Exemple #1
def sg_delete(name, force=False):
    """Deletes a security group.
    If you attempt to delete a security group that contains instances, or is referenced
    by another security group, the operation fails. Use the "force" flag to delete a security
    group that is referenced by another security group.

    :type name: string
    :param name: The name of the security group

    :type force: boolean
    :param force: Delete a security group even when it is referenced by another security group
    by deleting the referencing rules.
    connection = ec2_connect()

    target = sg_exists(name)
    if target:
        if force:
            instances = [x for x in ec2_list('sec:%s' % (target.name, ))]
            if instances:
                raise EC2LibraryError('%s is in use by %s.' %
                        (target.name, ",".join(map(lambda x: x.name, instances)),))
            _sg = connection.get_all_security_groups()
            for sg in filter(lambda x: x.name != target.name, _sg):
                _sg_revoke_all_rules(sg, target)
        # boto.ec2.connection.delete_security_group() raises boto.exception.EC2ResponseError
        # if the target security group is referenced by another security group
        return target
        raise EC2LibraryError('%s does not exist.' % (name, ))
Exemple #2
def eip_release(public_ip=None, allocation_ip=None):
    """Free up an Elastic IP address.  Pass a public IP address to
    release an EC2 Elastic IP address and an AllocationId to
    release a VPC Elastic IP address.  You should only pass
    one value.

    This requires one of ``public_ip`` or ``allocation_id`` depending
    on if you're associating a VPC address or a plain EC2 address.

    When using an Allocation ID, make sure to pass ``None`` for ``public_ip``
    as EC2 expects a single parameter and if ``public_ip`` is passed boto
    will preference that instead of ``allocation_id``.

    :type public_ip: string
    :param public_ip: The public IP address for EC2 elastic IPs.

    :type allocation_id: string
    :param allocation_id: The Allocation ID for VPC elastic IPs.

    :rtype: bool
    :return: True if successful
    connection = ec2_connect()
    _x = connection.release_address(public_ip, allocation_id)
    mico.output.info("released EIP: %s" % public_ip)
    return _x
Exemple #3
def sg_delete(name, force=False):
    """Deletes a security group.
    If you attempt to delete a security group that contains instances, or is referenced
    by another security group, the operation fails. Use the "force" flag to delete a security
    group that is referenced by another security group.

    :type name: string
    :param name: The name of the security group

    :type force: boolean
    :param force: Delete a security group even when it is referenced by another security group
    by deleting the referencing rules.
    connection = ec2_connect()

    target = sg_exists(name)
    if target:
        if force:
            instances = [x for x in ec2_list('sec:%s' % (target.name, ))]
            if instances:
                raise EC2LibraryError('%s is in use by %s.' % (
                    ",".join(map(lambda x: x.name, instances)),
            _sg = connection.get_all_security_groups()
            for sg in filter(lambda x: x.name != target.name, _sg):
                _sg_revoke_all_rules(sg, target)
        # boto.ec2.connection.delete_security_group() raises boto.exception.EC2ResponseError
        # if the target security group is referenced by another security group
        return target
        raise EC2LibraryError('%s does not exist.' % (name, ))
Exemple #4
def eip_release(public_ip=None, allocation_ip=None):
    """Free up an Elastic IP address.  Pass a public IP address to
    release an EC2 Elastic IP address and an AllocationId to
    release a VPC Elastic IP address.  You should only pass
    one value.

    This requires one of ``public_ip`` or ``allocation_id`` depending
    on if you're associating a VPC address or a plain EC2 address.

    When using an Allocation ID, make sure to pass ``None`` for ``public_ip``
    as EC2 expects a single parameter and if ``public_ip`` is passed boto
    will preference that instead of ``allocation_id``.

    :type public_ip: string
    :param public_ip: The public IP address for EC2 elastic IPs.

    :type allocation_id: string
    :param allocation_id: The Allocation ID for VPC elastic IPs.

