Exemple #1
def defineForwordVolatilityStatergy(underlyinglist,

    m = range(0, 3)
    noofdaysVarienceDir = dict()
    name = ''
    for i in m:
        underlying = underlyinglist[i]
        noofdays = nofdayslist[i]
        callorputprice = callorputlist[i]
        flag = callorputflag
        if flag == 'P':
            name = 'Put'
            price = mibian.Me([underlying, strikeprice, 0, 0, noofdays],
            name = 'Call'
            #print("values are ",underlying,strikeprice,noofdays,callorputprice)
            price = mibian.Me([underlying, strikeprice, 0, 0, noofdays],
    # price = mibian.Me([underlying,strikeprice,0,0,noofdays],name = callorputprice)
        varience = calculatendayVarience(price.impliedVolatility, noofdays)
        noofdaysVarienceDir.update({i: (noofdays, varience)})

    firstVarince = noofdaysVarienceDir[0]
    secondVarince = noofdaysVarienceDir[1]
    thridVarience = noofdaysVarienceDir[2]

    firstandsecondVol = calculateForwordVolatility(firstVarince, secondVarince)
    secondandthridVol = calculateForwordVolatility(secondVarince,
    if checkExit:
        statergy, statergyDF = makeExitStatergy(firstandsecondVol,
                                                secondandthridVol, strikeprice,
                                                symbol, name, expieryDaysList,
                                                callorputlist, date)
        statergy, statergyDF = makeFvStatergy(firstandsecondVol,
                                              secondandthridVol, strikeprice,
                                              symbol, name, expieryDaysList,
                                              callorputlist, date)

    return statergy, statergyDF, noofdaysVarienceDir, firstandsecondVol, secondandthridVol
Exemple #2
    def testMe(self):
        '''Merton model tests'''
        test = mibian.Me([52, 50, 1, 1, 30], volatility=30)
        self.assertEqual([test.callPrice, test.putPrice],
                         [2.8984579845404852, 0.93950583663422549])
        self.assertEqual([test.callDelta, test.putDelta],
                         [0.68691662012467536, -0.31150401721361859])
        #self.assertEqual([test.callDelta2, test.putDelta2],
        #					[-0.54332493698317152, 0.4468605293205825])
        self.assertEqual([test.callTheta, test.putTheta],
                         [-0.025346097581119695, -0.026712759026055157])
        self.assertEqual([test.callRho, test.putRho],
                         [0.026976333913925447, -0.014085792930199226])
        self.assertEqual(test.vega, 0.052657699586925684)
        self.assertEqual(test.gamma, 0.07897789426868787)

        test = mibian.Me([52, 50, 1, 1, 30], callPrice=3)
        self.assertEqual(test.impliedVolatility, 31.25)
def calc_pnl(spot, dte, opt_df, r, div):

    l_pnl = []

    for i in opt_df.iterrows():

        if i[1]['Contract'] == 'STK':

            l_pnl.append((spot - i[1]['Avg px']) * i[1]['pos'])

            c = mibian.Me([spot, i[1]['Contract'][-2], r, div * 100, dte],
                          volatility=i[1]['IV'] * 100)

            if i[1]['Contract'][-1] == 'C':
                    ((c.callPrice - i[1]['Avg px']) * i[1]['pos']) * 100)
                    ((c.putPrice - i[1]['Avg px']) * i[1]['pos']) * 100)

    pnl = sum(l_pnl)

    return {'spot': spot, 'dte': dte, 'pnl': pnl}
        def getDateStrike(i,dbq,con,x=0):
            strlist = []
            temp_Close = Df_F.loc[Df_F[date] == i][close].tolist()[x]
            exp_date = Df_F.loc[Df_F[close] == temp_Close]['EXPIRY_DT'].tolist()[0]

            temp_OI = DF_O.loc[DF_O[date] == i]['STRIKE_PR'].tolist()[-2:]

            diff, Strike_High, Strike_Low = getStrikes.getStrikes(temp_Close,temp_OI)

            # diff = abs(temp_OI[0] - temp_OI[1])
            # Strike_High = temp_Close + (diff - (temp_Close % diff))  # Get smallest no from larger no then Close
            # Strike_Low = temp_Close + - (temp_Close % diff)  # Get largest no from smaller then Close
            Strike_High_mask_CE = (DF_O[date] == i)\
                                  & (DF_O['STRIKE_PR'] == Strike_High)\
                                  & (DF_O['EXPIRY_DT'] == exp_date)\
                                  & (DF_O['OPTION_TYP'] == 'CE')

            Strike_High_mask_PE = (DF_O[date] == i) \
                                  & (DF_O['STRIKE_PR'] == Strike_High) \
                                  & (DF_O['EXPIRY_DT'] == exp_date) \
                                  & (DF_O['OPTION_TYP'] == 'PE')

            Strike_Low_mask_CE = (DF_O[date] == i) \
                                  & (DF_O['STRIKE_PR'] == Strike_Low) \
                                  & (DF_O['EXPIRY_DT'] == exp_date) \
                                  & (DF_O['OPTION_TYP'] == 'CE')

