initial Data bboxCenter = meshNavigation.bboxCenter(eyeMesh) extr_v = meshNavigation.getExtremeVertexFromLoop(edgeLoopList, sideRange, z_up) upPos = extr_v[0] lowPos = extr_v[1] inPos = extr_v[2] outPos = extr_v[3] edgeList = extr_v[4] vertexList = extr_v[5] # Detect the side L or R from the x value if inPos.getPosition(space="world")[0] < 0.0: side = "R" inPos = extr_v[3] outPos = extr_v[2] normalPos = outPos npw = normalPos.getPosition(space="world") normalVec = npw - bboxCenter else: side = "L" normalPos = outPos npw = normalPos.getPosition(space="world") normalVec = bboxCenter - npw # Manual Vertex corners if customCorner: if intCorner: try: if side == "R": inPos = pm.PyNode(extCorner) else: inPos = pm.PyNode(intCorner) except pm.MayaNodeError: pm.displayWarning("%s can not be found" % intCorner) return else: pm.displayWarning("Please set the internal eyelid corner") return if extCorner: try: normalPos = pm.PyNode(extCorner) npw = normalPos.getPosition(space="world") if side == "R": outPos = pm.PyNode(intCorner) normalVec = npw - bboxCenter else: outPos = pm.PyNode(extCorner) normalVec = bboxCenter - npw except pm.MayaNodeError: pm.displayWarning("%s can not be found" % extCorner) return else: pm.displayWarning("Please set the external eyelid corner") return # Check if we have prefix: if namePrefix: namePrefix = string.removeInvalidCharacter(namePrefix) else: pm.displayWarning("Prefix is needed") return def setName(name, ind=None): namesList = [namePrefix, side, name] if ind is not None: namesList[1] = side + str(ind) name = "_".join(namesList) return name if"root")): pm.displayWarning("The object %s already exist in the scene. Please " "choose another name prefix" % setName("root")) return ########################################## # CREATE OBJECTS ########################################## # Eye root eye_root = primitive.addTransform(None, setName("root")) eyeCrv_root = primitive.addTransform(eye_root, setName("crvs")) # Eyelid Main crvs try: upEyelid_edge = meshNavigation.edgeRangeInLoopFromMid( edgeList, upPos, inPos, outPos) up_crv = curve.createCurveFromOrderedEdges(upEyelid_edge, inPos, setName("upperEyelid"), parent=eyeCrv_root) upCtl_crv = curve.createCurveFromOrderedEdges(upEyelid_edge, inPos, setName("upCtl_crv"), parent=eyeCrv_root) pm.rebuildCurve(upCtl_crv, s=2, rt=0, rpo=True, ch=False) lowEyelid_edge = meshNavigation.edgeRangeInLoopFromMid( edgeList, lowPos, inPos, outPos) low_crv = curve.createCurveFromOrderedEdges(lowEyelid_edge, inPos, setName("lowerEyelid"), parent=eyeCrv_root) lowCtl_crv = curve.createCurveFromOrderedEdges(lowEyelid_edge, inPos, setName("lowCtl_crv"), parent=eyeCrv_root) pm.rebuildCurve(lowCtl_crv, s=2, rt=0, rpo=True, ch=False) except UnboundLocalError: if customCorner: pm.displayWarning("This error is maybe caused because the custom " "Corner vertex is not part of the edge loop") pm.displayError(traceback.format_exc()) return # blendshape curves. All crv have 30 point to allow blendshape connect upDriver_crv = curve.createCurveFromCurve(up_crv, setName("upDriver_crv"), nbPoints=30, parent=eyeCrv_root) upDriver_crv.attr("lineWidth").set(5) lowDriver_crv = curve.createCurveFromCurve(low_crv, setName("lowDriver_crv"), nbPoints=30, parent=eyeCrv_root) lowDriver_crv.attr("lineWidth").set(5) upRest_target_crv = curve.createCurveFromCurve( up_crv, setName("upRest_target_crv"), nbPoints=30, parent=eyeCrv_root) lowRest_target_crv = curve.createCurveFromCurve( low_crv, setName("lowRest_target_crv"), nbPoints=30, parent=eyeCrv_root) upProfile_target_crv = curve.createCurveFromCurve( up_crv, setName("upProfile_target_crv"), nbPoints=30, parent=eyeCrv_root, ) lowProfile_target_crv = curve.createCurveFromCurve( low_crv, setName("lowProfile_target_crv"), nbPoints=30, parent=eyeCrv_root, ) # mid driver midUpDriver_crv = curve.createCurveFromCurve(up_crv, setName("midUpDriver_crv"), nbPoints=30, parent=eyeCrv_root) midLowDriver_crv = curve.createCurveFromCurve(low_crv, setName("midLowDriver_crv"), nbPoints=30, parent=eyeCrv_root) # curve that define the close point of the eyelid closeTarget_crv = curve.createCurveFromCurve(up_crv, setName("closeTarget_crv"), nbPoints=30, parent=eyeCrv_root) eyeCrv_root.attr("visibility").set(False) # localBBOX localBBox = eyeMesh.getBoundingBox(invisible=True, space="world") wRadius = abs((localBBox[0][0] - localBBox[1][0])) dRadius = abs((localBBox[0][1] - localBBox[1][1]) / 1.7) # Groups if not ctlSet: ctlSet = "rig_controllers_grp" try: ctlSet = pm.PyNode(ctlSet) except pm.MayaNodeError: pm.sets(n=ctlSet, em=True) ctlSet = pm.PyNode(ctlSet) if not defSet: defSet = "rig_deformers_grp" try: defset = pm.PyNode(defSet) except pm.MayaNodeError: pm.sets(n=defSet, em=True) defset = pm.PyNode(defSet) # Calculate center looking at averagePosition = (upPos.getPosition(space="world") + lowPos.getPosition( space="world") + inPos.getPosition(space="world") + outPos.getPosition(space="world")) / 4 if z_up: axis = "zx" else: axis = "z-x" t = transform.getTransformLookingAt(bboxCenter, averagePosition, normalVec, axis=axis, negate=False) over_npo = primitive.addTransform(eye_root, setName("center_lookatRoot"), t) center_lookat = primitive.addTransform(over_npo, setName("center_lookat"), t) if side == "R": over_npo.attr("rx").set(over_npo.attr("rx").get() * -1) over_npo.attr("ry").set(over_npo.attr("ry").get() + 180) over_npo.attr("sz").set(-1) t = transform.getTransform(over_npo) # Tracking # Eye aim control t_arrow = transform.getTransformLookingAt( bboxCenter, averagePosition, upPos.getPosition(space="world"), axis="zy", negate=False, ) radius = abs((localBBox[0][0] - localBBox[1][0]) / 1.7) arrow_ctl = None arrow_npo = None if aim_controller: arrow_ctl = pm.PyNode(aim_controller) else: arrow_npo = primitive.addTransform(eye_root, setName("aim_npo"), t_arrow) arrow_ctl = icon.create( arrow_npo, setName("aim_%s" % ctlName), t_arrow, icon="arrow", w=1, po=datatypes.Vector(0, 0, radius), color=4, ) if len(ctlName.split("_")) == 2 and ctlName.split("_")[-1] == "ghost": pass else: pm.sets(ctlSet, add=arrow_ctl) attribute.setKeyableAttributes(arrow_ctl, params=["rx", "ry", "rz"]) attribute.addAttribute(arrow_ctl, "isCtl", "bool", keyable=False) # tracking custom trigger if side == "R": tt = t_arrow else: tt = t aimTrigger_root = primitive.addTransform(center_lookat, setName("aimTrigger_root"), tt) # For some unknown reason the right side gets scewed rotation values mgear.core.transform.resetTransform(aimTrigger_root) aimTrigger_lvl = primitive.addTransform(aimTrigger_root, setName("aimTrigger_lvl"), tt) # For some unknown reason the right side gets scewed rotation values mgear.core.transform.resetTransform(aimTrigger_lvl) aimTrigger_lvl.attr("tz").set(1.0) aimTrigger_ref = primitive.addTransform(aimTrigger_lvl, setName("aimTrigger_ref"), tt) # For some unknown reason the right side gets scewed rotation values mgear.core.transform.resetTransform(aimTrigger_ref) aimTrigger_ref.attr("tz").set(0.0) # connect trigger with arrow_ctl pm.parentConstraint(arrow_ctl, aimTrigger_ref, mo=True) # Blink driver controls if z_up: trigger_axis = "tz" ro_up = [0, 1.57079633 * 2, 1.57079633] ro_low = [0, 0, 1.57079633] po = [0, offset * -1, 0] low_pos = 2 # Z else: trigger_axis = "ty" ro_up = (1.57079633, 1.57079633, 0) ro_low = [1.57079633, 1.57079633, 1.57079633 * 2] po = [0, 0, offset] low_pos = 1 # Y # upper ctl p = upRest_target_crv.getCVs(space="world")[15] ut = transform.setMatrixPosition(datatypes.Matrix(), p) npo = primitive.addTransform(over_npo, setName("upBlink_npo"), ut) up_ctl = icon.create( npo, setName("upBlink_ctl"), ut, icon="arrow", w=2.5, d=2.5, ro=datatypes.Vector(ro_up[0], ro_up[1], ro_up[2]), po=datatypes.Vector(po[0], po[1], po[2]), color=4, ) attribute.setKeyableAttributes(up_ctl, [trigger_axis]) pm.sets(ctlSet, add=up_ctl) # use translation of the object to drive the blink blink_driver = primitive.addTransform(up_ctl, setName("blink_drv"), ut) # lowe ctl p_low = lowRest_target_crv.getCVs(space="world")[15] p[low_pos] = p_low[low_pos] lt = transform.setMatrixPosition(ut, p) npo = primitive.addTransform(over_npo, setName("lowBlink_npo"), lt) low_ctl = icon.create( npo, setName("lowBlink_ctl"), lt, icon="arrow", w=1.5, d=1.5, ro=datatypes.Vector(ro_low[0], ro_low[1], ro_low[2]), po=datatypes.Vector(po[0], po[1], po[2]), color=4, ) attribute.setKeyableAttributes(low_ctl, [trigger_axis]) pm.sets(ctlSet, add=low_ctl) # Controls lists upControls = [] trackLvl = [] track_corner_lvl = [] corner_ctl = [] ghost_ctl = [] # upper eyelid controls upperCtlNames = ["inCorner", "upInMid", "upMid", "upOutMid", "outCorner"] cvs = upCtl_crv.getCVs(space="world") if side == "R" and not sideRange: # if side == "R": cvs = [cv for cv in reversed(cvs)] # offset = offset * -1 for i, cv in enumerate(cvs): if utils.is_odd(i): color = 14 wd = 0.3 icon_shape = "circle" params = ["tx", "ty", "tz"] else: color = 4 wd = 0.6 icon_shape = "circle" params = [ "tx", "ty", "tz", "ro", "rx", "ry", "rz", "sx", "sy", "sz", ] t = transform.setMatrixPosition(t, cvs[i]) npo = primitive.addTransform(center_lookat, setName("%s_npo" % upperCtlNames[i]), t) npoBase = npo # track for corners and mid point level if i in [0, 2, 4]: # we add an extra level to input the tracking ofset values npo = primitive.addTransform(npo, setName("%s_trk" % upperCtlNames[i]), t) if i == 2: trackLvl.append(npo) else: track_corner_lvl.append(npo) if i in [1, 2, 3]: ctl = primitive.addTransform(npo, setName("%s_loc" % upperCtlNames[i]), t) # ghost controls if i == 2: gt = transform.setMatrixPosition( t, transform.getPositionFromMatrix(ut)) else: gt = t npo_g = primitive.addTransform( up_ctl, setName("%sCtl_npo" % upperCtlNames[i]), gt) ctl_g = icon.create( npo_g, setName("%s_%s" % (upperCtlNames[i], ctlName)), gt, icon=icon_shape, w=wd, d=wd, ro=datatypes.Vector(1.57079633, 0, 0), po=datatypes.Vector(0, 0, offset), color=color, ) # define the ctl_param to recive the ctl configuration ctl_param = ctl_g ghost_ctl.append(ctl_g) # connect local SRT rigbits.connectLocalTransform([ctl_g, ctl]) else: ctl = icon.create( npo, setName("%s_%s" % (upperCtlNames[i], ctlName)), t, icon=icon_shape, w=wd, d=wd, ro=datatypes.Vector(1.57079633, 0, 0), po=datatypes.Vector(0, 0, offset), color=color, ) # define the ctl_param to recive the ctl configuration ctl_param = ctl attribute.addAttribute(ctl_param, "isCtl", "bool", keyable=False) attribute.add_mirror_config_channels(ctl_param) node.add_controller_tag(ctl_param, over_npo) if len(ctlName.split("_")) == 2 and ctlName.split("_")[-1] == "ghost": pass else: pm.sets(ctlSet, add=ctl_param) attribute.setKeyableAttributes(ctl_param, params) upControls.append(ctl) # add corner ctls to corner ctl list for tracking if i in [0, 4]: corner_ctl.append(ctl) # if side == "R": # npoBase.attr("ry").set(180) # npoBase.attr("sz").set(-1) # adding parent constraints to odd controls for i, ctl in enumerate(upControls): if utils.is_odd(i): cns_node = pm.parentConstraint(upControls[i - 1], upControls[i + 1], ctl.getParent(), mo=True) # Make the constraint "noFlip" cns_node.interpType.set(0) # adding parent constraint ghost controls cns_node = pm.parentConstraint(ghost_ctl[1], upControls[0], ghost_ctl[0].getParent(), mo=True) cns_node.interpType.set(0) cns_node = pm.parentConstraint(ghost_ctl[1], upControls[-1], ghost_ctl[2].getParent(), mo=True) cns_node.interpType.set(0) # lower eyelid controls lowControls = [upControls[0]] lowerCtlNames = [ "inCorner", "lowInMid", "lowMid", "lowOutMid", "outCorner", ] cvs = lowCtl_crv.getCVs(space="world") if side == "R" and not sideRange: cvs = [cv for cv in reversed(cvs)] for i, cv in enumerate(cvs): # we skip the first and last point since is already in the uper eyelid if i in [0, 4]: continue if utils.is_odd(i): color = 14 wd = 0.3 icon_shape = "circle" params = ["tx", "ty", "tz"] else: color = 4 wd = 0.6 icon_shape = "circle" params = [ "tx", "ty", "tz", "ro", "rx", "ry", "rz", "sx", "sy", "sz", ] t = transform.setMatrixPosition(t, cvs[i]) npo = primitive.addTransform(center_lookat, setName("%s_npo" % lowerCtlNames[i]), t) npoBase = npo if i in [1, 2, 3]: if i == 2: # we add an extra level to input the tracking ofset values npo = primitive.addTransform( npo, setName("%s_trk" % lowerCtlNames[i]), t) trackLvl.append(npo) ctl = primitive.addTransform(npo, setName("%s_loc" % lowerCtlNames[i]), t) # ghost controls if i == 2: gt = transform.setMatrixPosition( t, transform.getPositionFromMatrix(lt)) else: gt = t # ghost controls npo_g = primitive.addTransform( low_ctl, setName("%sCtl_npo" % lowerCtlNames[i]), gt) ctl_g = icon.create( npo_g, setName("%s_%s" % (lowerCtlNames[i], ctlName)), gt, icon=icon_shape, w=wd, d=wd, ro=datatypes.Vector(1.57079633, 0, 0), po=datatypes.Vector(0, 0, offset), color=color, ) # define the ctl_param to recive the ctl configuration ctl_param = ctl_g ghost_ctl.append(ctl_g) # connect local SRT rigbits.connectLocalTransform([ctl_g, ctl]) else: ctl = icon.create( npo, setName("%s_%s" % (lowerCtlNames[i], ctlName)), t, icon=icon_shape, w=wd, d=wd, ro=datatypes.Vector(1.57079633, 0, 0), po=datatypes.Vector(0, 0, offset), color=color, ) # define the ctl_param to recive the ctl configuration ctl_param = ctl attribute.addAttribute(ctl_param, "isCtl", "bool", keyable=False) attribute.add_mirror_config_channels(ctl_param) lowControls.append(ctl) if len(ctlName.split("_")) == 2 and ctlName.split("_")[-1] == "ghost": pass else: pm.sets(ctlSet, add=ctl_param) attribute.setKeyableAttributes(ctl_param, params) # mirror behaviout on R side controls # if side == "R": # npoBase.attr("ry").set(180) # npoBase.attr("sz").set(-1) for lctl in reversed(lowControls[1:]): node.add_controller_tag(lctl, over_npo) lowControls.append(upControls[-1]) # adding parent constraints to odd controls for i, ctl in enumerate(lowControls): if utils.is_odd(i): cns_node = pm.parentConstraint( lowControls[i - 1], lowControls[i + 1], ctl.getParent(), mo=True, ) # Make the constraint "noFlip" cns_node.interpType.set(0) # adding parent constraint ghost controls cns_node = pm.parentConstraint(ghost_ctl[4], upControls[0], ghost_ctl[3].getParent(), mo=True) cns_node.interpType.set(0) cns_node = pm.parentConstraint(ghost_ctl[4], upControls[-1], ghost_ctl[5].getParent(), mo=True) cns_node.interpType.set(0) ########################################## # OPERATORS ########################################## # Connecting control crvs with controls applyop.gear_curvecns_op(upCtl_crv, upControls) applyop.gear_curvecns_op(lowCtl_crv, lowControls) # adding wires w1 = pm.wire(up_crv, w=upDriver_crv)[0] w2 = pm.wire(low_crv, w=lowDriver_crv)[0] w3 = pm.wire(upProfile_target_crv, w=upCtl_crv)[0] w4 = pm.wire(lowProfile_target_crv, w=lowCtl_crv)[0] if z_up: trigger_axis = "tz" else: trigger_axis = "ty" # connect blink driver pm.pointConstraint(low_ctl, blink_driver, mo=False) rest_val = blink_driver.attr(trigger_axis).get() up_div_node = node.createDivNode(up_ctl.attr(trigger_axis), rest_val) low_div_node = node.createDivNode(low_ctl.attr(trigger_axis), rest_val * -1) # contact driver minus_node = node.createPlusMinusAverage1D( [rest_val, blink_driver.attr(trigger_axis)], operation=2) contact_div_node = node.createDivNode(minus_node.output1D, rest_val) # wire tension for w in [w1, w2, w3, w4]: w.dropoffDistance[0].set(100) # TODO: what is the best solution? # trigger using proximity # remap_node = pm.createNode("remapValue") # contact_div_node.outputX >> remap_node.inputValue # remap_node.value[0].value_Interp.set(2) # remap_node.inputMin.set(0.995) # reverse_node = node.createReverseNode(remap_node.outColorR) # for w in [w1, w2]: # reverse_node.outputX >> w.scale[0] # trigger at starting movement for up and low # up remap_node = pm.createNode("remapValue") up_ctl.attr(trigger_axis) >> remap_node.inputValue remap_node.value[0].value_Interp.set(2) remap_node.inputMax.set(rest_val / 8) reverse_node = node.createReverseNode(remap_node.outColorR) reverse_node.outputX >> w1.scale[0] # low remap_node = pm.createNode("remapValue") low_ctl.attr(trigger_axis) >> remap_node.inputValue remap_node.value[0].value_Interp.set(2) remap_node.inputMin.set((rest_val / 8) * -1) remap_node.outColorR >> w2.scale[0] # mid position drivers blendshapes bs_midUpDrive = pm.blendShape( lowRest_target_crv, upProfile_target_crv, midUpDriver_crv, n="midUpDriver_blendShape", ) bs_midLowDrive = pm.blendShape( upRest_target_crv, lowProfile_target_crv, midLowDriver_crv, n="midlowDriver_blendShape", ) bs_closeTarget = pm.blendShape( midUpDriver_crv, midLowDriver_crv, closeTarget_crv, n="closeTarget_blendShape", ) pm.connectAttr( up_div_node.outputX, bs_midUpDrive[0].attr(, ) pm.connectAttr( low_div_node.outputX, bs_midLowDrive[0].attr(, ) pm.setAttr(bs_closeTarget[0].attr(, 0.5) pm.setAttr(bs_closeTarget[0].attr(, 0.5) # Main crv drivers bs_upBlink = pm.blendShape( lowRest_target_crv, closeTarget_crv, upProfile_target_crv, upDriver_crv, n="upBlink_blendShape", ) bs_lowBlink = pm.blendShape( upRest_target_crv, closeTarget_crv, lowProfile_target_crv, lowDriver_crv, n="lowBlink_blendShape", ) # blink contact connections cond_node_up = node.createConditionNode(contact_div_node.outputX, 1, 3, 0, up_div_node.outputX) pm.connectAttr( cond_node_up.outColorR, bs_upBlink[0].attr(, ) cond_node_low = node.createConditionNode(contact_div_node.outputX, 1, 3, 0, low_div_node.outputX) pm.connectAttr( cond_node_low.outColorR, bs_lowBlink[0].attr(, ) cond_node_close = node.createConditionNode(contact_div_node.outputX, 1, 2, 1, 0) cond_node_close.colorIfFalseR.set(0) pm.connectAttr( cond_node_close.outColorR, bs_upBlink[0].attr(, ) pm.connectAttr( cond_node_close.outColorR, bs_lowBlink[0].attr(, ) pm.setAttr(bs_upBlink[0].attr(, 1) pm.setAttr(bs_lowBlink[0].attr(, 1) # joints root jnt_root = primitive.addTransformFromPos(eye_root, setName("joints"), pos=bboxCenter) if deformers_group: deformers_group = pm.PyNode(deformers_group) pm.parentConstraint(eye_root, jnt_root, mo=True) pm.scaleConstraint(eye_root, jnt_root, mo=True) deformers_group.addChild(jnt_root) # head joint if headJnt: try: headJnt = pm.PyNode(headJnt) jnt_base = headJnt except pm.MayaNodeError: pm.displayWarning("Aborted can not find %s " % headJnt) return else: # Eye root jnt_base = jnt_root eyeTargets_root = primitive.addTransform(eye_root, setName("targets")) eyeCenter_jnt = rigbits.addJnt(arrow_ctl, jnt_base, grp=defset, jntName=setName("center_jnt")) # Upper Eyelid joints ################################################## cvs = up_crv.getCVs(space="world") upCrv_info = node.createCurveInfoNode(up_crv) # aim constrain targets and joints upperEyelid_aimTargets = [] upperEyelid_jnt = [] upperEyelid_jntRoot = [] if z_up: axis = "zy" wupVector = [0, 0, 1] else: axis = "-yz" wupVector = [0, 1, 0] for i, cv in enumerate(cvs): if i % everyNVertex: continue # aim targets trn = primitive.addTransformFromPos(eyeTargets_root, setName("upEyelid_aimTarget", i), pos=cv) upperEyelid_aimTargets.append(trn) # connecting positions with crv pm.connectAttr(upCrv_info + ".controlPoints[%s]" % str(i), trn.attr("translate")) # joints jntRoot = primitive.addJointFromPos(jnt_root, setName("upEyelid_jnt_base", i), pos=bboxCenter) jntRoot.attr("radius").set(0.08) jntRoot.attr("visibility").set(False) upperEyelid_jntRoot.append(jntRoot) applyop.aimCns(jntRoot, trn, axis=axis, wupObject=jnt_root, wupVector=wupVector) jnt_ref = primitive.addJointFromPos(jntRoot, setName("upEyelid_jnt_ref", i), pos=cv) jnt_ref.attr("radius").set(0.08) jnt_ref.attr("visibility").set(False) jnt = rigbits.addJnt(jnt_ref, jnt_base, grp=defset, jntName=setName("upEyelid_jnt", i)) upperEyelid_jnt.append(jnt) # Lower Eyelid joints ################################################## cvs = low_crv.getCVs(space="world") lowCrv_info = node.createCurveInfoNode(low_crv) # aim constrain targets and joints lowerEyelid_aimTargets = [] lowerEyelid_jnt = [] lowerEyelid_jntRoot = [] for i, cv in enumerate(cvs): if i in [0, len(cvs) - 1]: continue if i % everyNVertex: continue # aim targets trn = primitive.addTransformFromPos(eyeTargets_root, setName("lowEyelid_aimTarget", i), pos=cv) lowerEyelid_aimTargets.append(trn) # connecting positions with crv pm.connectAttr(lowCrv_info + ".controlPoints[%s]" % str(i), trn.attr("translate")) # joints jntRoot = primitive.addJointFromPos(jnt_root, setName("lowEyelid_base", i), pos=bboxCenter) jntRoot.attr("radius").set(0.08) jntRoot.attr("visibility").set(False) lowerEyelid_jntRoot.append(jntRoot) applyop.aimCns(jntRoot, trn, axis=axis, wupObject=jnt_root, wupVector=wupVector) jnt_ref = primitive.addJointFromPos(jntRoot, setName("lowEyelid_jnt_ref", i), pos=cv) jnt_ref.attr("radius").set(0.08) jnt_ref.attr("visibility").set(False) jnt = rigbits.addJnt(jnt_ref, jnt_base, grp=defset, jntName=setName("lowEyelid_jnt", i)) lowerEyelid_jnt.append(jnt) # Adding channels for eye tracking upVTracking_att = attribute.addAttribute(up_ctl, "vTracking", "float", upperVTrack, minValue=0) upHTracking_att = attribute.addAttribute(up_ctl, "hTracking", "float", upperHTrack, minValue=0) lowVTracking_att = attribute.addAttribute(low_ctl, "vTracking", "float", lowerVTrack, minValue=0) lowHTracking_att = attribute.addAttribute(low_ctl, "hTracking", "float", lowerHTrack, minValue=0) # vertical tracking connect up_mult_node = node.createMulNode(upVTracking_att, aimTrigger_ref.attr("ty")) low_mult_node = node.createMulNode(lowVTracking_att, aimTrigger_ref.attr("ty")) # remap to use the low or the up eyelid as driver contact base on # the eyetrack trigger direction uT_remap_node = pm.createNode("remapValue") aimTrigger_ref.attr("ty") >> uT_remap_node.inputValue uT_remap_node.inputMax.set(0.1) uT_remap_node.inputMin.set(-0.1) up_mult_node.outputX >> uT_remap_node.outputMax low_mult_node.outputX >> uT_remap_node.outputMin # up u_remap_node = pm.createNode("remapValue") contact_div_node.outputX >> u_remap_node.inputValue u_remap_node.value[0].value_Interp.set(2) u_remap_node.inputMin.set(0.9) up_mult_node.outputX >> u_remap_node.outputMin uT_remap_node.outColorR >> u_remap_node.outputMax # low l_remap_node = pm.createNode("remapValue") contact_div_node.outputX >> l_remap_node.inputValue l_remap_node.value[0].value_Interp.set(2) l_remap_node.inputMin.set(0.9) low_mult_node.outputX >> l_remap_node.outputMin uT_remap_node.outColorR >> l_remap_node.outputMax # up connect and turn down to low when contact pm.connectAttr(u_remap_node.outColorR, trackLvl[0].attr("ty")) pm.connectAttr(l_remap_node.outColorR, trackLvl[1].attr("ty")) # horizontal tracking connect mult_node = node.createMulNode(upHTracking_att, aimTrigger_ref.attr("tx")) # Correct right side horizontal tracking # if side == "R": # mult_node = node.createMulNode(mult_node.attr("outputX"), -1) pm.connectAttr(mult_node + ".outputX", trackLvl[0].attr("tx")) mult_node = node.createMulNode(lowHTracking_att, aimTrigger_ref.attr("tx")) # Correct right side horizontal tracking # if side == "R": # mult_node = node.createMulNode(mult_node.attr("outputX"), -1) pm.connectAttr(mult_node + ".outputX", trackLvl[1].attr("tx")) # adding channels for corner tracking # track_corner_lvl for i, ctl in enumerate(corner_ctl): VTracking_att = attribute.addAttribute(ctl, "vTracking", "float", 0.1, minValue=0) if z_up: mult_node = node.createMulNode(VTracking_att, mult_node2 = node.createMulNode(VTracking_att, plus_node = node.createPlusMinusAverage1D( [mult_node.outputX, mult_node2.outputX]) mult_node3 = node.createMulNode(plus_node.output1D, -1) pm.connectAttr(mult_node3.outputX, track_corner_lvl[i].attr("ty")) else: mult_node = node.createMulNode(VTracking_att, up_ctl.ty) mult_node2 = node.createMulNode(VTracking_att, low_ctl.ty) plus_node = node.createPlusMinusAverage1D( [mult_node.outputX, mult_node2.outputX]) pm.connectAttr(plus_node.output1D, track_corner_lvl[i].attr("ty")) ########################################### # Reparenting ########################################### if parent_node: try: if isinstance(parent_node, string_types): parent_node = pm.PyNode(parent_node) parent_node.addChild(eye_root) except pm.MayaNodeError: pm.displayWarning("The eye rig can not be parent to: %s. Maybe " "this object doesn't exist." % parent_node) ########################################### # Auto Skinning ########################################### if doSkin: # eyelid vertex rows totalLoops = rigidLoops + falloffLoops vertexLoopList = meshNavigation.getConcentricVertexLoop( vertexList, totalLoops) vertexRowList = meshNavigation.getVertexRowsFromLoops(vertexLoopList) # we set the first value 100% for the first initial loop skinPercList = [1.0] # we expect to have a regular grid topology for r in range(rigidLoops): for rr in range(2): skinPercList.append(1.0) increment = 1.0 / float(falloffLoops) # we invert to smooth out from 100 to 0 inv = 1.0 - increment for r in range(falloffLoops): for rr in range(2): if inv < 0.0: inv = 0.0 skinPercList.append(inv) inv -= increment # this loop add an extra 0.0 indices to avoid errors for r in range(10): for rr in range(2): skinPercList.append(0.0) # base skin geo = pm.listRelatives(edgeLoopList[0], parent=True)[0] # Check if the object has a skinCluster objName = pm.listRelatives(geo, parent=True)[0] skinCluster = skin.getSkinCluster(objName) if not skinCluster: skinCluster = pm.skinCluster(headJnt, geo, tsb=True, nw=2, n="skinClsEyelid") eyelidJoints = upperEyelid_jnt + lowerEyelid_jnt pm.progressWindow(title="Auto skinning process", progress=0, max=len(eyelidJoints)) firstBoundary = False for jnt in eyelidJoints: pm.progressWindow(e=True, step=1, status="\nSkinning %s" % jnt) skinCluster.addInfluence(jnt, weight=0) v = meshNavigation.getClosestVertexFromTransform(geo, jnt) for row in vertexRowList: if v in row: it = 0 # iterator inc = 1 # increment for i, rv in enumerate(row): try: perc = skinPercList[it] t_val = [(jnt, perc), (headJnt, 1.0 - perc)] pm.skinPercent(skinCluster, rv, transformValue=t_val) if rv.isOnBoundary(): # we need to compare with the first boundary # to check if the row have inverted direction # and offset the value if not firstBoundary: firstBoundary = True firstBoundaryValue = it else: if it < firstBoundaryValue: it -= 1 elif it > firstBoundaryValue: it += 1 inc = 2 except IndexError: continue it = it + inc pm.progressWindow(e=True, endProgress=True) # Eye Mesh skinning skinCluster = skin.getSkinCluster(eyeMesh) if not skinCluster: skinCluster = pm.skinCluster(eyeCenter_jnt, eyeMesh, tsb=True, nw=1, n="skinClsEye")
def eyeRig(eyeMesh, edgeLoop, blinkH, namePrefix, offset, rigidLoops, falloffLoops, headJnt, doSkin, parent=None, ctlName="ctl", sideRange=False, customCorner=False, intCorner=None, extCorner=None, ctlGrp=None, defGrp=None): """Create eyelid and eye rig Args: eyeMesh (TYPE): Description edgeLoop (TYPE): Description blinkH (TYPE): Description namePrefix (TYPE): Description offset (TYPE): Description rigidLoops (TYPE): Description falloffLoops (TYPE): Description headJnt (TYPE): Description doSkin (TYPE): Description parent (None, optional): Description ctlName (str, optional): Description sideRange (bool, optional): Description customCorner (bool, optional): Description intCorner (None, optional): Description extCorner (None, optional): Description ctlGrp (None, optional): Description defGrp (None, optional): Description Returns: TYPE: Description """ # Checkers if edgeLoop: edgeLoopList = [pm.PyNode(e) for e in edgeLoop.split(",")] else: pm.displayWarning("Please set the edge loop first") return if eyeMesh: try: eyeMesh = pm.PyNode(eyeMesh) except pm.MayaNodeError: pm.displayWarning("The object %s can not be found in the " "scene" % (eyeMesh)) return else: pm.displayWarning("Please set the eye mesh first") if doSkin: if not headJnt: pm.displayWarning("Please set the Head Jnt or unCheck " "Compute Topological Autoskin") return # Initial Data bboxCenter = meshNavigation.bboxCenter(eyeMesh) extr_v = meshNavigation.getExtremeVertexFromLoop(edgeLoopList, sideRange) upPos = extr_v[0] lowPos = extr_v[1] inPos = extr_v[2] outPos = extr_v[3] edgeList = extr_v[4] vertexList = extr_v[5] # Detect the side L or R from the x value if inPos.getPosition(space='world')[0] < 0.0: side = "R" inPos = extr_v[3] outPos = extr_v[2] normalPos = outPos npw = normalPos.getPosition(space='world') normalVec = npw - bboxCenter else: side = "L" normalPos = outPos npw = normalPos.getPosition(space='world') normalVec = bboxCenter - npw # Manual Vertex corners if customCorner: if intCorner: try: if side == "R": inPos = pm.PyNode(extCorner) else: inPos = pm.PyNode(intCorner) except pm.MayaNodeError: pm.displayWarning("%s can not be found" % intCorner) return else: pm.displayWarning("Please set the internal eyelid corner") return if extCorner: try: normalPos = pm.PyNode(extCorner) npw = normalPos.getPosition(space='world') if side == "R": outPos = pm.PyNode(intCorner) normalVec = npw - bboxCenter else: outPos = pm.PyNode(extCorner) normalVec = bboxCenter - npw except pm.MayaNodeError: pm.displayWarning("%s can not be found" % extCorner) return else: pm.displayWarning("Please set the external eyelid corner") return # Check if we have prefix: if namePrefix: namePrefix = string.removeInvalidCharacter(namePrefix) else: pm.displayWarning("Prefix is needed") return def setName(name, ind=None): namesList = [namePrefix, side, name] if ind is not None: namesList[1] = side + str(ind) name = "_".join(namesList) return name if"root")): pm.displayWarning("The object %s already exist in the scene. Please " "choose another name prefix" % setName("root")) return # Eye root eye_root = primitive.addTransform(None, setName("root")) eyeCrv_root = primitive.addTransform(eye_root, setName("crvs")) # Eyelid Main crvs try: upEyelid = meshNavigation.edgeRangeInLoopFromMid( edgeList, upPos, inPos, outPos) upCrv = curve.createCurveFromOrderedEdges(upEyelid, inPos, setName("upperEyelid"), parent=eyeCrv_root) upCrv_ctl = curve.createCurveFromOrderedEdges(upEyelid, inPos, setName("upCtl_crv"), parent=eyeCrv_root) pm.rebuildCurve(upCrv_ctl, s=2, rt=0, rpo=True, ch=False) lowEyelid = meshNavigation.edgeRangeInLoopFromMid( edgeList, lowPos, inPos, outPos) lowCrv = curve.createCurveFromOrderedEdges(lowEyelid, inPos, setName("lowerEyelid"), parent=eyeCrv_root) lowCrv_ctl = curve.createCurveFromOrderedEdges(lowEyelid, inPos, setName("lowCtl_crv"), parent=eyeCrv_root) pm.rebuildCurve(lowCrv_ctl, s=2, rt=0, rpo=True, ch=False) except UnboundLocalError: if customCorner: pm.displayWarning("This error is maybe caused because the custom " "Corner vertex is not part of