    :rtype: bool
    :return: True if successful
    connection = ec2_connect()
    _x = connection.release_address(public_ip, allocation_ip)
    mico.output.info("released EIP: %s" % public_ip)
    return _x
Exemple #5
def ebs_exists(tags={}):
    """Returns if tagged volume already exists, if exists return the object,
    otherwise returns None.
    connection = ec2_connect()

    _x = connection.get_all_volumes(
        None, dict(map(lambda (x, y): ("tag:%s" % x, y), tags.items())))
    return filter(lambda x: x.status == 'in-use', _x)
Exemple #6
def ebs_exists(tags={}):
    """Returns if tagged volume already exists, if exists return the object,
    otherwise returns None.
    connection = ec2_connect()

    _x = connection.get_all_volumes(None,
            dict(map(lambda (x, y): ("tag:%s" % x, y), tags.items())))
    return filter(lambda x: x.status == 'in-use', _x)
Exemple #7
def eip_attach(address, instance):
    """Attach an address to an instance.

    :type address: string
    :param address: the address to be attached
    :type instace: instance object
    :param instance: the instance to be attached to.
    connection = ec2_connect()
    _x = connection.associate_address(instance.id, address)
    mico.output.info("attached EIP %s to %s" % (address, instance.id))
    return _x
Exemple #8
def eip_allocate(instance=None, force=False):
    """Allocate a new Elastic IP Address.

    :type instance: an instance object
    :param instance: if present check for eip tag in the instance, and try
        to allocate the same address.
    :type force: bool
    :param force: force the ip address resassociation. By default set to
    if instance is not None:
        if "public_ip" in instance.tags:
            ec2_connect().associate_address(instance, instace.tags["public_ip"])
            mico.output.info("using existent EIP %s for %s" % (
            return instance.tags["public_ip"]
            address = ec2_connect().allocate_address().public_ip
            ec2_tag(instance, public_ip = address)
            ec2_connect().associate_address(instance.id, address)
            mico.output.info("created new EIP %s for %s" % (
            return address
        return ec2_connect().allocate_address().public_ip
Exemple #9
def eip_allocate(instance=None, force=False):
    """Allocate a new Elastic IP Address.

    :type instance: an instance object
    :param instance: if present check for eip tag in the instance, and try
        to allocate the same address.
    :type force: bool
    :param force: force the ip address resassociation. By default set to
    if instance is not None:
        if "public_ip" in instance.tags:
            mico.output.info("using existent EIP %s for %s" %
                             (instance.tags["public_ip"], instance))
            return instance.tags["public_ip"]
            address = ec2_connect().allocate_address().public_ip
            ec2_tag(instance, public_ip=address)
            ec2_connect().associate_address(instance.id, address)
            mico.output.info("created new EIP %s for %s" %
                             (address, instance.id))
            return address
        return ec2_connect().allocate_address().public_ip
Exemple #10
def sg_exists(name):
    """Return the security group with name passed as argument for specified
    region or None if it does not exists.
    connection = ec2_connect()

    _sg = connection.get_all_security_groups()
    _sg = [g for g in _sg if g.name == name]

    if len(_sg) > 0:
        return _sg[0]
        return None
Exemple #11
def sg_exists(name):
    """Return the security group with name passed as argument for specified
    region or None if it does not exists.
    connection = ec2_connect()

    _sg = connection.get_all_security_groups()
    _sg = [g for g in _sg if g.name == name]

    if len(_sg) > 0:
        return _sg[0]
        return None
Exemple #12
def as_list_instances(*args):
    """List autoscaling instances which are vinculated with specified
    autoscaling group passed as argument. For example::

    for ag in as_list(*args):
        for instance in ag.instances:
            res = ec2_connect().get_all_instances([instance.instance_id])
            for insobj in [i for r in res for i in r.instances]:
                insobj.autoscaling_group = ag.name
                insobj.launch_config_name = instance.launch_config_name
                if "Name" in insobj.tags:
                    insobj.name = insobj.tags["Name"]
                yield insobj
Exemple #13
def as_list_instances(*args):
    """List autoscaling instances which are vinculated with specified
    autoscaling group passed as argument. For example::

    for ag in as_list(*args):
        for instance in ag.instances:
            res = ec2_connect().get_all_instances([instance.instance_id])
            for insobj in [i for r in res for i in r.instances]:
                insobj.autoscaling_group = ag.name
                insobj.launch_config_name = instance.launch_config_name
                if "Name" in insobj.tags:
                    insobj.name = insobj.tags["Name"]
                yield insobj
Exemple #14
def eip_attach(address, instance):
    """Attach an address to an instance.

