Exemple #1
    def _fetch_package(self, url):
        """Fetch and stub package at url

            url (str): URL to fetch

            Path: path to package
        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
            tmp_path = Path(tmp_dir)
            file_name = utils.get_url_filename(url)
            _file_name = "".join(self.log.iter_formatted(f"$B[{file_name}]"))
            content = utils.stream_download(
                url, desc=f"{self.log.get_service()} {_file_name}")
            pkg_path = utils.extract_tarbytes(content, tmp_path)
            ignore = ['setup.py', '__version__', 'test_']
            pkg_init = next(pkg_path.rglob("__init__.py"), None)
            py_files = [f for f in pkg_path.rglob(
                "*.py") if not any(i in f.name for i in ignore)]
            stubs = [utils.generate_stub(f) for f in py_files]
            if pkg_init:
                data_path = self.pkg_data / pkg_init.parent.name
                shutil.copytree(pkg_init.parent, data_path)
                return data_path
            for file, stub in stubs:
                shutil.copy2(file, (self.pkg_data / file.name))
                shutil.copy2(stub, (self.pkg_data / stub.name))
Exemple #2
    def ready(self):
        """Retrieves and unpacks source

        Prepares remote stub resource by downloading and
        unpacking it into a temporary directory.
        This directory is removed on exit of the superclass
        context manager

            callable: StubSource.ready parent method
        tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        tmp_path = Path(tmp_dir)
        filename = utils.get_url_filename(self.location).split(".tar.gz")[0]
        outpath = tmp_path / filename
        _file_name = "".join(self.log.iter_formatted(f"$B[{filename}]"))
        content = utils.stream_download(
            self.location, desc=f"{self.log.get_service()} {_file_name}")
        source_path = self._unpack_archive(content, outpath)
        teardown = partial(shutil.rmtree, tmp_path)
        return super().ready(path=source_path, teardown=teardown)
Exemple #3
def test_get_url_filename(test_urls):
    """should return filename"""
    filename = "archive_test_stub.tar.gz"
    result = utils.get_url_filename(test_urls["download"])
    assert result == filename
Exemple #4
 def file_name(self) -> str:
     return utils.get_url_filename(self.source_url)