def test_tile_stack(self): """Test tile_stack""" self.tile_inst.tile_stack() # Read and validate the saved metadata tile_dir = self.tile_inst.get_tile_dir() frames_meta = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(tile_dir, 'frames_meta.csv')) self.assertSetEqual(set(frames_meta.channel_idx.tolist()), {1}) self.assertSetEqual(set(frames_meta.slice_idx.tolist()), {16, 17, 18}) self.assertSetEqual(set(frames_meta.time_idx.tolist()), {5}) self.assertSetEqual(set(frames_meta.pos_idx.tolist()), {7, 8}) # 15 rows and step size 4, so it can take 3 full steps and 1 short step self.assertSetEqual(set(frames_meta.row_start.tolist()), {0, 4, 8, 10}) # 11 cols and step size 4, so it can take 2 full steps and 1 short step self.assertSetEqual(set(frames_meta.col_start.tolist()), {0, 4, 6}) # Read and validate tiles im_val = np.mean(norm_util.zscore( / self.ff_im)) im_norm = im_val * np.ones((3, 5, 5)) im_val = np.mean(norm_util.zscore(self.im2 / self.ff_im)) im2_norm = im_val * np.ones((3, 5, 5)) for i, row in frames_meta.iterrows(): tile = np.load(os.path.join(tile_dir, row.file_name)) if row.pos_idx == 7: np.testing.assert_array_equal(tile, im_norm) else: np.testing.assert_array_equal(tile, im2_norm)
def test_preprocess_imstack(self): """Test preprocess_imstack""" im_stack = image_utils.preprocess_imstack( self.frames_meta, self.temp_path, depth=3, time_idx=self.time_idx, channel_idx=self.channel_idx, slice_idx=2, pos_idx=self.pos_idx, normalize_im=True, ) np.testing.assert_equal(im_stack.shape, (32, 32, 3)) exp_stack = normalize.zscore(self.sph[:, :, 1:4]) np.testing.assert_array_equal(im_stack, exp_stack) # preprocess a 3D image im_stack = image_utils.preprocess_imstack( self.meta_3d, self.temp_path, depth=1, time_idx=0, channel_idx=1, slice_idx=0, pos_idx=1, normalize_im=True, ) np.testing.assert_equal(im_stack.shape, (32, 32, 8))
def _read_one(tp_dir, channel_ids, fname, flat_field_dir=None): """Read one image set :param str tp_dir: timepoint dir :param list channel_ids: list of channels to read from :param str fname: fname of the image. Expects the fname to be the same in all channels :param str flat_field_dir: dir where flat field images are stored :returns: np.array of shape nb_channels, im_size (with or without flat field correction) """ cur_images = [] for ch in channel_ids: cur_fname = os.path.join(tp_dir, 'channel_{}'.format(ch), fname) cur_image = np.load(cur_fname) if flat_field_dir is not None: ff_fname = os.path.join(flat_field_dir, 'flat-field_channel-{}.npy'.format(ch)) ff_image = np.load(ff_fname) cur_image = image_utils.apply_flat_field_correction( cur_image, flat_field_image=ff_image) cur_image = zscore(cur_image) cur_images.append(cur_image) cur_images = np.stack(cur_images) return cur_images
def read_imstack(input_fnames, flat_field_fname=None, hist_clip_limits=None, is_mask=False, normalize_im=True): """ Read the images in the fnames and assembles a stack. If images are masks, make sure they're boolean by setting >0 to True :param tuple input_fnames: tuple of input fnames with full path :param str flat_field_fname: fname of flat field image :param tuple hist_clip_limits: limits for histogram clipping :param bool is_mask: Indicator for if files contain masks :param bool normalize_im: Whether to zscore normalize im stack :return np.array: input stack flat_field correct and z-scored if regular images, booleans if they're masks """ im_stack = [] for idx, fname in enumerate(input_fnames): im = read_image(fname) if flat_field_fname is not None: # multiple flat field images are passed in case of mask generation if isinstance(flat_field_fname, (list, tuple)): flat_field_image = np.load(flat_field_fname[idx]) else: flat_field_image = np.load(flat_field_fname) if not is_mask and not normalize_im: im = apply_flat_field_correction( im, flat_field_image=flat_field_image, ) im_stack.append(im) input_image = np.stack(im_stack, axis=-1) # remove singular dimension for 3D images if len(input_image.shape) > 3: input_image = np.squeeze(input_image) if not is_mask: if hist_clip_limits is not None: input_image = normalize.hist_clipping( input_image, hist_clip_limits[0], hist_clip_limits[1] ) if normalize_im: input_image = normalize.zscore(input_image) else: if input_image.dtype != bool: input_image = input_image > 0 return input_image
def test_read_imstack(self): """Test read_imstack""" fnames = self.frames_meta['file_name'][:3] fnames = [os.path.join(self.temp_path, fname) for fname in fnames] # non-boolean im_stack = image_utils.read_imstack(fnames) exp_stack = normalize.zscore(self.sph[:, :, :3]) np.testing.assert_equal(im_stack.shape, (32, 32, 3)) np.testing.assert_array_equal(exp_stack[:, :, :3], im_stack) # read a 3D image im_stack = image_utils.read_imstack([self.sph_fname]) np.testing.assert_equal(im_stack.shape, (32, 32, 8)) # read multiple 3D images im_stack = image_utils.read_imstack((self.sph_fname, self.sph_fname)) np.testing.assert_equal(im_stack.shape, (32, 32, 8, 2))