    :type address: string
    :param address: the address to be attached
    :type instace: instance object
    :param instance: the instance to be attached to.
    connection = ec2_connect()
    _x = connection.associate_address(instance.id, address)
    mico.output.info("attached EIP %s to %s" % (
    return _x
Exemple #15
def sg_ensure(name, description, vpc_id=None, rules=[], force=False):
    """Create a new EC2 security group according with parameters passed
    as arguments.

    :type name: string
    :param name: The name of the new security group

    :type description: string
    :param description: The description of the new security group

    :type vpc_id: string
    :param vpc_id: The ID of the VPC to create the security group in,
         if any.

    :type rules: list
    :param rules: a list of objects rules.
    connection = ec2_connect()

    _obj = sg_exists(name)
    if _obj:
        mico.output.info("use existent security group: %s" % name)
        if not force:
            return _obj
    elif not _obj:
        _obj = connection.create_security_group(name, description, vpc_id)
        mico.output.info("create security group: %s" % name)

    for rule in rules:
        for r in rule:
                mico.output.info("add rule to security group %s: %s" % (
                    ",".join(map(lambda x: "%s=%s" % x, r.items()))
            except EC2ResponseError as e:
                if e.error_code == "InvalidPermission.Duplicate":
                    mico.output.debug("skip add already exists rule to security group %s: %s" % (
                        ", ".join(map(lambda x: "%s=%s" % x, r.items()))
            except Exception as e:
                raise e

    return _obj
Exemple #16
def sg_ensure(name, description, vpc_id=None, rules=[], force=False):
    """Create a new EC2 security group according with parameters passed
    as arguments.

    :type name: string
    :param name: The name of the new security group

    :type description: string
    :param description: The description of the new security group

    :type vpc_id: string
    :param vpc_id: The ID of the VPC to create the security group in,
         if any.

    :type rules: list
    :param rules: a list of objects rules.
    connection = ec2_connect()

    _obj = sg_exists(name)
    if _obj:
        mico.output.info("use existent security group: %s" % name)
        if not force:
            return _obj
    elif not _obj:
        _obj = connection.create_security_group(name, description, vpc_id)
        mico.output.info("create security group: %s" % name)

    for rule in rules:
        for r in rule:
                mico.output.info("add rule to security group %s: %s" %
                                 (_obj.name, ",".join(
                                     map(lambda x: "%s=%s" % x, r.items()))))
            except EC2ResponseError as e:
                if e.error_code == "InvalidPermission.Duplicate":
                        "skip add already exists rule to security group %s: %s"
                        % (_obj.name, ", ".join(
                            map(lambda x: "%s=%s" % x, r.items()))))
            except Exception as e:
                raise e

    return _obj
Exemple #17
def ebs_detach(volumes, force=False):
    """Detach a number of volumes passed as arguments.

    :param volumes: a list of volumes ids or Volumes objects to be removed,
        or single string or object for detach unique volume.
    connection = ec2_connect()

    if not isinstance(volumes, list):
        volumes = [volumes]

    for x in volumes:
        if isinstance(x, str):
            connection.detach_volume(x, force)
            mico.output.info("Detached volume: %s" % x)
            connection.detach_volume(x.id, force)
            mico.output.info("Detached volume: %s" % x.id)
Exemple #18
def ebs_detach(volumes, force=False):
    """Detach a number of volumes passed as arguments.