the edge loop") pm.displayError(traceback.format_exc()) return upBlink = curve.createCurveFromCurve(upCrv, setName("upblink_crv"), nbPoints=30, parent=eyeCrv_root) lowBlink = curve.createCurveFromCurve(lowCrv, setName("lowBlink_crv"), nbPoints=30, parent=eyeCrv_root) upTarget = curve.createCurveFromCurve(upCrv, setName("upblink_target"), nbPoints=30, parent=eyeCrv_root) lowTarget = curve.createCurveFromCurve(lowCrv, setName("lowBlink_target"), nbPoints=30, parent=eyeCrv_root) midTarget = curve.createCurveFromCurve(lowCrv, setName("midBlink_target"), nbPoints=30, parent=eyeCrv_root) rigCrvs = [ upCrv, lowCrv, upCrv_ctl, lowCrv_ctl, upBlink, lowBlink, upTarget, lowTarget, midTarget ] for crv in rigCrvs: crv.attr("visibility").set(False) # localBBOX localBBox = eyeMesh.getBoundingBox(invisible=True, space='world') wRadius = abs((localBBox[0][0] - localBBox[1][0])) dRadius = abs((localBBox[0][1] - localBBox[1][1]) / 1.7) # Groups if not ctlGrp: ctlGrp = "rig_controllers_grp" try: ctlSet = pm.PyNode(ctlGrp) except pm.MayaNodeError: pm.sets(n=ctlGrp, em=True) ctlSet = pm.PyNode(ctlGrp) if not defGrp: defGrp = "rig_deformers_grp" try: defset = pm.PyNode(defGrp) except pm.MayaNodeError: pm.sets(n=defGrp, em=True) defset = pm.PyNode(defGrp) # Calculate center looking at averagePosition = ( (upPos.getPosition(space='world') + lowPos.getPosition(space='world') + inPos.getPosition(space='world') + outPos.getPosition(space='world')) / 4) if side == "R": negate = False offset = offset over_offset = dRadius else: negate = False over_offset = dRadius if side == "R" and sideRange or side == "R" and customCorner: axis = "z-x" # axis = "zx" else: axis = "z-x" t = transform.getTransformLookingAt(bboxCenter, averagePosition, normalVec, axis=axis, negate=negate) over_npo = primitive.addTransform(eye_root, setName("center_lookatRoot"), t) over_ctl = icon.create(over_npo, setName("over_%s" % ctlName), t, icon="square", w=wRadius, d=dRadius, ro=datatypes.Vector(1.57079633, 0, 0), po=datatypes.Vector(0, 0, over_offset), color=4) node.add_controller_tag(over_ctl) attribute.add_mirror_config_channels(over_ctl) attribute.setKeyableAttributes( over_ctl, params=["tx", "ty", "tz", "ro", "rx", "ry", "rz", "sx", "sy", "sz"]) if side == "R": over_npo.attr("rx").set(over_npo.attr("rx").get() * -1) over_npo.attr("ry").set(over_npo.attr("ry").get() + 180) over_npo.attr("sz").set(-1) if len(ctlName.split("_")) == 2 and ctlName.split("_")[-1] == "ghost": pass else: pm.sets(ctlSet, add=over_ctl) center_lookat = primitive.addTransform(over_ctl, setName("center_lookat"), t) # Tracking # Eye aim control t_arrow = transform.getTransformLookingAt(bboxCenter, averagePosition, upPos.getPosition(space='world'), axis="zy", negate=False) radius = abs((localBBox[0][0] - localBBox[1][0]) / 1.7) arrow_npo = primitive.addTransform(eye_root, setName("aim_npo"), t_arrow) arrow_ctl = icon.create(arrow_npo, setName("aim_%s" % ctlName), t_arrow, icon="arrow", w=1, po=datatypes.Vector(0, 0, radius), color=4) if len(ctlName.split("_")) == 2 and ctlName.split("_")[-1] == "ghost": pass else: pm.sets(ctlSet, add=arrow_ctl) attribute.setKeyableAttributes(arrow_ctl, params=["rx", "ry", "rz"]) # tracking custom trigger if side == "R": tt = t_arrow else: tt = t aimTrigger_root = primitive.addTransform(center_lookat, setName("aimTrigger_root"), tt) aimTrigger_lvl = primitive.addTransform(aimTrigger_root, setName("aimTrigger_lvl"), tt) aimTrigger_lvl.attr("tz").set(1.0) aimTrigger_ref = primitive.addTransform(aimTrigger_lvl, setName("aimTrigger_ref"), tt) aimTrigger_ref.attr("tz").set(0.0) # connect trigger with arrow_ctl pm.parentConstraint(arrow_ctl, aimTrigger_ref, mo=True) # Controls lists upControls = [] trackLvl = [] # upper eyelid controls upperCtlNames = ["inCorner", "upInMid", "upMid", "upOutMid", "outCorner"] cvs = upCrv_ctl.getCVs(space="world") if side == "R" and not sideRange: # if side == "R": cvs = [cv for cv in reversed(cvs)] for i, cv in enumerate(cvs): if utils.is_odd(i): color = 14 wd = .5 icon_shape = "circle" params = ["tx", "ty", "tz"] else: color = 4 wd = .7 icon_shape = "square" params = [ "tx", "ty", "tz", "ro", "rx", "ry", "rz", "sx", "sy", "sz" ] t = transform.setMatrixPosition(t, cvs[i]) npo = primitive.addTransform(center_lookat, setName("%s_npo" % upperCtlNames[i]), t) npoBase = npo if i == 2: # we add an extra level to input the tracking ofset values npo = primitive.addTransform(npo, setName("%s_trk" % upperCtlNames[i]), t) trackLvl.append(npo) ctl = icon.create(npo, setName("%s_%s" % (upperCtlNames[i], ctlName)), t, icon=icon_shape, w=wd, d=wd, ro=datatypes.Vector(1.57079633, 0, 0), po=datatypes.Vector(0, 0, offset), color=color) attribute.add_mirror_config_channels(ctl) node.add_controller_tag(ctl, over_ctl) upControls.append(ctl) if len(ctlName.split("_")) == 2 and ctlName.split("_")[-1] == "ghost": pass else: pm.sets(ctlSet, add=ctl) attribute.setKeyableAttributes(ctl, params) if side == "R": npoBase.attr("ry").set(180) npoBase.attr("sz").set(-1) # adding parent average contrains to odd controls for i, ctl in enumerate(upControls): if utils.is_odd(i): cns_node = pm.parentConstraint(upControls[i - 1], upControls[i + 1], ctl.getParent(), mo=True) # Make the constraint "noFlip" cns_node.interpType.set(0) # lower eyelid controls lowControls = [upControls[0]] lowerCtlNames = [ "inCorner", "lowInMid", "lowMid", "lowOutMid", "outCorner" ] cvs = lowCrv_ctl.getCVs(space="world") if side == "R" and not sideRange: cvs = [cv for cv in reversed(cvs)] for i, cv in enumerate(cvs): # we skip the first and last point since is already in the uper eyelid if i in [0, 4]: continue if utils.is_odd(i): color = 14 wd = .5 icon_shape = "circle" params = ["tx", "ty", "tz"] else: color = 4 wd = .7 icon_shape = "square" params = [ "tx", "ty", "tz", "ro", "rx", "ry", "rz", "sx", "sy", "sz" ] t = transform.setMatrixPosition(t, cvs[i]) npo = primitive.addTransform(center_lookat, setName("%s_npo" % lowerCtlNames[i]), t) npoBase = npo if i == 2: # we add an extra level to input the tracking ofset values npo = primitive.addTransform(npo, setName("%s_trk" % lowerCtlNames[i]), t) trackLvl.append(npo) ctl = icon.create(npo, setName("%s_%s" % (lowerCtlNames[i], ctlName)), t, icon=icon_shape, w=wd, d=wd, ro=datatypes.Vector(1.57079633, 0, 0), po=datatypes.Vector(0, 0, offset), color=color) attribute.add_mirror_config_channels(ctl) lowControls.append(ctl) if len(ctlName.split("_")) == 2 and ctlName.split("_")[-1] == "ghost": pass else: pm.sets(ctlSet, add=ctl) attribute.setKeyableAttributes(ctl, params) # mirror behaviout on R side controls if side == "R": npoBase.attr("ry").set(180) npoBase.attr("sz").set(-1) for lctl in reversed(lowControls[1:]): node.add_controller_tag(lctl, over_ctl) lowControls.append(upControls[-1]) # adding parent average contrains to odd controls for i, ctl in enumerate(lowControls): if utils.is_odd(i): cns_node = pm.parentConstraint(lowControls[i - 1], lowControls[i + 1], ctl.getParent(), mo=True) # Make the constraint "noFlip" cns_node.interpType.set(0) # Connecting control crvs with controls applyop.gear_curvecns_op(upCrv_ctl, upControls) applyop.gear_curvecns_op(lowCrv_ctl, lowControls) # adding wires w1 = pm.wire(upCrv, w=upBlink)[0] w2 = pm.wire(lowCrv, w=lowBlink)[0] w3 = pm.wire(upTarget, w=upCrv_ctl)[0] w4 = pm.wire(lowTarget, w=lowCrv_ctl)[0] # adding blendshapes bs_upBlink = pm.blendShape(upTarget, midTarget, upBlink, n="blendShapeUpBlink") bs_lowBlink = pm.blendShape(lowTarget, midTarget, lowBlink, n="blendShapeLowBlink") bs_mid = pm.blendShape(lowTarget, upTarget, midTarget, n="blendShapeLowBlink") # setting blendshape reverse connections rev_node = pm.createNode("reverse") pm.connectAttr(bs_upBlink[0].attr(, rev_node + ".inputX") pm.connectAttr(rev_node + ".outputX", bs_upBlink[0].attr( rev_node = pm.createNode("reverse") pm.connectAttr(bs_lowBlink[0].attr(, rev_node + ".inputX") pm.connectAttr(rev_node + ".outputX", bs_lowBlink[0].attr( rev_node = pm.createNode("reverse") pm.connectAttr(bs_mid[0].attr(, rev_node + ".inputX") pm.connectAttr(rev_node + ".outputX", bs_mid[0].attr( # setting default values bs_mid[0].attr( # joints root jnt_root = primitive.addTransformFromPos(eye_root, setName("joints"), pos=bboxCenter) # head joint if headJnt: try: headJnt = pm.PyNode(headJnt) jnt_base = headJnt except pm.MayaNodeError: pm.displayWarning("Aborted can not find %s " % headJnt) return else: # Eye root jnt_base = jnt_root eyeTargets_root = primitive.addTransform(eye_root, setName("targets")) eyeCenter_jnt = rigbits.addJnt(arrow_ctl, jnt_base, grp=defset, jntName=setName("center_jnt")) # Upper Eyelid joints ################################################## cvs = upCrv.getCVs(space="world") upCrv_info = node.createCurveInfoNode(upCrv) # aim constrain targets and joints upperEyelid_aimTargets = [] upperEyelid_jnt = [] upperEyelid_jntRoot = [] for i, cv in enumerate(cvs): # aim targets trn = primitive.addTransformFromPos(eyeTargets_root, setName("upEyelid_aimTarget", i), pos=cv) upperEyelid_aimTargets.append(trn) # connecting positions with crv pm.connectAttr(upCrv_info + ".controlPoints[%s]" % str(i), trn.attr("translate")) # joints jntRoot = primitive.addJointFromPos(jnt_root, setName("upEyelid_jnt_base", i), pos=bboxCenter) jntRoot.attr("radius").set(.08) jntRoot.attr("visibility").set(False) upperEyelid_jntRoot.append(jntRoot) applyop.aimCns(jntRoot, trn, axis="zy", wupObject=jnt_root) jnt_ref = primitive.addJointFromPos(jntRoot, setName("upEyelid_jnt_ref", i), pos=cv) jnt_ref.attr("radius").set(.08) jnt_ref.attr("visibility").set(False) jnt = rigbits.addJnt(jnt_ref, jnt_base, grp=defset, jntName=setName("upEyelid_jnt", i)) upperEyelid_jnt.append(jnt) # Lower Eyelid joints ################################################## cvs = lowCrv.getCVs(space="world") lowCrv_info = node.createCurveInfoNode(lowCrv) # aim constrain targets and joints lowerEyelid_aimTargets = [] lowerEyelid_jnt = [] lowerEyelid_jntRoot = [] for i, cv in enumerate(cvs): if i in [0, len(cvs) - 1]: continue # aim targets trn = primitive.addTransformFromPos(eyeTargets_root, setName("lowEyelid_aimTarget", i), pos=cv) lowerEyelid_aimTargets.append(trn) # connecting positions with crv pm.connectAttr(lowCrv_info + ".controlPoints[%s]" % str(i), trn.attr("translate")) # joints jntRoot = primitive.addJointFromPos(jnt_root, setName("lowEyelid_base", i), pos=bboxCenter) jntRoot.attr("radius").set(.08) jntRoot.attr("visibility").set(False) lowerEyelid_jntRoot.append(jntRoot) applyop.aimCns(jntRoot, trn, axis="zy", wupObject=jnt_root) jnt_ref = primitive.addJointFromPos(jntRoot, setName("lowEyelid_jnt_ref", i), pos=cv) jnt_ref.attr("radius").set(.08) jnt_ref.attr("visibility").set(False) jnt = rigbits.addJnt(jnt_ref, jnt_base, grp=defset, jntName=setName("lowEyelid_jnt", i)) lowerEyelid_jnt.append(jnt) # Channels # Adding and connecting attributes for the blink up_ctl = upControls[2] blink_att = attribute.addAttribute(over_ctl, "blink", "float", 0, minValue=0, maxValue=1) blinkMult_att = attribute.addAttribute(over_ctl, "blinkMult", "float", 1, minValue=1, maxValue=2) midBlinkH_att = attribute.addAttribute(over_ctl, "blinkHeight", "float", blinkH, minValue=0, maxValue=1) mult_node = node.createMulNode(blink_att, blinkMult_att) pm.connectAttr(mult_node + ".outputX", bs_upBlink[0].attr( pm.connectAttr(mult_node + ".outputX", bs_lowBlink[0].attr( pm.connectAttr(midBlinkH_att, bs_mid[0].attr( low_ctl = lowControls[2] # Adding channels for eye tracking upVTracking_att = attribute.addAttribute(up_ctl, "vTracking", "float", .02, minValue=0, maxValue=1, keyable=False, channelBox=True) upHTracking_att = attribute.addAttribute(up_ctl, "hTracking", "float", .01, minValue=0, maxValue=1, keyable=False, channelBox=True) lowVTracking_att = attribute.addAttribute(low_ctl, "vTracking", "float", .01, minValue=0, maxValue=1, keyable=False, channelBox=True) lowHTracking_att = attribute.addAttribute(low_ctl, "hTracking", "float", .01, minValue=0, maxValue=1, keyable=False, channelBox=True) mult_node = node.createMulNode(upVTracking_att, aimTrigger_ref.attr("ty")) pm.connectAttr(mult_node + ".outputX", trackLvl[0].attr("ty")) mult_node = node.createMulNode(upHTracking_att, aimTrigger_ref.attr("tx")) pm.connectAttr(mult_node + ".outputX", trackLvl[0].attr("tx")) mult_node = node.createMulNode(lowVTracking_att, aimTrigger_ref.attr("ty")) pm.connectAttr(mult_node + ".outputX", trackLvl[1].attr("ty")) mult_node = node.createMulNode(lowHTracking_att, aimTrigger_ref.attr("tx")) pm.connectAttr(mult_node + ".outputX", trackLvl[1].attr("tx")) # Tension on blink node.createReverseNode(blink_att, w1.scale[0]) node.createReverseNode(blink_att, w3.scale[0]) node.createReverseNode(blink_att, w2.scale[0]) node.createReverseNode(blink_att, w4.scale[0]) ########################################### # Reparenting ########################################### if parent: try: if isinstance(parent, basestring): parent = pm.PyNode(parent) parent.addChild(eye_root) except pm.MayaNodeError: pm.displayWarning("The eye rig can not be parent to: %s. Maybe " "this object doesn't exist." % parent) ########################################### # Auto Skinning ########################################### if doSkin: # eyelid vertex rows totalLoops = rigidLoops + falloffLoops vertexLoopList = meshNavigation.getConcentricVertexLoop( vertexList, totalLoops) vertexRowList = meshNavigation.getVertexRowsFromLoops(vertexLoopList) # we set the first value 100% for the first initial loop skinPercList = [1.0] # we expect to have a regular grid topology for r in range(rigidLoops): for rr in range(2): skinPercList.append(1.0) increment = 1.0 / float(falloffLoops) # we invert to smooth out from 100 to 0 inv = 1.0 - increment for r in range(falloffLoops): for rr in range(2): if inv < 0.0: inv = 0.0 skinPercList.append(inv) inv -= increment # this loop add an extra 0.0 indices to avoid errors for r in range(10): for rr in range(2): skinPercList.append(0.0) # base skin geo = pm.listRelatives(edgeLoopList[0], parent=True)[0] # Check if the object has a skinCluster objName = pm.listRelatives(geo, parent=True)[0] skinCluster = skin.getSkinCluster(objName) if not skinCluster: skinCluster = pm.skinCluster(headJnt, geo, tsb=True, nw=2, n='skinClsEyelid') eyelidJoints = upperEyelid_jnt + lowerEyelid_jnt pm.progressWindow(title='Auto skinning process', progress=0, max=len(eyelidJoints)) firstBoundary = False for jnt in eyelidJoints: pm.progressWindow(e=True, step=1, status='\nSkinning %s' % jnt) skinCluster.addInfluence(jnt, weight=0) v = meshNavigation.getClosestVertexFromTransform(geo, jnt) for row in vertexRowList: if v in row: it = 0 # iterator inc = 1 # increment for i, rv in enumerate(row): try: perc = skinPercList[it] t_val = [(jnt, perc), (headJnt, 1.0 - perc)] pm.skinPercent(skinCluster, rv, transformValue=t_val) if rv.isOnBoundary(): # we need to compare with the first boundary # to check if the row have inverted direction # and offset the value if not firstBoundary: firstBoundary = True firstBoundaryValue = it else: if it < firstBoundaryValue: it -= 1 elif it > firstBoundaryValue: it += 1 inc = 2 except IndexError: continue it = it + inc pm.progressWindow(e=True, endProgress=True) # Eye Mesh skinning skinCluster = skin.getSkinCluster(eyeMesh) if not skinCluster: skinCluster = pm.skinCluster(eyeCenter_jnt, eyeMesh, tsb=True, nw=1, n='skinClsEye')
def _createSoftTweakControls(name, parent=None, t=datatypes.Matrix(), grps=None, size=0.5): root_name = "{}_{}".format(name, "softTweak_root") namespace = None try: # simple check if exist a tweak with the same name exist = pm.PyNode(root_name) if exist: pm.displayError("the tweak: {} already exist. Please use a " "unique name.".format(name)) return False, False except pm.MayaNodeError: if parent: try: p = pm.PyNode(parent) namespace = p.namespace() except pm.MayaNodeError: pm.displayWarning("{} is not a valid parent or doesn't " "exist".format(parent)) p = None else: p = None root = primitive.addTransform(p, root_name, t) attribute.addAttribute(root, "iconSize", "float", size, keyable=False) baseCtl = icon.create(parent=root, name="{}_{}".format(name, "baseSoftTweak_ctl"), m=t, color=[1, 0.622, 0], icon="square", d=size, w=size) tweakCtl = icon.create(parent=baseCtl, name="{}_{}".format(name, "softTweak_ctl"), m=t, color=[0.89, 0.0, 0.143], icon="diamond", w=size * .8) attribute.addAttribute(tweakCtl, "falloff", "float", size) attribute.addAttribute(tweakCtl, "surfaceMode", "bool", False) if grps: if not isinstance(grps, list): grps = [grps] for grp in grps: try: # try if exist oGrp = pm.PyNode(grp) except pm.MayaNodeError: # create a new grp if does't exist if len(grp.split("_")) >= 3: # check name convention name = grp else: name = "rig_{}_grp".format(grp) # namespace basic handling # NOTE: Doesn't support more than one namespace stacked if namespace and len(name.split(":")) < 2: name = namespace + name oGrp = pm.sets(n=name, em=True) pm.sets(oGrp, add=[baseCtl, tweakCtl]) if t: root.setMatrix(t, worldSpace=True) return baseCtl, tweakCtl
def addCtlMetadata(self, ctl): # type: (component.Main, pm.datatypes.Transform) -> None name = attribute.addAttribute(ctl, "isCtl", "bool", keyable=False) attribute.addAttribute(ctl, "uiHost", "string", keyable=False) ctl.addAttr("uiHost_cnx", at='message', multi=False) # set the control Role for complex components. If the component is # of type control_01 or world_ctl the control role will default to None # since is only one control the role is not needed attribute.addAttribute(ctl, "ctl_role", "string", keyable=False, value=name) # mgear name. This keep track of the default shifter name. This naming # system ensure that each control has a unique id. Tools like mirror or # flip pose can use it to track symmetrical controls attribute.addAttribute(ctl, "shifter_name", "string", keyable=False, value=self.getName(name) + "_ctl") attribute.addAttribute(ctl, "side_label", "string", keyable=False, value=self.side) attribute.addAttribute(ctl, "L_custom_side_label", "string", keyable=False, value=self.options["side_left_name"]) attribute.addAttribute(ctl, "R_custom_side_label", "string", keyable=False, value=self.options["side_right_name"]) attribute.addAttribute(ctl, "C_custom_side_label", "string", keyable=False, value=self.options["side_center_name"])