Exemple #1
def test_raw_panel_manual(panel_image_name):
    img = image.Image(panel_image_name)
    pan = panel.Panel(img,
                      panelCorners=[[809, 613], [648, 615], [646, 454],
                                    [808, 452]])
    mean, std, num, sat = pan.raw()
    assert mean == pytest.approx(45406, rel=0.01)
    assert std == pytest.approx(738.0, rel=0.05)
    assert num == pytest.approx(26005, rel=0.001)
    assert sat == pytest.approx(0, abs=2)
Exemple #2
def test_raw_panel_bad_corners(panel_image_name):
    img = image.Image(panel_image_name)
    pan = panel.Panel(img,
                      panelCorners=[[460, 599], [583, 599], [584, 478],
                                    [462, 477]])
    mean, std, num, sat = pan.raw()
    assert mean == pytest.approx(26965, rel=0.01)
    assert std == pytest.approx(15396.0, rel=0.05)
    assert num == pytest.approx(14824, rel=0.01)
    assert sat == pytest.approx(0, abs=2)
Exemple #3
 def from_filelist(cls, file_list):
     if len(file_list) == 0:
         raise IOError("No files provided. Check your file paths")
     for fle in file_list:
         if not os.path.isfile(fle):
             raise IOError(
                 "All files in file list must be a file. The following file is not:\nfle"
     images = [image.Image(fle) for fle in file_list]
     return cls(images)
Exemple #4
def test_qr_corners(panel_image_name):
    img = image.Image(panel_image_name)
    pan = panel.Panel(img)
    qr_corners = pan.qr_corners()
    good_qr_corners = [[460, 599], [583, 599], [584, 478], [462, 477]]
    assert qr_corners is not None
    assert len(qr_corners) == len(good_qr_corners)
    assert pan.serial == 'RP02-1603036-SC'
    for i, pt in enumerate(qr_corners):
        # different opencv/zbar versions round differently it seems
        assert pt[0] == pytest.approx(good_qr_corners[i][0], abs=3)
        assert pt[1] == pytest.approx(good_qr_corners[i][1], abs=3)
def test_panel_corners(panel_image_name):
    img = image.Image(panel_image_name)
    pan = panel.Panel(img)
    panel_pts = pan.panel_corners()
    good_pts = [[809, 613], [648, 615], [646, 454], [808, 452]]
    assert panel_pts is not None
    assert len(panel_pts) == len(good_pts)
    assert pan.serial == 'RP02-1603036-SC'
    for i, pt in enumerate(panel_pts):
        # different opencv/zbar versions round differently it seems
        assert pt[0] == pytest.approx(good_pts[i][0], abs=3)
        assert pt[1] == pytest.approx(good_pts[i][1], abs=3)
Exemple #6
 def from_filelist(cls, file_list):
     Create Capture instance from List of file paths.
     :param file_list: List of str system file paths.
     :return: Capture object.
     if len(file_list) == 0:
         raise IOError("No files provided. Check your file paths.")
     for file in file_list:
         if not os.path.isfile(file):
             raise IOError(f"All files in file list must be a file. The following file is not:\n{file}")
     images = [image.Image(file) for file in file_list]
     return cls(images)
def test_altum_panel(altum_panel_image_name):
    img = image.Image(altum_panel_image_name)
    assert img.auto_calibration_image == True
    pan = panel.Panel(img)
    panel_pts = pan.panel_corners()
    good_pts = [[1278, 483], [1176, 491], [1184, 591], [1286, 583]]
    assert panel_pts is not None
    assert len(panel_pts) == len(good_pts)
    assert pan.serial == 'RP04-1901231-SC'
    for i, pt in enumerate(panel_pts):
        # different opencv/zbar versions round differently it seems
        assert pt[0] == pytest.approx(good_pts[i][0], abs=3)
        assert pt[1] == pytest.approx(good_pts[i][1], abs=3)
    assert pan.qr_corners() == None
Exemple #8
def test_panel_corners(panel_image_name):
    img = image.Image(panel_image_name)
    pan = panel.Panel(img)
    panel_pts = pan.panel_corners()
    good_pts = [[809, 613], [648, 615], [646, 454], [808, 452]]
    assert panel_pts is not None
    assert len(panel_pts) == len(good_pts)
    assert pan.serial == 'RP02-1603036-SC'
    # the particular order of the points is not relevant
    # so sort by coordinates
    panel_pts = sorted(panel_pts, key=operator.itemgetter(0, 1))
    good_pts = sorted(good_pts, key=operator.itemgetter(0, 1))
    for i, pt in enumerate(panel_pts):
        # different opencv/zbar versions round differently it seems
        assert pt[0] == pytest.approx(good_pts[i][0], abs=3)
        assert pt[1] == pytest.approx(good_pts[i][1], abs=3)
Exemple #9
def test_raw_panel_saturatedl(panel_image_name):
    img = image.Image(panel_image_name)
    pan = panel.Panel(img,
                      panelCorners=[[809, 613], [648, 615], [646, 454],
                                    [808, 452]])

