def keyOne(cs_mic, pnl_mic, cs_speaker, pnl_speaker):
    track = randrange(
        29)  #generate a random number to select which audio file to test with
    # track = 3

    # Run the micToText function with a flag so that we can import the speechrecognition module
    # before spinning up a thread. This allows us to prevent a race condition that would
    # periodically crash the program
    micToText(2, True)

    #Can the CS hear the panel?
    pnl_audio_thread = threading.Thread(target=playAudio,
                                        args=(pnl_speaker, hs[4][FILE]))
    transcription = micToText(
        cs_mic, False
    )  #transcription holds the string that was transcribed from the audio clip
    while pnl_audio_thread.isAlive(
    ):  #make sure the thread has finished before moving on to avoid two audio clips playing at the same time
    if (str(transcription).lower() == ""):
        print("Pass! Nothing was detected")

    #Can the panel hear the CS?
    cs_audio_thread = threading.Thread(target=playAudio,
                                       args=(cs_speaker, hs[4][FILE]))
    transcription = micToText(
        pnl_mic, False
    )  #transcription holds the string that was transcribed from the audio clip
    while cs_audio_thread.isAlive():
    if (str(transcription).lower() == str(hs[track][TEXT]).lower()):
        print("Pass! Call was understood")
Exemple #2
r = sr.Recognizer()

#Selecting Mics
mic_list = sr.Microphone.list_microphone_names()
print('\n'.join('{}: {}'.format(*k) for k in enumerate(mic_list)))
print("Please select the number of the microphone you would like to use for the CS:")
print("Please select the number of the microphone you would like to use for the Panel:")
print("Please select the number of the speaker you would like to use for the CS:")
print("Please select the number of the speaker you would like to use for the Panel:")


audio_thread=threading.Thread(target=playAudio, args=(2,sys.argv[1]))
while audio_thread.isAlive():

# #CS mic test

# with cs_mic as source:
#     print("Speak into the CS mic")
#     audio = r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source)
#     audio = r.listen(source)
# try:
#     recog = r.recognize_wit(audio, key = "6Y4KLO4YTWDQSYQXGONPHAVB3IRSWFRN")
Exemple #3
# # Selecting Mics
# mic_list = sr.Microphone.list_microphone_names()
# print('\n'.join('{}: {}'.format(*k) for k in enumerate(mic_list)))
# print("Please select the number of the microphone you would like to use for the CS:")
# cs_mic=int(input())
# print("Please select the number of the microphone you would like to use for the Panel:")
# pnl_mic=int(input())
# print("Please select the number of the speaker you would like to use for the CS:")
# cs_speaker=int(input())
# print("Please select the number of the speaker you would like to use for the Panel:")
# pnl_speaker=int(input())

# Run the micToText function with a flag so that we can import the speechrecognition module
# before spinning up a thread. This allows us to prevent a race condition that would
# periodically crash the program
micToText(2, True)

out = open("results3.txt", "a")

for track in range(22):
    success = 0
    failedList = []
    correctString = str(hs[track][TEXT]).lower()
    clipName = str(hs[track][FILE])
    for i in range(15):
        #Can the CS hear the panel?
        pnl_audio_thread = threading.Thread(target=playAudio,
                                            args=(4, hs[track][FILE]))
        transcription = micToText(
            2, False
Exemple #4
def trackToText(cs_mic, pnl_mic, cs_speaker, pnl_speaker):

    track = randrange(
        4)  #generate a random number to select which audio file to test with
    # track = 3

    # Run the micToText function with a flag so that we can import the speechrecognition module
    # before spinning up a thread. This allows us to prevent a race condition that would
    # periodically crash the program
    micToText(2, True)

    #Can the CS hear the panel?
    pnl_audio_thread = threading.Thread(target=playAudio,
                                        args=(pnl_speaker, hs[track][FILE]))
    transcription = micToText(cs_mic, False)
    while pnl_audio_thread.isAlive():
    if (str(transcription).lower() == str(hs[track][TEXT]).lower()):
        print("Pass! Call was understood")

    track = randrange(
        4)  #generate a random number to select which audio file to test with

    pnl_audio_thread = threading.Thread(target=playAudio,
                                        args=(pnl_speaker, hs[track][FILE]))
    transcription = micToText(cs_mic, False)
    while pnl_audio_thread.isAlive():
    if (str(transcription).lower() == str(hs[track][TEXT]).lower()):
        print("Pass! Call was understood")

    track = randrange(
        4)  #generate a random number to select which audio file to test with

    pnl_audio_thread = threading.Thread(target=playAudio,
                                        args=(pnl_speaker, hs[track][FILE]))
    transcription = micToText(cs_mic, False)
    while pnl_audio_thread.isAlive():
    if (str(transcription).lower() == str(hs[track][TEXT]).lower()):
        print("Pass! Call was understood")
    track = randrange(
        4)  #generate a random number to select which audio file to test with

    pnl_audio_thread = threading.Thread(target=playAudio,
                                        args=(pnl_speaker, hs[track][FILE]))
    transcription = micToText(cs_mic, False)
    while pnl_audio_thread.isAlive():
    if (str(transcription).lower() == str(hs[track][TEXT]).lower()):
        print("Pass! Call was understood")
    track = randrange(
        4)  #generate a random number to select which audio file to test with

    pnl_audio_thread = threading.Thread(target=playAudio,
                                        args=(pnl_speaker, hs[track][FILE]))
    transcription = micToText(cs_mic, False)
    while pnl_audio_thread.isAlive():
    if (str(transcription).lower() == str(hs[track][TEXT]).lower()):
        print("Pass! Call was understood")