def _get_volume(self, fname_list, normalize=True, aug_idx=0): """ Read tiles from fname_list and stack them into an image volume. :param list fname_list: list of file names of input/target images :param bool normalize: Whether to zscore normalize tiles :param int aug_idx: type of augmentation to be applied (if any) :return: np.ndarray of stacked images """ image_volume = [] for fname in fname_list: cur_tile = np.load(os.path.join(self.tile_dir, fname)) if self.augmentations: cur_tile = self._augment_image(cur_tile, aug_idx) if self.squeeze: cur_tile = np.squeeze(cur_tile) image_volume.append(cur_tile) # Stack images channels first image_volume = np.stack(image_volume) if image_volume.dtype == bool: image_volume = image_volume.astype(np.float32) elif normalize: image_volume = norm.zscore(image_volume) return image_volume
def preprocess_imstack(frames_metadata, input_dir, depth, time_idx, channel_idx, slice_idx, pos_idx, flat_field_im=None, hist_clip_limits=None, normalize_im=False): """ Preprocess image given by indices: flatfield correction, histogram clipping and z-score normalization is performed. :param pd.DataFrame frames_metadata: DF with meta info for all images :param str input_dir: dir containing input images :param int depth: num of slices in stack if 2.5D or depth for 3D :param int time_idx: Time index :param int channel_idx: Channel index :param int slice_idx: Slice (z) index :param int pos_idx: Position (FOV) index :param np.array flat_field_im: Flat field image for channel :param list hist_clip_limits: Limits for histogram clipping (size 2) :param bool normalize_im: indicator to normalize image based on z-score or not :return np.array im: 3D preprocessed image """ margin = 0 if depth == 1 else depth // 2 im_stack = [] for z in range(slice_idx - margin, slice_idx + margin + 1): meta_idx = aux_utils.get_meta_idx( frames_metadata, time_idx, channel_idx, z, pos_idx, ) file_path = os.path.join( input_dir, frames_metadata.loc[meta_idx, "file_name"], ) im = read_image(file_path) # Only flatfield correct images that will be normalized if flat_field_im is not None and not normalize_im: im = apply_flat_field_correction( im, flat_field_image=flat_field_im, ) im_stack.append(im) if len(im.shape) == 3: # each channel is tiled independently and stacked later in dataset cls im_stack = im assert depth == 1, 'more than one 3D volume gets read' else: # Stack images in same channel im_stack = np.stack(im_stack, axis=2) # normalize if hist_clip_limits is not None: im_stack = normalize.hist_clipping( im_stack, hist_clip_limits[0], hist_clip_limits[1], ) if normalize_im: im_stack = normalize.zscore(im_stack) return im_stack
def setUp(self): """ Set up a directory with some images to generate frames_meta.csv for """ self.tempdir = TempDirectory() self.temp_dir = self.tempdir.path self.model_dir = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'model_dir') self.pred_dir = os.path.join(self.model_dir, 'predictions') self.image_dir = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'image_dir') self.tempdir.makedir(self.model_dir) self.tempdir.makedir(self.pred_dir) self.tempdir.makedir(self.image_dir) # Write images self.time_idx = 5 self.pos_idx = 7 = 1500 * np.ones((30, 20), dtype=np.uint16) im_add = np.zeros((30, 20), dtype=np.uint16) im_add[15:, :] = 10 self.ext = '.tif' # Start frames meta file self.meta_name = 'frames_meta.csv' self.frames_meta = aux_utils.make_dataframe() for c in range(3): for z in range(5, 10): im_name = aux_utils.get_im_name( channel_idx=c, slice_idx=z, time_idx=self.time_idx, pos_idx=self.pos_idx, ext=self.ext, ) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(self.image_dir, im_name), if c == 2: norm_im = normalize.zscore( + im_add).astype(np.float32) cv2.imwrite( os.path.join(self.pred_dir, im_name), norm_im, ) self.frames_meta = self.frames_meta.append( aux_utils.parse_idx_from_name(im_name), ignore_index=True, ) # Write metadata self.frames_meta.to_csv( os.path.join(self.image_dir, self.meta_name), sep=',', ) # Write as test metadata in model dir too self.frames_meta.to_csv( os.path.join(self.model_dir, 'test_metadata.csv'), sep=',', ) # Write split samples split_idx_fname = os.path.join(self.model_dir, 'split_samples.json') split_samples = {'test': [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]} aux_utils.write_json(split_samples, split_idx_fname) # Write config in model dir config = { 'dataset': { 'input_channels': [0, 1], 'target_channels': [2], 'split_by_column': 'slice_idx' }, 'network': {} } config_name = os.path.join(self.model_dir, 'config.yml') with open(config_name, 'w') as outfile: yaml.dump(config, outfile, default_flow_style=False)