    #saturate 2500 pixels in the raw image - note that on the undistorted image this
    #will result in 2329 saturated pixels
    i0 = img.undistorted(img.raw())
    i0[500:550, 700:750] = 4095 * 16 + 1

    mean, std, num, sat = pan.raw()
    assert mean == pytest.approx(47245, rel=0.01)
    assert std == pytest.approx(5846.1, rel=0.05)
    assert num == pytest.approx(26005, rel=0.001)
    assert sat == pytest.approx(2500, abs=0)
Exemple #10
    def from_directory(cls,
        Create and ImageSet recursively from the files in a directory
        cls.basedir = directory
        matches = []
        for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(directory):
            for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.tif'):
                matches.append(os.path.join(root, filename))

        images = []

        if exiftool_path is None and os.environ.get(
                'exiftoolpath') is not None:
            exiftool_path = os.path.normpath(os.environ.get('exiftoolpath'))

        with exiftool.ExifTool(exiftool_path) as exift:
            for i, path in enumerate(matches):
                images.append(image.Image(path, exiftool_obj=exift))
                if progress_callback is not None:
                    progress_callback(float(i) / float(len(matches)))

        # create a dictionary to index the images so we can sort them
        # into captures
        # {
        #     "capture_id": [img1, img2, ...]
        # }
        captures_index = {}
        for img in images:
            c = captures_index.get(img.capture_id)
            if c is not None:
                captures_index[img.capture_id] = [img]
        captures = []
        for cap_imgs in captures_index:
            imgs = captures_index[cap_imgs]
            newcap = capture.Capture(imgs)
        if progress_callback is not None:
        return cls(captures)
def test_RP06_panel_raw(panel_images_RP06):
    test_mean = [33082, 34347, 33971, 34186, 33371]
    test_std = [474.7, 582.6, 476.3, 464, 658.9]
    test_num = [3616, 3552, 3669, 3612, 3729]
    test_sat = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    for i, m, s, n, sa in zip(panel_images_RP06, test_mean, test_std, test_num,
        img = image.Image(i)
        pan = panel.Panel(img)
        mean, std, num, sat = pan.raw()
        assert pan.panel_detected()
        print('mean {:f} std {:f} num {:f} sat {:f}'.format(
            mean, std, num, sat))
        print('m {:f} s {:f} n {:f} sa {:f}'.format(m, s, n, sa))
        assert mean == pytest.approx(m, rel=0.1)
        assert std == pytest.approx(s, rel=0.1)
        assert num == pytest.approx(n, rel=0.1)
        assert sat == pytest.approx(sa, rel=0.1)
Exemple #12
def test_altum_panel(altum_panel_image_name):
    img = image.Image(altum_panel_image_name)
    assert img.auto_calibration_image == True
    pan = panel.Panel(img)
    panel_pts = pan.panel_corners()
    good_pts = [[1278, 483], [1176, 491], [1184, 591], [1286, 583]]
    assert panel_pts is not None
    assert len(panel_pts) == len(good_pts)
    assert pan.serial == 'RP04-1901231-SC'