            Strike_Low_mask_PE = (DF_O[date] == i) \
                                  & (DF_O['STRIKE_PR'] == Strike_Low) \
                                  & (DF_O['EXPIRY_DT'] == exp_date) \
                                  & (DF_O['OPTION_TYP'] == 'PE')

            CE_High = DF_O.loc[Strike_High_mask_CE][close].tolist()[0]
            CE_Low = DF_O.loc[Strike_Low_mask_CE][close].tolist()[0]
            PE_High = DF_O.loc[Strike_High_mask_PE][close].tolist()[0]
            PE_Low = DF_O.loc[Strike_Low_mask_PE][close].tolist()[0]

            days_to_expire = int(get_tradingDay(i,exp_date,False))

            CE_H_IV = mibian.Me([temp_Close, Strike_High, 7, 0, days_to_expire], callPrice=CE_High).impliedVolatility
            CE_L_IV = mibian.Me([temp_Close, Strike_Low, 7, 0, days_to_expire], callPrice=CE_Low).impliedVolatility
            PE_H_IV = mibian.Me([temp_Close, Strike_High, 7, 0, days_to_expire], putPrice=PE_High).impliedVolatility
            PE_L_IV = mibian.Me([temp_Close, Strike_Low, 7, 0, days_to_expire], putPrice=PE_Low).impliedVolatility

            DF_test = DF_O.loc[(DF_O[date] == i) & (DF_O['EXPIRY_DT'] == exp_date)]

            mp_strike_pr,mp,r1 = OIMAXPAIN.findmaxpain(symbol,DF_test)
            ce_maxpain, pe_maxpain, maxpain = mp['CE'],mp['PE'],mp['totalpain']

            CE_OI_Max2,CE_OI_Max1 = sorted(r1['CE'].tolist())[-2:]
            PE_OI_Max2,PE_OI_Max1 = sorted(r1['PE'].tolist())[-2:]

            CE_OI_Max2_St_Pr,CE_OI_Max2_CHG_OI = DF_test.loc[DF_test['OPEN_INT'] == CE_OI_Max2][['STRIKE_PR','CHG_IN_OI']].values[0][-2:]
            CE_OI_Max1_St_Pr,CE_OI_Max1_CHG_OI = DF_test.loc[DF_test['OPEN_INT'] == CE_OI_Max1][['STRIKE_PR','CHG_IN_OI']].values[0][-2:]
            PE_OI_Max2_St_Pr,PE_OI_Max2_CHG_OI = DF_test.loc[DF_test['OPEN_INT'] == PE_OI_Max2][['STRIKE_PR','CHG_IN_OI']].values[0][-2:]
            PE_OI_Max1_St_Pr,PE_OI_Max1_CHG_OI = DF_test.loc[DF_test['OPEN_INT'] == PE_OI_Max1][['STRIKE_PR','CHG_IN_OI']].values[0][-2:]


            # OI_CE_High = DF_O.loc[Strike_High_mask_CE][close].tolist()[0]
            # OI_CE_Low = DF_O.loc[Strike_Low_mask_CE][close].tolist()[0]
            # OI_PE_High = DF_O.loc[Strike_High_mask_PE][close].tolist()[0]
            # OI_PE_Low = DF_O.loc[Strike_Low_mask_PE][close].tolist()[0]
            # COI_CE_High = DF_O.loc[Strike_High_mask_CE][close].tolist()[0]
            # COI_CE_Low = DF_O.loc[Strike_Low_mask_CE][close].tolist()[0]
            # COI_PE_High = DF_O.loc[Strike_High_mask_PE][close].tolist()[0]
            # COI_PE_Low = DF_O.loc[Strike_Low_mask_PE][close].tolist()[0]
            strlist.append([i, symbol, exp_date, temp_Close, Strike_High,Strike_Low,
                            CE_H_IV, CE_L_IV, PE_H_IV, PE_L_IV, days_to_expire,
                            ce_maxpain, pe_maxpain, maxpain, mp_strike_pr,
                            CE_OI_Max2_St_Pr, CE_OI_Max2_CHG_OI,
                            CE_OI_Max1_St_Pr, CE_OI_Max1_CHG_OI,
                            PE_OI_Max2_St_Pr, PE_OI_Max2_CHG_OI,
                            PE_OI_Max1_St_Pr, PE_OI_Max1_CHG_OI])
            implobj = ImpliedVolatility(dbq = dbq, conn = con)
Exemple #5
    df['spots'] = range(int(s1), int(s2))

    if stockpos != None:
        i = 0
        for spot in range(int(s1), int(s2)):
            df['stk'][i] = stockpos * (spot - s)
            i += 1
    n = 1
    for o in opts:
        i = 0
        for spot in range(int(s1), int(s2)):
            df['spots'][i] = spot
            dtes = o[2] - d
            if dtes > 0:
                c = mibian.Me([
                    df['spots'].iloc[i], o[0]['strike'], r * 100, div * 100, d
                              volatility=o[1] * 100)

                if o[0]['kind'] == 'C':
                    df['pos' + str(n)][i] = (
                        (c.callPrice - o[0]['close']) * o[3]) * 100
                    df['pos' +
                       str(n)][i] = ((c.putPrice - o[0]['close']) * o[3]) * 100
                df['pos' + str(n)][i] = o[0]['close'] * o[3]

            df['dte'][i] = d

            i += 1
Exemple #6
@author: sanjotraibagkar

#The formula for IV rank is simple, really. It is:

#100 x (the current IV level - the 52 week IV low) / (the 52 week IV high - 52 week IV low) = IV Rank

import mibian

from nsepy import get_history
from datetime import date
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import datetime

c = mibian.Me([10692, 10700, 7, 0, 30], callPrice=153)


c = mibian.Me([10692, 10600, 7, 0, 21], volatility=13)


from nsepy.derivatives import get_expiry_date
expiry = get_expiry_date(year=2018, month=5)

stock = 'SBIN'
start = date(2017, 3, 25)
end = date(2018, 4, 26)
end2 = date(2018, 4, 27)
cov_VIX_VXD = (1 - 0.94) * np.sum(lamda * log_VIX * log_VXD)

y = np.array([[var_SPX, cov_SPX_DJX, cov_SPX_VIX, cov_SPX_VXD],
              [cov_SPX_DJX, var_DJX, cov_DJX_VIX, cov_DJX_VXD],
              [cov_SPX_VIX, cov_DJX_VIX, var_VIX, cov_VIX_VXD],
              [cov_SPX_VXD, cov_DJX_VXD, cov_VIX_VXD, var_VXD]])
print('Covariance matrix')
#Question 1-b
annual_var_SPX = np.sqrt(252) * np.sqrt(var_SPX)
annual_var_DJX = np.sqrt(252) * np.sqrt(var_DJX)
annual_var_VIX = np.sqrt(252) * np.sqrt(var_VIX)
annual_var_VXD = np.sqrt(252) * np.sqrt(var_VXD)

# Question 2
c_SPX = mibian.Me([SPX[0], 1865, 0.25, 2.22, 35], callPrice=(49.5 + 50.1) / 2)
p_SPX = mibian.Me([SPX[0], 1865, 0.25, 2.22, 35], putPrice=(55.5 + 56.1) / 2)
c_DJX = mibian.Me([DJX[0] / 100, 160, 0.25, 2.48, 35],
                  callPrice=(3.85 + 4.05) / 2)
p_DJX = mibian.Me([DJX[0] / 100, 160, 0.25, 2.48, 35],
                  putPrice=(4.7 + 4.9) / 2)
print('implied Volatility')
print('SPX call:', c_SPX.impliedVolatility)
print('SPX put:', p_SPX.impliedVolatility)
print('DJX call:', c_DJX.impliedVolatility)
print('DJX put:', p_DJX.impliedVolatility)

# Question 3 & 4
SPX_initial = mibian.Me(
    [SPX[0], 1865, 0.25, 2.22, 35],
    volatility=(c_SPX.impliedVolatility + p_SPX.impliedVolatility) / 2)
if corp in ["Call", "call"]:
    print("Call Option Analytics")
    xpx = input("Strike Price = ")
    xpx_float = float(xpx)
    if xpx_float <= underpx:
         print("This option is in the money and should be exercised.")
    elif xpx_float > underpx:
        intrt = input("Interest Rate = ")
        adiv = input("Annual Dividend = ")
        dte = input("Days to Expiration = ")
        #vol = input("Volatility = ")
        cpx = input("Call Price = ")
        #ppx = input("Put Price = ")
        #import mibian
        c=mibian.Me([underpx, xpx, intrt, adiv, dte], callPrice = cpx)
        print ("")
        print ("Implied Vol ", round(c.impliedVolatility,4))
        ivol = c.impliedVolatility
        c=mibian.Me([underpx, xpx, intrt, adiv, dte], volatility = ivol)
        #print ("Call Price ",c.callPrice)
        print ("Put Price ", round(c.putPrice, 4))
        print ("Call Delta ", round(c.callDelta, 4))
        print ("Put Delta ", round(c.putDelta, 4))
        print ("Call Theta ", round(c.callTheta, 4))
        print ("Put Theta ", round(c.putTheta, 4))
        print ("Call Rho ", round(c.callRho, 4))
        print ("Put Rho ", round(c.putRho, 4))
        print ("Vega ", round(c.vega, 4))
        print ("Gamma ", round(c.gamma, 4))
Exemple #9
def iv_bisection(target_value, call_put, S, K, r, q, daystoexpiry):
    if call_put == 'call':
        opt = mibian.Me([S, K, r, q, daystoexpiry], callPrice=target_value)
        opt = mibian.Me([S, K, r, q, daystoexpiry], putPrice=target_value)
    return opt.impliedVolatility
Exemple #10
def bs_price(call_put, v, S, K, r, q, daystoexpiry):
    opt = mibian.Me([S, K, r, q, daystoexpiry], volatility=v)
    if call_put == 'call':
        return opt.callPrice, opt.vega
        return opt.putPrice, opt.vega