    :param volumes: a list of volumes ids or Volumes objects to be removed,
        or single string or object for detach unique volume.
    connection = ec2_connect()

    if not isinstance(volumes, list):
        volumes = [volumes]

    for x in volumes:
        if isinstance(x, str):
            connection.detach_volume(x, force)
            mico.output.info("Detached volume: %s" % x)
            connection.detach_volume(x.id, force)
            mico.output.info("Detached volume: %s" % x.id)
Exemple #19
def ebs_delete(volumes):
    """Delete volumes passed as argument.

    :param volumes: a list of strings including volumes id, a list of
        Volumes object, or a string or a single Volume object for a unique
        volume to be deleted.
    connection = ec2_connect()

    if not isinstance(volumes, list):
        volumes = [volumes]

    for x in volumes:
        if isinstance(x, str):
            mico.output.info("Remove volume: %s" % x)
            mico.output.info("Remove volume: %s" % x.id)
Exemple #20
def ebs_delete(volumes):
    """Delete volumes passed as argument.

    :param volumes: a list of strings including volumes id, a list of
        Volumes object, or a string or a single Volume object for a unique
        volume to be deleted.
    connection = ec2_connect()

    if not isinstance(volumes, list):
        volumes = [volumes]

    for x in volumes:
        if isinstance(x, str):
            mico.output.info("Remove volume: %s" % x)
            mico.output.info("Remove volume: %s" % x.id)
Exemple #21
def ebs_list(*args):
    """List volumes filtering with tag name, provided in arguments. Glob
    expressions are allowed in filters as multiple filters too, for

        ebs_list('host-*', '*database*')
    conn = ec2_connect()
    vol = conn.get_all_volumes()
    ins = dict(map(lambda x:(x.id,x), [i for r in conn.get_all_instances() for i in r.instances]))
    args = args or ('*',)

    for x in vol:
        x.name = x.id
        for arg in args:
            if x.tags.get("Name",False) and fnmatch(x.tags["Name"], arg):
               x.device = x.attach_data.device
               x.instance_id = ("%s (%s)" % (ins[x.attach_data.instance_id].tags.get("Name",None), x.attach_data.instance_id)) \
                               if x.attach_data.id is not None else None
               yield x
Exemple #22
def elb_ensure(name, listeners, check, zones=None, *args, **kwargs):
    """Create a new ELB

    :type name: string
    :param name: the name of the elb, if exists, the same object will be
        returned, unless force parameter if set to True

    :type listeners: a list of listener object
    :param listeners: the listeners of the ELB

    :type zones: list of strings
    :param zones: the availability zones where ELB must be span.

    :type check: a elb_check
    :param check: the health check to be used.

    _obj = elb_exists(name)
    if _obj:
        mico.output.info("using existent ELB: %s" % name)
        return _obj

    connection = elb_connect()

    if zones is None:
        ec2_conn = ec2_connect()
        zones = ec2_conn.get_all_zones()

    elb = connection.create_load_balancer(

    elb = elb_exists(name)
    mico.output.info("created new ELB: %s" % name)
    return elb
Exemple #23
def ebs_list(*args):
    """List volumes filtering with tag name, provided in arguments. Glob
    expressions are allowed in filters as multiple filters too, for

        ebs_list('host-*', '*database*')
    conn = ec2_connect()
    vol = conn.get_all_volumes()
    ins = dict(
        map(lambda x: (x.id, x),
            [i for r in conn.get_all_instances() for i in r.instances]))
    args = args or ('*', )

    for x in vol:
        x.name = x.id
        for arg in args:
            if x.tags.get("Name", False) and fnmatch(x.tags["Name"], arg):
                x.device = x.attach_data.device
                x.instance_id = ("%s (%s)" % (ins[x.attach_data.instance_id].tags.get("Name",None), x.attach_data.instance_id)) \
                                if x.attach_data.id is not None else None
                yield x
Exemple #24
def ebs_ensure(size,
    """Create a new EBS volume

    :type size: int
    :param size: The size of the new volume, in GiB

    :type zone: string or :class:`boto.ec2.zone.Zone`
    :param zone: The availability zone in which the Volume will be created.