    # the particular order of the points is not relevant
    # so sort by coordinates
    panel_pts = sorted(panel_pts, key=operator.itemgetter(0, 1))
    good_pts = sorted(good_pts, key=operator.itemgetter(0, 1))

    for i, pt in enumerate(panel_pts):
        # different opencv/zbar versions round differently it seems
        assert pt[0] == pytest.approx(good_pts[i][0], abs=3)
        assert pt[1] == pytest.approx(good_pts[i][1], abs=3)
    assert pan.qr_corners() == None
Exemple #13
def bad_dls2_horiz_irr_image():
    image_path = os.path.join('data', 'ALTUM0SET', '000')
    return image.Image(os.path.join(image_path, 'IMG_0000_1.tif'))
Exemple #14
def altum_lwir_image(altum_files_dir):
    return image.Image(os.path.join(altum_files_dir, 'IMG_0000_6.tif'))
Exemple #15
def altum_flight_image(altum_flight_image_name):
    return image.Image(altum_flight_image_name)
Exemple #16
def panel_altum_image(panel_altum_file_name):
    return image.Image(panel_altum_file_name)
Exemple #17
def img2(files_dir):
    return image.Image(os.path.join(files_dir, 'IMG_0000_2.tif'))
Exemple #18
def test_append_list():
    imgs = [image.Image(fle) for fle in file_list()]
    cap = capture.Capture(imgs[0])
    assert len(cap.images) == 1
    assert len(cap.images) == 5
Exemple #19
def test_from_images():
    imgs = [image.Image(fle) for fle in file_list()]
    cap = capture.Capture(imgs)
    assert cap is not None
    assert len(cap.images) == len(file_list())
Exemple #20
def test_panel_not_detected(flight_image_name):
    img = image.Image(flight_image_name)
    pan = panel.Panel(img)
    assert pan.panel_detected() == False
Exemple #21
def image_from_file(filename):
    return image.Image(filename)
def test_append_list(panel_rededge_file_list):
    imgs = [image.Image(fle) for fle in panel_rededge_file_list]
    cap = capture.Capture(imgs[0])
    assert len(cap.images) == 1
    assert len(cap.images) == 5
Exemple #23
 def from_file(cls, file_name):
     return cls(image.Image(file_name))
Exemple #24
def panel_altum_capture(panel_altum_file_list):
    imgs = [image.Image(fle) for fle in panel_altum_file_list]
    return capture.Capture(imgs)
Exemple #25
def test_altum_lwir(altum_lwir_image_name):
    img = image.Image(altum_lwir_image_name)
    assert img.auto_calibration_image == False
    pan = panel.Panel(img)
    assert pan.panel_detected() == False
Exemple #26
def test_unordered_coordinates(panel_image_name):
    img = image.Image(panel_image_name)
    ordered_corners = [(809, 613), (648, 615), (646, 454), (808, 452)]
    unordered_corners = [(648, 615), (809, 613), (808, 452), (646, 454)]
    pan = panel.Panel(img, panelCorners=unordered_corners)
    assert pan.ordered_panel_coordinates() == ordered_corners
Exemple #27
 def append_file(self, file_name):
def test_altum_images(non_panel_altum_file_list):
    imgs = [image.Image(fle) for fle in non_panel_altum_file_list]
    cap = capture.Capture(imgs)
    assert cap is not None
    assert len(cap.images) == len(non_panel_altum_file_list)
Exemple #29
 def from_filelist(cls, file_list):
     images = [image.Image(fle) for fle in file_list]
     return cls(images)
def test_from_images(panel_rededge_file_list):
    imgs = [image.Image(fle) for fle in panel_rededge_file_list]
    cap = capture.Capture(imgs)
    assert cap is not None
    assert len(cap.images) == len(panel_rededge_file_list)