Exemple #1
def test_Resource_content():  # noqa: N802
    bndry = '---boundary1---'
    content = b'-'
    mhtarc = mhtml.MHTMLArchive(content, None, 0, bndry)

    # this should not happen
    # TODO: maybe later a way to construct a Resource without a MHTMLArchive?
    # but how to use standalone? (rather a construction method/factory)
    res = mhtml.Resource(mhtarc, None, 0, 0, 0)
    res._mhtml_file._content = None
    assert res.get_content() is None
    assert res.content is None
    assert res.content_with_headers is None
    res._mhtml_file = None
    assert res.get_content() is None
    assert res.content is None
    assert res.content_with_headers is None

    bndry_part = bytes('--' + bndry + '\r\n', 'ascii')
    bndry_end = bytes('--' + bndry + '--\r\n', 'ascii')
    content_header = b'H1: V1\r\n\r\n'
    content_content = b'Content\r\n'
    content = bndry_part + content_header + content_content + bndry_end
    # offsets in content
    offset = len(bndry_part)
    offset_content = offset + len(content_header)
    offset_end = offset_content + len(content_content)
    # objects
    mhtarc = mhtml.MHTMLArchive(content, None, 0, bndry)
    res = mhtml.Resource(mhtarc, None, offset, offset_content, offset_end)
    # check
    assert res.get_content() == content_content
    assert res.content_with_headers == content_header + content_content
    assert res.get_resource_range(-1) == (0, offset_end)
    assert res.get_resource_range(offset) == (0, offset_end)

    # TODO: may need an error case?
    # wrong offset or missing content?

    # update offsets wrong
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):

    # update offsets right
    assert res._offset_start == offset - 1
    assert res._offset_content == offset_content - 1
    assert res._offset_end == offset_end - 1
    assert res._offset_start == offset - 1 + 3
    assert res._offset_content == offset_content - 1 + 3
    assert res._offset_end == offset_end - 1 + 3
Exemple #2
def test_Resource_properties(mocker):  # noqa: N802
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError,
                       match='mhtml_file should be a MHTMLArchive'):
        mhtml.Resource(None, None, 0, 0, 0)

    mhtarc = mhtml.MHTMLArchive(b'', None, 0, '---boundary---')

    # default resource headers
    res = mhtml.Resource(mhtarc, None, 0, 0, 0)
    assert res.headers == mhtml.ResourceHeader()
    assert res.headers == res._headers

    assert mhtml.Resource(mhtarc, None, 0, 0, 0).headers == \
    assert mhtml.Resource(mhtarc, [], 0, 0, 0).headers == \
    assert mhtml.Resource(mhtarc, {}, 0, 0, 0).headers == \

    # properties
    mock_headers = mocker.Mock(content_type='content-abc',
    res._headers = mock_headers
    assert res.content_type == 'content-abc'
    assert res.location == 'location-abc'
    assert res.encoding == 'encoding-123'

    # filename
    mock_method = mocker.patch('mhtml.make_filename')
    mock_method.return_value = 'name'
    assert res.get_short_filename(default='foo') == 'name'
    mock_method.assert_called_once_with(res._headers, default='foo')

    # content
    mock_prop = mocker.Mock(return_value=b'123')
    res.get_content = mock_prop
    assert res.content == b'123'

    # content set
    mock_prop_set = mocker.Mock()
    res.set_content = mock_prop_set
    res.content = b'abc123'
Exemple #3
def test_Resource_content_set(mocker):  # noqa: N802
    bndry = '---boundary1---'
    content = b'-'
    mhtarc = mhtml.MHTMLArchive(content, None, 0, bndry)
    res = mhtml.Resource(mhtarc, None, 0, 0, 0)

    # check for correct references
    res._mhtml_file._content = 'abc'
    assert res.set_content(b'') is False
    res._mhtml_file = None
    assert res.set_content(b'') is False

    # test that calls are done
    mhtarc = mhtml.MHTMLArchive(content, None, 0, bndry)
    res = mhtml.Resource(mhtarc, None, 0, 0, 0)
    mock_method_replace = mocker.Mock(return_value=1)
    mhtarc.replace_content = mock_method_replace
    assert res.set_content(b'abc123') == 1
    mock_method_replace.assert_called_once_with(res, b'abc123')
Exemple #4
def test_content_hashing(mocker):
    content = b'content'
    content1 = b'abc'
    content2 = b'123_abc'
    mock_method_content = mocker.PropertyMock(return_value=content)
    mock_method_content1 = mocker.PropertyMock(return_value=content1)
    mock_method_content2 = mocker.PropertyMock(return_value=content2)

    # with the first two variants, the object can be created beforehand
    # var1: maybe no cleanup afterwards?
    # type(mhtarc).content = mock_method_content
    # var2: treats property as object?
    # mocker.patch('mhtml.MHTMLArchive.content',
    #              new_callable=mock_method_content)
    # var3: should probably be used
    mocker.patch.object(mhtml.MHTMLArchive, 'content',
    mocker.patch.object(mhtml.Resource, 'content',
    mocker.patch.object(mhtml.Resource, 'content_with_headers',

    mhtarc = mhtml.MHTMLArchive(b'-', None, 0, b'--')
    res = mhtml.Resource(mhtarc, None, 0, 0, 0)

    import hashlib
    m = hashlib.sha256()
    hash_content = m.digest()
    m = hashlib.sha256()
    hash_content1 = m.digest()
    m = hashlib.sha256()
    hash_content2 = m.digest()

    assert mhtarc.content_hash == hash_content
    assert res.content_hash == hash_content1
    assert res.content_with_headers_hash == hash_content2
Exemple #5
def test_Resource_content_get(mocker):  # noqa: N802
    bndry = '---boundary1---'
    bndry_part = bytes('--' + bndry + '\r\n', 'ascii')
    bndry_end = bytes('--' + bndry + '--\r\n', 'ascii')
    content_header = b'H1: V1\r\n\r\n'
    content_content = b'Content\r\n'
    content = bndry_part + content_header + content_content + bndry_end
    # offsets in content
    offset = len(bndry_part)
    offset_content = offset + len(content_header)
    offset_end = offset_content + len(content_content)
    # objects
    mhtarc = mhtml.MHTMLArchive(content, None, 0, bndry)
    res = mhtml.Resource(mhtarc, None, offset, offset_content, offset_end)

    assert res.get_content() == content_content
    assert res.get_content(decode=False) == content_content

    # TODO: decoded content is currently None since no decoder implemented
    assert res.get_content(decode=True) is None

    # TODO: this currently needs work ...
    mock_headers = mocker.Mock()
    res._headers = mock_headers

    mock_headers.encoding = 'binary'
    assert res.get_content(decode=True) == content_content

    mock_headers.encoding = 'base64'
    assert res.get_content(decode=True) is None
    mock_headers.encoding = 'Quoted-Printable'
    assert res.get_content(decode=True) is None

    # default to binary
    # TODO: or should default to None?
    mock_headers.encoding = 'base64binary'
    assert res.get_content(decode=True) is None