    :type snapshot: string or :class:`boto.ec2.snapshot.Snapshot`
    :param snapshot: The snapshot from which the new Volume will be

    :type volume_type: string
    :param volume_type: The type of the volume. (optional).  Valid
        values are: standard | io1.

    :type iops: int
    :param iops: The provisioned IOPs you want to associate with
        this volume. (optional)

    :type tags: dict
    :param tags: a dictionary of tags for this volume.

    :type force: bool
    :param force: if set to True force the creation of the volumen tough
        already exists other volume with the same tags.

    if zone is None and instance is None:
        raise EC2LibraryError("volume require zone or instance to be created.")

    if zone is None:
        zone = instance.placement

    if not force and tags:
        _obj = ebs_exists(tags)
    elif not force:
        _tags = {}
        if instance is not None:
            if "Name" in instance.tags:
                _tags["Name"] = instance.tags["Name"]
        if device is not None:
            _tags["Device"] = device
        if _tags:
            _obj = ebs_exists(_tags)
            _obj = None
        _obj = None

    if _obj:
        mico.output.info("use existent volume: %s" % _obj[0].id)
        return _obj[0]

    connection = ec2_connect()

    _obj = connection.create_volume(size, zone, **kwargs)
    mico.output.info("create volume: %s (size=%s, zone=%s)" %
                     (_obj.id, size, zone))

    while _obj.status != "available":

    if tags:
        connection.create_tags([_obj.id], tags)

    if device and instance:
        connection.attach_volume(_obj.id, instance.id, device)
        mico.output.info("attach volume %s as device %s at instance %s" %
                         (_obj.id, device, instance.id))
Exemple #25
def eip_exists(public_ip):
    """Return the allocate Elastic IP object which match with public_ip
    passed as argument.
    return ec2_connect().get_all_addresses([public_ip])
Exemple #26
def eip_exists(public_ip):
    """Return the allocate Elastic IP object which match with public_ip
    passed as argument.
    return ec2_connect().get_all_addresses([public_ip])
Exemple #27
def ebs_ensure(size, zone=None, instance=None, device=None, tags={},
               force=False, **kwargs):
    """Create a new EBS volume

    :type size: int
    :param size: The size of the new volume, in GiB

    :type zone: string or :class:`boto.ec2.zone.Zone`
    :param zone: The availability zone in which the Volume will be created.

    :type snapshot: string or :class:`boto.ec2.snapshot.Snapshot`
    :param snapshot: The snapshot from which the new Volume will be

    :type volume_type: string
    :param volume_type: The type of the volume. (optional).  Valid
        values are: standard | io1.

    :type iops: int
    :param iops: The provisioned IOPs you want to associate with
        this volume. (optional)

    :type tags: dict
    :param tags: a dictionary of tags for this volume.

    :type force: bool
    :param force: if set to True force the creation of the volumen tough
        already exists other volume with the same tags.

    if zone is None and instance is None:
        raise EC2LibraryError("volume require zone or instance to be created.")

    if zone is None:
        zone = instance.placement

    if not force and tags:
        _obj = ebs_exists(tags)
    elif not force:
        _tags = {}
        if instance is not None:
            if "Name" in instance.tags:
                _tags["Name"] = instance.tags["Name"]
        if device is not None:
            _tags["Device"] = device
        if _tags:
            _obj = ebs_exists(_tags)
            _obj = None
        _obj = None

    if _obj:
        mico.output.info("use existent volume: %s" % _obj[0].id)
        return _obj[0]

    connection = ec2_connect()

    _obj = connection.create_volume(size, zone, **kwargs)
    mico.output.info("create volume: %s (size=%s, zone=%s)" % (

    while _obj.status != "available":

    if tags:
        connection.create_tags([_obj.id], tags)

    if device and instance:
        connection.attach_volume(_obj.id, instance.id, device)
        mico.output.info("attach volume %s as device %s at instance %s" % (